Tucker's Gift

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on May 30, 2009




I don't pretend to be a writer of any sort, all I know is that it brings me pleasure. If it brings you pleasure, gets you hard or whatever...I'd love to hear all about it. All flames cheerfully ignored.

Now a disclaimer...although I don't know what for, it's not like this will get published in a major magazine....but, whatever, here goes:

This story is my property. Copyright 2009 by Phangasm, all rights reserved, batteries not included.

The following contains consentual sex between a man and young teenage boys. If this offends you, then it would be a good idea to simply leave and not read it.

Also, this may be illegal where you are, so you may want to think twice about downloading it and saving it on your drive....or even reading it for that matter.

If you are under legal age (depending where you are, the world can't seem to agree on an age of consent....hmmmmm) then you probably shouldn't be here in the first place.



I've had the gift as long as I can remember...even before I knew it was a gift. I simply thought everyone could see the things I see and hear the thoughts of others.

It confused me as a little kid. One day, my mother was talking to dad, telling him about her day and she used a phrase something like "What an idiot! I don't know what she could have been thinking!"

I was confused and asked "Why not, mom? Weren't you listening?"

Both my parents gave me that kind of half-quizical-half-scared look that I would come to know over the years.

"Well....because people can't read minds." My mom said slowly.

"Read minds?" I asked, "What is that?"

"Well...if you could read minds...you could know what other people are thinking. People can't read minds."

"They can't?"

"Well, some people claim they can, but there is no real proof."

"Oh." I said, "Well, what if a person COULD read minds?"

"Well," She answered, "I doubt anyone can, but if they could, I bet people would stay away from them."


"Because no one would want anyone knowing all their secrets and private things."

I understood, even at age 4, that I should keep this secret. I didn't want people, especially mom and dad, staying away from me. I didn't want to live alone.

So my parents must have known that something was up early on. At first, they thought I was peaking when they wrapped my Christmas gifts, but as I grew up, they knew better. I knew when my mother lost sight of me while I was playing in the park, so I shouted "I'm over here mommy, don't worry!" I literally knew every deep dark secret they had, and in time, although they loved me very much, they feared me a little bit as well. Not that they had any really BAD secrets, my folks are good people, but everyone has their kinky side, and everyone has told a little white lie every now and again.

My name is Scott Tucker....my friends call me Tuck. I'm 15 years old, however the story I'm going to tell happened when I had just turned 13. I live in a large town in the midwestern US. I don't know why I decided to write all this down, but now that I've started, who knows? Maybe I'll get a book deal! Not that I need the money....I have plenty of that. I'm only 15, but I have thousands tucked away. When I was 12, I had a floor safe professionally installed in my room. With my parents both at work, I called in the order myself, using my dad's name. The installer left a work order, which I told him I would sign for my father. I then deposited the amount in my checking account (which my parents set up for me), and used my debit card to pay the bill. In that safe, I have in cash just over one hundred fifty thousand dollars...my parents have no idea that I could pay off their mortgage in cash...I figure when I'm 18 and move out, I will do just that....I can't wait to see the look on their faces!

How do I get all this cash? Well, the state lottery, mostly. I can hear you all saying, wait a minute, you're not old enough to play....well, I do it through some of the young men I have met..telling my story and offering to split the winnings with them. So far, I haven't met anyone that has tried to take advantage of me, because I picked only guys I KNEW were safe and good-hearted..not that there wouldn't be a first time. I figure that I can wait until I'm 18 until I play again, since I have more money than I will ever need right now.

I cannot hear everyone's thoughts or see everyone's future. Sometimes I can sit in a room with a person for hours and only see a little bit, other times I can look at a person and simply KNOW everything. This caused some tramatic events in my childhood, events that made me go home and shut myself in my room.

There was one time I passed a man on the street and instantly knew he had killed his wife in her sleep the night before.

I was twelve when it happened. I still remember it as if it happened only a few minutes ago. I was walking towards him, and I noticed his aura was not like other people's.

Auras? Well, I guess I don't really know what they are called, but I heard the word on TV and it stuck with me. Anyway, at the time I met the scary dude I had only just began seeing auras clearly. I began seeing foggy colors around people when I was going on 11, but as I approached my 12th year they started to clear into the brightest and most beautiful things. Wonderful shades of pink, yellow, blue, purple and red. I figured this was brought on by puberty 'cause the more hair I got around my prick, the brighter the colors became.

Anyway, this man's aura was the most brilliant shade of green I had ever seen. I smiled as he approached and I remember he returned the smile before the world went dark and the vision hit me, dropping me to my knees on the hard concrete. I was at this guys house...I could actually see the guy's address on the side of the house as I floated in his bedroom window. Then I was inside, lying in bed...suddenly he was over me...It was like he was smothering ME with the pillow he held. I couldn't breathe. Finally I passed out cold.

What seemed like just a few moments later, (I found out later I had been lying on the concrete for better than ten minutes), I was awakened by a woman with a bright red aura. She was stroking my hair, asking me to wake up, asking if I was ok. I knew she was a good person, and that she was in love. I smiled. Then I saw the man with the green aura was standing in the crowd that had gathered, telling the man next to him that he didn't know what had happened, that I had simply collapsed. The world grayed-out for a second again, and had it not been for red-aura lady, I might have blacked out completly again.

"Are you sure you are ok?" She had asked as I started to sit up. "You should just lie down, young man. An ambulance is on the way."

"An ambulance? I don't need an ambulance...I'm fine, really." I had protested, "I just got kinda dizzy."

"Nonsense." She said, "You just lay still."

"You should really ask him." I said without thinking, "He likes you too."

"Huh?" she said.

"Norman....he's in love with you too...but he's afraid to tell you just like you are afraid to tell him."

The woman got a bit pale and I knew instantly I had made a mistake.

"I should really go...." I said, starting to sit up again. I was held back by her firm hand on my chest.

She leaned in close, whispering. "How do you know this?"

"I'm sorry," I said as I felt a tear roll down my face....me and my big mouth! "I didn't mean to scare you.....I just...know things."

"Shhhhhhhh..." She whispered, wiping my face with her fingers. "It's ok...just lay still. Where do you live, young man."

"I'm Scott." I said, "My friends call me Tuck....Tucker is my last name." I explained.

"Well, Tuck, could you tell me where you live...or at least give me your phone number so I can check on you later?"

I gave her my address. I made one more attempt to sit up and leave, but the woman would have none of it. The ambulance finally arrived and took me away. The doctor could find nothing wrong other than some minor scrapes on my knees and a slight bump on my head, so he called my parents who came and got me. After a ton of questions and several strange looks from both of them I was allowed to go lay down in my room. While I was there I made an anonymous call to the cops....telling them to go to the house in my vision and look in the basement....and that it was very important that they get a search warrent and go right away. A couple of days later, I saw the same house on the news. The green-aura man was being led away from it in handcuffs. I shuddered.

Then, something happened that made it all worth-while. A few months later, I received a letter. It turned out to be a wedding invitation from Sharon Wilson and Norman Halford. There was a picture of the two of them together in a park, both of them with bright-red auras. I ended up going to the wedding, dressed in my best suit and tie (which I think made me look pretty fucking sexy). I sat in the front row smiling up at the couple. Afterwards, Sharon found me and hugged me until I though I might burst.

After the traumatic Green-Aura-Man event, I decided to see if I could take better control of my gift. Eventually, I began to have some success and learned to "turn down" my abilities. At first I could never completely turn them "off", but if I worked at it hard, I could turn them down a notch or two. As time passed I came up with a little trick - I envisioned closing a door on my thoughts - using this, plus quickly thinking of other things usually did the trick - plus I avoided anyone with a bright-green aura like the plague. I decided that these were evil people, and I have never seen anything to prove it wrong. The auras I see also come through on film or video tape, and as I watch the evening news, people with the bright green auras dominate.

As I grew up and began my journey into puberty, I discovered something else. I didn't need a vision or premonition to tell me this. I discovered I liked boys, not just as friends, but as lovers as well. I didn't then or even now look at this as a bad thing. I had read enough to know that gay people do not choose their lifestyle, they are born with it. Plus, once I began having sex, I figured that a lot of the mystery and frustration that boys and girls have when getting together was non-existant in gay sex...I am male, my partner is male and we both know what feels good.

Most gay boys (so I'm told), have a hard time finding other boys to experiment with while they are growing up. This was definately not the case with me. I knew those that were interested, how interested they were and what they liked to do. I sought after these boys aggresively and had more sex at age 13 than the average 20 year old college student.

That may sound easy to you, but it didn't work every time I tried it. I had some pretty embarassing moments. Knowing what's on a boy's mind is one thing, getting him to admit and do something about it is another story. There were a few times that I was called "queer" or "fag" and left standing where I was, dumbfounded. Usually, as I approached, I would have a vision where I could actually see the boy on his knees, naked and sucking my dick, or perhaps bent over while I fucked his ass, or he mine. Then, when he shut me down, I marveled on how I never saw it coming, just like a normal boy. There was nothing like horniness to "cloud" my gift. These same boys, curious as to how I knew what they were thinking, usually sought me out later. Most were releaved that I could read them. They had thought that since I could read them so easily, that everyone probably could...which must of been frightening as hell! At any rate, I cannot count the number of times I ended up in my favorite position, on my back, with my legs in the air, one of my peers, or on occasion, if the mood struck me, a high school boy, or even a man, gently fucking my young ass.

Of the three age groups I enjoyed having sex with, boys my own age, older boys in high school or college, and young men in their twenties or early thirties, the men were the easiest to spot. Their auras were generally hot-pink, some with streaks of blue.

The first time I approached one of these men, which I will tell you about in detail, the vision was immediate and stopped me in my tracks. I saw myself completely naked, lying face down on a soft carpet. The man, dressed in boxer shorts had his face buried in my butt-crack, licking me.

I found the vision strange, not knowing why anyone would want to do that....then the vision hit me again, and I saw and heard myself moaning, practically begging for more!

I knew I had to go with this man and try this, but how to approach the subject with a grown man. We were in the park and there were a few other people, but it wasn't exactly crowded. I decided on the direct approach, walking right up to the man.

"Hi!" I said, flashing what I knew was my most winning smile.

"Hello." He said, returning my smile with a wide grin of his own.

I noticed him looking me up and down. Then, bits of information came to me, starting off slow, then coming in a flood...I began to get hard, thinking about all that this man has done. I looked around, making sure no one else was close, then leaned in close.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" I said.

The man paled, as most do when I reflect back to them their darkest thoughts.

"I....what? ....I would never..."

"Sure you would....as a matter of fact you've done it before."

"What?? ...listen, kid...I'm not sure where you are going with this, or what the fuck you want, but I have never seen you before in my li...."

"Oh, not with ME." I said. "You're divorced, right?"

"Uhhhh, well, yeah...but..."

"Your wife, Ellen...she lives across town. She drops off your kid, his name is Chris, on the weekends....you and Chris, he's 13, like me...well you two get along real well."

I waited for his reaction. The man was pale and begining to look faint, as he began to weave.

I continued.

"Your name is Don Brandon...You're a market investor...whatever that is....you make enough at your job, but Ellen wants those checks every month. Allimony. Child support. You have a nice apartment, about two blocks from here. It's not what you want, but all you can afford because that Fucking Bitch Won't Give You a Break."

The man looked as though he would topple any minute.

"Who the fuck...." He stammered, "How do you...."

His eyes began to roll back in his head...this is definately NOT what I wanted.

"Hey...Mister. Come on....let's go over here." I said, taking him by the arm. "Here...let's sit down."

I moved him to a park bench. He was a bit wobbly, but I managed to get him there ok and sat down.

"There, that's better, huh? ...breathe, dude. Everything's cool...I'm not after money or nothing, and I'm not going to tell anyone either."

"But how?" he said quietly, looking around nervously as he spoke. "How do you know all this?"

"You wouldn't believe me. Let's just say that I just know things. Nobody told me about you...I just walked up to you because you looked interesting, and now I just know."

"You mean.....you're psychic?" he said.

"I really don't know what to call it...I just know things."

"How old am I?"

"Jeez, didn't I give you a good enough demo? ..32."

"How long have I been divorced?"

"Almost 3 years."

"When is my birthday?"

"June 2nd"

"And Chris...."

"September 10th....and that was the first time you did it with him, too...he was staying at your place on his birthday...his 12th birthday...and you came in the bathroom when he was getting out of the shower..and..."

"Jesus." The man whispered. "Why did you approach me?"

"Why do you think?" I said and grinned, raising my eyebrows up and down.

"You mean you want to..."

"Yeah...when I approached you," I said, lowering my voice, "I saw us in your apartment...you were getting ready to fuck me. You were licking my asshole. No one has done that to me before...looks like it feels awesome, and I wanted to try it so I started talking to you. Can we go to your place now?"

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, just like that!"

"How do you know I'm not a serial killer or something?"

I gave him a look and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, guess you'd know, huh."

"C'mon...you're already picturing me naked...but you haven't got it quite right...you need to think a bit bigger."

I glanced left and right. Convinced that no one was looking, I placed my hands on either side of my hardon in my jeans.

"Jesus...let's go,....and you are?"

I grinned. "Just call me Tuck."

So I lay on the soft carpet on his living room floor, naked as the day I was born. My clothes lay scattered around us, my legs were spread as wide as I could get them as the man's warm, wet tongue probed my hole.

"Ahhhhh...Jesus mister....feels so good."

"Mmmmmm...so delicious, Tuck. I can't wait to fuck your little hole." Don sighed, then dropped his face into my crack once again.

When we walked in the door, Don had engaged the lock right away.

"Do you want something to drink?" he had asked.

"Nah, let's just fuck." I answered.

From there, his fingers moved like lightning, removing my clothes and tossing each piece carelessly here and there. We frenched desperately between each piece of clothing, and as each section of my tanned young body was exposed, he's telling me how beautiful I am.

Finally, he's pulling at my red cotton briefs. My cock is not really fat, but it makes up for that with it's 6 inch length. For a 13 year old, I didn't think that was half bad. Don didn't think so either. "Yeah...." he sighed and swallowed it instantly.

I was in pubecent teenage heaven as his warm mouth engulfed my bone down to my sparse brown pubes, of which I was extremely proud of...they had only started to grow in a few months earlier. Then he was bobbing up and down, coating my hard young meat with his spit.

As my sperm began to boil in my nuts, Don grasped me by the hips and turned me to face the door. He immediately began mouthing and nipping at my firm butt cheeks, then began working his way down, licking and nipping at my crack. I placed my hands on the door and bent over slightly.

"Oh my God, boy." He said, and buried his face in my crack, his wet tongue squirming, the tip working it's way into my asshole.

"Ahhhh yeahhhh.....that's fuckin' fantastic....who knew?.....aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh." I moaned.

I had not, even with my gift, any idea that it would feel this good. I turned slightly, placing my hand on the back of his head, pulling him in tighter. Don responded by pushing his tongue up my fuck-hole as far as he could.

"Ohhhh my God, dude....eat it.......FUCK!" I cried as the man worked me over, his strong hands roughly kneeding my butt, spreading me wide as he fucked me with his tongue.

From there, he removed his shirt and pants and moved us to the floor, which is the vision I had in the park. There he showed me the pleasures his experienced tongue could give a boy. I pushed up with my ass, wanting more of him inside me. He answered my call by removing his tongue and replacing it with a finger, which swirled over the outside of my slick anus over and over, occasionally dipping in to the first knuckle or so. Visions came to me about what he would do next, I slammed the door on them, not wanting to know.

"Ohhhh man.....MORE...oh please, stick it in me!" I cried as the nerve endings in my tight anus sang with pleasure.

"Wanna fuck, BOY?" he asked.

"Yeeaahh." I sighed, pushing my ass up against his hand.

"Want my fat dick up that tight little hole?"

Ahhhhh God, yeahhhh."

"First you gotta get it nice and wet." He said.

Moving around, he knelt in front of me and dropped his boxers. I gasped. My visions never showed me this! I was obviously too busy figuring out what was on his mind that I never tried to see what was in his pants.

The fucker was huge, at least 8 inches long...and fuckin' FAT too. I wondered how I would take him up my ass....the door remained closed on the visions, and I liked it that way.

I opened my mouth as far as I could and inserted the huge bulb that was the head of his meat. It was salty...fuckin' tasty. I slobbered it in and out of my mouth while the man vocalized his pleasure.

"Ahhhh God, Tuck....yeaaahhhh....suck it, boy...." He moaned as he placed his hand on the back of my head, pulling me onto his cock slowly, his fingers tangling lovingly in my short brown hair. Closer, closer to his musky smelling pubes.

I had learned to swallow a cock just a few months earlier. A high school boy had told me that if I swallow when I felt my gag reflex kicking in, I could take a cock into my throat without gagging. It was a tough trick to learn, but well worth the effort. A guy doesn't forget the experience easily when he's been sucked off by me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...my GOD kid!" Don moaned as his pubes finally came to rest on my lips. Grasping the back of my head with both hands, he began to thrust his cock. I remained relaxed as he did this as not to choke...his 8 incher was biggest dong I'd ever sucked, so I was surprised I was able to pull it off.

After about 5 minutes, he began to tremble. "Jesus, kid....I'm so close...so close."

As much as I wanted to swallow his jam, I wanted him up my fuckin' ass even worse...I knew he wouldn't be able to do that if he came right away, so I backed off.

I lay down on my back, raising my legs as he stood above me. "Fuck me, mister." I said.

He dropped to his knees between my smooth thighs. I placed my stocking clad feet on his shoulders as he spat on his hand. He rubbed the saliva on my hole, then surprised me by slipping his index finger inside me as far as he could....the pleasure was instant.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh." I sighed, my back arched as his finger moved in and out, coating the walls of my fuck-hole with his spit.

He removed his finger just as quickly and spat into his hand again, this time stroking his stiff cock. Then he rose above me, his left hand on the carpet by my chest, his right guiding his cock. I felt the huge cock-head come in contact with my hole and my eyes slipped shut. Then the pressure. I tried to relax as he pushed, but no amount of relaxation would prepare my tiny sphincter for his huge pole.

He pushed harder. The huge head popped past the tight ring of muscle. He moaned in pleasure....I cried out in pain.

"Uhhhhh....easy dude....easy....easy." I sighed. But even as I spoke the pain was already draining away, it was replaced by incredible pleasure. I pushed up with my butt, his cock slipped in a bit further. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....fuck me.....fuck me...." I moaned.

Don moved his hips forward slowly. I felt the monster enter me inch by inch until finally I felt his warm pelvis against my spread crotch and his ballsack laying against the upper part of my ass-crack. "Ahhhhh God....uuuuuhhhhhhhhh." I moaned as he backed out. I heard him spit, then felt the warm liquid land where our flesh met. He glided easily back in.

"Aaaahhhhhh, kid...so tight.....so fuckin' tight." He moaned as he began to fuck my little butt, his ass rising and falling quickly, our flesh coming together with a wet slapping sound. That, and our moans and cries of pleasure echoed off the walls. I could feel the huge, bulbus head of his cock stroking the walls of my asshole deep inside me, massaging my prostate, driving me wild with lust. My head whipped back and forth on the carpeted floor as he picked up speed, hammering my young ass.

He slowed for only a second, then, grabbing me by the ankles, he pushed forward, almost bringing my feet up by my ears, nearly folding me in half as he picked up speed once again, his pelvis pounding against my crotch. A couple minutes later his cries indicated that he was ready.

He thrust into me hard, holding there for just a second as he cried out, "Oh God, Tuck....hot little fucker....ahhhhh...UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! UUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I felt a great warmth burst inside me as he filled me with his hot cream. Then his hips began moving again. "Uuuuuaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....aahhhhhhhhhhhhh....aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." He sighed as his strokes slowed. Finally, he pulled it out, allowing me to unfold my legs. I felt the warmth trickle from my still dialated asshole as Don rolled off to my side where he lay panting. I had no intention of quitting now.

I rose quickly, straddling his head. I could feel his warm breath on my nuts. "Eat it." I demanded as I spread my hole over his face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...." I sighed as I felt his lips close over my hole....sucking sounds echoed off the walls as my asshole spasmed again and again, feeding him his own thick sperm as I writhed above him. I sat grinding my ass on his warm face for almost 5 minutes. Then I decided to open the door just a crack...a vision came to me, not a disturbing one...but it could mean trouble. I moved off and lay beside him.

"Don't you want to cum now?" Don asked.

"Yeah...more than anything." I said, which was the truth.

"I can suck you off if you want."

"I'd really like that, but we will probably have to do that next time...I mean, if there is a next time."

Don smiled. "You in a hurry to get out of here?"

"I don't know....should I be, with your son on his way and all?"

"No, I won't see him until.......wait a second. You said ON HIS WAY...as in that you KNOW he's on his way?"

"Yeah....he's like 5 minutes away."

"Oh Jesus...."

"I don't see him looking upset," I said, opening the door fully to any vision that would come to me, closing my eyes, concentrating. "Well....maybe a bit at first, but he will get over it quick enough."

Don seemed to relax a bit.

"I'd really like to meet him....." I started. "Actually, what I really mean is that I'd really like to FUCK him. You think he'd go for that?"

"Well....I'm not really sure...."

I was sure, though...I had already saw. I was gonna fuck his kid while the man watched.

When I was just a little kid, my visions were pretty unpredictable. Now I can pretty much tell if my head is telling the truth. When my vision seems weak, it's pretty much just wishful thinking...most often they don't come true. If the vision is a bit more vivid then it could go either way. Then there are the visions that I know will happen without fail....I knew this was the case when they were intense, like meeting Don in the park I knew we would end up at his place. The same was true of the vision I had just experienced....I could almost feel the walls of his son's tight 13-year-old asshole gripping my young prick.

"You could watch....videotape it if you want."

"Tape it? .....Jesus." He mumbled. But I knew he liked the idea as his big man-dick began to rise once again.

"Your fuckin' cock loves the idea." I took a moment and read his mind. He was thinking about me, hammering my slim six inches into his kid.

The fact that I knew I was going to fuck his son didn't stop me from selling the idea to Don, if only to feed his lust. "You could lick my hole while I pound his ass....I mean, you could have the camera on a solid surface......"

"Or on a tripod....."

"Yeah! ....you could join us part way through....I'd love to watch a man fuck his own kid....that would be pretty fuckin' hot."

"Yeah." The man sighed. He was stroking his cock now.

"I already know it's going to happen." I said. "It's going to be so hot."

"How does it start out?" Don asked.

"Just me and him...in this room..." I said, concentrating, "...we're dressed to start with....Jesus" I said looking up at Don. "We're all fucking dressed....we gotta get dressed, and FAST. He's just about here!"

We scrambled around, gathering up clothes and giggling.

"Take your clothes and GO" I said, "He's here."

Don left the room, wearing only his briefs and shirt. I had just finished pulling on my shirt and sat down on the couch when I heard the jingling of keys...then the lock clicking open. The kid walked in the door.

"Hey dad...I'm back....I know I'm early...." The kid trailed off. "Who're you?" he asked.

"I'm Scott Tucker....I'm a friend of your dads...."



I don't believe in love at first sight, but if it does exist, this had to be it. My visions had not done this kid justice. He was my age, yet smaller. If I hadn't known his age I would have taken him for 11, or maybe 12. He had curly blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. He was wearing a tight white muscle shirt, and even though he was just a kid, puberty had definately kicked in quite some time ago. His shoulders were broad, more like the build of a young man. His bare arms were tan and muscular. He was wearing blue jeans that fit him good. I couldn't wait to get him out of them.

"So where's my dad?" He asked, still looking at me like I was from another planet.

"He's getting me something to drink."

"So...how do you know dad?"

"We met in the park."

"So how long have you known him?" Chris asked, his blue eyes sparkling...I just couldn't fucking look away. My prick was rising in my pants...I wanted this hot fucker so bad...and since I knew it was going to happen anyway, I decided to take the direct approach and answer his questions. I knew that Don was waiting somewhere in the wings, video camera at the ready.

I looked at my watch. "We met about an hour and a half ago....give or take."

Chris looked even more confused. He came over and sat, still looking at me with those icy inqusitive eyes. I felt woozy again. I stuck out my hand, which seemed weird for a guy my age to do....I mean, how many kids shake hands when they meet? Anyway, he took my hand and shook it, still looking at me uneasily. "I'm Chris."

When his hand touched mine, I had expected a vision, perhaps of me, fucking his fine young butt. The vision I got almost knocked me out of my fuckin' socks.

I saw young Chris, naked, on his hands and knees. A thirty-something guy was pounding his ass. Hard. I knew this man was his uncle, his mom's brother. Another man, also in his thirties, was feeding young Chris a slightly smaller piece of meat....and boy was Chris hungry! A third man was off to the side, stroking his cock, waiting for his turn with the boy. These men were friends of Chuck, which was Chris' uncle's name. Chris released my hand and all I saw was him again.

"You ok, man?" He asked.


"So, you met just an hour or so ago....and now you are here."

"Yeah...we just finished up....well, your DAD did..." I said, grinning. "I never got a chance to...not yet."

"Just finished up? What the fuck are you talking about?" Chris asked, clearly annoyed. He was so fucking cute when he was annoyed....I wanted to bend across and kiss him right then.

"Yeah...we had just barely got our clothes on when you walked in."

"Huh?" Chris said, his face going pale as he realized what was happening.

"You old man has got a huge fuckin' prick....thought he was gonna split me wide open. I'm still tingling a bit."

Then suddenly, Chris went from scared to disbelief.

"My dad is no fool...I'm not sure what you are trying to do here...but there is no fucking way my dad would bring a strange boy up here. When he comes back in here, I'm going to tell him what you said and then you can get the fuck out."

This kid even wore anger well...he couldn't have been cuter if he tried, my cock was literally aching to get out in the open air again. The kid's aura was bright orange with streaks of yellow, which usually indicated anger. He continued: "I can't think of a thing you could say to make him bring you up here."

"I saw a vision. I told him that I knew about you and him...told him that I knew a lot of things."

"And he swallowed this shit?" The kid said, fuming now. I couldn't help but smile, he was so fucking cute. This set him off even more. "I can't believe you are sitting there smiling expecting me to swallow this crap!" His face was bright red now.

I was in love.

I leaned over toward him, whispering so his dad could not hear. "Chris," I said, looking him directly in the eyes, "When you shook hands with me just now....I had a vision....how long has your uncle been fucking your sweet ass, dude?"

The dude looked at me, dumbfounded. He leaned back, resting his head on the couch. I followed, whispering in his ear. "He's sharing your sexy little ass with a couple of his friends....you LOVE it when they take you from both ends." I whispered, my lips almost touching his ear. I figured if anyone tried to push down on my fuckin' pecker right now, it just might break.

"What......how...?" He croaked. I continued: "One night they gang-banged your skinny little ass almost all night long," I whispered, my lips touching his soft ear now, "Sharing your fuckin' ass....USING you....blowing load after load up your ass....down your throat...you could hardly walk the next day, but you fuckin' LOVED it."

I was gently nipping at his ear lobe now as I spoke. His breath was ragged. The look on his face was somewhere between disbelief and lust...that look suited him just fine too.

"You can't know that....you can't....you were watchin' or something.." Chris half spoke, half moaned.

"You jack off with your left hand...even though you are right handed." I whispered. "You like to rub your cum all over your face."

"Jesus." he whispered, his eyes slipping completely shut now as I lightly brushed my lips against his ear.

"I also know," I whispered, sneaking a lick, "That you have been fucked at the public restroom in the park...it was night time, the park was closed....you started out in the restroom, but eventually moved it outside....to a picnic table....musta been so FUCKIN' hot," I whispered, "fuckin' night breeze blowing across your sack....his fuckin' big cock probin' your asshole....."

"Yeahhh...." he sighed.

I sucked his ear lobe into my mouth. I lay my hand on his firm chest, moving it down to his crotch quickly, rubbing the hardness there.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh.....aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh." He sighed softly. I brought my face to his, closing my lips over his, forcing my tongue inside as the fingers of my right hand expertly undid the button on his jeans, then worked the fly. My hand slipped inside, on top of his soft cotton underwear. I opened my eyes just a crack, I saw Don was back in the room, holding his video camera, watching the little LCD screen as I kissed his son.

I broke the kiss and smiled at him, he returned it...then he spotted his father. "Dad...what the fuck...."

"Shhhhhhhhhhh....." I whispered, smiling and pressing my finger against his soft lips. "We thought it would be really hot if we made a little porno flick...starring you."

"....and you?"

"Yeaaahhhhhh." I whispered.

I moved in again...I couldn't get enough of his sweet lips, his warm wet mouth. As we kissed, beautiful visions of his life filled my head, including the first time that his father and him had made love. This vision was different, it didn't sweep me away like they generally do...I was still aware of his warm, wet tongue moving in my mouth, the warmth of his young body against mine, and my hand against the throbbing, cotton-clad hardness.

He broke the kiss and looked at me with half-open eyes as I continued to rub his cock through his undies. "You can really read people's minds....and see things?"

"Most times...." I said, feeling a little uncomfortable. I always feel this way when people question me about it....the words of my mother come back to me.... "no one would want anyone knowing all their secrets and private things."

"What am I feeling right now?" he asked, his beautiful blue eyes twinkling as he smiled warmly.

"That we are talking too much." I said and began to move in again.

"No....come on....tell me."

I was his, I would tell him anything he wanted. I felt all mushey inside, which was pretty new for me....usually lust controlled me, but right now, HE controlled me.

"Horny." I answered. He giggled.

"Yeah...and?" He asked. I closed my eyes.

"You are feeling like you have known me forever....like we have been friends since we were little."

The smile ran from his face, he looked into my eyes. "That's it exactly."

"Funny thing is," I said, "I feel the same way." I moved back in, removing my hand from his pants and wrapping my arms around his slim body. He responded in kind as I felt my shirt being lifted in back, then his soft hands gently stroked the naked skin of my back.

We stood. His hands moved upward, lifting my shirt and pulling it over my head. He stood back a bit, looking at me. He placed his hands on my chest, the feeling was electric. Somewhere Don was videotaping this exchange....he didn't exist for me, and I think he was pretty much invisible to his son as well.

"You'll know everything about me....all the bad stuff as well as the good." he said, the fear that I was used to seeing on people's faces was visible and it hurt to see it.

"You are not capable of anything really bad....I can see that in you easily." I said. "Everyone is guilty of stuff...lies, cheating...stuff like that. If you had done anything really bad I would already know."

He smiled.

I sank to my knees, hooking my fingers in his jeans, pulling them down. His underwear came along as well.

His cock stood straight out, with a bit of an upward curve. It was probably almost 5 inches long, a bit bigger around than mine, and totally fuckin' beautiful. I swallowed it instantly to the base. He moaned, placing his hands on the back of my head. He was almost completely hairless, a few blond stragglers were situated above the base of his meat. Moving down, I sucked his completely hairless balls into my mouth, rolling my tongue around them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He sighed, trying to spread his legs.

I stood suddenly. Using both hands, I pushed him forcefully on the chest. He landed on the couch. I giggled, then proceeded to strip him naked, starting with his shoes and socks, then his jeans and underwear.

"Take off your shirt." I said, he complied.

He sat there, naked, his hot young bone jutting upward.

"Damn, you are fuckin' HOT." I said. He flushed red. I went down on him once again, sucking him noisily up and down, his moans of pleasure growing in quantity and volume. His hips rose and fell while I sucked.

Finally I stood, unbuttoning and unzipping my pants while Chris watched. I let my pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them, then stood before my new friend in my tented briefs.

"Jesus." Chris whispered as he moved forward, grasping the waistband of my underwear and pulling them down. His mouth was on my stiffy in an instant, sucking me deep.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I sighed, always knowing it would be good but yet taking my breath away each time. The dude was awesome, pressing hard with his lips and sucking noisily up and down, stopping on occasion to look at my bone and lick the head like a lolipop. I tangled my fingers in his soft hair as he moved downward, sucking my ballsack into his wet mouth. I groaned, placing my left leg on the couch as Chris worked further downward, licking behind my balls.

I noticed Don for the first time in a long time. He was dressed only in his briefs, on his knees, getting a close-up of his son's mouth as he licked my crotch.

Chris stood, kissing me quickly on the mouth, he pushed on my back. "Bend over, Scott." he said.

"Tuck...." I panted, "My friends call me Tuck."

Chris grinned wide. "Tuck." He said.

I bent over. Seconds later, I felt his warm breath on my butt cheeks. "You knew I was gonna do this, didn't you, Tuck? He said, trying out the name again.

"No....I don't know what you are going to do....the door is shut." I said.


"I can kinda...uh...shut it off...like if sometimes I don't wanna know." I said, trying to explain the best I could. "I kinda like surprises...well...since I don't have too many."

"Cool...." He said, then I felt him move in.

When Don had rimmed me for the first time, it had been the most incredible feeling ever. For being only 13, his kid was much better. I pushed up with my ass, moaning non-stop as Chris' warm, wet tongue washed my fuckin' asshole.

He raised his head, "Dad did fuck you....I can taste him." he said, then moved back in, sucking noisily at my hole, cleaning up the last of what his father had left behind.

Then, just as quickly as it had began, he moved away, standing up suddenly. I felt his short-fat little cock pressing at my hole, then, he was inside me, moving his skinny ass, fucking me.

"Ahhhhhh God...." I moaned. While his prick wasn't too big, he knew how to fuckin' use it, gyrating his hips while inside me, reaming my fuck hole. It was incredible. This went on for better than ten minutes, all the while I begged for more. Finally, he backed off and moved forward on the couch, getting down on all fours. I didn't hesitate, I was on my knees in an instant.

Of all the times I have had sex, doing this had never occured to me. Now, looking at Chris' little pink slit, my mouth was watering. I moved in, placing my hands on his perfect little ass, spreading him wide as my tongue made contact, licking and probing. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm." I moaned as I worked, probing deeper, slipping my tongue in as far as I could push it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh." Chris sighed, pushing up with his skinny little butt. Suddenly Don was beside us getting a close up of my tongue buried up his kid's asshole. I felt the man's hand on the back of my head, pushing me forward, driving my tongue deeper still.

"Eat 'em, Tuck," He whispered, "eat that little hole."

I doubled my efforts, grunting and moaning as I tongued his now sloppy-wet ass. He was now fully dialated as my tongue slipped in and out easily. I couldn't take any more. The sex with his father and now this...it had been over 2 hours since I had arrived here and I was about ready to fuckin' burst. It was time for me to shoot my load up this kid's ass.

I stood. Don knew what was happening as he postioned the camera. I aimed and moved in, sinking my skinny cock in to the hilt. Of all the boys I had fucked in my short life, I had never felt anything as good as this kid's ass wrapped around my fuckin' prick. I started fuckin' 'em, slamming my hips into his firm little ass, making the slapping sound that I love.

I thought I'd be ready to cum right away, but I really got into it, fucking the dude for better than a half hour. I fucked him on all fours for about 5 minutes, then I flipped the little hottie and put him on his back with his skinny legs wrapped around my ass. I hammered him for another ten like this, kissing his sweet lips all the while. Then we both lay on our sides with me fucking him from behind, holding his leg in the air while I plowed his little ass. Then I sat on the couch, he faced me and rode my fuckin' prick, our mouths shiny with saliva as we frenched on and on.

Finally we stood. Chris placed his hands against the wall and demanded more. Who was I to refuse? I entered him again quickly, rudely, slamming in to the hilt in an instant.

"Ahhhhh.....ahhhhmy God...fuck me.." He moaned.

I did his bidding, hammering my cherry-red prick into his tight, willing hole, my moans increasing as I headed down the stretch. Finally I was cumming, crying out as I hammered into the dude. Don had the camera in my face, recording the pleasure etched on my face as my cock throbbed, pumping my new friend full of my hot fuckin' jizz. Finally, Don moved the camera down, zooming in on my bright-red, sore-as-hell prick as I slowly slipped free of the warm hole. I couldn't believe I was still fuckin' stiff, my curved cock standing up straight and throbbing.

I backed off as Don got a close up of my white sperm running from the dude's asshole, Then he handed me the camera. I took it right away and watched the man drop his undies. His man-dick standing straight out

"Oh hell yeah." I said as I zoomed in on the man's fat eight-incher, watching as it disappeared up his own fuckin' kid's asshole. "Jesus, that's so fuckin' hot."

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh, my God, Dad.....put it in me....yeeeaaahhhhhh." Chris moaned.

I backed off and got the complete picture as Don began to fuck his kid, grasping his skinny hips tight as he rode his sweet little butt. Then I zoomed in to where the man's fat cock whipsawed in and out of his boy's tight little ass. I moved around front, filling the little screen with the boy's sweet young face twisted in pleasure...his eyes squeezed shut tightly, his sweet mouth hanging open, moaning. I could have stayed there forever studying his beautiful face. There was no doubt in my mind that I was in love.

I backed off again, getting the complete picture of father and son coupling, their naked bodies working together, the sounds of their pleasure echoing off the walls. Don's face became flushed as his body began to tremble. He picked up speed, his muscular ass was now a blur as he hammered his young son.

"UUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" He cried, slamming his cock in to the hilt and holding it there as he arched his back, his eyes squeezed shut tight as he pumped his load deep inside his boy. "Ahhhh....ahhhhh....ahhhhhh." He sighed with each breath as he began to pump slowly once again. I zoomed in to where their flesh met, watching the man cock which was now coated in his cum slip slowly in and out. Finally, he pulled free...I zoomed in first on the mans still oozing cock, then on the boy's cum-soaked, dialated asshole. It spasmed while I watched, sending a flood of thick cum running between his sweet legs to drip from his smooth balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." Chris moaned as looked up at me and smiled.

"I guess that was pretty good, then?" I asked.

"That was the best ever." Don panted. I handed the man the camera as the boy stood. I took him in my arms, our lips met instantly. We kissed deeply for a minute, then I guided him to the couch where I knelt between his legs. I took him into my mouth once again, pressing my lips against his hard prick as I slobbered up and down.

"Ahhhhh God, yeah....yeah..." The boy moaned. I moved down onto his balls, then his father was there again, sucking his son's prick as I licked his sweet balls. The boy's moaning stepped up a notch and I knew he was going to cum. There was no fucking way the man was going to get the boy's load.

"Trade me." I said to Don, who did not argue. I moved off to the side and let his dad between his legs. I took over on the kid's prick, sucking deep and hard. Less than a minute later, young Chris began to cry out. I felt his cock swell in my mouth, then the kid arched his back and began to cum, blowing squirt after squirt of hot boy-seed into my hungry mouth. I swallowed again and again, moaning as I rolled the sweet nectar around in my mouth. Don's mouth was now placed over the boy's asshole, licking hard as Chris's cries of pleasure turned to whimpers and gentle sighs.

"Ahhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh." The boy sighed as his spurts turned to dribbles. I sucked down every delicious drop, unable to get enough. Smiling up at my new best friend, I continued to lick the head of his softening cock, milking it with my hand, wanting more but the boy had no more to give. His beautiful young face was flushed, beads of sweat stood out on his forehead as he sat panting, trying to catch his breath.

I finally moved up on the couch beside Chris. Don moved in on the other side of me. I moved in slowly, placing my lips on Chris's, kissing gently. I then turned to his father, kissing him as well. I turned toward his son once again."Wanna take a shower?" He asked, grinning.

"Yes." I said, looking over at Don.

"You boys go ahead - I will catch one in a bit."

We stood.

Chris took my hand and led me through the apartment to a small bathroom. I recognized the place from the many visions I had since arriving here. This was the room in which Don had first taken his young son.

We showered for better than a half hour, not speaking at all, but kissing on and on, our cocks growing hard once again as we ground our naked bodies together under the warm water. He finally shut the water off and stepped out onto a bath mat, leaving me to watch his beautiful nakedness as he moved around the room gathering towels for us.

"So," I said quietly as we toweled off, "Where's this uncle of your's live?"

He grinned. "Ohhhh, no....I'm not gonna tell you that! I will never see you again!"

I turned him toward me. His aura was completely red now, which usually indicates love.

"What, are you kidding me? I plan on seeing you all the time, if that's ok.....but you will never be able to keep secrets from me." I said, grinning.

I placed my fingers in his wet hair and let my eyes slip shut, opening my mind, concentrating. What came to my mind's eye were visions of white noise, his dad, his mom, his dog, kids he knew from school. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes squeezed shut tightly, his face set in concentration. I giggled.

"Trying to shut me out?"

He giggled.

I moved in, placing my mouth over his, pulling him into my arms. I could feel his cock stiffening against my body....I began to get a stiffy as well, but it didn't stop me from getting the information I needed. Finally, I broke the kiss, still holding him close.

"2522 Hoover Drive." I whispered.

He dropped his head onto my shoulder, sighing deeply.

"I won't go if you don't want me to." I said. He raised his head and I gazed into his beautiful eyes...I felt like I could look into them for hours. "I won't do anything you don't want me to. I won't even try to read you again ever, if that's what you want." I said, meaning every word....I was falling big time. I began stroking his hair once again. He looked up at me, smiling.

"You can read me anytime you like." He whispered.

Then he put on a grin a mile wide.

"And we can go together...." He said as he sank to his knees, "...if you want to."

As the silky-wet warmth enveloped my stiff cock, visions of those times with Chris and his uncle tried to come to me.

I slammed the door shut on them as I began to moan.

Hi Guys! I got the idea for this story a couple weeks back, so I decided to take a break from the multi-part story I am currently working on to write this short one. If you are wondering if there is more, alas, there is not....it just feels like the end to me. Hope you enjoyed it! I have had a bit of trouble with my email recently. If you have emailed me (May of '09), might want to send it again...as always I love hearing from you!




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