
By Chris G

Published on Feb 8, 2000


The following story contains scenes of sex (and yes, even love!) between young males. If this comes as a surprise to you, I can't even begin to imagine what you are doing here. My hope is that you will enjoy my story, and that you will let me know what you think at cgalt08@yahoo.ca

Turnabout -SIX-

By the time I made it home, my head was spinning so badly I was amazed I made it through the door in one try. Where had all of that come from? I mean, to stand up to Josh Barrett--more than stand up to him, yeah let's face it--come on to Josh Barrett the way I had! Who did that? David Preston? Hardly seemed likely!

Who had I become? What had I become? Was it Will who had created this change in me? Will! I had to call him. One hand had picked up the receiver and the other had started punching buttons when everything seemed to go into slo-mo. I sank back into the sofa and put my head down into my hands. I had to start thinking, really seriously thinking here. And it needed total honesty on my part.

What had I set in motion? Ok, I had a thing for Josh Barrett. That much I had to admit, based on my jerk-off fantasy from last week. Was I afraid of him? It didn't seem that way. Did I want him? There was a toughie. What about Will? Oh, God. Head rush.

Will. What did he really mean to me? No doubt about it, neither of us was now the person he had been at the beginning of last week. Will had made me see myself in a whole new light, not to mention destroying my whole preconception of him. He had brought me from utter loneliness to exhilarating happiness, from a shunned and isolated insect to someone people actually seemed to like being around. Had this change, so recent, enabled me to overpower Josh?

And what about Josh? What was all that about? I had played his game right back to him big time as the only way to defend myself from the charge he had leveled against me: of being a faggot. There was no way I'd had a choice: if he'd been able to carry that off, he'd have spread it around the school in no time and my new-found life would have been over. The best defense is a good offence, so I'd heard said. And I'd proved it in spades. The guy had ended up puking his guts out when I'd moved on him.

My face began to burn at the memory of what I'd done to Josh. Never mind that I was still convinced I'd had to do it. In that moment as he'd stood before me, naked and perfect, taunting me with my desires, I'd felt the gut-wrenching fear of what it had meant for him to even suspect those desires in me. So I figured I knew just exactly what he'd felt when I'd gone into attack mode and charged him with the same crime.

I'd told him, in pretty harsh terms, what I believed to be the truth about his actions. I'd slammed him verbally just as hard as I could. And then, after his collapse, I'd ended up apologizing to him for hurting him! Could I even begin to figure out how to make up my mind what I felt?

The phone rang. I froze.

It rang again. I was hoping it would just stop, but it didn't. My parents had never seen the point of spending good money on something as inconsequential as caller ID, so I had no way of knowing who it was. Will? Josh? The second hardly seemed likely, so why did I think of it? And why did my heart do that little flip when I did think it?

I finally broke down and picked up the receiver. "Hello?" I inquired hesitantly.

"Davy! Where have you been, man?"

It was Will. I took a deep breath. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Uh, hi Will. I... umm... got a little hung up after school. Coach and I had a little disagreement."

"Oh, really? And how could he possibly have disagreed with one of his favorite jocks?" Will's laughter came floating over the phone just as though he were in the room with me. He was obviously pumped about something, and he was enjoying himself hugely with his banter. I told him about the run-in with the bozos and the consequences which had followed. I didn't say a word about Josh. As far as Will would know, it had never happened.

"Well, never mind," he said, brushing aside the story. "It's done, it's over, and it's the weekend, dude!" Man, he was sure high on something. His voice was just sparkling. "Guess what?" He was obviously bursting with something important.


"The parents are gone for the weekend. And you get to come over and stay if you can get your folks to agree." He was almost panting in his eagerness.

"Well, I guess I can check."

"You guess you can check? What's up with you, David? You sound lower than a snake's belly!"

My face began burning again. Here was this guy who'd been my constant ally through the whole miserable ordeal of the past week, who'd brought me from... oh, fuck! FUCK! FUCK! Where was I going? What was I thinking?

"Will, I'm sorry man. It sounds really great. I guess I just haven't managed to pull myself out of the shitty mood this afternoon put me in. I'll check as soon as they get home and call you back, ok?"

"Ok, then. I'll be waiting. Davy?" My name sounded softly sweet on his lips.


"I really can't wait for you to be here with me."

I can't even begin to describe what he sounded like when he said that. My stomach just dropped, my heart turned over. I think if someone had done an X-ray right then, they wouldn't have been able to figure out from the picture how I was put together.

"Oh Will, you're the best!" I choked out.

"Love ya, babe!" he whispered, and immediately after I heard the click as he hung up.

Desire. Love. The desire of love? Or the love of desire? I lay on the couch in that half-world between waking and sleeping. The ideas--no, they weren't ideas, they were more like sensations--did a sluggish dance around and around in my head. Who did I want? What did I want? Who could I have?

A fierce longing arose in me, and I became aware with a sense of subtle self-mockery that my cock had arisen at almost the same time. I let the images flood my brain. Will. A tall, maybe almost too-thin but clean and shining body floated before my eyes, his manhood at full pulsing vigor. I looked into his eyes and saw the same clean and shining light reflected there. He loved me. Of that there was no doubt.

Josh. As soon as I thought the name, there he stood. The tight, almost threateningly-muscled body hovered over me, his pole pulsing, its head shining redly, aimed straight at me like a rifle. I looked into his eyes and saw--nothing. I nonetheless held my arms out, and the figure moved towards me. Just as I was about to enfold it, the right arm drew back and a fist came hurtling towards my face.

"No!" I screamed, twisting away, and found myself on the floor beside the couch, drenched in sweat.

This was too much. I was a wreck. To go and spend the weekend with Will without getting my head together was going to be too much to handle. I had to make myself understand where I was going. Josh? What a laugh! Now I'd never be able to get anywhere near him after what I had done. And why would I want to anyway? He and I were worlds apart. There was no way. I just had to get a grip and get him out of my head.

I stood and deliberately shook myself all over, like a dog does after a swim. "Get a grip, David!" I said out loud. I looked at my watch. Just after six, and still nobody home. I needed someone, and there was certainly someone who needed me. Fuck it, I thought. I'd just write a note to tell them where I was, and if they didn't like it, they could phone.

A quarter of an hour later, I was at Will's door. I found him in the living room. When he heard me come in he got up from the couch where he'd been watching TV. He was wearing a simple tee shirt and a pair of Adidas shorts. He was obviously not wearing anything under the shorts, as I could see his cock immediately start to press against the fabric as it lengthened and thickened. I blushed.

Will laughed. "Yeah, I'm desperate. So what?" He moved toward me, gathered me into his arms, and pressed his mouth to mine. It was like he was trying to pull me into him, drink my soul--I can't really described the yearning I felt from him. And me? I grabbed him behind the head and tried to pull him into me. My mouth opened up and pressed against his tightly. An instructor in artificial respiration would have given the seal I achieved full marks.

Our bodies came together so easily and fully it was like we were mirrored cutouts. The kiss went on and on. He was reveling in it and I was desperate to show him how much he really meant to me. I think maybe I was too desperate. Will started to draw away slowly.

"David. What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" I tried to sound bright and chipper. "I didn't think there was too much wrong with that! But hey, practice makes perfect. You want to practice some more?" I started to move back towards him, but he put his hands on my shoulders to stop me.

"David. Stop. Tell me what's wrong!"

"What the fuck is supposed to be wrong!" I almost yelled. I could feel my face flush. "Fuck, you invite me over for the weekend, you're on me the moment I get in the door, I'm giving back as good as I'm getting, and you're telling me something's wrong? Why do you have to analyze everything?"

I almost cringed at the defensive snarl in my voice. But I couldn't tell him what was going on. I just couldn't.

Will rubbed his hands up and down my arms, and then pulled me to him and moved the rubbing around to my back. He leaned his head against mine and pulled me even more closely against him.

"Look, David, I know that something's the matter. In the time we've been together I've come to know how you feel. I mean, when I hold you I can tell how you're feeling. Right now I could be holding a sheet of plywood you're so tensed up. You've got to tell me."

He fell silent and continued to hold me, gently stroking my back. My tension didn't ease, it got even worse. I felt my mouth go dry, and it stuck firmly shut. Then the bombshell hit.

"It's Josh, isn't it?"

I leapt away from him as though his touch had burned me. "What do you mean, it's Josh?" If my face had been flushed before, it was flaming now. "What about Josh?"

"For fucksake, David!" said Will, his tone getting a little exasperated. "I mean, all week we've been hounded by the guy and his goons. We haven't exactly had an easy time of it. I figure it's got to be getting to you. It's sure getting to me. All I want is for us to forget about him for a while. That's why I was so excited when the parents decided to go on one of their getaway weekends. I knew having one of our own could really make up for all the damage we've taken at school."

Jesus Fucking Christ! I was so wound up, so obsessed with my own thoughts, I figured he automatically knew what I was thinking. I had to pull myself together here and do it fast before I broke down completely.

"Oh, Will, I'm sorry, babe! I guess I've really let it get to me so bad I can't even think straight any more. Forgive me?"

"Don't be stupid. I feel it every bit as much as you do. I know exactly what you're going through. All I want you to do is relax and let me show you how much I love you."

Will moved back to me and took me in his arms once again. I was still wearing my jacket, and he pushed it back, shoving it down my arms. I moved to take it the rest of the way, but he stopped me. "No, I want to do it all. You just stand still."

He pulled the jacket the rest of the way off and threw it over onto a chair, then began unbuttoning my shirt. When he got to my belt, he pushed the flaps of the shirt aside, put his hands to my sides and ran them up my torso, stopping when his thumbs could brush my nipples. He just stood there looking into my eyes, his thumbs circling my hardening nubs. I swayed towards him. He took my mouth again, but briefly this time, pulling my shirt out of my jeans and pushing it off my arms onto the floor behind me. His arms came around me fully, and he pressed his palms against my back and ran them firmly up and down. Our chins were over each other's shoulders and we were swaying back and forth, almost as if we had been slow dancing and had just come to a stop. "Mmmm, I love touching you!" he whispered into my ear. "Your skin--so warm, so soft."

"I love you to touch me," I murmured back, and ran my hands up under his shirt to do to him what he was doing to me.

He groaned when I did that. His hands moved more fiercely, dropping to my ass and pulling me tightly against him. Our two hardnesses met and rubbed together. His hands clenched by ass cheeks and then relaxed again, revolving around them and squeezing every so often. Then he moved back a little and started to undo my belt and buttons. He pushed the jeans down, then knelt to pull them off my legs. I was left standing in my briefs and socks. The socks he took care of as well, and then let his hands travel up the outsides of my legs, wrapping around the backs of my thighs and squeezing again. He leaned forward and let his cheek rest gently against my straining mound. He rubbed up and down a couple of times, then turned and slightly and pushed full-face into my crotch.

A far deeper and more guttural groan seemed to almost wrench up from him. After it, he breathed in deeply, still pressed against my hot basket. His mouth opened and I felt his teeth grab the base of my pole. He moved up it biting, and not gently, seeming to want to literally eat my cock. I groaned in turn and pulled his head more tightly into me, taking two handfuls of his hair and twisting them hard. We seemed to have a need, both of us, to feel and cause some pain.

He had reached the head of my cock, and was nipping it through the briefs. I could feel squirts of lube coming from it, and Will started sucking as well as nipping. I stopped twisting his hair and rubbed my hands roughly across his scalp. The feelings were intensifying by the second. Will shot his hands up and grabbed the briefs, pulling them roughly down and letting them drop to my ankles. His tongue began lapping up and down my shaft and then dropped onto my balls. I shuffled my feet apart to make some more room for him and pulled his head into me even more firmly.

"Oh, man!" I growled. "It's all yours! Take it! Take it all!"

Will's mouth opened wide and grabbed both of my nuts, teeth scraping against the flesh. He closed down slightly, trapping them. His tongue lashed over the two prisoners, and he pulled down slightly. I groaned even louder, encouraging him. The couch was right behind me and Will's hands on my hips pushed down, indicating I should sit. I fell back as he released my balls. He grabbed the briefs bunched at my feet and pulled them out of the way.

Then he went to work on my cock. Up and down, up and down with delicious suction and loud slurping sounds. I rocked back and forth, feeding my pulsing rod to him, wanting him to take all he could get into him. I needed so badly to give him everything I could. I thrust harder and he attacked harder. I couldn't imagine how he was getting all of it down him, but I was bottoming out in his throat and his nose was rubbing my pubes.

He pulled off at last gasping. I was still writhing on the couch, wanting to feel him against me. He grabbed my ankles, placing my calves up on his shoulders and pushing me firmly against the back of the couch. His hands traveled down the backs of my legs to my thighs, pushing them apart. And then his mouth was behind my balls, licking, sucking, and nipping that beautifully sensitive skin behind them. His tongue swirled and licked, dropping lower and lower, his hands pulling me forward and pushing my legs higher, and then...

His tongue on my hole made me yelp. He didn't stop, he just tongued it harder. My hands moved to his head once more, grabbed the back of it and pulled it in. I had never felt anything so exquisite. It was like he was touching my soul. And then he started actually pushing his tongue into me, and it was as if I'd exploded inside. My head was whirling, and the only thought in it was "More, more, more!"

He pulled away and I moaned in protest, but he was only switching gears. His mouth was back on my cock and a finger had replaced his tongue. He drove it into me and I saw stars. He moved the finger around, pushing from side to side, then pulling it out and shoving it back in. Then a second one joined the first and I had never felt so full and complete. Until he put the third one in.

I was gasping, moaning, making noises I never knew I could make, had never even heard before. Then I heard my voice. At least, I think it was mine, because it sure didn't sound like it. "Will, put it in me. Please. Bury it in me, man. Come on!"

And without hesitating, he rose slightly. I opened my eyes to see him taking the copious lube which had drooled down his cock and smearing it further. He then spat into his hand and lubed himself some more. He bent so his knees rested on either side of my ass and placed the head of his cock against my bud.

He stopped there and looked at me. His face was flushed, his eyes sparkling, and his expression was so unlike anything I'd ever seen on his face before I couldn't begin to guess what it meant. But I didn't have to guess about what I wanted, and I told him. "Will. Fuck me."

And he began to push slowly forward. I wanted him so badly I instinctively did the right thing and pushed my hole out against his pressure. He immediately sank in half way and stopped when he saw my face screwing with tension. He held his position until I reached around and clamped onto his ass cheeks, pulling him forward. He resisted my pressure to move quickly, and slowly pushed his way further in until I felt his pubes brushing my ass.

At that point he stopped, leaned forward, and our mouths met. We moaned into each other in pure lust, tongues dancing together. Then Will pulled away and looked down to where his cock had disappeared into my ass. The expression on his face was priceless as he seemed to realize for the first time what he was doing, what we were doing. Then that new, untranslatable look came back to his face and he pulled himself out. As he did, I clamped my ass muscles around his shaft and his mouth dropped open and he gave out a great, gasping groan.

"Oh, fuck, Davy! Your ass is sucking me so fine!" He drawled out each word, overcome with his feelings.

He withdrew until his cockhead was almost out, then slowly but steadily drilled his way back in without stopping.

"Yessssssss!" I hissed, and repeated my clamping motion as he pulled back. That was greeted with another loud moan.

"Oh man!" I cried out. "Do it! Slam that fucker back in there!" And I hauled back and slapped one of Will's ass cheeks hard. Really hard.

He slammed back into me and if I had seen stars before, this time I swear I saw galaxies. Will started going at it at a frantic pace. He was taking no prisoners. And I wanted it. I clamped both hands around his cheeks and was pulling him to me as hard as I could. As deep as he was going, I wanted him deeper. As hard as he was going, I wanted it harder.

Will's head was thrown back, his eyes closed, his breathing more like a continuous, gasping sob. And I was just going "Uh, uh, uh, uh." as he bottomed out on each thrust.

And then Will rammed back in on one final, magnificent thrust and stopped, seemingly frozen into position as from his throat came one enormous "Ahhhh!!!" as his jizz shot out in massive gushes into my ass. I grabbed my cock, aware finally that it was swaying fully before me. I smashed it forward repeatedly into Will's stomach and I clamped down harder on his buried cock as I shot forth my cum. I sprayed him liberally with my juice, coming out with tiny little "oohs" at each pulse.

Finally, we both subsided. He slowly pulled out, and then just leaned forward, shoving his hands around behind my back and bringing our two chests together. I could feel my sticky cum smearing around on us. Will's mouth found mine, and it was the gentlest, most loving kiss we had yet shared.

The rest of the weekend passed in a haze. I actually lost count of the number of times Will and I fucked each other. I do remember my first experience of entering him. We had managed to find something to lube each other with, which made things easier. But that same desire for roughness seemed to stay with us. I was gentle in getting into Will's ass, but once he got used to the feeling of my cock buried fully in him, he just went wild. It got so that I pulled out of him and actually pushed him over from his back onto his knees. I stood behind him, and stared for a few moments at his gaping hole, then bent my knees and rammed back into him in one swift swoop. I kept on pulling out and slamming back into him, straddling his ass, gripping his waist tightly in both hands and almost pulling him up off the floor as I drove into him.

It was like that every other time. It was as though we almost wanted to hurt each other, but not quite. After the final time, late Sunday afternoon, we lay gasping beside each other on Will's bed. As our breathing slowed, I pushed up on one elbow and leaned over him, placing my mouth gently on his. The kiss lingered, never getting very heavy. It was as though we had finally found peace. I finally lay back, satisfied.

Finally, Will spoke. "You have any idea what this weekend was all about?"

I thought about it for a long time, and finally answered. "No. You?"


Again, we lay in silence, facing each other, arms loosely draped over the other's body, legs intertwined.

"Well," Will finally sighed, "another Monday awaits us. I wonder what new tortures Josh has thought up for us this week."

Josh. I'd finally managed to put that problem out of my mind in the flurry of wild love-making which had filled our time together, broken only by snatched moments to inhale, it seemed, whole slices of ordered-in pizza in one go.

What was I going to do about Josh? Why couldn't I let the thought of him go? One thing was for sure. Now that Will had rekindled the thought, I had to get out of there. I was terrified that I was going to let him see what was really going through my head when that subject came up.

I pushed myself away from him and up off the bed, gazing around to find out what had become of my clothes. I spotted them where one or the other of us had thrown them when we had moved the sexual Olympics from the living room to Will's bedroom, and hastily dragged them on.

Will watched me from the bed. "Davy? What's the rush?"

"Uh, look, Will... uh, it's been great, just great!" Oh, man, was I making a total disaster out of this. How much more obvious could I be about how anxious I was to get away from him? "But, you know, I've got some stuff I need to do for tomorrow, and. and, my parents will be wondering what's happened to me, you know? Anyway. look, I'll see you first thing tomorrow, OK?"

And without even waiting for an answer, I was off down the stairs and out the door. Mind you, I was berating myself for my actions the whole time I was performing them. You idiot! rang the voice in my ear, what's he going to think about this, huh? Why couldn't you at least say a proper good-bye? Shut up! I answered myself. I don't even think I could have said one more word than I had without losing it completely!

I was actually running down the sidewalk in my eagerness to get clear of Will, maybe even get clear of myself. Who knows? All that happened was that I made it home in a new record time. As I came in the door, the phone was ringing. I grabbed the receiver. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi, uh... David?" said a voice which was faintly familiar, although I couldn't place it right off.


"It's Josh. Josh Barrett."

Next: Chapter 7

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