True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Oct 31, 2007


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Chapter 9

"Ohmigod! I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!" I nearly shouted with excitement and glee as I laid on top of Gray and smothered his face with kisses.

Gray laughed as his arms came around my waist.

"I thought you were coming here on the weekend!" I said in mock anger as I pecked his lips.

He laughed more and squeezed me tighter. "That's the point of surprises, baby. You're not supposed to know every little detail!"

I nipped his neck and he groaned.

"And my Mom was in on it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gave her the heads up. Said I wanted to spend the day with you since we haven't seen each other face to face in such a long time," Gray said rubbing his hands beneath my shirt.

Damn, his hands felt good on me.

I sighed and smiled. "I love my Mom."

"I love your Mom too," he chirped playfully and I leaned down to kiss him, slipping my tongue inside his mouth, where his tongue instantly met mine.

The first year of college was officially over and Gray and I had survived it. Now we had the entire summer to ourselves, practically three and half months together and I was looking forward to it.

No more longing, no more insane worrying or jealousy. I could spend a fair amount of time with Gray every week.

I was definitely in better spirits these days.

School was fun and I had become good friends with John as well as some of the other kids he worked with. I had a group to hang out with now and I wasn't so lonely, but hell, school was hard and time consuming and stressful. Final exams were a bitch and I was just glad to be over and done with that shit and now I could relax.

After making out for a bit, I pulled back and stared into Gray's beautiful face.

"So what do you feel like doing?" I asked.

"I don't know. Wanna get something to eat or go to the beach?" he asked.

I shook my head and got off of him. I took his hand. "I want to go to my room," I said meaningfully and Gray smiled.

"I'd love to go to your room, Mr. Lee," Gray said as he grasped my hand tightly and followed me up the stairs.

As soon as we made it to my room, I flew onto my bed and Gray jumped on top of me. I laughed and spread my legs to wrap them around his waist as my fingers curled in his hair. I pulled his head down so I could kiss him.

He was already hard, as was I and I started humping him.

"Horny for me?" Gray panted in between kisses.

"Always," I replied mashing our mouths together.

I ran my hands over his back and shoulders, missing the feel of his strong body. So big and muscular. His hands made their way to my jeans and I felt his fingers working the button and pulling on the zipper. I sighed and lifted my ass up to help him.

I groaned. "After we have sex, like, ten times, then we can go eat and hit the beach." I sucked on his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist as I pulled his shirt over his head.

"Sounds good baby," he said before forcing my mouth open and thrusting his tongue in deeply.

I moaned into the kiss.

"Why is she coming along?" Gray whined as we waited for Bill and Cara to arrive.

Gray and I were meeting up with Bill in the city to get something to eat. We were already in the city, having seen Stomp. Along the way, Bill told me he ran into Cara and after mentioning he was meeting me to eat, he felt weird so he asked her to come along. Naturally she agreed.

"I don't know," I said smiling in amusement at his disgruntled expression. "Bill is a really nice guy."

"She's going to ruin my night," Gray pouted, folding his arms.

"She's actually really nice, except for the constantly hitting on me part," I said. "We have the same friends and in a way, we go way back."

He glared at me.

I laughed. "Stop being so jealous! You know I love you!"


"We're not doing this right now. We both admit to have jealously issues. Let's leave it at that, ok?"

"Fine," Gray said curtly. His jaw was still clenched and he was staring at the masses of people.

I discreetly ran my hand along his side to his hip, and he glanced at me. I smiled adoringly and his expression softened.

"Fine," he sighed. "I'll be civil."

"Of course you would. You're a gentlemen."

"Hmm," Gray shrugged and I nudged him playfully.


I turned at the sound of my name and saw Bill. He was grinning and waving wildly. I waved back. Cara was following behind him. She looked different. He hair wasn't dyed a funny brown or orange or bleached yellow. She wore less makeup and actually looked really pretty. And her clothes were nice- a shirt, jeans, and sandals and shades and her hand bag.

"How's my boy?" Bill asked grinning and he slapped my back.

"Awesome, as usual," I said smartly. I turned to Cara. "How's it going, Cara?"

"It's going ok. Glad summer is here," she said. "Hi," she said to Gray.

Gray smiled and nodded at her.

I eyed Cara, noticing not only her look was different, but also her demeanor. Normally she'd be jumping on me and squealing like an idiot, being all flirty. Now she was treating me like a pal and actually have a normal conversation.

"Cara, you look good," I commented.

Cara smiled; I could feel the heat of Gray's gaze.

"Thanks," she said bowing her head. "I decided to go back to my natural look."

"It looks good," I said smiling.

"That's what I said," Bill said grinning widely at Cara and she smiled shyly before looking away.

I snuck a glance at Bill and noticed he couldn't take his eyes off Cara. I think someone had a crush. I nudged Gray and nodded at Bill and Cara. He looked confused for a second, then a look of understanding crossed his features.

"Awesome," Gray mouthed to me.

Bill snapped out of his trance or whatever and looked at me and Gray. "Where do you wanna eat?" he asked.

"Anywhere. I'm just hungry," I said.

"Gray, you cool with Chinatown?" Bill asked.

"Sure," Gray answered shrugging.

We chatted on the way to the train and while we were riding the train- just catching up on stuff, college tales and all that shit. Nothing major. For once, I was with Cara and not feeling uncomfortable. It was actually a relaxed atmosphere and even Gray and Cara were talking about teaching. She was doing education herself, initially she was going to do accounting, but decided against it.

"Me and numbers do not mix. You'd think cause I'm Asian I would, but not the case," she said laughing.

When we got to the restaurant, we were seated quickly and within minutes had ordered a bunch of dishes for all of us to share. We let Cara order- being the lady of the group.

I love Chinese restaurants. The service was so fast. Even the waiters were fast- they chucked like five different dishes onto our table. They didn't even lay it down, just tossed it like a Frisbee. Awesome.

All of us dug into the food. Cara, Bill, and I were furiously using our chopsticks but poor Gray was having some trouble.

"You Chinese people. Or Asian people. Gotta make everything so damn difficult. You're superior- we get it!" he muttered to himself, but we all overheard him and started cracking up. "No wonder all you guys are so skinny. It takes ten years to eat a meal!"

"Fork," I called out to our waiter in Chinese and he nodded. Moments later, Gray was presented with a fork, to his relief.

"Thanks," Gray said. I smiled at him.

The meal was great. We finished most of it, but opted not to tote around leftovers all over the city. We planned to hang out and explore, chill, so carrying food wouldn't be fun.

Bill announced he had to go to the bathroom; Gray followed suit. Cara and I sat behind.

"Hey, how's your cousin?" I asked, suddenly thinking of Mark.

Cara looked startled, then looked at me, almost studying me. In that instance, I felt discomfort for the first time, in her presence tonight. There was something in her eyes- she knew something and it made me scared. Which it shouldn't; Cara wasn't a malicious girl.

"He's good," she replied nonchalantly. "Actually, he doesn't live with me anymore. Got into some trouble."

"Trouble?" I asked.

"Yeah, some petty theft. Vandalism. I think he actually stole a car, but technically, the keys were in it beforehand," Cara said. "Mark has problems. Always has and always will. People like him won't ever change, because deep down he doesn't want to."

"So where is he now?"

"Actually serving time. We got him a good lawyer. You know, family. So after serving eight months, with possibility of reduced time for good behavior, he can be out. But he also has to do community service. Either way, he's not staying with us anymore. My Mom got so pissed."

"Wow," I said in a soft voice.

"If I had known you two were involved, I would have warned you about him," Cara said casually.

"What?" I blurted out, looking at her. Did I just hear her correctly.

She looked at me and smiled gently. "Kevin. I know."

She knew. Her simple words held so much meaning.

I tried to find my voice and form words, but it took a lot longer than I expected.

"What?" I finally managed to squeak out. "When? How? When?!?" I was getting hysterical.

Cara looked startled and looked around as my voice got higher and higher.

"Calm down Kevin," she said reassuringly.

"When?" I demanded again. "How long have your known?"

"Not too long. Maybe at the end of the summer, when you graduated," Cara admitted. "Before Mark went to jail, he was drunk a lot and home a lot. He started talking about you. How you guys were together. How you were gay and did stuff," she finished, looking uncomfortable. I flushed, knowing what `stuff' she was referring to.

"At first I didn't believe him," Cara went on, "But then how else would he have known you and the details of your life. Like what classes you took, about your brother Teddy and then spending all your time with Gray. Speaking of Gray, he's here now, so you're with him, yes?"

Again I was at a loss for words.

"Umm, I, well," I sputtered, afraid to out Gray.

She smiled. "Kevin, stop. I'm not yelling or carrying a torch right? Obviously it doesn't bother me. Mark is gay! And despite being a wild guy, he's pretty cool, as a cousin that is. Plus, I didn't tell anyone, if that's what you're all panicked about."

I blushed. "I was just paranoid. If you knew, I was afraid you'd tell all my friends and then things would get weird at school. You know, high school shit."

She nodded. "At first I was pissed you didn't tell me. I mean," it was her turn to blush. "I was constantly hitting on you and all along you were just putting up with it, too nice to say anything. I bet you were laughing at my expense."

"Cara, I never," I said. "Honestly. You're really cool."

She smiled. "Thanks."

Bill and Gray were walking back to our table. I quickly nudged her.

"I think Bill likes you. He's been checking you out and even before, he was a little jealous that you were hitting on me. You know, the gay one," I whispered rolling my eyes good-naturedly.

She smiled and her eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Definitely," I said in a conspirator tone.

"I always thought he was cute and really nice," she murmured, biting her lip.

I smiled and nudged her stomach. "Then have fun, girl."

Cara giggled at my use of the word, `girl'.

"What are you guys talking about?" Gray asked suspiciously, observing our matching smiles. Even Bill looked curious.

"Nothing," I answered quickly and Cara giggled, causing Gray and Bill to stare at us.

We paid our check and Cara looked happy and was sticking to Bill's side, who of course looked pleased. My best friend looked giddy and I couldn't helping grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What's with the dorky smile?" Gray murmured in my ear. I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Bill and Cara," I replied quietly and Gray looked at my friends.


"You're just happy she's away from me," I said.

"You know me so well baby," Gray answered instantly.

I burst into laughter as he smiled affectionately at me.

What a night.

The rest of May passed quickly. Gray and I definitely made up for lost time. I never had so much sex in my life. I didn't know my body could produce so much sperm. Luckily I had youth on my side.

June was progressing at an even faster rate. It was almost the end of the month and Gray and I had both resumed our jobs, and between hanging out with our own set of friends, as well as with each other, the summer was slipping away.

I smiled as I watched Gray scrubbing my car with a sponge, his bare chest wet with water and suds. His skin was so tan and as he moved I could see his muscles shifting beneath his skin. God, I had the hottest fucking boyfriend on the face of the earth. Who would have thought? Me, Kevin Lee, average height, average build, with a wide mouth and goofy smile could get such a perfect looking guy?

"Ugh, it's hot!" Gray groaned, grabbing the hose and spraying his face, causing his dark curls to stick to his forehead. "Ahh," he sighed. "Better."

I giggled and Gray looked at me. He sprayed me and the water was cold! I yelped in surprise.

"That's what you get for just standing there and watching ME wash YOUR car! Something ain't right with this picture!" he exclaimed and I laughed.

"It's cause you love me. You'll do anything for me, including washing my car!" I shot back.

Gray shrugged and smiled. "I guess. Damn."

I walked closer to him and quickly kissed his cheek, not wanting to attract too much attention since we were outside.

"Thank you," I said softly and he smiled at me, wiping his hair out of his eyes.

"I was kidding. I love doing things for you," he murmured, rubbing my stomach with his fingers. I smiled and my skin tingled where he touched me.

I sighed. "You know, I'm going to miss this."

"Miss what?" he asked.

"When we go back to school and I won't see you for four months," I said in a resigned tone.

Gray gaped at me. "Kevin! Are you seriously thinking that far ahead? It's not even July yet! We have two months to spend together."

I smiled sheepishly.

"Something is wrong in that head of yours. How do you jump that far ahead? I just don't understand," he said shaking his head comically.

I laughed. "Hey, this is how I am! I always think ahead. I always think of the negatives."

"You gotta fix that," Gray said grinning at me. "I'm having fun with you now and we'll deal with next year when we get there."

"This is why we're good for each other. We balance one another," I said.

"Yeah, crazy," he pointed at me, "And sane," he finished pointing at himself.

I poked him and he laughed.

"Water, water!" Teddy shouted as he came running towards us. I saw my Mom walking briskly behind him.

I smiled at my Mom. She loved to go for walks and drag Teddy along, claiming fresh air and exercise was good for him. She used to do that to me when I was younger. Tradition, if you will.

"It's hot!" he cried out as he ran up to Gray and spread his arms out. "Spray me!" he ordered.

Gray laughed and looked at my Mom for approval. She nodded.

Gray applied light pressure to the handle on the hose and a light spray of water shot onto Teddy's face. Teddy smiled and sighed.

"More!" Teddy pouted, bouncing on his feet. Gray then shifted the position of the hose directly over his head, and more water shot out this time, drenching my brother's small head. He shouted and I chuckled at the tiny child. "I'm all wet," Teddy stated looking himself over with disbelief.

"You sure are," I said affectionately, scooping him into my arms. I cuddled the wet boy. "Drippy baby," I murmured rubbing my face into his wet hair. Teddy smiled at me and closed his eyes, getting comfortable in my arms, stretching out.

"Mom, why do you torture this little angel by walking in this crippling heat?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's not that hot and you know I don't believe in being cooped in the house all day," she responded.

"I know, I know."

I rocked Teddy in my arms and he giggled, clutching my hair.

"Want to help me wash my car?" I asked Teddy.

"Ok!" Teddy shouted excitedly.

"Kevin, you're terrible," Gray said. "Lazy butt."

I stuck my tongue out at him as I handed Teddy to my Mom.

"You go and have an ice pop, little bear," I said to Teddy. Teddy waved wildly to Gray as he was carried inside the house.

I sighed. "Sucks my Mom and brother are home. I'm horny. I wanted to have sex."

Gray's eyes widened at my statement, that seemed to come out of nowhere. I grinned sweetly. I loved shocking him.

His next action caused my to start laughing hysterically. He aimed the nozzle of the hose at his crotch and doused himself with cold water.

He groaned and hopped on his feet, squeezing his eyes shut. When he reopened them, he looked at me. "Ok, not hard anymore. Not really good to strike a boner in broad daylight, outside your house, where your Mom and baby brother are chilling just a few feet inside!"

I tried to smother my laughter but was having difficulty.

"Jeez Kev, you can't say shit like that," he shook his head in amusement.

"Can't help it. It's how I'm feeling," I stated. "I want to try to get in as much sex as possible, to hold me over during the semester."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't think it works that way."

I pouted. "Well, you're going to a Fourth of July barbeque with your family, like last year, so we won't get to be together for a few days. I'll miss you."

"Don't you do anything for the Fourth of July?" Gray asked.

I shrugged. "Depends if anyone has anything going on. Bill doesn't do anything. Maybe I can hang with John and his Mom. They're such hippies and they always do alternative things. Like one Halloween, they baked batches and batches of cupcakes and distributed them door by door. Maybe it will be fun with him. I could get Bill to come along too," I murmured, lost in my thoughts.

A sponge hit my face and I glared at Gray. "What the hell?"

"I'm not too comfortable with you hanging out with another gay dude. There's potential for something-something," he said.

"No way," I said. "John isn't like that. He won't hit on me. We're friends."

"I think you spend way too much time with him. And have way too much fun with him," Gray said his eyes narrowing. "It's John this and John that and something funny John said and did. No guy wants to hear his boyfriend go on and on about how great another dude is."

"Oh please. This jealously thing again. If you start with that, I'll start with my shit and then we'll be arguing all afternoon," I said folding my arms.

"Me hanging with girls and straight guys is different," he argued. "There's no attraction there. No chance at all. You, a gay guy, hanging with another gay guy, that's just asking for trouble. What if you hang out with him a lot more and then you start developing feelings for him too? What if you fall for him cause he's, I don't know, funnier than me?"

"Funnier than you?" I asked smiling. "Seriously?"

"You know what I mean," he said in exasperation. "That's the first thought that came to mind."

"Not to worry. He's already funnier than you and I'm still with you," I emphasized `still'.

"Kevin," he growled.

"He's my friend. I need him. I keep my sanity and mood up with him around. Otherwise I'd be so depressed about being away from you," I said. "You want me to be depressed all the time?"

"Of course not," Gray said defensively. "I just, well, I worry too, you know! You may think I'm all confident and stuff, but that doesn't mean I don't get scared. Relationships are always so difficult, no matter our age or sexual preferences. I know we're committed, Kevin, but when you're spending a lot of time with someone that you already like as a friend, that could escalate into something, if even by accident," he finished.

I sighed. "I guess you're right." I looked at him helplessly. "Listen Gray, we're always gonna be jealous of who we're each hanging out with. How do I know you won't get drunk and accidentally have sex with a girl or another guy? I don't know what to say. I love you and want to be with you, but maybe this is too hard for the both of us and maybe it will end up tearing us apart. Remember how I said we should split amicably as opposed to fighting and breaking up. I mean, we're not breaking up now, but look at us, always getting jealous. Shit," I rambled.

"Kevin," Gray said coming closer. "We're not breaking up."

"But I can tell the distance is getting to us," I said. "It's only been a year!"

"Kevin. We can do this!" Gray insisted. "I don't want to break up," he said looking slightly panicked.

"Me neither," I whined softly.

Gray smiled softly and shook his head at me. "My little worry wart," he said.

"Do you ever think we'll break up?" I asked softly. "I mean, nothing lasts forever."

"I don't think that far ahead Kevin. I'm with you now and enjoying being together. That's all I can say," he answered. "I hate to wonder if we'll last. That's a lot of pressure."

"I know," I said. `I can't help it. I think too much."

"Perils of being Asian, huh?" Gray teased. "An overactive brain?"

I nudged him and he grasped my wrist briefly.

"Let's finish washing your car, ok?" he asked. "No more of this talk. Then we can figure out how to find some alone time for some," he paused.

"Nooky?" I asked giggling.

"Sure," he said smiling at me lovingly. He thrust the sponge in my hands. "But you have to help," he said with mock sternness.

"Fine," I said in mock annoyance grabbing the sponge.

Gray and I were huddled on the couch, eating panini sandwiches from Barnes Noble, cupcakes with butter cream frosting, and drinking coffee drinks while Bill talked with us from the kitchen. He and Teddy were eating noodles while we waited for my Mom to get home from work.

Bill was really excited that Cara and him were going on their first date the following weekend.

"So glad she finally found out you're gay," Bill announced. "Now she's able to see me, instead of zoning in on you all the time."

I snorted. "Whatever. You could have manned up and told her you liked her."

"I could never get to her. She was always glued to your side whenever we went to her parties. Besides, we weren't tight enough to hang out one on one."

"You like her a lot, huh?" Gray asked in amusement.

"Yeah," Bill said. "We have a lot in common."

"She's much hotter these days," I said. "Ouch!" I looked at Gray. "Why'd you hit me?"

"Sorry, it was reflex. Don't like it when you talk about how hot girls are, especially Cara."

"Why Cara?" Bill asked.

"Because it's the whole history of her jumping my bones every time she saw me," I said dismissively.

"No worries Gray," Bill said. "This guy is super gay. He'd never get it up for Cara, or any other girl."

I glared at Bill as he and Gray started laughing. I promptly stood up and walked over to Bill and Teddy.

"Not hanging out with you two anymore," I stuck my tongue out and picked up Teddy into my lap.

Teddy looked up at me, with his round eyes and cute face as he slurped noodles into his mouth, chopsticks in his tiny hand. I smiled at him and hugged him tighter against me. "Gonna hang out with my favorite person," I said kissing the top of his head. "You're sweet and don't make fun of me," I mock glared at my boyfriend and best friend. "Unlike some people!"

"Oh don't be a baby," Gray said rolling his eyes before blowing me a kiss.

When I still refused to come back over he winked. "I'll make it up to you when we're," he coughed. "Alone."

Bill groaned. "Eww. Guys. That's not right, man. That's not right."

Gray and I started laughing.

"You got yourself a deal, baby," I told Gray, blowing him back a kiss.

Bill groaned again.

Next: Chapter 10

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