Two to Tango

By Alex Carr / Julyguy / Jlyguy / Writersparody

Published on Sep 1, 2013



Two to Tango

"You just have to be honest with yourself and accept what is what" I scoffed. David was really beginning to annoy and aggravate me with his self examining, coming up with all the old rubbish about being homosexual is unreal, dirty and not vary nice. His mum had said it was ugly, depraving and unnatural to have sex with one 's own genre and with like many of us, what mum says goes and stays. But he was curious and apprehensive at the same time to involve himself. I love him dearly which was even more annoying because, although he would never admit it, I know he felt the same way. But always there in his mind was his mum holding him back. He was plainly interested in the other sex, that was evident. He liked them of course but that was as afar as it went and he soon discovered the truth when one rather forward girl tried vainly to seduce him in the park. He told me about it, how she kissed him and how he sort of liked that but when she tried other things it ended up with the girl being very upset that he couldn't raise even an eyebrow, no matter how she ventured to try. "Then don't you see David. You are truly like me and the sooner you come out and see that, you will feel much better and complete. You pretend I am only a friend but I know you have intimate feelings for me. I just wish you would chill out and let yourself go and discover your true self." "But what if - what if mum finds out, Peter?" "Fucking' hell, you are a grown man. You are twenty for God's sake and it is your life and your business." I was yelling at him like a Dutch uncle and it crossed my mind that he could have turned off me if I didn't watch it. But instead the opposite. David really was thinking about it, I could tell, the way he looked with those gorgeous deep brown eyes. He was some lovely guy and I fancied the pants off of him. But of late I was staring to believe that this could not go on, because all the time I was getting more and more aggravated and frustrated and in the end it would finish up that I would lose control and rape him. And that would do no good at all. Seeing he was trying hard to express himself I decided to prompt him. Why not? The way things going it could all end anyway so I needed to take chances. I gently placed a hand on his right thigh , stroked it some, telling him how good it would be if he and I could really let go. "You do like me David don't you?" He stuttered a bit and then came out with it. That he liked me more than I would think. "Tell me David?" I asked . I felt there was at last a breakthrough and instead of simply stroking his thigh I took the plunge and did what I had always wanted to do since we first met at the bowling club, when I saw a wonderful display of his bending butt, looking so absolutely tight and sexy in those skin tight sexy jeans he wears, and very, very fuckable. I moved my hand gently into his groin and laid it over his centrepiece, very nice. `What would he do, how would he react?' my thoughts His face flushed and I think at that moment he had at last made a decision to be himself. "You have yelled and called me all the names under the sun, Peter" he said and I think it is that which has made me see reason. I do have feelings for you, I guess I have for a long time but to be honest I am plain scared, not just of my mum's strict doctrine but of going further sexually with another guy. But with you it all seems okay." He parted his thighs a little which was wonderful and very appealing so I went a step further and squeezed him there. "You feel so warm and essential "I told him And then to break the ice I added "No problem there about eye -brows not raising!" I laughed and he immediately responded. I bent down and sniffed him up a little , which I always enjoy. Although I could tell he was still struggling I simply continued just to gently massage him so he knew he wasn't under any pressure. It felt nice and yielding though so we were half way there "I know I can tell you my secrets but I have experimented with things I secretly bought from the private shop, but all the time I felt guilty and like I was holding a great big secret over my head." "What things? I asked curious to know. "Anal things, like dildo's and vibrators." "You poor boy" I said beginning to unzip him then. All the time he was happy just to talk and tell me about those secret things he did with himself. I said it could never be like the real thing, that I would show him that. I soon had his growing erection neatly in my hand and felt the need to enjoy that again, It had been a long time since Danny who left me for a coloured guy. With one hand I carried on squeezing , then a little light jerking and with the other I found his balls, nice and warm and firm. It was truly a thrilling episode helping to bring David out. It wasn't just hi mum and the damage she had done to him mentally, making him think he was abnormal but also the act itself. Would it mean would want to put yours inside me?" "I would like that. But first things first. A couple of understanding guys can quite well please each other don't other things. I will show you if you would like David?" "It is just that I would like that, but I am not sure if I could do the

same to you." "Don't worry about it, it is no big problem. The only problem is you, forgetting what your mum has incorrectly told you . "It seems to me you have leanings to be the queen and I shall be your bucking bronco" I smiled "That is what they call a guy who takes the woman's part, yes?" "Believe what ever is right for you. I shall tell you now I have fancied the pants off you ever since I saw you and crave to get into your ass. Now does that put it all tom rights David?" David looked so happy and at last began to relax. I said just to lay back and enjoy because that is what I intended. It was so nice, so absolutely thrilling to know that I was David's very first lover, so I intended to make it so right for him after all the anxiety and frustration he had suffered because of his thoughtless mum. But at the end of the day, she was still his mum and I had to respect that. David was the result of a one night stand and I was thinking that perhaps all she wanted to clear that bigoted mind of hers was good session with a toy boy, but I would never say that to David. "Now tell me if you don't want me to do things" I whispered as I gently stretched back that gorgeous long appendage of his. "That is nice, I trust you Peter. I really do. You are helping me accept my true self and feel so very much better already." I said we need to use the language fitting to our new relationship and he accepted that without the flick of an eyelid and soon I was tasting cock again, that certain exclusive taste of a mixture of sea salt, earthiness and the scent of pungent cock. I sucked him slow and deep and waited for his favourable response. "It that okay?! I asked again leaving off for a moment. Just his expression said all, and his approving moan so I was intent on sucking, then squeezing, sucking again until his throb said he wanted to cum.. He told me so, said that he was concerned I would not like that but with what I was doing he could not hold back much longer. I stiffened my wanking which displayed my reply, this cock wanted gratifying and as I watched him draw his head right back, heard his excessive moans. I stopped just for a couple of seconds, that time between when the build up was about to break and then it happened. A glorious spurt of wonderful hot white fluid which did David proud. He didn't know it then but I was almost about to fuck that ass for the very first time, I needed a lubricant but his spunk sufficed, prompting him to be doggy for me I promptly got to work on that voluptuous ass and just let myself go enjoying his curves to the full. "Will it hurt David?" "A little first time but I shall be careful." "I know now I want that more than anything." "Good!" I replied stretching those gorgeous ass cheeks, so tight and impelling, that succulent brown hole between, just waiting to be explored and fucked. I wanted the raw taste of ass again, I really did, I cried out for it, it was the perfect pre-fuck exercise. I gave him a glimpse of what was to come, I knew it would make his eyes water. "Wow!" he yelled. And I knew he was scared at that moment. His eyes were

fearsome so I had to get to it. To stop now would be sacrilege. I just had to have his ass, deep and throbbing, To feel the tightness of fresh unadulterated ass was a true pleasure to seek, and prepare for future times together. I got into place and rolled it around in between, he grunted and groaned and I let him feel the bulk of it begin to open him up. He yelled, he screamed but said not to stop. Perhaps I shouldn't have let him see it but it was too late now, I was ripe for the fuck. I said for him to hold his breath and grit his teeth and I went to it. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" he grunted as started to thrust, pulling and pushing, his beautiful ass responding and it was lovely to hear the slap of my balls against his thighs as I indulged. By the time I had cum he was a in tears but that was maybe due to my slapping his ass which was apart of my thing when fucking. He simply laid there, on the carpet afterwards flat out and looking so warm and flushed. Had I done it right for him?. Once he was cool again he told me it was the most wonderful experience ever. "It was good huh?" I asked stretching him and inspecting his hole. It was still open and looked gorgeously cherry red and well fucked and told David that We indulged afterwards in some minor mutual oral stuff and I showed him how best I liked him to suck cock. He loved it and said he wondered how ever I got it inside him. "Well it takes two to tango" I replied. And you Tango was supreme.

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