Tuckers Cub

By PapaWereBear

Published on Sep 29, 2010


Tucker's Cub? By Papa Werebear

This is (obviously) a work of fiction, and no real persons or events are depicted. As in my other werebear stories, safe sex practices are not depicted; but in real life, get tested and always play safe. If you have comments, you can contact the author: PapaWereBear papawerebear69@yahoo.com

At eighteen I wanted to leave this little town, I wanted to get as far from it as I possibly could. Problem was, I didn't have any money and no prospects of earning any to leave. Little towns like this are bigger on population than they are on available jobs.

The fact that everyone at school had found out I was gay when Randy Weimar broke into my locker stole my journal, made copies of the most incriminating pages and posted them on the bulletin boards for everyone to see didn't help. I'd thought that keeping a journal in a backpack in my locker would be relatively safe; nothing online or in a computer to hack. Of course, he claimed he 'found' it, and he did get a slap on the wrist from the principal; but who's going to really punish the guy who could lead the team to the all-state finals over some fag? Once it got out, even though I was as good an athlete as Randy, suddenly my performance on the field, track or court wasn't quite good enough. Coach was homophobic and everyone knew it. Randy was his golden haired boy and now, I was out. I figured Randy would probably go far in politics someday.

That wasn't all. The summer after Randy outed me, I applied for a job at the local grocery store where I'd worked the year before and was turned down. I applied at many different places in town and was met with rejection each time. I could hear doors slamming on me and I knew why. After all, who are the good 'Christian' store owners going to hire to scoop ice cream, bag groceries or flip burgers; me or the all American hetero kid? Yeah, even now there are still places in this country where the boss can decide he doesn't want to hire you simply because you're gay. God knows, you might infect his entire shop with your homosexuality or something.

I suppose I was lucky to not get bashed as many do, but I was a big kid for my age, as big as a full grown man and that still earned a little respect. The fact that I'd been practicing martial arts since I was thirteen also helped. I suppose no one wanted to get their ass kicked by a fag, but the jeers while well out of arm's reach didn't do anything positive for my self-esteem.

Mom was sympathetic, dad was much less so. I guess in the back of his mind he'd written me off years ago when I'd showed interest in men and asked him, in my naive pre-adolescent way, why I couldn't grow up and marry a man. I got a very serious talk about what was right and what was wrong and how I was supposed to behave and that I wasn't to talk to anyone about this sort of thing because it was evil and wrong. I suppose it would have helped if I weren't an only child and the only prospect of the 'family name' living on.

So I had decided that if I was ever going to be anything more than a floor sweeper I'd probably have to move somewhere else, but to do that you have to have some sort of means to accomplish it.

College was out, too expensive for me. I'd considered a military career as a means to that end, but now that was impossible. All it would take would be a peek at my school records or inquiries to teachers or peers and they'd reject me. If there's one truism in life it is this: life is supremely unfair. I had that drilled into my head since I was old enough to speak, it was like a mantra in our house repeated daily by my mother.

In little towns in the middle of our great country not only is there little opportunity for employment much of the time, but there is also very little to do in the off time. Witness the popularity of alcohol, sex and drugs; especially the nasty, relatively inexpensive stuff like meth in these little slices of Americana.

I wasn't interested in alcohol, at least not beer. Sex? Well, what was available was not to my liking. Even if there were guys available, I prefer big hairy guys, Bears! Drugs; no thank you! I'd seen what they did to people around me. The tweakers were perhaps ten years older than me and they already looked used up; and though I personally don't have a problem with people using pot, it just wasn't my idea of fun. Kids I knew who used it were just so obsessed with it. It was like it's all they wanted to do. I didn't want to become that distracted.

So out of sheer boredom I started hanging around in the woods near one of the local truck stops. I started was spending time climbing the trees, making a small camp and just generally hanging out where I wouldn't be bothered.

I'd been doing this for about a month, sometimes sleeping overnight in my little dome tent. My folks weren't that concerned, I was after all almost a man and knew how to defend myself. On one of those nights I was awakened by the sound of someone or something moving around in the woods. I heard someone or something grunting. I quietly unzipped my tent and peered out but saw nothing. I heard a branch snap like it had been stepped on and a rather loud burp and some more grunting. Then there was a splashing sound and I realized it was most likely some guy taking a piss. I got out of the tent and climbed over the little mound of earth between me and the sound, not more than thirty feet away. Hearing another loud burp, I hid behind a tree that didn't completely conceal me.

There in the moonlight, I saw... well at first I thought I saw a bear; but realized what I was looking at was a man, a very big white guy pissing on a tree. He had to be six-nine and at least 3 foot wide. He was huge! His arms and legs were thick with muscle. He was wearing a black tank top and what looked like a black leather head wraps like bikers wear. Other than that he wore jeans and boots of some sort. I saw him from the side, though there wasn't much moonlight reflecting from his exposed skin due to just how incredibly hairy he was. His exposed arms were dark with the amount of hair on them and his face was covered by a thick bushy beard that went very high up his cheeks. I guessed his hair color was black, but in that light it could have been brown. He growled out, "Fuck that feels good!" as he continued to piss.

What I could see of his cock was that even flaccid it was pretty large. I immediately got a hard on, looking at this man. It was like I had filled out an order and someone had delivered my idea of the ideal man. He hadn't given any indication that he'd seen or heard me as he continued to piss. Finally he finished up, tucked himself away and zipped up. He turned and I thought he'd leave but he pulled something out of his back pocket and sat on a nearby rock. Immediately I knew what it was when he raised it to his mouth, bit, spit and then raised a lighter to it. He puffed the cigar into life, took it out of his mouth and blew on the end a few times, then puffed on it again. His back was turned to me, I watched as he gazed up at the stars and enjoyed his cigar.

Without realizing it, I began rubbing my crotch through my shorts, just watching this gorgeous Bear. I was leaking heavily.

I swear I made absolutely no sound and was quite startled and somewhat embarrassed when he said, half turning his head but not looking at me, "So boy? You gonna hide behind that tree all night or are you gonna come over here and be sociable and visit for awhile?"

I didn't answer, I was too frightened.

"C'mon now son, cat got your tongue? I ain't gonna hurt you, come sit on this here rock and talk to ol' Bear Tucker." he rumbled in his bass voice.

I answered, "How long did you know I was here?"

He blew a big jet of smoke and said, "Just 'bout half way through my piss." He took the cigar, flicked ashes off the end and put it back in his mouth, never turning to look at me.

Cautiously I approached. I moved over to the rock and sat. He turned to face me and God but he was handsome in the moonlight, puffing on his cigar. Up close I could see he had a silver patch of beard at his chin. It glinted in the moonlight.

"So," he asked, "what are you doin' hidin' in the woods in the middle of the night? You homeless or somthin'?"

"No, I was just camped here. I like to get away from my folks." I said.

"I see... What's your name?"

"Josh. Josh Sparks."

"How old are you, son?" he looked me square in the eye, assessing me.

"Eighteen." I said simply.

"Damn! You're big for eighteen!" he said and I felt a rush of pride. Somehow, he made me feel good just in the way he said it, "Now, I'm gonna take a big guess here by what I observe just looking at you, and say that you're probably a man who appreciates other men. Am I right?"

"Wuh... N-no!" I said, lying.

"No?" he said, puffing on his cigar. "Hmmm... well I guess I was wrong then."

For some reason, I couldn't just leave it at that. I bowed my head and said, "Yes... yes I do appreciate other men."

I felt his big paw on my shoulder, it startled me. I looked right into his eyes and saw no hint of malice, no look of scorn.

"'s'OK son, they don't call me Bear Tucker for nothin'" a grin split his dark beard. "You ever been with a man?"

"No." I said.

"Would you like to? 'Cause if you would, I'd be glad to be your first. I promise I'll take it slow and easy." he said.

"I don't know." I was frightened by the offer. It was a big step to take.

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want." he said.

He rose and I stood too. He offered his huge paw to shake and I took it. He drew me into a hug and it was the most wonderful hug I'd yet had in my life and then released me.

"If you change your mind, I'm in the white cab with the bear logo on the door, it says Tucker Trucking, Inc. below that. I own my own rig. I'm leaving early in the morning, but if you are still unsure after that and might want to, I come by this place about once a month, 'bout this time. If you see my truck in the lot, come an' knock, you're welcome to spend time with me," he said.

He turned and began walking toward the truck stop, cigar smoke curling behind him in the moonlight as he went.

"By the way, how did you know?" I asked before he got too far.

He stopped, turned and said, "The big wet spot and the huge boner you had, and still have, kinda clued me in, son"

I self consciously covered my front with my hands and he chuckled, a deep rich sound "That and the fact that you stood there a good while just watching a big fat ol' bear takin' a piss. Remember, if you're interested..." he turned letting it trail off and continued walking toward the lot.

I turned and went back to my tent. I lay there for a good hour, listening to the woods, the wind through the trees, hoping I might hear him come back, but he never did. I slept and in the morning I woke with the sun.

I got out of my tent and made my way to the edge of the woods near the lot. I looked through the chain link fence that separated the lot from the wild parcel of wooded land. I searched the lot and saw no white truck for awhile. Finally I spotted one, pulling out onto the highway, but it wasn't Tucker's truck. I felt sad that I'd missed the opportunity I had. I went back to my camp and packed it up to go home, but while I was packing down I became more and more hopeful that I'd meet with Bear Tucker again.

It was a month later, almost to the day. It was early fall and colder in the evenings now. I'd been coming to the edge of the woods and checking for Tucker's truck the last three nights. I'd popped through the cut hole in the chain link fence a couple of times, looked around the lot and went in to the diner and grabbed a Coke or something to look around and see if I could spot him; but though there were some fine looking bearish men there, none of them was Bear Tucker.

It was just after sunset and again, there was a full moon rising in the sky, just like last month. I walked through the woods and as I approached the little hill I'd climbed over that night, I smelled cigar smoke. I crested the hillock and there, sitting on that same rock, dressed just as he was a month before was Tucker, puffing on a nub of a cigar looking in the direction in which I'd come.

He smiled, "Well hello son!"

Something about him calling me 'son' just felt right, better than when my own father said it.

"Hello," I said in return and went to sit beside the big man. He was so furry and in the light that was left in the sky I could see that there were tats on his thick furry arms.

"I guess you're here because you've considered my offer," Bear said as he drew the last drag on his cigar nub and then crushed it beneath his heel.

"I have, but I want to ask you something," I said.

"Ask away, Joshua," he said and I was determined to say everything without stopping until I got it out.

"I've thought about this since you left last month. I don't belong here and I feel like I don't belong anywhere. From the time I was in second grade I've felt like I was always on the outside looking in. I tried to fit in, but I just never did. I know you're the first man who has ever offered to make love with me and perhaps I'm being foolish, but I believe in love at first sight. Perhaps it's stupid and dangerous, but the way I feel, I'd almost rather die than just keep on living the way I am. When I saw you, under the moon, I was so captivated by you. I felt a charge, like electricity running through me and I've never felt that before. I'm not sure, but I think you were offering me more than just sex. I think you were offering a relationship. Were you?" I asked, and hoped.

"Yes, I was offering you more. I think I know what you mean too. When I was young, I never fit in either. What I am offering you is a life... one much different than what you've known or would have ever guessed, but I want, no... I need you to tell me first. I must hear you ask it, because there are things you must know if you are goin' where I think you're goin'" he said.

"All right, then I'll ask it." I paused, I trembled not only from the cold, but from the anticipation. Bear put a great paw on my shoulder and I looked him square in the eyes. "Will you take me away with you, to live with you? Will you be my lover, my husband... my mate?" I asked and I couldn't keep the trembling out of my voice when I said it. I was excited and a bit frightened too. Change is always frightening.

Bear looked away for a moment, thoughtful; and then he looked back, deep into my eyes. His voice rumbled softly, "The last young man to ask me that did so some seventy years ago," Bear said.

"But..." I began and he hushed me with a finger to his lips.

"He's all grown up, got a Cub of his own now. He and his Cub come home to see his Papa occasionally and we all have a good time; but he's a Papa now and things are different between us in a way and that is completely natural. But really, we're not Papa and Cub anymore, we're more like two Papas. I miss having that Cub and Bear relationship, I miss having someone in my bed too; but mostly, I miss the comforting closeness that comes when a couple shares their lives with each other. We Bears can be solitary creatures, but it is nice to have someone too. Anyway, I have something I must show you, and a decision you must make. I feel I already know the answer, it's written in your scent." He paused. "But it must be made by you and only after you have what you need to know to make that decision. So, follow me back to my rig, it's time," Bear said and began walking back toward the distant parking lot.

It was perhaps fifteen minutes later when we reached the edge of the lot. It was full dark now and his white rig was parked near the chain link fence. The lot was mostly empty, though that could change in a matter of an hour or so. Tucker was a huge man, and just barely squeezed through the cut opening in the fence; I opened it wider for him to get through. I followed with less difficulty, but my large frame still made in necessary to be careful not to snag myself on the edges.

We approached the cab, he opened it and stood aside to let me in. I stepped up and he helped by placing his huge hairy paw on my ass, pushing me up.

"Go on back to the sleeper," he said and I went between the two seats and on back.

Bear shut and locked the door. He pulled the curtain around the front of the cab, blocking out he view into the cab. He hit a switch and the cab's sleeper was lit up. The interior, this man's home, smelled like Bear. It was a manly scent, a musky male scent. It wasn't a stink, it wasn't a locker room smell but it was sorta comforting, too; and I didn't know why.

There were some dirty clothes in a open weave nylon bag, a couple of copies of U.S. (Ursine Stud) Magazine on the floor and an ashtray with a couple of cigar stubs in it. His laptop lay closed on his bed.

"Well this is it, home sweet home! It's not pretty, but it's comfortable." he said.

"I think it's just fine." I said and he smiled.

"Let's get a little more comfortable," he said. He took the black leather biker style head wrap off revealing his male pattern bald head, the fringe of hair braided into a pony tail behind. I found the look incredibly sexy. He then pulled off his black tank top. His torso was covered in the same thickness of fur he had on his shoulders and arms, unbroken by bare skin from his neck to his waist. I following suit, pulling off my ball cap and T-shirt. I wasn't hairy like Bear, I had some blond hair on my chest, some on my belly, but I only had a little hair on my face that I kept shaved because I couldn't grow a beard.

He reached over and rubbed my chest, letting the light covering of golden hair pass through his thick, furry fingers. I reached over and ran my hands over his chest. His fur was soft and warm. He pulled me into a hug and before I could say anything, he put his lips on mine and I opened to him. His tongue probed and I sucked on it. He tasted of coffee and cigars. My hands explored his torso and he rubbed his furry chest against my relatively naked one. I was so hard, and I felt his hard-on with my own through our pants. He pulled his pelvis to mine and I pressed my lips against his left nipple and suckled on it. He threw his head back and moaned. His nipple became harder in my mouth and I teased the other one with my hand. He began humping, pulling me tight against him. I was leaking heavily.

He suddenly looked down and pulled me away from his nipple. He looked at me through a daze I'm sure I mirrored and he said huskily, "No... I must show you first. No matter how much I want it now."

He sat and pulled off his boots and socks, then stood, unfastening his silver bear buckle belt and unzipping his jeans. He dropped his pants and revealed his lower half. His thick muscular legs were as thickly furred as his chest and it ran all the way down to the tops of his feet which were also furry. Even the tops of his toes were furry. Bear's cock wasn't extremely long, probably somewhere around eight to ten inches I'd guess, but it was thick and meaty looking, veins bulged around it; and I could see the foreskin hadn't completely retreated from the head which was leaking with precum. It proudly sat atop two hen's egg sized balls. It twitched once and a thick bead of clear male nectar pulsed from the end and ran down the underside. I looked up into bearded face and he beamed with obvious pride.

"I never get tired of that look, no matter how many men's faces I've seen it on, it's always wonderful to see," he said. "Now, it's your turn."

I quickly pulled out of my tennis shoes, leaving them tied. I pulled off my socks and quickly dropped my pants.

I was fully erect now and my cut cock was standing proud and tall. I'd never had anything to compare myself to until now and this time, it was Bear's turn to have a look on his face. He smiled broadly and lustfully.

"Son, that ain't no cock to be worried about." he said, "You must be close to as big as I am." He reached out and took it in his warm furry paw and stroked it. "It's a bit thinner than my own, but damn, absolutely nothing to be worried about!" I blushed. "Sit back now, on the bed and watch." And with that he began to stretch and flex. I watched the muscles move beneath his pelt. He had some good padding on him, but the larger muscles even still showed through both that padding and the pelt. He looked into my eyes and said, "I want you to know, right now, you have nothing to fear from me. No matter what you see, you have no need to be afraid. I will not harm you in the slightest." His voice grew deeper as he spoke and my eyes locked with his. Then I looked at his body and saw that he'd grown even hairier.

His muscles had grown larger and his body was beginning to morph and bulge into a different shape. Fine hair began to grow on his forehead and upper cheeks, darkening and lengthening, his ears grew furry and began to migrate up his head. He let out a soft growl and I recoiled a bit.

"Go on son... pet my face, touch me as I change, explore the Bear." he said, his cock was pointing right at me now, silver threads of clear precum dripping from it.

I reached out and began petting his changing face. His thick black and silver beard began to meld into his body fur and his face began to push out into a Bear's muzzle, fangs growing out, hands and feet becoming clawed. He hunched over as his shoulders rotated somewhat forward and a huge muscular hump grew between them as he took on full grizzly form. He bent forward and licked my lips with his tongue.

I should have run. I should have screamed. This was unbelievable and I felt like my mind would unhinge, but it didn't. He made soft wuffling sounds, grunted and then nuzzled my body with his furry face. He began suckling my cock and immediately I arched back and moaned in pure pleasure. His tongue worked over my cock with the most expert skill... not that I would have known if it hadn't, being that this was the first mouth to ever take my cock. He made a humming type noise, one that soothed me and calmed my nerves as he suckled. He grunted in pleasure as his long tongue worked my cock and snaked out to lick my balls. It wasn't too long before I shot the biggest load I'd yet shot in my life. His musky smell of Bear had done something to me, had driven my lust to new peaks and now, releasing into him I damn near passed out from the intense pleasure. My head spun and for a few minutes I new nothing except thrusting into his suckling maw.

When I came out of my orgasmic daze, Bear sat on his haunches, his head cocked sideways, looking at me. I smiled at him and he snorted and licked his chops. He yawned and then climbed onto the bed over me. He lay down between me and the wall and pulled me into his body. I adjusted so that my ass crack cradled his still hard, leaking cock. It was warm in the sleeper, his ursine body threw off a lot of heat and I was sweating. I lay there and he licked me, like a Bear licking his Cub. As we cooled down I began to doze and the lights, probably set on some sort of time,r dimmed and went out. Soon, I was asleep.

Hours later, in the middle of the night, I awoke. Bear lay behind me still, but he was no longer in his grizzly form. His muscular tattooed arms cradled me against his hairy chest. He snored softly. His cock had gone soft, but it still nestled between my cheeks. Though there were no covers on us, but I was very warm lying with Bear. I feel back into sleep for a few minutes and then Bear stirred and woke.

"So Josh... 'suppose you're up for all of this after all?" he said, and the movement of his beard on the back of my neck tickled me. I shuddered and giggled a bit at the feel of it.

"If I have sex with you, I become like you, don't I?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. There was a pause of at least two minutes where I said nothing and just listened to Bear breathing The wind outside had kicked up and was blowing about, whistling around the cab in the darkness.

"I could deal with that," I said. "Being what you are doesn't scare me, it doesn't repulse me. I always was different from everyone else, now I'll just have someone to share being different with."

I rolled over and found Bear's bearded face. I stroked the beard gently, lovingly. "Will I grow a beard like yours? Will I have a soft, thick pelt too?"

"Oh yes, my Cub. You will change. You will grow to resemble me in many ways. Living together, you will pick up my mannerisms and I, yours; and soon, anyone seeing us will think that we're either married or related, depending on how open their minds are. None will suspect we are Werebears but our own kind. You will have a large, loosely connected family. Many uncles, cousins and brothers. A score or more of lovers and fuck-buddies, and of course me, your Papa... and someday, you may grow up and leave me and have a Cub or Cubs of your own... but I would not mourn that any more than I mourn the other Cubs whom I have raised leaving. It is just a part of how we Werebears are. Who knows? Perhaps we will be one of the rare few who do not split up over the long course of our lives. We will see."

I lay there, thinking about all of this. Bear was as lonely as I and had said nothing of it to influence me. Now, neither of us would be.

"Please, Papa," calling him that for the first time then, "plant your seed in me, I want to be a Bear, like you."

Bear pulled me into a passionate kiss and then broke it, "Are you sure? After this, you can't go back. All that you were until now will not exist, you will have to take on a new name and you'll change. What has happened up to this point will not change you, you can leave now, if you like." He waited for an answer.

"How could I turn back now? How could I walk away from what you offer me. Do it, Papa; make me like you are," I said and I hoped my voice resonated with the conviction that was in my heart.

"Thank you, Cub." was all he said and then he moved down my body, kissing all the way. He spread my legs and tongued my hole, wetting it. Soon, his meaty finger was inside, working me open, then two, then eventually four, spreading my ass ring open. He reached over and hit a button that turned the dome light on. It grew from dim to bright again and I saw him for the first time since he'd changed. His beard was longer than earlier by what seemed about two to three inches, he seemed a bit leaner than before and his muscles were pumped.

"I wanted you to be able to see me while we fucked," he said. He grabbed a bottle of lube from a drawer under the bed. He lubed his cock up, squeezed some out onto my ass and worked it in and with that done pointed the head of his cock at my ass and began to gently lean into me. His head passed through the ring slowly. There was pain, of course, and a fullness; but soon my ass was gripping his cock, embracing it like an old friend.

When he was all the way in, he just lay atop me. We kissed while my body got used to the intruder within it. After awhile, he began to thrust, gently at first, then with more vigor, pulling out further, pushing in harder. He growled and my cock twitched. He began to bite me gently around the shoulders and upper arms as he fucked. I began thrusting back and this made him even more wild.

"Gonna fuck you good, Cub!" he said in his gravelly voice. "Gonna make you mine. Gonna put me in you and make a Bear outta you!"

"Oh Papa!" was all I could say before he roared and shot into me. He came with such force, his thrusts so powerful, that he was pushing me into the wall. I raised my arms and pushed back to give my head and neck some room and in so doing drove his cock completely into me. He threw his head back and roared again. He panted heavily, looked down at me and covered me in his sweaty, furry, musky Bearness. We kissed with him still inside of me, and soon he was again snoring softly I wrapped my arms around my love and, as the lights dimmed once again, I slept.

In the morning I awoke in the cab by myself. It wasn't long, however, until Bear came back in. He carried two 'to go' bags of food.

He handed me a bag with two large breakfast burritos and a couple orders of hash browns. He handed me a cup of coffee.

"I didn't know what you took in yours, so I got some sugar and cream too," he said, handing me those things. "Sorry we couldn't go in to the restaurant Cub, but we're going to have to do this sort of thing for meals until you start looking a little different. I don't want a posse coming for me looking for you, and if we're seen together this close to home it would be trouble. So, it's just better if you lay low for awhile."

"How long until I start looking different?" I asked.

"A few months." I gave him a look and he laughed, "Don't worry, you won't be locked up in this cab that long. I actually do have a house I live in and there's nothing saying you can't come out of the cab at night and no one's going to pay attention to you sitting in the front seat while we're on the road. It won't be that long, Cub," he said and reached over and gave me a kiss.

We ate, I dressed, and soon we were on the road. My life on the road for the first month or so was pretty secluded.

I had been reported missing a few days after we were on the road. I watched the broadcast on the cab's TV and it was hard seeing my mom plead for information about where I was. I cried, thinking about her never knowing what happened to me... I was an only child, after all, I was glad I had made my decision and gone through with it.. My Dad said nothing to the reporters except, "Please leave us alone." He was stone-faced in the background while my mom cried.

I stayed in the back of the truck when we approached a stop for fuel and food. I used rest stop bathrooms and those at the truck stops at night; and when we got to Papa's place in Oregon, my life was a lot more free. His place was in a very rural area and I didn't need to worry about being seen. After the second month my appearance had changed considerably. My beard was full and thick and the hair on my head, face and body had darkened into a deep chestnut brown. Papa cut everything that was still blond off. I had much more chest and belly hair and my arms and legs had grown thicker hair too. I was already man-sized when I'd met Bear and now, with the working out and the changes, I looked like a pro-football lineman. My face broadened some and my features changed a little too. I still looked like me, but about five years older and perhaps with a little of Papa's heritage thrown into my mix. My eyes became brown like his and the shape of the sockets around them changed so that they looked like his.

We hit the road again, this time I dressed in his clothes, rode up front, stopped at the places he did and ate with him in the diners. No one would have recognized me as the old Josh. Papa's friends were working on identity papers for me and soon I had a new name, 'Josh Hamlin'.

At around four months since I'd left home with Bear, we went back home to Oregon. It was there in the woods one night I changed for the first time with Papa nearby to watch over me.

Life isn't perfect now, but it's a whole lot better.

We stopped by the little town where I grew up about three years after I'd left. Just for fun, Bear and I went back through that tear in the chain link, back to the spot where we'd met.

We got to kissin' and pawing each other and then a light fell on us.

A local cop had caught us while we were making out. What we did, with him, well... that, as they say, is another story.

Next: Chapter 2

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