Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 31, 2001


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE!!!!!! Okay... like if he would really read this anyways but its his b-day today so there! But looky here its another chapter by moi! Hope you guys like it.

Evil Disclaimer: Only in my wettest dreams are JC and Justin gay since I don't really know them. If you're not legal then please run along and watch Barney or something. If this material offends you then whoop dee doo on you. Why are you reading it anyways?

Turn Around XXII ========================================================================

JC made his way down the stairs. He had since gotten changed from his swim shorts into some sweats and a wife beater.

"Um... can I talk to you guys." He addressed the quiet crowd.

"Josh... we didn't mean to... we just wanted him to loosen up and have some fun with us... I mean everyone else was already in the pool." Britney's eyes welled up with tears as she felt that she had a part in the whole thing.

"Well... whats done is done... we can't change what happened." JC sighed and sat down next to Justin.

"Is he okay... I mean... Josh... we... we saw..." Lance looked up at JC and saw how red his eyes were. It was obvious that he and Marc were probably both crying.

"Yeah... I know you guys saw. He's... he's sleeping now... but I won't take too long down here. I wanna be there when he decides to wake up." He slumped in the seat and Justin put an arm around him in comfort.

"You baby him too much." Chris whispered, barely audible.

JC looked up at him and glared. He wasn't in the mood to argue anymore. He covered his mouth and nose with his hands and breathed in sharply then exhaled slowly.

"When he wakes up... just... don't treat him any different then how you've been treating him. He doesn't want any special treatment. He has to live with those scars and... just don't bring them up... please..." JC asked them all firmly.

"How... I mean... can we ask you? Do you know?" Joey looked over to JC with curiousity. In a way he wanted to know but at the same time he didn't want to hear it.

"His father... his father used to hit him when he was younger. Alot of those scars... the ones on his back... those are from years of abuse by his father..." JC's eyes welled up as he discussed that bit of Marc's past.

"Oh god..." JC heard a collective gasp from everyone in the room.

"Just please... don't ask about it. Don't make him talk about it if he doesn't want to. Don't treat him any different. And please... Chris... Please don't use this in whatever you have against us. Let this one go... promise me that... if theres any semblance of friendship between you and I left don't use this against him." A few tears slipped out as he pleaded with Chris.

"I... I promise Josh... just believe me when I say that I'm sorry for that... I really didn't do it maliciously. I... I may not be as happy for you as I should be but... but I'm... I'm not gonna use that." Chris stared JC in the eyes as he spoke.

"Thanks." JC whispered then got up and went back to his room.

"Chris... can you lay off them for a while? We're leaving for New York in like two days... just let them have those two days in peace man." Justin spoke calmly to Chris. All eyes locked on him waiting for an answer.

"I will." He agreed then the room became silent again.

Chris did let them have their peace. He steered clear of the couple and let them have their alone time. He listened to their moans in the middle of the night as he could only imagine what they were doing. Then they left for New York and he was happy that he didn't have to see them and their cuteness for a while. He made it a point to meet with his best friend while he was there.

"So whats up Chris? This is like the most I've seen you in the last few years... what... this is like twice this year?" Paul laughed at him as they sat in the coffee house.

"Nothing much. Just thought we could hang out while we were in NY man." He flashed his friend a smile.

"But something else is on your mind?" Paul lit his newport and ashed off to the side.

"Sorry... but you know I smoke." He smiled over at Chris before taking another puff.

"Its okay... actually... yeah I did wanna talk about something with you." Chris twiddled his thumbs nervously.

"Go ahead... shoot away kid." Paul smiled again and took another drag of his cigarette.

"Um... How are you and Jim? Thats his name, right?" Chris asked.

"Still in love... been like three years already. Probably get married... adopting maybe... you know... the good life..." Paul smiled again as he thought of his boyfriend.

"I just don't understand all that man." Chris shook his head as he attempted to comprehend their relationship.

"I never asked you to understand it. Just accept it. It makes things easier." Paul placed a hand over Chris's and squeezed.

"I do accept that you're how you are... its just still weird to me. I mean we grew up together. We fought over the same girls. Shoot... You and I fought over Dani." He scrunched his face up in thought.

"I'm getting the feeling its not me and you that you want to talk about." Paul looked over at him and lit another cigarette.

"I'm gonna trust you with something and it can't get out, okay?" Chris looked directly in his eyes knowing he'd be able to trust him.

"You know you can trust me man." Paul stared back and gave him a reassuring smile causing Chris to sigh.

"Josh is gay." Chris spat out and sighed.

"Are you... are you in love with him?" Paul's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.

"NO!" Chris stood up and then looked around to see people starig at him. He sat back down.

"No... I'm not in love with him... I hope not... I mean... he's like a brother to me." Chris defended.

"Then whats the problem?" Paul asked as he smoked his cigarette.

"He has this boyfriend thats living with us for a while." He started playing with his thumbs again.

"And?" Paul waited for a further explanation.

"Well... they just met this summer... JC's a celebrity... we don't know this guy. And... well... I was nosey after I found out about him and Josh so I did a background check on him." Chris admitted.

"Chris..." Paul said disappointedly.

"Just hear me out... he has a criminal record. He served a year in jail for assault and battery. He followed some guy and pulled him out of his car at a stoplight and beat the shit out of him. The guy was in the hospital for three weeks with internal bleeding, broken bones, you name it." Chris recounted the file he had tried to show JC days before.

"Does JC know about this?" Paul asked concerned.

"Yeah... I showed it to him. But then he won't listen to me." Chris frowned.

"What did he say?" Paul inquired.

"He just said that Marc would never do that to him. He and the rest of the group doesn't believe that Marc could do any harm. He's like their little fucking angel." Chris sat frustrated.

"Has he done anything to make it seem otherwise Chris?" Paul asked again.

"Not really... but its just his image I guess... and I feel weird staying in that house knowing they're doing... well... its just weird to think that someone you've seen as a brother is doing that with another guy." Chris slumped in his chair as he ranted on.

Paul looked over at him a little disappointed. He put out his cigarette.

"Well then..." He got up to leave feeling a little insulted by his best friend.

"I'm sorry Paul... its just weird hearing them go at it is all... I'm sorry man..." He stood up and sat Paul back down.

"You can't change how Josh is. If this guy is bad for him then he's gonna have to see that for himself. You're gonna mess up whatever friendship you have with him if you keep doing what you're doing Chris." Paul lectured.

"I can't stop myself though. I've really had to work hard just to not comment on anything these past two days. Its driving me crazy." Chris voiced his frustration.

"You're gonna have to let yourself go crazy for your friend's sake. Try harder." Paul helped Chris up and they left the coffee house.

"Hey baby... I miss you." JC cooed over the phone.

"I miss you more." Marc smiled back. "How's New York babe?"

"Lonely without you." He was flirting and trying his best to be cute. It was working.

"Awwwwwww... When do you coming back?" Marc pouted on the other line.

"Not soon enough." JC did the same.

"I could maybe drive up there to see you?" Marc suggested.

"It'd take too long." JC continued to pout.

"I miss you though." Marc whined.

"Um... I could book you a flight... maybe." JC suggested and brightened up.

"Josh... if want me to fly up I have money." Marc told him, reminding him of the money issue.

"Yeah... but... I just wanna do something for you." JC whined.

"You're already like the best boyfriend in the world. Thats already alot." Marc giggled.

"Yeah... but at least let me pay for your flight back... please???" JC pleaded.

"Oh god you're doing that freaking puppy dog face aren't you?" Marc rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You know it!" JC giggled with his boyfriend.

"Josh... you know how I feel about all that..." Marc reminded him.

"Just this once babe... I wanna see you..." JC whined again.

"Gosh... just this once." Marc smiled and gave in.

"When do you want me to fly up?" He asked him after their giggles subsided.

"Tonight... I'll book you a flight for tonight." JC beamed back over the phone.

"Tonight?" Marc questioned.

"You have plans already?" JC pouted on the other line.

"Nothing I can't cancel." Marc grinned.

"Okay... I'll pick you up in style baby." JC smiled, happy that he'd get to see his boyfriend.

"So where are we going that you made me dress all nice babe?" Marc asked as he climbed into the limo.

"You'll see." JC smiled at him and placed a kiss on his lips lightly.

"Oh... the surprise game..." Marc rolled his eyes and sat back in the seat.

"Come on... you'll like it." JC just smiled and placed an arm around his lover.

"I hope so... for your sake." Marc said teasingly.

"And if its good are you gonna reward me?" JC wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"We'll see." Marc commented with a smile.

"First stop dinner." JC and Marc stepped out of the limo and headed into the restaurant.

They constantly flirted over dinner. JC had got them a private table in a separate room. They did the whole lady and the tramp thing with their spaghetti causing them both to laugh. After dinner they loaded up in the limo again.

"So back to the hotel so you can collect your reward?" Marc snuggled up to JC in the back seat.

"One more stop baby. But you can cuddle here with me now. I think it'll be like half an hour til we're there. You're flight tire you out?" JC placed a kiss on the top of his head as he leaned against him.

"A little." Marc yawned and wrapped his arms around JC.

"I'll wake you up when we stop." He placed another kiss on the top of Marc's head and rubbed his back til he fell asleep.

When he woke Marc up the limo was parked in front of a theatre. JC nudged him lightly to stir him then placed a kiss on his lips, lingering for a bit til he opened his eyes.

"We're here Marc." He pulled away and smiled.

"Where's here?" Marc asked curiously.

"I'll show you, come on." JC took him by the hand and led him out of the limo.

"Josh... you... you... thanks..." Marc stuttered as he stared up at the marquee.

"Mike told me that you've wanted to watch Les Miserables for like the longest time but he never got to take you... so... I figured... was it too much? Did I over do things?" JC asked unsure.

"Its... its great Josh... I... I don't know what to say... thanks..." He looked over to his boyfriend.

JC smiled then took his hand and led him into the theatre. They took their seats and watched the play. The limo was waiting for them when they got back. They rode back to the hotel quietly.

"Babe... my bags are still in the limo." Marc reminded him as the limo drove off.

"The driver dropped them off while we were in the play. Justin took them to our room." JC smiled as they entered the hotel.

"Awwww... you have it all planned out." Marc beamed back to at JC.

"Yeah... special night for my special someone." JC smiled causing Marc to blush.

"Josh... thanks for tonight... you didn't over do it. It was perfect... and I'm lucky to have someone as sweet, caring, and as thoughtful as you. It... it... you mean alot to me..." He struggled with what he wanted to say, still shying away from those three words.

"I feel the same way Marc." JC started leaning in for a kiss until the elevator dinged.

"When we get to the room babe... I'm sure there'll be a real good reward waiting for you there." Marc smiled and led JC out of the elevator.

They made their way to their room. JC opened the door for the both of them then pulled him in. The room was lit up with several candles. Rose petals made a path to the bed which was adorned in champagne colored satin sheets. A few rose petals were scattered on the bed as well.

"Josh... its..." Marc stuttered.

JC placed his index finger over Marc's lips to silence him. He leaned in and kissed him as Marc stood shocked.

"Marc... you know how I feel for you... I... I want you to be my first... my only... Marc... make love to me... tonight... I need you... please..." His eyes begged with his lover's.

"Josh... I..." Marc started. JC silenced him again.

"Please?" He asked simply and led Marc by one hand to the bed. He sat himself on the bed as Marc stood before him.

Marc leaned down and kissed his lover, tongues intertwining. He slid JC's blazer off as JC did the same to him. JC parted his legs slightly and pulled Marc down on to him laying them both down.

"Josh... are you sure you want this?" He whispered as he kissed down his neck.

"Yes... I want to be with you Marc..." JC undid the buttons on Marc's shirt.

He closed his eyes as Marc worked on his neck all while he was unbuttoning his shirt too. Both shirts were off. They kicked off their pants laying on the bed clad only in boxers.

Marc moved down on JC feathering kisses down his body. He flicked his tongue over both nipples playfully causing JC to whimper. He trailed more kisses down until he was at his navel. He flicked his tongue around there as he pulled JC's boxers off and began to stroke him. JC moaned as he felt Marc grip his erection.

Then Marc ran his tongue along the crown as he held it firmly. When he took it into his mouth JC arched his back and gasped in pleasure whispering his lover's name as they bathed in the light of the candles.

Marc moved back up to kiss him. JC parted his legs letting Marc lay down on him easier.

"Make love to me... please..." He begged between kisses.

"Josh... its gonna hurt..." Marc cupped JC's face in his hands and stared into his eyes.

"I want to feel complete... with you." JC whispered as they kissed again.

Marc reached onto the nightstand and grabbed one of the square packages as well as a tube. He tore open the package and started pulling the condom out.

"No... no condoms... I... I trust you... Marc... you're my first... for anything... I don't want to this to separate us..." JC pulled him down and kissed him.

He took the tube from Marc and squirted some of the contents into his hand. Slowly he began to stroke Marc earning moans from his lover as he lubed him. Marc reached down to stop him after a bit.

"Josh... are you sure you want this? I don't want to..." Marc was silenced when JC pressed his lips to his again.

"I want this... make love to me..." His eyes begged.

Slowly Marc pushed his way into JC stopping every so often so JC could adjust to the feeling. Once he was all the way in he wrapped his legs around his lover as Marc thrust in slowly.

"God... Marc... mmmmmmmm..." JC gripped at Marc's back pulling him down on top of them. They shared a few more kisses.

"Josh..." was all Marc could manage as they writhed on the bed sharing an intimacy they had been waiting for.

"I'm... Marc... I'm gonna... I'm almost..." JC moaned and whimpered as Marc continued to thrust.

"Josh... I... I'm..." He whispered into his lover's ear.

They both tensed up and moaned each others names. JC came between them, Marc's body pressed hard against his own. Marc came inside JC. They lay there waiting to catch their breath.

"Are you okay?" Marc asked as he wiped away the sweat from JC's brow.

"Yeah... I... I love you." JC smiled.

Marc smiled back. He rested his head next to JC's and nuzzled into his neck.

"You wanna get cleaned up or sleep like this?" Marc finally asked as they held onto each other.

"This is fine..." JC smiled. It hurt him that Marc didn't return the words. But he knew he just had to give it time.

Marc laid with him for a few minutes until JC fell asleep. He grabbed a towel that was set on the nightstand and wiped them both off then tossed it onto the floor. He laid back down with JC then kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Josh..." He waited a little longer then rested his head on JC's chest and drifted off too.


So there it is. Finally after like twenty something chapters and stuff. I'm not sure if I did a good job on it but I hope I did. Tell me if you guys liked it or what... or flame me if you guys didn't I guess. But thanks for sticking with me this long. Thanks to my sis Jordan for all her help. MUAH! peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 23

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