Twilight Morning Sun

By Joseph Foster

Published on Feb 26, 2010


So sorry it took me forever, but I had to completely re-write the story after my laptop exploded, I even wrote some of it on my ipod so I could get it to you ASAP I received a record amount of emails for my first installment, I am writing chapter 3 now, and it will be up in a few days I hope, I'm trying to keep it regular now, but I've got a lot going on...

The Twilight Saga: Morning Sun

Chapter 2

The Storm

I stared into the mirror, I looked like a lifetime movie, bruises and welts were covering my body, yet I didn't hurt, I still felt amazing, Edward and I had made love, it was beautiful, but I could tell that though he had enjoyed it, he was still not able to completely let go and just be with me, as much as I adore him, I know that while I'm human we can't be together for real.

I awoke this morning to an empty bed... hmm, cum and go... I didn't figure him for the type, I pulled on the nearest clothes there it was, the pain, I knew it would nag me, but I couldn't let Edward know he'd hurt me so, or I'd never experience the amazement of last night again, somehow, I could see, through the strained facial expressions and the tight grip of my legs as he pressed himself into me and we sighed with relief as we climaxed, all these things that seemed to be genuine, I knew he was hiding something, and somehow I knew, he wasn't going to be coming back, I had to find him.

I jumped into the truck, thank you Jacob, I drove to the Cullen house, and when I got there Alice opened the door before I could even knock. "Hi Ben." She said

"Hey Alice, what's up?"

"You know full well what's up, you seduced my brother, you got him to sleep with you it went against everything he stands for, you're not even married."

"Whoa... slow down for a do you know this?"

"I know things, I see things, regardless, you have a hold on my brother, and he isn't himself when he's with you... I think it would be best if you left, he's not feeling like himself, he needs time."

"Well if he needs time then big bad vampire boy can man up and come tell me this himself, you can see the future, so I think you know what happens next." I spewed definitely too rude, but I was in a crunch

"Alright." Alice said and flitted away as Edward approached the door

"So was there any truth to what she said?" I asked bordering on tears

"I can't be with you, look at what I did to you, you are an example of why I can't be with a human."

"Oh really? Do you see a bite mark? Am I dead? No I'm not, so I have a couple bruises big deal, I was a football player for Christ's sake I'm used to getting roughed up much worse than you did to me last night, which was perfection if you ask me, you were perfect, and then I woke up this morning and you weren't there, do you know how awful I felt, I felt cheap, I felt used, and I felt like you don't care."

"I care, I care so much that I'm going to stay away, to protect you."

"I am SO sick of people trying to protect me, I can take care of myself goddamn it, and you are just a scared little boy you know that, grow a sack and take what you want, I accept you for who you are even though you think you're some horrible monster, but you can't even see that why don't you go fuck yourself now that you've fucked me and gotten what you wanted."

"Ben, don't say things like that... I am so deeply in love with you I can't even bare the thought of losing you, ever, I could have killed you last night, do you know what that would have done to me, I would have wanted to die, and that is not an easy task."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain one day, but not now, please, come inside, Alice saw you having breakfast here."

"No fair, you can't do that, you knew how I'd react before I did..." Suddenly I got dizzy I began to see flashes of someone, I don't know them they were being attacked


"I don't know what just happened, but I feel like something bad is going to happen..."

"Alice gets that look sometimes, maybe you're like her, you should talk to her about it sometime, let's get you something to eat..."

"So you guys keep food in the house why?"

"Only once Alice saw you coming did she go buy food, she also bought you a bunch of..."

"CLOTHES!" Alice exclaimed coming down the stairs

"What? Clothes?! I love clothes, what clothes?!" I said I never look free clothes in the mouth

"I took the liberty of picking out the outfit I foresaw you'd choose, your selection is on the right side of Edwards closet, eat now, check later your feeble human nature requires you to eat at least three times a day."

"Thanks for the clothes but easy on the feeble human stuff, I am fully aware that I am JUST human." I said with spite and took a bite of the delicious food that had been prepared for my arrival

I spent the day at the Cullen household, but I noted that Edward was keeping a safe distance from me, I kept inching towards him but he'd find an excuse to move away from me

"You have to admit Edward, this could all be easier if I wasn't human."

"I agree but you are going to stay human, I like you with a beating heart."

"Well fine, I've got to go home, Bella and I are going shopping." I lied knowing he didn't know

"Have fun." He said with a suspicious look, I got in the truck and drove home, when I got there Bella was just getting dropped off by Angela

"Hey where were you this morning?" She asked me and we sat at the kitchen table together

"I was at Edwards having breakfast."

"Oh that's nice, so his family is being supportive?"

"Yeah they are, it's pretty nice to have so many people have our backs."

"Well you know I do too, and so does all of our friends."

"Yeah of course I know that."

"Why do I feel like this isn't what you want to be talking about?" Bella asked me sincerely

"Because you my dear are very perceptive, its Edward, he's pulling away from me, we um... ahem... last night."

"Oh... OH really!?" Bella exclaimed, "But he's doing the blow him off after sex thing...?"

"Well he was rough..."


"REALLY rough..."

"Did he hurt you?"

"Surprisingly no, I'm not hurt, but he's afraid to be with me because he can't control it."

"And you're mad about that?"

"Well yeah, I want to be with him, and he's pushing me away, I knew it, I'm not good enough for him."

"Whoa, back up, if anything you are TOO good for him, I mean look at you, and you are intelligent, and funny, he's lucky to have you, he's obviously hiding something, something big..."

"NO..." I said a little too loudly... "I mean, I don't think so, I'm good at reading people and I didn't get that vibe from him."

"Says the guy who dated Chad Norridge... great at reading people huh... somethings up, but you cant or wont tell me..."

"A little bit of both maybe." I said and went to my room by myself, I hate having a twin sometimes, lying is increasingly difficult, not that I enjoy lying to anyone, but I especially hate lying to her.

I was dreaming that night and I dreamt of Edward, it was the first time, he was biting me, turning me into a vampire maybe? I didn't look good, I was pretty beaten up, I awoke with a start, I was soaked in sweat, it just felt so real, I lay back breathing heavily, and there he was... standing in my room, "Edward?"


"Will you still be there when I turn on the light?"

"Yes." He said

I switched on the light and there he was, "I am sorry Ben, I shouldn't have overreacted."

"Overreacted?! That is what you're calling it... you left me after we slept together, I don't know what exactly that is but it is not overreacting."

"I'm sorry... and to apologize I want you to come on an outing with my family and me, we'll be playing baseball, and there's going to be a big storm tomorrow... would you like to come?"

"I would... on two conditions..."

"Name them."

"First you have to meet my dad..."

"Oh he's dad now... deal."

"And second, you have to stay with me tonight."

"There's nowhere I'd rather be."

"Just hold me, I love being in your arms."

"You have no idea how long I've waited for a night like this, my only wish is I could sleep next to you so I could dream about you as well."

"How do you know I dream about you?"

"Well for starters you just told me..."

"Oh..." I bit my tongue thinking I must seem pathetic, but he did just say he wants to dream about me.

"What do you dream about?"

"You won't like it."

"Try me."

"I dream about being with you..."

"Why would I not like that?"

"Because in the future I see, we are both still young, and we are together... forever."

"Are you saying..."

"Yes... you see I told you that you wouldn't like it."

"That will never happen Ben... we can be together, but you will never be this way..."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you... you see... can we just sleep now."

"I don't sleep."

"Like, at all?"

"No, never.."

"Huh... well you'll still be here when I wake up right?"

"I will not move a muscle, until you wake up."

I kissed Edward on the cheek, and laid my head on his chest, sleep came easily from that point, before I knew it I was dreaming, this time about drinking animals blood and running through the woods chasing our prey, the dream was terrifying, then while drenched in blood I ripped off Edwards shirt effortlessly and he did the same to our pants, and shoved himself roughly into me, it felt good, but I wasn't bruising the way I did while human, and we were evenly matched in strength, he wasn't manhandling me, he was gentle and enjoying it, focusing on our love making, not on keeping me from being hurt. As we were in the climax of our session suddenly I jerked awake.

"Are you alright?" Edward asked me worriedly

"I'm fine, it was a good dream, what time is it?"

"Charlie is about to come in and ask you to go to breakfast so it's time for me to go." He responded as he rolled off the bed and went out the window just as he did the door opened

"Hey... You're already awake, what do you say to breakfast at the diner, just you and me?"

"Sure, just let me get dressed and we can go."

"Okie doke, I'll get the car warmed up, bring your coat it's a bit chilly today." Charlie said and closed the door behind him

"What else is new?" I said to nobody in particular and searched high and low for some clothes I could just throw on

About twenty minutes later we were sitting with orange juice and coffee in front of us with nothing but the slow moving time to keep us company

"I owe you a big apology, I never should have shut you out..." I nearly choked on my sip of juice, hearing my dad expressing his feelings

"So how long did mom have to coach you on that one?"

"About an hour..."

"Go on..."

"I left you when you needed me the most, it couldn't have been easy for you."

"It wasn't, and to make matters worse I thought you hated me."

"Don't you ever, ever think that, that could never even be a thought in my mind, you are my son damn it, and I love you, just as much as I ever have, and nothing could ever change that, not even this whole gay thing, I have a gay cop on my team, he's one of my best, I have respect for someone who can stand against jerks in the world."

"I love you too dad... I'm dating someone..." That's not how I wanted to tell him, but it slipped out.

"Oh really, who is he, im sure he's not good enough, wait a second, I thought you and your sister didn't like any of the boys in town..."

"Well, it's Edward Cullen, and he doesn't live in town." I said with air quotes around town

"Why are you telling me?"

"Well since we are being honest... you did tell me you have to meet a guy if I start to date one, and I've started to date one, and he wants to meet you, and you said you gotta meet him... so that'd be why I'm telling you about him in the first place..." I took a deep breath and ever so carefully peaked at my father out of the corner of my eye.

"Okay then, bring him over..."

"What? Really? Okay!" I said nervously and though I'm sure he already knew it was coming, discreetly texted Edward they would be meeting before we went out later

That evening I was pacing my room as I saw Edward pull up I made my way to my father in the other room, he was cleaning his gun, "Dad, he's here, be nice.."

"I'll try, one wrong look, and, you know what happens..."

"Be nice." I sad again more firmly

"Alright... bring him in." he said pumping his shotgun

I rolled my eyes at his behavior but inwardly I was smiling so big it hurt, my dad really does love me no matter what...

Though the feeling quickly faded as I opened the door and Edward stood there, this was real, I was actually bringing a guy home to meet my father, "Hi." He greeted me simply with a smoldering smile, I was putty in his hands whenever he did that

"Come on in, Charlie's in the kitchen, let's get this over with."

"Relax, it'll be fine." He said and pulled me into a small hug, I rested my head against his stone hard chest and took a deep breath

"Okay, let's go." I said and led him towards the kitchen

"Edward this is my father Charlie Swan, father this is Edward Cullen my boyfriend.." It was hard to squeak out that last part, being gay I'm comfortable with it yes, but with my father I still am not exactly dandy with being so open.

"I am the Chief of Police son, you know what that means?" Charlie said as he shook Edward's cold hand, I also noticed Charlie give his hand a little shake as though the handshake had hurt, note to self, talk to Edward about it.

"I'm sure I do, sir."

"It means if you go missing, nobody's gonna question me." Charlie said giving Edward a death glare.

"DAD!" I about squealed

"You have nothing to worry about sir, Bennett is just coming to play baseball with my family and myself..."

"Baseball...? You hate baseball..."

"Not since I learned how to play it right..." I defended myself

"Right... Phil..." my dad said with disdain in his voice for my step father

"You'll be okay with Bella's cooking tonight?"

"If I must." Dad joked and told us to have a good time, and that if I came back with a hair out of place, you get the idea.

We walked out the door and I saw Emmett's massive Jeep waiting for us, "Is Emmett compensating for something with this thing?" I said as I climbed in

Edward chuckled, "I wouldn't know, is that the idea?"

"No, the it's a common thing, guys with little dicks get huge cars so they have something to brag about." I said with a smile as Edward strapped me in

"I am not a child, I am perfectly capable of buckling myself in."

"Humor me Ben, I am not used to being with someone who doesn't enjoy my gentleman nature." Edward said with a little spite

"Excuse me?" I asked, it was the first time he'd spoken to me like that, I wanted to know more

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

"You know, you're right, you're just being a gentleman, I will learn to be more accommodating..."

"Really?" Edward asked

"You do an awful lot of adjusting for me, I should for you too then right..." he covered my hand with his and though I am used to his temperature being so cold, I got a chill down my spine

"Are you okay?" Edward asked concerned

"Yeah, it's just no matter how often you touch me, it's still always a shock how cold you are."

"And for me it is a shock how warm you are each and every time."

"I guess we'll never be used to that now will we?" I smiled recalling Edward stating I'd never be like him

"I suppose not."

We were terrain driving now, and the skies were clouding up, the storm was definitely near.

We reached a clearing and I saw the whole family waiting patiently

"Right on time, the storm is almost here, but Bennett, we need an umpire." Esme said

"Cool, I can do that."

"Just call them as you see them." She said to me as Alice rounded every one up

Alice was pitching, and Emmett swung and hit the first pitch the sound was so thunderous it was clear why it was necessary for them to be able to play, everyone would mistake the noise for the storm

"That's gotta be a homerun?" I asked Esme, the catcher

"We'll see, Edward is very fast, faster than all of us."

Edward came zooming back ball in hand, I was amazed "Out!" I called for the shit of it and Edward winked at me

"No fair, just cuz he sucks your..."Alice threw a spare ball at Emmetts head and everyone laughed

Jasper was up next, and he hit the ball hard but Emmett leapt up a tree and grabbed the ball out of the air, "My monkey man!" Rosalie called out and smirked at me,

"She hit on the first pitch also." This time the ball hit ground because Edward and Emmett collided in mid air, but after a laugh they got up and Edward threw the ball so hard and fast, but even though there was split second difference it was clear Rosalie was out "You're out!" I said clearly, and she was visibly pissed, obviously assuming I was being unfair

"Babe, it's just a game." Emmett called out, Alice suddenly looked worried

"STOP!" She called out

"Is it the others?" Carlisle asked


"How long until they get here?" Edward asked

"Is there enough time..." I asked and I think everyone was surprised to hear me speak

"No, unfortunately."

"Put these on..." Edward said taking off his cap and jersey

"Like that's gonna help I can smell him from over here."

The vampires approached, I could see them, the one that stood out was a fiery red head with discombobulated clothing that looked picked out from random laundry bags, then there was a dark skinned man with dreadlocks, and a shirtless hunk of a vampire if I do say so myself with a ponytail.

In my head I saw a room and I saw fire. I didn't know then what I know now, I was terrified of the numerous possibilities of its meaning, I had always had a sort of gift of foresight, usually only unconsciously, but I was also always very lucky, so I could only hope I got lucky now and they didn't notice I'm human.

"I believe this belongs to you." The dark skinned man said

"Thank you... I don't believe we've been properly introduced I'm Carlisle Cullen, and this is my family, you folk are?"

"I am Laurent, and this is James, and Victoria, friends of mine."

"Your hunting habits have frightened the locals, we maintain a permanent residence nearby and people are beginning to wonder."

"We didn't realize the area was claimed..."

"But we led the humans out west, so you should be safe now." Victoria said

"Thank you."

"So, you got room for three more players?" James asked eyeballing me, I'd swear I saw him wink at me like he knew

"Sure a few of us were just leaving so you could take their spots."

James took a deep breath, "So you brought a snack." He said menacingly and jumped towards me, but Edward and the rest of the family jumped in front of me and pushed him back

"Wait..." Laurent said, "Is the boy your pet?" he asked of Edward

"Shut up..." Edward said dangerously and emitted a growl, it was clear in that moment to all involved how much I meant to Edward.

"We shall go talk about this "permanent residence" come along James, Victoria..."

"As soon as they walked away." Edward grabbed me threw me on his back and ran to the Jeep, we drove a fast as possible back to the Cullen house

"Would you just say something?" I asked

"This is all my fault, James is coming after you..."

"You don't know that..."

"JESUS! Ben I could read his mind, its all about the chase, the hunt, its his obsession, the way I reacted in the field its fueling him to come after you even more, I can't let him have you."

"What are we going to do...?"

"We have to get you out of here but we have to be smart..."

We were all gathered in the family room, "We need to get him out of here, now, but they are going to expect Edward to be with him, so I'm sorry son but you can't go with him." Carlisle said

"I understand."

"I'll take him, Jasper and I will." Alice said, I was somewhat relieved

"Emmett and Rose you guys drive towards Seattle, and just keep driving to get them away from here."

"Why should I help, what does HE matter to me...?" Rosalie asked

"You don't have to do this for me, just do it for your brother." I said to her, and she looked shocked I dared to speak to her at all

"Fine." She said and got ready

"Before we do this I need to make sure Charlie's okay, Bella too, I have to make sure that they aren't hurt, and to do that, I need to hurt them..." I said

"What do you mean??" Edward asked

"We need to go to my place, and we need to make a scene, that will hopefully convince James that I won't ever be coming back to Forks."

"Fine. Let's go, get everything ready here."


"Ben!?" Charlie asked

I bolted into my room and started packing my stuff, "What happened?! Did he hurt you?"


"Break up with you?"

"NO I broke up with him!"

"Where are you going?"

"I just have to get away from here I'm suffocating, I don't want to be here, I never did, I was set on never seeing you again, and never having to endure the sight of your miserable existence, I HATE IT HERE."

"Ben please, I don't want you to go, where are you even going!?" and Bella was now by his side, this was my chance to really make it stick I had my stuff

"Just looking at the two of you, I can't stay here, I can't be here with you, I can't take it anymore Charlie I am going to suffocate, both of you just listen to me, I am so far beyond done wasting my life here, you two can go about your simple existence with your steak and cobbler, but not me, I'm gonna go home to Phoenix, I'd rather be anywhere but with you two, I wouldn't wanna wind up being stuck here like mom." The look on my fathers face when I said the last part broke my heart, but I had to stick to it, "Just look at you two, and you wonder why she left... the same reason I am, to get away from you." Bella's face dropped and they both looked broken, mission accomplished

As I drove away Edward made his way into the truck

"Don't worry, Charlie and Bella will forgive you..."

"No they won't."

"Sure they will... they think you are in trouble, they don't really believe what you said to them."

"I hope you're right."

"Let me drive."

"We got back to the Cullen household and everything was set...

"We need a distraction, Emmett switch clothes with Ben." Edward said

"Sure thing." Emmett said and stripped his clothes off throwing them at me, the surprising thing was after I slipped on his clothes, they fit me well, and mine fit him, though mine were a bit snug for his muscles

"Alright they should follow Ben's scent for long enough for us to get you away."

"We'll take good care of him Edward." Alice said and I climbed into the backseat of Carlisle's Mercedes.

Edward knocked on my window and I rolled it down, a tear was threatening at the corner of my eye, "I have to say goodbye to you for now, I don't know how I'm going to do that... I love you so much." Edward said and the words rang in my ears, I felt the same way but I couldn't say it I just felt the tear fall, and Edward pressed his full cool lips to mine and I knew that was the last time I'd feel that way, the tears began to fall as I closed the door.

We drove off Southbound, while Emmett and Edward drove Northbound in my truck, hopefully this worked, "Don't worry Ben, if there's one place James won't look for you, it's where you said you're going."

As we drove towards Phoenix, I couldn't help but watch as Jasper and Alice looked at one another so adoringly, and held hands, I missed Edward and I knew right then, this love was real and it's permanent.

I slept for hours, and hours, it was nearly dawn and we were entering Phoenix, "Wow Alice speed much?"

"Well with the gift of foresight I know if we'd get pulled over if I chose to drive at top speed the whole way, and since I saw that we wouldn't I did it, and since I don't sleep it doesn't really take that long.."

"I always forget about the no sleep thing."

"Let's get a hotel before the sunrises and we can keep moving." Alice said and we took a shuttle to the Hilton

I turned on my phone to check it, "I have 45 messages." I said to Jasper and Alice

"Don't worry about it, they're from Charlie and Bella, none from Edward."

We settled into our suite and I was beginning to go stir crazy so I simply went to sleep again, when I woke up I went into the other room and sat next to Jasper and we watched some TV

"You can change it if you like or maybe we could get a movie?" I asked

"Let's check the movies..."

We settled on one of the X-Men movies, because I didn't feel like arguing much

"Jasper, can I ask you something?"


"Can I lay on you? I just feel very lonely and it would help me."

"I don't see why not."

I laid my head on Jasper's knee and I felt so much better with having the `human' connection, he ran his fingers through my hair, "Is that better?" he asked me and I said yes thank you and we watched the movie Alice came in and without skipping a beat sat and put my feet in her lap and gave Jasper a small kiss, I knew then these people were now like my family.

Alice's phone rang, she knew it was Edward, she got a look on her face and I knew something was wrong, she handed me the phone and I heard Edward saying something about a plane being faster in daytime, and then she started to draw something


"I'm here, what's wrong??"

"We lost James, he might know where you are, I'm coming for you, I never should have left you, I'm sorry, I'm coming baby!"


"What are you drawing?"

"She's having a vision..."

"That looks just like the place Bella and I used to take tap dancing lessons"

"Wait you've been here before..."

"Yeah but not in years..."

"Ben, this means we need to get out of here, or something bad will happen at this dance studio..."

My phone rang I saw the phone number of my Phoenix home


"Bennett, Bennett, where are you??"

"Calm down mom, I'm fine, I'm in Phoenix."

"Mommy can't come to the phone right now, she's a little tied up at the moment, go into another room."

"Okay I'm in another room... just let me hear her one more time please." I said quietly

"Bennett, Bennett!"

"So brave, so stupid, not many people would actually go where they say they were going, but you're really hot so I'm gonna give you the chance to spare mommy's life, now say what I say, Mom it's okay dad and I just didn't see eye to eye."

"Mom, it's okay dad and I just didn't see eye to eye."

"Maybe Jacksonville would be a good idea."

"Maybe Jacksonville would be a good idea." I repeated getting angrier but trying not to show it

"Now this is important when you get to the airport, you need to ditch the goody goodies, and call me back, I'll be here." The was a dial tone and I came out of the room.

"Is your mom okay?"

"Yeah, but she wants me to come to Jacksonville."

"Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea, it's really sunny there so James wouldn't be able to show himself..." Jasper said

I wrote Edward a letter and handed it to Alice. "Please don't read this." I said and handed it to her

I made sure to keep my thoughts erratic and made no decisions in my head so Alice couldn't see what would happen

We made our way to the airport, and there I saw it, my one chance... the bathroom... "I have to go to the bathroom." I stated

"Okay then, Let's go." Jasper said, and came with me... shit

I went to a stall, and to not look out of place I saw Jasper go and stand at a urinal... I took my chance and slipped out the other exit and made my way outside and into a cab."

That wasn't easy... I thought and called James, "Mommy's phone."

"What now...?"

"You are good, I'm going to enjoy this... Come to your old dance studio, such a little fag even at such a young age... I see you were the talented one though..."

"I'm on my way."

"See you soon." James said and I told the driver where to go, in about half an hour time we were pulling up to the dance studio

I paid him and went inside... "Mom!" I called and there was no response

"Bennett, Bennett!!"

"Mommy, I fell on stage everyone is laughing at me..." I heard myself say to her... oh no...

"Sorry about the trickery... but you did fall for it..." James said and turned off the television and emerged with a camcorder in hand. "I brought this to document our time together... hope you don't mind..."

"Where's my mother...?"

"My guess is wherever she lives now, I haven't seen her, I just knew you'd fall for it, you aren't very bright are you?"

"Now... I do have an offer for you..."

"Oh really and what's that?"

"Quite simple really, either you can get on your knees and suck my dick or we can start on your death."

"I'm gonna go with the latter."

"Oh really? Your choice then..." James said and ran forward with immense speed and knocked into me and I flew into the wall of mirrors, gasping for air..."

"I'm gonna make you a different offer now... You can either do it my choice, or I can just fuck that sweet little ass whether you like it or not... you think your little boyfriend would like to see his little human whore taking another guys dick?!"

"Fuck you!"

"Feisty... but no, I'll just have to fuck you instead." James said and with ease ripped off my jeans, I can't believe this was happening, I tried to run and James grabbed my leg and broke it I screamed out and landed on the ground, and rolled onto my back scooting back with my hands...

"We could have done this the easy way and you just woulda gotten a little action... but you've made this personal..." James said and kicked me in the ribs and punched me in the face, then he stabbed me with a piece of the mirror on my thigh, I screamed out again and sobbed. All of this was caught on James's camcorder "CALL TO HIM! Tell him to save you now!"

I was nearly ready to lose consciousness when I felt his hands rubbing my ass and then I felt his nasty tongue on my hole, I threw up, I don't know whether it was from the pain or the gruesome feeling of this assault, I felt the tip of his cold dick brushing against my hole and that's when I saw it, my Edward knocking him back, I pulled up my underwear, with what little strength I had left, I saw Edward get knocked back and James came at me again, I whimpered, I didn't have the strength to scream again, and that's when it happened, James bit my hand and that was when the others got there... Edward really was faster

I saw them grab James, Carlisle and Alice came to my aid, "He's hurt badly, Carlisle there's just so much blood..." Alice said and covered her nose, give me your scarf and go help your brothers. Alice obeyed, Emmett had ripped up floor boards and started a fire Alice ripped off James's head and they tore him to pieces

I felt it then it had started off tolerable, but now the burn overtook me and I saw fire I felt on fire, I screamed and shook and cried, I was convulsing, the burn it was awful...Edward came over to me.

"He's been bitten Edward, you have a choice to make... you can either let the change happen or you can try to suck the poison out..." Carlisle said to Edward

"But what if I can't stop, what if I kill him?"

"Then you have to let the change happen..."

"Not like this..."

"Then bite the same wound and drink until his blood tastes clean."

I was convulsing when I felt teeth once more, this time it was gentle, and it seems almost soothing, the burn disappeared, but then I began to feel weak...

"Edward find the will to stop..." that was the last thing I heard before completely losing consciousness

I awoke in a hospital bed and my mother was there, "Oh my god Ben!" she exclaimed quietly

"Mom why are you whispering?"

"Oh, Edward's asleep, he's been here everyday, that's quite the boy you have there he obviously cares deeply for you..." Mom said and it almost sounded disapproving

"He's the best." I said

Her phone vibrated, "Oh it's Phil he was so worried about you I had to convince him to stay in Jacksonville and not carry you back... I can't believe you fell down two flights of stairs and a poor baby..."

"What?" I asked confused

"Oh you don't remember, Edward came down with his father to try and convince you to come home and when you were leaving their hotel you fell down two flights of stairs and then went out the window..."

"Well that sounds like me..."

"I'm just so happy you're awake, just one sec.." she said and she started pressing keys

"Mom... you text now?"

"Yeah, without you there it took Phil a while to teach me, but I'm getting it..."

"I'm gonna go get your dad..."

As soon as my mom was out of the room I threw a box of tissues at Edward, "Faker." I said with a laugh

"I had to blend in, if I'd been here and not slept they'd be suspicious."

"Well I'm glad you're here..."

"I have to ask you, was he finishing, or starting when I got there?" Edward said and it sounded as though he'd cry

"What? Oh... you mean... He was about to... but you got there just in time, you saved me..."

"If it wasn't for me you'd have never been there anyway, this is all my fault... Look at you, that's because of me."

I took a hold of Edwards face and held him in front of my eyes, I knew full well he was letting me, but that was beside the point, "What if I'd been attacked anyway, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I didn't know you, then I'd be dead, so you can't blame yourself, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, I'd rather live dangerously and know I have someone there for me that will save me than live in fear of dying."

"That's not what I mean... I just..."

"I love you Edward Cullen, and I want to be with you, but don't try to leave me to protect me, if you want to leave me make sure its what you really want to do."

"I want to be with you."

"Then shut up and stay." I said and kissed his lips once more he smiled

"How is it that you have the guts to talk to a vampire that way?"

"I've told you once, I'm not afraid of you..."

Bella stood in the doorway frozen in place...

To Be Continued...

Sorry its not that long... third part coming soon

Next: Chapter 3

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