Turning Queer in Ibiza

By moc.tsoptirb@hcnifsucitta

Published on Oct 31, 2008


This is a fictional story involving sexual relations between two males. If you are under the legal age of consent to read such material, or if you are offended by the subject matter, then DO NOT READ any further. This is a Fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental.

As usual all copyright and other disclaimers apply.

I welcome your thoughts and comments. Drop me an e-mail and let me know what you think. Just remember this is my first time, so please be gentle.


The plane was running late and the flight had seemed to be dragging on for ages. Mikey was tired and fed up, not the best start to his vacation. The plane was packed, loaded with families and groups heading like Mikey for the sun, sea, and sand of Ibiza. Mikey though was on his own. He'd broken up with his girlfriend and decided as a last minute thing to get away for a couple of weeks on his own. It had seemed like a good idea at the time but now he wasn't so sure.

Mikey was sitting in the aisle seat next to the doors. It was always good to get the extra leg room. Mikey needed the room. He was 6' and well built spending a lot of time in the gym. He'd really been working at his fitness, mainly to take his mind off stuff. On this flight it was also next to the seats used by two of the airlines flight attendants who were flying out to Ibiza to work at the airport. Early on in the flight Chris and Marcus had introduced themselves. Chris was tall; maybe 5'11'' and dark while Marcus was a little shorter but with long blonde hair.

"Have you been to Ibiza before?" asked Marcus.

"No. I thought it'd be a great place just to go, get pissed and have a good time"

"It's great for all that and the clubs are really great. If you've got nothing planned why don't we all meet up tonight and we can go out." Said Chris.

Mikey had agreed to this. The boys had seemed really good company and knew there way around. They had agreed to meet in a bar in the old part of town later that night. Mikey had put on his best Abercrombie T shirt and jeans. The t shirt really showed off his chest and big arms, while the jeans made the most of his long legs and hard bubble but. Mikey was first to arrive. After getting himself a beer he had time to look around the bar. Only then did he notice there were no women. It wasn't packed but the only customers were men. Some in pairs some on there own and some in larger groups. Oh fuck he realised it was a gay bar.

Mikey had never really given much thought to that side of life. He had always gone out with girls and that was that. He wasn't against gays he'd just never really thought much about it. He was just thinking about going when the boys arrived.

Chris was wearing a white wife beater and really faded ripped jeans which showed every muscle in his big legs and ass. There was no mistaking that he spent a load of time in the gym. He had that fluid movement that only comes from being really fit. Marcus was dressed much the same and again you could see he was just as fit. There was also no doubt from the outline in both guys' jeans that both were hung, Chris really well.

"Hiya mate" said Chris. "You found the bar OK?"

"Yeah but I didn't know it was a gay bar"

Chris and Marcus looked at each other, obviously surprised. "Hey man we just assumed you'd realised we were gay" said Marcus.

"That's not a problem for you is it?" Chris asked a bit of an edge creeping into his voice.

"No definitely not, I just hadn't really thought about it". The tension that had come disappeared as both Chris and Marcus smiled. "Well don't worry about it, let's get some beers in and have a good time".

"That's great by me" said Mikey. He'd finished his beer and Chris went to the bar returning with beers and shots. These went down with no trouble at all and after a few more all three boys were really relaxed. After a while Mikey said he needed to go take a piss.

"It's over there at the back of the bar." Marcus pointed over to a very dark part of the bar with a single unmarked door.

"OK I'll be back in a minute."

Mikey pushed through the door and found himself in large toilet area. He walked straight over to the long single urinal, unzipped and took out his flaccid cock. As he did he noticed that there were two men either side of him. Neither were pissing and both were holding what were very clearly hard and very big cocks. Mikey looked down at his own cock embarrassed and by now more than a bit worried. The shock of seeing two hard cocks stopped him from peeing and now he was standing there between two hard massive cocks holding his own in his hand.

Both men now started to pull on their cocks, turning slightly but perceptibly towards Mikey. Now he knew he should get the hell out of there but something was stopping him. He was stuck. He couldn't move. Worse was to come. No sooner had he realised he couldn't move than his own cock, seemingly of its own free will began to harden. Growing in his hand. As he watched horrified the two men began to stroke their cocks with an increasing speed, gently moaning as they were doing so. His own cock was now rock hard. 8 solid hard throbbing inches of tool. It was a hardness he had not felt before. It felt as if he would surely burst. His cock was now standing straight up, hard against the top of his jeans, its engorged head banging against his belt.

Suddenly the guy to his right let go of his own cock and reached down, grabbing hold of Mikey's. Again Mikey knew he should stop, run away, just get away from what was happening, but he couldn't. The guy started to stroke up and down on the length of Mikey's member, wanking him slowly but firmly and to his horror the feeling was great. For the first time he was having another man sending waves of pleasure through him.

Mikey looked up and saw for the first time that both guys were really hot. The guy to his right was dark, obviously Spanish with short black hair and well trimmed stubble. The other, also Spanish had a shaved head and was clean shaven. As Mikey looked up both guys smiled and the one holding his cock, pulled at it and tilted his head towards the line of stalls. There could be no mistaking what was going on. The hot guy with the stubble stepped away from the urinal, letting go of Mikey's cock and still with his own massive and rock hard cock hanging out of his jeans walked to the middle stall. Mikey just couldn't stop himself. He was so horny he followed and could feel the other guy right behind him.

As he reached the door of the stall he hesitated. He knew this was the point of no return. Knew he was getting into something that maybe he didn't want. His confused mind overwhelmed him and he stopped.

The guy behind didn't give him time to stop, instead he shoved Mikey hard, pushing him through the door and pressing close behind. Mikey fell through the door to see the first guy sitting on the toilet, his massive cock in his hand, stroking it, the uncut head huge, the shaft lined with pulsing veins. The second guy was now pressed close behind him. So close Mikey could feel the guy's cock hard pressing into the top of his arse.

The guy on the toilet said "You like what you see?"

Mikey wanted to say no and still get away, but something had over taken him and all he could stammer was "yes".

The guy on the toilet leant forward and reached for Mikey's jeans belt, undoing it and then pulling apart the fly, letting Mikey's hard cock spring completely free. He was still hard and his cock slapped up against his flat belly. The guy behind Mikey put his hand on Mikey's hips taking hold of his jeans and beginning to slide the down, gradually revealing Mikey's arse cheeks. As he did so, the guy leaned into Mikey's neck and began licking and nuzzling at it with his tongue. Mikey had begun to lose it. He shut his eyes giving over to the feelings overwhelming him.

No sooner had he shut his eyes than he felt his cock being enveloped in the hot wetness of the first guy's mouth. It was incredible. The sucking was hard and insistent nothing like any woman had ever done. The other guy had now got Mikey's jeans down around his thighs and was still lapping and kissing at Mikey's neck. Now he began to slowly and firmly grind his cock into Mikey's ass. Mikey couldn't believe the feeling coming from his cock. He was so fucking hard.

"Oh........." a soft moan escaped from his lips. He thrust his hips forward shoving the whole length of his cock down the guy's hot wet throat, reaching forward and grabbing at the guys hair pulling him deeper onto his cock. As he did so he felt the guy behind pressing his cock into his naked ass. Mikey couldn't believe the size and hardness of it. It was rock hard, standing straight up and now being rubbed gently but insistently along the length of his ass crack. Just then Mikey felt the first guy reach round him, and saw he was holding a small dark bottle in his hand.

All the guy said was "Sniff deep on this"

Mikey did. Suddenly his head was filled with the strong smell of poppers. He lost it completely. Mikey was suddenly only aware of the need to get sucked to get pleasure from the hot mouth on his cock and to give pleasure to the hard cock behind him. The guy at his knees let go Mikey's cock just long enough to inhale deeply from the bottle, immediately handing it back to the guy behind Mikey who also inhaled deeply.

Almost as soon as the guys had inhaled the first guy was back at Mikey's cock. This time there was a terrible urgency to the sucking. Mikey's cock being pulled all the way into the hot throat, his tongue teasing and playing with its full length and the mans stubble brushing against Mikey's own skin.

Just as soon as it had started the guy on the toilet pulled off Mikey's cock it making an audible pop as it was pulled form that hot mouth. The hot guy sat back on the toilet, reached down and took old of his own massive cock "you gonna suck on this, go on you know you really want it".

Mikey didn't know what he wanted. He'd never ever considered he could get off from getting his cock sucked by another man but it ad been the hottest sex he'd ever had. As the doubt flickered across his mind the guy behind him shoved the bottle under his nose and almost involuntarily he inhaled. It tipped him over the edge. His head filled with the need for sex and suddenly his whole body was crying out for it.

Mikey just bent forward; putting out his arms he placed them on the first guys spread legs. As he bent from the waist down he felt the man behind him pushing his back down towards the massive hard throbbing cock now no more than a couple of inches from his mouth. That was it. With the last thoughts of resisting leaving his mind he opened his mouth and accepted the first inch of cock between his wet lips. As he did he heard the guy on the toilet take a huge sniff of the poppers.

"Yeah, bitch suck my cock. Take it all you love it you filthy cock sucking whore".

The guy grabbed the back of Mikey's head and held him as he thrust up his hips forcing more of the 8" monster into Mikey's mouth and pushing it at the back of his throat. At the same time Mikey felt a hot breath on is exposed ass. Then unmistakeably a tongue was robbing at is virgin ass, licking and lapping around his hole. The guy behind gripped either side of Mikey's hips and was now forcing his tongue into Mikey's warm and now very wet crack.

Mikey was taking as much of the cock in his mouth as he could manage but there was still more to go. "Don't gag bitch you can take it all. Just relax and open up your throat".

Mikey tried hard to do what he was told. Just as he thought it was going to be to much for him the cock slid into the back of his mouth and his face was pressed into the mans crotch. Mikey was loving the feeling. He loved the salty taste of the mans pre-cum leaking down his throat. Better still was the feeling coming from his now twitching wet ass. Even as he was deep throating the cock into his mouth he was grinding his ass back into the tongue assaulting his virgin hole. Then just as he was beginning to feel it couldn't get any better the tongue was of his ass. He tried to lift his mouth of the first guys cock but his head was still firmly held in place.

From behind he heard the second guy. "You got such a fine hot ass I am gonna love fucking it real deep".

Mikey was shocked back to the reality of what was going on. He struggled to lift his head and started to moan furiously. A vicious slap was delivered to his naked ass.

The guy at his head said "You are gonna take it and keep on sucking me and you are going to love it. When we've finished with you you'll be begging for as much cock as you can get."

Mikey was filled with fear but still couldn't stop from sucking the hot cock invading his mouth and throat. He realised with a sickening in his stomach that his own cock was still harder than it had ever been. It was pressed up against his stomach leaking huge amounts of pre-cum.

The guy behind reached round to Mikey's face. "Since it's your first time you better take a real deep sniff". He pushed the bottle under Mikey's nose and without missing a beat on the cock in his mouth Mikey took a huge sniff on the bottle. As he did the guy sitting took the bottle and sniffed deeply handing it back to the guy behind Mikey. Mikey could hear him also sniffing at the bottle.

With that Mikey felt the mans cock beginning to press at his ass hole. The poppers were having there effect and he was hot desperately horny and at the same time scared of what was to come. He was terrified of being ripped apart by what was simply a huge cock.

Instead of the painful ravaging he imagined the guy behind began slowly and carefully to press his cock into Mikey. "C'mon little fucker open up for my cock. That's it take some more". The cock head slipped into Mikey's now desperate ass hole, his ass ring taking in the head.

For Mikey it was painful but somewhere deep inside him he knew that soon it would be all right. Still he had his mouth and throat round the huge cock of the guy in front of him. It was being thrust into his mouth. The guy was holding the back of Mikey's head giving him no chance to take his mouth of it.

"Suck it all in. Suck my hard cock. Take it all you are such a natural cock sucking bitch". Mikey heard those last words and couldn't believe they could turn him on any more. He loved being called a cock sucker and loved the idea he was really good at it. He groaned around the cock in his mouth taking it deeper into his throat. He was running his tongue all over it as it plunged in and out. Locking his mouth on it, his only thought now was to suck the cum out of it.

As he was giving himself over to the cock in his mouth, the guy behind was gradually forcing more of his cock into Mikey's wet and no longer so tight ass.

"Oh yeah. You're taking my cock like a real pro. I'm gonna fill your hot ass with cock and cum."

As this was said Mikey could feel the whole length of the cock being driven into his waiting ass. There was no pain now only a great sense of being full. He could feel the swollen end of the cock hitting his prostate sending waves through his body. It was so good his legs couldn't stand it. Only the forceful gripping of the man behind was stopping him from collapsing.

"Yeah bitch you are one hot fuck. Your ass is riding my cock now."

Mikey pushed his ass back on the cock only wanting to feel as much of if inside him as he could get. The guy at his head was now thrusting manically into Mikey's mouth, ramming his cock in and just grunting incoherently with each thrust.

Suddenly Mikey's mouth and throat were filled with hot cum. To Mikey it tasted great and the ropes of the mans heavy jism shot down his throat. There was so much. Despite Mikey sucking as much in as he could it was filling his mouth and running down his chin. This was too much for Mikey. As the man shot in his mouth he released Mikey's head and Mikey screamed with lust "Oh yeah, yeah, please oh god I want it fuck my ass yeah ram me I am a fuck slut I want your cock deep in me".

As this stream of filth came out of Mikey's mouth the guy at his ass was driving his cock deep into Mikey's ass and bowels. Mikey felt it swell and suddenly knew the guy was going to fill his ass with cum. "Oh yeah. Yeaaaaaaah bitch. Fucking slut. Oh yeaaaaaaah". The cock in Mikey ass shot its massive load deep in him. Instantly Mikey's own cock gave a huge spasm and shot a huge rope of cum, then another and another. Rope after rope of cum. Mikey knew it was easily the biggest load of his life and the best orgasm he had ever shot.

Just as he finished his own orgasm the guy in his ass began to pull out for the last time. Mikey's ass was full of cum and he could feel it running down the crack of his ass. Instinctively he clenched his ass trying to keep the heavy load in him.

As Mikey stood the guy on the toilet was standing pulling up his jeans trying to stuff his still semi hard cock back into his pants. He pushed past Mikey. Both guys were now at the door to the toilet. Mikey began to come down from his sex high and collapsed onto the toilet seat.

"Great fuck man". Said the guy from Mikey's ass.

"Yeah best face fuck I've gotten in a long time" said the other. "My names Raf and this is Tye. We're always in the bar so any time you want another session just come over. Oh and give our regards to Chris and Marcus".

With that Raf and Tye left. Mikey was alone sitting on the toilet. There was a load of cum in his ass and on his face and all he could taste was the pungent salty taste of cum in his mouth. His mind had been too numb from what had just happened to take in immediately what Raf had said. Then he began to come back to normal. Raf had said he knew Chris and Marcus. Suddenly Mikey remembered the boys. Where were they? He'd been gone for a while and they'd not come to look for him, and how was it Raf and Tye had known this was his first time?

Just as these thoughts were going through Mikey's head the door to the cubicle was flung open and there was Chris standing in the door way with a huge grin on his face.

"Well looks like you met Raf and Tye." Said Chris smiling even more. Mikey didn't know what to say. He was still sitting there his jeans still around his ankles, and cum on his face.

He went bright red and stammered "yeah".

"Aren't they something?" said Chris.

"What do you mean?" said Mikey.

"Well to be honest, while you were at the bar Marcus and I kinda had a talk with the both of `em".

"You bastards. I ought to fucking kill the pair of you"

"Yeah but your not going to are you? Looks to me like you kind of enjoyed yourself" said Chris. Mikey's cheeks were burning with the embarrassment and shame of his position. The worst of it was what Chris said was true. He really had enjoyed himself.

"You better get yourself cleaned up and come back to the bar". With that Chris gave an even bigger grin and left Mikey to it.

A few minutes later Mikey was back in the bar. He had cleaned himself up and was now lost in thought about what had happened and his feelings about it.

"We got you another beer in mate, thought you could use it" said Marcus. "Thanks" was all Mikey could manage as he sat down heavily. He looked up and began to imagine that the entire bar was looking at him knowing what had just gone on. He was ashamed and embarrassed but at the same time the thought that everyone knew what he had done gave him a secret thrill.

Pulling himself together Mikey said "I just can't believe you had a hand in setting that up".

"Shit man we could tell you'd be alright about it. We just knew you'd need some persuading and Raf and Tye were the guys to do it" said Marcus.

"I've never done anything like that in my life. I've never even thought I might be...well you know"

"Gay" said Chris and Marcus simultaneously.

"Yes" said Mikey now looking down at his drink. "It's OK man" said Chris. "Point is you had a good time, and you did have a good time didn't you?"

Mikey looked up, he didn't want t admit it but the words were rung from his mouth "Yeah I had a really good time". Just hearing himself admitting that seemed to break the spell for him. "Yeah I had a really really great time. I fucking loved it".

Chris and Marcus both laughed out loud. Marcus said "Awesome, well you got plenty of time to enjoy yourself some more so let's drink to having a fucking good time".

All three of them drank down some of their beers and as they did so both Raf and Tye loomed over the table. Both the boys had grins on their faces.

"OK man" said Raf.

Mikey looked down at the table but both Chris and Marcus grinned and said "Hi".

"Hi c'mon and sit down" said Marcus.

As he did so the boys sat down and pushed in. There was just enough room on the semi circular bench for all five boys to sit. Mikey was uncomfortably aware that he was now pressed between Marcus and Raf. In fact pressed very close. Raf's leg was hard against his own and in turn his own leg was pressed up against the muscular leg of Marcus. Mikey could here the boys were talking across him but all he could think about was the feel of Marcus's and Raf's legs against his own. He was getting warm and could feel his own cock beginning to harden. He was thinking back to sucking on Raf's hard cock. Suddenly he was brought back from his dreaming by the mention of his name.

Tye was talking across him, talking to both Chris and Marcus "It was fucking awesome. Such a great fucking ass. A natural fuck slut."

As these words were said Mikey felt Marcus's hand on his leg "Yeah way to go man" said Marcus squeezing Mikey's thigh hard.

"Oh God, stop it. Shut up will you" said Mikey. But even as he was saying the words he could feel his own cock responding, beginning to fill out. He noticed that Marcus had not let go of his thigh and the grip had gradually relaxed to become a firm but insistent rub of his leg.

"Oh don't be so shy. It's great you enjoyed it and it's not like anyone here doesn't like a good piece of ass and cock". Raf's words brought nods of agreement from all four boys.

"God yeah" said Chris "I can't get enough. It's got to the point where I'm always so fucking horny".

"Don't we all know it, you big stud" said Marcus with a laugh.

"I'm sorry" said Mikey "It's just that it's such a shock. I can't believe..." his voice trailed off.

"Cant believe what" said Tye "that you enjoyed getting fucked and sucking cock".

"I guess not" said Mikey slowly, "but you did enjoy it didn't you" said Marcus moving his hand over Mikey's leg, stroking towards the expanding hardness of Mikey's cock.

Mikey felt himself give in and said "Yeah. In fact I fucking loved it". Marcus gave Mikey's now fully hard cock a good squeeze, making Mikey shudder with excitement.

After this the boys fell to talking and drinking some more beer, all now happy and relaxed. As each one took turns to go to the bar one of the others wouldn't miss an opportunity to feel up either an ass or crotch. Mikey was really into the whole thing now and felt entirely happy to be joining in.

Next: Chapter 2

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