Tug of War!

By S

Published on Oct 12, 2006




His heart pounding like a bass drum, Logan dashed up the stairs and rapped on the door. Who, his head howled, was the prick in Ashley's apartment? He paced briskly to the balustrade, sniffed violently at the black pickup, and stormed to the white panel door. He rattled the doorknob. "I'm gonna pound this dork!"

The door caved back, and the blanket of moonlight lit the foyer's stone floor.

"I've been calling you all afternoon!" Logan boomed.

"I told you that I would be dating more than one guy," Ashley said in a reedy voice. "You agreed to those terms."

"Only `cause you forced me to!"

Soft as a delicate brush, Ashley's auburn hair rested over her pared shoulders. Its scent of strawberry shampoo tickled Logan's nostrils like a feather.

"Who's the weasel in the apartment?" Logan said, shoving the door the rest of the way.

"Stop this, right now!"

Had the guy been a stranger, Logan wouldn't have felt as betrayed. But of all people, Logan's rival had to be his shop partner from Automotive Technology class--the dude that Logan had informally tutored since summer semester began.

Like a bull, Logan swaggered toward the long-haired blond. "So this is the thanks I get for helping you in class."

"I didn't ask for your help--you volunteered!" Jake said, pointing

on the word and ankling to his feet.

"You're one deluded egomaniac," Logan said.

"Unlike you, who like showing off your big, bad muscles and boy-cute

looks at your uncle's garage--to the delight of every other chick on campus."

Logan froze like a cat in mid-hunt. "You little piece of shit!" he said, going for Jake's jugular.

Ashley stepped in front of Logan and grabbed his arms as if catching a Frisbee. "Smack it off!"

Jake remained standing by the loveseat of tiger-print cushions and oak-wood armrests. Twenty odd feet into the loft, he continued to sparkle in the lamp-lit surroundings--just like the strips of the bamboo floor.

"I'm gonna punch you!" Logan snarled at Jake.

Jake beckoned Logan with rippling fingers. "Go ahead."

Logan squeezed two steps toward him.

"I swear I'll dump you both if you don't quit this instant!" Ashley said.

As if snapping out of hypnosis, Logan stopped his body with a


"That's better," Ashley said. She lowered Logan's forearms with the

finesse of a ballerina and smoothed the sleeves of his light-green polo. "Both of you--in the kitchen."

The white fluorescent light switched on; Ashley erected her arms

horizontally into a V; and she pointed to two widely separated stools.

Sucking his teeth, Jake climbed onto the stave-backed seat by the foyer.

"Tonight's my turn to date you--not his!" he said. "Can't you talk to him some other time?"

Ashley halted abruptly behind the white counter. Her orbs lifted toward Jake like a curtain rising to a strong breeze. "Believe me," she said. "I would rather have us be beyond this stage."

"What are you getting at?" Jake said.

Ashley began to pace around the chopping table of stainless steel. "Increasing numbers of guys are dating the same girl and making no fuss about it."

"You mean, those neo-hippie, wannabe-yuppie college men we're hearing about in the news?" Jake said.

Ashley stopped strolling. Sappiness welled up in her blue eyes of liquid. "Those collegians are paving the way to a different future," she said sentimentally.

"The kind of future where every dude's a fag?" Jake said sarcastically.

Such disregard for a girl, Logan rumbled in his mind. What could a rich, Ivy League girl possibly see in a brat-mouthed buffoon who--twice--had almost dropped out of community college? Not that Logan disagreed with Jake. But Jake's behavior was inexcusable, especially since Ashley seemed on the verge of tears.

"You will shut your face, or I'm gonna break it," Logan said, stepping down from his stool.

"Yeah?" Jake said, matching Logan's moves. "Let's go."

"Quit it!" Ashley screamed, quaking in place. "Or I'll dump you both--right here!"

Like a couple of high school students at detention, Jake and Logan returned to their seats. Silence fell on the kitchen like a diaphanous veil, and the indented lights' low hum on top of Ashley filled the vacuum of stillness.

"Men like you are becoming dinosaurs."

Ashley's whisper broke the quiet like a pebble a crystalline lake.

"Alternative sexual experimentation among straight college men began in 2017," Ashley proceeded. "Sociologists predict that by the 2020s, as much as 20% of the population may identify as bisexual."

Something about those words plucked a string inside Logan. His eyes were fixed on the counter. But he sensed Jake experiencing the same--whatever it was. Such vulnerability and seriousness in Jake--a dude that goofed his way through life--ignited a strange feeling in Logan.

"My ex-boyfriend didn't understand the neo-hippie philosophy," Ashley resumed, her blurry arms akimbo. "He also was as insensitive as you two. But, at least, he was civilized about things."

Logan heaved his eyes in a scowl. "Knowing we're not Ivy League material, why did you get involved with us?"

Jake's eyebrows arched up in surprise, as Logan had never spoken so academically in class.

"I wanted to experience something different," Ashley said, "raw, callous men with an average--or, in your case, below average--upbringing."

"Why?" Logan said.

"All my life, I have dated the likes of Ethan. My parents loved his type. But as I've matured, I have discovered that those guys are too restrained. They're too worried about their money and reputation." Her angelic eyes waxed pensive.

Jake puffed as if smoking marijuana. "Babe," he said, making false starts with his head. "It's not normal for dudes to share girls with each other."

Ashley crossed from the l of Logan's counter to the __ of Jake's. At the other side of the L of counters, she leaned toward Jake. "You call me babe again, and I might get mean with you."

"Oooh!" Jake said, smiling wickedly. "I like the sound of that."

"You wouldn't if I told you what I have in mind," she said.

Jake flicked his tongue across his upper lip.

Such wanton disrespect for me, Logan grated. Something had to be done immediately!

Logan hopped off his stool. "Move your turkey face away from her." "She's my girlfriend, doofus."

Ashley dragged her arms off the counter. "Back in your seat," she said, pointing peevishly.

Logan hissed and merely returned to his area.

Ashley turned to Jake. "And you--be quiet."

"What?" Jake said incredulously.

Ashley began to pace around the checkered tiles of black and white. "You bozos have a simple choice. Either you resolve your mutual hostility among yourselves, or you can kiss goodbye to your hope of sleeping with me." She stopped in front of the stainless-steel refrigerator.

"You can't be serious," Jake said.

"You weasels agreed to let me date both of you."

"Only `cause you forced us to!" Jake whined like a kid protesting a bad grade.

"You made a free choice," Ashley said. "Now, you have to live with the consequences of your decision."

Logan gritted his teeth in wrath. "How do you suggest we work out our differences?"

"Obviously, you won't talk it out," Ashley said. Looking at the floor, she resumed pacing. "I think you both need to blow off some steam. I think I know the perfect place where you can do that."

"Where?" Logan almost barked.

A subtle grin materialized on her oval face of pink.

Descending the spiral staircase, Logan felt his heart scrambling like an eggbeater, for he remembered Ashley's telling him that she hosted aerobics classes in her townhouse. He had never seen the ground floor. Yet, Logan knew what Ashley had in mind. Of course, he didn't understand how a girl who wanted to keep two guys would want to unleash them against each other. Alas! The intricacies of female logic.

The glass double doors parted like those of a transparent elevator, and white fluorescent light flooded the mini-gymnasium.

Ashley glided like a ghost into the aerobics room. "First, you will not harm each other," she said. "If I catch either of you punching, kicking, or strangling the other, I'll stop dating whoever of you does that. If both of you are guilty, then you might as well date each other because I won't have anything to do with you." She halted and cast each of them a side-glance that bordered between girlishness and classiness. "Is that clear?"

"Clear as your eyes," Jake said, standing to her right.

Logan nodded grumpily from her left.

Ashley took three dainty steps and turned. "Second, you are to freestyle wrestle, given that God knows you sophomores have acquired enough horseplay experience since elementary school."

Jake showed his ivory-colored teeth as he grinned like a hyena. "This ought to get interesting."

"Shut up, rat face!"

Ashley proceeded, "Third, the winner gets to spend the night with me, and the loser does not."

"All right!" Jake cheered.

"Yeah, for me--the winner!" Logan countered.

Ashley resumed stepping toward the middle of the waxed wooden floor. "You will struggle on this mat."

Side by side, Jake and Logan tagged along.

"How long do you want us to wrestle?" Logan said.

Ashley turned and scratched her head. "Until one of you pins the other down for 10 seconds. Whoever of you does that is the winner."

"Come on," Jake said. "You gotta raise the stakes a little."

"What do you mean?" Ashley lipped.

"I was thinking along the lines of making the loser do something real embarrassing."

"You were actually thinking?" Logan chimed in.

"Yeah," Jake said, serious as a whistle. "Something embarrassing like--" His hazel eyes lit like a couple of Christmas tree lights. "How about the loser having to suck the winner's dick for a whole minute?"

Ashley's orbs showed mild amusement. "I wasn't thinking along those lines."

"If you're gonna propose that we fight like dogs, you gotta make things a little down `n dirty," Jake said, his voice fresh to the last.

"I agree," Logan said. "Jake needs to be taught a lesson. Doing what he proposes is the best way to put him in his place."

"You wish."

"Fellows!" Ashley said. She shook her head slowly. "You guys are really intent on pissing off each other. Is that a turn-on for you?"

"The idea of putting this jerk in his place is, believe me, the biggest turn-on a guy could have."

"Yeah?" Jake said and pulled off his Henley.

"Yeah!" Logan echoed louder and peeled off his polo.

Jake's chest mirrored Logan's cross of muscle peaks and valleys, which stretched from Logan's pecs to his abs. Likewise, Jake's height rivaled Logan's stature of 5' 10". Jake's golden locks, in turn, roughly matched Logan's khaki-blond hair. To be sure, Jake exhibited some differences: his lighter skin, his wavy hair cascading toward his rib cage, and his thick-lipped eyelids. Nonetheless, Jake's physical similarities enraged Logan in an almost Faustian way.

Jake squatted and unzipped his black running shoes.

The sneakers wailed like a baby.

Logan bent as if about to start a vertical somersault, untied his white basketball sneakers, and kicked them off.

Ashley strolled toward them. "Aren't you going to remove your pants?"

Dipping his forehead, Logan tipped his eyes at her and arched his eyebrows.

"Don't look at me that way," she said. "If you want to get down n dirty,' then you might as well bare yourselves. After all, isn't that how pigs live and die?"

Logan glimpsed at Jake's burgundy sweatpants. Compared to Logan's black jeans, Jake's roomy slacks placed the rug rat at a distinct advantage on the mat. Logan, of course, could not allow that. But to initiate and repel wrestling moves with a nearly naked guy seemed too gay for Logan's comfort.

"Don't you have shorts for us?" Logan said.

Ashley stopped like a boxing referee between Jake and Logan. "No," she said. "You sophomores will fight in your underwear." Her orbs glittered with incitement--probably at the notion of turning the boys' bravado on its head.

Fear turned to fright inside Logan. He glanced at the rectangular glass windows that circled the top of the room under its high ceiling. The night seeping in from beyond sealed Logan's determination to kick his opponent to kingdom come.

"If either of you tell anyone about this, I swear I'll strangle that person," Logan said and undid his jeans.

"I'll be in the corner," Ashley said. Sensuously, she sloughed off the shoulder straps of her white blouse.

Logan felt his cock twitch.

"Let's not get too formal about this," Ashley said, her voice receding into the distance. "Simply start when you're ready. I'll call stop when the loser's suck minute is up."

Logan pushed his jeans down, stepped out of them, and marched to the mat. He turned, lifted each leg, and pulled off his white, cotton socks.

Jake tossed aside the circle-framed, black sunglasses that were resting on his forehead, duplicated the leg-sock shebang, and sashayed toward his adversary.

Like Logan, Jake was sporting white, cotton briefs. This was another resemblance that magnified Logan's sense of competition. The threat had to be exterminated!

Logan slipped his cedar beads off his left wrist, dropped them onto the area beyond the blue mat, and planted himself like a linebacker.

Jake hurled himself at Logan.

Logan shook like the seat of an airplane in mid-collision. He pressed his body against Jake and wrapped a foot around Jake's leg.

Jake pulled Logan's short, trimmed hair.

Logan yawped!

Jake pushed.

Logan counterpushed.

And Jake . . . lost his balance.

At last, Logan had the weasel where he wanted. "One ... two ... three ..."

Jake struck with his knee, rolled over Logan, and grabbed Logan's crotch.

"What the hell?"

Jake rubbed his pale hand over Logan's bulging cock. "You like that, don't you?"

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Logan whooped in a mix of panic and sexual excitement.

His adolescent face was an inch from Logan's preppy face. "Make me," Jake whispered.

Logan pulled Jake's hair as if removing a spider web--the kind that Jake had tattooed in black on the upper side of his left arm.

Jake wailed like a 13-year-old boy!

Logan rolled Jake away, mounted the moist dough of bread from the rear, and interlocked his legs with the dork's. Not since his last bar fight had Logan subdued a fellow with the same intensity of muscles that he had. Now, the feel of his pecs pressing Jake's back like a warm iron infused his boner. Moreover, the feel of his cock nestled against Jake's butt crack added fuel to the fire in his loins.

Disgust gripped Logan like a mother shaking her unruly child. What would his uncle--with whom he lived--say if he caught Logan enjoying his pecker as a result of his position? How would Logan answer to him?

Jake struggled to move his buttocks from side to side.

Such defiance! Logan railed. His fury ignited like hay in a wildfire. Logan had to teach Jake a lesson, he concluded, regardless of the consequences to Logan's straight identity.

Logan pressed his wiener against Jake's rump slit.

Jake moaned in disapproval.

Logan pressed harder. "We must be at five ... six ... seven ... "

Jake groaned louder.

"... eight ... nine ... "

Jake elbowed him.

Logan fell aside.

"One," Jake grated, climbing on top of him.

Logan struggled underneath.

"... two ... three ... four ... " Jake slithered up, sat on Logan's saddle abs, and pinned Logan's arms.

Logan winced at the tent pole of Jake's briefs. "I'm gonna get you, asshole!"

"... seven ... eight ... " With his knees, Jake enclosed Logan's flanks. "... nine ... ten."

Logan's heart stopped.

Jake looked triumphantly at Logan and grinned. The smile was the kind that accompanied school pranks.

Logan's stomach turned as if to an addled egg.

Jake turned to Logan's left and jerked up his chin at Ashley. "Are you ready to see what straight, neo-hippie, wannabe yuppies do in their dorms?"

"God! Am I ready," Ashley fluted orgasmically.

Logan rolled his head back and left.

To Logan's shock, Ashley had lowered her strap blouse halfway. Also, she had slipped her miniskirt a third of the way down.

Logan kept eyeing Ashley's tooth-white panties and pearl-white brassier.

Jake loosened his grip on Logan's biceps. "Are you ready to lather up my dick for your girlfriend's pussy?"

Now, she's my girlfriend? Logan thought. What was Jake trying to do? Piss him off more? Logan straightened his head--something that teachers berated him for not doing in class. "Up yours!"

"Yeah?" Jake zigzagged further up, shucked his briefs, and held his dickhead an inch from Logan's lips.

The shaft hovered above the hills of Logan's pecs. It was swollen as the belly of a super-jumbo airliner.

Logan could have tackled, punched, and fucked Jake for trying to humiliate him like this in front of the girl of his dreams. That, however, would have cost Logan the chance to be with Ashley in the future--and she was one angel he couldn't afford to lose. Reluctantly, Logan closed his eyes and parted his lips.

The wiener entered Logan's mouth like a salmon re-diving into the ocean.

Logan tried to breath shallowly. But the smell of pubes and the taste of tuna was too much to shut out. Like it or not, Logan had to accept the unacceptable.

Jake pulled his dick out and rammed it back inside.

Logan scrunched his face in pain.

"This ought to put you in your place," Jake said venomously. He sank his cock deeper, drilling through ice.

Logan's tongue licked the foreskin of leather. Quickly, Logan reasoned that the monster head was inescapable in a limited mouth.

"Holy moly," Jake said, nothing escaping him. As if fucking a girl, he thrusted with the rhythm of advancing and retreating surf foam.

The mat emitted the crunching sounds of a thick trash bag. The tongue-cock interaction in Logan's mouth, in turn, dispersed the sound of a puppy lapping water from a bowl.

Who, Logan thought, would have imagined that his mouth would become a fuck hole? He flicked the approaching meat.

"Yeah," Jake said. He pulled Logan's hair as though it were spaghetti.

Logan's baby blues flung open! What the hell are you clawing my hair for? they slung at Jake.

Jake's dark marbles stared back at Logan--with boldness, horniness, and vulgarity rolled into them.

Logan shut his eyes, and the tip of his tongue scraped Jake's piss slit. "Fuckin' A!" Jake said. His fingers towel-wrenched the rapids of Logan's


Not only was Logan--campus jock and part-time mechanic--starting to enjoy cock. Jake's dirty talk and roughness were giving Logan psychological pleasure, as well. This simply didn't compute with Logan's heterosexual libido and with his tough-guy image. The incongruity confused him.

The cockhead's musky taste, however, sharpened Logan's hunger.

The overgrown thumb reentered Logan's mouth.

Logan licked the head again.

"Brrrr!" Jake said, quivering like a wet bobcat. Suddenly, he pulled out.

What? Logan bawled, his eyes parting faster than lightning.

Jake released Logan's hair and dismounted him. "That's all folks."

But the minute isn't up! Logan brayed, peeved by this sudden departure from the rules.

Jake leaned toward Logan's ear. "My bleeding heart has taken mercy on you," he whispered.

The tickle of Jake's hair on Logan's chest confirmed Logan's suspicion that Jake was teasing him. "You must be joking."

Jake sat back up and pushed himself off his heels. "Be grateful; count your blessings; and get out of here."


What the hell had happened last Tuesday? How, Logan wondered, had a simple visit to his girlfriend's turned into a gay-leaning escapade? More important, how could a straight hunk like him have found himself falling for gay stuff?

Logan zagged his fingers through his pecan-brown hair. Why, he agonized, had Jake pulled out early from his mouth? To tease him? To impress Ashley? To show mercy? Fellowship?

"Dude, my man."

Logan turned right.

Jake slapped his arm onto Logan's shoulder.

"Are you following me?" Logan said defensively.

Jake hopped onto the bar stool, swept his sunglasses off his head, and chucked them onto the counter. "I thought I'd come here for a beer. What brand are you having?"

Stupefied, Logan looked at his half-empty glass. "Cooler's Brew," he mumbled.

"Excellent," Jake said. He pointed at Logan's glass for the bartender and skimmed the sun-streaked surroundings. "Summer sure is coming early this June."

Logan contorted his face with petulance. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look around you," Jake said.

For early afternoon, the pub had more people than usual. Still, it was Thursday, Logan reasoned, and the heat of summer had little to do with the number of people around him.

Jake sipped from his dewy glass. "Listen," he said, refreshed by the ice-cold beverage. "I hope you're not mad at me."

"Not mad at you?" Logan said, ready to slug him. "You fucking grab my dick in the middle of a wrestling match--unannounced! You pull my hair. You break the rules. Then, you sleep with my girlfriend."

"I did pull out of your mouth early," Jake said.

"Why did you do that?" Logan retorted, not giving a damn about the man who was sitting around the left end of the wooden counter.

Jake slurped, then smacked his lips. "I wanted to make a friendship gesture."

"Putting your dick in my mouth?" Logan said. "Gee! That makes sense."

"I figured you might've been uncomfortable, with Ashley watching and all," Jake said. "So I pulled out."

"If you truly wanted to make a `friendship gesture,' you would've ended the wrestling match upon the count of ten." Logan sniffed violently at Jake, deeply inhaling the place's beery smell.

"That wasn't so bad," Jake said. "Besides, I noticed how you licked my shaft and head." He grinned in a smart-alecky way. "You liked it. Admit it."

"You really are full of shit," Logan said, stepping down from his stool. "You want me to say yes so you can give Ashley the news, get her to dump me for being a faggot, and have her all to yourself. Well, I hate to disappoint you." Logan finished by shoving Jake gently.

"I'll suck your cock if that'll make you feel better," Jake said offhandedly.

"What?" Logan said.

"If we're to date the same girl, we might as well try to get along."

Logan's head spun like a spindle.

"So you are the white trash that Ashley dumped me for."

Logan turned to the voice coming from his left.

The young man had forward-combed hair that looked recently trimmed. It was brown as a coffee bean, short as the fur of a squirrel, and had large curls in front. The dud's dark eyes exuded pompousness and injury. Unlike the rest of the patrons, he wore a tie and jacket.

"I should have known that your arrangement was what Ashley was looking for," the preppie said. His voice emanated bitterness and vengefulness. "What could she possibly see in queer vermin like you?"

"Watch your mouth," Logan said.

"Or else?"

Logan stepped toward him.

Jake held Logan back. "Don't let him press your buttons."

"Yeah, listen to your fairy lover." Ashley's ex-boyfriend nearly fell as he stepped down from his stool.

Jake snickered.

But Logan hawked phlegm meant for Ashley's ex.

Gently, Jake turned Logan toward the bar's dim entrance. "Come with me." Jake dropped some dough on the counter, relaid his hands on Logan's shoulders, and pushed Logan toward the door.

"That's right! Run away!" the guy said in a drunken voice. "Because I'm gonna tell Ashley's parents about you. They have some heavy connections!"


Logan stood by Jake in front of Ashley's door. He felt specks of himself eroding like sand grains blowing off the surface of a beach. Part of Logan wanted to fight off the morally decadent urges stirring in his heart. Part of him did not. Was Ashley involved with the bisexual liberation movement that was sweeping the country? As for Jake, Logan mused, how could the turnip look so cool regarding what was about to occur? Was Jake secretly bi? Was he in on Ashley's plan to lure the fellows away from straightness?

Jake pressed the round, black button at the top-center of the door.

"This is twisted," Logan said, turning away from the entrance.

"Yo!" Jake hooted.

Why did the sky have to shine with such crystal-clear blueness, unbroken by a single cloud? This was too perfect, especially for early June. From experience, Logan knew that no good could follow.

By the balustrade, Logan rotated toward Jake. "I don't think I can go through with this."

"I'm willing to suck your cock to even the score for you," Jake said. "But I'm not gonna do it without a girl present. Now, you either come with me, or you can see Ashley alone tomorrow."

Logan leaned back on the railing.

Jake turned; his hair shook over his back like strings of yarn; and he re-pressed the doorbell.

The panel door of oak opened silently.

"Good afternoon, guys," Ashley rippled.

Her transparent gown's silver-white glow eroded any remaining objections that Logan might have had.

Jake pressed his body against Ashley's for a smooch.

Logan glided toward them like a kid chasing candy. Kissing Ashley, Logan tasted her peppermint breath. It, however, was diluted by Jake's leftover taste of saliva.

How, Logan railed, could Jake have dared to spoil Logan's feeding off her mouth? His eyes growled sideways at Jake, and Logan swore to give it to him.

The threesome knelt on the cinnamon sheets. They were--literally--basking in the stripes of sunlight that were beaming through the Venetian blinds. Surrounded by the skin-of-kiwi color of the walls, the trio breathed the room's scent of wood shavings. The white orchids by the corner, in turn, brought a unique blend to the air.

Inch by inch, Ashley peeled off her white gown.

Cheek by jowl, Jake and Logan sighed like 13-year-old males seeing a bared female body for the first time. Their hands trembling, the young men unbuttoned their polos and pulled them off.

Ashley slowly removed her white brassier of satin.

Her plump breasts of orange-pink drew air from the guys' mouths.

Ashley bent forward from the bed's wooden headboard. She tugged down Jake's yellow balloon pants of seersucker.

Reluctantly, Logan marveled at Jake's white briefs of cotton. On the one hand, they made Logan feel connected to the dude. On the other hand, Jake's sporting of Logan's hue and style of underwear made Logan feel threatened.

Ashley unbuttoned and unzipped Logan's blue jeans, then kneeled back up.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Logan echoed in his mind. How could nature have placed before him the most awesome tits in the universe?

Logan shucked his pants down, exposing his sausage-in-tortilla.

Always ahead of the curve, Jake slipped his briefs down. His banana dangle foreboded seven inches at full mast.

Logan curled his upper lip, for Jake's sizeable endowment and lack of circumcision reflected the qualities of Logan's dick. Logan's competitor had to be subdued--immediately!

Logan sloughed his briefs down, revealing his pinkish cock. "So, big shot," he said, turning left. "Aren't you gonna butter my hot dog for penetration?"

Jake huffed a laugh. "What kind of question is that?" he said, jerking up his chin at him. "We're buddies, and buddies do things for each other." With that, he scooted around Logan and tilted his round chin toward the hanging rope.

Will he really do it? Logan wondered.

Jake's plum-cheeked face hung at a mere foot from Logan's face. Still, Jake's lips were relaxed like a hammock.

Such hipness, Logan concluded, beat the definition of coolness.

Jake angled his eyeballs up.

Uneasy, Logan shifted his eyes down.

Like Logan, Jake exhibited muscles rippling softly but clearly across his chest. Jake, however, was a tinge pudgy around his pecs. In addition to that, Jake's skin tone put the nitwit at a "disadvantage," for compared to Logan's orange-peach chest, Jake's chest was pale-cream. Clearly, Jake had to be the guy to give head.

Logan whipped his deep-blue eyes up toward Jake.

Jake winked at Logan.

Logan lifted his chest of chiseled marble and brought his hands to rest below his waist like a bully blocking the road.

The branch of a candelabra cactus, Jake's curved dick kept growing toward the sunlight.

Logan's frankfurter started pointing toward the ceiling fan.

His bare duff facing Ashley, Jake stooped toward Logan and flicked the frenulum of Logan's cock.

A tuft of air escaped Logan's lungs.

Jake licked the shaft, sucked the head, and flicked the sides.

Tiny bubbles sizzled inside Logan's nuts.

Jake slithered his hands up Logan's thighs, and he circled his pink tongue around the foreskin.

"Holy mackerel!" Logan shot into the ceiling.

Jake swallowed the wiener--all seven inches--and sucked with the sprightliness of a Dachshund.

How in the world could a straight dude suck so well? The question pummeled Logan's stomach. Pissed by this, Logan snatched Jake's hair where it dangled like the strings of a harp.

Jake strummed his vocal chords approvingly under his breath. The vibration zipped from Jake's o-wrapped lips to the base of Logan's cock, from there to the dick's tip, and down to Logan's pubes, bladder, and pubic bone.

Logan hissed as if Jake had applied disinfectant on him. "Fuckin' hussy!"

Jake slapped Logan's butt for that.

Logan reached forward and spanked him back. "You like this kinky stuff, don't you?"

Jake mmm-hmmed a C and G note in brass.

"Yeah?" Logan said. "Then, take my wiener!"

Jake moved his head to and fro.

Logan humped into Jake as if slugging a punching bag with his member. Logan's hips bucked so hard that he nearly flip-knocked the cockhound onto his back.

Jake hummed in the pitch of an oboe.

Logan pulled out and drove his spear back into Jake. Logan, however, didn't look at Ashley lest her angelic purity might instill guilt in him about his ignoring the female sex.

Jake clasped his lips onto the penis and tongue-scrubbed it in his geyser-warm mouth.

Logan threw his head back. "Fuckin' horndog!"

Jake rubbed himself in circles and made the sound of cracking knuckles.

Such loss of control! Like so many college men of their generation, Jake and Logan were messing with nature by misusing their God-given cocks. How could America not expect divine retribution for allowing itself to cave into the temptations of the bisexual movement? Pensive with this question, Logan guiltily scraped his eyes over Ashley's orbs. He was almost asking her forgiveness for his behavior.

On Logan's balls, Jake's tongue felt like ham.

"Fuckin' A!" Logan grunted. He uncontrollably twisted left, and his pubes bristled like the leaves on the trees outside the panel window.

Jake took one, then the other nut into his mouth.

"Unfucking believable!" Logan heaved, pulling Jake's hair as though it were a ragged doll.

Jake slurped as if devouring kenepas.

"Holy shit!" Logan said. A sardine, he concluded, couldn't have been slicker than Jake's lips. No way this guy hadn't sucked nut before.

Jake spit noisily onto his hand.

Logan looked down in shock. A girl would've never done that, he snapped upstairs. The idea incited him in a scrumptiously delicious way, as Jake's act proved that Logan's pig appetite was shared by another pig. Never again would Jake and Logan go hungry for sex whenever a girl was not "in the mood." That same thought terrified Logan. But he let himself bask in his discovery.

Jake retook the macadamias into his mouth, and he seized the throbbing dick. His slippery hand began to mold it as though the penis were clay spinning on a potter's wheel.

"Oh, man," Logan said, for a moment not caring that Jake was about to churn out his seed.

Jake kept pumping Logan's foreskin as if it were an iridescent spiral-spring--the kind that Logan played with as a child.

"Hey!" Logan shot, snatching Jake's hand. "You're not gonna jerk me off! I'm gonna cum in her today--not in the air--and you better get your mouth ready for next time." Thank heavens that Logan had come to his senses. What, Logan yowled, had he been thinking? "To think I was about to let you have Ashley all to yourself--again!"

Jake squinted sarcastically at Logan.

Ashley spoke softly. "I told you chimps that fellatio wasn't a good idea. But last Tuesday, Jake had to insist that `the loser suck the winner's dick.' When that happens between straight men, you can rest assured that the loser won't stay down for long."

Logan raised his eyes.

To his relief, Ashley was staring at Jake.

Ashley continued, "Now that you're even, however, you might want to intensify that equality."

Jake quickly knelt up and scooted toward his original position. "Come again?"

Ashley's orbs of pearl shifted to Logan. "You dodos have no problem wrestling each other in briefs," she said. "You have no problem forcing each other's members down the other's throat. You have no problem talking dirty to each other. Therefore, you shouldn't have any problem, say, kissing."

"No way," Jake said, stressing things with his hands.

Ashley pressed, "If you want our relationship to work, then you have to get comfortable with each other."

"Our relationship?" Jake said, flabbergasted by Ashley's twisting of words. "We don't have a `relationship' with each other. Only with you."

"But you do," Ashley lipped. "Your relationship is one of enemies--or, in your case, jerks--trying to prove who's more macho than the other." She paused, her thin lips of honey moist as the rest of her body. "You're each heavily invested in what the other thinks. I merely suggest that you change those emotions into something ... utterly ... positive." She abruptly circled her fingers over her panties and stopped.

"Lord have mercy," Jake said. His dragon-fire exhale extinguished in the air space between him and her.

Ashley lingered her butter fingers over her crotch. "Are you up to the challenge?" she said seductively.

Slowly, Logan turned left.

Jake's eyeballs met Logan's.

Never had Jake's pupils been so dilated. Never had the yellow, furry comb around his iris glowed with such intensity. Coated with their usual smartness, Jake's eyes also exuded suaveness and longing.

Jake broke the ice. We gotta do this if we wanna excite her.

I know, Logan grumbled. I just wish Ashley would be happy with our cock sucking.

That sure would make our lives simpler, Jake said. His globes nodded in agreement. I wish I could tell you otherwise. But Ashley's intentions are crystal clear. If we want pussy, we better comply.

Kissing won't make us gay, will it? Logan said.

Bi-curious maybe, but not gay.

Jake and Logan faced each other the rest of the way. Like docking space capsules, they inched closer ... and closer ... and closer. At last, they brought their lips together.

The electricity ripped them apart! But like biplanes diving to earth after pulling out of enemy fire, Jake and Logan descended back onto their mouths.

Jake's face smelled of soaped scallions; his lips tasted of hot dogs; and his penis felt like the tail of a dingo.

The combination drove Logan insane with lust. He wanted to sniff more, to taste more, and to touch more. Yet, he couldn't get enough. At the same time, Logan's senses sharpened faster than quicksand. At one point, he thought that he smelled the metal of Jake's nose ring.

Sucking like horny teenagers, Jake and Logan reached their arms around their waists and grabbed each other's buttocks.

What had possessed them? The words reeled in Logan's head like butterflies lost in blustering winds.

Jake's face scrunched up like crumpled paper.

Logan let his eyelids drop halfway. Never had he felt so close to another guy. As far as Logan knew, Jake was feeling the same thing, thinking the same thoughts, and no longer caring about the shattering of his straight identity. All that mattered was getting the girl's cunt wet.

Jake and Logan's heterosexual agenda, however, had not only let the queer genie out of the bottle. The dudes' close-up view had made Jake and Logan larger than life: Jake's heart-shaped face distorting into a giant peach, his picaresque eyes looming like billiard balls twisted awry in a convex mirror, and his nose ring looking like a huge ball bearing. Logan's diamond-shaped face must have impressed Jake as much. Instinctively, Logan knew that their magnified perspective would leave a long-lasting impression on them. It was just too intense not too--like kissing a girl for the first time. Moreover, Jake was further ahead on this road of same-sex exploration. This was because unlike Logan at the gym, Jake had eyed Logan's genitals while sucking him. What was that sight like for Jake? Part of Logan swore to even the score in this area. If only the fellows had known that their heterosexuality would unleash their sophomoric urges away from the world's pack mentality.

Jake slapped Logan and drew him closer.

Logan opened his half-shut eyes, cuffed Jake back, and felt the sting on Jake's rump.

"Umph!" Jake snorted up his nose. He kept sucking wildly.

Logan's appetite for palm pain sharpened like an ax to a grindstone. He slapped Jake again.

Jake smacked Logan's other muscle ball.

Was this what gay foreplay was all about? Logan wondered.

The smarting pain on Logan's buttocks boosted his hard-on. The feel of the wieners dueling in trapped body heat incited Logan even more. The cocks poked the guys' quadriceps, sandpapered the dudes' pubes, and rubbed past each other like pastry sticks.

"Humph!" Logan squealed from his throat. He nibbled Jake's lower lip. This was too much!

Jake and Logan stroked each other's lips as if dipping clothes in and out of a washtub. Their dog pants steamed their supple faces and heated their lukewarm lips.

Logan allowed himself to relish partnering with Jake in this fashion. Something about unleashing his lust with a straight dude excited Logan in wickedly thrilling ways. What would his dead mother say if she caught Logan like this?

Jake kneaded Logan's back muscles as if they were pizza dough.

Logan returned the favor.

Never did the sophomores stop smooching. Rather, they twisted their heads, flicked their tongues, and distorted their noses. The more they French-kissed, the more they hankered to lock their lips.

"All right," Ashley heaved, audibly pleased.

Jake and Logan unpasted and ahed as if finishing a cold drink.

"Now," Ashley continued. "Remove your pants and briefs the rest of the way."

"You remove your panties first," Jake said. "Better still, let us do it."

Stretched like ferrets on the queen-size bed, Jake and Logan massaged the V of Ashley's bush.

The pubes smelled of ocean.

Salivating like hounds, Jake and Logan descended onto the cunt and licked its folds of cherry red.

Ashley caressed Jake and Logan's hair. "Yes," she lullabied.

Like Martian rovers, Jake and Logan's tongues roamed along opposite sides of a hill valley.

The trout juices invigorated the young men like sugar drinks a couple of marathon runners. The mouth sponges plunged erect into the tonsil skin of the vaginal walls.

The tongues almost sparked in the airy heat.

Jake and Logan pulled back and gasped as though coming off blowing a balloon. They glanced sideways at each other, then arched their eyebrows so as to say: Bisexual foreplay ain't so bad.

The sophomores re-dove into the treasure trove. With hunger pangs in their gonads, they licked the oils and felt the girl's body temperature on the tip of their tongues. The cunt's sprinkle of pepper, however, tickled Logan beyond his range of endurance.

Logan shogged back like an animal who couldn't take more of a poisonous plant. Still, he continued to feel the sting of Ashley's diet on his tongue, in his throat, and up his nose.

Jake slid left and kept licking like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly, he stopped. He bent his back into a bowl and propped up his torso. "What's wrong?"

The question brought a slight lump to Logan's throat. "Nothing."

"You're about to fuck the girl of your dreams," Jake said with pizzazz. "Why the sudden change of mood?"

"I'm fine," Logan said. His peter confirmed his words, as it overhung the sheets like the branch of a coconut palm.

Ashley, however, sat up and took Logan's hand. "It's alright," she said, her tone soft as a silk dress. "Most straight men start off afraid. You're not alone."

Logan yanked his hand away from her. "I've fucked girls before," he protested.

"But you've never shared them with a guy," Ashley said.

Logan's voice became strained as an ultra-tight guitar string. "Let's just forget this."

A brittle silence dropped into the room the way a scarf ripples onto a floor.

Jake continued to lie across like a lizard. "As your pal, I won't let you deny our girlfriend."

Have you flipped your wig? Logan slung him with his eyes.

"We're in this together," Jake said, "for better or for worse."

"Yeah?" Logan said. He, however, couldn't make a move toward the girl.

Ashley--the leaf--hung below Logan--the stem. Slowly, Ashley kneeled toward Logan's neck. Like a deer suckling a raspberry off a bush, she sucked his Adam's apple.

Logan leaned his neck back.

Strings of pre-cum oozed up Logan's penis. His balls churned like milk being whipped slowly into butter.

"Fuck!" Logan said. He grabbed Ashley's stringy hair, pulled it back, and kissed her.

Ashley sucked back.

Logan groped her buns of cinnamon.

Ashley gripped his nates of beef.

Kissing thirstily, the two gyrated their bodies like spinning toy trompes. Logan might have been four inches taller than Ashley. But who knew what Jake was up to, and Logan couldn't afford to wait any longer.

Then and there, Logan slipped a hand away from Ashley's tush, grabbed his cock, and shoved it into her.

Ashley's rabbit scream came from below her high bosom.

Logan thrusted up.

Ashley wailed.

Logan dove onto the honeycombs of Ashley's tits. His face warmed to his lung heat. He sucked an engorged nipple and kneaded the other breast.

Madness bubbled inside Logan's burning physique. Furthermore, Jake's breath was upon his back, warm like the scruff of a cat.

Logan backhanded Jake's thigh.

"Oooh!" Jake said. His cracking voice closed in like the buzz of a bee. "You really want pussy all to yourself, don't you?"

Logan's earlobes vibrated like tiny bells. How he wanted to put the jerk in his place. Logan unglued his lips from Ashley's casabas, halted his humping, and turned right. "You truly are a pain in the butt."

"You wish," Jake said.

Jake's globes burned with naked lust. His pupils held larger than typed Os. Jake eye-brushed a long stroke down Logan's back ... and landed on Logan's slightly shrinked, sliced-in-half soccer balls.

Fear lanced into Logan's heart. "What are you doing?"

"Pondering what could become my main course for today," Jake said. He ran his fingers above Logan's rumps without touching the flesh.

"If you make me pull out, I swear you'll get a real pain in your butt."

Jake's face froze in a patch of eagerness and mild hurt. "You would fail to trust your bum to your buddy?"

"Without hesitation," Logan said. He turned front and resumed the in-out thing.

"After all I've done for you?" Jake said. His voice was laced with stunned bitterness.

A nerve plucked inside Logan. He stopped thrusting, puffed in discombobulation, and turned to Jake. "Why can't you let me enjoy my girlfriend?"

"I am letting you enjoy her," Jake said. "All I want is to get a piece of your ass in the process. What the hell is wrong with that?"

"Did I ask for a piece of your ass when you were fucking Ashley?" Logan rumbled, louder than the thunder of a Florida summer.

"Let Logan enjoy me, tiger," Ashley chimed in. "You've had your chance."

Jake lowered his chin with disillusionment.

"Besides," Ashley said. "Logan isn't ready for that sort of thing, although I can loosen him up when the time's right."

Logan faced her. "You think you can manipulate guys into doing whatever you want."

"It's a turn-on for them," Ashley said casually. "They just hate to admit it."

Logan impaled her cunt.

The bed jolted, and Ashley blubbered an ah.

Logan kept his gun in her holster. "So you want Jaky boy to fuck my butt."

"Uh-huh!" Ashley said.

"Does the thought of my machete in Jake's rear end excite you as much?"

"Mmm-hmm," she said.

Ashley's eyelashes fluttered half-shut. Her scent of salted watermelon infiltrated Logan's nostrils like mild perfume from an atomizer.

Drenched with lust, Logan writhed his pelvis deep inside her.

Ashley gyrated back moistly.

"Fucking hussy," Logan said. He slapped her high, tight rump. "You're wilder than Jaky dude."

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" Ashley said, more to Logan's genital massage.

Logan kneaded her buns.

Ashley dough-pressed his.

Logan's cream of coconuts stirred in his balls like a toddy; their pubes scorched with friction; and they thrusted savagely against each other.

"Argh!" Logan brayed, his gonads ready to explode. He abruptly pulled out, unsure where the choppy waters of his emotions were leading. "Your turn, buddy."

Jake's eyeballs changed from wounded eagerness to hesitation. "You wanna fuck my butt," Jake stated.

"What would make you think that?" Logan said.

Logan's innocent tone must have given Jake the jeebees, for Jake started to zigzag his eyes in rushed pensiveness. He landed his globes on the middle note of a funk song. "Nah," Jake croaked, lifting his eyes. "You go ahead. I shouldn't have interrupted."

"Too late," Logan said.

Jake sank his eyes, sorting more things in his head. Suddenly, his globes went agog. "We can double-fuck her pussy."

Logan tried to picture the V of top bodies on the plane of the lying body. Instantly, he felt Jake's cock spraying alongside his in Ashley's cunt. "Bravo," Logan said, clapping. "I truly admire your attempt to deflect my wrath in the usual direction." He stopped applauding. "Maybe next time, as today, I'm gonna put you in your place."

Jake's eyes glittered with a toned-down gloating. "Crap," Jake said, swinging his head as if snapping his fingers. "Fuck me before I change my mind."

Like a car having stopped way ahead at a red light, Logan slithered back on his knees.

Jake bumped forward, and his doorknob-fronted dick dragged between his legs. "On your back." He pushed Ashley onto the sandalwood-scented crumple of sheets.

Ashley's medium breasts flopped upon the landing. "Here, tiger," she said and threw Logan a bottle of something.

Logan caught it like a baseball player. He unscrewed the plastic tube of blue, sniffed the o aperture, and felt an olfactory tingle. His drooping cock hardened to the scent of jasmine in coconut oil.

"Bro," Jake said, pushing into Ashley. "Your pre-cum feels exquisite."

"You haven't felt anything, yet," Logan said, watching from aside. "Wait till I inject some real cum into you."

Pushing in and out, Jake's frankfurter sounded like a Chihuahua licking the pads of its paw.

Swiftly, Logan upended the bottle, squeezed onto his palm, and rubbed the silver cream onto his wiener.

The coolness of the ointment edged his hunger for the warmth of Jake's bowels. Quickly, Logan kneeled around him.

Jake stopped thrusting and led Ashley's heels toward his shoulders. "That's it," he whispered. "Surrender to your papa."

"Yes, pumpkin," Ashley purred.

Jake buried himself deeper and rocked his hips from side to side.

On the fluffy pillow, Ashley twisted her neck back and squinnied her eyes in rollicking pain.

Logan held the upturned bottle atop Jake's butt crack, squeezed, and rubbed the slipping lube into Jake's slit.

Jake exhaled a cracked ah.

Logan dug a finger into the antelope-warm butt, squeezed past the anal ring, and turned his finger as though it were a screwdriver.

"Fuck!" Jake heaved, breathing hard. "I think I'm gonna shit!"

"Good try," Logan said. Not sure how else to stretch the rug rat's behind, he kneeled into place, grabbed his upward-pointing dick, and fed it into Jake's cleft.

Jake gnashed his teeth.

Logan kept pushing.

Never had Logan done anything this naughty before. The thought and feel of his act sent Logan's mind twirling with youthful energy. The future looked brighter than ever. Logan's emotions soared in restless optimism. His body rippled with electricity. Such insanity!

Logan dropped the bottle as though it were a straw. He laid his palm on the light-cream duff as if it were a cushion and pressed further into Jake.

"Ugh!" Jake moaned in a high, whining tone.

"You're a man, aren't you?" Logan said.

"Yaw!" Jake answered.

Logan kept sinking his hot dog into the raw, basted turkey.

Jake threw his head back like the drummer of a rock band.

"Man," Logan said. "You're tighter than a nut in a nutcracker."

"Your cock is what's making things tight back there," Jake said, turning left. "God!"

Pushing slow and hard, Logan felt Jake's chute squeezing. Jake appeared to be evacuating through Logan, with Logan's wiener Jake's long, wide stool. This was vulgarity to the extreme. To this, Logan's cock bulged more.

"Stop!" Jake cried.

"You wanted to fuck my girl, didn't you?" Logan said.

Jake snorted.

"Then, take my cock!"

Logan's pubes of amber smeared Jake's nates with jelly.

Jake's body quaked like a ferry vrooming back from a dock.

"You're surrendering beautifully," Logan said.

"Shut up!" Jake barked.

The blond curls on Logan's legs caressed the oilskin of Jake's hamstrings.

Prompted by such lusciousness, Logan wrapped his feet around Jake's. How Logan relished the feel of his white, cotton socks rubbing against Jake's black, cotton socks.

"Nuh," Jake babbled.

Logan began to pump in and out.

"Holy Mother of God!" Jake bellowed into the white ceiling.

Ashley wrapped a hand under the hair that cascaded around Jake's nape.

Jake let his head roll down.

"Impregnate me," Ashley whispered.

"Give me ... just ... a moment ... sweet buttercup." Jake slid his arms forward as if they were a couple of door floor bars. With great strain, he restarted his copulative rhythm.

The bed began to creak under the sturdy mattress. Sucking, gulping, and licking sounds came and went, and they quickly filled the still bedroom.

Logan kissed one of Ashley's soles.

Its balmy temperature and smell of salted apricots drove Logan insane with lust.

Jake, however, dismounted Ashley's heels from his shoulders and pushed her hamstrings back along her flat, tight abdomen.

"Asshole!" Logan said. He tore open Jake's sleek hair and bit the rear of Jake's shoulder.

"Fuckin' horndog!" Jake bawled, shaking to a standstill.

Logan licked the wound before Logan knew what he was doing. To hell with it! Logan said and licked harder.

Jake turned back. "I'm gonna get back at your entire rear side!" Slowly, he erected his back.

Logan sniffed the cheese-smelling skin.

"So you like my dirty butt," Jake said, trying to get a reaction.

Logan continued to snuff the pig-warm skin.

Jake turned forward and resumed thrusting. He, however, stayed up.

With Jake's L position, Logan couldn't maneuver as freely as before. The experience became like reclining on a board that had been staked loosely into the soil.

In revenge, Logan spanked Jake's rump, kneaded it, and jolted the force of his entire physique into Jake through his cock.

Jake wailed.

Logan pulled out.

Jake leaned forward.

Logan slammed in.

And Ashley crooned like a little girl.

Jake gruffed, "Look at what you're making me go through back there, babe." He sucked Ashley's lips as if devouring a strawberry.

Logan pistoned with the force of a turbo-fan engine.

Jake passed the jolting energy to Ashley.

The bed squeaked louder and faster; the guys' grunts and groans sucked more air from the room; and Ashley's moans topped the dudes' sounds at the end of each round.

"I'm getting close!" Logan yelped.

"All right," Jake said with teenage sauciness. "Mr. Toughguy's about to become a confirmed homo."

"Yeah?" Logan said.

"Yeah!" Jake crowed louder than Logan.

Logan's pecker spritzed like a popping can of soda, and Jake's back bubbled with moistness.

"Fucking whoreslut!" Logan said.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" Jake panted. He gyrated his pelvis like a cobra. "Honeycomb! I can't believe I'm about to ... cum in ... your sweet ... pussy!"

Logan humped deeper, harder, and faster. "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!"

"Fuck my butt!" Jake said, turning back.

"Uuhhh!" Logan heaved.

"That's it. Shoot your seed into me."

"Here it comes! Here it comes!" Logan gasped, horrified and ecstatic at the prospect. "I'm gonna rip!"

The cream sprayed into Jake's tube and scorched Logan's urethra.

Jake tightened his ass.

"Fuckin' A!" Logan said, bending his back into a C. His cock kept sprinkling into Jake.

"Argh! Argh! Urgh!" Jake yawped.

"Uuhhh! Uuhhh! Uuhhh!" Ashley whooped.

Logan continued to squirt into Jake--two, four, eight more times! His balls and heart sizzled and melted like butter on a high fire.

Jake kept tightening and relaxing his pooper. "Lord Have Mercy!" he said and slapped his forehead onto Ashley's chest.

At last, Logan collapsed onto Jake's back.

The smell of lecithin overtook the wood-scented air. The formerly cool room itched with a mildly sticky warmth. Silence, in turn, fell upon the place like a wedding veil.

Eyes closed, Logan smiled placidly. How he savored his flaccid dick in Jake's creamy butt. "That was the best fuck I've ever had."

"Tell me about it," Jake said, resting on Ashley. "I had to take double the torture."

Logan stroked Jake's hips gently. "We have to do this again sometime."

"Only if we all agree to be a threesome," Ashley said.

"That sure will be a challenge in this day and age," Logan said.

"We have a growing bunch of wild college dudes on our side," Jake hummed down his spine.

"That's true," Logan said, relishing the vibration of his cheek upon Jake's back. Slowly, he opened his eyes.

"Remember," Ashley said. "You're heteroromantic men, and I don't expect you to fall romantically for each other. Just because you're straight in the romantic sense, however, doesn't mean that you can't be bisexual. That's what the neo-hippie movement is all about--straight college guys who're proud, open bisexuals. If you're good buddies, you'll be able to handle sharing your girlfriend."

"I'm getting hard just hearing about this," Jake said.

"Good," Ashley said. "But first, you must promise to be good to each other--and to share me without going berserk."

"I agree," Logan said.

"Ditto," Jake mumbled.

"Alright," Ashley said.

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