By Kenji

Published on Nov 26, 1999



"Going home, Steve?" It was my trustworthy secretary, Tamara, posing in the doorway. "It's Friday night, you know."

"Nope," I put on my best martyr impersonation. "Have to finish this proposal by tonight. I'm a certified workaholic."

"Suit yourself," Tamara shrugged, playing along. "Each to his own. I won't judge."

I was so engrossed in my work that the next time I took a peek at the wall clock hanging between my many certificates, it was 9. I picked up the office phone and pressed a button to activate my pre-recorded home number. Emma, my wife answered in a jiffy. We exchanged a few words. I promised to be home before midnight.

Putting down the instrument, I licked my parched lips and realized I was thirsty. Picking up my empty coffee mug, I promptly headed for the office kitchenette. But as I was passing the photocopying room, the whirring sound and a flash of light told me that someone else besides myself was in the office. I poked my head in and saw that it was my business partner, George Kane.

If not for his glasses and tie, George would resembled a ruffian, rather than a pen-pushing whim that he was, with his sturdy built, broad shoulders and thick bull-like neck. As the Xerox machine lighted up a second time, it highlighted the lines etched deep in Bob's meaty face.

"Hey there, buddy," I called out.

George nearly jumped out of his skin. "Jesus!"

"Sorry," I apologised.

George nodded and went back to his task.

By now, I realized something was amiss. Being a natural nosy parker, I inquired, "Everything okay, George?"

"Oh yeah," George answered absent-mindedly.

"Anything you want to talk about?" I pushed on.

George's lips were drawn tight and his eyes flashed dangerously. The last thing I wanted was to be turned into a bloody pulp by those hammer-like fists so I backed off and left George to continue with his meditation.

With a steaming mug of coffee on my desk, I felt rejuvenated and pushed on with my work, resolute to complete it so that I would not have to burn my weekend. I was looking forward to the slow, long lovemaking session with Emma, which we both agreed was a great way to spend our weekends.

Like all men, my mind started to drift as soon as it hit upon the subject of sex, which was why I did not realize George had entered my office until he gave a conspicuous cough. Guiltily, I looked at my business partner and tried to smile - all the time thankful for the big desk between my hard-on and him.

"So what's up?" I asked, in an off-handed way.

To my horror, George broke down and blubbed openly like a schoolgirl. I passed Kleenex to George as he poured forth his tale of domestic disturbance. Sheila, his wife of more than twenty years and the mother of his two grown children, had threaten to divorce him because of a fling with a barmaid. Caught off guard, I dished out the tested and proven advices that Oprah Winfrey gave generously to her emotional guests on her weekly talk show. What are the odds of one wife's walking into a bar with her lady friends just when her husband had one of his hands up a barmaid's skirt, George asked, unabashed.

In a perverted way, the image of George's fur-covered hand under a barmaid's skirt turned me on and my subdued hard-on was resurrected. The confession must have been therapeutic for George, for he promptly fell asleep on my couch, snoring loudly, as soon as his tears dried up.

I, having other things on my mind, made my way towards the men's room. After the graphic description of George's escapade with the barmaid, I had decided not to wait for Emma. With my fly undone and the front of my boxer shorts pulled down, I jerked my cock furiously - desperate for the inevitable release. As George said what are the odds of your business partner walking in on you as you are masturbating in front of the urinal in an empty toilet?

Nevertheless, trust George the buffalo, to pick the worst time to wash his tear-stained face. Although he could not see what I was doing from where he stood, my beet red face and awkward posture were dead giveaways as to what I was doing. I thought George would beat a hasty retreat to ease the embarrassment but instead, he came over and stood at the next urinal with his eyes trained on my prick, which was turning to a ghastly shade of purple.

Rubbing his big nose in an annoying manner, he said in an amused tone, "Busy, Steve?"

I would have broken his nose on the spot if I weren't holding onto my cock with my hands. "Fuck off, George."

"Hey, you're the one holding onto your cock, not me," he said, mockingly.

"Fuck off!" I almost screamed the place down but our security guard, having dozed off on his job, did not come crashing into the men's room.

George shrugged and turned his feet around. Thinking that he was finally shoving off and minding his own business, I closed my eyes momentarily to regain my composure - only to feel his hot breath against the skin of my neck. Before I knew it, George had slung one arm over my chest and the other was taking my cock in its hand. "Old pervert," I scolded but it did not put him off. As a matter of fact, it seemed to egg him on as he planted a large wet kiss on my cheek.

"Mm, it's been years since I kiss a man's cheek and smelled his aftershave."

I could have resisted but I knew my heart was not in it. Even though George was both taller and heavier, I would have toppled him with a few karate moves. Frankly, I was strangely excited by the prospect of having sex with my business partner who was ten years my senior. I had long admired George's bulky physique and had acted out quite a few fantasies with him in the showers and it seemed that my fantasies were finally coming true.

I felt his coarse face rubbed against mine and heard his plead, "Kiss me, Steve."

I did not feel repulsed when our lips locked and felt his tongue exploring my mouth. It had an interesting taste of coffee and tobacco instead of the usual taste of Emma's toothpaste and mouth-wash. All the time, his hand was jerking my cock so that I was completely under his spell.

At one point, he got so excited that he leant his full weight on me, nearly crushing me against the toilet wall. He quickly regained control when I whimpered. But obviously having done this before in his youth, George proceeded to kneel before me and take my cock in his slobbering mouth. There was something touching about a great hulk of a man willingly go on his knees to please you. I must admit was a most heavenly experience to have his tongue skilfully tickling my prick head and teasing my testicle sags.

We only paused to get undress, carefully placing our neatly folded clothes on top of the automatic drier. Naked, George resembled a bear with coarse dark hair covering his entire chest, which tended to get in the way when I was searching for his nipples in order to return his favours. Thick black hair grew on his arms, in his armpits, on his thighs and every conceivable place on his body except his head, which had a bald spot. Being inexperienced, I hurt George with my over enthusiastic cock sucking complete with teeth.

"Hey, hold back the teeth, buddy," George advised softly. "Use your lips."

But I was a fast learner. Soon, George was moaning and pulling my head deep into his groin so much so that I nearly choked on his huge dick, which was uncut and juicy like a German sausage.

We were so engrossed in the fucking session that we ended up a tangled mass on the toilet floor and the inevitable moment arrived when George spread my legs wide, a post which is usually assumed by Emma and asked if he could claim my cherry. For a moment, I was tempted. The thought of George fucking me was sending my sexual desire into an overdrive. However, we both acknowledged that neither of us had the presence of mind to bring lubricant and condoms to the office.

"Well, I never thought I would have an office affair," I said, jokingly. "Least of all you - George."

In the end, we agreed not to risk it but settled with George rubbing his penis against the opening of my anus. But we did not have to have a penetration in our union to bring us to seventh heaven, for George came almost as soon as his prick-head came into contact with my anus. He pushed against the tight opening a little but it was not enough to get his semen inside my ass. Instead, it spilled over onto the tiled floor as he grunted loudly, his sexual needs satisfied.

Crawling forward until his eyes were level with mine, this was when I realized he hadn't taken off his glasses all along. I took them off and stared deep into his intense blue eyes, which was mellow with afterglow. He lowered himself and kissed me deeply. I had always been turned on by kisses and George's kiss was just the thing to bring my agony to an abrupt end. With one hand working ferociously on my cock and another grabbing George's tits through his turf, I spurted forceful droplets of my seeds onto both our bellies. It was such a powerful cum that my mind spun giddily into blackness and back. There was no way I was going to feel like this again.


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