Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 29, 2001


So now its vocal76@yahoo.com HELL HATH REALY FROZENETH OVER! Two postings in like two days? Thats not normal. Someone slap me. So this is what its like to have no work. I can actually write more. hehehehe... but its only for a week but I'm gonna really try my hardest to have something coming out each day. I know they're a little shorter than what I usually write but hey... at least they're coming more frequent. I'll try to keep the files around 20k though. And yeah... I apologize for making Chris the evil one. He'll wake up sooner or later though. It was either between him and Joey and well... Chris lost the coin toss. Sorry folks. But stick around and you'll see whats up with him.

Evil Disclaimer: They are soooo gay... I mean like did you see them on the Superbowl???? Like oH mY gOd!!!!! pingpingpingpingping... hehe Just kidding people. Don't know who or what or how they like to boink. So please don't take this story as anything but fiction. This is a product of my little dreamworld where every cute guy is gay and to believe otherwise would be crackhead.

Turn Around XX ========================================================================

"Hello... can I speak to Mike?" After days of picking up the phone and hanging it up after asking for Mike he finally worked up the nerve to call him up and stay on the line.

"Um... I think he's sleeping. Let me go check..." He heard the phone clang on the counter then someone run up a stairs. His own heart raced.

A few minutes later the voice came back on the line. "Um... can I ask who's calling?"

"Um... tell him its Randall..." He paused not wanting to use his real name. He heard a hand cover the phone.

"Kuya, you know someone named Randall?" Mike's brother asked.

"Randall? I don't know any Randall. Is it that guy that's been calling like all week? Take a message or something." Justin could hear Mike's voice on the other line.

"Um... can I take a message?" Mike's brother asked him.

"Um... can you just tell him its kinda important?" Justin was lost. He really wanted to talk to Mike and hear his voice. But he was almost at the point of desperation.

"Mel... give me the phone." Mike demanded and took the phone from his brother.

"Look... this isn't funny. I don't know any Randall, okay, I don't know how you got my number and..." Mike blew up.

"Mike... its me Justin." His heart was racing.

"Oh god... why didn't you just say so." His tone changed immediately. "Mel can you hang the downstairs phone up?"

Mike's brother ran downstairs and Justin and Mike heard the other line click off. Mike got up and closed his room door then laid back down on the bed.

"Sorry Mike." Justin apologized.

"I should've guessed. I'm such an idiot. Randall... duh. Gosh I'm so stupid." Mike laughed at himself as he fiddled with his phone cord.

"You're not an idiot. You're not stupid. You're like the smartest most intelligent guy I know." Justin blushed as he complimented Mike. As if it couldn't be any more obvious that he had fallen for him.

"Trying to butter me up?" Mike smiled as wound the cord around his index finger and watched as it turned purple. He slowly unwound and giggled with Justin.

"I just wanted you to know that I don't think you're stupid." Justin smiled shyly over the phone as he got all giddy.

"Thanks. But I know I'm an idiot. I should've recognized your middle name babe." Mike giggled.

"You're not an idiot babe. You're smart. Very smart. Its attractive." Justin smiled. "Oh god as if I couldn't be any more fucking obvious." Justin he grinned as he thought to himself.

"Yes I am." Mike argued back.

"No you're not." Justin argued back.

"We sound stupid right now." Mike laughed back.

"We do... but if you'd just agree with me we wouldn't have to be arguing." Justin laughed along with Mike.

"No... if you'd agree with me then we wouldn't have to be arguing." Mike turned it around and they both laughed.

"God we do sound like a bunch of five year olds, don't we." Justin laughed. "I miss you." The line got quiet.

Mike was about to say something but was still a bit shocked that Justin would say something like that. He was more than happy that Justin had actually called him and extremely flattered that Justin had complimented him.

"Um... anyways... have you talked to Marc since you got back?" He almost cried from the absence of Mike's reaction.

"Um..." Mike paused to collect himself. "Yeah... he said he was doing fine but he was like really busy at work. I was gonna call the hotel and leave him a message there but he said he doesn't check those messages anyways."

"Um... he kinda got kicked out. I knew he wasn't gonna tell you and I wasn't really sure if you wanted me to call you but I wanted to call you so I called you." Justin said timidly.

"He what?????" Mike almost yelled. He looked around his room and towards the door.

"He what? When did this happen? How did this happen?" Mike sat up on his bed and listened.

"He got kicked out the day you left. So he's staying with us until he goes back to San Diego." Justin let him know Marc was safe.

"Did they say why?" Mike asked, still amazed and angry.

"Um... I kinda think its our fault." Justin smiled sheepishly and giggled uneasily.

"Why? What did we do... OH MY GOD! Do you think they heard me and you... when we... oh god I feel like shit now." Mike sighed then slumped in his bed.

"Welcome to the club." Justin sighed as well.

"Great... I get my best friend kicked out of his place just so I could get some bootie. Make me feel like crap." Mike pouted as he sank into his bed.

"Yeah... the incredibly squishy disgusting kind." Justin slumped in his seat as well. "Hey... but him and Josh are sleeping together now... well not sleeping together but you know what I mean. At least until my mom gets back then I don't know how they're gonna work that." He perked up a little as he tried to cheer Mike up.

"Really? They're so fucking cute when they sleep together." Mike smiled. "They have that angelic smile thats so sweet it makes you wanna hurl."

"I know." Justin agreed and giggled.

"You have a good work out babe?" JC helped Marc remove his shirt as he climbed into bed.

"Yeah... I'm sore though. God I'm never gonna hear the end of it from my sister when I get back to Diego." He shucked his pants off and snuggled up to JC.

"Lay down on your stomach." JC pushed him off a little and smiled.

"Why?" He looked back at his boyfriend curiously.

"Just do it." He smiled back.

"Nothing kinky." He smiled over and did as JC asked.

JC straddled him then started massaging him. He kneaded Marc's back gently working out the tension and soreness.

"Oh god... that feels so fucking good Josh." Marc moaned as JC continued to massage him.

"Oh god that feels so fucking good Josh." Chris mimicked as he laid in his own bed.

"Yeah they're not fucking boinking. Fucking little disgusting bitch ass asian Filipino slut ass motherfucker... wait he's a fag... that makes him a father fucker." He shoved his head under his pillow to drown out the sounds from the room next door.

"So how have you been? I was kinda hoping you'd call but I wasn't sure if you'd want to talk to me anymore." Mike sighed again and laid back down, resting his head on his pillow.

"Of course I'd want to talk to you... I mean... just cuz you and... you know... doesn't mean we can't talk. I... I like talking to you." Justin smiled and his tone changed to that of a shy, lost little boy.

"I... I like talking to you to." Mike smiled.

"So what are you doing now?" Justin asked, not really knowing what to talk about.

"I'm laying in my bed. Talking to this really cute guy on the phone." Mike smiled devilishly wishing Justin was there with him.

"Awwwww... so I'm cute." Justin smiled back, flattered and blushed a bit.

"No... Marc's on my cell right now." Mike grinned as he toyed with Justin.

"Awwww you suck man." Justin joked back.

"Well you obviously know that much." Mike joked with him.

"Tell him I said whats up... not like I'll see him later anyways." Justin walked into the guest room and laid down on the bed.

"I'm just kidding. But I'm talking to this really hot looking boyband member from Florida while I'm laying here alone in my bed." He sighed audibly over the phone.

"So I'm hot now?" Justin raised an eyebrow and giggled over the phone.

"I've always thought you were." Mike blushed as they continued to flirt over the phone.

"I wish I was in there with you right now." His heart sank a little and voice started waver emotionally.

"And if you were what?" Mike smiled back, his heart sank as well.

"I'd cuddle with you. Take you in my arms. Kiss you. And if you wanted me to..." He smiled and paused.

"If I wanted you to what?" He perked up.

"I'd swirl my tongue up and down your body, across your nipples, up your neck, then kiss you passionately." He closed his eyes and imagined Mike being there with him. Mike gulped.

"What else?" Mike closed his eyes as well. He gulped again.

"I'd feather kisses over your chest, down your stomach, french kiss your navel and stroke you through your boxers." He smiled evilly as he started to feel his jeans get tighter.

"Fuck... you're doing this on purpose Justin." Mike felt his shorts get the confined feeling as he became aroused by Justin's teasing.

"Yeah... don't you wish I was there now?" Justin smiled. He got up and locked the door the laid back down on the bed. He kicked his pants off.

"God yes." Mike went over and locked his door. He laid back on his bed.

"You can stroke it Mike... imagine its my hand on your dick. Imagine its my mouth on your dick. Imagine its my ass wrapped around your dick." He licked his lips and reached into his boxers to massage his lengthening member.

"Fuck Justin..." Mike closed his eyes and did the same thing Justin was doing, knowing he was probably doing the same thing.

"You know what else I'd wanna do?" Justin smiled. He pulled the front of his boxers down, resting the waistband beneath his balls.

"Tell me." Mike begged.

"I'd flick my tongue along the underside of your dick slowly from the tip all the way to the base then run my lips from the base to the head before I wrap my mouth around it." He smiled and cupped his balls, he wrapped the fingers from his free hand around his cock and started to stroke slowly. He moaned lightly.

"I'd like that... fuck you're gonna make me want you again." Mike groaned.

"Is that a bad thing?" Justin smiled. He reached behind with his left hand and inserted a finger.

"Not... not really." Mike groaned again.

"Mike... fingers aren't... my fingers aren't as good as your dick. They don't fill me up right." Justin whimpered as his fingers found his prostate.

"Are you... right now?" Mike steadied his hand as he jacked himself.

"Yeah... but I want you in me again. Fuck!" Justin hissed as he nudged his prostate again.

"Fuck I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum all over myself Justin." Mike's hand worked faster as he felt his balls begin to tighten.

"I'd lick it off you... if I was there. God I want you to fuck me Mike... fuck me hard... like the last time you and I... Fuck!" He hissed as his fingers continued to work in and out of his ass.

"Justin." Mike whispered in a throaty moan as he exploded on his t-shirt.

Justin nudged one more time as he stroked then came all over himself as well. His phone fell from its perch on his shoulder. He licked his own cum off of his hand and set the phone back on his shoulder.

"You still there baby?" He asked grinning.

"Yeah... god Justin... I could fly out there this weekend. I have a little money saved. Fuck! I can't believe you did this to me." He giggled as he pulled his shirt off and wiped himself clean.

"I'd like that... but shit... Johnny put us back to work so I wouldn't be able to play. This sucks." Justin pouted as he cleaned himself up.

"A few weeks? Maybe?" Mike hinted.

"Great idea." Justin smiled as a lightbulb went on his head.

"A few weeks then?" Mike asked again.

"Better. You said you were gonna meet Marc in Texas when he drives back home so you could help him drive back, right?" Justin beamed.

"Yeah... why?" He asked curiously.

"Where in Texas?" Justin asked.

"Dallas. Why?" Curiousity still lingering in his voice.

"We have a concert in Dallas a few days after Marc leaves Orlando. If you want... it'd be really easy for me to sneak away so we could fuck each other's brains out." He smiled.

"I should've thought about that. Told you I was stupid." Mike smiled waiting for Justin to compliment again.

"You're not stupid. Don't say that." Justin smiled again as he complimented him.

"Oh shit... its like eight thirty here and I have to pick up my sister... shit... I'm gonna be late... call me when you get things worked out, okay? I can't wait to see you again." Mike scrambled to throw new clothes on then hung up the phone.

"I love you." Justin said, more as a question as the line went dead. He laid back down and smiled, still clutching the phone.

They're lips locked as they rolled around under the covers. Clad only in boxers their erections rubbed against each other through the thin material separating them.

"Josh..." Marc moaned as JC's hand reached in between them to stroke both of them.

"Tell me if you want me to stop... we don't have to go any farther Marc... I lo..." His lips were met by his lover's, silencing the both of them.

JC slipped both of their boxers off. He felt Marc kick under the sheets as he freed his legs from his boxers. He found his boyfriend's cock and stroked in time with his own.

"Just... don't go too far..." Marc closed his eyes as JC latched onto his neck.

"Tell me when." JC whispered huskily. He moved down along Marc's body, feathering kisses.

"Josh... don't... I want to kiss you." Marc pulled him back up to meet his lips.

"I lo..." He was silenced by Marc's lips again in a passionate kiss.

Marc reached between them and took JC's penis in his own hand. He stroked it as JC continued to work on him as well.

"Fuck!" JC hissed. He threw his head back and closed his eyes.

Marc moaned as he felt them both splatter all over him. JC collapsed ontop of him smearing their juices between them. He stared into Marc's eyes lovingly then leaned in for another kiss.

"I thought we were gonna wait a bit before we did anything like that." Marc smiled as JC nuzzled his nose against his own.

"Do... do you wish that we hadn't?" He gazed on inquiringly.

"No... it was good... to share that with you... I'm just... I dunno if I'm ready to go... you know... all the way with you yet... I don't want to take something from you that I won't be able to give back." He smiled up and they shared another kiss.

"I want to be with you like that though... when we're both ready." He smiled warmly then rested his head on his lover's chest.

"I'd like that too... when we're both ready Josh." Marc smiled and they both drifted off to sleep.

The house was dark and it was well past midnight. Unusual for them to be asleep this early. The downstairs room was closed. Marc probably laid asleep, resting for another day at work. Hopefully he'd be like another son. He was such a good kid.

She locked the front door then picked up her bags. Slowly she made her way up the stairs. Justin's door was open. JC's and Chris's were closed. Lynn peaked her head into Justin's room. Messy. Clothes were scattered on the floor, tangled up with playstation controllers. Usually he was as much a neat freak as JC was. It looked as if hadn't really slept in there for a few days.

She moved back down the hall heading towards her own room. She set her bags in front of her door then turned back to close Justin's.

"Fuck!" She heard JC his in what obviously pleasure. Then a strangled moan, obviously not JC, two distinct voices. She looked back over at Justin's room. It was empty, she knew it. She just closed the door. Lynn walked back into her own room and unpacked as she lost herself in thought. She changed then climbed into her own bed and tried to fall asleep.


Hmmmmmm.... Lynn obviously. So what's she gonna say in the morning? I dunno... but I better go write chapter 21 before I find myself swimming in mashed potatoes. =) I love you guys. Keep the feedback coming!

peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 21

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