True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Oct 24, 2007


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Chapter 8

I looked up in surprise when I heard a thunk at my table while I was in the middle of some hard core studying in my favorite cafe. I saw a hand attached to the plate that contained a brownie slice and then I looked up into a pair of smiling brown eyes.

At first, I stared blankly, and with confusion. It was the same guy I had noticed since the beginning of last semester.

It was now February. I was already in the full swing of things. I couldn't believe I was already in the spring semester of my freshman year. Before I knew it, it would be over and done with, and then I'd be an upperclassmen. I was a little bummed though, that winter break had passed so quickly. With the holidays and having so much fun hanging with everyone, it seemed more like a day rather than three and a half weeks. I blinked and literally, it was gone.

I had enjoyed spending so much time with Gray and longed for more. Now we were both back in school and had to resort to phone calls and emails and such. I didn't like it. I missed him too much and my missing him, it hindered me from enjoying college properly. It was a sick codependency.

Maybe I needed to make some of my own friends. Not just acquaintances or classmates, but actual friends. Friends I was willing to spend extra time with. Normally I was more outgoing than this. Then again, I could be on the shy side. In high school, I stuck with my group of friends and didn't venture out much. Now I didn't have the security blanket: like Bill and everyone else. It was time for me to grow up.

Anyway, I had been coming to this same cafe for so long, me and the guy who worked there had some kind of `nodding' friendship going on. We definitely recognized each other. I came there a lot to study; he worked there a lot. Like almost every day.

I knew his name was John; he wore a name tag.

"Hey," he said smiling.

"Hi," I said. I eyed the brownie before meeting his warm eyes again.

"This," John said lifting the plate up. "Is for you."

"I didn't order it."

"I know. It's on the house," he said grinning.


"You're here so often and always buy something; you give good business, so you're entitled to some kind of perk," John said, never losing his easy going smile.

I felt myself smiling back and feeling oddly relaxed. "In that case, thanks!" I said taking the plate. I picked up the brownie and took a huge bite.

John laughed. "May I?" he asked pointing to the chair opposite me.

I nodded as I chewed.

"John," he said pointing to his name tag.

I nodded again. "I figured. Kevin," I said.

"Nice to finally know the name to the face. You're here all the time."

"I like the atmosphere," I explained.

"Most do."

"You go to Princeton?" John asked curiously.

"Yup. Freshman," I said.

"Me too," John said. "You live on campus?"


"What year are you?" I asked.

"Freshman also. But I don't live on campus since I'm from Princeton. And it's just me and my Mom. I like to keep her company," John said.

"Aw, how sweet," I said. "It's just me and my Mom and little brother. I just wanted to have the dorm room experience, at least for one year."

"I understand," John nodded. "What are you studying?"

"Right now, just doing general requirements. Probably going to do something computer related though. Like graphics or designing. Not too sure yet."

"I'm communications and journalism and English. I want to dabble in photography too. So much I want to do!" John exclaimed laughing.

"Yeah, well that's you. I'm trying to find out what I want to do," I shot back.

"Ah don't stress. There's more to life than that. Can't think too far into the future."

"You don't know me that well but I always think about the future and analyze stuff. I can't change now. Too old," I said and John chuckled softly.

"Hey, you off work?" I asked curiously.

"Nope, on break," John answered. "I should get back soon or get some food to eat."

I nodded.

"Hey, you like pancakes?" he suddenly asked.

"Umm yeah," I blinked, confused at the question. "Who doesn't?"

"Good answer. Just checking," John grinned. "Want to get pancakes with me sometime? I like PJ's Pancake House. For some reason, my friends don't like breakfast food. Lame!"

I laughed. "Sure."

"Really?" John asked.

"Definitely. I'm such a nerd, studying all the time; I need to get out more," I said honestly.

John smiled widely. "Awesome."

And just like that, I made my first good friend at Princeton.

My blood was boiling.

I quickly picked up my cell and dialed.

"Gray!" I snapped when he answered.


"What the fuck is up with your face book pictures?" I demanded.

"What do you mean?" he asked sounding confused.

"Who's that bitch sitting on your lap?" I hissed. "She's groping you in the picture while you looked half passed out with a beer bottle in your hand."

"That was just some party. Nothing happen," he assured me. "Really."

"I don't believe you!"

"You think I'm cheating on you?" Gray sounded hurt. "A lot of people were there and I fell asleep in a frat house with a room full of guys."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't there to see that, was I? How the hell should I know what you're doing?"

"I'm telling you! You need to trust me! I wouldn't cheat on you and then deny it. I'm all about the truth!" he yelled.

I growled in frustration.

"Stop being such a jealous bitch!"

I gasped. "What the fuck did you just say?"


"You know what? I'm going to go out now. I'm gonna hit up some gay clubs and hope I get lucky. If not, I'll visit Cara. Maybe I can get off tonight!" I shouted.

"Kevin!" Gray shouted back. "Don't."

"You're not jealous or worried about me cheating because I'm a nerd at school and never go out. But you're out all the time with drunk people!" I argued. "It's not the same for the both of us!"

"I love you!" he said in a tired tone.

"Well, I'm going crazy here! Love isn't enough, right? Not if I'm going insane here!"

"Just relax!"

"I can't just tell myself to relax!" I sighed rubbing my face. "This is so hard. Too hard."

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"I don't know. That it's hard," I murmured.

"I know baby. But I love you and have not cheated on you. I swear."



"I believe you."

We were both silent.

"I don't know how to deal with this," I explained.

"We'll keep talking. Communicate. Before you know it, summer will be here. We can be together again and things won't be so nerve wracking."

"I guess."

"Come on, please don't be stressed Kevin."

"I know."

"Kevin," Gray sounded torn.

"I have to go," I said sullenly.


"I'll call you tomorrow."


"Later Gray." I hung up the phone and sighed in frustration before flopping onto my bed.

My phone suddenly rang again and I flipped it open, thinking it was Gray.

"Gray?" I asked.

"No, it's John."

"Oh," I said slumping in my seat.

"What a way to make a guy feel good," John drawled out.

In spite of everything, I laughed. "Sorry. Sorry."

"What's with the mood? You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"I'm calling your bluff!" John sang out and I laughed. This guy just spread energy.

"Just having an off day," I said.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I hesitated. Some people knew I was gay, but I hadn't decided if I would tell new people I met. Not even my old friends from high school knew about me.

Then again, this was the purpose of college; starting fresh, in a way. I could tell new friends about me instead of hiding. This was college- everyone was more open and less judgmental, less catty high school or whatever. Before I could begin to tell John about myself, he spoke again.

"In fact, I suggest we talk about your problem over ice cream. Ice cream really solves problems. I think ice cream could give us world peace. We need to send out huge shipments of ice cream globally and everyone would be happy and start working together," John went on.

I smothered a giggle and I could hear the smile in John's voice as he continued talking.

"Sprinkles. Sprinkles is the real key."

"Ok, ok!" I exclaimed laughing. "Let's meet for ice cream. You got me drooling over here."

John laughed as well and gave me the address of his favorite ice cream parlor.

Twenty minutes later we were both in ice cream heaven. Or at least I was.

I had mentioned to John that I loved sprinkles on my ice cream cone, but that after licking the first layer of ice cream, all the sprinkles were gone. So then you were basically eating plain ice cream, which was boring.

"My favorite type of ice cream is the one they serve at Chinese buffets," I said smiling. "like it's soft serve and you get a cone and you can fill a soup bowl full of sprinkles and then continually dip your cone into it, over and over. It's awesome!"

John smiled as I told him that, then he ordered me a chocolate cone with a small cup of rainbow sprinkles, which were on the house, since the guy working there was his cousin.

"Now you can have your favorite ice cream, here in Princeton," John smiled and I looked at him in slight awe and affection.


John shrugged and joined me at a table near the window.

"Ok, we have comfort food, now spill your guts out," John said biting into his coffee cone.

"Umm, where do I begin?" I asked myself more so than him.

"At the beginning," he teased. I shot him a look. "Duh," he joked, his eyes sparkling.

I took a deep breath and then let it out, still feeling lost. How do you say you're gay? Do you just blurt it out?

"I'm having problems with my," I paused and looked at his warm expression.

When I hesitated for a full minute, John smiled. "Your?" he prompted.

Oh fuck it! What the hell. I was a cool person and a damn good friend and if he didn't like me because I was gay, then fuck him. Yeah. Fucker.

I instantly felt slightly more relaxed and confident. There was a real method to mental pep talks.

"My boyfriend," I finally said and my eyes darted to his face, to gauge his expression.

His eyes widened a bit, but other than that, there was no other reaction. I searched his face for disgust or hatred and saw none. He continued to eat his ice cream and nodded.

"Go on," he said and my shoulders relaxed in relief.

"Ok, we're not having real problems, but the distance is getting to us. Or me," I explained. "He goes to Duke," I added.

"Long distance relationships are always difficult. Especially the high school sweetheart, college ones, because, you're suddenly dumped into a new environment. You know, little fish in a pond, and now little fish in a big ocean with a billion other types of fish," he said. He started smiling. "I hope that made sense!"

I laughed. "It did," I assured. "When you called, we just finished having a fight," I sighed. "It's getting harder. I don't know if I can do it."

"How serious are you guys?" John asked.

"We started out as friends and neither of us knew the other was gay. But when we both found out about the other, our friendship got flirtier or whatever and then we went on a few dates, spent all our time together, and became a couple. Then before we left, he suggested we give our relationship a try, despite the distance. And here we are now."

"You love him?"

I looked at the table. "Yes." I looked at him. "But it doesn't mean we'll stay together. Sometimes, love isn't always enough to keep a couple together, you know?"

John nodded sympathetically.

I sighed. "I can't believe I'm thinking these thoughts. He wants to work it out and looks forward to us being together for the summer, and here I am doubting our relationship and wondering if he's cheating on me. It's hard not to. He's surrounded by people and I'm not there to keep him on track or whatever." I rubbed my temple.

"It will be ok," John said rubbing my shoulder briefly. "Have some faith."

I nodded. "Yeah. It just gets tough sometimes."

"Life is tough, Kevin," John stated. "Deal with what you can."

"Good talk," I joked.

"I hope I helped. Or made you feel better," John said.

"I do," I said sincerely. "You did."

He smiled and stuffed the rest of his cone inside his mouth. He said something but it came out completely muffled.

"What?" I asked.

He swallowed and smiled charmingly at me. "Want to get some real food now? Sugar always makes me ravenous!"

I laughed. "Sure. Sure."

I didn't get to see Gray during Spring Break because he was going away with his friends. It made me bitter that he didn't want to spend time with me, but then again, this was what college kids did- hung out with friends and went crazy during spring break.

The idea of Gray being at some island resort, drinking, with girls, and the whole idea of spring break in general, got me all worried. I knew people cheated because they figured they could get away with it and in Gray's case, he could. But I did trust him; I just worried a lot.

Now that I thought about it, I wondered if I had some abandonment issues if I was always worried about Gray cheating or leaving me. Maybe I wasn't cut out for a serious relationship if I was constantly paranoid.

"You thinking again?" John's voice interrupted my thoughts. "No thinking allowed over spring break. -This is a `think-free' environment, for one full week," he said pointing at my temple.

I smiled. "Can't help it."

"Well don't," John pouted. "You're making me wanna think and that's a no-go," he said looking at me seriously. "I don't think unless I have to."

"Ok, no more. I promise," I said and he grinned at me.

"You know what you need to do?" John asked. "You need to go out. A lot. Keep busy. Get your mind off your man," he advised.

I nodded. "I guess you're right. Actually, I always knew that, but never was able to give myself a kick in the ass to do stuff."

"Here's your chance," John said waving his arms. "One whole week and everyone else seems to be off in some beach location getting stupid. We should get stupid too. Only more locally," he added as an afterthought and I snorted.

"I'm serious," he said swatting my arm. "New York City clubs can be insane too. Some clubs are so underground. I went to this one club where you entered through a black door, and from the outside, it doesn't even resemble a club. When you walk in, you go down a set of stairs and enter the actual club and the walls are black and stuff Like I said, cool."

"Besides, you don't want to be one of those people that sits home pining for their boyfriend, while HE goes off and does whatever he wants. You should both have interesting lives, so when you get together, you have stories to tell," he said.

"I know, I know," I said shooting him an annoyed glance.

"Just trying to be a good friend," he said charmingly.

"You are," I said smiling.

"I know," he stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Ok, one last thing," I said. "It sucks I can't even call Gray or he can't call me, because being with all his friends, it would be suspicious or worse, terrible if anyone overheard him talking. So it's one week without any contact."

John rolled his eyes. He stood up, finishing his coffee drink. "That's it."


"We're leaving," he said grabbing my arm. "Come to my house and we're driving into the city and going club hopping."


"No buts," he said and tugged me along with him. John was an inch taller than me, and slender, but surprisingly strong.

We got inside his car and he instructed me to call my Mom and tell her that I'd be home late or would crash at his place.

"I thought you lived in Princeton" I asked.

"I do," John said. "But I have some friends and family in the city. So we can crash with them. But that's only if I get plastered, which I don't plan to do. I have to keep my eye on you and protect you," he winked.

My mouth fell open. "Protect me?" I asked in a high pitched voice.

He laughed and his brown eyes sparkled.

"I'm more buff than you!" I exclaimed, folding my arms.

He smirked. "I've been to more clubs than you and have more experience," he pointed to his head. "Brain over brawns."

"Hey, I'm smart, too!" I protested.

"I know, I know, but I'm your friend. I'm going to look out for you," he said sincerely and I fell silent, feeling touched.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"No problem. Now let's go have a night of fun!" he exclaimed pulling away from the curb and driving.

As soon as he hit the parkway, I held onto the door handle and took in a breath. For someone who looked so calm and sweet, he drove like a madman.

"It's like a video game, yo!" John said happily as he cut off a person and jammed on his brakes in order to avoid hitting the car in front of him.

I gasped. This fucker drove crazier than I did!

"Shit, are you sure you're not trying to kill me?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I'm normally a calmer driver, but once I get towards the city , or the turnpike or parkway, adrenaline rushes in my veins and I get crazy! You have to drive this way in order to survive in the city!" he defended himself as I stared at him with an amused smile.

I slapped his arm. "Just get me there in one piece and I'll be happy."

"That's my man," John said as he surged through the EZ pass.

"How are you feeling?" John asked, but it felt like he was shouting, the way I felt strikes of pain in my head.

The night before in the city, we went to various clubs and there was a lot of dancing and drinking going on. John seemed like a very quiet dude, and soft spoken, but he was well connected and knew lots of people in the nightlife world.

Needless to say it was a crazy night.

I vaguely remembered stumbling with John to his cousin's place in the wee hours of the morning. Like 4AM. His cousin wasn't even around, so we had the place to ourselves, then again, I wasn't in the state of mind to enjoy it.

I cringed and covered my ears. "Stop yelling."

He smiled and sat in front of me, his eyes warm. "I'm not," he said gently, but it still made my head pound.

"Shut up," I groaned and he chuckled. I shot him a dirty look, but that look become grateful when he handed me a bottle of water and advil. I smiled and popped them quickly. "Work fast, work fast," I muttered in a prayer.

John's hand landed on my back and he started rubbing gently. I looked at him.

"You'll feel better soon," he said quietly. "You had a lot to drink last night. It was hard getting you out of the club," he grinned.

"I know," I moaned. "Alcohol just seemed to be everywhere! The bartender kept handing it out!"

"Cause he's friends with my cousin and stuff, and he knows I'm pretty responsible," John explained. "No worries. I told you I'd look out for you."

I rubbed my throbbing temple. "Thanks," I grunted.

"You're cranky when you have a hang over," he teased.

I eyed him and he held his hands up in surrender. "Please, no evil eye!"

He giggled to himself and I shook my head.

"Hey," he began, "Want to get something to eat once you feel a bit better?"

I nodded. "Some food will be good."

"Great," John grinned. He gripped my wrist and pulled me up from the couch. "Come on, wash up in the bathroom. You may feel better sooner," he urged. "And I'm hungry," he added.

"Ok, ok, just stop talking," I grumbled as I let him lead me into the bathroom. He turned the water on in the shower and tested the temperature before dragging me closer.

When I felt his hands on the waistband of my jeans, my eyes widened and I backed away from him.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" I asked.

John looked startled and shocked with himself, then he blushed. "Oh, I uh, I don't know. I mean, I'm sorry, I don't know. It just happened. Like, um, reflex."

"Reflex?" I questioned. "You always undress a guy before he showers?" I asked more in amusement than in anger.

He flushed further.

"Hey man, I was just kidding," I said, starting to feel bad.

"No it's cool. But um, well, I just should have said something sooner."

"Sooner?" I asked still feeling confused. Shit, did alcohol make me dumber too?

"That I'm also gay," he said almost apologetically.

I frowned. "Well, it's cool that you wanted to wait to tell me, but I am curious as to why you didn't tell me before? You know I'd have no problem with it."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but you were so down because of your boyfriend troubles. I didn't wanna jump in and rejoice in the fact that we had our sexual preference in common. It just didn't seem like the time."

"I suppose," I said slowly.

He blushed again. "But sorry about trying to undress you. It really was reflex."

"You sure it wasn't some subconscious desire to see me naked?" I asked with a smile.

He turned as a red as a tomato. "I'll let you shower," he said before walking out. "Oh and to answer your question: yes."

My eyes widened and I laughed as I closed the door and locked it, before stripping completely.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" I asked as we grabbed some pizza.

He shook his head. "I dated a bit in high school, but ah, nothing ever worked out. Nowadays, I feel ready to have an actual relationship, given that I find someone I want to be with."

I nodded. "I understand."

"So, you think I'm cute?" John asked and I looked at him in surprise.


"Do you?" he grinned expectantly, trying to make his face appear cute.

I laughed and leaned backwards in my chair. "Umm."

He swatted my arm playfully.

"Yeah," I said. "I did. I do," I corrected.

"Really?" he asked happily.

"I noticed you while you worked. For one thing, you were always looking over," and I dodged his hand as he tried to pinch me again. "And I noticed you had a nice smile and nice eyes."

John nodded in satisfaction. "Ok. Good."

I continued eating, feeling especially hungry after my hang over.

John shot glances at me and finally broke the silence.

"I think you're cute," he said softly.

I looked at him and smiled. "I know. I'm a good looking guy."

John looked stunned at my response and I laughed. "We're good looking guys," I said and shrugged.

"What does your boyfriend look like?" he asked.

"Hot," I said smiling. "I only have the best," I joked. I took a sip of soda. "Seriously though, I think he's gorgeous."

"You should if you're dating him," he pointed out.

"It's not just his looks; he has an amazing personality and is so sweet and smart and shy and hardworking. That combined with his looks just makes him, like wow," I smiled dreamily. "But he's buff, and tall, like 6'3, tan, curly brown hair and big blue eyes." I sighed. "I miss him."

John smiled. "Summer will be here soon. You'll see him before you know it. Until then, hang out with me and concentrate on school."

I nodded.

"Hey, wanna watch a movie later, at my house or do you have to do work?" John asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle. What kinda movie?" I asked.

"I like horror movies. You?"

"I don't watch a lot of movies, so I guess I'm down for anything," I said.

"No movies? What a dork," he snorted.

"Hey! I just don't watch movies!"

"Kidding," he stated. "I have the Texas Chainsaw Massacre at home. The remake of the original as well as the prequel. Wanna see?" he asked.


"Lots of blood and gore and all that shit, yeah!" he said enthusiastically.

"Gross," I wrinkled my nose.

"Come on, in real life you have to be all nice and polite and law-abiding, and blah, blah, blah," John rolled his eyes, "But in movies, you can enjoy violence and murder and all that shit. It's fantasy."

"Umm, yeah, you're freaking me out," I said inching away from him jokingly.

"Come on. It's fast action," he pleaded, shooting me puppy eyes.

I sighed. "Oh alright, fine."

"Actually horror movies freak me out, but I still like them. I'm a glutton for punishment," he said. "I also get startled easily."

"One time I was babysitting this little boy and after I put him to bed, I fell asleep on the couch. His parents came home around midnight and snuck into the house, because they didn't want to wake me up. Anyway, I'm a light sleeper and heard their presence or whatever, and I started screaming. And I mean screaming. Like loud as hell. I woke up the poor boy and I was surprised the neighbors didn't call the police," John explained.

I cracked up laughing. Not at the story per se, but at his expression.

"Another time, my Mom came into my room, in the dark, no less. By the way, who does that? Usually, you turn the light on or something, right? So I wake up and see this dark figure near my bed and scream. I scream like a banshee! Then she screams and we're both screaming, and my grandmother comes running in, probably thinking someone is trying to kill me!"

"You're crazy man," I said shaking my head. "I don't watch movies like that because I don't want to get scared. And I have a younger brother, like three and I can't have him screaming with nightmares."

"Wow, that's a young brother," John said.

"Yeah, my Mom's second marriage," I explained briefly.

"I'm an only child. I would love to have a sibling. It gets boring and lonely sometimes," John said.

"I love having Teddy. He's so young and sometimes he can be demanding, as a small child, but he's so cute and sweet and lovable. I love doting on him and spending time with him, especially later on, during his impressionable years."

"Sounds adorable," John commented. "Maybe one day I can meet him."

"Sure," I said smiling.

The rest of our lunch was spent talking and just making random conversation.

John was a really hilarious guy and I had trouble eating the rest of my meal.

"God Kevin, are you done masticating yet?" he joked. "What's taking so long?" he asked as I chewed my third slice of pizza.

I almost choked on my food. "What?"

"Look at you," he said in mock disgust, "Masticating in public. In front of everyone. You little deviant."

I cracked up.

"It's ok, don't feel bad," John went on with a solemn expression. "I masticate all the time. Anywhere and everywhere."

I squeezed my eyes shut, silently laughing, so I wouldn't attract too many stares from other diners.

"I masticate at home, in school, AND even," he paused dramatically. "At work," he said in a grave tone. "Especially in the bakery area," he said, his eyes darting around furtively, as if he were divulging some great secret.

"Ohmigod, John, you gotta stop," I said.

"I masticate constantly at work, while I'm making drinks, baking bread, working the cashier, and the people I work with, they do it also!" he exclaimed.

I couldn't stop laughing. "You are hilarious!"

"You think so?" he said thoughtfully.


He nodded. "Hmm. Good to know. But seriously, done eating yet?" he winked as he checked his watch. "I want to get to those horror movies. Need to see some people die!" he slashed his hands in the air.

I stuffed the remainder of my pizza in my mouth and nodded.

"Let's bounce," I said, but it came out muffled.

"Oh god, oh god, she's gonna die, she's gonna die! LOOK OUT!" John screamed at the television as he curled into my body on the couch.

I instinctively put my arm around him. I looked at him in amusement. He really got into the movie!

"Why are people so stupid! You leave your friend behind and save yourself. Leave the bitch! Save yourself!" he yelled at the screen.

My phone started ringing and I fished it out of my pocket. I saw that it was Gray and I smiled in excitement.

"One minute," I told John. "Keep watching," I said.

I moved to a corner of the kitchen. "Hi baby," I murmured.

"Hey Kevin," Gray said. "Just thought I'd call you. I felt like I haven't spoken with you in a long time."

"Not that long," I said casually.

"Didn't you miss me?"

"Hmm, a little."

"Just a little?" Gray asked.

"Who am I kidding? I missed you like crazy!" I exclaimed.

Gray laughed. "I missed you too. Which is why I had to call."

"Where are you now?" I asked.

"The guys are at the pool. I'm in the hotel, taking a break," he said. "How are you?"

"Fine," I said. "Watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

"Really? You never watch movies," he commented. "Especially horror ones. You hate them."

"Yeah, I'm branching out," I said. "Trying to fit in. Peer pressure and all that."

"Good for you," he teased. "Me proud. Does that mean we can watch them together?"

"Mm, maybe. As long as Teddy's not around," I replied. I paused. "You having fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, the guys are crazy."

"Being good?" I asked in a low tone, involuntarily tensing.

"For you, always," Gray whispered back. "I love you. If I had more alone time, I'd say we should engage in some phone sex." His voice was playful and I couldn't help smiling.

I blushed at his comment. "Me too. Miss you."

"Kevin, get your ass over here! You're missing some massive bloodshed!" John called out.

"Who's that?" Gray asked.

"My friend. I'm watching the movie at his place, or his Mom's place. He goes to Princeton with me," I replied.

"Oh," Gray said. There was a long pause and I almost wasn't sure if he was still on the line. "When did you meet him?"

"Not too long ago. He works at Paneras and I'm always there studying. One day he gave me a free brownie," I said. "We've hung out occasionally since then. Right now we're doing a horror movie marathon."

"Kevin!" John cried out.

"Hold on!" I told him laughing when I noticed he was hugging the couch cushion. What a baby.

"Is he gay?" Gray blurted out.

"Um, yeah," I said hesitantly.

"Shit. Does he like you?" Gray asked and I could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"Gray, he knows I have a boyfriend. I told him right off the bat, ok? He's just a good friend," I said gently, although it made me feel good that he was a teensy bit jealous.

He grunted. Then there was a long pause. He finally sighed. "There I go being jealous again. I loathe myself."

I laughed. "Hey! I get jealous all the time! I'm jealous at the fact that you're partying in Cancun with a bunch of guys and girls. That really drives me crazy."

He let out a breath. "I guess we're even then," he sighed. "And I haven't done anything with anyone, ok? I'm the guy that wants to be single and is friends with girls, but that's it, you know? You know, that guy among the group."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm gonna head back out to the pool. We're just relaxing and the girls wanna sunbathe. Girls," he snorted. He took a deep breath, "I love you. I just wanted to tell you that."

I smiled. "I love you too," I murmured as a warm feeling spread through me. It was nice to know that amidst all his fun, Gray had not forgotten about me. Then again, he damn well better not, otherwise there'd be hell to pay!

"Bye baby. Call you when I get back," he promised.

"Ok, enjoy the rest of your trip," I said and then I made an exaggerated kissing sound, causing Gray to laugh.

I shoved the phone into my pocket and rejoined John on the couch.

"Thank God you're back!" John said dramatically.

I sat on the couch and he inched closer, snuggling into me as his eyes were riveted on the screen.

I smiled and shook my head.

Next: Chapter 9

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