Twenty Years

By Alain Mahy

Published on Apr 13, 2020


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Before returning to the hospital, we stopped at the pharmacy to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste. Mike went a bit over the top buying the latest electrical one. His excuse was that Jacob had perfect white teeth and needed the best dental care possible to keep it that way. After that, we went into the clothes shop we always went and bought some nice underwear and T-shirts. I added a few baggy boxer shorts that could be used as pajamas. A quick stop at the police depot gave us the address of Jacob's sister. Seeing the address, we were quite surprised as it was in the industrial part of town. We went to have a look, but at the address there was just a wasteland ! There were no houses, no buildings, nothing ! We checked it again but the address we had and the place we were coincided. It was more than strange.

Jacob seemed determined to get better. He looked rested and even had a smile on his face when he saw us. He immediately took off the gown and pulled a T-shirt over his head, but he couldn't reach far enough to pull on the baggy boxers. Mike helped him without lifting the bedsheet so that Jacob's intimacy would be saved. Directly after that he wanted to brush his teeth and once again we helped him, finding a bowl so he could rinse his mouth. He was so grateful for what we did and it confirmed what Mike had said the night before: he was a good guy. He told us he had had the visit of the undertaker and even paid him completely. The coffin was the cheapest one as he couldn't afford more, even with the money he had in his wallet. There would be no service, religious or not, as Jacob didn't know who would attend it anyway. It would almost be an anonymous funeral as he couldn't attend it either. Jacob was doing surprisingly well, considering what he had gone through the last days and as far as we knew. He had that quizzical look on his face when he looked at us.

-Are you guys gays?

That question came out of the blues and we didn't expect it. There was no way we would hide it for him as we hadn't hidden it for anyone around us that asked it straight in our face.

-Yes, Jacob, we are. Does that bother you?

-No... it doesn't.

He once again had that sad look on his face, mixed with shame and doubts, keeping silent. Then...

-There is a reason nobody found a next of kin for my sister and myself. It is a bit complicated... Our parents are extremely and fanatically religious to the point I would call them sick. They live literally according to the Bible, from the first to the last letter. Their lives are ruled by the Holy Book. They pray in excess from the moment they get up till the moment they go to sleep. My sister and I couldn't stand it anymore. It was far too much. Our days started invariably by going every single morning to church! When my sister announced that she was leaving the house it was as if the total disgrace had fallen upon our house. The speeches we had to endure from that moment on were a living hell. When they told my sister they would send her to a convent, she couldn't take it. She was 25 and I was 24. She said she could do whatever pleased her and even be a prostitute like Maria Magdalena (she didn't mean that). That was as if a bomb had exploded in our house. My parents didn't react, but fell on their knees in each other's arms and prayed feverishly. That same night, she left the house. With her meager savings she bought that old car and disappeared, telling me she would find a way to contact me.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks. We told Jacob that he didn't have to tell us the story if it was too many bad memories for him.

-If you don't mind, I need to tell it aloud and try to get it out of me.

I took his hand in mine as a sign of understanding and support, trying to give him the necessary courage to get it all out.

-Following my sister's leaving, life at home became even worse. What worried me the most was that they were more in church than at home. The priest was one of those extremists, menacing everybody with hell and the devil. The hours my parents spend at that priest's house were incredible. The only thing I wanted to do was leave as well and I was planning on it for the day my sister would contact me. All their anger fell on me and I was constantly insulted for being a bad son when I tried to defend or even just talk about my sister. The "cherry on the cake" if I can call it that, was when they presented me a paper, issued by the priest and some dark acquaintances of him, that said that my sister and I didn't even have the name of my father. They changed it. Don't ask me how they did it, but it was so. They repudiated their own children and told me I could leave as soon as possible. When the following day I finally got news from my sister, I told her I was coming down. I took the money I saved and the rest is history.

Mike and I had real trouble believing what we were hearing. We didn't even know if something like that could be done. One thing was to disown your children, the other (changing their names) was totally different, but Jacob showed us the paper he had in his wallet and it seemed genuine. Jacob was devastated, but we were as well. For my part, I didn't know if I would have been able to go through all of that. It was amazing to see that sometimes Jacob still could smile. Mike went to the bathroom for a humid towel so Jacob could wipe his face and erase the traces of his tears. The emotional charge on all three of us was heavy.

-Did your parents change everything, like passport and driver's license?

-Yes, they did. I found mine and my sister's papers in one of the drawers of my father's desk just before I left, and took it all with me. I also found some cash and took it. That's how I could pay for my sister's funeral. The first thing they found in ER was my new driver's license and that's why they didn't find any next of kin.

That was logic! We told Jacob about the address that was mentioned on the car's papers and what we had found when we went to look for it.

-I guess my sister did that on purpose so that my parents would not find her. The problem of course, is that now I can't find her place either.

His sister had taken her secrets to her tomb. Jacob was truly alone and on his own. We had to help him in any way we could. What came first was getting him on his feet. We had to wait for doctor's orders and a decent schedule with he physiotherapist. Speaking of the devil, the physiotherapist came in to see Jacob. My God... he was a gorgeous man with sparkling eyes. I wasn't going to break a leg to have his services, but I surely was close. He took his time to explain to Jacob what he was going to do as soon as the doctor agreed to it.

-How is the pain? On a level from 1 being very few to 10 extremely difficult to endure.

-I would say about a 2 or a three, but the nurses give me painkillers on a regular basis.

-Ok... We'll have to bring the painkillers down to see how you manage. As soon as your pain levels don't exceed a 2, we will start some easy exercises. I don't want you to have your muscles atrophied by lack of movement. The sooner we start the better it is for you.

The sparkle in the eyes and the genuine smile would make anybody want to make his work easier. It seemed that for the next hour they would already do some exercises to strengthen some muscles, except in the legs. We told Jacob we would be back and left them to do their exercises.

Mike received news from the insurance company, telling him indeed his car was a total loss. They told him what the other insurance was going to pay for it. It was not a lot, but then again, his car was almost ten years old. His project to buy new car, came earlier than what he thought. He was eager to go car shopping, but as usual, he knew what he wanted and was going for it. It just came down to color and availability. But he was not only in the mood for car shopping, he also wanted to provide some clothes for Jacob and, as he said, some for us as well. We ended up buying quite a lot more than was our first intention. All the clothes for Jacob would be put in the wardrobe in the guest bedroom.

The day Jacob was released from hospital finally came. Jacob was not particularly overjoyed, although he didn't like to be in hospital, but facing the world again with all the uncertainties was more than challenging. He didn't know where he was going, except it was our place. He didn't no anybody apart from us. He didn't know what he was going to do. It was as if he was staring at a blank page and had to start writing his life from scratch. We already knew Jacob was someone strong. He had been through quite a lot and most of it was not really pretty. Mike and I wanted him to have something better than what he had known so far. Being raised in a God fearing environment, instead of a God loving one, was a huge change for him. He still had issues accepting our help. But he had no other choice. He could have gone from hospital to a rehabilitation centre, but once he would have been on his feet again, he would have been released from there, too and being totally alone and on his own.

We made the necessary appointments with doctors at the hospital. Another bunch of appointments were made with his physiotherapist, Blake, to come to the house and help him further with his recuperation and on his feet again. A nurse would drop by to change the bandages and cure the wounds between the doctor's appointments. There was no need for a wheelchair at home, as long as Jacob promised not to overdo it when walking with the crutches and limit it to a minimum when Blake was not around. The wound on his forehead was healing well, but would leave a permanent scar. It gave his whole face a different kind of personality. Jacob was apparently liked by the nurses as many of them came to give him kisses goodbye and wheeled him to the exit where Mike's new SUV was waiting for him.

Once at home, Jacob was in awe with the penthouse, his room and the closet with a lot of new clothes and shoes. We just realized we had to learn to know each other on a different level. The hospital visits had not brought up simple things like preferences of food and so on. We had to learn to help him with his showers as he was not really stable yet on his feet despite the fantastic work Blake had done. If the surgery had been on only one leg, it would have been different, but both legs were hurt. The first shower was a bit uncomfortable for Jacob, not because we had to help him, but because he would be naked in front of us. We asked him if it was a problem for him, but he said no, hesitantly. When we said that whoever was going to help him would be naked as well, he hesitated even more in answering if it would bother him. We told him we could put on bathing suits, but he said he would get used to our being naked. Now, saying Jacob was a nice-looking man wouldn't do him justice. He was simply gorgeous. The very first shower, I was in charge to help him. I was already naked when adjusting the water temperature. He climbed into the shower and I started washing him. Yes, I admit it, I was not a hundred percent flaccid being with Jacob under the water of the shower, but he had a major boner. He tried to apologize. I told him not to, but he was almost in tears. Jacob had asked us if we were gay, but he never volunteered the same information about himself. Was his boner because of being naked with another man, or was it just a reaction of a horny youth? I tried to give it as few importance as possible, but when I kneeled in front of him to wash his hips and legs, he spurted a massive load on my face. He apologized so profusely that, if he had had the means, he would have run out of the shower at that very moment.

-Don't worry Jacob, it is not that I haven't had a load in my face before.

-I am so sorry, he pleaded, it is just that you are touching me all over my body and it has been so long since I came. You also have to know that you are the first person to ever touch me while I am naked. It never happened before.

I was flabbergasted. Here I had a gorgeous man, young and strong who had NEVER been touched in his life? It was hard to believe, even more when I thought about the first time a man touched me and I was only fifteen years old.

When the showering was finished, I took a fluffy towel to dry him off. He then brushed his teeth thoroughly (something he did three times a day) and I helped him put on his underwear and baggy sweatpants. The T-shirt he could pull on himself. We then went, slowly, to the terrace where Mike was working on his laptop. We had some lemonade and discussed food, what he liked and disliked. When I told Mike that he had a major hard-on in the shower and unloaded on my face, Jacob was as red as a tomato. Mike tried to ease the tension a bit.

-Don't worry Jacob, he has the same effect on me. If we are together in the shower, I can't avoid it to get hard and unload. By the way, are you gay?

Jacob didn't answer straight away. The subject seemed to bother him a little.

-Listen Jacob, we are going to live together for as long as you need or want. In this house we have a rule to be totally honest with each other, not only my lover and I, but also the people who come to visit us. You can guess we don't have a problem if you are or if not. It is just a question to know...

-I don't know, Jacob answered after a while. I have never been with either a man or a woman. My sex life is a big and total zero. Even at my parents house I was afraid to pleasure myself as they said it was a sin. I feel attraction towards the two of you, but I think it is out of gratitude. Nobody in my whole life ever did what you did for me. Yes, I was excited in the shower because I have never been naked in presence of anybody. I don't know why I had a hard-on...

-Don't worry about it Jacob. Here it is most of the time clothing optional. If it bothers you, just tell us and we will adapt.

-I am the stranger in your house. I should adapt. But please, give me some time. This is all so new to me.

-Jacob, I said, we don't want you to adapt. We want you to feel home here and be comfortable. The only thing you have to worry about is to get better. All the rest is secondary. If it bothers you to see naked people, you just say so. With or without shorts on, we feel the same.

-I am just afraid that if you two walk around here without any clothes, I will have a permanent boner!

-Well, Mike said, you know what to do if you want it to go down... I can tell you that in this house masturbation is NOT a sin. It is actually one of the pleasures of life when you are alone. That pleasure increases once you have a boyfriend or a friend with benefits. You have been living in a kind of prison for all your life. Please, learn to be free Jacob and if you have the slightest doubt, ask us. There are no inappropriate questions and there is no shame in admitting you don't know something.

How do you put someone at ease who is in Jacob's situation? He knew we were gay before he came to our house, but then again, not all gays are nudists. Mike was right, with or whiteout clothes, we were the same persons. All we wanted, as said before, was to make him feel at home and to recuperate from some traumatic experiences in his short life. Nobody should have to go through that. It was once again one of these moments that we realized how fortunate and blessed we were of being able to live the life we chose. It was not the fact we were gay that was a choice. It is now more than proven that being gay is in our genes, but the way we were handling it was definitely our choice. The way we faced the world with being gay, was our decision and no one else's. That was the message we wanted Jacob to understand. We were well aware it was all very new to him and that he had to face things he had been told were wrong. It was a real task for him to realize he could now live his life like he wanted and not following the rules of some bigoted people who were living in a two-thousand year old past. He was twenty-five and just came to the real world he was living in. That was a serious challenge for him and we just wanted to be there for him.

If you wonder why we wanted to be there for him, it was a kind of mystery for us as well. Mike had made it clear he wanted to help without expecting anything in return and I agreed wholeheartedly with him. Jacob was easy on the eyes, but it was certainly not the factor that made us decide what we did. How should I put it? There was like an invisible force that pushed us to do it, something in our hearts and in our minds that drove us to get Jacob back on tracks and finally live a life that was worth living, not being a prisoner of old and totally inadequate beliefs. Jeez... we are in the twenty-first century! We didn't care if he was gay or not. We didn't care if he had received an appropriate education or not. He was a human being and we were going to treat him like one.

As you can imagine, Blake became a regular visitor to the penthouse. Jacob followed his instructions scrupulously and the muscles in his legs showed it. It was only six weeks since the accident and he could stand on his feet for longer than one minute at the time. Blake was the strength behind Jacob's determined will to get better and more independent, trying to do things around the house as long as the pain didn't kick-in. He was wise enough to rest when that occurred. The only thing he was still not really sure about, was taking a shower alone. With the water, the floor of the shower was slippery, obviously, and he didn't want to take the risk to fall and hurt himself. Being it Mike or I who showered with him, the effect was always the same: he would have a major hard-on and often reached an orgasm without even touching himself. Mike was a little more cheeky than I was and used more soap to clean Jacob's genitals. Jacob would never object. On the contrary, it was as if he was looking forward to it and always had a bright smile after unloading. We suspected he liked it more than what he was saying. We talked it openly with him and he had that wicked smile on his face when we did.

The X-rays showed that his bones were growing back together really well. The doctor talked it over with Blake, advising him to increase the strength on Jacob's muscles so that he could leave the crutches aside. Jacob took every day lesser painkillers and regained self-confidence in his legs, up to the point that he didn't have any reason at all to ask Mike or me to help him with his shower, although when asked, we never refused. We had to admit that we liked it as well. From the very start of the shower sessions, we had often been all three in the bathroom. I would witness Jacob ejaculating when Mike was washing him or vice versa. Mike and I had absolutely no problem with it. What happened was that Mike and I talked about it one night when we were in bed, wondering if our choice to have a monogamous relationship could evolve to something more. We never had the need to have a third man with us to reach sexual satisfaction. The little daily sexual innuendo was spicing up what we had, that was true. It seemed we were actually looking forward to it.

When one day, Jacob announced insistently he was going for a shower, Mike and I stood up to "help" him. Mike said we should save water and we ended al three under the cascading water, having Jacob sandwiched between us. That specific shower gave us a lot of "firsts". Jacob did a few things he had never done before, like wrapping his arms around my neck while Mike was washing his back. He pulled me real close and our chests were pressed together. When Jacob looked intensely into my eyes, I couldn't resist and my face got closer to his. Our lips met for the very first time. It was soft and with some hesitation, but when I pressed my lips a bit more to his, the kiss turned out to be quite passionate, with tongues in each other's mouths. If it was true he had never done it before, he was a natural kisser. When Mike saw what was happening, he pressed his body against Jacob's back and kissed his neck. It would be superfluous to say we were having ragging hard-ons, mine firmly pressed to Jacob's and Mike's pressing against his buttocks. After a while, Jacob turned around and kissed Mike with the same fever. The little lamb we thought we had in the house, was suddenly a hungry wolf.

We didn't have to teach him anything! Jacob had taken our word literally and went for what he wanted. We didn't have to tell him what to do when he let his body slip between us, dropping on his knees and being with his face between our crotches. For the very first time, he grabbed our cocks and balls and caressing them, maybe a bit clumsy, but with the best intention to give us pleasure. He surprised us by opening his mouth wide and engulfing first my cock and then Mike's. It was obvious he tried to catch up with lost times. There was no way to stop him. He moaned and groaned and we could feel the vibrations he had in his throat. His hands were not idle. He caressed every part of our bodies he could reach and I could even feel a finger poking at my puckered hole. He was hesitant to push it inside, but hey ... feeling him playing with my ass was so hot. I guessed he was doing the same to Mike who pulled me in for a very passionate kiss. My God ... that was so hot! We pulled him up and shut off the water, taking some towels to dry ourselves and taking him by the hand to our bed. There was no doubt it was going to be a hell of an experience. For Mike and I it was a first as well as we had never indulged in a trio.

As soon as I was laying down, Jacob dove in and sucked my cock again. Mike took the opportunity to take Jacob in his mouth and feeding me his cock. This three-way 69 was exciting us like never before. Jacob didn't limit himself to sucking my cock, but also bathed my balls with spit and his finger found its way to my hole again and was audacious enough to push it in a bit. I pushed my hips backwards to make him understand he could push it all the way in and he did. Where had he learned all that? It was certainly not his over-religious upbringing that showed him what to do sexually. We were not going to complain as he did a very good job and it was impossible to think it was his first time with two man in the same bed. When Mike let his cock go and went to suck and munch on his taint, Jacob let out a loud growl. Mike pushed his legs open and his tongue went from taint to his hole. This time, Jacob threw his head back and even though I was not looking, I could easily imagine his eyes rolling backwards. It took him some time to realize what was happening to him. He loved what Mike was doing to him and wanted to return the favor somehow. He pushed my legs open and his tongue followed Mike's example, licking my taint and going to my hole with determination. I couldn't resist the temptation to do the same to Mike. The room was filled with loud groans and moans. We thoroughly enjoyed what the others did to us. When Mike's cock was once again bathed with Jacob's spit, he flipped me over and pointed his cock-head on my wet hole. I wanted him desperately inside of me and opened my legs and buttocks wide. While he pushed in me, Jacob saw the opportunity to kneel in front of me and feed me his cock, while furiously kissing Mike. With such hot action, I knew I wouldn't last long. Mike was jackhammering me like never before while Jacob furiously fucked my face.

Quite unexpectedly I felt Mike unloading in me, without the usual warning signs I received. He had to be more excited than I thought. I was close as well and wondered if Jacob was going to empty his balls in my mouth, but when he suddenly pulled out and Mike as well, I had the happy surprise to see them switch places. The still cum covered cock of Mike was suddenly in front of my face and I opened my mouth wide to let it in. Jacob positioned himself between my legs and without hesitation pushed his manhood inside of me. I gasped for air and just knowing Jacob's cock was where Mike was only seconds before, pushed me over the edge. Jacob seemed to control his orgasm as he continued pumping into me although my ass-muscles gripped his cock. He didn't last very long, but long enough to give me a good feel of what he was able to do and reach my sensitive spots in my ass. The guttural growl that came out of him was unearthly and let us know he was emptying his seed in me. I could feel the spasms of his cock as he climaxed with gusto. We fell into a heap and kissed whatever mouth was closest enjoying the bliss of post orgasmic satisfaction. After that, we didn't fall asleep but lightly dozed off. Once our breath and heartbeats were normal again, we had to shower again. We went to the terrace and for the first time, Jacob was not ashamed of being naked outside. I had the feeling that from that moment on, we would see Jacob naked a lot more.

Jacob started to apologize for intruding in our intimacy. We stopped him immediately.

-Jacob, I said, there is absolutely no reason for you to apologize. We are adults here and nobody forced anything onto the others. We didn't see it coming, that's true, but I don't think any of us regrets what happened. We have never felt the need to have a threesome and be assured it was not out of need that we went with the flow. Since you came to live here, both Mike and I have had your loads on our face or in our hands. That one day it would go further than that, was to be expected. The only question I have, is to know if you are comfortable with what happened as not so long ago you didn't even know if you were gay or not.

-Yes, I feel comfortable except if I know I am an intruder in your couple. I would hate that. I enjoyed it to the fullest, that is sure and if I know I am no intruder, I will be happy if it happens again. I had more than time enough to think about it and even did some research on the internet. The only thing I am not sure about yet is to know if I would like it to have one of you penetrate me. The information I read said it can really hurt the first time and I am not looking forward to that.

-Indeed, Mike said, the first time can hurt quite a lot, but it is a very temporary pain. You have to understand that the muscles of your ass are suddenly extended a lot and they are not used to that. What happens is that after the muscles dilate well, that pain disappears and turns into a wonderful pleasure.

-You saw my face, I added. Did I look like I was in pain?

-No, you didn't. I would even say you were enjoying as well Mike's as my invasion. Although I am not looking forward to it, I sure want to try it. Are you always the bottom?

-No, Jacob, it all depends what mood we are in. It is just a false myth that in a gay couple one is assuming the male role and the other the female role. In some relationships it is indeed like that, but it is not a general rule. We prefer to think we are two men and we love each other, no matter if one is penetrating the other or vice versa. Today I wanted to be the bottom, but that doesn't mean that tomorrow I will want to be the top. We are fortunate to like it both way, as well Mike as I. As I said, it is a question of state of mind at the moment we make love. There is no timeframe or specific role-play. It is all a question of feelings at the right moment.

-What would have happened if one of you ALWAYS wanted to assume the same role?

-That is something that has to be talked about from the beginning. In our case there was nothing to talk about, but I guess some couples, in spite of loving each other, will have to compromise as to what happens in the bedroom. If both partners are bottoms, there is always the possibility to use some "accessories". The relationship has to be very strong to accept the threesomes so that two bottoms can find a top to satisfy their needs. It happens that guys who are hundred percent bottom, can't even keep up an erection strong and long enough to penetrate the other. I know it is something that is more in the head than a physical thing, but it happens.

-Ok, I see what you mean. With you two around, I know I won't have a problem of an erection, Jacob chuckled. I am wondering what happens next and even more after what happened just now.

-That's another thing, Mike said. We have a committed and monogamous relationship. Having you reach an orgasm in the shower is ok. We didn't expect it would go further although it was a possibility. We always make love and never have sex and that wakes up some doubts and questions. What we had today was, in our opinion, making love. Our hearts went out to you before we even met you. I was waiting at ER for my lover to come and pick me up and my thoughts were with you. Don't ask me why because I can't tell you. Then you showed us the trust you have in us and we couldn't do anything else than to offer you our help. Meanwhile we grew really fond of you. I won't say we fell in love with you, but you are already so close to our heart that we can say we made love and didn't have sex.

-I can tell you I love you very much and not only because you helped me at the moment I most needed it. You have shown me a lot of respect and you can't imagine what that means to me. Even at my parent's house or at the church we were attending, I have never received any respect. Even when I did something good, I have always been downgraded and so did my sister. That's why she left the house. She showed me she was strong enough to stand up for herself and I have to do the same...

Jacob was deep in thought, like every time he talked about his sister. I saw he had a difficult time, so I went over to him and hugged him close to me. I felt a wet drop on my shoulder and hugged him even more. I wanted to make him feel welcome, certainly after all he had been through... I heard the doorbell and looking at my watch, I knew it was Blake. It crossed my mind that the treatment Jacob needed was finished quite some time ago, but Blake still came by. They always went to Jacob's bedroom for the exercises. We never went to look when they were there, respecting their privacy. Exactly one hour later, Blake would leave. Jacob joined us again on the terrace and seemed deep in thoughts. Mike asked him if there was something bothering him. Jacob had long forgotten to be shy or ashamed about anything with us.

-I have a few issues, he said. I wanted to invite Blake for a meal to thank him for all he did with me and bringing me back on my feet. The little money I had is long gone after paying my sister's funeral. I can't invite Blake to a restaurant. Would you guys mind to have him over for a lunch or dinner?

We didn't mind at all as Blake was a familiar figure in our household, but it brought up another problem. Jacob had no means of income, no job of any kind. He had told us his sister had a few ideas, but of course, they didn't had time to talk about it.

-Jacob, I asked, what kind of studies did you follow? What were you about to do for earning a living?

He sighed deeply.

-That has been a constant discussion at home. There were quite some things I wanted to do, but my parents wouldn't accept anything, except me becoming a priest. I didn't want to and even less knowing the priest at our church. I wanted to study graphic design, but that was immediately rejected. I didn't even think of going to university as I knew they wouldn't pay for it and even less accept it. I thought about self-educating, but didn't know where to start. Then, leaving the house, finding and losing my sister and all the consequences, I didn't really had the opportunity to find a job. I can't and I won't accept charity. Up till now I don't really have a choice. I know I have to find a solution to that problem, but I really don't know where that solution is...

Jacob was on the verge of tears when he stopped talking. He clearly needed another hug.

-Jacob, Mike said, we offered our help and we would appreciate it that you wouldn't consider it as charity. As for a job, if I understand correctly, you don't have any real qualification. Is that right?

Jacob nodded.

-Ok... Are you still thinking about the graphic design? Or would you like to do something else? Do you have any idea what you are good at?

-Graphic design is definitely something I think I would like, but I guess it is a bit late to start to study it.

-It is never too late to start something. Do you have any certificate about what you achieved?

-I guess I have, but didn't find any when I left home. I was too much in hurry to leave before my parents came home.

-I suppose you can ask for a duplicate. If you want, you can use one of our laptops to find any tutorials or even a school that would teach you whatever you need to become a good graphic designer.

-I can't afford any school...

-Who talks about money? When from the start we said we want you back on your feet, it was not only physically Jacob. A few minutes ago, you told us you love us. Show us that love by becoming the best graphic designer. We'll be here to support you all the way!

Isn't my husband awesome? Yes, he is! He was just offering Jacob a brand new future.

The following days, Jacob became like an expert in finding thing on the internet. He found quite a lot of courses, classes and seminars about graphic designing. He found forums for almost each of them. When he submit the results of his searching, we discovered he was really well organized and knew how to classify everything. He had ordered all the options taking in account the registration fees, the location of the schools, the costs for transportation and whatever was important to be able to achieve his goal. Even his preferences were marked and most important was why certain programs received that preference. It was a very extended and precise report he showed us. Mike sat down with him to overlook all Jacob had found and listen carefully to what he had to say about the results he had written down.

One thing was evident: Jacob would need a computer or laptop. He surprised us by an evenly extended report on what was available and what he would need, depending on the course he would follow. Mike was more up-to-date with all that and I left them to overlook the reports. I was sure Mike would take the best decision possible, considering Jacob's choices and preferences. He was consequent enough to keep his word to bring Jacob on his feet in every way possible. He knew it would need financial input as well and was ready to invest in Jacob's future. From the information we received from Jacob, we knew he had to start from scratch. The complete course was of course the most expensive one, not only the registration to it, but also the living costs. We would certainly not allow Jacob to go out the house with nothing in his pocket.

Jacob showed us a third report. It was about the possible jobs he could do with his limited academic education. Nothing was really well-paid jobs, but it would allow him to have some income and face his daily needs. He was looking for a job he could combine with his studies and that would not exhaust him physically and mentally. We couldn't be prouder than we already were with his mature mentality. In less than a week, Mike had purchased a laptop and Jacob had registered for his studies. He also found a job to deliver packages for a courier company. It was a part time job, starting at 4pm till 12pm five days a week. The course he had registered for was an on-line one and that meant he could study at any hour of the day or night.

We discovered a very disciplined Jacob. He was free to study at any time, but he had a very strict schedule that he respected. He combined his job and his study to perfection and still had some leisure time. I still had an older iPhone I wasn't using anymore and I reset to factory settings. I had enough opportunities to get him a new number on my account. Jacob said he would pay me his cellphone bills as soon as I received them.

Blake became a regular guest at our home. Jacob didn't need any physiotherapy any more, but they had created a bond while he was in treatment. We strongly suspected that they had something more than just friendship. They often disappeared in Jacob's bedroom although he didn't need the exercises anymore. The looks those two exchanged were not unfamiliar to us and knowing Mike's bluntness, I knew he would kill the elephant in the room soon enough. One day, while we were having a drink on the terrace, they came out of Jacob's bedroom and joined us. Mike couldn't help himself and asked them face to face if it was still exercising for Jacob's legs. They both were immediately as red as cooked lobsters. Jacob tried to keep his composure.

-Well... my legs are fine now, thanks to Blake. He is still making me exercise a lot, but in a different way...

-Like having your legs up in the air? Mike asked. Or bending them so that your knees are next to your head?

I bursted out laughing with that comment, understanding perfectly what Mike meant. Fortunately, they understood as well and joined my laughter.

-That is a blunt way to put it, Jacob said, but you have a point there... And yes, I think I can speak for both of us when I say we fell in love some time ago.

-That's fantastic, Mike said, we are very happy for you. I just want you to know you don't have to hide your feelings with us. If you want to touch, hold hands or kiss in our presence, we are more than ok with it. The feelings of the heart should never be hidden.

-We wanted to be sure before announcing it, Blake said, out of respect for you guys. We always had a good contact and bit by bit we realized we wanted more, but we also wanted to be sure about our feelings before making them "public" if I can say so.

-Don't misunderstand me Jacob, I said. Are you a hundred percent sure? It is not that long ago you didn't know if you were gay or not...

-I am sure. I am more than convinced as Blake has shown me so much care and love. It is not only gratitude if that is your question. I developed feelings for Blake that I didn't even know existed. I had vaguely heard about butterflies in the stomach. Now I know what it is. Even before he leaves, I am missing him. Of course this is all new to me. I told my story to Blake and he knows that up till now, I have been confronted only with hate. I didn't know life could give us such a nice gift of love. You guys can't imagine what it is to have a fulfilling life, doing something you want to do and being surrounded by loving people when in your past you have never known it. How many people discover that only at my age?

Jacob was on the verge of crying and Blake saw it. He took him in his arms and comforted him, kissing his head and face, showing Jacob he cared for him. Jacob clung to Blake, squeezing him in a hug of unseen strength. Yes, they cared for each other and their love was so nice to see. We couldn't be happier for them.

With time, Jacob became real good with graphic design, but not only that. He also became a specialist of computer programming. It seemed he had a natural gift to assimilate the information he received. That guy was on the verge of becoming a nerd in his field. He was also very careful with his money that he earned with his job and even participated in the costs of the household. We instinctively knew that he and Blake wanted to build their own life as a couple. It was obvious they were planning to live together and we started to have some sad feelings, knowing he would leave the house. The sexual experience we had with him had been something unique as we never had a repeat session. It was only when they announced that they had fallen in love that we understood why. It was no impediment for Mike and me to have a very satisfying sex-life. What we had with Jacob was a wonderful experience and we didn't regret it one moment, but we also knew we wouldn't repeat it.

We were happy with the love we had and shared. We were happy Jacob was on his feet again and doing great. We had helped without asking anything in return. The true gift of giving.

But there was still something missing ...

To be continued ...

All comments welcome at Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 7

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