Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Yeah... so this one took a while to come out. Sorry. But now that Christmas rush is over I finally had time to write again. Lucky me... lucky you. Right? Good going! Also don't forget to check out Dirty Mind Games/The Other Side of the Coin. Finally finished it for all of you peeps that read it. And also check out 'On the Down Low' which is my new one which you guys might like too. Um... oh yeah... and my other new one... which isn't in the boybands section... its called

Evil Disclaimer

So yeah... the other day I was pimpin JC since I own that little hoe... and for all you crackwhores that believe that GET A LIFE!!!!! =) Nice disclaimer, ne?

Turn Around XVI ========================================================================

JC woke up to the smell of breakfast and coffee. That and a warm body pressed against his own. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down to see Marc staring up at him.

"Morning... babe..." JC said hesitantly as he tried to stretch. Marc stared at him and smiled. JC smiled back and continued. "How long have you been awake?"

"I dunno... half an hour maybe... maybe longer." Marc smiled up at him.

"And you've just been staring at me the whole time?" JC asked as he raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Yeah... pretty much..." Marc smiled again then pulled himself up and kissed JC's lips gently.

"What was that for?" JC asked smiling.

"For being you... for last night... for..." Marc got cut off by JC's lips on his own in another kiss. Marc smiled back and rested his head back down on JC's chest.

"Thanks for letting me stay here with you... I know after all that I did to you..." JC stared off into space as he spoke. He found his hands gently rubbing Marc's back as Marc snuggled up to him.

"Hey... it was your room... your bed... I couldn't actually kick you out." Marc looked up and smiled briefly before resting his head back down.

"Marc... about last night... and... can we... um... still talk..." JC asked hesitantly. He looked down and met Marc's eyes.

"Yeah... later... but for now... I just wanna be in your arms like this..." Marc rested his head back down again. He took JC's hand in his own and interlaced their fingers.

"This is... right..." JC commented and closed his eyes revelling in the warmth of Marc's body on his.

"Yeah... but..." Marc started to say.

"Shhhhh... lets just lay like this for a while..." JC requested as he silenced Marc.

They lay there for a while not saying anything. A knock on the door startled them.

"Are you guys decent? Can we come in? Can we watch?" Justin and Mike called from the other side of the door. JC and Marc could hear the two of them giggling.

"Yeah... come in." JC smiled down at Marc as they both sat up on the bed.

Their bestfriends walked in carrying two trays of food. JC made a move to get up but Mike motioned for him to stay where he was. He smiled and he and Justin both set the trays in front of Marc and JC.

"Whats all this?" Marc asked the two of them.

"Well... we took the liberty of making your lazy asses breakfast in bed even though its almost quarter til one. So I guess you can call it lunch." Mike said matter-of-factly. He smiled at Marc.

"So are you guys okay? I mean... you guys work things out?" Justin asked them nosily.

JC looked at Marc with questioning eyes. Marc placed his hand in JC's and intertwined their fingers again and smiled.

"Um... well... we still have some talking to do but..." JC had started to say.

"...but I think everythings gonna be okay between us." Marc finished and stared into JC's eyes and smiled.

"Awwwwwww... how sweet." Justin and Mike cooed before falling victim to a fit of giggles.

"Well, we'll leave you two to eat and um... talk... cough cough fuck... cough cough..." Justin joked and burst into a small fit of laughter with Mike.

JC threw a pillow at him for being so blatant. "Just get out you dumbass." He smiled at the both of them and then turned to face Marc. He smiled at the sight of his smiling face.

"Fine... since you won't let us watch..." Justin joked back and turned to leave.

"Cuz there won't be anything to watch... we're gonna take things slow... so there..." JC stuck his tongue out at Justin teasingly.

Justin and Mike rolled their eyes at them and started for the door.

"Um... is something wrong? You guys are both like limping and stuff." Marc brought their akward steps to everyone's attention.

"Um... we... um..." Mike started to stutter as he looked over to Justin.

"Um.... we fell asleep on the couch... um... last night while we were talking and stuff... yeah..." Justin shot in. He stuttered a little as well then gave Mike a look.

"Yeah... well not both of us falling asleep on the couch... I mean... I was in the um... recliner... yeah... the recliner and yeah... the TV... and um... it was uncomfortable and stuff." Mike finshed up as he gave Justin another look.

"Okay..." JC agreed with them but gave them a strange look.

"Thats what you guys get for falling asleep on the couch without a pillow." Marc said as he snuggled up to JC. "See... this is my pillow." He hugged JC tightly and pressed his cheek against his chest.

"And this is my teddy bear." JC said as he returned Marc's embrace.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew gross... not even a day yet and you guys are already beyond disgusting." Justin shot out as he and Mike both ran from the room limping and giggling. Mike managed to shut the door behind them as Marc hurled a pillow at them.

"They're such dorks... its a wonder why we keep them around..." JC stated as he smiled at Marc again.

"But we love them..." Marc smiled as he started to eat.

"Do you still..." JC asked almost hesitantly.

"Yeah... I think I always will... but... not like that anymore... I mean... theres always gonna be a place in my heart for Mike... but... its not gonna be like that anymore... and you... I mean... I haven't felt like this... and..." Marc had started to say.

JC kissed him again. "I... I think It'll be the same with me and Justin too." He stated as he pulled away to start eating.

"Justin's gay?" Marc asked him.

"Yeah... you know... we didn't find out about until after I saw you that first time." JC told him.

"Really?" Marc asked him.

"Yeah... its funny how you could know someone for all this time and not even have the slightest clue... but if we would've known alot sooner then there might not have been a me and you, you know?" JC paused and looked back at Marc. "I'm glad that I never found out about him though... I mean... there is a me and you right?" JC asked hoping he hadn't lead Marc to believe the wrong thing.

"I... I want there to be... but its just that..." Marc trailed off and tried to wander his eyes away from JC's.

JC took Marc's hands in his own. "That?" He asked him, eyes begging for him to finish.

"...Its... I'm scared... thats all... I mean... there was Mike... and only Mike... and now theres you... and I want us to work out... but I'm scared... I mean... you have millions of girls running after you and stuff and..." Marc had started. JC smiled at him and giggled.

"Whats so funny?" Marc asked him and frowned.

"A million billion girls couldn't change the way I am... the way I feel for you. I'm gay... and I'd be more than happy to be with you. And if you asked me to... I'd throw my whole career away just to be happy with you." JC told him smiling.

"I don't think I could let myself do that to you Josh. As corny as it sounds... I care for you too much to let you throw your life away for me." Marc put on a serious face.

"I want you to be my life. I know we've only known each other a few weeks but it feels like I've known you all my life. And now... we're like this. That has to mean something. I know it does." JC looked on at Marc as they both continued to eat.

"I want to be with you too... and it scares me that I'm... that I'm just realizing that... and all this that we've built in the last two weeks. It scares me." Marc stopped eating and looked like he was about to cry.

JC stopped and noticed this too. He set both trays aside and pulled Marc close to him. "What are you scared of... tell me... please..." JC rubbed Marc's back soothingly as Marc let the first tear fall.

"I'm scared of..." Marc choked a little but continued. "What if... what if we get together and one of us meets someone else... what then... what if its just as easy to fall for someone else... I don't want to do that to you... I don't want to do that to me... I don't want to do that to us..."

"Marc... look at me..." JC paused and cupped Marc's face in his hands. "It takes me a long time for me to get close to people... and when it just happens instantly it means something... you... you happened instantly... the only other person to come into my life like that was Justin... but you... everything that I feel for you... everything... its... I can feel it so strong... like nothing I've ever felt before... not even for Justin... And you... I know if you find that place in your heart... you'll see the same thing... if you look past all your fears and worries... and look in you heart... you'll see the same thing." JC smiled at Marc as he finished.

"I... I..." Marc started.

JC gently placed his finger over Marc's lips and shushed him. His eyes pleaded with Marc's to let him kiss him. Marc's eyes slowly closed as he leaned up to meet JC's lips. And they kissed again. Just like the first kiss they ever shared.

"Oooooooooh.... kissy kissy...." Justin and Mike called out from the door.

JC and Marc shot up from the sound and whirled around embarassed. They both blushed as they looked on at their watching friends.

"Will you pervs get out... this isn't a free show damnit!" JC smiled at them.

"Anyways..." Justin rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna show Mike Orlando since someone can't keep his lips off of his best friend." Marc was about to say something when Justin silenced him. "Um... nope... you two stay here and talk... and you guys can have the house to yourselves... and if you have hot monkey sex on the kitchen table make sure you don't nut on the table and... oh yeah... my camcorder is on the coffee table... make sure you use up both tapes." Justin and Mike burst into laughter as they took off down the stairs and out of the house.

JC and Marc just looked at each other. They too burst into a fit of giggles at their best friends.

"Those two seem to be getting along awfully well." Marc commented to JC.

"Yeah... especially considering they were practically at each other's throats last night." JC threw in before they both started giggling again.

"For reals..." Marc agreed.

"So what do you want to do today?" JC asked him.

"I'd really like to get out of these clothes." Marc informed him.

"Hey! Whatever happened to waiting?" JC protested teasingly.

"You pervert. I wore these clothes yesterday and I slept in them. I feel kinda scruffy dork." Marc rolled his eyes at JC.

"I know... I'm messing with you." JC smiled back. "Want me to take you by your place?"

"Yeah... sure. You gonna change and all that? I can stand being dirty a bit longer... just for you..." Marc smiled back.

"I'll just bring some stuff and get changed there... if thats not too much of a problem..." JC helped Marc get up.

"Yeah... um sure..." Marc said with a little worry in his voice.

"Hey... Marc..." Marc looked up into JC's eyes. "I'm not implying that we have to shower together or anything like that... I just didn't want you to have to wait for me to get ready just so you could get ready." JC smiled at him.

"I'm sorry..." Marc told him.

"For what?" JC asked curiously.

"For..." Marc started in.

"Hey... don't be okay." JC leaned down and kissed his lips then smiled. "Now where are my keys?" I know they're here somewhere."

"We can use my car babe." Marc told him, adding the 'babe' in shyly.

JC turned around and smiled. "You called me babe, babe."

Marc smiled and rolled his eyes. "That sounded really corny... babe, babe..." he mimicked JC. "Thats almost as bad as mine and Mike's 'Yo'." He started giggling and JC joined him as they headed downstairs.

"What's with you, Mike, and 'Yo'?" JC asked curiously.

"Its how we used to say 'I love you' to each other." Marc smiled back at JC then kissed him.

"I don't get it... why 'yo'?" JC pushed on further.

"If you must know babe..." Marc rolled his eyes. "I had this stupid habit of saying 'yo' after everything I would say... you know... like I'd say 'let's go yo'... or 'that's tight yo'... or something like that... don't ask why... I just did." Marc explained.

"I'm still not seeing it..." JC informed him.

"I'm not done explaining yet..." Marc rolled his eyes again. "Anyways... my brother and his bestfriend started poking fun at me because of it one time and after Mike met my brother he had kind of started in on it too... this was after Mike and I had gotten together and stuff... anyways... Mike and I used to tell each other aishteruyo... which pretty much means 'I love you' in Japanese... and Mike started over emphasizing the 'yo' part in it like in the way I would use it... like he'd say aishteru... yo... kinda like that and we ended up thinking it was cute so it stuck and we'd just say 'yo' and everyone just thought we we meant it as 'hi' but if they only knew..."

"Whats wrong?" JC watched as Marc patted at his pockets as they neared his car.

"I forgot Mike drove here last night... maybe he left the keys inside... hopefully..." Marc turned back to the house and JC followed. JC opened the door for both of them.

"Maybe on the counter or something?" JC suggested. They made their way into the kitchen.

"Babe... you have a message on the answering machine, the lights blinking." Marc pointed out to JC as they scanned the counter and table for keys.

"Thanks..." JC kissed Marc on the cheek and smiled. He played the message.

"Hahahaha!!!!!!! Bet both your asses are looking for keys right now to leave and shit... NOT!!!!!!!" Justin and Mike laughed on the answering machine. "Anyways... you guys stay there and talk and do whatevers since we're giving you the house all to your lonesomes... I have your keys JC..." Justin stated. "And I've got yours too babe!" Mike called out. "Oh yeah and calling a cab to take you to the hotel won't work since we have these too." Justin said and giggled. "Dude... they can't see the keycards over the answering machine... its not like it relays video messages you dork." Mike informed Justin over the recording. "Oh yeah huh?" Justin agreed. They both started giggling before the message ended.

"ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!" JC yelled as he erased the message.

"For reals..." Marc sat himself down at the kitchen table.

"So now what?" JC asked him as he sat down next to him.

"I don't know... guess I go stinky..." Marc smiled up.

"I could let you borrow some clothes... and some boxers... I mean..." JC suggested.

"You just want me to get in your shorts..." Marc smiled over at him.

"Um..." JC stared off innocently as he played into Marc's joke.

"Yeah... that'll be cool... thanks... but... do you have anything that'll fit me?" Marc asked him.

"Well... the pants might be a problem... but I think I have some shirts that you'd look really good in." JC smiled.

"I guess I can just use the pants that I have on..." Marc frowned a little.

"We can throw them in the wash... they'll be done like in an hour or so..." JC suggested.

"So I go around in your boxers for an hour?" Marc smiled back at JC curiously.

"Hey... I won't mind..." JC smiled and stared up at the ceiling innocently. "I'm just playing babe... I have some sweats that you'd look good in."

"Ohhhhhhh... so just cuz I'll look good in them I can wear them... I see how it is..." Marc joked back.

"Come on you dork..." JC rolled his eyes at his new lover and helped him get up. They shared another kiss and headed up the stairs.

Marc hopped into the shower. He lathered himself up and started singing. So much had happened in the past few days and the warm water cascading on his body felt really good. He started to sing, seeing as JC enjoyed it so much.

JC walked by and heard Marc singing. He smiled and knocked lightly on the door. He had the sweats for Marc draped over his arm.

"Babe... I have the sweats for you..." JC called out. He knocked again. "Babe?" Marc's voice still carried loudly over the sound of the water. JC knocked again. He tried the door and the knob turned. He slowly pushed it open deciding that he'd leave the sweats on the counter for Marc and grab Marc's pants and throw them in the washer for him.

All JC heard was the sound of his heartbeating as he slowly opened the door. He didn't want it to look like he was trying to peak or anything. It was too early in their relationship for him to do anything stupid and worries flashed through his mind as he opened the door.

Marc had already shut the water off and had begun towelling off. He still sang as he dried himself off in the shower. He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the shower door to step out.

"Josh... oh my god...." Marc quickly shut the shower door.

JC stood there shocked at what he had seen. The sweats fell to the floor. "I... I... I... I'm sorry... I... I was gonna... you forgot the sweats... and I was just gonna lay them... and... and... I was gonna... your pants... and wash...and... oh god... I'm so sorry... and the door... and... and... I'm sorry Marc... I'm sorry..."

"Just... can you just... can you just set them on the counter please... and... I think I just need a few minutes..." He wasn't angry with him. He let a tear slip as he rested his head against the shower wall.

"Marc... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I'm sorry..." JC let tears fall too, though he had no idea that Marc had started crying as well.

"Its... just give me a few minutes... please..." Marc choked a little as he pleaded.

JC slowly closed the door behind him. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand. He lay down on his bed and clutched his pillow.

Marc stayed in the shower a few minutes longer. He slowy made his way out and got dressed. He went downstairs dreading the talk with JC. He didn't find him downstairs.

"Josh?" He called out nervously. He made his way back upstairs. "Josh?" He called again. He heard JC's muffled cries from his room.

Marc slowly made his way into JC's room. He lay down beside him and wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't want you to be mad at me... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry..." JC cried. He didn't turn around and just lay there.

"I'm... I'm not mad... you... you just surprised me... I... I... I thought you left... you didn't answer me... I was calling for you..." Marc kissed the back of JC's neck lightly.

"You're... you're not?" JC settled a down a little.

"You... you just startled me... thats all..." Marc nuzzled up to him to let him know he was okay.

"You... you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to Marc... I... I..." JC spoke nervously.

"Josh... I know you saw... I... please turn around... please..." Marc pleaded.

JC hesitantly turned around. Marc slowly brought his shirt up over his head. JC gasped as he looked on at Marc. Marc moved to the edge of the bed and sat with his back turned to JC. He hung his head down. Marc's body was littered with scars here and there. His back was the worst. Scars covered most of his back. Not huge scars, but several small ones. Marc reached up with his right hand and pulled his watch off of his left. A scar ran across his wrist. A telltale sign of a suicide attempt. JC looked over to Marc's right wrist and saw a smaller less noticible scar.

"So... still want me?" Marc didn't turn around. The tears started coming again.

JC scooted behind him. He forgot his own worries and realized what his silence was doing to Marc. He wrapped his arms around Marc hesitantly, then pulled him close to him. Marc buried his hands in his face as he let the tears escape. JC brought his hands to Marc's gently and brought them away from his face. He lay them both down. They both lay there in silence until Marc calmed down. JC kissed the back of his neck and began speaking.

"Seems like we've cried so much these past few days..." He wasn't sure of what to say.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for being such a crybaby..." Marc told him.

"You're not... its okay to cry... and we've been going through so much lately... I lo..." JC started but was cut off by Marc.

"Please... don't... Josh... please..." Marc pleaded.

"I'm sorry... I... I care about you... alot... is that better?" JC said truthfully.

"Yeah... I... I care for you too... alot... and I'm... I'm still falling in love with you... and... I'm sorry... I can't... I don't know where to start..." Marc turned around and buried his face in JC's chest. No tears came but he lay there clutching on to JC tightly.

"You don't have to talk about it... I can't imagine how hard it would be to start... Marc... you don't..." JC was cut off by Marc again.

"I... I want to... I need to... with you... you're... you're my boyfriend... you have a right to know... and... I don't want to start keeping secrets from you... I... I... care about what you think of me... I..." Marc spoke. Nervousness was evident in his voice.

"Shhhhhh... its okay baby... its okay..." JC comforted him and helped him ease up. Several minutes passed as they lay in silence again. JC spoke up again.

"So... how... how did it happen?" JC asked hesitantly.

"I..." Marc turned around so his back was pressed against JC's chest. He continued. "When I was younger... my dad... he... he used to..."

"Oh god... I'm gonna beat his ass..." JC said coldly. "If I ever... oh god I'm gonna beat his ass... for someone to ... I'll fucking hurt him... If I ever see him... I'll..."

"Babe... please... he hasn't been in my life for almost 10 years now... its in the past... I don't care about it anymore..." Marc told him.

"Gosh... I'm sorry babe... but for any parent to lay a hand on their child like that... it... it pisses me off..." JC apologized.

"Its been years... he... he used to hit us... me especially... I... I was the weak one... the first son... I was supposed to know better... once... when I was five... I accidently locked the car keys in his car... and he... he... he threw me through the back window to get them... and... so my back... but they're not... not like before..." Marc explained. He let a tear fall as he forced himself to remember. "My ate Mae... she stayed up all night cleaning me up and picking glass out of my back and my legs... my dad... he... he threw her so hard the next day after he found out that she broke her arm... because of me... and I was five... and..."

"Oh god..." JC was speechless. He'd never had had to deal with anything like this but the thought sickened him. "Where... where was your mom?" He asked curiously.

"She... she was sick... in the hospital at the time... and she... she was afraid of him... we all were... and when he drank... oh god... and when we pissed him off..." Marc tried to choke back some of the tears.

"Let it all out baby... shhhhhhhhh... how long have you held this in? How long have you gone before telling anyone about this? shhhhhh... just let it out." JC turned his boyfriend around and let Marc cry some more.

"My whole life... my whole life... and only Mike... and you... and... my whole life... my whole fucking life... I never wanted to deal... oh god..." Marc cried as JC pulled him closer.

"Shhhhhhh... its gonna be okay... I'm here... I'm here for you..." JC comforted him.

Marc's sobs died down and he continued speaking. "I... I tried to be tough... I tried to be the son that he wanted... so... I joined a gang when we lived in Southside... and when I came home with a black eye after I got jumped in... my dad beat me some more. Me, kuya Yam, and kuya Max... the three of us... since we didn't know any better... we just thought that it would make us tougher. And then... when I was thirteen... I got shot... because I was throwing up my colors... and the homies left me for dead... but my cousins heard the shots and came to help me."

Marc took JC's hands and ran them over his two bullet wounds. JC gasped a little at the touch. Marc flinched a little at JC's reaction.

"I'm sorry babe... I'm being a dick... I'm just a little shocked." He bit his lip nervously. "Marc... babe... it doesn't change the way I feel for you... you are beautiful... and what happened in the past is the past... but what you're doing now... today..."

"... is what matters, right? You sound like Mike right now." Marc smiled a little and even managed to chuckle.

"But you know its true..." JC smiled.

Marc continued. "After I got shot... and I healed up and got out of the hospital... my dad beat the crap out of me then too... I thought it was because I wasn't being man enough or something... and when I healed from that... I went out and fought again... and this happened..." Marc ran JC's hands along an inch long scar on his lower abdomen. "I got stabbed... and then my mom sent me to Florida right when I got out of the hospital... I didn't see my family for three months... and when I got back he was gone... and I didn't ask... I never asked..."

They spent several moments in silence again as JC let everything sink in. "And this..." Marc ran JC's fingers along the scars on his wrists. "... this... this is why Mike and I got together... and... and why we broke up."

"You... you tried... before?" JC asked him.

"When I told Mike... about me... he told me that he wasn't 'like that'... and I thought... so I... and then after we cleared things up... I... and we... we thought it might be pity love... so we broke up... and then now... I'm here with you..." Marc slumped in JC's embrace.

JC let himself cry. "I'm... I'm so glad that you didn't... because... you... and me now... and I'm... oh god... I... did you... when you and I... oh god... Marc... I'm so sorry you had to go through all that... I'm... oh god..." JC pulled Marc close to him and let himself sob. They lay in silence yet again.

"I... I thought of it... but... but I had promised Mike that I'd never do that again... and now... now I'm with you... and I'm happy that I didn't." Marc told him. Silence passed over them again as JC's sobs died down.

Marc turned to face JC. He rested his forehead against JC's. "So... do you still... I mean... Josh... I have an ugly past... I'm sorry..."

"But we can have a beautiful future..." JC said before he leaned in to kiss Marc.

They both closed their eyes as the kiss lingered on. And they kissed again. JC opened his mouth to allow Marc's tongue entrance. And they moaned as their tongues did that familiar dance of passion. Then JC rolled over on top of Marc. He let his hands slide up his body. Then he broke the kiss. He gently placed kisses down Marc's neck then down to his chest.

Marc pulled JC close. He let his hands slide up JC's shirt as he felt up his back. "Josh..." He muttered as JC continued to work on him.

JC kissed down his body. He stopped to kiss his scars. He picked up each of Marc's wrists and placed kisses on the ones there too. "Everything about you Marc... even these..." He commented as he stared into Marc's eyes. JC moved down to his navel and licked at it.

"Josh..." Marc pulled JC up when JC reached for his waistband. They shared another kiss before Marc pushed JC away. Marc turned his head to the side to avoid JC's gaze.

JC cupped Marc's face in his hands. "Look at me babe..." JC waited for Marc's eyes to meet his own. "We don't have to do anything... I want to... but when the time is right... but I... I just like kissing you... and laying here with you." JC smiled at his boyfriend.

"Thanks... I like being here with you... it feels... it feels right... somehow... it just does..." Marc smiled and rested his head on JC's chest. They lay there for a while.

"You wanna go watch some TV downstairs or something?" JC asked Marc as he ran his hands through Marc's hair absentmindedly.

"Sure..." Marc sat up and pulled JC up with him. Marc grabbed his shirt and put it on as they walked down the stairs.

"Ooooooooooh... what were you two doing upstairs?" Justin teased as he and Mike walked into the house.

"Nothing... you know we ought to kick your asses." JC commented.

"Right... nothing... thats why Marc was getting dressed as you guys came down from the stairs... we believe you..." Mike added in.

"Whatevers..." Marc rolled his eyes at the two of them.

The four of them made their way into the living room. JC laid down on the couch and pulled Marc down with him. They snuggled up together.

"Awwwwwwww... how cute... snuggling up after some really hot sex... I hope you got it on camera..." Justin teased. He sat on the other couch while Mike took the recliner opposite of him.

"We didn't okay... so there..." Marc stuck his tongue out at both of them as they continued to tease him and his boyfriend.

"Oh... yeah... guess Josh would be kinda boring in bed... you might want to try Mike again... he's damn good." Justin smiled at them and started giggling with Mike.

Marc and JC sat up. They looked over at their best friends curiously.

"How would you know?" Marc smiled over at Justin as he tried to turn the tide.

"I... I... I was just saying and stuff... haha... you know... um... joke... yeah..." Justin replied nervously.

"So... what part of Orlando did you show Mike?" JC jumped in. "Did you give him the lay of the land?" JC smiled as he and Marc ganged up on Justin and Mike.

"Well... we... we couldn't really go anywhere..." Justin stammered as he looked at Mike.

"Yeah... kind of hard to walk around in the back seat of an M-Class..." Marc commented and he and JC burst into laughter.

"No... there were too many girls out and stuff... yeah... so... so... we..." Justin kept trying to cover.

"Yeah... so... oooooooh... and it looks like you'er both all showered and stuff... eeeeeeeeeeew... don't tell me you guys had sex in my shower damnit! That was for me and Josh to devirginize." Marc smiled as he and Josh put Justin and Mike through a little sweat session.

"Because... cause..." Justin stuttered.

"Cause we went to the gym... and stuff... yeah..." Mike jumped in. "Then we went back to the hotel to change and stuff." He looked over to Justin then back at JC and Marc.

"Uh-huh... so... Justin went in his clothes... to the gym... where have I heard that excuse before." Marc rolled his eyes at them.

"I let him use some of my sweats and stuff..." Mike jumped in almost immediately.

"Oooooooh... so you let him get in your pants? On the first day... I'm amazed babe... um Mike..." Marc smiled over at JC and JC squeezed his hand.

"So let me get this straight... you guys went to the hotel first.. then to the gym... then back to the hotel... riiiiiiiight..." JC smiled.

"I... I had to get ready and stuff... because I was in the same clothes as yesterday... and then we went to the gym... and then..." Mike started rambling.

"And then we went back to the hotel... so we could change again and clean up and stuff..." Justin finished nervously.

"So you just went to the gym then..." Marc asked smiling.

"Yeah..." Justin agreed thinking he was clear.

"And only to the gym?" JC asked smiling. He looked over at Marc and grinned seeing where it all was going.

"Yeah..." Mike agreed.

"So you went to the hotel... then went to the gym... then went back to the hotel to change and stuff? I get it..." Marc smiled on.

"Pretty much..." Justin agreed as he slumped in his seat and sighed.

"And you guys only went there?" JC asked them both.

"Yeah... just the hotel... the um.. gym... and then back to the hotel..." Mike agreed. He slumped in his chair and sighed too.

"So... where were all the girls chasing you at then?" Marc said smiling, not letting them off so easy.

"They... they..." Justin stuttered.

"Yeah... right... went to the hotel... went to the gym... blah blah blah... probably had hot sex in the shower or something or other... blah blah blah... lets go see what there is to eat in the kitchen babe..." JC pulled Marc up and they giggled to the kitchen.

Justin and Mike got up to follow their best friends to the kitchen to protest. When they got there Marc and JC were pretending to occupy themselves with the fridge.

"We... weren't... and we did... me and Mike wouldn't do that... I mean... we just met and stuff... and... and..." Justin protested.

"Gosh... we're just messing with you... no need to get all defensive Justin." Marc looked up from the fridge and smiled at Justin. He patted his cheek lightly and smiled.

"You guys suck... you know that?" Mike smiled uneasily as he walked to the table and sat down.

Justin walked over and sat opposite of him. He sighed too and slumped in his chair. JC and Marc brought a bunch of plates out and heated up some food.

"Gosh... you guys would think that you were really fucking or something..." JC commented as they all sat down to eat.

Justin and Mike just looked at each other from across the table as they started eating too. Neither wishing to comment further on the subject. =============================================================================

So here it is... hate it? Like it? What? Feedback... /me wants feedback... oops... guess that /me thing only works when ur chatting and stuff... hehehe... okay... so its been a loooooong while since I've updated... I know... but I haven't forgotten about all of you that read it... and yeah... so... Anyways... questions, comments, flames, threats, JC and/or Justin buttnekkid and tied up, or Mike for that matter... hehe... can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com =) peace and adobo grease!!!!

Next: Chapter 17

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