Twins need a master

By Jack

Published on Apr 17, 2014



Fiction is :imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. b. The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. 2. A lie. 3.a. A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. b. The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories. 4. Law. Something untrue that is intentionally represented as true by the narrator.

Ok I cheated I went to my dictionary He, He

Okay to cover my ass I don't know anyone that I might name in this mess of words, and don't really think they would act like I wish they would. check above to see what it means to say FICTION.

By: Jack, Master Off as most call me.

Story: Twins need a master

Oh my I had seen the pair of twins on television most of their lives on one show or another. I always thought one of them was gay. I have what some thought was an ability to tell things about people. You know if they were a danger, high, wanted something, and mostly if they were gay or horny. It was nice as I had good luck in bed because of this wee advantage.

Anyhow I saw a note on line one day stating that one of the boys had came out. The site also had what I thought was a nude picture of the boy with everything on display. At least it said it was him. I do think now it was one of the better fakes by an experts.

I made up my mind to see if I can get the two fine looking boys in my power. Oh yes I'm a Master of slaves that likes to have my way with the boys I control. You know pictures, sex on demand, and a wee bit of pain as I feel the need.

I found the apartment the twins were living in. They always seemed to like living together like most twins do. It was a nice safe place. There were cameras all over the public areas with twenty-four hour mentoring at all times. A security guard on duty at the front desk as well as the manager being always on site. Yes some roving guards too.

Well it would take some planning to get his hands on the two boys, but money can get by lots of things. He asked to see an apartment in hopes he could rent one there. He had some luck, and got one on the same floor the twins had theirs on. He spent many a day charting their coming, and goings. Master Jack had a man stop by his place to look over the cameras one day. He saw what kind, and the set-up they had. It would be easy for him to mess them up. It would let him come by as a repairman to fix the ones Jack wanted fixed so he can wonder around without anyone seeing him. He added a small addition into the line from each camera that when it is called on it will let Jack transmit a prerecorded film of the halls with no movement in the shots.

The plan was that a lady who was acting as one of the cleaning ladies...... Heck she had been working there for a month. Anyhow she would push a slightly larger hamper off the truck into the building. It had the items needed under some dirty linen. Jack had four what he called Butt Ugly men come in with her. The TV's were controlled to show nothing out of line as they came up on the elevator to Jack's floor. They stayed in his room till the boys went out for lunch. It had been noted how long, and when they would be out.

As soon as the boys were gone the lady, Jack and his group of men used her pass key to enter their rooms. The hamper was put in one of the bedrooms out of sight, and all of them scattered around the room to hide from sight.

An hour later the twins returned to their apartment. As soon as the door was closed the four large men closed in on them. A hand over each of their mouths kept them quite. Another man held each of their hands; behind their back. Lisa which was the lady's name started to strip off all their clothes as they were held helplessly. She helped the man holding their mouths shut place a ball gag in the mouth, and tie it behind their heads. One of the boys was laid on the floor so one of the men can hold him by himself. The rest of them held the other twin as they placed a slave harness on his naked body. It had a chest strap that wrapped both arms up close to his body, a waist belt that has a set of cuffs near the bellybutton for the wrists. A set of strips on the chest strap at the back of the head are pulled over the shoulders, crossed in front of the neck, and locked to the front of the chest strap. There was a strap in the back of the belt that hung down like a tail between his legs. The boy's knees were strapped together, and the ankles as well. The tail was used to pull the ankles back to his ass. It was tied off to keep him like this till they get him to the place they had prepared for them to be held. The boy was helpless as they laid him on the floor on his side. They moved over to do the same job on his brother.

Lisa pulled the hamper into the room, to prepare it to transport the two helpless bodies. She also got out some larger alcohol pads which she used to wipe down one each of their butt cheeks. She filled four each needles with some medicine. She slapped a ass to loosen the skin, and shot them twice in the cheek. The first shot is somewhat like virago?, except it does not let you get a hard on. It gets you hard whether you want to, or not. The second shot will after awhile knock you out.

The Master knelt down to watch as the two bound boys got hard, and played with the hard dicks in turn. He enjoyed the view till the other shot took effect. The boys were placed in the bottom of the hamper, and strapped down so they can't move around if they should wake up.

The cameras were f.....d with once more, and the hamper full of boys with linen piled on top of them was pushed out to the van with the four large men escorting them. The whole way was clear of any chance of security seeing anything out of line. A block away the truck backed into a garage to unload the priceless cargo.

Jack went back to his own apartment. He was going to stay there till after the boys were missed. He wanted to be able to make a fuss about it being an unsafe place to live, and break his lease.

It took two days for the twins to be missed, and then when their rooms were searched decided it was a kidnapping. Oh boy was there a fuss. it made the news like a bomb. The way the boy's clothing was scattered around the room, and some junk the men had placed for them to find had them wondering all over the place scratching their heads.

Master Jack moved out at once. He was soon at his own house, heading down to his basement/dungeon. It was fitted out with many ways to secure the boys he liked to bring home with him. With jail cells, chains to hang them by the wrists, or feet. The two twins were spread out like the letter X one limb on each of the arms of the wooden cross posts. They were ready for him to molest at his ease. He kissed them on the lips, as he warned them about biting.

His hands wondered all over their bodies. He played with each of their dicks, and got a ration of cum out of each of them.

Oh yes I forgot to mention a wee fact. A three inch in circumference putt plug was greased up about the time they passed out, and it was placed in their ass before they were loaded up for transport. By now they were well stretched open to receive Jack's prick. He really doesn't want a bleeding boy on his hands or his dick either. His men had replaced the three inch butt plugs with some larger plugs as they got used to them.

Nipples were paged as it was called in the trade. That is placing clothespins on the nipples, or other items that might be hanging around down below.

Oh well he had fun with the two naked boys. He told them he had decided to change their names as he didn't care for their old ones. He had his men drag them to a bench in hand cuffs. He forced them to lay across the bench face down. The cuffs were locked to a ring on the floor on the far side of the bench. Their ankles had a spreader locked between them which was also locked to the floor. Ropes were used to tie their bodies to the bench, and their thighs were secured to the side of the bench with a medal strap that was shaped to hold them from any movement. Lisa was called into the room to help again. She was complaining about always having to work on the nasty asses. It was a little bit of a joke as she really liked the ladies more then the guys. She didn't mind giving a male some pain. She had her tattoo needles ready to decorate the cheeks of both of them. The Master had gave her a rough sketch of what he wanted her to tat on their cheeks. It was a simple set of Roman numerals A one on the first twin, and a two on the other one. She used a bright red color so it well be easy to see even if they as happens often get a wee bit red when it is paddled.

(I)O( ) (II)O( )

It didn't take long as it was a simple job. She slapped the other cheeks when she got done, and giggled as she left the room.

Jack had them placed back in their cell for the rest of the night. He had some other things to do. Oh the sketch is below if you never saw the Roman numerals before. I indicates one II is eleven. Hey just kidding it is two Eleven is XI.

V = five X = ten IV = four. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and so on. Just in case I pick up some street walkers for fun. How do you like my sketch of the boys cheeks? I got turned on as I drew it. Not really I liked their real cheeks much better. They tasted good too.

Oh well I did have number three on the hook. Not a street kid. They all have too much chance of carrying some sickness. The kid I had in mind was on TV often, and lived at home. I had been scouting him for weeks, and his parents were going to be out of town over night today. A good chance for me to pick his cute ass up for some fun.

Smith, what a name. I would change that in a hurry. Heck half the world is named Smith. It would look good on his sweet cheek, III. See I told you I might need some more numbers.

It was a dark night, and the plan was to drive one of his freshly painted cars out to pick the boy up. It was painted a bright candy apple red with gold trim. Just what everyone would see at once, and never notice the type of car it was, or the tag number. The tag was a plastic fake over the real tag anyway. It can be peeled off after they are safe. The paint was fake as well. It will be removed with soap, and water at a car wash. The car well be a dull two-tone with Bondo? all over the car holding the rust together. Who would think it was the same car?

The group of men drive into the driveway of the smith house. A glass cutter removes the glass from the front door. An arm reaches in to unlock the door. They head up the stairs to the boy's bed room. A piece of 100 mile-an-hour tape was slapped over the boys mouth even as an other man placed his knee on his back, and secured his wrists with some more of the tape. He was stripped of the boxer-briefs he slept in before one of Jack's men led him out of the room. The rest of the men went next door to the younger brothers room. He was soon on his way downstairs to join his brother just as naked as he was.

The two shaking boys were laid on the dinning room table as Jack jacked off their pricks. He wanted to leave the cops something to puzzle over on the table top. They were dragged out of the house, and placed in a seat with the safety straps keeping them from moving. Each of them had a hood placed over their heads to keep them from seeing where they are going.

Jack drove right to a carwash where one of his men ripped off the tag cover, and they washed all the bright paint down the drain. The nondescript car was driven to Jack's house, and the two boys were dragged down the hallway toward the house proper. Halfway down the hall Jack pushed a cancelled button. A whole section of the floor lifted up to show a set of steep stairs. The boys were pushed ahead of them to the concealed subbasement. It was to be their new home for as long as Jack decided he enjoyed sex with them. The two boys were tied on the bench, and Lisa got to play with their cheeks. III and IV were soon tattooed on their left cheeks. They were ordered to answer, YES SIR, or YES MASTER when spoke to.

The jail cell was soon full of unhappy boys. Jack on the other hand was very happy. He was ready for another busy day in the dungeon. He had four boys to hang by the wrists so he can molest any part of them. No make that every part of them. He is going to be having fun.

One boy at a time was led out to start a hard day. He was stretched out on a table ready for Jack to lift his legs so he can place his hard dick into him. The boy's dick was played with till he came to give Jack a good tight fuck as the boy shoots off. Many clips were placed on the boy's body, nipples armpits, ears, balls, dicks, toes, fingers, anyplace the skin can be dragged away from the body far enough to clamp it on. He screamed loudly as the pain was agony. Jack told the boy this was just a sample of what he can suffer. Just do as your told, and you will just get punished for your misdeeds.

The boy was taken back to the cell, and the next victim was brought out. Jack had sex with him in turn. This boy was whipped with a batch of straps that could be called a cat of nine tails. It was kinder then a real cat as it did not cut the skin, just hurt, and turn the boy red. He spoke of the boy doing what he wants, and he can escape more pain. Jack spent the whole live long day getting the boys used to being controled. He waited till the next day to start taking the pictures that he had on order of the boys alone, or in groups. They were soon doing sex among each other on command.

Oh yes the former Smith boys were eighteen, and sixteen. The younger one was not on order for pictures, so he was just there as an extra sex object. He did become famous in his own right as he was seen having sex with all the other boys, and was a handsome youngster.

Some of the orders were for S&M you know tied up, and raped,

The pictures were not for the web, well not directly. But as always someone would post them. All of the boys would be exposed, naked, and doing sex. Oh well Jack was getting sex on demand, and selling the images of the boys for a pile of money. He had his fun on someone else's dime.

Oh yes he kept the four boys on hand till the demand for them fell off. Then he dropped them off at a dunkin donuts with enough money to treat each other to a coffee, and donuts. A cheap date I would call him.

OPPS they didn't have to hunt for a cop anyway as there was a patch of them eatting donuts in the joint.

OOPS I almost committed a sin that I hate other Authors doing. They don't tell you it is the end

:The End

OK I have to say none of the unnamed above, or the maybe named either were real, just used to write a short story that might really happen someday. Gee Smith is a common name, just look in the phone book. Oh and there are twins all over the place too. There are even guys that call themselves Master so there.

Master Jack OFF

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