True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Sep 1, 2007


Author's Note: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Chapter 3

"Stop looking at me like that," Mark warned as we enjoyed a light dinner. "You're getting me hard."

I laughed and nearly choked on my soda. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just sitting here."

"Well, your mug is too pretty," Mark said winking.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "So," I began. "You know everything about me. Now I want to know about you."

"I know everything about you?" Mark questioned.

"Yeah, I'm in high school, my classes are hard, I like fixing up my car, all my friends are Asian, including your cousin Cara. I plan to go to Princeton in the fall. I have a two year old brother. It's just me, him, and my Mom. I'm a virgin; you're my first relationship, and I'm closeted. Me in a nutshell. Now go," I ordered.

Mark smiled. "What do you want to know?"

I paused and thought about it. "Hm. That's a broad range," I murmured. "Where are you from and what school did you go to before you dropped out?"

Mark nodded. "I've bounced around all over. But I'm originally from Utah. Went to a community college there, and then left."

"What was your major? Favorite subject in school? Do you keep in touch with any of your old friends?"

Mark laughed. "Whoa."

"Sorry, just curious."

"It's cool. Let me gather my thoughts," he said pausing.

"I left halfway through sophomore year, so I didn't have a major. I was just taking whatever classes. In high school, um, I didn't have a favorite subject. I'm not a school person, obviously. And old friends? I was kinda the loner type and whatever friends I did have weren't real friends. We hung out together just because we were the `smoking behind the school building' type," he explained. "Not like you and your friends. I can see you have a real group there."

"Not really. Only Bill, cause we grew up together. Since like birth."

"Do you get along with your Mom?" I asked curiously.

"She's ok. Not really. Not really around. Worked a lot, so I was on my own," Mark said shrugging.

"And your Dad?"

Mark rolled his eyes. "Comes and goes. Nothing steady. After awhile, just gave up on him and his empty promises, and he just went off chasing whatever stupid dream he had."

I felt uncomfortable; not knowing what to say. He seemed so bitter and moody; so unlike what I was used to. How did I respond to that?

Mark seemed to sense my discomfort and leaned forward. "See, this is why I don't like talking about myself. Compared to most people my age, well, they can't relate to me."

I took his hand briefly. "It's ok. I want to know."

"It's hard for me to talk about myself," he admitted. "I normally keep to myself. I am the loner type."

"Well, I plan on changing that," I said with a confident smile and he laughed.

"I hope so," Mark said his dark eyes sparkling.

We spent a long time talking. Our food was long forgotten, but we remained in our seats in the small, cozy café. The dinner crowd had died down so we were left with people enjoying coffee and chilling.

I told Mark all about my mother and father, then my step-father, and Teddy. Mark was easy to talk to and a good listener, but I noticed he still kept quiet about himself. It was really frustrating me. But he was being so sweet and nice, that I couldn't just blow up at him.

Mark was a weird person, but someone I was definitely attracted to. I had to concede tonight and just considered it a loss, and hope to get to know him better over a gradual period of time.

And the sex, well there was sex involved, and that was every guy's dream, so maybe my judgment of him was a little clouded. I admit, I was a young horny teenager, I wasn't exactly expected to always think with my big head. My little head did a lot of thinking, especially whenever Mark was feeling me up.

Once again, after eating, his car was parked outside my driveway, and the windows were all steamy and foggy as I moaned.

"Candy!" Teddy cried out as he jumped onto a kitchen chair and swiped a Kit Kat bar with his tiny hand. I smiled and laughed, touching his soft cheek as he tore the wrapper open. He excitedly took a bite.

Gray had a game Saturday, so he came over Friday night instead, after he had finished practice and showered. I know, Friday nights were `hangout with your friends' night, but he didn't really care for the late movie, cruising the streets, or diner food. Especially with our hard course load; he wanted to focus on his studies.

I once asked Gray if Frank, his best friend, ever wondered where he was.

"We don't spend every waking minute together and although he can be an ass, he knows how hard I have to work to make my Mom happy in terms of school, and then my dad in terms of sports. So I'm spread thin, and most times, I don't go out a lot, unless its for a short time. So me hanging home to study and whatever isn't new to him."

"Does he know you're with me?" I asked.

"Yeah," Gray answered. "He doesn't control me. You're my friend; we have a billion classes together. Anything else is none of his business and he has no right to question me," he said seriously.

I smiled and he smiled back.

From then on we were constant study buddies and it was nice to know that Gray didn't care about that high school shit and was my friend, regardless.

Again, I was liking Gray more and more and what he had to offer as a person.

"There aren't enough hours in a day," Gray once muttered to me as our teachers in every class decided to dump a shit load of assignments on us.

I guess doing so many hard classes, and having sports all year round, zapped up your day. You still needed to do homework, sleep, and eat, and shit and shower, so yeah, I guess people like Gray had to prioritize.

"Don't eat so fast," I warned Teddy as he chomped on the candy bar, his small cheeks stretched to the max.

"Ok," he said although it came out muffled.

Gray smiled at Teddy before whipping out his books. Since we had all our classes together, we decided to work on other subjects.

"You're eating my payment," I told Teddy, but he ignored me, not understanding the meaning. Gray laughed.

"I brought plenty. I figured Teddy would want some," Gray added. Teddy only grinned wider, showing us some squished up chocolate.

I frowned and shook my head at him. Teddy stepped off the chair and went back into the living room to resume his coloring.

"Does your Mom work late every day?" Gray asked.

I shook my head. "She usually gets home around 6 or 7. Every other Friday she works later than that. When I wanna go out on a Friday night, we either get a babysitter, or drop him off at Bill's house. His Mom can watch him."

"Bill is the guy that was with you during the car thing, right?" Gray asked referring to the accident.

I nodded. "Best friends since we were babies and he lives three houses down, so our mothers are pretty tight too."

Gray nodded. "That's cool. I met Frank in middle school. Were friends then and when we started doing the same sports, our friendship just sort of cemented."

"Yeah, sometimes friendships are stumbled upon, even if you don't want them," I teased. Gray chucked a candy bar at my face and I deftly caught it before it made contact.

His eyes widened. "Nice reflexes."

"I know," I said. "Thanks." I tossed the candy bar back onto the table.

"So you are Mr. Kung Fu man," Gray joked.

"Shut up," I smirked, rolling my eyes.

"So when do you get your car back?" he asked.

"It's only been three weeks. It will take a little longer. I don't wanna keep hounding the people; I know they're trying their best," I said.

"When did you get into the whole car thing? In the parking lot, I always see you and your friends driving together, and I admit, you guys look pretty sharp. In fact, do you and Bill have the same car?" Gray asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yeah, kinda cheesy, huh? But we're practically brothers and we just ended up getting the same car, but we fixed it up differently. We have the same things, but different, like the body kit. We have different bodies. Different paint colors. Couldn't be matching completely. There'd be no fun in that."

"That must have been expensive," Gray commented.

"Yeah. All my savings went into that. I get a lot of money cause I used to teach piano and violin and tutor or babysit. You know, under the table jobs, and it was usually people I knew, so they'd be more generous. But during high school, classes got a bit tougher, especially this year, so I only do the occasional job," I explained.

"At least my mother doesn't make me work," Gray said sighing. "I'd crack under that pressure and as long as I'm playing sports and doing well, my Dad doesn't care."

"Not a bad deal," I commented.

Gray shrugged.

It seemed our conversation had run out and it quickly turned to the subject of school and our assignments, which were a lot. I guess this was prepping us in advance for college level courses.

Soon we were reading and answering homework questions, preparing outlines for papers, dividing projects. Since we had the same schedule and were becoming friendly, we became partners in some of our classes, so it was easier to share the workload.

That was when I noticed Gray absolutely hated dissecting anything in AP Bio. He shivered and shuddered with disgust every time.

"Then why'd you take Bio?" I asked laughing as Gray looked like he was going to barf, while we were in the process of dissecting a frog during a double period lab session, the Wednesday before.

"Cause I suck at Chem," he responded, pinching his nose. "Bio was the only choice left."

I laughed, gazing at him. Here was this big, tall, muscular athlete, and he was squirming like a little kid, scrunching his nose at the dead amphibian. He was really cute.

I don't know how many hours passed as we diligently worked, but I know it was a lot. I started getting hungry, and I used my stomach to gauge how long we worked. I normally ate every three or four hours, by nature, so if I started to get hungry, then, probably three or four hours had passed.

"Is this a Friday your Mom works late?" Gray asked noticing it was a little past eight.

I only got a chance to nod before Teddy launched himself at me. I caught the tiny boy in my arms and hugged him as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"What's up little bear?" I murmured affectionately.

"Me hungry," he said looking at me imploringly.

"Really? Don't you usually go to bed around this time?" I asked.

"Sometimes," the boy said honestly. "But I'm hungry. You have to feed me!" he whined.

I laughed and saw Gray smiling at us.

"I have to?" I teased.

Teddy pouted. "Mommy said so."

I threw my head back and laughed loudly. "Well, if Mommy said so, then I guess I do! What do you feel like eating?"

Teddy shrugged, "I don't know."

I mussed his hair with my chin and kissed his head. "Me neither."

"Actually, I could use some food," Gray said. "I was having some trouble concentrating because of my hunger pangs. Felt like the acid was tearing at my insides. I didn't get a chance to eat a real dinner after practice," he said. He looked at me with his dark blue eyes. "Want to get some dinner? My treat, you know, for all your help."

"Sure," I agreed. "What are you in the mood for?"

"I'd say pizza, but I ate that like three times this week already, so I'm all pizza'd out," Gray stated. "So," he paused to think. "Chili's?" he suggested.

"Ok," I said getting up, lifting Teddy with me.

"Are we getting food?" Teddy asked squirming, kicking his small legs around.

"We sure are," I said heading to the closet for our coats. I struggled to get Teddy in his coat as he wiggled around playfully.

Thirty minutes later we were seated in a booth, looking over a menu.

"I'm surprised he's still awake," Gray said nodding at Teddy.

"Me too," I said. "Wait, that's not true. Sometimes, he stays up until ten or so. I guess he's a night owl at heart," I said looking at Teddy fondly while he perused the small child's menu.

"I'm gonna go with the American classic- a big, fat burger," Gray said grinning. "I'm so hungry."

"I don't know what to get," I said.

"Oh please don't take ten years to order. I'll seriously die of hunger!" Gray complained.

I laughed. "I'm thinking."

"Think fast," Gray begged.

"Too much pressure!" I mock cried out.

"Hurry," Gray sang out, creating a megaphone out of his hands.

"Ok, ok," I said. "The chicken fajitas."

"Excellent, if only our stinking waiter would come over," Gray said looking around.

I smiled at how impatient an fidgety he was. His dark brown curls bounced around, his eyes sparkling, probably with the knowledge that he'd be eating soon.

"Grilled cheese for you?" I asked Teddy.

"Hot dog," he said. I nodded.

When we placed our orders, we talked a bit more, when I suddenly heard my phone ring. I took it out, expecting it to be my Mom, since I had forgotten to write a note.

I frowned in confusion when I saw it was Mark. I ignored the call, since it was rude to talk on my cell in front of friends, unless it was an emergency.

Literally, five seconds later, he called again.

"I'll be right back," I said to Gray. "Stay with him," I instructed Teddy. Teddy nodded, now being more comfortable around Gray, and also since Gray had brought candy to the house. In Teddy's mind, Gray was super cool.

I walked towards the entrance and stepped outside, but right before I put the phone to my ear, I felt a hand grip my wrist.

I yelped in shock and turned to see Mark standing in front of me, looking pissed.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

"Who is that guy you're with?" he demanded.

"What?" I asked feeling confused and kinda ambushed. "Are you spying on me?"

He folded his arms. "No, I happened to be here, getting some takeout for my Aunt and I see you're out having dinner with Curly, over there. Is this why you can never hang out with me during the week? Cause you're busy with your real boyfriend?"

My mouth fell open. "Where the fuck is this coming from? And lower your voice!" I hissed dragging him to a quieter section.

"Well, why else would you be here on a Friday night, eating dinner with him?" Mark asked.

"We're just friends," I said, my facial muscles tense. "We have classes together. We're partners and have to do our work together."

"Sure," Mark said sarcastically. "You're having sex with him, too?" he sneered.

I stepped back. "What s your problem? I told you, I'm not out to anyone, but my best friend and my mother. And then you. He doesn't even know I'm gay and we're just friends and classmates. We got hungry after studying and for the love of god, my brother is with us! If this was a date, you think I'd drag my baby brother with me?"

I was breathing hard and staring at Mark, daring him to challenge me.

Mark stonily looked away from me, before finally meeting my eyes. He swallowed hard.

"Well?" I asked. "Anything to say to that?"

He was silent still.

"I have to get back. My food is probably there, and my brother gets tired fast," I said moving to the front door.

Mark grabbed my shoulder and I spun around quickly to face him. He stepped back.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I get^Åinsecure," he paused. "Sometimes. I really like you, Kevin," he said in a quiet voice and as he looked so sad, I felt bad for him, all of a sudden.

I touched his hand gently and squeezed briefly. "I'll call you tomorrow, ok? We can do something, then. He has a game and we can't get together for our homework, so I'm available for you."

He smiled slightly. "Yeah?"


"I'm sorry," he said again.

My smile faded. "We have to talk."

He looked worried.

"I just want to talk and understand why you got so freaked. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise," I said.

Mark nodded and I made my way back to my table, where, as I predicted, the food was waiting.

Gray was playing tic-tac-toe with Teddy and I noticed both of them had started eating.

"Sorry, I was dying of famine or something," Gray said shoving a fry into his mouth.

"Me, too," Teddy chimed in, looking up at me with wide eyes. I smiled.

"Is that so?" I asked my brother, knowing he was just agreeing with whatever Gray said. Teddy nodded seriously, and I smiled at him.

"Everything good?" Gray asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yeah, a friend had some issues to talk through," I said vaguely and I began to eat before Gray could ask me any more questions.

"How insane is that?" I asked Bill later that night, long after Gray had gone home and Teddy had went to bed. I sat on my window sill to get better reception as we talked. I was in the process of relating the odd actions of Mark and his little freak out.

"Pretty crazy, especially for someone you've only been dating for three or four weeks," Bill agreed.

"I know, right?" I asked in disbelief. "But he said he really liked me and got insecure sometimes. Probably something to do with his past."

"Kevin," Bill began. "Don't get too caught up in Mark and his excuses. I know it might be easy to do that, since he's your first relationship and its new and exciting, but him getting all insane and crazy like that, after only knowing you for a short while, well, that's like a sign. Just, well, just don't sucked in, ok? Try to think with a clear head."

I thought about his words. It was true, at least partly. Being with Mark felt nice. It made me feel free and happy; that I could be in a gay relationship and not wait until college. I always worried I wouldn't be able to find someone to be with. I mean, I couldn't just go up to a dude and ask if he was gay. And I didn't go for the effeminate type. I liked men, not girls, and that included girly men. So having Mark felt nice, even if we were rushing into things. But I knew I could end it if things got too crazy or he became too over the top.

"I will," I promised Bill.

"You know, I got a weird vibe from him when I met him last week," Bill said.

"Really?" I asked. "What kind of vibe?"

"I didn't think he was shy; shy I can handle; he seemed creepy."

"Creepy?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, maybe not creepy, but not open?" Bill asked. "He seemed like he didn't want to get to know anyone else. Like, if it wasn't you, he wouldn't be making any effort. I don't know. I just wasn't feeling him. It's like the first reaction or impression. I mean, those first meetings usually are correct."

"So what are you saying?"

"Nothing," Bill said quickly. "I want you to be happy Kevin. I really do. Like I said, just be careful."

"Will do man."

"Alright. I'm out. Mad tired," Bill said and we hung up.

I sipped on my coffee and looked at Mark.

"So what's the deal with yesterday? You can't blame me for being freaked, we just met barely a month ago," I pointed out.

Mark sighed. "I know, I know," he paused and I waited for him to collect his thoughts. Finally he looked at me. "I get jealous easily," he stated. "Like, when I really like someone, I just get kinda, I don't know, focused on them."

"That's comforting," I snorted.

"I'll try to keep it under control."

"Mark," I began hesitantly. "I like you a lot, but I'm only in high school. I'm not sure if I'm ready for something super serious. I mean, I'm going off to college in the fall, and those environments are always crazy."

"Meaning you'll find someone better; more like you," Mark said folding his arms.

"It's not that," I protested, "But I can't see myself in a serious relationship when in college, living in a dorm, there are so many temptations. I don't wanna hurt you."

"So what are you saying?" he asked.

"That we can take it easy; have fun together?" I asked.

Mark looked conflicted then smiled weakly. "Sure."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "If I can't give you what you want, we may as well end it here. I don't want to string you along. I know it sounds harsh now, but it's better in the long run," I said.

"No," Mark said shaking his head. "We can just have fun. That's what we've been doing so far, right?"

I smiled slightly. "Yeah, we have. But I meant what I said about liking you and wanting to get to know you better, I just don't want you acting out whenever you see me with a guy. I don't mind seeing you, and only you, but you have to remember that I have friends who are guys and I'll probably be with them for a large majority of my time," I explained.

"I understand," he said sincerely. "Sometimes I jump to conclusions. But I guess I got crazy cause you always said you can't see me during the week, and then all of a sudden you're out having dinner, I don't know," he said shaking his head. "I don't know what I was thinking or why I didn't register the situation."

I smiled. "Hey, it's ok. We're talking it through, ok?"

Mark nodded and smiled. He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"It's cause we have great sex together, right?" he asked in a husky tone and when I turned to look at him, his eyes were dark and filled with lust and desire.

I instantly flushed and looked down into my lap.

Mark chuckled softly. "Yeah, I agree, Kevin, we should just have good ol' fun," he murmured softly. "Fun is what we do best."

I blushed further.

"I think we should get out of here," he suggested, running his fingers lightly down my forearm. I shivered at his touch and grabbed my iced coffee, downing it quickly.

Then without another word, we left and headed to our favorite sex location- the backseat of his car.

When Mark started bobbing over my hard cock, I briefly thought of Bill. Maybe Bill was right, maybe I was in over my head and letting sex cloud my judgment, but it was hard to stop. Sex just felt so good.

"Oh Mark," I muttered under my breath as I clenched my fists. I arched my back. "I'm cumming!" before I erupted and gushed into his sucking mouth. Sex felt damn good!

Next: Chapter 4

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