Twink and geek

By blondguy blondguy

Published on Jan 29, 2025


Twink and geek - Chapter 2 – travelling on business

Since our Valentine's date Dan and I had seen a lot of each other but despite our very erotic first date, several more dates and much flirting and much kissing and cuddling we had been very abstemious when it came to sex – our clothes stayed on, well except when we went swimming. We had talked very maturely about how we felt about intimacy and sex and Dan felt very strongly that sex should be special and only in committed relationships. I don't think we had agreed when that point came in a relationship – what determined that point and how would we know? After six weeks I was keen to see whether we had reached that point. Although, as I said, I found it frustrating that most guys just seemed to want sex rather than a relationship with me, I was beginning to wish there was a bit more of that in Dan but I was also so grateful that he wasn't just a sex-mad gay boy. Time to drop some hints anyway and maybe an opportunity was coming up.

A couple of weeks later three of us from the company were sent on a 3 day training course in Bristol, Dan, myself and another guy called Henry. It would be 2 nights away in a hotel for me and Dan but Henry was originally from near Bristol so he wanted to stay with family, so a first trip away for Dan and myself. We all three went up to Bristol on the same afternoon train which was good to get to know Henry better, but once in Bristol Dan and I went to the hotel while Henry was picked up by his father. We had our own rooms in the hotel of course but I was pleased that they were adjacent and of course, double beds. So after we checked in we decided to go for a walk around the city and get a drink somewhere before going back to the hotel for dinner. It was a surprisingly good hotel we had been booked into by the company and they were happy to foot the bill for good dining so we took full advantage. Although we had not discussed it, we had both decided to change and dress for dinner to make it feel a bit more than just a work trip as it was just the two of us, a bit like another Valentine's dinner. I was beginning to think Dan might be thinking it was time to progress the relationship especially when I found that he had ordered champagne to be at our table and proposed an even more wonderful and deeper next 50 days! I obviously looked a bit puzzled so he explained that it was 50 days since our Valentine's date – he had been treasuring every day! Wow! I said I liked the word "deeper" and I was wondering which specific depth he was thinking of. It was my clumsy way of trying to see whether he meant sex which sounded all wrong and I was suddenly embarrassed! Dan kissed me and discretely let his hand slide up between my legs onto my cock and whispered "depends how you treat me my prince" which was so cheesy it made us both laugh. I referred to him as "princess" for the rest of the evening!

Our waiter was wonderful, and also clearly gay and loving serving us and joining in the banter. He was actually rather gorgeous and dressed in nice neat tight white shirt and tight black trousers. He complemented us saying how nice it was to have such good-looking and well dressed guys in the restaurant and staying at the hotel during the week. I think he was tired of the older business men who normally stayed during the week. At one point we were wondering whether he was angling for an invite to our room later but Dan said that two was company in one room and gave me another kiss – ok he was definitely up for something `deeper', I got the message, and the waiter would have to stick to waiting.

It was a lovely evening although the anticipation meant that I had a hardon most of the time which maybe wasn't ideal. At the end of the meal we took the bottle of wine upstairs to Dan's room and sat on the bed, cuddled, kissed and groped! Dan then took the lead by unbuttoning and removing my shirt then his own, then my trousers and his own, then our briefs, moved me to lying flat and lay on top of me with our hard cocks aligned and kissed me passionately. I was expecting something more staged but Dan clearly saw the clothes as an inconvenience – I think we should work on that aspect of the foreplay another time! Nevertheless, I was very happy to have our bodies this close for the first time and this was the first time I had seen and felt Dan's cock and balls in the flesh – and they lived up to expectations.

Dan was getting really turned on and started licking and sucking every part of my body, and he was good. Was he not as naïve as I had thought or was it just instinctive? I didn't care – it was fantastic, and he was brilliant at deep-throat. I returned the complement of course but couldn't do the deep throat very well by comparison. Then the rimming... oh I was in heaven and soon moved to shouting (quietly, it was a hotel) "fuck me princess!" I had been well prepared as his cock went in, a bit of resistance at first as he had a big helmet, then smoothly all the way, then I gripped it hard which made Dan gasp! Soon he was thrusting and moaning and then jerking repeatedly and strongly as he came inside me. Meantime his hand was wanking me and I was cumming all over the bed. For what seemed like ages we just cuddled with Dan's cock still inside me. We had connected at a deep level and it felt good and just as it should be. We cuddled in face-to-face and talked then slept. We woke a few times but just cuddled and kissed more and went to sleep. In the morning I went back to my room to shower and dress and we went for breakfast...

Henry had arrived to join us for breakfast before the course started and asked how our evening was and looked puzzled at our enthusiastic response but no details which had Dan in almost uncontrollable giggles. We really had to get more mature, especially as Dan was groping me under the table!

The course was quite hard work and I was relieved when they finished by 4pm. Henry suggested that we go for a drink after dinner and we arranged to meet him at 8 in a pub in the city centre not far away. So Dan and I went to our hotel, changed but this time just into our skintight jeans, shirt and sweater, and went for early dinner. Our sexy waiter was there again checking us out but it was another waiter who served us this time. At 8 we walked into the pub and Henry was already there at the bar. He too checked us out as I guess he had only seen us in office gear previously and he looked a little surprised. After ordering drinks Henry just had to say something that started with "errrrr are you two..." and Dan and I replied in unison "a couple – yes!" He seemed delighted and said that he hadn't realised, so we told him our story so far. Henry didn't have a girlfriend but he wasn't forthcoming about anything very personal so we didn't push him. The conversation was otherwise great and we all felt like we were becoming good friends as well as colleagues. Talking later with Dan we had both noticed how much Henry seemed to check out our bodies throughout the evening and even caught him looking round as we were leaving the pub in opposite directions.

Arriving back at our hotel I invited Dan to spend the night in my bed this time, and Dan said that nothing would please him more! I said that I could see that looking at his crotch, and just then the sexy waiter walked by and looked also! We hastily moved towards the lifts! Inside the lift I grabbed Dan's cute bum and asked whether I could probe him tonight, which he eagerly agreed to as long as I promised to be gentler than he had been as nothing had been up there before. I queried "nothing" and he qualified it by saying "nobody anyway".

Again Dan seemed to just want all our clothes off and out of the way before we did much more than kiss and cuddle, but then he was even better at working up to letting me enter him. He was really tight and I spent a long time loosening him with my fingers after my tongue. My cock isn't as wide as Dan's but getting the helmet in made Dan cry out and I was really worried that I had hurt him. However, after not moving for a few minutes his whole body suddenly quivered then seemed to relax. I'm not quite sure what happened but he then seemed to be sucking me in until he said he could feel my balls against him. He then started saying "harder" as I started thrusting "harder, harder" and I did until the bed was creaking and moving. This boy liked it quite rough it seemed – not what I have done before but with the effect it was having on him I was only too pleased to oblige. We were both sweating with exertion and again we both came together with Dan quite violently jerking his whole body and producing gallons of cum. After lying still with my cock still inside him we both started to giggle as I think we were both surprised at how passionately we reacted to each other during sex in contract to our quiet nature at other times. As I pulled out Dan turned over to face me and said "may I be ever so cheesy and corny and cliched and just say `I love you', not just for the wild sex, but also for the friendship and deep connection between us." I looked at Dan for ages (actually probably a minute) and just said "ditto. I love you!" I never was much of a poet. And just as well as we really needed to get more sleep as I nearly fell asleep after lunch on the course that day due to the previous night's activities!

Henry again joined us for breakfast and we then went to the course. During the day it was suggested that everyone on the course was invited to a meal at a local restaurant that evening – just an ordinary Italian place but they did great food apparently and could do us a table for all 14 of us if needed. And indeed all 14 signed up.

At 7pm we all arrived at the restaurant and Dan and I were next to each other towards one end of the table. Henry was on the other side of me. The table cloth was quite long and the seats quite close together and I was very happy to have Dan's leg rubbing against mine. I was a bit surprised to find Henry's leg equally close on the other side. The conversation moved around the table and for me it was mostly with Maria and Steve who sat opposite me. Whenever we were not eating Dan's hand wandered onto my thigh and between my legs which was very nice but made it difficult to keep focussed on my conversation. At one point Dan's hand started pulling the zip on my jeans and his hand slid inside onto my cock which made me jolt. Henry picked up the movement and looked at me just as the couple opposite did also, so I quickly grabbed my water glass and excused it as just a digestion issue. Meantime, Dan had wrapped his fingers round my cock and was gently wanking me whilst carrying on a conversation with someone else who obviously was unaware of Dan's multi-tasking! I was so turned on by this that my face must have turned red and so I grabbed another glug of water to deflect the situation. Dan continued to look the other way. I was getting desperately close to cumming, in fact I did cum, filling my jeans with spunk. Dan gave my cock a squeeze then withdrew his hand and wiped all the cum on his napkin. When everyone was distracted by the waiter saying something I managed to wipe up some of my cum on my napkin, zip myself up and nudge Dan hard in the ribs as I did it! Dan then turned to me and innocently brought me into the conversation he had been having with Iain across the table. I did manage to whisper "you bastard, see me in my office later boy" into Dan's ear at one point, to which he smirked and said "promises, promises!" The guy was full of surprises and I was falling more in love with him every day.

At the end of the meal I was the last to stand up from the table and insisted that Dan handed me my coat before I moved for obvious reasons. Fortunately, it was just long enough to cover the very wet fly, waist band, sweater front and shirt bottom, and nobody commented on the smell of hot cum amongst the Italian food aromas. Once away from the restaurant around the corner I let rip with abuse at Dan but couldn't stop laughing at the same time and Dan was nearly helpless with laughter. Once we got into my room I tool my coat off and said "look what you have done. Now lick it up", so Dan got on his knees and started licking! I stopped him as we both laughed again and I stripped off and went to shower. Dan stripped and followed me into the shower, so I feigned disapproval and made him wash me, which was very pleasant. However, when he was supposed to be soaping my back, instead he put his cock inside me but I was not complaining. Then there was more cum to clean up. Once clean and dry, and I made him dry me, we cuddled up in bed and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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