Truth Prevails

By Anonymous Anonymous

Published on Oct 19, 2009



Author's Note:

Hey guys! I've been wanting to write for a while, and finally got the inspiration to do so today. I revised this story twice after writing the first draft, so there shouldn't be TOO many typos. Hopefully the plot is intriguing to you, and if so, feel free to send me an e-mail at:

I welcome ideas as well as feedback, but I can't promise that I'll implement your ideas. It can't hurt, though :) Enjoy the story. Hopefully, more chapters to come, depending on if people show enough interest.

I grinned stupidly at my friend Annelie as we joked amongst ourselves, sitting on the stairs of the gargantuan mansion we were in. Winter parties are always the best, but I unfortunately tend to overdrink myself at every single one. Something about all the snow and ice makes me get excited. Don't ask why.

The strong taste of everclear lingered on my tongue, even though it had been about 30 minutes since I had had a drink. At 5'8 and 125lbs, it didn't take much for me to get to feeling the alcohol, and the same could be said for Annelie, who had been my best friend since the beginning of high school. She, however, had been takings shots of whatever she could find, whereas I preferred to mix everclear with fruity drinks and let myself be free.

Techno music reverberated in our ears as we heard faint dancing on the other side of the house. There were so many people at this party that I couldn't get my head around it. Mostly because you'd think people would be going to visit distant relatives or whatever during Winter break, but apparently, that wasn't the case. Thankfully for me, I was cool with most of the people who were there, and the one who I wasn't cool with, I didn't know. So all in all, it made for an enjoyable party.

"Hey shawties!" Angie, a tanned girl with bleach blonde hair, grinned as she came from around the hallway near the dancefloor. She was hanging on the arm of Connor, who was an all American kind of guy with the same shade of blond hair, which complemented his icy blue eyes. Granted, he was just as wasted as we were, so it didn't really do much for his image at the time.

"HEY!" Annelie grinned as though this were the last chance she'd get to see Angie. They sloppily hugged each other and Connor and I just kind of looked at each other. "I think they're a little drunk." he said, making a pinching gesture with his thumb and index fingers. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Right. THEY are the ones who are drunk." I nodded, convincing no one; not even myself.

"Who's drunk?!" Jakub, a short and muscular Czech guy grinned, emerging from the bathroom. Jakub had moved to Washington freshman year, and now, one year later, he was part of our group of friends.

It may have just been water, but it looked like he had pissed himself. I giggled at the sheer stupidity of the situation. Teenagers really do know how to waste their time, whether it's productive, or not.

"Not us!" the girls grinned and high fived each other.

"Not good! Who wants a shot of Tequila!?" he said loudly in his heavy Slavic accent.

"What the hell, man!? You're Czech, not Mexican! Give us something strong that doesn't taste like piss!" Connor said.

"What do Americans know about alcohol!? But fine! Hypnotiq, anyone?"

"If I have one more ounce of alcohol, I'll have to get my stomach pumped for sure." I nodded certainly.

"Don't be a wuss! Come on; first shot's yours!" He said as he poured alcohol out of the elegant bottle. I was really amazed how some alcoholic beverages came in such beautiful bottles. Maybe it's a ploy, but it's soothing.

"To chase or not to chase, that is the question." I said as I walked up to the counter where he was.

"Chase, why not? Wouldn't want you puking your guts out. Get some of this Diet Cherry Pepsi; it kills the taste completely." Angie nodded as though she were an expert at this or something. Which, by the looks of her at that moment, I wouldn't doubt it if she were. I couldn't blame her, though. Who doesn't like alcohol? It allows you to be yourself and not care. You can be a jerk, a sweetheart, anything! Whatever your personality decides.

"Just take it already." Connor bitched, snapping me out of my daydreams.

"Alright." I said as I threw the poison down my throat. I didn't even need a chaser; it tasted so good. I felt like downing it, but that'd be unfair to everyone else, as well as my liver.

"Dayum. Someone call an AA meeting." Jakub snickered as I savoured the taste.

"Shut up and shoot that hypnotiq." I jeered. I probably wouldn't've been so outspoken if I had been sober. But alas, I wasn't, was I?

"Your wish is my command, baby." Jakub whistled as he threw two shots down his throat.

"Hey! Cheater!" Annelie stood up to take the bottle from him. I'm pretty sure at that point in the night and on, nothing was serious anymore.

"I'm the biggest guy here; it takes me more to get fucked up." Jakub said.

"You're already fucked up!" I said. "And self-centered." I added with a smirk.

"I am NOT drunk!" he said shortly, before nearly falling over. He neglected to deny his egotism.

Our jests and fucking about continued well into the night, and it was around three or four when people, including Angie, Annelie, and Connor started passing out. "We're gonna go on up and take some beds before they're all gone." they said as bade them good night.

I was laying on the ground while Jakub was on the couch, and we just lay there and talked for hours, about nothing in particular. That's another thing about being drunk.. everything is interesting. We discussed things like whether pink lemonade was better than regular lemonade, if we preferred our popcorn buttered, and then more serious things.

"Do you miss your home country?" I asked him randomly, after a small spell of silence.

"Sometimes, I guess." he said, scratching his stomach. "It's a lot smaller than America. But, over there, it's more serious.. I never went to any huge parties like this there. More crime, too, I suppose. Maybe that's just because I come from Prague."

Silence followed, but neither of us slept. I didn't even notice that a girl and a guy, presumably seniors, were in the room until the guy dramatically tripped on himself and spilt beer all over my shirt and face as the beer can flew out of his hand. The guy was about twice my size. I wasn't about to pick a fight with him, but that didn't mean Jakub wasn't, who, granted, was substantially larger than me. Alright, I guess I'll admit; I'm kind of a wuss. I don't have the balls to sock a guy out if he's bigger than me. If Jakub hadn't been there, I would have acted like I was too drunk to care. But thankfully, he was.

"What the fuck, dude?" Jakub said, getting up faster than I would have thought a drunk could.

The couple laughed, clearly as wasted as we were, but they were beyond reality.

"Is this funny to you?" Jakub walked up to the guy and looked him straight in the face with his piercing green eyes. Jakub wasn't scrawny like me, at all. Okay, he wasn't that tall. I was 5'8, and he was 5'9. But, he was an avid practiser of Brazilian Ju-jitsu. I know; I didn't know it was practicsed there, either.

"Well, yeah." The dude laughed, obviously not paying attention. Jakub grabbed the guy's arm and horse kicked him in the back of his knee, causing the dude to fall on his frontside instantly. I winced as I saw Jakub's conditioned calves flex as his leg collided with the other guys'. He grabbed a beer can from a nearby table, got on top of the guy and straddled him, and pouring the budweiser all over his head.

"I can see why you'd think it's funny." Jakub said as the beer fell freely through the guy's hair and clothes, as Jakub stood up and looked down on the guy who was groaning in pain. "Bitch."

This whole situation, at the time, was rather blurry to me, 'cause I was almost to the point of no return. But, how could I possibly forget Jakub taking off his black tanktop, which was under his dark blue hoodie, and wiping my face clean of the beer. Thankfully, none got in my hair. Wow, that sounded really gay.

"You can't just do that, you asshole." The girl snapped.

"Obviously I can! Maybe I've taught your boytoy not to be a douchbag for now on." Jakub sneered as he stood up again and looked at her in the eye, purposely flexing his quads for the girl to see.

"You are so stuck up. You think you're a hardass just because you're a sophomore now, but just wait; it's not that easy. You'll see."

"You think your words are gonna hurt me? This protects my body," he said, as he punched his abs, "And this protects my feelings." he said, tracing his heart on his chest. "So try your shit on someone else."

"Whatever. Are you gonna hit me now?" she said with a holier-than-thou tone as she helped her boyfriend up.

"You're just getting your boyfriend in deeper shit. I can hit a lot harder than you think." he said angrily, slamming his fist into his other hand.

"Yeah, we get it; you're a bigshot. We're leaving." she flipped her hair. Did this girl have an inferiority complex, or something?

"Why'd you have to be so mean?" the drunk guy said, looking at Jakub before leaving. Yeah, he was definitely smashed. No doubt about it.

"You didn't have to do that." I said meekly, somewhat embarassed as he wiped the last trace of beer foam from my cheek with his black tanktop.

"What're friends for? Besides, I kind of liked doing it. It made me feel good, but that might just be the alcohol talking."

'Nah, that was all you man. You're a real great friend, you know."

"Friends like you are more rare than friends like me, Duncan. I'm glad to know you."

"I'd love to tell you how awesome it was to hear that, but I feel myself falling out of consciousness."

"You can't tell me you're sleeping on the floor."

"I am sleeping on the-"

"Nah you're not." he said, as his words began to slur. It sounded like he was close to crashing as well.

"Jak-" I started as he lifted me up by my waist and set me on the couch he was lying on.

"Haha, dude, you Americans are so queasy. I'm straight, you're gay; it's not like you're jacking me off. We're just sleeping on the same couch 'cause there's no where else to sleep. Besides, on a cold night like this, you can't be sleeping on the floor."

"Uh, okay." I shrugged. He let me have the side facing the back of the couch, so I didn't have to worry about falling off. It wasn't particularly large, so Jakub slept facing my back. He was careful not to get too close to my, well, ass; man would that have been awkward. But, we were too drunk to care about anything, and as such, we both fell asleep right as we hit the couch.

I woke up at about five in the morning and had to piss like a racehorse. When I tried to get up, I couldn't. 'Uh..' I thought to myself, looking down. Jakub had apparently wrapped his legs, thighs and all, around my chest while he slept, presumably to keep himself from falling off, and I felt myself being lightly squeezed as he slept. In this particular situation, there wasn't much I could do but observe a few things. One, he had abnormally large feet. I thought my size 11 was big for a 15 year old, but his must have been a size 14 or 15. And you know what they say about big feet... big socks. Number two, either I had a very skinny chest, or he had really strong legs. Probably both. Number three, he had very dark, brown leg hair, which went well with the black hair on his head. And number four; his body, particularly his pits and feet, excreted a very strong, musky scent. It wasn't bad; not at all. It just totally dwarfed the room we were in.

I tried to push his legs off of me, but to no avail. "Uh, Jakub?" I shook him.

"Mmpf." he barely said. He was so far gone, there's no way he was gonna wake up now. I didn't want to piss myself if I could help, so I seized my opportunity and grabbed a bra that was hanging over the arm of the sofa. I soaked the thing and threw it behind the couch and breathed a sigh of relief. Some girl was gonna be very pissed tomorrow, but I didn't care. I quickly fell asleep again, but not before letting myself sink lower so that my head rested on his large chest. I didn't see anything, 'cause he had his large hoodie on still, but I still felt his hard muscles and their warmth from under it. They say that alcohol brings out the true side of people, and if this was Jakub's true side, then I figured we'd have to attend a lot more parties this winter break, because nothing but ecstasy filled me as I drifted off into a black haze of sleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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