Two Worlds Collide

By Shaun C.

Published on Sep 27, 1999


Two Worlds Collide, Part II: Awakenings

Standard disclaimer applies: This story is fiction, a fantasy of the author's creation. Nothing in this story should be taken as proof or even a tiny speck of evidence that anyone mentioned in this story (i.e. The Backstreet Boys, or any other person who wanders in) is gay, bisexual, asexual, or even omnisexual. If you under the legal age in your area (18, most likely), am-scray. If you are offended by homosexual content, then I'd advise you not to read any further, as you might "catch it" or something. If you are the Rev. Fred Phelps, then by all means, I hope this story excites your little heart to the point of bursting.

Now, on with the show.

*** Time unkown... ***

Gavin and Brian were a tangle of two bodies. Arms, legs, all of it wrapped around other parts; a single, writhing mass of sweat and sex. Loud moans filled an empty night sky, fingernails dug into skin deep enough to draw blood, and sweat made eyes sting. But then suddenly it wasn't Brian - it was Gavin and Kevin. Then Nick. Then A.J. Then Howie. Then Brian again... the cycle went on and on for hours, until finally...

*** 10:30 a.m. ***

Gavin sat up in the hospital bed, the sheets clinging to him even through his clothes - the entire bed was soaked in sweat. Taking several deep breaths, he looked around at the empty room and frowned. Why was he in a hospital? For that matter, what hospital was he in? He lowered himeslf back down against the wet mattress, and stared up at the ceiling for several minutes. Slowly, the memories of the night before came back - enjoying the concert, having a grand old time, and then blacking out and waking up in the hospital. But then, where were the Boys at? Not that he really expected them to be there - they likely had better things to do than worry about him.

As if fate were taunting him, the door opened and Brian peeked into the room. "Anybody awake?" he asked, unable to see the bed from the doorway. Hearing Gavin grunt in reply, Brian let himself in the rest of the way. "I.. WE were starting to wonder if you were ever going to wake up," he said, standing at the foot of the bed. Noting the somewhat surprised look on the other man's face, Brian added, "What? Did you think we weren't going to be here?"

"Truthfully? No, not really. I figured you'd get wrapped up in business."

Brian frowned for a moment, a little hurt. Did Gavin really think so little of them? He was kind of insulted, really. But he let it go. "Well, shows what you get for thinking."

Gavin chuckled a little, and forced himself to sit up again. He peeled the sheet away from himself and let it pool in his lap. Brian glanced at the sweat-soaked bed and frowned. "You alright? You look like you had a nightmare."

'A nightmare?' Gavin thought. 'More like a fantasy.' But he said, "No.. not a nightmare... Just a dream."

"Hm. Wanna share?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"It's just not a good idea."

"You sure?"


"Whatever," Brian said with a shrug. "Listen.. the doctor says you'll be able to go today. You wanna maybe hang out with us?"

Gavin considered. He hardly considered himself the type that normally "hung out" with celebrities - much less cute ones. "If this is just a guilt thing, a 'Gosh-we-kind-of-owe-him', then no. If it's an honest offer, though... sure, why not?"

Brian was quiet for a bit. 'Damn,' he thought, 'this guy is suspcious of everything.'

"Hm," Gavin said after a minute. "That's what I thought. Thanks for the offer, even if it wasn't sincere." He lay back against the bed, letting his eyes drift shut. Why on earth would THEY want to be around HIM? He was nothing to them - just another fan, albeit one who got injured at THEIR concert. Even so, they didn't really OWE him, and even if they DID... His thoughts were interrupted by Brian speaking.

"What's your problem?"

"Come again?" Gavin said, opening his eyes.

"I said, what's your problem? You've been kind of an ass this morning, in case you haven't noticed."

Gavin was quiet for a moment. He supposed that he HAD been a little rough... "I'm sorry," he said, lowering his eyes, then quickly raising them when they settled on Brian's crotch. He started blushing furiously. "It's just been a long couple of days. No excuse, I know."

Brian raised an eyebrow at the sight of the other man's blushing. He had never seen someone turn that red! What could be the cause? Well, no matter. "So, are you going to join us then?"

"Alright, alright.. You twisted my arm," Gavin said after a minute, then blushed further as he thought back to his dream. Brian had twisted more than his arm, there. He hadn't even been sure which arm was his... He felt himself breaking out into another sweat, and quickly brought his attention back to Brian, who was staring at him with mouth half-open. "What?" Gavin asked, grinning a little.

"Uh... nothing, nothing," Brian said quickly. What a strange mental image he'd just gotten - him and Gavin wrapped together on a hillside, making love under the night sky... It shook him up. He would never... not with HIM... He wasn't that attractive... And besides, he was trying to keep from having those urges... He had to keep his image straight. HAD to, for the sake of the group.

"Whatever," Gavin said with a shrug. "So, when do we go?"

"Go? Oh! Right... Um, whenever the doctor says you can."

A voice from the doorway made them both jump. "That would be whenver Mr. Murphy cares to leave." Gavin looked past Brian as the doctor rounded the corner. "Like I was saying, Mr. Murphy... There doesn't appear to be any permanent damage, or even a concussion. You're a very lucky man. Oh, and don't worry about the bill; it's been taken care of." With that, the doctor nodded at Brian, turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Gavin smiled up at Brian. "Well, that takes care of that, I suppose. Care to give me a hand?" He reached out, not feeling the steadiest just yet.

Brian nodded and mutely took the offered hand, pulling Gavin upward and helping him from the bed. As Gavin stood, his legs gave out, and he went crashing forward against Brian. Both toppled to the floor, and they lay there staring into each other's eyes - Gavin into Brian's beautiful blue eyes, and Brian into the darkest green eyes he had ever seen. A long moment passed as the two looked at one another. Their lips moved closer, no words passing between them. A mere breath passed the space between their lips, when suddenly Gavin sat nearly bolt upright. He couldn't... it wouldn't be right.

Brian frowned for a moment, but also sat up. The moment was gone now, over with as quickly as it had begun.

"I... I'm sorry," Gavin said with a frown. "That...shouldn't have happened."

"Yes it sh.. I mean, you're right."

Gavin looked strangely at the Backstreet Boy for a moment - was Brian actually saying he WANTED it to happen? Impossible. Gavin stood up, a bit wobbly at first, but slowly gaining his balance. The two were quiet again for a long while, staring off into space, deep in their own thoughts. Finally, a knock at the door broke the quiet.

"You two alright in there?" came a voice from beyond.

"Yeah... yeah, we're fine, Kev.." Brian replied shakily. "Gav's just having some trouble getting his bearings."

"You sure?"

"Yes!" Brian shouted, suddenly very flustered. What had nearly happened between them? It was just too close...

"Alright, alright... geez. Sorry," came the reply.

Gavin slowly gathered the few things that had come in with him. He turned to look at Brian, only to find that the other man had already left the room.

"Shit," he said to an empty room. "What the hell's going to happen now?"

What, indeed?

***End, Part 2 ***

Author's note: Again, no sex. But don't worry... it will come. Also, sorry that this part is as short as it is. I promise that the next part will make up for it. If you like what you've read so far, or even if you haven't, feel free to write me at I'm always up for criticism.


Next: Chapter 3

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