Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Dec 4, 2000


Okay... so I made you wait a bit... but hopefully this one will kinda be worth it. And yeah... I think I need a good kick in the ass to finish DMG too. Anyways... this might be the last one for a while... well at least until after Christmas season cuz my work has been promising us some 13 hour days and stuff... woohoooo!!!! can you spell cha-ching????? hehehehe... actually I'll have chap 15 out soon so that will most likely be the last for a while. And I promise I'll try to make it worth it. Til then...


EVIL DISCLAIMER: NSync is gay and if ur under 18 you could read this and if you don't like homosexual material you've come to the right place and if you really believe all that you need to put the crack pipe down and get yourself some serious help.

Turn Around Part XIV ========================================================================

It was Monday. Chris, Joey, and Christina left the night before for New York. Lance was off with Britney and Justin was still asleep. JC was bored, bored as hell. And Marc hadn't called. It felt different, like one of those weird days.

He and Marc hadn't really talked all that much since Friday night. JC had really been the one that pushed Marc away. Chris had utterly humiliated him in front of Marc. He didn't know what to do but he missed Marc and had so wished that Friday didn't happen. But it did.

It was half past noon. Marc usually called on his lunch. Today was different. Different sucked, to say the least. It was funny how everything could change in a span of two weeks.

JC flipped through channels. He wasn't paying attention really. Instead he kept thinking back to Friday as the scene played over and over and over again. Marc had given him a lap dance on a dare. And JC enjoyed it, enjoyed it just a little too much. And now he couldn't face Marc. What was even worse was that it made him want him even more. And withdrawals sucked. He closed his eyes to cry. He had cried when they got back too, but he hid it from Justin. And he was crying again on the couch as Justin slept upstairs. But he wouldn't call Marc. No matter how much he wanted to. He wouldn't call him. He was too terrified. But he wanted him.

It was half past three when he woke up again. The TV was off and he had a blanket draped over him. He turned the TV back on then went to the kitchen. A note on the fridge caught his attention.


You fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want to wake you. I know you haven't been sleeping good since this weekend and don't even try to play it off man. I hear you at night Josh. We'll talk when I get back later but I went over to watch a movie with Brit and Lance. I bought some burgers and stuff and they're in the fridge. My god I sound like my mom right now, don't I? Get some rest, okay?

Love ya,


PS... Why don't you call him? And don't play stupid. You know who I'm talking about.

JC smiled and crumpled the note up and threw it away. He hesitated before heading to the phone. He picked up the phone and hesitated some more before he began dialing. No one picked up at the hotel so he hung up to dial Marc's cell. He hung it up before it even got a chance to ring.

"What the hell am I gonna say? I'm sorry I creamed my pants when you were dryfucking me?" JC laughed at himself. "Yeah, that would go really good, won't it?"

He picked up the phone again and began to dial. The doorbell went off and he hung it up before he could finish dialing. He was really trying to avoid calling Marc since he didn't really know what to say or how to approach the subject.

"Guess I'll just have to call him later." JC mumbled to himself as he bounded for the door.

"Who is it?" JC called out as he neared the door. He could hear someone pacing in front of the door. He looked through the peekhole and his heart stopped. It was Marc. He slowly opened the door and put on a smile.

"Hey you." JC's voice waved a little. There was no avoiding him now.

"Um..." Marc stopped pacing and smiled back nervously. "I know I should've called but um... I thought that we could maybe hang out and um... since we didn't really get to hang out over the weekend cuz um... and yeah... and um... and well... I bought you some Chinese food... well... um for the both of us... or if um... well if you're... well... and I grabbed some movies and... well... I can understand if you're busy... I should've called... um... but take the Chinese food anyways... I know how much you like it and um... I'm sorry... I guess I'll go if you're busy... um.... I'm sorry... I should've called... it was kinda rude for me to just show up... so if you're busy... um here..." Marc handed JC the bags and turned to walk away after he finished rambling.

"Marc wait..." JC set the bags down and jogged after him. He grabbed his arm gently and whirled him around dramatically. He was genuinely smiling now.

"I know... I should've called." Marc turned his face away from JC.

"Its okay, really. I was about to call you when you showed up..." JC paused to smile and turn Marc's face towards him so they were staring at each other again. "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and stuff too." JC smiled as Marc's mood lightened up with a smile.

"I really should've called though, like on my lunch... like when I usually call." Marc smiled and blushed a little.

"C'mon... let's go eat and watch what you brought." JC slung his arm over Marc's shoulder and walked him back to the house.

They both fell into their familiar selves without even discussing Friday's incident. They were both laughing and joking again on the couch as they ate and watched the 'Star Wars' tapes Marc had brought.

"Man... its been so long since I watched this." Marc confessed as he set his plate back on the coffee table.

"Yeah... same here. The guys won't let me bring it on tour because they're so sick of me watching it." JC chuckled as he placed his plate next to Marc's.

They sat, getting absorbed into the movie. They ended up in their usual cuddle positions as if nothing had happened. JC had his arm over Marc's shoulder as Marc leaned into the semi- embrace. JC averted his gaze from the TV to momentaritly stare at Marc.

"Do I really look that interesting?" Marc giggled as he pulled away from JC slightly.

"Um..." JC started giggling with him as he realized he had been caught staring.

"I guess so, huh?" Marc giggled some more. "What? Do I have rice stuck on my face or something?" Marc started to bring his hands to face.

"Here, let me." JC said as he lifted his hand to gently caress Marc's cheek.

Marc did have rice stuck on his face. JC gently brushed it away as they stared on at each other giggling lightly. They both got quiet all of a sudden as they stared on into each others eyes. JC's blues met Marc's browns and they were instantly locked. The movie played on in the distance.

JC brought his hand gently down to Marc's chin and tilted his head slightly. He closed his eyes as Marc closed his as they slowly moved closer as the world faded around them. And it happened. Their lips touched softly. And the world ceased to exist.

They lingered for what seemed like an eternity. Then they kissed again, eyes still closed. And then again. JC slowly lay Marc down on the couch as he moved over him. Surprisingly he felt Marc's arms reach up and drape over his neck, pulling him closer and into another kiss. This time their lips parted and their tongues met in an elegant dance of passion. JC was in heaven. Marc pushed away for air and looked up at JC. They stared at each other for a good while. Marc turned his head away with what seemed to be embarassment.

"Josh... I... I'm... I..." Marc stuttered as he looked off to the side.

JC turned Marc's face so their eyes could lock again. He gently placed his index finger on Marc's lips. "Shhhhh... I know." He smiled again.

With that JC leaned in for another kiss. This one a little more forceful and sensual but just as beautiful as the first few that they had already shared.

They both moaned into the kiss and Marc's hands found their way down JC's back and then around to his front. His hands glided over JC's clothing feeling the tight body contained within. JC did the same, feeling Marc's body for the first time, something he had been dying to do since that day at the gym.

And they still kissed. JC moved down and feathered kisses lightly on Marc's neck as Marc pulled him closer. Marc's hands slipped up JC's shirt and it was skin on skin. JC reached beneath and cupped Marc's ass as he came up for another kiss, causing Marc to whimper lightly, then they were feeling up over Marc's shirt again. And they were making out. JC was making out with the young man he had thought about for the past two weeks. He reached for Marc's crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze enticing another moan from Marc. He slowly worked on it through the cloth all the while still kissing him.

JC started to slowly untuck Marc's shirt and slide his hand up over Marc's stomach. Marc tensed up suddenly and sat up. He moved JC's hand and stood up frantically.

"I'm sorry... I... I... Oh my god... I... I can't." His eyes glazed over with tears.

JC looked up confused. Everything had been so perfect. They were making out. They were making out after waiting and playing games with each other for two weeks. He reached out for Marc.

"Marc.... wait... I'm..." JC called out as he chased after him.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have... and... Oh my god..." Marc touched his lips and backed away towards the door. Tears streamed down his face.

JC stopped as they neared the door. His eyes pleaded with Marc to stay and talk. He was on the verge of tears as well. He didn't understand what went wrong.

"Marc... please..." JC let the first few tears run free as Marc turned and opened the door.

He made a dash for his car and ran into Justin. Justin grabbed him and held him.

"Whoa buddy, whats the rush Marc?" Justin smiled down at him. Marc looked up, tears in his eyes and Justin immediately frowned.

"I... I... I have to go..." Marc broke from his embrace and quickly ran to his car.

Justin watched him speed off then turned his attention back to the house. "Fuck... Josh..." he mumbled before running into the house.

JC sat curled in the foyer on the floor. His knees were scrunched up to his chest and he hugged them tightly. His face was buried in his arms and you could tell he was crying.

Justin closed the door and helped him get up. JC willingly fell into Justin's embrace and let it all out. He buried his face in Justin's shoulder and sobbed loudly. Justin soothingly rubbed his back for comfort before he spoke.

"Josh... what happened?" He still held him close.

JC calmed down a bit and pulled away. "We kissed... and then we were kissing... alot... and then I... I felt him... and then he... and then we... and we were making out... and then... and then I don't know what happened... and then he took off running... and... and..." He burst into tears again and cried on Justin's shoulder some more.

Justin led him into the living room and laid down on the couch. He pulled JC next to him and held him there.

"Hey... its gonna be okay..." Justin tried his best to soothe JC.

"I'm scared... I don't understand what went wrong... we were kissing... he kissed me back... and... it felt right..." JC sighed. He didn't have anymore tears left.

"Maybe he's afraid of being gay." Justin bit his lip nervously as he paused. "I mean you and I both were and maybe this is his first experience."

"Did I come on too strong?" JC asked.

"You might've.." Justin bit at his lip again.

"I just couldn't stop... and... I..." JC trailed off again.

"You and I talked about some of this stuff already. You know, about how we were both scared and all that. Maybe he just needs time to adjust to it. Let him have some time Josh... I'm pretty sure he'll come back." Justin hoped that everything he was telling him was really true. He was still a little in shock that they had actually kissed and made out.

"I hope you're right..." JC agreed with Justin. They spent several minutes in silence after that.

"So... did you get it on camera?" Justin asked sheepishly, trying to lighten up the mood. "I bet that still would've been really hot to see you two making out."

JC elbowed him in the stomach lightly. "No you prick." He giggled in spite of how he was feeling.

"Josh... he'll call okay. I know it in here." Justin placed his hand on his heart before giving JC a kiss on the cheek.

"I hope you're right. I hope you're right." JC agreed as he sat back up.

"Lets go cheer you up." Justin sat up and looked over at JC.

It was Tuesday. Justin had gone to Britney's with Lance. JC didn't really feel like going out. He was hoping Marc would call sometime soon but it was already 4:30. He just kept replaying Justin's words over and over again in his head. Maybe Marc had gotten scared of being gay. The suspense was killing him and by six he couldn't take it anymore. He had to talk to him.

The phone stared back at him as he held it nervously. He dialed the numbers to Marc's hotel room and waited for what seemed to be an eternity for it to answer.

"Hello?" Marc answered groggily. It sounded as if he had been sleeping or crying, probably both.

JC froze. All of a sudden he didn't know what to say or how to act. He hung up the phone immediately.

"That was intelligent..." JC picked up the phone again and hit redial.

"Hello?" Marc still answered groggily. He sounded a little more awake now though.

JC froze again. He couldn't remember what he wanted to say again.

"Hello?" Marc said again. He paused and waited on the line. "So are you gonna talk or what whoever you are?" Marc giggled a little.

"Marc." JC said simply. His heart was pounding as his name escaped his lips.

"I... I... I gotta go..." Marc stammered before he hung up the phone.

JC hung on the other line in disbelief. He waited til the line went dead before hanging up the phone. He walked back to the living room and curled up on the couch. The crying started again.

It was nine when he woke up again. He was on the couch with a blanket draped over him. Justin was sitting in the recliner watching him.

"You called him didn't you?" Justin spoke softly from the recliner as JC sat up.

"Yeah... sorry... I know I should've waited for him to call here." JC rubbed his eyes lightly.

"Josh... I hate seeing you like this. You know that, right?" Justin moved to sit next to JC. He pulled him into a hug in case JC felt like crying again.

"I know... I'm sorry... its really my fault. I shouldn't have called him so early. I mean... but I got all ansy and..." JC trailed off as Justin pulled him closer and lay them both down on the couch.

"Give him time Josh... give him time." Justin rubbed JC's back soothingly as they lay on the couch in silence. It was a while before either of them spoke again.

"So... you wanna talk about what happened?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"I called him... cuz I couldn't take not hearing his voice or seeing him... and then I hung up cuz I got scared... then I called him back... and then he hung up when I started to talk." Josh sighed as he got it all out.

"Give him time... thats all I can say..." He really had no better ideas to do for the situation.

"I know... its just... I get restless waiting for him to call and..." JC rambled on.

"Hey... I know the feeling." Justin agreed, attempting to comfort him.

"Its just... I want to be here when he calls and stuff." JC slumped in Justin's embrace as they still lay on the couch.

"You know you could take your cell with you... you don't have to miss out on Lance and Brit's hang outs everyday." Justin giggled at JC for not thinking of it before.

"I guess I could, huh?" JC giggled in agreement with Justin.

"Why don't you go with us tomorrow?" Justin asked JC, hoping he'd agree and stop bumming around the house.

"I should... but I'm not really up to going out or anything. I'm sorry for being such a party pooper." JC sighed again and lay still in Justin's arms.

"Its okay... I understand... but if you get the urge to call him again... or if you need someone to talk to just call me instead. I'm all ears for you, okay?" Justin offered.

"Thanks. I'll be calling you alot then." JC giggled a little. "I think I'm gonna head up to sleep though."

JC moved to get up and head for the stairs. Justin called out to him and he turned and paused.

"You just woke up man." Justin giggled.

"Yeah... I dunno... just wanna lay in my bed and stuff..." JC flashed him a smile.

"You want some company or is it a private party?" Justin asked him. He really didn't want to leave JC alone at that moment.

"Yeah... sure..." JC smiled again and turned and walked up the stairs. Justin folded the blanket and followed him up. He hopped into bed with JC and cuddled with him.

"Thinking?" Justin asked him as they snuggled up.

"Yeah..." JC stared off at the wall.

"Need some help?" Justin asked.

"I think I'll be fine..." JC laid still with Justin's arms wrapped around him.

"I'll be here if you need me." Justin lightly kissed JC's neck and dozed off.

Wednesday and still no call from Marc. JC missed out on another day to hang out with Justin, Lance, and Brit. He lay on the couch yet again, flipping through the channels. He was missing Marc. He even found himself missing Joey and Chris's relentless teasing. He hoped that everything would be okay by the time Joey and Chris got back on Saturday.

He walked upstairs to try to catch a nap in some place other than the couch. He tossed and turned and tossed and turned again. Sleep wouldn't come just as it didn't come the previous night. He decided to take Justin up on his offer and call him.

JC dialed Lance's apartment and waited. He got the answering machine.

"Hey Lance. Whats up... guess you guys decided to go out, huh? Well tell Brit I said hi if shes there and tell Justin I had wanted to talk to him but I'll be okay. Have fun you guys." JC left his message on the machine and hung up.

He laid back down in the bed. He reached for the phone again and dialed Justin's cell. He let it ring.

"Hey, this is Justin leave me a message." Simple and to the point. JC hung up, not bothering to leave a message.

He laid back down again staring at the ceiling. He was restless and yearning for Marc.

"I need to get out of here." He said aloud. He sat up and looked around his room. His eyes settled on his keys and he picked them up and headed out the door.

He started driving. First to nowhere in particular but it actually felt good to be out of the house. As he drove on he started to notice a pattern. He had passed the park that he and Marc had walked in. Then the restaurant that they had dinner the first night that they met. He passed by Marc's Auntie's house. He passed by the gym where they met. Then he passed by the restaurant that he had first laid eyes on him. And then he found himself parking at the Marriot where Marc was staying. He breathed in slowly not really knowing how he had gotten there. He stared at the lobby doors from his jeep.

"What the hell am I doing to myself?" He asked himself as he hopped out of his jeep and walked into the lobby.

And he walked all the way up to Marc's room. He took the stairs and babbled to himself as he traversed the steps to Marc's floor. He knocked on Marc's door hesitantly and stood away from the peek hole. No answer. He knocked again. Still no answer.

"I think I saw him go out earlier." A housekeeper had stopped to inform JC.

"Say... do you think you would be able to get me in his room?" JC looked pleadingly at the housekeeper.

"Well I don't know." The lady looked at him skeptically.

"He's a really good friend of mine and I wanted to surprise him." JC smiled at himself.

"We don't normally..." the lady trailed off.

"I could leave you a really good tip..." JC suggested and pulled out his wallet. He had no idea why he was going to this length to see him.

"Just don't say anything to management." She quickly took a few twenties from him and unlocked Marc's door for JC.

"What the fuck am I doing????" JC fumed at himself as he paced around Marc's room.

He slumped into a chair and waited. He thought over and over to himself why he was doing all this. He moved over to Marc's bed and laid down. He brought a pillow to his face and breathed in. It smelled of Marc and he smiled.

"I should just go." JC mumbled to himself and stood up. The door opened and he froze and fell into the chair he sat in earlier.

Marc froze instantly at the site of JC. His eyes were puffy and red, evidence of crying.

"Marc... I'm sorry... I shouldn't be here... I don't know what I was thinking..." JC couldn't avert his gaze from him.

"How... how did you get in?" Marc asked as he closed the door a little.

"I bribed a maid to let me in... I'm sorry... don't come down on the hotel because of it... I'm sorry... I... I..." JC stumbled on his words.

"Josh... I'm sorry... I... I think you should go..." Marc turned his head away from JC.

JC moved to stand back up and walk away. He gripped the armrests to help himself up and slowly began standing. Never once did his gaze falter.

"Hey babe... I parked it on the second level... don't feel bad that I had to take my bags up myself okay..." The door pushed open and a young asian guy walked in carrying 2 suitcases. He was about Marc's height but slimmer and just as handsome. He froze behind Marc as JC's gaze settled on him.

"Oh my god..." JC's eyes looked at Marc then over to the new guy then back at Marc. "Oh my god... you... had... and... oh my god..." He repeated again before he bolted out of the room almost knocking over the newcomer in the process.

"Mike I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." was all Marc could say as he rested his head on the newcomer's shoulder and began crying all over again.

Mike set the suitcases down and embraced him. He rubbed his back soothingly as he watched JC run down the hall. JC didn't turn to see the confused look on Mike's face.


Whoa... actually kinda covered three days with this one... but yeah I'm a dick weed and stuff... and yeah Jordan... I just had to throw Mike in there somehow. So who is Mike? Well... for any of ya'll that pay attention to minor details... I dunno... hehehehe... Don't worry... the next chapter will for sures explain it a little bit more and stuff so sit tight and don't get your panties in a bunch and Jordan you better put away that case of fix-a-flat... don't think I don't see what you're doing girl... Anyways... Questions, comments, flames, JC and/or Justin can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 15

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