True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Mar 20, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Author's Note: Hey, sorry it took forever to post this. I've been really busy lately and going through some stuff and I wanted to tweak this a little. I apologize in advance if this feels rushed, but I originally wrote 13 chapters in total, and I feel this is a good ending, because any further, the plot would eventually get boring. Having said that, I hope you all enjoy!


"So this is the infamous Gray O'Neal," John said smiling as he shook Gray's hand.

Gray smiled. "Infamous? Um, I don't know about that."

"Trust me, you are!" John said shooting me a look.

Gray grinned, while I blushed.

"What?" I asked sheepishly. "I like to talk about you," I whined grabbing Gray's arm. Gray laughed and wrapped me against his chest.

"It's nice to meet you," John said sincerely. "Want some food? I'm sure I can snag us some free goodies?" he suggested.

I could tell Gray was a bit weary of my close friendship with John, but his smile was genuine nonetheless.

"Sure, that'd be great," Gray said squeezing my hand.

"Take a seat. I'll see what I can rummage," John grinned moving behind the counter toward his friends.

"He's cute," Gray said once we took our seats.

"I know, right," I agreed.

Gray raised his eyebrows. "Wow, you agreed really fast," he teased. "Something I should know?"

I rolled my eyes rubbing his knee. "Please, I'm trying to set John up, but he's so damn resistant."

"Does he want to be set up?" Gray asked.

"Umm," I stalled.

"Kevin, it's nice that you want to help him find a guy, but maybe he doesn't want to force things. Just cause you're in a happy relationship, doesn't mean you should go fixing everyone up."

"I'm not," I said defensively. "I want my friend to be happy."

"He doesn't seem unhappy to me," Gray pointed out and we looked at John, who was smiling and laughing with some of the guys and girls at the food preparation area.

"Ok, so I find it fun matching him up. We tried and we had some laughs, even if he won't willingly admit it," I said.

"You are so crazy," Gray smiled, shaking his head, his brown curls bouncing. I took one and tugged on it and I smiled.

"You are so cute," I murmured.

"You're cute," he replied.

I smiled and was about to respond when John appeared.

"Third party present. If you wish to prevent the vomit that will most likely project towards the both of you, I suggest you can the mushy stuff," John grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine," I sighed.

"That's a reasonable request," Gray laughed. "We'll continue in private," he told me.

I laughed while John groaned.

"Do the both of you have to be so disgustingly happy?" John asked snorting. "All the freaking time? Because that's just not realistic?"

I smirked. "Please John, I'd thought you would have been tired already of me always complaining about my relationship troubles."

"Oh yeah, good point," John said. "Continue."

Gray cocked his head. "All our relationship troubles? We didn't have that many troubles."

"Of course not," I cooed kissing his cheek.

John gagged and stuck his finger down his throat. "Remind me to never hang out with the both of you again."

"Oh, you don't like me?" Gray teased.

John straightened up. "No, you're easy on the eyes. As for your personality, well, I don't know you well enough to decide on that front just yet."

"I'm quite the charmer," Gray boasted. "Kevin didn't stand a chance."

"What?" I exclaimed laughing. "You're talking out of your ass!"

"Oh please, you were drooling over me ever since we met," Gray laughed. "You couldn't keep your hands offs me; it's because of my baby blues," he went on.

"Whatever, you're the one that came on to me first! Flirting with me, touching me," I shot back. "Bribing me with candy and tutoring to get close to me."

Gray opened his mouth to respond, but then hung his head and sighed in defeat. "Yeah, you're right. Something about you, baby," he kissed my neck.

"Seriously, stop that shit," John said. "I'm gonna kill the both of you and call it an accident. OH WAIT! Better yet: self-defense. The jury will believe me; I have a sweet face," he grinned charmingly.

Gray and I burst into loud laughter.

"That you do," I agreed. "Very charming."

"Enough to get away with a double homicide?" Gray asked. "I don't know about that."

"Ah, I see you underestimate the Johnster," John grinned. "It's all in the eyes. Sweet as pie."

"What a loser," I rolled my eyes.

Later that evening, when we were hanging out alone in his room, I yanked on his shirt collar, causing him to look down at me.

"So John's cool right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can see why you like him. Just don't like him too much," he added in warning.

I laughed. "You and your jealousy."

"Our jealously," he corrected.

"I only have eyes for you," I said honestly.

Gray looked down at me and his eyes softened. "I know." He leaned down and kissed me gently. "Same here."

Teddy was crying and it pained me to see his small face all red and full of tears.

"Teddy, please don't cry," I begged, kneeling in front of the child. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly, marveling at how much bigger he had grown.

I felt bad to be leaving the entire summer to go to Europe with Gray, and missing out on Teddy and his moments, but this was something Gray and I wanted to do. We had had another tough year apart, although it was better because we didn't feel compelled to hide from everyone. In any event, this was our last summer to be kids and take off and do something for ourselves.

Next May we would have graduated college and would either be going to graduate school or job hunting. Gray had yet to declare his major and was thinking of changing it to gear it towards education- either general or in a specific field. I, I was definitely planning on going to graduate school- so I would be studying for the GREs and applying to schools. Basically, there would be no fun, because of the pressure to get a job.

"You're supposed to be my camp counselor. Like last year," he pouted pulling back, his little hands on my chest. "I don't want anyone else."

I kissed his cheek and wiped his tears. "You'll have fun anyway, I promise."

"I won't have fun! I'll miss you," he sniffed, wiping his eyes.

I smiled. "I'll miss you too munchkin," I grinned. "I'll call all the time. I can even email."

"I don't have email," Teddy said with wide eyes and I smiled at his innocence.

"Well, I can set up an account for you to check," I assured pinching his nose. "Don't be sad."

His bottom lip stuck out and I picked him up and started walking around my room where I had been packing the last minute items I needed for my trip. Gray's parents were driving us to the airport the next morning, so I was planning to head to his house tonight and stay over, but Teddy was making it hard for me to leave.

"While I'm gone you can play my video games and have this," I said, retrieving my old stuffed bear that my step-father, Teddy's real father, had given me a long time ago. It was special to me and I had stowed it away in my closet because I had become too old to leave those kid things around my room and because it made me feel sad. But now I felt it was right to give it to Teddy.

Teddy stared at the stuffed bear, in mint condition I might add, and his little fingers ran over the fur of the bear. "For me?" he asked, looking at me curiously.

I kissed him and ran my fingers through his hair. "For you. It's very special to me, and I'm giving it to you because you're special to me."

A smile made its way to his lips and soon he was grinning at me. "Thanks Kevin!" He hugged the bear and rubbed his face against it. Then he kissed it.

I laughed and squeezed him in my arms. "I will miss you a lot Teddy. Don't grow up too fast while I'm gone ok?" I asked looking into his bright eyes.

He nodded. "I won't."

"Don't lose the bear," I said cupping his small face. "Take care of it."

"I will, I will!" he bounced on his heels.

I smiled and sighed. "Alright baby bear, I have to take my bags to Gray now. Think you can be strong and walk me to the door?"

His face immediately looked downcast, but he nodded. "Ok," he said sadly.

"Wait, before I go," I said, walking to my laptop, "Let me set up an email account for you."

I booted up the computer and five minutes later I had an account set up, and I wrote down the login and password on my erase board and on a piece of paper, which I would later put on the fridge.

"Whenever you feel like talking or want to tell me something, just go here and write away. I will check it every day and I promise to write back as soon as I can. Ok?"

Teddy nodded and I wrapped him in my arms again.

I dragged my large suitcase down the stairs and Teddy held my other hand while I did this. Gray and I were staying in Europe for a total of three months. We were going on two tours and the rest of the time we were going to stay in hostels and hop around using the train. In terms of jumping from one country to another, we didn't want to have lots of luggage, so we each decided on one large luggage and a book bag and we agreed that whatever products we might need in the future, we could just buy along the way.

"Mom, I'm gonna head over to Gray's soon," I announced.

She walked into the living room and hugged me. "I'll miss you," she said.

I sighed. "Mom."

"Kevin, this is the first time you're going away for a long time."

"What about school?" I asked in amusement.

"But that's different. You're in a dorm and doing schoolwork. Now you'll be in Europe, going all around, getting into danger," she said.

"Mom! People travel all the time!" I protested. "Why are you doing this to me now? Right when I'm about to leave?"

"I just worry Kevin! You're a good kid Kevin, but it's a mother's worst nightmare when her son or anyone else for that matter doesn't come home. Do you know what that's like?" she asked, her voice growing louder.

I had a suspicion she was talking about my Dad and Teddy's Dad; one took off, the other was killed in an accident.

"Mom," I said gently. "It's natural to worry, but you have to let me go. I need to live my life, ok? I promise to call and email and everything so you won't worry. As much," I added.

She smiled weakly. "That's better than nothing."

"You'll be busy, with this little handful," I said affectionately rubbing Teddy's head as he held onto my leg. "The time will fly by and I'll be back."

She hugged me again. "Just be careful."

"Always. And Gray will be there. He's big. And I'm Asian. Everyone gets scared of us," I joked.

She rolled her eyes. "Call me tomorrow before you board. And call me tonight to say goodnight to us."

"Alright," I said.

They followed me outside to my car as I stuffed my luggage in the trunk. I glanced at my watch.

"I should go. Gray's expecting me."

"Kevin!" Teddy whined hugging both my legs and I momentarily lost my balance. I crouched down and kissed his face.

"Remember to take care of the bear and to email me whenever you need to," I whispered staring into his eyes.

I hugged my mother and then I got inside my car and drove off slowly, looking at my brother and mother standing in the driveway, watching me.

As their faces got smaller and smaller, it made me sad. My Mom was right, going to school for four months was different than leaving the country. Not to mention I could come home frequently from Princeton. I felt really grown up now; taking off with my boyfriend to see the world, so to speak. I also knew I'd be having more responsibilities in the future as I moved into my own life. By driving away from my mother and brother, it was like I was growing up and going on my own, leaving everything I was familiar with, behind. I couldn't help the ache in my chest.

But as I neared Gray's house, I started to feel happy and excited once again. I really wanted to go away and explore with Gray and have him all to myself for the entire summer.

I started smiling as I parked my car and Gray walked out the front door, grinning widely as he helped me pack my suitcase into his parent's jeep.

"Excited baby?" he asked kissing me.

"Absolutely," I said rubbing his hip. "Sorry it took me longer to get here. My Mom and especially my brother was really sad. He was crying and I made him an email account and I gave him a stuffed bear," I rambled.

Gray grabbed my face and kissed me. "I know you'll miss them Kevin. You're just that kind of son and big brother. I'll miss my parents too. They'll miss me. I'm an only child; it's worse for them. They don't have someone as cute as Teddy to occupy themselves with ," he smiled. "So we'll take the time to call and email and whatever. I promise. We won't be out all the time. We have to have some alone time for ourselves, you know," he said raising his eyebrows suggestively. "It's just you and me this summer, baby, and boy, do I plan on making use of you," he growled in a low tone.

My heart started beating faster and I looked into his eyes, getting aroused. "Gray, you ass, don't talk like that to me now. Your parents-"

"Know we're two young guys in love," he interrupted. "They're not dumb," he kissed my nose. "Come on, let's go inside. We have to wake up early tomorrow and I haven't showered yet. I was hoping for some company," he said leaning closer to me.

I smiled and shook my head as I followed him inside. His mother greeted me and offered me some food and snacks, and his Dad grunted from the television where he was engrossed in a television series marathon.

"Mom, we're just gonna go upstairs and get some rest," Gray said quickly tugging me along.

She smiled and I barely had time to wave before we were making our way to his room.

"Gray," I got out before his mouth covered mine and he pushed me backwards onto his bed with his weight.

He flopped on top of me and kissed my neck softly. I moaned and rubbed his head, gripping his hair.

"This year felt so long and I missed you so much," he whispered in my ear. "You have no idea how happy I am to have this entire summer with you. Then one more year of college and it's just you and me," he said.

"I missed you too, baby," I replied sighing, thinking back on our three years and two months together. I snuggled beneath his body and loved the feel of his weight on me.

He kissed me one more time on the mouth. "I wasn't kidding about the shower. I need one. Let's go," he said grabbing my arm and yanking me up. He led me to the bathroom and started taking off my clothes and I smiled in amusement at his fast pace. Then he stripped down and I couldn't help looking lustfully at my lover's hard, tight body and his nice package.

I reached out and grasped him and he gasped. "So beautiful," I murmured stroking gently.

"Now who's the horny one?" he teased as he stepped into the shower, turning on the water.

"I can't help it. You drive me crazy," I pouted playfully as I joined him and reveled in the warmth of the shower and being with the love of my life.

"The feeling is mutual," he said quietly as his own hand wrapped around me and combined with the water, his hand easily moved up and down my length.

"Oh god," I moaned. He pinned me to the corner of the shower and started rubbing our cocks together. We slid around one another and I bucked wildly, overcome with the sensations as he thrust against me, grunting. I whimpered and held onto the shower wall as the water fell down on us.

"Gray, oh, God," I groaned. "Shit," I squeaked.

"Baby," he breathed, and within seconds we simultaneously came together, trying to be quiet.

I guess it was the anticipation of what was to come or being together for the summer, or just the long year apart, or just two young guys in love and wanting to express that love.

We let the water wash our bodies and we playfully shampooed our hair, throwing suds at one another.

"Kevin, get the soap dish," he said. "It's in the cabinet above the toilet."

I searched around and finally located the dish. I saw a white bar of soap and my eyes widened.


"Yeah baby?"

"What's this?" I asked, bringing the dish between us.

I pointed at the two gold rings sitting side by side. My mouth was open and Gray lifted a finger and shut it. He took one ring and slowly got down on one knee.

"Gray, what are you doing?" I asked in shock. My eyes were probably as wide as saucers and I knew my mouth fell open again.

He was kneeling now and looking up at me, smiling. He held the ring up.

"Kevin, you're the love of my life. I knew it the day I saw you, but never thought we'd end up together, because of circumstances. But we have. It hasn't been perfect, no relationship is, but we work hard at it and I know we're meant to be. Being with you is my dream come true. You and me going away for the summer is just a glimpse of our future together."

I was still staring at him in awe, captivated by his blue eyes.

"Baby, will you marry me?" he asked.

I stared at him, my mouth opening and closing.

The longer I remained speechless, the more antsy he got. I could see it on his face and in his eyes. I loved the man with all my heart and he knew it, but that didn't mean we all didn't have our insecurities.

Finally I smiled. "I love you so much Gray O'Neal, even if you give me headaches sometimes."

Gray swatted my knee and I giggled.

"I'd be honored to marry you," I stated seriously. "You're the love of MY love."

Gray grinned and stood up quickly, slipping the ring onto my finger and kissing it. "You're mine, all mine," he whispered with a fierce expression that got my heart racing. He took the other ring and handed it to me. "And I'm all yours. That's the deal. Forever," he kissed my hand.

I slipped the ring onto his finger and kissed it as well. "Forever."

This was the beginning of the rest of our lives

EPILOGUE: Happily Ever After into the Future

I watched as Teddy did a round off, then smoothly moved into two back hand springs, before propelling himself into twisting layout, in which he got a lot of air, and then landed steadily on his feet.

I smiled and turned at the sound of Bill's voice.

"I guess putting Teddy into gymnastics when he was five was a good idea?" Bill asked and I chuckled.

"No kidding. Once he started his first class, he was hooked. He begged for more lessons and wanted to go all the time," I said thinking on the past.

"He's good," Bill commented.

"I wouldn't know, but he seems to take it seriously. He's always working out or eating healthy," I said shaking my head. "I admire him, but is that a way for kids to live? Training all the time, eating healthy? At his age I was playing video games and hanging out with you and the guys."

"Doesn't he want to go to the Olympics?" Bill asked. "It's different for him if he has a passion and a dream for the future. It's a sacrifice or a tradeoff."

"Yeah, it's his goal," I said. "I'm glad I managed to get a decent job after graduation. Paying back school loans and helping Mom out with Teddy and his gymnastics would have been tough otherwise."

I studied Teddy as he continued flipping around in our yard. Where did all this time go? Here I was, thirty years old, and my little baby brother was well on his way to adulthood, at fifteen. His blond hair was short and he had a big grin on his face. I saw his 5'7 frame and lean muscles bouncing around in the air. When he finished his last layout, he grinned and I spotted a tiny boy running up to Teddy, screaming excitedly, "I want to do it. I want to do it!"

Teddy laughed and picked up the child, hugging him tightly. "You need to practice!" and the little boy pouted. "It takes years and years and lots and lots of hard work," Teddy went on, toting the child in his arms.

"He's getting so big," I said to Bill, referring to his son.

"He is," Bill agreed. "Too fast. Wish they could stay little forever," he said smiling at his wife, Mary, as she rocked their baby daughter in her arms.

"I know. Teddy was so cute. Now he's a big awkward goon," I said grinning at my fifteen year old brother as he walked up, holding little Christopher's hand in his.

"I'm not awkward or a goon," he snorted. I ruffled his hair playfully and he smiled at me. "Cooler than you old man!" he shot back.

"Old?" Bill, Gray, and I shrieked at the same time.

"We're not old, we're only thirty!" Bill reminded.

"Old," Teddy reiterated. He pointed to himself. "Young." He grinned. I knocked my brother's head playfully and he laughed, picking up Christopher again, cuddling the three-year-old. "This here is a real little baby," Teddy said bouncing Christopher in his arms. "Aren't you?" Teddy cooed. I smiled; Teddy reminded me of how I acted towards him when he was that age.

"I'm little baby!" Christopher said in his high pitched voice, clutching Teddy's neck and grinning happily. "Teddy my brother!"

"You're so cute, can I keep you!" Teddy cried out as he kissed Christopher's face and nuzzled his chubby pale cheeks. "I love you, I love you!" Teddy said affectionately. Christopher giggled and laughed and squirmed.

"You can baby sit as much as you want," Bill offered and we all laughed. "That's all I can offer. My wife kind of likes him. Or enough to keep him around."

I pulled on Christopher's foot and he smiled at me, flopping his bulky sneaker around.

I smiled, remembering when Teddy was this small. Bill caught my eye and nodded as if he read my thoughts.

"Teddy, you were just like him at that age," I said to my brother. "Always laughing and following me around."

Teddy smiled as he cuddled Christopher in his arms, holding up a hot dog to the child's mouth. Christopher took a big bite and chewed, staring up at Teddy as Teddy made faces at the child.

"Kevin!" Gray called.

"Hold up guys," I said as I walked to the grill. "What's up baby?"

"Nothing, just wanted you to come here," he said smiling.

"Oh yeah?" I teased.

"Yeah. You owe me something," he pointed to his lips.

"I do?" I said.

"Yup. Read the apron," he grinned.

"Kiss the Cook," I read aloud. I looked at him. "You are so cheesy."

He didn't answer me, just pointed to his lips.

I leaned forward and pecked him gently, rubbing my nose against his. He sighed.

"Too bad it doesn't say, `Kiss the Cock'" I whispered into his ear as I rubbed his crotch briefly.

Gray smiled and took my hand in his. "Settle down Kevin, there are children here," he said in a mock stern tone. "We can do that in private. Tonight."

I laughed and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Definitely, big boy."

Gray handed me some burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. "Here, these are done."

"Thanks baby," I said kissing him again.

"Can't get enough of me, eh?" he wiggled his eyebrows and I nudged his ass before making my way to everyone else.

It was a beautiful evening, at the height of spring and Gray and I were having a barbecue. We did that often; had little gatherings at our house. As we got older, as we were getting older, I saw less and less of friends. That's just how it went. But I always saw Bill and his wife on a frequent basis.

Now, life was more about me and Gray, and our inner circle. I guess that's what happens as you grow older and develop your own families and lives. When we graduated Princeton and Duke, we both went to graduate school at Columbia, which was tough, but as usual, Gray and I persevered. Sure, there was the usual jealousy issues, but it was loads easier to comfort one another and talk to one another when we were in the same state AND same school. Everything made us stronger, as a couple.

So before our European trip, he and I were "engaged" and I loved looking at my ring, as girly as that made me sound. Senior year, one weekend during winter break, we made it official, having a small civil union, and a celebration amongst close friends and family. Everyone was really happy for us.

We didn't have the time or funds for a honeymoon; the European trip kinda wiped out our resources, and we needed our time to focus on our studies and senior year was about researching internships for the spring semester, taking the GREs, applying to graduate schools, that there wasn't a lot of free time to just take off somewhere. But that summer, before we were heading off to graduate school, we got a pleasant surprise. His parents, my Mom, and a bunch of my friends, and even some of his college buddies (apparently, college kids were way more accepting about homosexuality), pooled their money together and with that we were able to go to Hawaii for two weeks in June. It was the best and really showed who our true friends were and who really cared about us.

These days, Gray saw a few friends from college and his coworkers. He was a high school teacher and the lacrosse and basketball coach. After he came out to his parents, he was all about doing what he wanted, so he decided to go with education, and here he was, happy with his job, not mentioning the little minor stresses.

Me, I designed websites and was into game development. I could work from home a lot and that really helped our relationship survive this long. He had great hours as a teacher, and I had a flexible schedule, so we had a lot of `together' time. I loved it.

That didn't mean we didn't have our share of fights. We fought like any other couple- sometimes we just got tired of one another and needed a breather. There were jealous moments, especially after we finished college. We went to the same graduate school, but then we were around to see the other get hit on and neither of us were happy about it. But our love was strong and deep and we worked through it. Anything worth fighting for took work and boy, did we work on it. There were fights, there were long talks, there was make-up sex, and then the whole cycle started over. That's life, what can I say?

Luckily, now that we were older and settled in with our house and jobs, everything seemed more stable. We were enjoying life, with our good friends and family.

"Kevin, your Mom just called and she said she and William will be here soon," Gray said as he took off his apron and joined us on the patio that Gray and I had constructed together a few years back.

Yeah, we were into construction and DIY projects. It was something we could do together and feel happy that we accomplished something.

He kissed the top of my head as he took a seat beside me and I smiled.

I caught the disgruntled expression on Teddy's face and cocked my head at him until he looked at me. He quickly looked away from me. Something was up.

"Teddy, come with me to get more sodas," I said in a tone that didn't leave room for an argument. Teddy studied me before nodding slowly, and placing Christopher in Bill's lap before following me to the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I smiled. "Are you having problems with William?" I asked referring to my mother's latest husband. She had married him last year, after dating for less than a year. It bothered me too, but she seemed happy and I knew she needed companionship, but I also worried about Teddy. He was at a delicate age.

"He's ok," he said shrugging.

"What does that mean?" I asked quietly.

"I don't like him," Teddy stated folding his arms. "He's in my face all the time, trying to be my best friend. I'd rather he just keep his distance or whatever. And God, I hope they don't have a baby!" he shuddered.

I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Teddy demanded.

"I was fifteen when Mom had you," I pointed out. "And I loved you before you were even born," I added.

Teddy smiled and he looked like a little kid again. "Yeah, but Mom is older now. Are all her children going to be fifteen years apart? You'll be like thirty years older. That's gross," he said.

I cuffed his head playfully. "You should give William a chance. He makes her happy and he's not a bad guy."

I had noticed how William and my mother went to all of my brother's gymnastics meets and William willingly offered to chauffer Teddy everywhere or get him something. I could see that William was desperate to get on Teddy's good side. It was typical step-parent, step-child behavior. Teddy's Dad had tried that with me, but I bonded with him more quickly because I was younger. Teddy was older and in that rebellion stage where he didn't feel like he should be bossed around by a new man in his life.

"I guess," Teddy said gloomily. "Sometimes I hate getting adjusted to new people. It was me and Mom and you forever and now he's there all of a sudden and they didn't even date that long. And he's always in my face, trying to be my best friend. Or worse, he tries to talk to me, like, like," he sputtered, "Like he`s my father or something," he finished, his voice rising in anger.

"I know kiddo, but don't you want Mom to be happy, no matter what? She worked hard, raising the two of us, by herself. It's time for her to be happy," I said.

He sighed. "I know. I know."

"Listen, give William a chance. It will be better for you, for him, and especially for Mom. She loves the both of us more than anything in this world. And on the days when you need a break and can't stand him, then you know you're always welcome over here," I said.

"Yeah, but I'd need a ride."

"Gray or I will get you right away," I said firmly. "I'm always there for you, ok?"

Teddy smiled. "I know you are Kevin," he said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him.

True to his word, when William and my mother arrived, Teddy actually made small talk with the man, instead of hiding out. I could see the happiness on William's face and I nodded at Teddy in approval.

"How's my man doing? Solving problems?" Gray asked tugging me to a corner of the patio.

"Teddy's just having issues with William. Doesn't like having a sudden father figure. Up until William, the only other guy in his life who ever expressed any authority, was, well, me," I said.

"He can come here if he needs to relax," Gray said.

"That's what I said," I agreed.

"Things will work out," Gray said confidently. "They always do. You have to have faith." He kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I had faith in us and look at us now."

I smiled and buried my face in his chest. "You smell good."

"I do?" Gray asked in amusement. "I smell like food. Or burnt meat."

"No, you smell like Gray, my Gray," I said smiling happily and giggling like a little kid as I hugged him as hard as I could. I kissed his chest and snuggled into his embrace. "I love you."

Gray laughed and his grip tightened around me. "I guess I should be pleased that you love me in spite of the fact that I stink like food," he kissed the top of my head. "By the way, I love you more."

"I don't think so," I argued.

He tilted my face up and kissed me hard and deep. "I think so, but we can call it even," he said smiling softly at me.

I smiled so wide, I felt my face would split.


Thanks Nifty for posting and thanks to everyone who emailed me. I apologize if I haven't replied to everyone; I'm pretty bad at emails, but I did appreciate each and every response/feedback I got.

Thanks for reading!

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