Twink and geek

By blondguy blondguy

Published on Dec 31, 2024


Twink and geek - Chapter 1

Now bear with me – I've got a problem. I attract the wrong sort of guy and none of them take me seriously. And the cause of the problem gets me no sympathy: I look like a hansom twink! I have to admit that I like my appearance and try to make the most of my looks, so maybe I'm my own worst enemy. However, all the guys I fancy are mainly interested in having sex with me and clearly have no interest in something deeper. That even seems to apply to the ones where we have plenty of common interests. However, I've recently met a guy who probably thinks I'm out of his league sexually, but he is really pleased that I'm interested in him as a friend. His name is Dan and most guys wouldn't give him a second look, but I like him. He has got a nice body too as I've looked carefully when we went swimming but most of the time you wouldn't know it – he dresses terribly! He is so quiet but contented, laid-back but really interested in things and people – I like that. He is about 6ft tall, very slim but some good tone in his body, probably from doing loads of swimming, short poorly-cut dark brown hair and glasses. He wears badly-fitting loose jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts and basically looks like a geek. Oh, and he has the cutest smile and I suspect very kissable lips and he is 26.

So what do I look like. Well I'm 26 also but keep getting age checked as I look much younger. I'm 6 feet 2 inches, I've got short blonde hair which I get cut regularly and I'm clean-shaven. I also slim with 30 inch waist and 40 inch chest. I work out at the gym regularly and have developed a nice 6-pack and generally firm if not large mussels. I'm very lucky to have inherited the family jewels too, very large balls and a cock that never gets less than 5 inches when soft and over 8 inches when hard. And I like to show the results of my fitness training – everything I wear is close or tight-fitting. As a teenager I got all the usual donkey dick nicknames but fortunately at college and beyond both guys, and girls, just seem to appreciate a good profile.

So far Dan and I have hung out together quite a few times, going swimming, for a drink, movies and stuff, but not quite done a date as such. I should say that we both work for the same company of accountants – ok, I know, not that exciting, but good jobs. We both started at the same time a few months ago so that is why it has been good to make friends without pressure. I know he is gay but I don't think he realises that I'm interested in him as more than a friend. However, in two days time is my chance to let him know I really fancy him. I'm going to ask him to be my valentine and take him out for a meal. We had lunch together at work and I ask him, and he was shocked but flattered and says yes. I've arranged a gorgeous, intimate restaurant that does brilliant food and is rather up-market so I let him know and the arrangements is in 2 days.

The next morning Dan comes to find me at my desk to go for a coffee. He clearly has something on his mind so I'm worried that he has changed his mind. I guess suddenly realising that I fancy him then a date took him very much by surprise. However, yes he tells me he was very surprised but very flattered and pleased so very keen on the date except for one thing. He looked up the restaurant and realised how smart it was and was worried that he doesn't know what to wear, or whether he has anything suitable. He does have some smarter work clothes but that is all really, and he says that, to be honest, he's a bit intimidated by how I look! He says it will look like an uncle taking his nephew out! He asks me how I think he looks and as tactfully as I can, I say that I know he has a good body but his clothes make nothing of it but a few good choices (and a haircut) and he could look great. He is a bit shocked again that I had been checking out his body but he takes it all very well. So, after a bit of thought he says that what he would like to do is for us to go shopping together if I could give him help to buy some good clothes. I agree with great enthusiasm and we arrange to do so the next day.

I meet Dan in town and give him a hug – first time but he seemed up for it encouragingly. I've already arranged a hair cut appointment for him later, but first the clothes. He wants shirt, trousers and jacket but he already has good shoes. There is an independent men's clothes store I like that we head to where I know the owner, Alex, and he is usually there that day. We start with the shirt and I find some lovely blue ones with a stretch mussel fit that I think would look good, just as Alex appears. I introduce Dan and explain what we are looking for. Alex agrees with my selection but changes the size after assessing Dan with his expert eye. So, Dan goes into the changing room and tries on the shirt. When he comes out it is perfect – showing every detail of his chest and arms as it fits perfectly to his body. Dan is looking unsure about how tight it is but admits it is comfortable and looks good. We hand Dan some trousers – black with a slight shine. Dan goes to put these on. After a few minutes he emerges looking awkward and asking whether they are not a bit too tight. It looks like Dan has bulky boxers on underneath so Alex quickly disappears and returns with a jockstrap and we suggest Dan tries them wearing that. A few minutes later Dan is standing in beautifully styled tight black trousers and that gorgeous shirt looking stunning. However, he is also looking embarrassed as he is getting a hardon and it shows – nicely! I think addressing the `elephant in the room' is best and tell him not to worry about it. Clearly, he himself thinks he looks sexy and so do we so that is good! The fit around his cute bubble-butt was gorgeous and I really wanted to get my hands on it but restrained myself. Next is a nice, snug-fitting darker blue jacket and a nice black leather belt. Dan is transformed – just the haircut now! The items are purchased and Dan in his normal ill-fitting clothes is about to leave when he looks at a rail of jeans. He asks whether he should get some better jeans and I suggest yes, but at another shop where they won't be as expensive. I explain that you can get great jeans without paying designer prices so you can get more too.

Dan wants me to come into the hair dressers with him as he doesn't know what to ask for, so we both discuss with the hair dresser what would be best. Dan looks very serious throughout and at the end I appear behind him and he sees me grinning in the mirror and realises that he looks really good. He then suggests we get him those jeans we were discussing but I suggest we go for a coffee first to see what he wants. He has clearly decided that new clothes that fit are a good idea so we discuss what sort of jeans style he wants. He hadn't a clue except he looks at me and says he wants to look like that! I'm flattered and point out that these are a stretch, lightly-distressed denim-elastain mix in a low waist, skinny style. He thinks he wants skinny but not as tight as I wore when we went to the movies. I wasn't sure what I'd worn then but explained that they were probably spray-on style and he agreed that they were certainly like a second skin and left nothing to the imagination and he wasn't quite ready for that. However, he said my bum looked particularly good in them and I said that I had noticed that his bum was something he should show off too! Talking about such things together was getting exciting!

In the jeans shop we selected a couple of pairs for him to try and I suggested he wore the jockstrap to try them. The first pair were just not right somehow but the second were perfect, tight from the waist to the knees then a but looser, and clearly turning him on again, and me! Again, his perky butt cheeks looked sensational and this time I did not resist a feel which Dan clearly enjoyed. There was enough give in them that his hardon bulged without showing too much detail, and he clearly had a nice bulge where his balls were too without seeing the outline of each, obviously unlike the spray-on jeans I had been wearing previously!

The next evening was our date and I nearly dressed in very similar clothes to the ones Dan had bought so I changed for light grey trousers, a burgundy shirt and dark grey jacket, all of course fitting snugly to show all my assets. The restaurant was walking distance from Dan's flat so I got a taxi there and hugged him when he opened the door, and gave his bum a squeeze which brought a big smile to his face. To my surprise on the way there Dan took hold of my hand and we walked hand-in-hand the rest of the way. Dan was clearly getting more comfortable and excited about me and him. I was glad my jacket was long as a had a raging hardon all the way and I suspect Dan did too. Dan said that he had been wearing his new jeans out in town that morning and was sure people were looking at him, to which I responded `good' as he was good to look at as long as they keep their hands off. As I ushered Dan into the restaurant ahead of me I gave his bum cheek another quick squeeze just to let him know that the hands-off did not apply to me!

Our table was in a nice alcove for a degree of privacy but the couple at the nearest two tables were about 3m away. I was pleased to see that we had a very nice and somewhat cute guy as our waiter who seemed comfortable with us as a gay couple. To my surprise the waiter said `nice to see you again sir' to me. I had indeed been there two weeks before when my parents were visiting but I was impressed that he recognised me. I said that my parents were very impressed so I thought that it would be a great place to impress Dan my date. The waiter said his name was James and welcomed Dan especially if it was his first time and hopefully many more times in future. To my surprise Dan said thank you and that this was our first proper date so he was delighted. James said just to let him know if he could be of any help in making this extra special for both of us. I don't think he winked but I'm still not sure whether he was flirting with us.

Every so often Dan obviously adjusted' himself so I said that tight trousers take a bit of getting used to when you get a hardon. He was a bit shocked and whispered does it show'? So I said not from here but I had been hard since we left his flat so I guessed he might have also! I thought that talking about it might help us both relax and get a bit less turned-on. In fact, as the meal went on we did and both said how comfortable we both were with each other. I ruined that by saying depends what we do next' and left it hanging until we both burst out laughing. I think we were beginning to get each other quite well. What was next was a drink in a nice quiet, intimate bar nearby as I said that to really just relax with each other we needed to both go to our own homes at the end of the evening and we could see what next another day. This didn't stop us sitting together with our arms around each other and a few kisses. At Dan's flat door on the way home we kissed long and deep and hugged, and I could feel his cock hard rubbing against mine through our tight trousers. I was so tempted to say we should go in but with great will power said goodnight and decided to walk all the way home to cool down'. Texts were flying between us all the way until I got home and then just called him to say `good night, I love you' which Dan said simultaneously.

The next day was a Sunday and Dan was busy all day so I wouldn't see him again until work on Monday but there were plenty of texts flying. On Monday Dan appeared at my desk at coffee time to go for a break and he said his colleagues in his office had commented on how nice his new haircut was and how much he was smiling they wanted to know what was up. He had left them guessing. Looking at my office gear he said that he really must improve his too, then they would work out what was happening.

Next: Chapter 2

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