Twenty Years

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 28, 2020


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I left my ex boyfriend some five years ago, after a relationship of ten. Well, relationship...? Yes, If you can all it that. I called it a "switch"-relationship as one day it was on and the next it was off. It was, what they call today, a toxic relationship. I should have known from the start it would be like that as he pretended to not even being gay, but he was the first to initiate sex, sucking and being sucked and most of all, fucking me in all possible positions. He was creative and had a very good imagination and that's how he got me in the first place. Nonetheless, with his excuse of not being gay, he often seduced women even if he was with me in one or the other bar and left me to go fuck with her. He would never apologize for his behavior as he considered he was "normal" to use his words. Stupid me accepted what he did. It took him a while (about two years) to realize he was hurting me. So, instead of doing it while I was present, he began to hide his escapades and started to lie about it. But he was a bad liar and I could just see it in his face when he did it. That whole thing went on and on till I decided to cheat on him. I did it a few times, but honestly, I didn't like myself when I did, even if it was during the "off" periods of our relationship.

I couldn't understand myself. I had always been consequent with my thoughts and the values I had, till I got with him. Call me old-fashioned, but my opinion was that being faithful was the absolute number one on my list. I endured and suffered the situation till a total stranger I met in a bar told me to regain my own dignity. That conversation was the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. I gave it some thought and I found a new place to live, emptied his place of my belongings and put a definite stop on a relationship that didn't make me happy at all. Living on my own again, after ten years, was hard, I admit it. You grow so used to be with two people and suddenly you are alone at home, switching on the TV to pretend there is someone with you and sometimes even talking to the walls just to hear your own voice. Yes, the demon of solitude was watching me very closely.

I started to go out again, to the gay-bars. I was stunned by the changes in ten years. The "before" and "after" were incredible. Suddenly I didn't see any familiar face again, except for one of the bartenders. The crowd seemed so awfully young. Two of the three bars I used to go to, were closed and I went to one that was relatively new. The friendly atmosphere I had known before, had completely disappeared. I remembered the time when you saw someone you fancied, you said to the bartender to offer that person a drink and that person would come over to you to at least say: "Cheers". Now, you offered a drink and the person didn't even bother to know where that drink came from, let alone say thank you or cheers. It was a real deception. In most of the places the music was so loud that there was no possibility to have a conversation. Even introducing yourself was hell. But I didn't gave up till I finally realized there was no use at all to go and try to meet someone or learn to know a person. It dawned on me that you could have a longer conversation in a chat-room on the Internet than trying it in real life. Deceiving!

Nonetheless, through a few of the internet conversation, I met some great people. Some of them were looking for a real friendship, others for a sexual encounter, but the common denominator was that, at least, over the internet conversation, they were honest about their intentions. That restored a little the faith I had in people after that toxic relationship. When I had one of these rare no-nonsense conversations, I always felt better and started to see life again with hope. Isn't it common knowledge that hope is the last thing to loose? Well, I lost it for a moment and I can tell you it is not a pleasant feeling and it comes back very slowly. I accepted a few of the sexual encounters and had some really good times in bed, but they all said that they didn't want any strings attached. When you know that before the sex begins, your mind is set to it and you don't expect more. It was a pure physical and sexual release and I was seeing it like that. I didn't allow myself to let it go any further.

With the ones who told me they were looking for friendship and nothing more, I did the same: set my mind to it. Sometimes it was hard as they were so attractive and I wouldn't have minded that it went to a next level, but I kept in mind what they were looking for. One of them, David, became like that my best friend who I could really count on and vice versa. It was not that we called each other every day as he had quite a busy life and... he had his husband. Our bond was strong (and it still is so today) and whenever we feel the need, we pick up the phone and call each other.

What stunned me the most was the quantity of guys in the chatrooms who were married to women. I can understand that the pressure of family and society pushed them in a marriage despite they're being gay, or at least bisexual, but it also reminded me of my ex who pretended not being gay. I made the mistake to let myself get involved a bit more than just an internet conversation, meeting with the guy and even had sex with him. Now, for a guy who was supposedly not gay, I really had nothing to teach him. He knew exactly what to do to please me physically and God, I enjoyed it. He was the first guy in my life who succeeded to make me ejaculate twice in less than ten minutes. He was also the first guy who succeeded in penetrating me without the slightest hint of pain and he was the one to call me, quite frequently, to have repeat sessions. It was only when I realized I wanted more that I told him it was no use to go on. He had made it clear form the start that he would never leave his wife and children. So, I switched over to total rational mode and told him why I preferred to not meet anymore. He was devastated and pleaded to change my mind. I couldn't, or rather I wouldn't. I was not going to accept to be the fifth wheel of the carriage.

You see, when I am in love, I am very exclusive. No, I am not jealous or so. But I want my man for myself and I don't want to share (except in some rare occasions of a trio). When I am in love I am giving myself to the guy, a hundred percent, and I like it that he does the same. It is not a question to be possessive, no, it is a question of feeling we really belong with each other, not belonging to each other. I love it to feel that connection and always hope that the connection becomes a communion. Sex is great. Lovemaking is better and that can only be reached if there is a spiritual and mental bond as well. Do I require too much? Maybe I do, but what's the use to bring down your levels if you know you won't be comfortable with it? After my toxic relationship I realized that I had to come on the first place, being in total balance with myself. There are already too many people who pretend to be someone they are not. I don't want to be part of them.

One evening I had a lady friend of mine, Laura, coming over for a dinner. I love her like the most wonderful friend she is. We had a very good time, till she took her smart phone and started to type away. I can accept that for a very short time, but she was exaggerating and I didn't refrain myself to tell her. She pretended she was doing something for me, but without saying what it was. She asked me the weirdest questions. When she was finished, she looked at me with a wicked twinkle in her eyes.

-I just enrolled you in the TV program `First Dates'.

I couldn't believe what she had just said. Of course, I knew the program but I would never enrolled myself. Laura said I had nothing to loose by going. I didn't want to show the whole country I was desperate to find a partner in life. She was right though, I had nothing to loose.

The people of the program contacted me quite quickly to ask some supplementary questions about who I was and what I was looking for. I considered it somehow professional on their side and answered truthfully to their questions. It took them another week to call me again and tell me I was expected at the television studios. I went. Entering the fake restaurant, the guy they had chosen for me, was not really my type but I was decided to give it a chance. We had a nice conversation and actually a good time. We had quite a lot in common and little by little I started to see there could be a possibility. When the recording was over, we went to a café nearby and talked during hours. When we had to separate, we exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

It was only two days after the recording of the program that the guy sent me an e-mail telling we were not compatible. I didn't understand. He pretended we would never understand each other fully... I tried to remember the conversations we had and I thought we had understood each other perfectly. I tried to make him explain a bit better what he was saying and his only answer was: "You see, you don't understand me!" We exchanged a few more e-mails and I came to realize that the guy didn't want a relationship at all. He even wrote that he was happy by himself. I had a recording of the program and showed it to Laura, as well as the exchange of e-mails. I was happy she didn't understand either what was going in that man's head, because I started to think I was stupid or wrong. What Laura wanted was for me to be happy, nothing more and nothing less. I made her see that I preferred to have a real friendship with her than a fake love-affair with anybody else. The guy I had met on the TV program was, once more, someone pretending to be another person than he really was. I was better off without him.

My quest to find a man compatible with me was once more in stand-by. Thinking about it, I began to believe I would stay alone for the rest of my life. Looking back at my past, I had to admit I had not been real successful with the men I met. Yes, I had some wonderful experiences and even made a few friends on the way, but I was still alone and craving to share my life with someone who would be worth it. I had to avoid to think too much about it and let it become an obsession, but with family and friends asking me constantly if there was someone special in my life, it was difficult to put the subject aside. I started to feel like a weirdo for not having anybody at my side. Of course, I always pretended to be perfectly happy being alone, but I knew I was lying to myself.

I submerged myself in my work and other mundane activities as to forget I was alone, but in my own intimacy I craved that man who would give a supplementary sense to my life. Someone who would be sincere and honest and not following the general tendency to fake a life he didn't have. There were days I wondered if I would not be better off with somebody like my ex, but at least not being alone. It was a stupid thought, of course. There is that saying: "Better alone than in bad company" ... I sometimes doubted about that. These doubts never lasted long.

Checking my daily mails and my Facebook account, I found a man I had not seen in over twenty years. I was thrilled as we had always been good friends but life had made us taking different paths and we lost contact. On his Facebook page I discovered he was married to a guy for almost ten years and if I could believe his pictures and comments, he seemed quite happy. I was surprised that Mike and his husband were living quite close to me. I just wondered how it was that we had never met in all that time. I sent him a message and was pleasantly surprised to receive an immediate answer, telling me we had to meet and catch-up on the twenty something years we hadn't seen each other. He made me understand he had talked about me with his husband and they were inviting me for a dinner. In his e-mail he attached one of his wedding pictures. I was a bit surprised when I saw his husband as I had always seen Mike with studs and here I saw a more effeminate guy. I didn't understand his choice. If they were happy, that was enough for me.

Looking twenty years back, I remembered Mike not being the most faithful guy on the planet. I had met two of his former boyfriends at the time and to put it softly, I guess they had open relationships. In my humble opinion, they were blatantly cheating on each other and yes, I had been one of Mike's cheating subjects. He had come to my house at that time, while his boyfriend was in hospital for a minor surgery. He didn't hide his intentions and after only a few minutes he was kissing me passionately and from one thing came the other and we had very hot sex. He was, and still is, one of my best sexual experiences. After that first sexual encounter, we had two or three more, till we lost contact. He became a great masturbatory memory in my head.

I went to their house the evening of the dinner. I met his husband, Darren. I have to admit he was a really nice guy and bit by bit I understood why Mike was with him and married him. Darren was not my type at all and when they made some sexual innuendos, I did as if I didn't catch the message. I was not in for a trio with them. Even when Mike took me in his arms and tried to kiss me on my mouth, I avoided the obvious intention. If he had been alone and not married, I would probably have indulged, but it was not the case. As soon as it was a reasonable hour, I said I had to get up early the next morning and left their house. As we had drunk quite some wine, they insisted I would spend the night. I declined politely and went home. What they did, was their business but I didn't want to be involved. I also knew that if Mike had been alone, I would have had no problem at all to fall for him. Then again, knowing he was not really faithful, I didn't think that would have been a good idea.

The next day I called Mike to thank him for the very good dinner and the lovely evening. He didn't pick-up his phone and I sent him a WhatsApp message. I got an almost immediate response saying he was at work and would contact me later. He did a few hours later by message.

"Don't you love me anymore?"

The message surprised me a bit. I answered anyway.

"You're married."

"So what? Being married does not interfere with feelings."

Exactly what I thought: being faithful was not his strongest asset. Trying to kiss me while his husband was looking was not to put me at ease or making me feel comfortable. The memory of my experiences with married men came back to the surface and it made no difference that it was a straight or a gay marriage. I would be able to give myself a hundred percent, but it would not be reciprocal and so it became a no-no situation. We all know that when we let our small head make the decision instead of our big head, that it would rapidly become a dangerous situation. Yes, I admit it I wanted to repeat the sexual happening as I had very fond memories about it. Meanwhile, twenty years had passed and I became a bit more scrupulous about it. My standards had reached a higher level. What I accepted earlier, meaning sex for sex, was not sufficient any more. It looked like Mike was reading my mind with the next incoming message.

"I married him because you were not around"

Wow! I didn't expect that and I didn't see it coming! If you ask me, that was quite a declaration that sounded a bit desperate. Had he changed that much in twenty years time? I didn't know and the doubts accumulated in my head. What did he really mean with that message? Was he serious or just pulling my leg? If it had been another person than Mike, I wouldn't even have answered. The sincere friendship we had obliged me to find a quick answer.

"Are you serious?"


My God... what was I going to do? I am not the kind of guy to come in between two married people. I have a sacred respect for couples. I didn't want our recent re-found friendship to die before we even had a chance to live it again. I looked at the messages and my hands were shaking. I needed to answer his last message, but what kind of answer could I give him? I decided to play it safe.

"I'm flabbergasted ... give me some time."

"Twenty years has not been enough?"

"A lot happened in these twenty years, don't you think?"

"Let's meet one-to-one and talk about the changes..."

Mike was clearly not going to accep no for an answer. I definitely needed some time as this situation was overwhelming me. How on earth do you react when you discover someone apparently has strong feelings for you that you didn't expect them?

"Ok... let's meet. When is it the best time for you?"

"You say it. I will make time for you!"

Oh my... he wasn't going to make it easy for me, was he? I tried to think hard. Darren had said he always worked on week-ends. It was not that I wanted to hide our meeting, but I didn't want to make it too obvious either.

"Saturday morning, around 10am, at my place... Is that ok for you?"

"Certainly is! See you then."

What had I gotten myself in to? Mike and I, alone, without any witnesses and in the privacy of my house, wasn't that tempting fate? Mike's messages didn't leave a lot to doubt about. I still had two full days to think about it all and I was already thinking about finding an excuse NOT to meet. Rationally I had about a hundred excuses, but emotionally I wanted us to meet. Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said that the best way to avoid temptation, was to give in to it? Yes, it was and I could so easily relate to it. I knew I was thinking with my cock-head instead of the one where the brains were. It had been too long since I had had any satisfying sex, let alone made love. Even after twenty years there were feelings remaining in my heart and apparently it was the same for Mike. It was not the best idea to meet as I knew there wouldn't be a lot of talking. We needed to talk. I didn't want to reach a point where anybody would be hurt, whoever it was. Could we reach a point where everybody would be happy? I doubted it and I was scared of the outcome.

I wanted to call Laura. She would listen to me and analyze the facts as neutrally as she could. I was sure she would give me good advise. She wouldn't be as neutral as I first thought. She would first of all think about me. After all, she had never met Mike. That same night she came over and asked me to spill the beans and I did. When I was finished she had her hands in her hair.

-You can't make it easy, do you? Can't you just find a single gay man who answers your requests? No, it is obvious you can't! Do you have any idea what Mike and Darren's relationship really is, apart of being married? Are they truly happy together or do they have some hidden secrets? Are you interpreting the messages he sent the right way?

-Come on Laura. You read the messages yourself. What do you think about them?

She looked really preoccupied and in her eyes I could see something like:"You have a point there". She put all the facts on a row and couldn't avoid to find a semblance with that married guy I had once met, meaning there was very little to none future with Mike. If his feelings were as strong as he let understand it, it could mean a divorce on his side and that meant as well that if another guy from his past would show up, he could drop me as easily. Was he still with Darren just because he was afraid to be alone? Had he ever really loved Darren?

There were too many questions we had no answers for. The best thing to do was to meet him and ask for some serious answers. I knew I could fall for Mike, but I didn't want to end up heartbroken. That horrible "What if..." question was haunting me although I knew it was stupid. It was a total loss of energy to imagine situation IF something would happen and probably wouldn't even happen.

For once, Laura couldn't help me at all, except telling me to be very cautious and to keep my rational side more alert than it ever was. That was easy to say! I had an angel on my right shoulder who told me to live my emotions. I had another angel on my left shoulder who told me to run away from Mike as fast as I could. On Friday night I was still hesitating about what to do. I was still looking for a valid excuse and call Mike to tell him not to come, but each time I had my cellphone in my hand, I couldn't bring up the courage to press the call-button.

Is it necessary to tell you I almost didn't shut my eyes during all night? I was out of bed and awake very early. I couldn't even remember a Saturday morning I was up so early. Coffee... I needed coffee! After two mugs I went to the bathroom and took a long shower. First with warm water and turning it willingly to cold as to wakeup my body and brain. Even with the cold water I couldn't avoid thinking about Mike and the result of that was... yes, a ragging hard-on. I thought it would be a good idea to masturbate so that my horniness would come down. I ejaculated hard and much. It was all washed away by the cascading cold water. Once I was dry, I went to the bedroom and caught myself paying a lot of attention to what I was going to wear, my underwear being my absolute focus. I hated myself as I was not supposed to think we would have sex and Mike was not supposed to see my underwear. My final choice went for very tight white bikini briefs. I loved them and I liked what I saw in the mirror. My auburn hair fell nicely in its place. I pulled out a few hairs of my eyebrows as they seemed to be rebels. I had trimmed my three days old beard and mustache and brushed my teeth already two times. My chest hair was trimmed as well, but not completely shaven. My pubes, of course, had received the same treatment as my chest, neatly trimmed but not completely away except for my balls that were completely shaven. In the shower I had cleaned my cock thoroughly as well as my ass. Yes, I prepared myself to have sex although my rational angel on my shoulder told me I shouldn't. My emotional angel congratulated me for taking so good care of myself. At 8am I was as ready as could be... but with 2 hours to wait for Mike to arrive. I was like a lion in a cage, nervous as hell with already 3 mugs of coffee in my system and totally undecided. It didn't help that my cock didn't want to deflate completely. Even in my dark blue jeans there was an undeniable bulge to be seen. I tried to rearrange my genitals, but there was no way to hide my excitement.

We had agreed for Mike to come at 10am, but at 9:30 there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and there he was. I couldn't help checking out his crotch. It was obvious he was as excited as me. As soon as I closed the door, Mike was all over me and we hadn't even exchanged a word. How could we with two mouths devouring each other? The battle to keep rational was over and lost before it even began. We were kissing with passion, even frenzy or fury. Our tongues were in each other's mouths, exploring the long forgotten caverns that we knew twenty years earlier. That kiss was reaching excitement levels I had never experienced before, not even when we were together so many years ago. It was a total release of twenty years frustration of not seeing each other. It was so obvious we both wanted that kiss to linger till eternity. Mike's hands were on my face, on my neck, keeping them there as to avoid to break the contact. I had my arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly to me. We didn't move an inch, except for tongues and lips, till Mike's hands travelled down my chest and belly and sneaked under my T-shirt, caressing my naked skin and involuntarily woke up all the nerve-endings on his way up to my nipples. Yes, he remembered my nipples were sensitive while the memory of our first session told me his earlobes were almost as sensitive as my nipples and I went for them, licking them and softly biting them. The more I worked his earlobes, the more he pinched my nipples and played with my short chest hair. We didn't have to look down to see we were hard as rock.

I slowly took some steps backwards, pulling him with me. The distance from the front door to the bedroom was covered without hurry. When my calves touched the bed, I let myself fall down, not loosing the grip I had around his waist. Mike fell on me and didn't stop kissing me. It was almost as if we would be satisfied just kissing, but we knew it would go further than that. Mike pulled my T-shirt up and, with some difficulty, succeeded to pull it over my head. That was the first time our lips were not sealed together. Mike looked at me for an instant and dove down to lick and kiss my now super sensitive nipples. I cried out. This was almost enough to make me reach my climax. Mike knew it and stopped his ministration as he didn't want me to cum yet. He traveled down, following my treasure trail, nibbling at my navel and licking my flesh just above the waistband of my jeans. With only one hand he expertly undid the button of my trousers as well as the four buttons below. He just stood up for a moment as to pull my jeans completely down and off. I was laying there, with just my briefs on that were tenting obscenely and already showing a wet spot due to my over-production of pre-cum. I had never seen anyone take off his clothes as fast as Mike did, keeping on his underwear, very similar to mine, and showing what I remembered his nice endowment. Mike fell on me again and we resumed our kissing, while our cocks were pressed together only separated by the cotton of our bikini-briefs that couldn't contain our genitals anymore and our cock-heads appeared above the elastic waistband of our underwear.

I couldn't get enough of Mike's kisses. My hands roamed over his shoulders and back. I cut my fingernails very short, but long enough to make him feel them over his back, without hurting him or leaving traces. He liked it, that was obvious. His hands travelled form my face and neck and crawled between our chests to reach my nipples again. The slippery pre-cum we produced made our cocks slide over each other. All my senses were in alert, but it was the touch that caused our bodies to wriggle and increase the frictions.

Mike travelled down my body again, leaving a trail of spit on my chest and belly. My cock-head was poking on his chin. He kissed it and lowered my briefs till mid-legs, before swallowing my manhood between his lips. The warm and moist feeling of his mouth made me wriggle even more. I told him to turn around as I wanted his cock in my mouth as much as he wanted mine. His movement's agility got us in a perfect 69 position without my cock leaving his mouth. I opened mine wide and his dick found it's way, filling my mouth and throat. I sucked as avidly as a baby to its mother breast. His cock fit in my mouth perfectly leaving the necessary space for my tongue to play with his cock-head. Mike mimicked what I was doing and I just hoped there would be no end, that we would continue this till the end of times. When Mike let my cock slip out of my mouth and went to suck on my scrotum, I thought it couldn't get any better, but when he went further down, munching on my taint and clearly showed his intention of going to my ass, I got almost crazy. I always loved it when someone was rimming me. Mike doing it lifted me to a higher level of ecstasy. I opened my legs as far as I could, inviting him to do what he intended. When his tongue touched my rosebud, I grabbed him by the waist and pulled his cock even deeper in my mouth, while I lifted my legs in the air. Mike grabbed my buttocks, lifting them up and doing so, his cock slipped out of my mouth, but his ass was just above my face. He came even more upright and slowly sat on my face with his buttocks wide open. I only had to push my tongue out to lick his rosebud. That 69 of asses was the best I had had in many years. It was the best rim-job ever! He wet my hole with a lot of spit and then introduced one finger in my opening. I could feel it enter me, purposefully searching for my prostate that he found easily. When he pushed it the first time, the moans and groans that escaped me could be heard by the neighbors. I didn't care. My whole body and mind were concentrated on the feelings Mike was creating and increasing with a second finger. I thought I had gone to heaven. All he did was done delicately and an incredible dedication to give me as much pleasure as he could give me. A third finger opened me even more and he added his tongue for extra lubrication. I knew what his intention was and produced even more spit to coat his cock.

With the same agility he had shown before, Mike turned around once more, putting my legs on his shoulders and pushing his fingers even deeper in my ass. My head was spinning from cheer pleasure. I begged him to take me, to make me his'. I wanted him to go in me and deposit his seed so deep that is would never come out again. He pointed his cock-head to my rosebud and slowly, with much care, pushed till it passed my sphincter-muscle. There was a soft pain that was almost pleasant. He didn't move for a moment, letting me adjust to the invasion of his manhood. When he saw on my face that I was relaxing and that my ass was a little less tight, he pushed some more. He entered me slowly, but without stopping, till his pubic hairs tickled my ass-cheeks. When he was completely in me, he bent down and kissed me with the same softness and care. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. It was not like being in heaven anymore ... It WAS heaven. I squeezed my ass-muscles a few time, making him understand I was ready for him. The first strokes were long and slow, reaching places I didn't even knew I had, pushing inside of me and brushing against my prostate with every move. Each thrust of his hips made his cock get deeper. Each thrust came a bit harder than the previous one and the speed of them became faster. With my heels on his buttocks I prompted him to go faster and harder. Normally seen I can't cum when someone is fucking me, but with Mike I felt my seed boiling in my balls. I didn't want to cum yet as I was so absorbed with what Mike was doing, but I couldn't prevent it much longer. I could feel his cock getting harder and, if possible, bigger. He was ready to unload in my ass. His thrusts were slower but much harder. I knew we were on the verge of cumming. I couldn't withhold my orgasm. My balls almost retracted in my nether regions when my first spurt of semen erupted like a volcano and coated both our chests. That made my ass-muscle contract and pushing Mike over the edge. I could feel his juices run on the underside of his cock, passing my ass-muscles and fill my ass. We both climaxed with strength and our loads were huge. After his last thrust, Mike almost collapsed on me, kissing me with the same frenzy he had shown when entering my house. Despite that passionate kiss, our breath came back to normal as well as our heartbeats. The kisses became softer and slower and his cock deflated and flipped out of my ass. Mike glided off my body and laid down next to me, putting his head on my shoulder and we both enjoyed the afterglow of a mind-blowing lovemaking.

-I have an important question for you Mike ...


-You want coffee ?

Mike bursted out laughing. We didn't bother to put clothes on and went to the kitchen where I served two mugs. Mike took his and went to stand at the window, looking outside. I admired his body with his broad shoulders, small waist, perfect bubble butt and strong legs. I have to admit I didn't remember his physics that well, but on top of that he was twenty years older than the last time we met. I guess Mike is like wine: he gets better with age. The more I looked at him, the more I found him attractive, almost irresistible. We just had made fantastic love and when I looked at him, my manhood woke up again. I wasn't going to try to hide it. I got closer to him and wrapped him in my arms from behind, pressing my chest against his back. I knew he could feel my hard-on. I caressed his chest and belly and when I went down a little more, I could feel he was hard as well. He turned towards me and looked me in the eyes.

-I know we have to talk and that I have probably a lot of questions to answer. I have a few questions of my own for you. Before we start that conversation, I want us to return to the bedroom and this time I want you in me. It is much more than a sexual act, you know. At least for me it is and I hope you have the same feeling. Be assured, I am not playing, neither with you, nor with your feelings.

We returned to the bedroom.

To be continued...

All comments welcome to You know it guys, your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 2

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