By D One

Published on May 2, 2017



Justin looked as Carl walked down the hall towards him. Neither spoke or gave any indication there would be conversation.

Justin put his books in the locker and closed it, rotating the combination lock as always. He inhaled and got ready.

Carl was feet away from him now. The usual grouping of his girlfriend, a cheerleader naturally and a couple of his teammates were behind him.

Justin didn't move. He felt sweat begin to pour from his armpits.

Carl got closer. Their eyes met.

Justin waited for Carl's fist to hit him. He hoped it would be his stomach and not his face. The last thing he wanted to explain to his mother let alone the Vice Principle was how he got a black eye.

Would Carl tell anyone? Justin worried that soon the rest of the team would know. Name calling would follow. Texts would expand things. Teachers would hear. Something painted on his locker door would be discovered. His life life at that school was over.

Carl nodded and continued walking.

Justin exhaled and changed his lips into a simple smile.

They had met when Carl was assigned a tutor. Justin arrived that first day to find Carl shirtless, wearing only a pair of nylon shorts. There was no mistaking the outline of his genitals. Justin felt the knot in his stomach and growth of his own penis.

"Coke?" Carl offered and didn't wait for an answer.

They sat so close; Justin could inhale his freshly showered aroma and feel the heat of his body.

"Sorry just worked out, probably stink. I showered but...you know"

Justin knew and enjoyed.

The tutoring became a welcomed afternoon twice a week and sometimes on Saturday too.

"Without him on the team, we'll lose" The Vice Principal said "And you get school credit"

Justin was ready to agree before that.

Each afternoon, Carl seemed dressed more sexy then the last. Justin fantasized the older boy naked of course opening the door and displaying his hard penis. Each time Justin relieved and pleased himself and knew it would never happen.

Black tank tops and form fitting shorts, shirtless and speedos, pajama lounge pants and half-length shirt, opened white shirt and jeans, mesh shirt and shorts....each invited Justin to mentally record Carl's image for recall later that night.

"So uh Birthday tomorrow. Should we reschedule?" Justin asked.

"Naw, nobody's home."

"But it's Saturday, aren't you going with your friends or uh out or something?"

"Naw probably sleep, come over, wake me up and we can cram all day if that's ok. Got that damn midterm next week"

Justin was pleased with each visit and sad that Carl was learning quickly. Soon the lessons would be over and he wasn't needed any further after Carl passed the semester midterm.

He rode his bike the distance to Carl's house as usual that Saturday.

The back door was unlocked as promised and he entered, calling out. Carl didn't answer.

He put the books on the dining room table where they usually studied and went downstairs to the basement room turned into Carl's bedroom.

He passed the weight bench and universal exercise machine at the bottom of the stairs. The door to Carl's bedroom was half open.

Again Justin called out just as he entered.

Carl was in bed. His bare chest was above the sheet which had a shape that indicated Carl's morning erection.

"Hey uh I didn't hear uh" Justin couldn't avoid starring at the tented sheet.

"It's ok I get em every morning, you probably do too" Carl said

"Yea all the time, want me to uh leave you alone?"

"Naw, it's ok, it's my birthday boner" Carl smiled and laughed.

"Maybe someone should blow out the candle" Justin offered his witty response.

"You wanna?" Carl wipped his sheet aside revealing his stiff flesh penis pole.

"Wow" Justin reacted

Neither spoke.

"Hell it's your birthday" Justin said and moved close. If Carl thought he was kidding there wouldn't be any problem. If he was angry, Justin could say he was kidding.

Instead Carl lay there watching as Justin moved to the edge of the bed and reached to touch the cock that was displayed.

Justin could hardly breathe. Sweat was coming from his armpits. His own cock was getting harder in his jeans.

Expecting Carl to reach, he slowly bent forward. But there was no cursing, no hand pushing him away. No laughter.

Justin licked it. There was no taste. Justin didn't know what he expected. He licked the tip where moisture had gathered. That tasted a bit sweet.

Remembering the videos he had seen on his laptop computer under the covers at night, Justin bent forward and put his lips around the thick acorn shaped cockhead.

Carl inhaled deeply and muttered.

Justin's lips moved downward slowly until it stopped at the back of his throat. He chocked.

"You ok?" Carl asked in a near whisper.

Justin nodded while his mouth was still full of Carl's cock. He moved his head up and down letting Carl's cock slide on is tongue. Again and again.

He was giving someone a blowjob, Justin realized. He didn't' know what he'd do if Carl shot his sperm into his throat.

He remembered tips and covered his teeth with his lips and tightened them.

"Fuck, god, shit" Carl hissed his reaction.

"What would happen when this was over?" Justin wondered. He kept lip stroking Carl's cock wondering if the jock would tell others he was a fag.

"Going to uh..." Carl grunted

The cum flowed over his tongue, out the corners of his mouth and down his throat. Justin kept savoring the cock's length.

"Justin you're hot" Carl's hand patted the back of his tutor's head.

"That's the best Birthday gift ever" Carl said. He was smiling. His cock was softening.

"Well Happy Birthday" Justin said wiping his mouth.

"Let's get a coke" Carl jumped naked from his bed and moved towards the stairs.

Justin wasn't sure if the blowjob or seeing Carl move around naked was the best part of that day. Perhaps it was even better when a still naked Carl sat at the table for their lesson.

"Shit this is even easier, must be the blowjob" Carl said laughing. He reached for Justin's hand and put it on his hard again cock.

"How about another present?"

Justin stroked the growling cock. Carl shoved the chair backwards while Justin removed his own te-shirt and knelt to continue stroking and licking the cock until Carl had a second orgasm providing spurts and streams to Justin's face and bare chest.

"That was the best lesson you ever gave" Carl, now wearing white mesh shorts patted Justin on the back as he left the house.

"Hey Justin" Carl's voice made Justin turn away from his walk to class.

"Just wanted you to know. I passed the mid-term" Carl was smiling "Thanks to you, uh thanks"

Justin knew the tutoring was at an end.

"Uh that's great, glad, congratulations" Justin nodded feeling his face blushing.

"So uh maybe you can come over anyway. We have other stuff to do and learn and..."

Justin saw Carl's face turning a bit red.

"Maybe Friday night. Folks are away all weekend" Carl said

"What books should I bring?" Justin asked

Carl looked confused at first, and then he smiled and laughed.

"I don't think we need books, do we?"

Carl turned and walked away.

Justin watched the boy walk, admiring the firm buttocks moving as he did so.

He had more research to do on his laptop before Friday.

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