Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jan 30, 2008


Hi! This is my new fiction, set in a AU where the characters (Justin Timberlake, Chad Michael Murray, Britney etc.) aren't famous and all go to university.... If you like it please contact me at cliomiao@hotmail.it.

Disclaimer: I don't know the true sexualities of the celebrity mentioned and this is all a work of fiction.


Episode 1 First day

When that last bell had rang three months before, Justin Timberlake had thought that that was the happiest moment of his life. It meant that it was finally over. That the nightmare had ended forever. Wrong.

The nightmare had just started again. University had just begun.


Justin Timberlake (he's the Justin from the early solo years, "Cry me a river" Justin)


Britney Spears (When she still had hair and wasn't fat)

Ryan Philippe

Paris Hilton

Wade Robson

Chad Michael Murray

And... Chris Evans

Chapter 1 Justin

Justin was still looking horrified at the building in front of him. It was a big and modern university, with an enormous campus.

-Scary, uh?- whispered someone in his ear coming from behind him. Justin turned around to find one of his best friend, Rihanna, smiling at him. --Just when we thought it was finally over, here we go again!-

-That's exactly what I was going to say!-

-Hey, we're telepathic!! We should go to those stupid tv programmes about alien's conspiracies and become famous!-

-Who's going on tv?- asked Justin's other best friend, Britney Spears, appearing beside him, chewing gum. --I wanna go on tv too.-

-Brit, honey, put your brain back to sleep, you don't need it anyway.- said Rihanna.

-Hey, that is offensive!!! I mean... I don't understand why, but I'm sure it is.-

-Yeah, goodnight honey.- smiled Rihanna in response, then turned to Justin --So... Spotted any hotties, Jus?-

-I just got here!-

-I just got here too, but I've got eyes.- smirked Rihanna --Have you all seen Usher? He's a sophomore, and let me tell you, he gives us a totally new definition of hotness. I mean, I was so tired of Highschool boys, they're so... Immature... No offence, Jus.-

-None taken.- said Justin --I must agree that University boys are hotter.-

-Oh, so you do have eyes!- smiled Rihanna --So... Who do you like?-

-Well... There's that boy sitting under that tree... The one in the quarterback jacket...-

-No offence, Jus, but you have no chance. He's: a) a senior; b) the most popular guy on campus; c) straight as an arrow.-

Britney intervened: -Actually, he's kind of lumpy with all those muscles and...-

-Hon?- interrupted her Rihanna.


-What did we say about putting your brain to bed?-

-You know- said Justin --It's kind of weird. In high school we were like, so popular and now we're just...-

-Freshmen. Eeew - finished his sentence a female voice coming from behind them with a snobby tone.

They turned around to see the stupid face of Paris Hilton staring at them with superiority.

-Paris, you're a freshman too.- said Rihanna.

-But I already know everyone on campus.-

-Just because you've done everyone on campus it doesn't mean you know them.-

-You're telling me this? Everyone knows you've had sex with all the football team in high school.-

-At least I didn't do it with the chess club.-

-Blowjobs don't count as sex.- replied Paris --Anyway, I don't have time to lose with you... losers. Ahahah, got the pun? I have to go. My boyfriend's waiting for me.-

And after these words she left, walking like a slut in her slutty miniskirt.

-I pity his boyfriend.- said Rihanna --I mean, having to have her around all day... He must be some kind of saint. Or maybe he's too much of a loser and can't leave her `cause he'll never find someone else as hot as her.-

She hadn't finished her sentence that they saw Paris walking to Ryan Philippe and started making out with him under the tree.

-Life is so unfair.- complained Justin.

-You know, we've been here looking at the college for almost half an hour. I have to go, I have to put my things in my new room.- said Rihanna, looking slightly disgusted at the sight of Paris pushing Ryan on the ground sitting on him as she almost strangled him with her tongue.-

-Oh... What dorm are you in? Maybe we're near each other...- asked Justin looking at the map of the campus.

-I'm in the... Banana dorm? "Banana" dorm? What kind of name is "Banana"?-

-Consider yourself lucky, I'm in the "Cabbage" dorm.-

-That sucks. Hey, at least we're near each other.- said Rihanna looking at the map --Anyway, the boxes are still in my car, I'll drive us there. Brit, are you coming too? You'll make us company.-

-Oh, I can't...- answered Britney --I've promised Wade I'd meet him here.-

-Are you still dating that jerk?- asked Rihanna.

-Hey, he's cool.- defended him Justin.

-Of course you think that. He's like... So gay.- replied Rihanna --I mean, he wants to become a choreographer and has been dating for three years a girl who doesn't want to have sex until marriage. How gay is that?-

-He only respects me and doesn't want to rush me.- replied Britney slightly offended.

-Like I said: gay. I wonder how you still haven't spotted him on your gaydar, Jus.-

Britney gave her the finger.

Ten minutes after their car was parked in front of the "Banana" dorm and Justin was helping Rihanna unpacking her things by bringing the boxes inside the room.

-I thought you were going to bring just the necessary...-panted Justin as he carried another heavy box inside, full of shoes.

-My prada collection is very necessary, thank you very much. So be a man and stop whining.- replied Rihanna.

-Where are you going to put all this stuff anyway?-

-I'm sure my room mate will understand.-

-Who is she by the way? Have you met her?-

Suddenly a voice came from behind them.

-That would be me.-

It had been a cute blonde to talk. She looked kind of punky, with heavy mascara, a semi-open shirt with a tie and a miniskirt.

-And no, you can't use half of my wardrobe for your prada collection.-

-Oh, wonderful, a fake-punk, I just love those.- whispered sarcastically Rihanna in Justin's ear.

-I'm Avril Lavigne- greeted herself the girl.

-I'm Rihanna.- replied Rihanna not too enthusiastically.

-And who's this? Your boyfriend?-

-No. Just a friend. I'm single.-

-I'm not surprised.- replied Avril Lavigne --You're probably just one for quickies, right?-

-I'm not even going to ask you if you have a boyfriend. The answer is clearly no. Boys don't like emos. Well... Unless they can kick and punch them around.-

-Okay, ladies.- intervened Justin --You've just met. How about you tried to be civilised?-

-Whatever.- said both Rihanna and Avril rolling their eyes.

-Okay... Ree, why don't you take me to my dorm before you start hitting each other?-

-Fine.- answered Rihanna, and they got into the car.

-I was gonna win anyway in a fight.- she said.

-I don't know. She had metal boots. A kick would've hurt.-

-This is your stop, Cabbage boy.- said Rihanna stopped the car.

-Thanks for the ride, Banana girl. Are you going to help me carry the boxes inside?-

-Are you kidding me? I just had my nails done.-

-Hey! I helped you!-

-Okay then. But you owe me one.-

-No I don't. I helped you, now you help me,-

-But I also gave you a ride in the car.-

-I made you copy my homework in sixth grade.-

-I kicked in the balls that bully that stole your breakfast when we were four.-

-I joined the swim team to be friends with Michael Newton so you could meet him.-

-No, you joined the swim team because you wanted to see naked guys in the shower.-

-Also for that, yes.-

-Then you owe me one.- finished Rihanna.

-Next time I'll just get a taxi.- laughed Justin as Rihanna got down and grabbed a box.

-I hope you have an emo room mate too. Or at least a geek.- mumbled Rihanna as they walked through the corridor to get to Justin's room. --Or, you know, you could have a really, really nerdy room mate that never goes out and will make you play Dungeons and Dragons...-

Justin rolled his eyes as they finally got to his room's door.

Rihanna didn't stop talking.

-And then you will have fun all night playing with World Of Warcraft, and...-

When the door was finally open, revealing a messy room with clothes and books spread everywhere, she finally shut up. In front of them was standing Ryan Philippe, wearing just his white calvin klein boxer briefs and one sock. He was frenetically looking for something.

-Knock knock- said Rihanna, as she and Justin stared at Ryan's crotch.

Ryan turned around and saw them. Justin immediately stopped looking at the underwear and mouthed a silent and embarrassed "Hi".

-So... You must be Justin, right?- said Ryan, walking to Justin without even bothering to cover himself. --Hi, I'm Ryan. Your room mate.-

Then he turned at Rihanna and quickly checked her out.

-Enchantè.- he told her blinking an eye.

-Oh, how classy. Talking French wearing just your underwear and one sock...- replied Rihanna.

-Erm, sorry about that. My girlfriend just left... We were just... you know... We got kind of wild.-

-Don't apologize. I kind of like the sight.- said Rihanna licking her lips.

-Okay. Will you please stop flirting while I'm here?- stopped them Justin --And, dude, you've got a girlfriend.-

-Yeah, big deal, she's Paris Hilton.- said Rihanna --She has a new boyfriend every day.-

-Are you saying my girlfriend's a whore?- asked Ryan a little angry.

-Oh please... At least whores get paid.-

-Ooookay Ree...- intervened Justin --I think you're in a bit of a bad mood today. Try not to fight with Ryan as well. You know what? I can unpack my stuff by myself... How about you go back and fight with your room mate?-

-What? Why? I haven't said anything wrong! Paris is a slut and...-

-Okay, Ree, I think that's enough, bye bye.- said Justin, pushing her out of the door and locking it.

-Now you owe me two favours, Jus!!!- shouted Rihanna before finally leaving.

Justin looked apologetically at Ryan (it was also an excuse to stare at his great almost naked body).

-Sorry about my friend.- he said --She's bit of... Well, a bit of a bitch, actually. But once you get to know her she's really great. She's just really... Honest. -

-I'm just glad I didn't meet her when she had her PMs. And she's kind of hot anyway.- replied Ryan. --Do you want help unpacking?-

-Yeah, thank you. Where should I put my stuff?-

-Well... My bed is the one on the left.- said Ryan pointing at a messy bed --So we can put all your stuff on the right.-

-If we find space.- frowned Justin, seeing all the things thrown around in "his" part of the room.

-Sorry about the mess.- apologized Ryan --It's just that with the football trainings, the lessons and stuff, I never find the time to clean up. --

Justin just stayed horrified for a couple of seconds. He hated mess. He got kind of obsessive-compulsive when he saw a messy room. And now he had to live in one?

-No problem.- he said, forcing himself to smile --Just as long as we don't end up living with spiders and mushrooms.-

-Don't worry about the spider, my cat will kill them all.- replied Ryan happily.

-You have a cat?- asked even more horrified Justin. If the was one thing that he hated more than mess, that was cats.

-Yeah. I know it's against the dorm rules, but my grandma died and I didn't want to abandon her. She's so sweet... C'mon, HotPussy, come out...-

Just then a black cat that Justin would have called anything but sweet jumped out from the top of a wardrobe hissing with an homicidal look.

-Oh... How cute...- said Justin unconvinced, stepping back from the aggressive beast.

Normally he would have already gone psychotic and killed his room mate, but Ryan was too cute to get angry with. If the price to pay to live with him (and see him in underwear) was a messy room and a crazy cat, Justin was ready to pay.

-Know what?- said Ryan --How about I show you the campus first... Then we'll unpack your things together, I'm not in the mood right now.-

-Okay- agreed Justin --You're a senior, right?-

-How do you know?- asked Ryan --Doesn't matter, actually... You're a freshman, right?-

-Yeah, and everyone seems to keep on reminding me that... How did you guess?-

-Well, you've got that stunned/lost/amazed/horrified/scared look that every freshman has when he comes for the first time on campus... Hey, I'm gonna have a shower then we'll go out and I'll show you around, okay?-

-Okay, sure.- answered Justin.

Ryan turned around to face his wardrobe and grabbed a towel. Then he simply took his underwear off, showing Justin his bare ass.

Justin stared, amazed, his jag almost hitting the floor: he was looking at the ass of the hottest boy in the all University!!! He could also see part of Ryan's big cock swinging between his legs.

Justin immediately got hard and to hide his bulge he immediately turned away and pretended to start unpacking his stuff.

Ryan put a towel around his waist, grabbed a bottle of soap and got out in the corridor, aiming for the showers.

The moment he got out, Justin just couldn't help himself: he sat on the bed, unzipped his jeans, grabbed his cock and started jerking off looking at a black pair of Ryan's briefs discarded on the floor.

As he stroked his seven and a half inches cut cock, Justin pictured in his mind Ryan's great ass, and what he had seen of Ryan's cock. He then imagined himself bobbing his head between Ryan's legs, sucking his hard cock.

Just the thought made him even harder and he started stroking his cock faster.

He closed his eyes, thinking of Ryan pounding his ass doggy style, and has he kept on stroking, he put the other hand under his t-shirt, caressing his hard nipples and pecs.

The thought of Ryan fucking him was just too hot, and Justin took off his trousers and briefs and resumed his jerk-off session, this time rubbing a finger around his anus.

He put one finger up his ass and pushed it as far as it'd go and started moving it in and out.

-Yes...- he moaned --Fuck me, Ryan... Yeah...-

He felt his balls tighten, and was just about to come, when...

-AAAAAARGH!!- he screamed in pain. It felt as is someone was biting his cock. He opened his eye and saw Hotpussy hissing as she scratched his dick.

-NO!- screamed Justin. --Bad kitty!-

Suddenly Hotpussy jumped and bit Justin's floppy dick, and then didn't let go.

-NO!- yelled Justin --Down you bitch! Let it go! AAAAH!-

-Are you raping my cat?- asked Ryan as he got in, still wet and with a towel around his waist.

Justin blushed and thought he was going to die of shame.

-What? NO! She... attacked me! I was just... I was...-

Ryan laughed.

-Don't worry, I get it.- he said while Justin tried to push the cat away --First day, you were kind of stressed, so you needed some release.- Justin became even more red. --Don't worry, it's normal. But I should have told you that Hotpussy... Well, she kinds of... She think dick is a like a mouse or something. I'm sorry.-

Ryan said all that trying not to laugh, then he walked to Justin and stroked Hotpussy on the back. The cat immediately started purring and let go of Justin dick.

Justin quickly put his hurting cock back in his pants.

-Just stroke her on the back next time.- said Ryan, still chuckling.

About an half an hour later, when Ryan had gotten dressed and Justin had almost got over his embarrassment, the two of them were in the cafeteria laughing and talking.

-So... How did you meet Paris?- asked him Justin, after a bit of talking.

-At a party. She gave me a blowjob in the bathroom- answered Ryan with casualness. Justin almost choked on his coffee.

-Actually, she was drunk and giving blowjobs to everyone. How do you know her?-

-We were in Highschool together.-

-Oh, really? Did you nail her?-

-No...- replied Justin --She's not my type... Plus, I don't want to get diseases.- then he realized what he had just said --Not that she's a slut or anything... Or that she has disease.-

-Don't worry, I know that Paris is... very generous, if you know what I mean. Were you friends?-

-No, we didn't really get along. I don't hang out with people like her.-

-What kind of people do you hang out with?-

-People with a soul.- replied Justin without thinking, then quickly added --With a soul like mine, I meant. Of course she has a soul, she's not a heartless evil bitch who makes fun of every one who isn't rich...-

-Okay, maybe it's better if we stop talking about her and talk about you. Do you have a girlfriend?-

-Erm... No, I'm single-

-Why? I mean, you're good looking and everything.-

-Guess I haven't found the person for me.-

-It's better for you this way. You can have more fun... You know, loads of Fraternity parties full of drunken hotties to go to. About that, the Zeta Beta is having party just tonight. You coming? I'm gonna go.-

-I don't know... It's the first day, maybe I'll have to start study, you know, to have a good beginning.-

-What?! I don't wanna hear it. You're in University. You're not going to waste your time studying. Rule number one: try to get as much credits as you can studying the least you can.-

-What are you studying?-

-Law. Last year. What about you?-


-Sounds interesting. You know, once I...-

Suddenly a blonde boy sat nest to them and patted Ryan on the back, who looked at him extremely annoyed.

-Are you telling the freshman about all the fun we have together?- asked the blonde with a wide grin on his face.

-We don't have fun together, Chad. I hate you.- replied Ryan.

-Oh, C'mon, Ry, that's not very nice of you.-

-Was it nice of you to get me kicked off the Zeta Beta? Was it nice of you to sleep with Reese?-

-Yes it was. For Reese.- smirked Chad --Aren't you going to introduce me to your new little friend?-

-I'm Justin.- introduced himself Justin, not too convinced.

-It's a pleasure.- said Chad.

-The pleasure's all yours- retorted Ryan --Now please leave.-

-C'mon Ryan, don't be rude. You don't wanna give little Justin the wrong example, do you?-

-You're right. I don't wanna punch you in front of him cause that would be bad. So leave before I lose my patience.-

-Fine. I'll go fuck your slut of a girlfriend. Whooops, I already did that with Reese, I forgot.-

Ryan simply couldn't stand It anymore. He got up and punched Chad right in the face.

But Chad didn't seem upset, in spite of his nose bleeding. He just smiled and move over a little, showing an old teacher sitting in a table near theirs with an outraged look on his face.


-Hello, Jack.- said Ryan with a fake smile.


Ryan sighed and turned to Justin.

-This in going to take a while. I'll see you this evening at the zeta beta party.-he said, before following the professor.

-You're coming, Justin?- said Chad like nothing had happened --Then I'll see you there... You know, it's my fraternity, you should think of pledging.- Then he walked away, leaving an astonished Justin behind him.

Next: Chapter 2: Uc Hollywood 2 3

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