Two Men At Once, TG

By Joyce Devries

Published on Oct 20, 2003



By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the day!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, following the wonderful time at the Wedding in September 2003, something that I have fantasized about happened, two men at once to please, here is exactly what happened. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a really, really erotic adventure.

It had been a couple of weeks after the Wedding when I went with Eric and the conversation we had when we were both, well shall we say very tired and drunk. The conversation was about me dating him and his bi-sexual friend for a romantic evening and then me taking care of them both at the same time. I forgot about the whole conversation, but still enjoyed thinking about the fantasy.

I got an email from Brenda, and she asked if I wanted to get together with me for a Friday lunch to possibly do some shopping as we had not seen each other in a while and I agreed. I had a feeling that something was up because when I told my spouse Sharon, she had a certain tone in her voice that she knew the call from Brenda was coming. She asked what I was going to be wearing and I told her that I definitely was going business and a blue suede-like outfit with a jacket and a short skirt, with slits up the sides and a back lace camisole so the lace at the top was peaking out and my "business 3" heels" and nude pantyhose. She told me it was perfect and that I should have fun and enjoy the "girls day out". Brenda and I planned for the Friday following the week we were in and I was looking forward to it, she was going to be picking me up at 11 am, and I told her what I was wearing and she told me, "I will be in something appropriate as well".

Thursday night I slept in my room in a silky blue powdered teddy and heard Sharon leave for work and then got up, it was around 8:45 am when I finally got out the bathroom all "squeaky clean" and then made my way to the bedroom to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of pink satin bikini panties, over top of my latex vagina and then put on a pair of satin gloves and carefully slipped into a very sheer pair of nude pantyhose. Next was a black and rose coloured flowered bra and I adjusted my breasts and then I slipped on my pink satin makeup coat and then headed to the bathroom to put on my makeup. Makeup was business, with a light coat of eyeliner, light mauve on my eyelids, a health coat of mascara, light blush and finally, my light pinkish red lipstick. I applied a healthy coat of Halston's perfume to my neck and wrists and then slipped off the coat and then started getting dressed.

First was the black lace camisole, then the short skirt and finally I slipped on the jacket. I finished the look off with my charm bracelet, gold watch and gold anklet on my right ankle, as well as short gold dangly earrings. I slipped into my 3" heels and then checked my purse and one final inspection in the mirror and I was done. I checked the temperature and saw that it was cool and grabbed my light long coat and sat down and waited for Brenda. Brenda was a little late, she arrived at around 11:15 am, and I saw her pull in and opened the door for her. She came right in and looked me over and told me that my legs looked so sexy and that she loved the suit. She on the other hand looked great as well, with a black suit, skirt just below the knee, ultra sheer black hose, red silk blouse and strappy black 3" heels. Her makeup was perfect and after we exchanged hugs, I grabbed my coat and we headed out the door, I could tell she was wearing "Charlie" perfume.

As I slid in the car, my skirt rose way up and I was about to tug it down and Brenda just smiled and grabbed my hand and said, "it is fine". We had not even discussed where we were going to be shopping and I asked, and Brenda suggested Oakville Place, as she needed a blouse for a skirt she just got and there were tons of shops there, and it was perfect for lunch. I agreed and off to Oakville place we went. As we drove she asked me tons of questions about the Wedding with Eric and how it was and such, and I told her as much as I could without getting into graphical sexual detail. She kept patting my hand and telling me, "oh I have heard more than that happened!". I could tell by her voice that something was up and that something was going on that I was not aware of. I challenged her about what was going on and all she would do is smile back and say, "nothing".

We got to the mall and headed into the main entrance, and Brenda said she knew exactly where to find the blouse she was looking for and I followed her. The shop we had both tried on dresses for the 2002 company Christmas parties was in the distance and I closed my eyes as we walked and thought about those memories. Then Brenda took a turn and right into the store we went!!!!. I said "what is going on?, there are not blouses here, just dresses". She grabbed my hand and pulled me gently into the store, our heels clicking in unison. The same woman was there and she was working with another customer and Brenda started wandering around and I quietly asked her what we doing in the store. She just smiled and said, "just wait", about then the sales woman came and asked if we needed help and Brenda spoke up and said, "yes, I called this morning about a velvet dress". The sales woman then said, "oh yes, I have been expecting you, is this the friend you were talking about?", Brenda said, "yes it is", I looked at Brenda and had no clue what was going on and then the sales woman pointed to the change rooms and said to me, "right this way my dear, I have it in the room for you".

Brenda was right behind me and kept giggling and nudging me and then we got to the spacious change area and then she opened the door to a spot and told me she would wait while I changed. I thought, "changed", what was going on, Brenda was looking at me and said, "try it on, I want to see you in it". I entered the large room and hanging up was the IDENTICAL hunter green velvet off the shoulder dress that Brenda wore to the company Christmas party in 2002. The dress was floor length, A-line and had a front slit on the dress. The neckline was off the shoulder and scalloped, I own a shorter version of this dress, and this longer one was gorgeous. I still had no clue what was going on, but decided, "what the heck" and slipped out of my suit and shoes and then slipped on the dress, I got the zipper up about all the way, but decided to wait for the sales woman or Brenda to help me. I then slipped on my heels and left the stall, Brenda was smiling and gave me a whistle and said, "looks better on you than me!". The sales woman was behind me and zipped me up and I went to the mirror, I was amazed at how elegant the dress looked.

I modeled the dress around a bit and got a feel for the slit and how it looked and then Brenda started talking to the sale woman, saying, "can that slit be any higher?". The sales woman said, "of course", then looked at me and said, "but are you comfortable with a higher slit?". Brenda chuckled and said, "she wears skirts like she is wearing today to work every day, of course it will be alright, right Joyce?". The sales woman then said, "well, if you ladies would like to come back, I can adjust it for you". Brenda spoke up, "that would be perfect, we are going to lunch here in the mall". At this point my head was spinning, I thought I was just trying on this dress for fun and Brenda just kept staring at me and smiling. The sales woman came back with pins and then put a pin through the dress right near the top of my thigh, and said, "perfect, same height as the skirt you are wearing". Brenda giggled and stared back at me and then said to the sales woman, "just add the charges for the alterations to the credit card number I gave you already, we will be back after lunch to see how it looks." She told her that would be fine and again I had the "deer in the headlights look", and she smiled and just nudged me to the change room and told me to change back into my suit after she unzipped the dress.

I changed and wondered what was going on, but started to figure out that some of the comments that I heard from Sharon and Brenda started to give me an idea I was being setup for something. I was using the change room mirrors and made sure that my skirt was right and headed out to meet Brenda who was just outside of the change area and as I met them, the sales woman looked me up and down and then to Brenda and said, "you are right, she has gorgeous legs, see you in an hour or two ladies?". Brenda said we would and I followed her out the door. I was still wondering what was going on and asked Brenda and she just laughed and told me that she would explain over lunch and we got the restaurant on the upper level, "East Side Marios" and went in and the hostess said, "right this way ladies", and showed us to our booth and we sat down. Our waitress came just as we both were adjusting our coats and putting down our purses and asked if we wanted anything to drink and we both order a cooler and she told us she would be back to take our food orders.

Curiosity was killing me and I demanded from Brenda what was going on!, and she just looked at me and said, "remember that conversation you had with Eric in the hot tub and the one you had with Sharon when she was getting you off after the Wedding?". She was just about to tell me and the waitress came with our drinks and we both ordered our food, myself a soup and salad and Brenda a pita wrap. Again I pushed and asked what was going on, and she smiled and gently grabbed my hands and with a sly smile said, "so, you want two men at once do you?". I put my hand to my mouth and said, "oh my God, you heard about that?!". She said, "oh yes and Eric, Brad, Sharon and I have been working to make that come true, so in two weeks you are going to Stage West with BOTH of them, Eric and his friend, the usher, Paul, on Saturday evening. As well, the dress you kept on commenting to Sharon about is the one that you are going to be wearing!, with the modified slit of course, identical to mine!".

My mouth was on the table and I was speechless and could say nothing as Brenda sat there and giggled and smiled and sipped on her drink and stared at me. I could do nothing other than spit out the words, "how?, who?, when?". She went on to explain that after the Wedding, a few days later, Brad and Eric were talking over a few beers and it came out about the comment you made in the Jacuzzi, and then "Brad told me about and you know we women gossip, well, on my Wednesday night get together for dinner with Sharon, I told her about it and she mentioned the dress and we started to plan, so this is were we are today and I am sure everything is fine by you?".

My mouth was still on the table and she went on to explain that the boys had bought a room for the evening in the hotel at Stage West. The plan was that after the show, we would go to it and have some fun, and that she had already bought the lingerie and it was "gorgeous", and expensive and I would love it and that the dress was also being purchased by Eric and Paul. I was still in shock and if it were not for the food arriving I would have been staring at Brenda all day. After the food left, Brenda dropped another bomb. She told me that on that Saturday night, her husband, Brad's company was having a gala ball at a fancy hotel in Toronto and that they have invited Sharon along, "so she can have some fun too, while you are enjoying your dates". I still had the look of disbelief in my face obviously, as Brenda reached over and gently squeezed my hand and told me that was going to be alright and a really fun night out for everyone.

As we nibbled on lunch I asked her to explain the chain of events again and she described the emails, phone calls and everything that went on to make it possible. She said, "and Joyce, I sincerely meant what I said, that dress looks better on you than me". She then asked me what kind of hose and heels I was going to wear with it and I told her I did not know and she suggested "nearly black" and ultra sheer, like she wore and some high heels. She asked about jewelry, and at this point I was "coming down" and realizing this was happening and I told her probably the same sparkly jewelry that I wore for the identical shorter version that I already owned. She told me that would be perfect, and then quietly started asking me questions that made me blush like, "what do think it will be like, two at once?", and "maybe if you get home at the right time, you can have a lick or two of Brad?". I just smiled back and her and she at me and we kept eating our lunch.

Eventually we finished and the bill came and we split the bill and then stood up and grabbed our coats and purses and headed to the ladies room to freshen up. Once in the room we both grabbed a stall and did our business and then met at the mirror and fixed our lips and then put on our coats and headed back down the store to see if the dress was ready.

As we walked in the sales woman was just putting the dress in the change room I had used before and said, "perfect timing ladies", then looked at me and said, "please go right in". I slipped out of my suit and heels and then into the dress, it fit like a dream, I put on my heels and noticed how much higher the slit was, it was really high on my thigh!. I opened the door and as I walked towards the mirror I could see that the tops of my pantyhose were showing as I walked!. The sales woman had me walk and turn several times and then said, "now, you will need sheer to toe pantyhose my dear, and what shoes are you planning on wearing to this function you are going to?". I said, "well maybe the ones I have on now?", she looked me over and said, "do you have any higher?", I told her I had some 4" heels that I have worn before and then she looked me over again and said, "wait here for a minute". I looked over at Brenda and she was smiling and just shrugged her shoulders. About 1 minute later she came back with a pair of high heels and asked me my shoe size, and I told her, and she said, "I want to see what the dress looks like with the right heels, these are 4" heels, a size larger than yours, but we will get the idea". The heels were the "clunky style" and I knew mine were more of the stiletto style, but I slipped out of the mine and into them and modeled around, and she said, "definitely go with the higher my dear, they make your legs even more pretty and show off the dress more". I thanked her for her suggestion and grabbed my shoes and headed back into the change room and took off the dress and got back into my suit and shoes. I left the change room and the sales woman came in with a garment bag and put the dress in it and then handed to me and said, "enjoy the occasion, you look lovely in the dress". I thanked her, and Brenda and I left the store.

Our walk back through the mall took us through a large department store called "The Bay" and Brenda suggested that we take advantage of the opportunity and get the pantyhose I was going to need for the dress. So we made our way to the hosiery department and Brenda took the lead and asked me my size and I told her "B", and she grabbed a package of pantyhose, and then another, the colour was "nearly black" and then she told me that these were the brand and manufacturer that she wears for formal occasions, and they were the style the sales lady recommended. She handed then to me and we were off to find the checkout, as we walked I looked at the price and they were $15 a pair!!!. We found a checkout and I paid for the pantyhose and we then went to the car and Brenda drove us back to the house.

I walked her to the door and offered her a glass of wine and to relax, and she took the offer and we sat down and talked about the dress and the occasions that we were going to be attending. I gently caressed her silky knee, and was hoping for another romantic encounter and she leaned over and gave me a light kiss and said, "sorry dear, 'red tide'". I told her that I understood and we continued to chat and sip on the wine. She told me that for the gala she was going to, she was going to be wearing the identical dress to mine and the same heels she was wearing and the exact same shade of hose I was, but was going to be wearing stay-ups, same as the Christmas party in 2002. Eventually, she checked the time and finished her wine and then told me that she had to get going. I showed her to the door and she gave me a light kiss and told me that she looked forward to maybe seeing me in a couple of weeks. She left and I went and hung up my dress in the closet and then slipped out of my clothes and had a shower and cleaned up.

Sharon came home from work that evening and saw me in "male mode' and just kept smiling, she never said a word to me about the day, but in the days following sent an email to me saying:

Dear Joyce,

I take it you had a good time with Brenda and that you got your dress, I hope you are going enjoy what we have all set up for you, now for the gala I am going to, I am wearing the wine dress you got me and the matching heels, now, did I hear you had a matching purse as well?.

Also, Saturday of the events, I have booked you and I in at the salon for 2pm, you know the drill, be dressed and ready in the appropriate clothing and I will be driving us there, be ready for 1:30pm.

Love Sharon

I got back to her and told her I indeed had the matching purse and that I would be leaving it out for her. As well I told her I would be dressed accordingly for the salon and was looking forward to it. I asked her what she intended to do with Brad and Brenda and she just answered back, "enjoy them both immensely". I got a little jealous, but considering what I was going to be doing that evening, I really could not say much.

Eric chatted with me over the next couple of weeks and told me that he and Paul would be picking me up at 5:00pm, and that what the story would be is that Paul's date got sick and could not make it to the show, just in case we were asked about why two men were with only one woman. I informed Sharon of the plan and she told me that it was perfect and that Brad and Brenda were picking her up at 6:00pm, and that she would stay out of the way when they picked me up, as she was going to be getting dressed at the same time anyway.

So the Saturday finally arrived and I was tingling with excitement, and got up early and showered and got all clean and then went down to my room and relaxed before starting to get ready. Around noon, I put on my latex vagina, and then slipped on a pair of navy blue, silk and lace bikini panties. I then put on a pair of satin gloves and carefully put on the sheer nude pantyhose, they would be the ones I would eventually wear with my dress. Next was my favorite white lacy, front closure bra, and I adjusted my breasts in it and then headed for my makeup. I applied a little eyeliner, a tiny bit of blush and then a light coat of my light pinkish red lipstick. I then moved to my closets and knew I needed a blouse that was button up and decided on the same one I wore the first time I went to the salon and that was a red silky flowered blouse, and decided on a tight little tiny black jean miniskirt. After I slipped it on, I put on my low 2" black heels and then checked my purse, packed my deep burgundy lipstick and headed upstairs to meet Sharon, who was just coming into the kitchen, she had on a blue blouse and track pants and running shoes. She looked at me and shook her head and told me that she has never seen a woman that likes to show off her legs so much. We checked the temperature and decided that we did not need any coats and headed out to the car.

I slid in and my skirt literally came up to my crotch and Sharon looked over and commented, "lucky you are wearing the right nylons". We got to the mall and we walked to the salon and when we entered, the girl recognized us and said, "Sharon and Joyce right?", we both said "yes", and she called out to Lianne and another girl, Brigitte and they came and greeted us and lead us to the back area. Sharon got Brigitte and Lianne took care of me. I could hear Brigitte talking to Sharon, and Lianne was asking me the same things, about where we were going, what my outfit was like and such, it was really fun, especially when Lianne said, "Stage West again?". As Lianne worked on me, I looked over at Sharon and she was having her hair done up in a "French twist", with wisps of hair down the side of her face and she looked incredible. Eventually Lianne got to my lips and asked if I wanted them the same as last time and she said she did and I grabbed my purse and gave her my lipstick and she went to work applying it. Anita came as usual to do my nails and apply the matching coat of polish and then Lianne spent a ton of time doing my hair. Eventually Lianne was done and Brigitte was still working on Sharon, so I grabbed my purse, went to the front with Lianne and paid her and she told me to have a good time, and then I went and sat and waited for Sharon to be done.

Sharon came out and she looked absolutely amazing, her hair and makeup were perfect and even in the clothes she was wearing she looked stunning. She paid at the counter and came and got me and I saw by the clock on the wall it was almost 4:20 pm, I only had about 30 minutes to get home and dressed before my dates picked me up. We got into the car and gave each other a little kiss and told each other how wonderful we looked and started home. On the way home Sharon asked me if I was going to change my bra for the dress and I told her, "ugh!, yes, to the 'strapless monster'", she laughed and asked if I had a regular black bra and I told her I did. She giggled a little and then said, "well then silly, just let the straps fall off your shoulders, just do them up tighter and the bra will stay in place". I told her that I never thought of that, but she told me she has done it before with that style of dress and it worked.

We got in the house and Sharon suggested that we switch bedrooms as my dates were coming long before hers and that way she would be downstairs and out of the way when they arrived. So I went and gathered all that I needed, my dress, my heels, matching clutch purse, black bra, jewelry, and made sure all that was all I needed and carried them upstairs. When I got to Sharon's bedroom, she had already stripped and was just in matching black lace bra and lace and satin panties and sheer nude stay-ups. She was just stepping into her dress and turned around to me and asked me to zip her up. I did and then she asked me were the purse was, and I told her I forgot it and quickly went downstairs to get it. When I came back she was putting on her jewelry, and what she had on was the matching heels 2 «", and was putting on a lovely simple pearl necklace and tiny pearl drop earrings, I could smell the perfume "Charlie" in the room and after handing her the purse she put in a small bottle, along with her deep reddish-pink lipstick and some blush, a comb and some tissues, I knew she was wearing Brenda's perfume.

She looked at the clock and told me that my dates would be there in 15 minutes and that I needed to hurry. She told me to strip and she would help, I took off my skirt and blouse and then opened the garment bag and pulled out the dress and Sharon said right away how pretty it looked. She then opened her purse and smiled and came to me and said, "all three of the women this evening are going to be wearing this perfume", and she came up to me and opened her purse and literally doused me with "Charlie" perfume, I did not have time to get out of the way and before I knew it I was covered head to toe in "Charlie" perfume. Sharon was giggling and said, "no matter were the boys go on your body, you will smell really pretty". I was not happy, but then grabbed my dress and stepped into it and Sharon came up behind me and zipped me up and did up the snap and I walked over and slipped into my heels. I turned around and Sharon said, "oh my Lord!!!!!, that slit is almost to your crotch!". I smiled and told her I knew and that I was alright with it, she had her hands over her mouth and was still in disbelief, and then said, "so you really want to show off your legs?", I told her I did, and she told me to get my jewelry on and she would be right back. She left and I could hear her heels clicking down the hall.

I went and grabbed the jewelry that I had planned on wearing and it was a sparkly rhinestone necklace, with an emerald green stone, matching long dangly earring and a matching bracelet. I was just about to bend over and put on my anklet when Sharon came back into the room and said, "not so fast my dear, you will be wearing these this evening, and an anklet is not appropriate". In her hand was my strappy 4 «" heels, I had worn them to Stage West before, and she had me sit down and put the shoes on, and as she was putting them on, she said, "now your legs will really get some notice!". When she was done, I stood up and I finished off my look by putting on my formal gold watch and then checked my own black patent clutch purse and when I was doing that Sharon came up and smiled and plopped in my own Charlie perfume saying, "did not want you to forget this my dear", then gave me a little kiss.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hall where we have a large mirror and we both looked each other over, Sharon just said, "my we have made the right decision for our dates!, those heels really show off your legs!, I am going downstairs now to get everything 100% done, you stay up here and wait for your dates". I was puzzled, as she looked dressed and ready to me, but she said, "oh just some 'cleaning up' I need to do", (I was later to find out what she meant). I was still admiring myself in the mirror and heard Sharon's heels clicking down the stairs when the doorbell rang. I got my clutch purse and made my way to the front door and opened it and there they were, Eric and Paul, both in smart looking suits, Eric was wearing the same suit he did at the Wedding, and Paul was in a dark blue suit and red tie. They both had a single rose in their hands, Paul a yellow and Eric a red, I invited them in and gave them each a light kiss on the cheek as I grabbed the roses. I told them I would be right back as I wanted to get the roses into a vase. I went to the kitchen and put them in the vase and filled it with a little water, and then was walking back to the door and both of the boys looked me up and down and showered me with compliments, telling me how sexy I looked and loved my dress and the fact I was wearing high heels for them. I thanked them and opened the front closet door and grabbed my black faux fur coat and handed it to Paul and the two of them helped me slip it on. We left the house and Paul closed the door and then Eric had the back seat door open for me and I slid in. Eric was going to be driving and Paul slid in next to me.

As we drove to stage West, I got to know Paul a little better, he was 26 and worked in real estate and he kept telling me how pretty and sexy I looked. We decided that for the evening, I was going to be off of Eric's arm and that he was the one that was missing his date. Paul also told me that on the way to pick me up, they got the room at the hotel for possible fun after the show. To describe Paul, well, he was almost the exact same build as Eric, maybe a little less chubby, it looks like he worked out a bit. As we drove, I could tell Paul was staring at my legs, well, it was not too hard as the slit was pretty much exposing all of them. I saw this and decided to break the ice and very slowly and gently, grabbed his hand and placed it on my thigh and told him that it was alright. He slowly started to caress my silky thigh and quietly commented how silky and nice it felt. I patted him on the hand and quietly told him to enjoy. Before I knew it we were at Stage West and Eric pulled up to the entrance and Paul got out and opened my door and helped me from the car. Eric told us he would park the car and meet us in the lobby, I walked with Paul and he opened the door for me and I found a chair in the lobby to sit down in to wait for Eric.

Eric soon came in and Paul helped me up and I grabbed Eric's arm and he asked, "ok, now where do we go?", I asked if he had the tickets and he told me he did, so I told him that the next stop was the coat check and then to the theatre. While on Eric's arm, I lead the way, with Paul on the other side of me. They both helped me off with my coat and Eric checked it and joined me and we headed to the theatre. I was smiling like I have never smiled before as I heard my heels clicking on the marble floor, with two men escorting me to the theatre. We got to the entrance of the theatre and the hostess asked for the tickets, which Eric gave her, and then she lead us to the booth that was rather close to the stage. I slid in first and then Paul and Eric on either side of me. The waitress came and informed us that the buffet was open and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I spoke up first and asked for a sling and both of the boys ordered beers, she then said, "are you expecting someone else, so that I should wait?". Paul spoke up and said, "no my wife has the flu this evening, but she really wanted me to see this play, so it will only be the three of us". I converted my clutch purse to a conventional one by pulling out the strap and said to them it was time to go to the buffet, and they asked me to lead the way. Eric helped me out of the seat and I grabbed his arm and we went to the buffet.

I loved being on Eric's arm and having Paul next to me and as we walked I could see some of the other women checking my outfit out, as my legs were showing quite a bit. We got to the buffet and all grabbed our plates and food and then headed back to the table, which I found was a long way away, further than I have ever had to walk before and slid in with Eric and Paul. As we ate the two of them looked around and so did I, they commented as Brad did on how romantic and lovely the environment was. Since we were so close to the stage I could not do allot of people watching, as there were only a few other booths ahead of our booth and the stage. We ate dinner and chatted casually about a number of things and I was thinking about what Sharon and Brenda and Brad were doing, but quickly put it out of my mind. We had all finished dinner and Eric asked about going for dessert, and I told them that I was not up for that and that I would use the ladies room before the show started, they left and I converted my purse back to a clutch and headed to the ladies room.

I was surprised how far up the ladies room was, and in my 4 «" heels, it was a fair trek, but one that I enjoyed as I could see lots of men and women checking me out (I knew there was one closer, but decided to go and get noticed). I could tell my skirt was showing off my legs big time, as guy's mouths were dropping and I even saw a few women shove their partners and heard them telling them not to look. I did nothing but looked ahead and eventually came to the ladies room, and at this point it was not crowded, as a matter of fact it was pretty empty and went in and grabbed a stall and sat down and did my business, having fun with my longer fingernails and the pantyhose making sure they would not snag on them. I then came out to a wide open mirror and adjusted my lips and fluffed out my hair and adjusted my dress in the large mirror and walked back to the table and again was getting looks as I walked, I loved it!.

I got back to the table and Eric and Paul had already gotten back and Paul got up and I slid in between them. They were just finishing their desserts and I decided to be a little bit of a tease and opened my purse and freshened my perfume by dabbing it on my wrists and behind my ears. Eric leaned over and whispered in my ear, "you are such a cock tease, do you know how hard you have gotten Paul?", I smiled back and said, "let's wait for the first half to start and we will see". They announced that the first half was going to start in 5 minutes, and I watched as the flood of women to the ladies room started and I knew I was comfortable and just watched as a number of really pretty women walked past me, some in really short dresses and very high heels and some in very casual outfits, but the majority were in skirts and dresses and heels.

Eric had already ordered another round of drinks and just as they came to the table, the lights went down and the play started. BOTH of them moved in close to me, and each grabbed one of my hands. Eric was the first and slowly moved it to his crotch under the tablecloth and Paul, well, I took the lead and went and found his crotch. So there I was, with two men, both I could tell were aroused and I had to stare at the stage while I had two excited men in my hands. I then leaned over to both of them and made a deal, for the first half I was going to be "Eric's date", and the second half "Paul's date", I would give total attention to the one that was my "date" for the half. So I snuggled into Eric and reached down and slowly caressed his crotch under the tablecloth and felt Eric gently blowing in my ears and kissing my neck, and I felt Paul's hands gently caressing the wide open and exposed leg from the slit of my dress. It was quite the feeling and I slowly sipped my drink and enjoyed the show, but it was hard to concentrate on the play as I had two men groping me all over and I was enjoying it and so were they. The play was "Noises Off", which I had no clue what it was about, but I was more enjoying the atmosphere and the attention of the guys. I could tell by the way Paul was groping my legs that he was getting more and more excited and Eric, was definitely excited, I could feel his member almost coming out of his pants!. Eric kept licking and sucking on my ear and gently blowing in my ear and we exchanged a number of little kisses and before I knew it, the lights came on and the intermission was announced.

My bladder was about to explode and I quickly grabbed my clutch purse and gave each one of the boys a little kiss and Eric moved out of the way and I slid out and started up to the ladies room. Again, I knew that there was a closer ladies room, but decided to go to the larger one that was at the back of theatre as I knew full well that it was going to be packed, just to do some people watching. As I walked up, I was very conscious of the fact that I was being checked out, by both men and women, as I walked, as my legs were almost fully visible due to the slit as I walked but just smiled and kept on going. I got to the back of the theatre and enter the washroom area, and as I suspected, the lineup for the ladies room was way out the door and I got in line and had a good time checking out all of the other ladies in line and the ones leaving the ladies room. I was pleasantly surprised to see all sorts of different outfits and styles, some as formal and elegant as mine, others, short little mini-dresses, a few of the older women wore pant suits, and other girls had on heels as high as I, some lower, some in the middle, I felt very comfortable. The line did not move that fast, and I started getting sore standing in one spot, but eventually I got into the ladies room and then finally a stall. I went in and sat down and did my business and left the stall and then joined the other women in line for the mirror as more and more filed in for a stall. I took my turn at the mirror and fluffed out my hair and applied another thick coat of lipstick and then left to go join the boys back at the table.

As I walked back, I could see that again, I was being checked out and they were both waiting for me jokingly telling me that they thought I had left. Eric slid out and I slid in between them, and just smiled, then they announced that it was 5 minutes before the second half began and just after that, our waitress came and another round of drinks were placed on the table. I again decided to tease the boys and again, pulled out my "Charlie" perfume and slowly applied more to my wrists and then slowly put it back in my purse. I smiled at both Paul and Eric, I could tell they were getting more aroused and then sipped on my drink and before I knew it, the lights went down, and Paul quickly came over close to me and draped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close, Eric moved in close as well and quickly found my well exposed legs. Paul was pretty much the same as Eric, and was licking and gently kissing my neck and blowing in my ear. I slowly reached down and gently started stroking the very hard crotch of Paul, it was pushing his pants way out, and all he could do was groan.

The play was really boring, but I was having fun entertaining the boys and really enjoying my legs being caressed. Paul was really getting hard as his crotch was actually getting wet through his pants and I kept on caressing it. I sipped on my drink and watched the play and enjoyed the fun of Paul trying to get me aroused, but it was having the affect of making him more and was making him more aroused!!!. The play eventually came to an end and I knew that the elevator ride up to the suite was going to be very crowded and grabbed my clutch purse and gave Eric a little kiss and excused myself and started the long walk up to the back of the theatre and the ladies room. I was walking "against the flow" of people and saw lots of people checking me up and down and I just smiled back as I walked.

I got to the ladies room, and not surprisingly, there was only a couple of women in the room, so I walked right into a stall and did my business. When I came out, there was no women at the mirror and I took my time to make sure my hair was perfect and applied a nice thick coat of lipstick, before I left I used the large floor length mirror to make sure that my dress was perfect, then left the ladies room and joined Eric and Brad at the table. When I got there, they both were in the isle watching me walk towards them and they were smiling, I could tell they were enjoying the "show". When I got to them, I smiled and said "see anything you like boys?", they both said, "oh yes", I giggled a little and grabbed Eric's arm and told them I needed to pick up my coat. I again loved hearing my heels clicking along the marble as we walked back towards the main lobby of the hotel. I stayed on Eric's arm and Paul went and got my coat and brought it back to me but left it draped over his arm. Eric them leaned over and whispered and said, "where to now my love?". I quietly said back, "I thought you boys promised me champagne at the end of this evening?".

Eric looked at Paul and they both smiled and we headed to the elevators. There was a huge crowd waiting to go up, but we patiently waited and eventually got in an elevator and it was crowded and I had Paul behind me and Eric in front of me and Paul was gently caressing my velvet covered rear in the crowded elevator. I did not move or say anything, but just smiled. We got off on the 10th floor and Eric lead us to the room, and opened the door, and the suite was typical of what Sharon and I stay in, and we walked in. Once the door was closed, Paul came to me and grabbed my head and said, "I have wanted to do this all night", and locked his lips with mine, and kissed me hard, I could hear Eric laughing and said he would pour the champagne, while we were "busy". Paul kept kissing me hard, our tongues dancing and he was feeling my velvet covered backside and I was loving it, I felt his crotch and he was still really hard. We eventually broke our embrace, and Eric announced the champagne was ready and Paul took my hand and lead us to the main room and were Eric was waiting. We all grabbed a glass and we toasted the evening and then after a few sips, Eric told me that there was something for me to change into in the bathroom. I took another sip and smiled at him, and then he said, "and Paul and I will get changed too". I grabbed my clutch purse and headed into the bathroom, as I entered the spacious bathroom I saw two boxes on the counter, one was a pink one with a red bow on it and the other was a box from "Sexy shoes", and it had a yellow bow on it.

First order of business, was taking care of business and I sat down and did that, and then after cleaning up, I opened the pink box and pulled out what I thought was the most beautiful lingerie I had ever seen. It was red and long and I could tell right away it was silk, and I mean real silk, the entire top bodice area was covered in delicate lace, and there was a matching pure silk robe that came with it. I was in awe, but then was blown away when I saw what was in the "Sexy Shoes" box, and that was a pair of ridiculously high patent red, pumps, these had to be 6". These were not platform shoes, these were pumps!, with thin heels, I like my high heels, but these were ridiculous!.

I shook my head and carefully got out of my dress and heels and then slowly put on the lingerie, which felt like a dream, I admired myself in the mirror, and then the robe and then grabbed the heels and compared them to what I wore all evening, which was 4 «", and these were clearly an inch or more higher. I slipped them on and literally nearly fell over as I tried to take a step!. I found the only way was taking little "baby" steps was the only way to actually walk. I fluffed out my hair, put on another thick coat of lipstick and packed it back in my clutch purse and grabbed it and headed back to the main room, walking very slowly I might add.

When I got in the room, there was Eric and Paul, both naked and semi erect, with a hand on each others members, lightly kissing. At that point I was pissed. I said in a loud voice, "if I see that one more time, I am getting out of this lingerie and one of you are driving me home, is that clear!!?". They both apologized and told me that it would not happen again. Then they both got up and came to me and started telling me how gorgeous I looked and that the lingerie was extremely pretty on me, and both started caressing me all over. I told them I wanted to sit down and they lead me to the couch and one on either side we sat down.

I took a sip of my champagne and no words were said, I put down my glass and then gently grabbed both of their members, one on either side of me. Both of them groaned and I slowly started to caress them, I turned to Eric and we started kissing, heavy and hot, and I could feel him starting to get harder. I then turned my head and there was Paul waiting and I started kissing hard as well and felt him starting to get harder. I had both of them fairly hard and starting to breath heavy, then I said in a sexy voice, "so boys how do we want to do this?". Eric spoke up and said, "we have already talked about it, we want you on your knees with us on either side, doing us both at once, then after that, we want to watch each other get a blowjob". I said in a sexy voice, "now that is a tall order boys, but I think I might be up for the task", as I smiled at them. I then slid off the couch and got comfortable leaning back on my heels, I took off the robe and threw it out of range of where they were going to be standing and the two of them were smiling and stood up, one on either side, Paul to the right and Eric to the left. I saw that Paul was not cut, but that did not bother me and I started with him, taking him into my mouth and slowing starting to suck him, at the same time I grabbed Eric's member and slowly started to stroke it. I really concentrated on Paul's member and could hear him groaning, "oh God Eric, you were right she CAN suck cock like no other". I then left Paul's member and went to Eric's, while still stroking Paul, I then heard Eric moaning and groaning, saying, "oh yea, oh yea".

I went back and forth and back and forth and the moaning and groaning did not stop, I even looked up and the two of them were caressing each others chests, but I did not stop them. Before long I had them at a fever pitch and I was thinking in my mind, "who was going to cum first, and if they both came at the same what would I do?". Paul was the first to go, my mouth was on him and boy did he go!, he must have orgasm for 30 seconds and I swallowed him all up, all I could hear was "oh my God, Oh my God". About 10 seconds later as my head was turning to wrap my lips around Eric, he blew his load and I got the first blast across my cheek, but I quickly wrapped my lips around his member and bobbed up and down and swallowed the rest of his load. When he was done, he fell back on the couch to join Paul that was already there and both were panting and exhausted. I stood up and told them I needed to get a drink and to freshen up, they said nothing, but I grabbed my purse and went to the washroom and cleaned off my face and applied another coat of lipstick, and on the ridiculous heels, slowly went back to the room.

Paul and Eric were both now semi-erect and stroking their members and Paul told me that it was the best blowjob he had ever gotten and as I grabbed a glass of champagne and took a sip, I smiled and thanked him. Not much was said, but I could see both of them were getting harder and harder, and I eventually said, as they sat on opposite ends of the couch, "who is going to be first", Eric groaned back, "oh me Joyce, oh me". I gulped down my glass of champagne and modeled around the room and then slowly got to my knees and crawled up to Eric who was pretty much hard as a rock. I looked up at him and slowly licked my lips and then very slowly started working on his member, wrapping my lips around it. He was groaning and I looked over and Paul was staring and slowly stoking his own and commenting on how I looked like I was enjoying it. I sucked slowly and gently then picked up the pace and Eric was moaning and groaning and then I could feel his pre-cum build and then finally he blew, and he blew allot. When I had cleaned him up, I stood up and Paul had already poured me another glass of champagne and I sipped on it, I then opened my purse and erotically applied another coat of lipstick in front of Paul and Eric.

I took the last sip of my champagne and then walked slowly to Paul and kneeled in front of him and slowly and gently grabbed his member and started gently licking the head of his member. He started groaning and gently grabbed my head and I started licking and sucking and could feel him getting harder and harder. I could hear him groan, "oh my God Eric, this is incredible", I heard Eric get off the couch and was shuffling around as I continued to work on Paul's member. Paul was groaning and moaning louder and louder and then I felt his pre-cum build and kept my lips tight on his member and he exploded in my mouth, giving me just as much as the first time, and I swallowed it all down, then slowly cleaned him up. When I was done he pulled me up and gave me a long and hard kiss and thanked me for the blowjob. I stood up and he was naked and sweating and I looked over there was Eric all dressed back in his clothes and said, "well my love, I think it is late enough and time to go, why don't you get changed?". I went and gave him a light kiss and said I would be right back and teetering on the heels, made my way to the bathroom. I changed out of the lingerie and heels and put them back in the boxes and then slipped back into my dress and had fun trying to do up the straps on my heels, as my calves were aching, but to no avail, the boys were going to have to help me.

I got the shoes done up as well as the dress the best I could and then headed out of the bathroom to the main room, I caught Eric kissing Paul and stroking his semi-erect member. This time I said nothing and when I came into the room they stopped and Eric gave Paul a long kiss and told him he would be right back and squeezed his member and broke his kiss and said, "get this ready for me". Paul smiled and said he would, then got up and gave me a little kiss and thanked me for the evening. I asked Paul to do me favor and do up my shoes and he dropped immediately and did them up and at the same time was licking and caressing my silky legs. He then got up and headed to the washroom and Eric was holding my coat for me and I slipped it on, and grabbed my clutch purse and Eric grabbed the shoes and the lingerie boxes and we headed out the door to the elevators. We got to the main lobby and Eric told me that the car, was only a few spots away from the doors so I stayed on his arm and he escorted me to the car, and opened my door for me.

On the way home I made sure that my stocking covered legs were there for him and he caressed them all the way home. We talked about the evening and said it was really erotic watching me give Paul a blowjob, and how good his was. I told him I was glad and that I enjoyed the romance of the evening and all of the teasing during the play. After that the ride was fairly quiet and we eventually got to my house and he came and opened my door and grabbed the lingerie and heels and walked me to the back door of the house. The house was dark and there was no car in the driveway, so I knew that Sharon was not back yet. I opened the door and Eric came in and we shared one light goodbye kiss and I told him, "thanks for a wonderful evening, now go back and take care of your 'other' date". He smiled and said he would and left, I had to use the washroom, and once he was gone out the door, quickly made my way there. I was sitting down and doing my business when the back door opened and I heard, Sharon, Brenda and Brad come in. I quickly pulled up my pantyhose and panties and then grabbed my clutch purse and quickly applied a fresh coat of lipstick and walked back to the kitchen and there the three of them were.

Brenda was the first to comment, "oh my God, look at you, you are gorgeous!", then she came and gave me a little kiss. Sharon then spoke up, "well the timing is perfect!, how about you freshen up Brenda, as I want to get a picture of the two of you in your matching dresses before the 'festivities' begin", which I kind of knew what it meant, but looked back at her and she just smiled. She then turned to Brad and told him to get comfortable in the living room and she would get the glasses for some wine, and looked over at me as to say, "go with him and entertain him". I followed Brad into the living room and sat down next to him and he started asking about the evening and I just blushed and said it was "nice", he just said, "oh I bet it was!!!". He told me I looked really sexy in the dress and that he really liked Sharon's company all evening and he was sure that he would hear about it at work on Monday was she was dancing and flirting with so many guys at the party. I was a little jealous, but knew she did look great. He then made me blush even more and said that Paul had given them a call on his cell phone and told him all about how good I was on the date, and he said Sharon and Brenda knew as well.

Sharon came back into the living room and she had the wine glasses and the wine and started pouring glasses, then Brenda came back in with her lips fixed up and Sharon suggested pictures before we started drinking our wine. So Brenda and I posed and Sharon had us push out our legs, to show off the slits and posing together close and even giving each other a little kiss. After we were done she brought Brenda and I our wine and we all toasted a fun evening and more to come, and at that point I had a good idea of what was going to be happening. After we all finished our wine, Sharon announced, "ok ladies, time to get changed, we will retire to our room, and Brad, you can relax and get ready", she smiled and Brenda grabbed my hand I was lead to Sharon's bedroom, and laying on the bed was the three matching midnight blue long negligee that Brenda and Sharon had bought previously on another trip. As we entered the room Sharon said, "oh damn!, I forgot something, you girls get ready I will be right back".

Brenda told me to turn around and I asked her what was going on and she said, "oh after what we heard about your performance this evening, you will love this". I was all flush and quite frankly a little embarrassed and did not look back at her as she unzipped my dress to about half way down and then she asked me to undo her the same. I did and I saw that she was also wearing stay ups like Sharon, as she took off her dress, she was in a white strapless bra and quickly removed it and her huge breasts flopped out. I could do nothing but stare as she was just in her panties, stay ups, and heels, she took off her panties and as I stood there memorized, still in my dress, she walked up to me and put them to my nose and said, "smell". I did and they stunk of her musty scent, she kissed me lightly and said, "Sharon has got me so hot", and she flicked them on the bed and grabbed her negligee, I noted that her pussy was shaved bald. I took my dress off and she stared at me as I took off my bra and then slipped into my matching negligee, and just about that time Sharon came into the room and said, "my that was quick, and I guess I better get changed to join you two".

Brenda unzipped Sharon and helped her out of her dress and unsnapped her bra, and I was shocked as Sharon was in her stay ups, the same style as Brenda, but she was not wearing panties, and was completely bald as well!. I asked her about that as she was just slipping on her negligee, and she turned to me and had a sly smile and said, "you might want to check Brenda's purse, and oh yes, just some 'clean up work', I had to do". Both of them giggled and then Sharon said, "ok ladies, time to make us more matching", and she grabbed my hand and the three of us, heels clicking, walked to the washroom. My clutch purse was still sitting there and Sharon grabbed it and pulled out my dark burgundy lipstick and handed it to me, I knew the drill and applied another coat and then I looked over and Sharon and Brenda were wiping off the lipstick they were already wearing. They asked for the lipstick and I handed it to them and they both applied a thick coat. When they were done, they handed it to me and then I put it in my purse and they asked me to bring the clutch purse along into the living room. I started walking out and saw Sharon grab a coin and flip it in the air and she called "tails", and it was that, so she won, and I had no clue what that was about, but I was soon to find out!.

Brenda and Sharon quickly followed behind me and as we entered the living room, there was Brad, naked sitting there sipping on wine and he had a semi erect member. I was not necessarily shocked, but just the sheer size of Brad is enough to shock any woman. Brad stood up and came and gave each of us a light kiss on the cheek and told us how pretty we all looked. Brenda told Brad to sit down and then went to the kitchen table and came back with my rhinestone tiara that I got several years ago I got with a Prom dress. Sharon had already gone to the couch with Brad and was sitting beside him, making out and slowly caressing his huge member. I was wondering what the heck was going on and Brenda came and gave me a light kiss and started fastening the tiara in my hair and said, "Sharon and I talked about you possibly participating this evening, and decided that if you did, you would be the 'fluff and cleanup' girl". As she finished with the tiara, I was lost and was staring at Brad caressing my spouse's breasts and kissing her heavy and playing with her pussy, her negligee was pulled way up. I looked back at Brenda and said, "what are you talking about?". Brenda gave me a little kiss and went on to explain, "well, since you only have your oral abilities to offer Brad, you will be 'fluffing' him, getting him nice and hard with your pretty lips, and after he makes love to myself and Sharon, you can get down and clean him up and then clean our pussies out, and if he has anything left, you can have a chance at pleasing him and having his cum directly". I was in shock and did not know what to say, but Sharon had stopped kissing Brad and was smiling and giggling and said, "oh I know you will love this sweetie", and as she said that Brad was still fingering her pussy and smiling.

A flood of emotions ran through me as I had never seen a man pleasuring my spouse, let alone make love to her. Brenda grabbed my hand and lead me directly in front of Sharon and Brad and said, "ok Sharon, let's let the lovely lady with the tiara do her job and you come with me and I will get you ready for that huge piece of meat". Sharon let go of Brad and gave him a little kiss and then took Brenda's hand and she lead her to the other couch and I sat down next to Brad and he gently moved my hand to his member and quietly said to me, "ok my little fluff girl, time to go to work", and gave me a little kiss, and gently pushed my head down to his semi-erect member. I gently started licking and sucking on it, I had to remember some of the techniques on the video and what I had read, as it was so much bigger than what I had experienced earlier in the evening. I licked and sucked on it and it and it slowly started getting harder and harder, and I looked over, and there was Sharon, her negligee pulled up and Brenda was on her knees in front of her licking her off. I could hear Sharon groaning and could taste the pre-cum start to build with Brad and he was groaning and then said, "who won the toss?", Sharon groaned out, "I did". Brad pushed my head away and looked down at me and said, "well if Sharon is first, I want to experience her tight pussy as much as I can, even though your lips are sweet, Sharon is just so tight".

I looked back at Sharon and she was smiling and was standing up and walked slowly towards me and then helped me up and took my hand and slowly lead me to the other couch and sat me down next to Brenda. She then slowly walked to the couch Brad was standing next to with his huge member straight out and lied down. Brad leaned down and kissed her heavily and slowly fingered her pussy. I was transfixed and was just staring and did not notice Brenda had pulled out a small vibrator and turned it on. As Sharon was lying down, Brad brought his member to Sharon's lips and she licked and sucked on the head, and then Brad moved away and got on the couch and prepared to enter her pussy. Brenda tugged at the bottom of my negligee and I was still transfixed on watching the huge member of Brad, slowly enter my spouse's pussy. I was jerked back to reality when Brenda placed the quiet sounding vibrator on my crotch and started rubbing it there.

She then leaned over and slowly licked my neck and started very quietly teasing me. She started with, "look at that huge cock going into your little hubby's pussy, bet she loves it, bigger than anything she has had before". The vibrator was not coming close to the "sweet spot" on my crotch, but she continued as I watched Brad thrust in and out of her, and she was really into it, pinching her own nipples and making sounds I have never heard her make before. Before long she was crying out, "oh God Brad, fuck me with that huge cock, cum in me, make me cum". Brenda kept quietly teasing me saying, "better get ready for a big cleanup, he has not made love to me or masturbated for over 2 weeks, he was waiting for this evening". I was in awe watching the huge member going in and out and watching my spouse's face as he made love to her. Eventually Brad started grunting and then thrusting really hard and I could tell he had cum in Sharon's pussy. He left his member deep in Sharon's pussy and leaned over and gave her a long kiss. He then looked over at me and smiled and said, "oh pretty little girl with the tiara, I have a job for you, come here and please get on your knees".

I lowered my negligee and stood up and walked over and Brad pushed my shoulders down and I got on my knees. He took his member out of Sharon and got off the couch and stood in front of me and placed his member right next to my lips. I could smell Sharon all over it and then opened my lips and started to lick all over it to clean it up, and the taste was unlike anything I have tasted before, both him and her, and once I was done, it was starting to go soft and he went and sat with Brenda. Sharon got up and quickly told me to lie down on my back and she hiked up her negligee and then sat on my face with her bald and naked pussy an inch from my face and gobs and gobs of cum started coming out and I licked and sucked, then she lowered her clit to my face and told me to start licking as she needed to cum. I did and then she started rocking back and forth on my face violently and I could hear her breathing getting louder and louder and then she screamed out, "oh yes!, oh yes!", and then she kept grinding her pussy in my face and then kept going and I could hear her breathing getting harder and harder again and she came again, this time just as hard. She got up off of me and was all flush and lowered her negligee and came and gave me a little kiss and whispered, "that was a great pussy licking and a great cock, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did".

Brenda already had her negligee up and Brad was playing with her pussy and Brenda was stroking Brad's semi-erect member and Sharon got up and went to the other couch and said to Brad, "I will take over from here, our 'pretty little girl in the tiara', needs some work". Brad laughed a little and came over and sat next to me and I did not need any coaxing and I leaned over and opened my lips and gently started sucking on his huge member. I looked over and saw that Sharon had dropped to her knees and was licking Brenda's bald pussy. I went smooth and slow on Brad and he just was leaning back and enjoying and groaning and when I looked up he had his eyes closed and his hands were gently on my head. He got soft then hard, then back to soft and then I picked up the pace and about 15 minutes later he was harder than a rock and started thrusting his hips into my mouth. He then stopped and gently pulled my head off and said, "next!".

I looked over and Brenda was already walking over her heels clicking and smiling and staring at me and said, "is he ready for me?". I got off my knees and said, "he is as hard as he is going to be for now". She went and gave Brad a long deep kiss and then told him she wanted him to make love to her "doggy style", and got on the couch and poised her pussy high in the air for Brad. I slowly made my way to the other couch were Sharon was slowly playing with her pussy and was smiling and said to me, "my you do such a good job at sucking cock, you will have to give me lessons". I sat next to her and she moved my face close to hers and gave me a kiss and I could taste Brenda all over her and slowly started to "return the favor" and licked her face clean. She was smiling and said, "she is yummy is she not?". I just groaned and I turned my head and watched as Brad's huge member slowly entering Brenda's pussy. As I was watching, Sharon pulled up my negligee and then grabbed the vibrator and turned it on and started massaging my crotch and I was not even close to exciting me sexually. Sharon tried by leaning over and pulled down my negligee and gave me a huge hickey on my left breast. I was not getting excited and she whispered in my ear, "Joyce, are you not excited?". I groaned back that her and Brenda were not hitting the right spot and that I was so excited I felt I could explode". I must have done a great job on Brad as I heard him grunting and groaning and saw him thrusting into Brenda and he obviously came about 5 minutes after making love to Brenda.

Sharon gave me a little kiss and told me that I would be taken care of, but I had a job to do. I could see Brad looking over at me and he kept his member in Brenda's pussy, as I went over and slowly dropped to my knees after seeing Brad was done, Brad pulled out his member and brought it to my lips and I started licking up and down and getting it clean. When I was done I looked up and asked him if there was any more in there for me and he said, "oh I think I can give you at least a mouthful". He chuckled and went over to join Sharon on the other couch, and Brenda was still in "doggy position", and asked me to get to the other end of the couch and lay back. I did and she moved her naked and bald pussy over my face, and like Sharon, she positioned it about a half an inch from my face and then globs and globs of cum started coming out, I licked and swallowed as fast as I could and then she lowered her pussy to my lips and I licked hard and fast, and like Sharon she started rocking back and forth and I licked as fast as I could and then eventually she came, grunting and making all sorts of noise. She got off of me and sat down and I sat up. Sharon was right there and gave me a long kiss and then licked all over my face and said, "no need to waste any".

I was panting and so was Brenda, and I could tell by looking at Brenda and Sharon's makeup, that mine must be a mess as well, as theirs was. Sharon announced it was time for the girls to take a trip to the bathroom to "powder our noses", and we all got up and Brenda grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom. Once in front of the lighted mirror I could see all of us were a mess, eyeliner a mess, lipstick all over the place, eye shadow ruined as well. So the three of us sat there and clean up as best we could. Brenda was staring at me in the mirror and said, "my dear, that was quite the job you did in there, perhaps you should come to one of our parties, as we are always looking for a special girl like you". I had no clue what she was talking about, but I knew Sharon did as she said, "well, we will see, as we talked about, I know she has the proper attire in her wardrobe, but we will have to talk about it, to see if she is up to it". Sharon finished her lips and closed the lipstick and told Sharon to take me back to the living room and she would be following behind. Brenda grabbed my hand and there was Brad, sitting on the couch semi erect, stroking his member. Brenda lead me to Brad and sat me down and Brad started caressing me and told me how pretty I looked. He then leaned over and started kissing me and I reached down and grabbed his huge member and started caressing it.

I heard the heel clicks from Sharon as she came into the living room and I looked over and there was Sharon, smiling, with the strap- on dildo poking out under negligee, and Brenda squealed, "oh this is going to be fun". Brad laughed and said, "give me a show ladies as I have the little lady here in the tiara sucking me". He then slowly pushed my head down and I started licking and sucking and I saw Brenda pull up her lingerie and Sharon position the dildo to her pussy and started to thrust in and out of her. Brad was definitely enjoying the show as I found him getting harder and softer, and when Brenda started grunting and making noises he definitely got harder. I could hear Brenda starting to grunt and looked over and she was feverishly rubbing her pussy as Sharon thrust the dildo in and out of her. I could hear her cum, but I knew Brad was not close and continued to lick and suck on his huge member. I looked over and could see Brenda and Sharon changing places with Sharon lying back and Brenda wearing the dildo and thrusting it into Sharon's pussy. Sharon was also rubbing her pussy hard and had her eyes closed enjoying the thrusting of the dildo by Brenda. I could feel Brad get harder and harder and he put his hands on my head and started thrusting his hips and he eventually came, not as much as I had sucked out of Brenda and Sharon, but a big mouthful. I swallowed it all down and then licked him clean and looked over and saw Brenda finally coming as Sharon thrust the dildo deep into her. When she was done, Brenda pulled it out and stood up and came to me and said, "one more last cleanup job my lovely little dear in the tiara", and pushed it to my mouth and I licked all of the pussy juices that were on it, until it was clean.

Everyone was tired and I got up and grabbed a drink of wine to clean my mouth out and Brenda and Sharon were kissing and fondling each others breasts through the satin material of their negligee, Brad got up and started getting dressed and I excused myself and went to the washroom to relieve myself, as I really had to pee. I cleaned up and touched up my lipstick and then headed into the living room were there was just Sharon and Brad and they were sitting there just talking, and I asked were Brenda was and Sharon told me that she was getting changed. I heard heels clicking and Brenda came into the room and she had gotten back into her dress. She then came to me and gave me a long slow kiss and thanked me for the evening and then looked over at Sharon and said, "has she come yet?", Sharon, said, "no, but I think we owe it to her". Brenda told Brad to get off of the couch and she sat down next to me and grabbed the vibrator and pulled up my negligee and started to rub it on my crotch. Sharon came over and lightly kissed Brenda and whispered in her ear, "she is tucked way under, this is not going to work".

Sharon then said, "alright Joyce, just like the night of your Prom, get into that position", which I knew was "doggy style". I crawled up and put my pussy in the air and even though it could not be penetrated, I knew Sharon would find the right spot. One of the girls, pulled my negligee up and I knew Sharon had the vibrator and almost immediately she found the "sweet spot" and I started moaning. I heard Brenda say, "oh that looks so inviting, I think I will participate". I had my head down, but before I knew it, Brenda had her dress up around her waist and positioned her self on the couch and I had her bald pussy right in front of me. I started licking and Sharon made the comment, "my she is multi-talented". Sharon kept up the rubbing and I kept licking, but I could not take it anymore and blew my load into the latex vagina. Brenda was close, but when she knew I came, she grabbed my head and "groaned oh no my little tiara dear, your not stopping until I cum". I could feel the cum seeping out of the latex vagina and down my stockings, but kept licking. Brenda eventually came and I got off the couch and quickly ran downstairs to my bedroom to clean up. I took off the latex vagina and washed up and put on a fresh pair of panties and pantyhose and went back upstairs.

Brad and Sharon and Brenda were chatting and when I came back upstairs we all gave each other little kisses and thanked each other for a lovely evening and Brad and Brenda left. Sharon came and gave me a big kiss and then grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway to her bedroom. As we got in, we had to hang up our dresses and clean things up and I noticed the time on the clock, it was 4:45am, and I was exhausted. I crawled in the bed and Sharon as well, and I placed my head on her breasts to cuddle up, and that was the last thing I remember, until almost 3pm later in the day when I woke up.

There is more to come with Brad and Brenda.

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

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