Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 18, 2001


And here goes another one by moi... yeah so... I'm almost to the twenty chapter mark and stuff... cool... I do have alot planned for this story now that I finally got them together so... also check out 'On the Down Low' which deals with two certain characters from Turn Around for those of you that haven't already read it... its... um... interesting... =) oooh yeah... I also changed my e-mail address to vocal76@yahoo.com cuz hotmail was really starting to piss me out man... oh yeah... and my other new one... which isn't in the boybands section... its called

Evil Disclaimer

So yeah... the other day I was pimpin JC since I own that little hoe... and for all you crackwhores that believe that GET A LIFE!!!!! =) Nice disclaimer, ne?

Turn Around XVII ========================================================================

"Chris and Joey come back tomorrow night." JC pulled Marc close to him as they snuggled up in JC's bed.

"Are you worried?" Marc rested his head down on JC's chest. He lightly ran his fingers across JC's bare chest.

"About?" JC ran his fingers through Marc's hair as he stared up at the ceiling.

"About us... I mean... do you want to tell them or what?" Marc asked timidly.

"Do... do you want me to tell them?" JC asked hesitantly.

"I don't know... I'm not sure if I myself am ready to come out all the way and stuff. I mean... if you want to... then I'll stand by you and I'm gonna be here for you babe. I... I care for you... you know that."

"Thanks." JC leaned down and kissed the top of Marc's head. "But I think I'm gonna leave them in the dark for a while. I mean... its not that I'm embarrassed of you being my boyfriend or anything like that.. I mean... gosh... I don't really know how to say it..." JC sat up in frustration and pulled Marc up close to him again.

"Hey... its okay... I know what you mean." Marc leaned up and kissed his boyfriend gently on the lips to reassure him.

"Thanks." JC smiled and they both laid down again.

"You want to spend the night with me tomorrow?" Marc asked him.

"What about Mike?" JC asked.

"Well... we could have Justin spend the night too... since they get along so well... it'll be like a sleepover or something..." Marc smiled.

JC giggled. "A sleepover babe... how cute... I'd love to." He kissed Marc again.

"So tomorrow then... and we'll leave Chris and Joey to hang out with themselves or something... it'll be like gayboys night out for us or something." Marc giggled lightly then rested his head back on JC's chest. His breathing started evening out.

"Tired babe?" JC asked as he closed his eyes and pulled the covers up over them.

"Yeah... a little." Marc yawned a little and closed his eyes.

"Shhh... lets just go to sleep... kay?" JC wrapped his arms around Marc and turned them both on their side. He spooned behind Marc and lay there waiting for his boyfriend to fall asleep. Once Marc's breathing evened out and his body relaxed JC gently placed a kiss on his temple. "I love you Marc... I do..." He whispered then fell asleep himself.

"Hey Lance! Love you too! But um... Chris and Joey's flight comes in this evening at six and we won't be here cause we're leaving now and we gotta go so thanks for picking them up and taking them back here you're so cool bye!" JC blurted out speedily over the phone.

"Wait! You guys!" Lance managed to get out before JC hung the phone up.

"You think he's gonna be mad?" JC asked as they made their way out.

"I dunno..." Justin smiled as he locked the door. The house phone rang just as the lock clicked. They all smiled and ran to their cars.

JC's cell rang once he situated himself into Marc's car. He looked at it to see Lance's number on the caller ID and then looked at Marc.

"Lance." They both said in unison and started giggling.

"Shhhhhh..." JC smiled.

"Hi this is JC, I'm not available right now so please leave me a message." JC mimicked his greeting then pressed one of the buttons to make it beep then held the phone a bit away from his ear.


JC looked over at Marc. Marc looked over to JC. They both burst into a fit of laughter. A slight tap on the window brought them out of their laughter and they saw Justin looking in at them questioningly. They both looked at him then burst into more laughter. He walked back to his car confused.

"What was that all about?" Mike asked as Justin got into his Mercedes.

"I have no clue. He's your best friend, I thought you would know." Justin pointed at Marc.

"Yeah... but he's your best friend so you should know." Mike pointed at JC.

"Whatever..." Justin smiled and rolled his eyes then pulled out on the road behind Marc.

"So... um... should we hook them up?" JC smiled at Marc as they drove to the hotel.

"Justin and Mike?" Marc asked surprised.

"Who else?" JC grinned back.

"Um... only if you want Mike to kill you. He hates it when people try to hook him up... he does think Justin's cute though." Marc smiled.

"Really?" JC asked a little surprised.

"Yeah... I thought he liked this one girl a loooooong time ago so I tried to hook them up and he and I didn't talk for like a week almost." Marc explained as he continued to drive.

"No... I meant about him thinking Justin was cute." JC looked over to Marc waiting for an answer.

"Yeah... I mean..." Marc smiled and started blushing a little.

"You're blushing babe. Its sooooo cute." JC smiled and pecked Marc on the cheek. "You gonna finish what you were gonna say?" He smiled and placed his hand over Marc's.

"Um... Mike and I... we used to get into little arguements over which one of you guys was cuter." Marc turned a brighter shade of embarrassment at his confession.

"Between me and Justin?" JC asked surprised. He smiled at how red his boyfriend had become.

"Um... yeah... kinda sorta..." Marc avoided looking at JC knowing he'd blush even more if he did.

"And you thought I was cuter?" JC asked timidly.

"No..." Marc answered shyly. He looked over at the slight frown on JC's face. JC moved his hand off of Marc's. "I think you're cuter." He smiled and JC returned his hand to its former place.

"You had me scared there for a minute." JC breathed out relieved.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to." Marc pulled into the parking garage. The rumble of his exhaust set off several alarms.

"Ooooooops... did I do that?" Marc flashed JC a cheesy grin as they exited the car and made their way to the elevator.

They met Justin and Mike in front of Marc's room. The four of them entered the room and dumped their bags down. Mike poured himself a glass of water and sat down at the small table.

"So..." Justin smiled he sat himself down on the bed. "I'm so glad that you guys are gonna let us watch you have hot sex tonight... FUCK!!!!! I forgot the popcorn and my camcorder damnit." He started giggling with Mike.

"Well... only if we get to watch you and Mike have some really hot sex first... um how about on the floor... you could do Mike doggy style on the floor... he'd like that... or that chair would be really kinky." Marc joked at them smiling.

Mike spit his water out all over the table and started coughing. JC and Marc laughed and Justin turned pale. Marc went into the bathroom and got some towels to wipe up the water. Luckily not much got onto the carpet.

"You okay babe?" Marc asked Mike as he giggled. He handed Mike some napkins to wipe his face as well as the water that was dripping from his nose.

"I can't believe you said that Marc. God I should kill you for even suggesting something like that." Mike scolded him. "Fuck that was too close. They can't know. But what if they do. He called that one way too fucking close. Oh my god. Me and Justin should tell them. But I don't want Marc thinking that I'm an easy whore. And he'd be so disappointed that I'm just being Justin's fuck buddy. But Justin doesn't want to be in a relationship, he just wants sex. And I guess I'm just getting mine wherever I can get it seeing as Marc's no longer an option." Mike thought as he dried himself off.

"I'm sorry babe... but you and Justin were asking for it... now if you guys would just stop teasing and let me and Josh be on the whole sex issue then I'll stop teasing you and Justin." Marc smiled and pinched Mike's cheeks playfully.

"Fine... you guys suck." Justin agreed to Marc's truce. "Oh god I don't know what I'd do if they really knew. I know JC would be mad at Mike if he knew Mike was just using me for sex. But I'm doing the same thing. Well... he's someone that I could easily fall in love with I think. I just need to spend more time with him but I don't want to fall in love with someone that can't fall in love with me. I think I'm just being the rebound for Mike anyways. And he's so freaking much like JC it sucks. And I think I am falling for him though and I'm kind of glad its going to be his last night here but I'm kind of sad too. I wish I could get him to stay a little while longer. And I wish he could see more as more than just a hot fuck as he always puts it." Justin let himself get lost in his own thoughts.

"So... we coop ourselves up here for the rest of the day and have our gayboy's sleepover." Marc and JC plopped down on the bed and immediately started to cuddle.

"Okay... enough of the cutsie shit." Mike rolled his eyes at them and smiled.

"Jealous... you know Mike... you and Justin could always cuddle too." JC looked over at Mike smiling. Marc punched him lightly and gave him a scolding look. JC smiled back at him innocently.

"Me and Mike?" Justin said surprised. "Yeah right!" Justin started laughing uneasily doing his best to play everything off.

"Eeeeeeeew no..." Mike shot JC a death look and watched JC cringe slightly.

"Lets just watch our movies." Marc suggested hoping that JC and Mike wouldn't end up argueing. He was glad that they all agreed.

Marc and JC laid on the bed together while Justin and Mike laid down on the floor on either side of the bed. JC and Marc were to absorbed with the movie to notice Mike and Justin constantly flirting with one another as they looked at each other under the bed. The movie ended and Mike and Justin went out onto the balcony seeing that JC and Marc had fallen asleep.

"So... that was close earlier." Justin said as he embraced Mike from behind.

"Yeah... Oh my god Marc called that one good. The chair and doggie style on the floor... I think I almost shit my pants." Mike let himself slump into Justin's embrace.

"This isn't so bad." Justin kissed the top of Mike's head and held him tighter.

"Yeah... not so bad." Mike agreed. They both swayed slightly back and forth smiling.

Justin pulled away and leaned over the railing next to Mike. "Well... don't really want them to trip on us or anything and think we're more... I mean... not that I'd really mind... I just don't want you to be uncomfortable around your best friend and stuff." Justin looked out onto the city avoiding Mike's eyes.

"Yeah... wouldn't want me to feel uncomfortable around Marc now would we." Mike had a touch of sarcasm and frustration in his voice. He turned to go back inside. "You want to wake them up?"

"Um... sure." Justin said nervously. He bit at his lower lip and caught Mike doing the same as they walked back in.

They ran and launched themselves at the bed, shaking it violently. Marc and JC got up immediately scared.

"WHAT THE FUCK??????" They both yelled out as they sat up to see Justin and Mike giggling.

"You assholes." JC yawned and stretched out.

"For reals. I think I'm gonna make you walk back to Cali, Mike after that shit." Marc stood up and stretched.

"Hey... lets play a game or something. Its too early to sleep." Justin suggested.

"Like what? Truth or Dare?" Mike giggled as he suggested it.

"Um... how about not... I mean... cause stuff and stuff." JC tried to weasle out of it remembering the last time he played truth or dare.

"Why not... it'll be fun." Mike smiled cheerily and pressed on.

"Um... last time we played truth or dare... Josh... um... nevermind." Justin smiled sheepishly when he caught JC's stare.

"What?" Mike asked innocently.

"Um... lets just not Mike." Marc jumped in.

"But why???" Mike whined. "It'll be fun..." He pouted and gave Marc his puppy dog eyes.

"Mike... just drop it dude." Justin jumped in.

"You're the one that suggested playing a game." Mike raised his voice a little at Justin.

"Yeah but I didn't say anything about truth or dare... look they don't wanna play truth or dare so we won't play truth or dare okay." Justin glared over at Mike and raised his voice a little too.

"Hey... its cool... both of you calm down." JC stepped in between them.

"Yeah... theres other games we could play or something." Marc suggested.

"Fine... when you decide I'll be on the balcony." Justin stormed back onto the balcony and leaned over the railing. "Fuck... I snapped at him. Fuck me!" He thought to himself as he bit at his lower lip. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!! Thats really gonna be a GREAT way to get him to fall in love with you seeing as you're already getting there yourself. Why the FUCK did I let myself the past few days with him. And that little fucker just finds every fucking single way to get under my skin just like Josh used to do damnit. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!" He grunted a little and slammed his fist down onto the railing as he thought. He resumed biting at his lip.

"That taste good?" Marc came up and stood next to Justin. "You thirsty... I brought you a soda." Marc handed him a pepsi.

"Um... thanks." Justin opened it and fiddled with the tab.

"Um... the thing about Mike..." Marc took a sip of his soda. "He'll try to get his way usually. Well, unless it comes to love or something like that. But if he wants to play, then he just has his ways. Trust me. Don't let it bother you too much. He just has that way of crawling under your skin... but you can't hate him for it... it... it just makes him more adoreable when he does it." Marc took another sip of his soda then looked over at Justin.

"I just don't want to see Josh have to go through any stupid jokes like from... that one day." Justin still played with the tab. He didn't even drink his soda.

"I highly doubt if Mike would come up with anything that bad... and we're all gay here... and Josh and I are together now... so... so it wouldn't be as bad if he and I were to um... find ourselves in that situation again." Marc blushed a little and smiled.

Justin turned to him. "Did you... I mean... when you were... did you... I mean... nevermind."

"Um..." Marc took a long swig of his soda. "Yeah... you wanna go inside?" He tried to change the subject.

"You did, didn't you?" Justin said smiling. He stopped Marc from going back in.

"Um... yeah... okay... I did..." Marc blushed a bit more.

"So... is it big?" Justin asked grinning.

"Its... man... I don't wanna talk about that man... can we just go inside?" Marc whined.

"Okay... fine fine..." Justin slung his arm over Marc's shoulder and walked with him back into the room cheerier than when he left.

"Someone seems happy." Mike commented as Justin and Marc entered the room. The tension sprang up once again and enveloped the room. JC and Marc looked at one another anticipating another arguement.

"Yeah. Sorry about blowing up earlier... I was just being stupid. I'm sorry." Justin walked over to Mike and pulled him into a hug. Mike tensed up in shock. JC and Marc looked on, mouths slightly agape.

Justin pulled away and looked at all of them. "Dang... as if its so foreign for a guy to hug another guy or something." He shrugged and looked at all of them again before sitting down.

"Sorry..." JC shrugged it off and smiled. Mike still stood there frozen.

Justin looked over at him and smiled. "Hey... I just don't want you being mad at me when you leave tomorrow. I don't want you to think I'm a dick or anything like that. So we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool." Mike sat down by Justin for the first time. The past few days they had been sitting as far from each other as possible as to not let on what they had been doing behind their friend's backs.

JC and Marc both breathed sighs of relief.

"Still up for a game?" JC asked as he and Marc lay on the bed behind Justin and Mike.

"Sure, I guess... just no truth or dare." Mike smiled over to Justin.

"Um... spin the bottle?" Marc suggested smiling. "Well... me and Josh could play spin the bottle by ourselves."

"Yeah... and what fun would that be for us?" Justin said giggling.

"For reals..." Mike agreed as well.

"The four of us could play... it'll only be kissing though... I mean... if thats okay with you guys... I guess..." JC agreed and smiled over at Marc. "I mean... like... you guys know what I mean..." JC smiled nervously.

"Yeah... you just want a reason to kiss me and Mike..." Justin rolled his eyes and joked with his best friend. "What would your boyfriend think?" He teased further.

"I do not!" JC protested. "I was just suggesting... and stuff..." He continued to argue.

"I see how it is... I bet you're gonna use this as a test drive to see which one of us hotties you really wanna be with..." Marc jumped in on Justin's side.

"Babe... you know how I feel about you..." JC pleaded.

"Sure... sure..." Marc nodded his head, mocking JC.

"You know that I lo..." Marc kissed JC before he could finish speaking.

"I was just kidding... you're so cute when your all flustered and nervous and stuff." Marc smiled over at JC and sat in his lap.

"Man... you just... man..." JC said. Marc silenced him with another kiss.

"So are you guys really serious about playing or what? Or are you two gonna waste the rest of the night being all disgustingly cutsie and shit????" Justin stood up, placed his hands on his hips, and tapped his foot impatiently.

"Yeah, I guess... it'll be oodles and oodles of gay fun!" Marc laughed and got up off his boyfriend's lap. He went into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later with a tube of toothpaste.

"Um... whats that?" Justin asked curiously pointing to the tube of toothpaste.

"Um... I couldn't find a bottle and this is the only thing that I thought would work." Marc confessed. He smiled sheepishly.

"So we get to play spin the toothpaste then?" Justin shot back and rolled his eyes. "What fun!" He said sarcastically.

"Well, we could've played spin the dildo but from the looks of it either you or Mike shoved it way too far up your asses, especially with the way you two have been walking lately." Marc joked back.

"We... um... the toothpaste is fine..." Marc caught Justin off guard with his previous comment and Justin couldn't think of a snappy comeback. "Fuck I wonder if he knows about me and Mike... oh god what if he knows... shit shit shit shit shit shit!" Ran through his head. He had started to bite at his lower lip and noticed Mike started doing the same.

"You don't really have a dildo, do you babe?" JC asked Marc curiously.

"Me... no... I um... prefer the real thing." Marc smiled over at JC. "Even if there's a few layers of clothing separating us." He winked over at JC and watched him turn a bright red. "Let's play?" He sat down next to JC as they formed a circle.

"Youngest goes first!" Mike called out and spun the toothpaste. He grinned at all of them.

"Then that should be me." Justin protested and stopped the tube from spinning.

"Uh-uh... my birthday is in March, yours is in January." Mike spun it again.

"What year???? Huh? Huh?" Justin stopped it again.

"Same as yours." Mike smiled back and spun again.

"And what year is that????? Huh? Huh?" Justin stopped it yet again.

"WILL YOU TWO QUIT IT ALREADY??????" Marc yelled at the both of them. "God! And you accuse me and Josh about being cutsie with each other." Marc sat back down and smiled.

"We are not cutsie with each other.... eeeeeeeeew" They both protested.

"Yeah... thats why you both have ridiculous smiles plastered on your faces. Maybe spin the uh... toothpaste is really just an excuse for you two to kiss." JC suggested and smiled as he teased the both of them.

"It is not!" They both protested then looked at each other nervously.

"I was just kidding." JC threw his hands up in defense and smiled. "Let the baby go ahead Justin." JC pointed at Mike and smiled.

Mike flipped JC off and spun. It landed on JC.

"Woohooo!!!!! Now I get to see which asian cutie kisses better!" JC said with mock enthusiasm. It earned him a glare from his boyfriend. He smiled back and then leaned in and kissed Mike on the lips lightly. "Naw... my man kisses much better."

"Not working babe... hope you'll be comfy on the sofa." Marc smiled and teased.

"I was kidding babe!" JC said frantically almost ready to pull his hair out.

"I know... like if I'd be able to sleep without my pillow anyways." Marc smiled back. He kissed JC and smiled again as they both settled down.

"Hey! No kissing without spinning!" Justin and Mike argued as their friends turned and kissed again while staring them straight in the eyes as they did so.

"My turn." JC smiled and spun. It landed on Justin. JC looked over to Marc and Marc nodded and smiled letting him know he was okay with it. They leaned in akwardly and he and Justin shared a quick peck on the lips.

Justin spun and it landed on Mike. They looked over at each other nervously.

"Come on... kissy kissy... neither one of you have the cooties and we're all friends here... spread the love!" JC joked with both of them as they still stared on at each other nervously. They leaned in quickly and pecked each others lips.

"Um... does that count as a kiss?" Marc raised his hand as if he was in school.

"I dunno... I'm not too sure either." JC played along with Marc and pretended to contemplate it.

"It was and I'm going since its my turn." Mike wasted no time in spinning. Unfortunately for him it landed on Justin. They looked at each other nervously again before pecking each other on the lips again.

"Uh-uh... no no no no no no no no no... thats not how its done! Second kiss has tongue." Marc scolded them.

"That was the first time I kissed him though." Mike tried to correct Marc.

"Um... it doesn't matter. Second time you fall on someone you kissed before its with tongue... kisses are cumula... cumu... gosh I can't think of the word... but they add up." JC defended Marc's thinking and smiled. "And it has to be much longer than just a few seconds." JC added in.

"Yeah." Marc agreed smiling. They watched Justin and Mike intently.

They both leaned in and pressed their lips together hesitantly then parted them akwardly and let their tongues dart into each other's mouths. They lingered on longer than they should have.


Okay... yeah... been kinda a while since I updated last and this one is like kinda shorter than what you guys are probably usually used to and stuff. Sorry! Oh yeah... before I forget... Theres a series of three stories in the Bi/Celebrity Section called 'My Unlove Story'... anyways its by this who... I mean really cool girl named Ice and its pretty good... wish she would write some of her other stuff no titles mentioned 'FOR ALWAYS' =) make sure you all mail bomb her and give me credit for telling you guys! =) hehe... vocal76@yahoo.com =) peace and adobo grease!!!!

Next: Chapter 18

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