Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 30, 2001


And another one by moi... I am trying my best to get a bunch of these out while I can. I know they're a little shorter than what I usually write... I think I said that last time though... hehehe... I also decided to just cover Mike's and Justin's relationship in here to save you the time of having to go back and forth between both stories. Also hopefully I'll have my website up and running by this weekend and you can find updates there as well.

Evil Disclaimer: Only in my wettest dreams are JC and Justin gay since I don't really know them. If you're not legal then please run along and watch Barney or something. If this material offends you then whoop dee doo on you. Why are you reading it anyways?

Last time on Turn Around: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Fuck!" She heard JC in what was obviously pleasure. Then a strangled moan, obviously not JC, two distinct voices. She looked back over at Justin's room. It was empty, she knew it. She had just closed the door. Lynn walked back into her own room and unpacked as she lost herself in thought. She changed then climbed into her own bed and tried to fall asleep.

Turn Around XXI ========================================================================

"Morning you two." Lynn smiled as Marc and JC walked into the dining room. Her eyes followed JC as he moved to get mugs for him and Marc.

"We thought you were coming back next week?" Marc smiled over at Lynn a little uneasily as JC poured him some coffee.

"They needed me in the office today so I flew back last night. I was enjoying my little break. How are things with you Marc?" Lynn smiled warmly. Her eyes still followed JC as he made his way to fridge.

"I'm doing great. Thanks for letting me stay here on such short notice." Marc smiled at Lynn's motherly qualities.

"No problem." She looked at him and smiled warmly. "You're already seeming like a son to me. I just hope your stay here in Orlando is a comfortable one."

"Thanks. So far its been the best experience of my life." He looked up at JC who was now sitting across from him. They smiled at each other.

"So Joshua, have you been making sure my Justin behaves himself?" She blew on her coffee lightly and watched him.

"Yes ma'am. Except he's being stubborn about leaving clothes all over his room." JC looked over at Marc and smiled again.

"Yes. I noticed when I came home last night. It looks like his room hasn't been slept in in days." She watched JC.

"Morning mom!" Justin waltzed into the room and placed a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"You're back early." He walked over to the cabinet a little akwardly. Lynn took note of it then looked back at JC who was staring at Marc who was staring at JC.

Justin pulled up a seat next to JC and poured his Applejacks into a bowl then drowned them in milk. He noticed his mother looking over at him curiously.

"What's up mom? Aren't you gonna tell me how Tennessee was?" He shoved a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"It was good dear. I'll be going back in a few days hopefully. Your stepfather is still up there. He and your father were talking about a fishing trip. They both wanted you to head up there too." She glanced at JC again as she took another sip of coffee.

"I'm gonna go get my bag. You still dropping me off at work Josh? I can drive you know." Marc smiled as he stood up.

"Yeah. I want to drive you." He smiled back.

"Um... I'll right back." Marc ran up to JC's room blushing slightly.

"So did you sleep well Justin?" Lynn finally asked after Marc had left.

"Yeah, really good." Justin smiled remembering the night before and his and Mike's little phone session.

"And you Joshua?" Her eyes moved back over to JC.

"Yeah, the best sleep I've ever had." JC smiled as well as he recalled the intamacy he and Marc had shared the night before.

"Can I ask you two a question?" She set her mug down on the table and looked at both of them intently.

"Yeah, go ahead." They both smiled back at her. JC took a sip of coffee as he waited. Justin chugged at his orange juice.

She sighed and placed her hands in front of her, wrapping them around the coffee cup. She sighed again and looked at both young men as they sat, drinking.

"Are you two having sex with each other?" She watched them both as she asked them.

"MOM!" Orange juice flew out of Justin's nose as he screamed. He spit out the rest of it all over the table.

"OH GOD!" JC choked on hot coffee and spit that out as well.

Lynn got up and started cleaning the mess made by the two. They sat quietly contemplating what to say as they watched her. She wiped off the table and sat back down.

"Wh... what made you think that mom?" Justin finally asked.

"Can you please answer my question first?" She smiled warmly at both of them. They both sat frozen, she turned to JC. "Joshua, if you and my Justin are together I won't mind. I've always hoped that if he were gay that you would be the one that he would choose to be with. As long as you make him happy and the two of you are happy together. I just don't want to be left in the dark as to whats going in on in my baby's life."

"We're not. Lynn, we're not. But I'm flattered that you'd choose me to be with your son out of the millions of guys that are out there." JC smiled and breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Joshua Scott Chasez..." She paused then looked back at him. "Please don't lie to me. Justin wasn't in his room last night when I came home. I heard two distinct male voices in your room last night Joshua. Please tell me the truth. Were you being intimate with my baby last night?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. JC could only stare at her not knowing what to say. He almost cried as well.

"It... it was me Lynn. I... I was with Josh last night... I... I can find somewhere else to stay if... if I angered you." Marc stood in the dining room entrance staring at the three of them.

"Marc, please, don't feel obligated to cover for these two. I'm not angry, I'd just like to know the truth." She wiped away a tear feeling hurt that JC of all people would lie to her.

JC stood up and sat by Lynn. He pulled her into a hug and let a few tears slip as well.

"He's... he's not lying Lynn. I'm in love with Marc... and he and I... I'm gay... he's gay... he and I have been together for a few days now... and... and I could understand if you'd want us both out of here." He rested his forehead against hers.

"Joshua Scott Chasez." She pushed him away gently and sat him down taking his hands into her own. "You are as much of as son to me as Justin is. I couldn't make you or your boyfriend leave because of something like that. Mothers love their children unconditionally."

"Thank you Lynn." JC's voice cracked. "You have no idea how much that means to me... how much it means to us." He glanced over at his boyfriend who still stood in the entrance.

"Mom... I'm gay too." Justin sat motionless and spoke. He was afraid to look his mother in the eyes.

She walked over to him and sat down next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forehead as he started to cry.

"I'm gay mom." He clutched on to her. "I'm sorry..." He sobbed lightly.

"Shhhh... its okay baby. I still love you. You have nothing to be sorry about. You're still my baby." She rocked him lightly as she soothed him.

Justin pulled away slightly. He wiped the rest of his tears away with the back of his hand and sniffled loudly.

"Thanks mom. Do... do you really mean it?" He tried to smile as he asked.

"Yes honey, I do. I would've liked to see you with Britney, I would've been more than happy to see you with Joshua, but I'm pretty sure that whomever you find will make me happy nonetheless." She pinched his cheek lightly and stood up.

"Well I suppose I should head to the office. Why don't we go together Marc? I'm sure you know I have a bazillion questions for you." She smiled cheerily over to Marc.

"I can drive him Lynn." JC stood up knowing Marc felt uncomfortable in all other interrogations.

"No... no... it'll be a waste of gas. You two clean up here and try to join us for lunch, okay?" She dragged Marc out of the front door with her leaving JC and Justin alone in the dining room.

"God she's gonna interrogate him. As if we haven't had enough of that in the past few days." JC slumped back in his seat and poured himself some cereal.

"Hey those are my Applejacks!" Justin protested.

"Well I'm taking some of your Apple Joshes so there." JC stuck his tongue out and grinned.

Justin's jaw dropped as he stared at JC.

"Or maybe its Apple Mike's now? Naw... that sounds too corny." He grinned again as he swallowed another spoonful.

"Fuck you." Justin mumbled then resumed eating as well.

After eating Justin joined JC in the living room. He sat next to him as he flipped through the channels.

"So... what were you and Marc doing last night that my mom heard?" Justin raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"No we didn't have sex and no you can't watch." JC stuck his tongue out at him and continued channel surfing.

"Don't lie... what did you guys do then?" Justin smiled and grabbed the remote.

"Gimme that back." JC reached for the remote but Justin yanked it back again.

"Tell me what you did... come on... you promised me you'd tell me what it was like after you guys did it." Justin whined but still clutched onto the control.

"We didn't do anything!" JC spat out and reached for the control again.

"Then what did my mom hear?" Justin continued to whine and push.

"Fine!" JC sat back in the couch and crossed his arms over his chest. He stuck his lower lip out in a pout.

Justin smiled and eased up. "Come on tell me... you know you wanna tell me..."

"We messed around a little last night. Happy?" JC spat out.

"What kinda messed around?" Justin smiled back eager to know how far they had taken it.

"You're just gonna be nosey and bug me all day if I don't tell you, huh?" JC turned to him and narrowed his eyes.

"All year." Justin grinned back.

"Fine! We were making out after I massaged his back and his... god Justin he has such a nice ass..." JC smiled childishly.

"Thats it?" Justin asked surprised.

"Then we got naked... I mean completely naked and we were making out like that... and then we just... you know..." JC took his hand and made a jacking motion into the air.

"You guys whacked off butt naked next to each other and thats it?" He was surprised and disappointed at the same time.

"Not like that... I mean... I was on top of him and I was you know... him... and he was... well... he was... you know with mine... and then we... and it was a little messy... well... alot messy... but it was really nice... especially with all the kissing we were doing. Oh man if you get to see him with his shirt off you'll see he has this really nice red mark on his shoulder." JC grinned over at Justin.

"Aw man. I'm happy for you. I was hoping you'd go all the way. But I guess thats a start." Justin smiled over to JC and punched him playfully in the arm.

"I want to... I mean... I'd want him to make love to me... but I guess... we want everything to be right. And I want it to be like the most beautiful experience I've ever had." He smiled as his mind wandered off.

"Awwwwww... how sweet. JC and his bottom fantasies." Justin teased.

"I'd be a bottom for him. I wouldn't mind. I mean I'd like to be able to make love to him too... I want him to know that I trust him... so I'd give myself to him first. Know what I mean or am I just sounding way to gay?" JC smiled back.

"I know what you mean." Justin smiled in agreement.

"Yeah... you guys aren't boingking." Chris came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. JC got up and followed him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" JC asked calmly.

"Either you guys are or you aren't but don't say otherwise cuz it makes you a liar." Chris stood in front of the fridge with the door open pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Well we're not okay. And if we were then that would be part of my private life and none of your business anyways. You're so fucking two faced." JC turned to walk back to the living room.

"Well from the sounds of things last night I think you're fucking him... or maybe he's fucking you... wait never mind... oh scratch that too. I guess asian guys really do have one inch pricks since you're not walking funny." He smirked and continued to down his OJ.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" JC charged towards Chris.

"Whoa boy!" Justin got in front of him and pushed him back. "Come on Josh... let's go to Brit's." Justin held him firmly.

"Justin I swear..." JC still fought with Justin as he tried to get at Chris. Chris stood there taunting JC like a caged animal.

"Well... I'm off to Joey's. See you and your faggot later." Chris smirked and ran out the door.

"God I should've let you go for that comment." Justin released JC and he ran to the window to see Chris driving away.

"You shouldn't have even held me back." JC said bitterly as he watched Chris drive off.

"Josh... I'm just looking out for you. I know you don't want me to but I don't want you to do anything that you'll regret. And besides... you and I both know that asians... um... nevermind." Justin smiled and took off up the stairs and up to his room.

"Oh god I almost slipped. Fuck! Please don't let him catch on. Please don't let him catch on." Justin made himself busy and tidied his room. He heard JC go into his own room and shut the door. He sighed in relief.

"Finally a day off from this damn schedule." Justin yelled triumphantly as he jumped in the pool.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Joey commented as well as he joined Justin in the pool.

"Don't drool Marc." Christina teased when she caught him watching JC on the diving board.

"I was not!" Marc protested and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Britney, Lance, and Christina giggled at him and he smiled back. He joined them in their laughter.

"Come on admit it... you were staring. He is sexy though." Christina said with a smile.

"Okay fine... I was staring. He's my boyfriend. I think I'm allowed to do that." Marc smiled and rolled his eyes.

"And so much more..." Lance added in suggestively.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Marc exclaimed.

"Um... heh heh..." Lance giggled nervously and scratched at his head. "I'm um... gonna go for a swim." He took off and cherrybombed into the pool.

"God he's so fine." JC treaded water next to Justin as he stared at his boyfriend talking to the girls.

"Yeah, even in that t-shirt. Wonder what he looks like without it." Justin licked his lips greedily, making sure JC caught him doing so.

"Horny freak! Don't be fantasizing about my man!" JC dunked Justin and they started a little game of war.

Chris swam over to where Christina, Britney and Marc were sitting. He called out to them and they turned to acknowledge him.

"You three coming in or what?" he smiled at them.

"Maybe in a bit." Christina and Britney called out.

"What about you Marc?" Chris grinned.

"Um... I'm not much of a swimmer..." He smiled uneasily at him.

"Oh come on Marc, I'm sure your honey would like to see you and that sexy body of yours dripping wet." Britney started to pull him up as he blushed.

"Really Brit... I just wanna lounge here." He smiled and resisted a little.

Chris climbed out of the pool.

"Oh come on Marc..." Christina started to help out as well as they pushed him towards the pool. "Just take a dip... we can lounge in there."

"Really... I'd much rather not." He started pulling back towards the lawnchairs they had been sitting at earlier.

"In you go!" Chris grabbed Marc by the shirt and jumped in the pool with him. He managed to rip his shirt off in the process.

"Chris!" The two girls screamed at him.

Marc surfaced for air to see a laughing Chris and a giggling Britney and Christina. JC and Justin stopped horsing around. Joey perked up from his place on the inflatable mattress. Lance pulled himself out of the pool to help Marc out. Marc looked towards JC and then glanced at everyone he made his way to the railing and pulled himself out of the pool on his own.

"Oh... lord..." Everyone but JC gasped as his scars became visible as he stepped out of the water.

Marc ran and wrapped himself in a towel then took off running into the house. JC jumped out of the pool to follow. Chris stepped out to apologize.

"I'm sorry man... I... I just..." He attempted with Marc's torn t-shirt still in hand.

"Yeah... you just..." JC pulled his fist back to strike him but Justin caught it first.

"Josh... go check on Marc, okay? I'll take care of this." Justin pushed JC towards the house then turned to Chris.

"What the fuck Chris? I thought you said you were gonna settle down and shit. Why the fuck????" Justin pushed him hard.

"I... it was only supposed to be a joke man. I didn't think..." Seeing all the scars actually made him feel sorry for once.

"Yeah! You didn't think. If he didn't want to jump in the pool then you shouldn't have forced him in." Justin pushed at him again.

"Justin... come on man... calm down." Joey came up behind Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin to keep him from advancing.

"I'm sorry man." Chris apologized again.

They all dried themselves off and went back into the house. After they cleaned off and changed they sat in the living room quietly.

Chris stood up abruptly and walked upstairs. Justin followed soon after, quietly. When he got up the stairs he saw Chris knocking lightly on JC's door. He pulled back to stay out of view for a bit. JC answered the door with red eyes. He was still in his shorts. He stepped out into the hallway and shut his door.

"I came to apologize to you and Marc." Chris stepped back to put some space between himself and JC.

"What you did just now..." JC took a step towards Chris. Chris backed up against Justin's door.

Justin walked into view and stood behind JC. "I'm just here to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid Chris. But don't think I won't let him hit you if you say something stupid."

JC turned and flashed Justin a little smile and mouthed a thank you to him.

"I'm sorry man... I just thought... you know that it would be funny to throw someone in the pool... you know ha ha... funny joke... like how we used to do to each other... I didn't know that he..." Chris stopped when JC slammed his palm into the door right by his head.

"You didn't know... and it wasn't funny. My boyfriend is in there crying right now and embarrassed that you guys had to see him like that! Next time don't... just don't even." JC raised his voice. He watched Chris flinch as he hit the door again.

"Josh... I'm really sorry... really I am. Just... what happened... I... how did all that... on him..." Chris asked nervously.

JC turned his back to Chris and moved towards his door. "His dad used to beat the crap out of him okay. Are you happy now?" He walked into his room and shut the door and laid back down next to Marc.

Justin and Chris stared at the shutting door. Both of them remained silent as they walked downstairs to join the rest of the group.

"Everything okay?" Britney asked as they joined the rest of them.

"Um... yeah..." Justin itched at his head and sat down.

"Is he okay... I mean... he... like... how... um... all those were on him..." Christina asked uneasily. They were all curious and pretty much in the dark about JC's boyfriend's past.

"Josh said Marc's dad used to... used to hit him... alot..." Justin looked up with teary eyes as he told them. He was met with gasps of shock from the rest of them.


Weird place to end it I know. I'm gonna start chap 22 soon and I'll try to make it a little bit longer. So stay tuned for some more Marc and JC lovin in the next episode of Turn Around. peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 22

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