Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jan 3, 2009


Episode 5 Halloween

Previously: Britney found out about Justin and Wade, dumped Wade, befriended Paris and became a party fiend. Rihanna found the dead body of Reese Witherspoon in her bedroom's wall, and Ryan thinks that Chad did it. Also, Ryan and Justin finally slept together, but then Ryan slept with Chad so that he could steal his journal, but Chad told Justin and now Justin's pissed at Ryan...Before sleeping with Chad, Ryan broke up with Paris (who actually was going to dump him after having sex with Tom, Ryan's best friend) so that he could be with Justin. Woah this is getting complicated.

Chapter 12 Holly

Holly Valance was tired. She thought that life after college would be all great cocktail parties, great dressed and fantastic jobs, instead there she was, watching a stupid boring tv screen in the middle of the night. When she had left college the year before, she thought that life was just beginning. Instead it was ending.

And not only because she didn't find the fabulous job she wanted or because she found a boring job as the night guardian of the infamous Mors Manor, the so-called most haunted house in the world.

But it wasn't haunted at all, after all, it was just a boring place where nothing happened and where nobody came, except a couple of geek kids every now and then who wanted to see the home of Jan Mors, the most cruel serial killer of all times.

Anyway, it wasn't just this the reason why her life was ending. The main reason was that Holly was actually about to die.

It was the 30th of October. Holly knew that the 30th, the 31st and the 1st of November were the only nights where someone actually tried to get in at night, trying to get a scare by visiting the home of Jan Mors for free, so she actually had to watch the surveillance cameras, instead of taking a nap as she usually did in the other nights.

But at midnight nobody had yet tried to break in, and Holly found herself thinking about her past years at Uc Hollywood. Everything used to be great there, she was one of the most popular girls on campus, hell, she was the president of most popular sorority, the Teta Omegas, and she was full of friends and handsome boys that were ready to pay to have her.

Then came graduation, she left campus and the presidency to Fergie, her little sis in the sorority. There were promises of seeing each other again, of being friends forever but, of course, after a few phone calls, they never even heard of each other again. All the boys disappeared as well. She never found a good job, and it was like the whole world forgot about her. She once went back to campus this year, and nobody recognized her. Everyone was going on about how hot the Pussycat Dolls (a posse of sluts on campus, that were there even the year before but that Holly had always out-shone) were and about a freshman named Rihanna. Almost nobody remembered her, Holly Valance, who had ruled campus the year before, but everybody was talking about a fricking freshman. A freshman! How pathetic was that?

Holly was just thinking that when she heard a loud thump. She looked at the surveillance tapes, scared. Nope. The door was still closed and so were the windows. Nothing had come in. It must've been something that was already inside. Probably a mouse or something.

Boy was she wrong. She was just about to go back to her thoughts, when she heard steps coming from behind her. She didn't even manage to turn around to look at who it was that a long knife, maybe a scythe actually, cut her head off. Her bleeding head rolled on the floor, with still an expression of horror on it.

"Oh my god... That blood's never going to wash out from my Gucci!" was her last thought.

Episode 5 Halloween

Starring: Justin Timberlake

Ryan Philippe


Britney Spears

Chad Michael Murray

Paris Hilton

Chris Evans

Also starring: Tom Welling, Fergie, Jessica Simpson

Special guest star: Holly Valance

When Ryan woke up, Justin was already up and dressed and ready to go out.

-Hey, Justin, up this early?-

Justin didn't reply, just gave an angry snort.

Justin hadn't spoken to Ryan after that Ryan had ditched him at the Club, a week before. He just came into the room to sleep and then left early in the morning.

If Ryan had known how mad Justin would get, he would've never stayed at Chad's to sleep. Also, when he had woken up the morning after, Chad's journal was gone, making his night of passion with Chad pleasurable but useless.

Justin left the room and Ryan could only think one thing: he had to get him back.

So, half an hour later, he got dressed and went to the Zeta Beta's house. He stormed into Tom and Usher's room.

Usher wasn't there, probably he was in class since he was a good student, but Tom was still asleep.

-Tom... Wake up!- he shouted. Tom just rolled over on his stomach and groaned, without opening his eyes.

Ryan decided to take desperate measures, and pulled away Tom's blanket, revealing Tom, who slept in the nude, underneath it.

He had a great, firm ass, observed Ryan. He had seen it many times before in practice but had never noticed how muscley it was. Then Tom jumped up, now widely awake, revealing his morning wood... And Paris was right, he was hung! Ryan had seen the cock when it was soft in the showers, and always found it big, but hard was not just huge... enormous! 11 inches of meat with a pair of egg sized balls hanging under it. But for the surprise of being waken in such a harsh way, the erection quickly disappeared.

-Ryan, what the fuck?! It's cold!- said Tom, putting on a pair of boxers and taking the blanket again.

-I had to wake you up. I needed advice.- replied Ryan.

-And couldn't you ask for advice at one pm? When I was awake?-

-I need it now.-

-Well, I guess I owe you one for banging Paris...- sighed Tom –So, what is it?-

-So... There's this person I've fucked...- started Ryan.

-OH, the one you were seeing before dumping Paris. Do I know her?- asked Tom.

-No. It's just someone I've met this year, and anyway, we've had sex...-

-How was it?- Tom interrupted him again.

-Great, but that's not the point. Anyway, I really like this person, but then I screwed someone else, and now this person found out and doesn't even talk to me again.-

-Wait... Go slowly...- said Tom –So you've screwed two girls after dumping Paris, and never told me anything? Are you mad? What if I, not knowingly, fucked the same girl you liked?-

-Oh, yeah, `cause keeping yourself from fucking my girlfriends has always been really important to you. But that's not the point. What should I do?-

-Try to win her back.- simply replied Tom –Surprise her, show her you really care... Follow her a little, but you know, not too much, not in a creepy stalker way... It's not easy, last time I tried to do it I got a restrictive order...-

-You're right.- said Ryan –I should show him... I mean, her, I should show HER that I'm there for HER.-

-Yeah, you go and do that and let me sleep!- said Tom, closing his eyes and resting his eyes on the pillow. He immediately fell asleep.

Ryan smiled, looking at him affectionately. He looked so handsome, sleeping only with his boxers on, the blanket revealing his naked leg. Before leaving, Ryan kissed him lightly on the cheek and whispered: -You're the best friend ever.-

Tom just kept sleeping.

Meanwhile, professor Evans was about to make a big announcement to his class.

-Okay, class, it's Halloween, as you probably know.- he said. –And you also know that Halloween it's a very special time for serial killers. Some of the most terrible homicides happened during Halloween night. The most famous of all is the massacre of Mors Mansion. I wanted to make a special lesson about it, but then my assistant, mister Murray, suggested me an even better idea.-

-Chad's had a good idea?- whispered Rihanna in Justin's ear –Him being the son of Satan, it probably involves a ritual sacrifice.-

-Or sleeping with someone I like.-

-Let it go, honey. Despite being evil, Chad is hot. I would have had a go with him as well, if he wasn't so desperately trying to steal my boyfriend.-

-Professor Evans is not your boyfriend.-

-Not yet.- concluded Rihanna, looking at the big bulge in professor Evans tight jeans –But I have to have that cock.-

She noticed that Chad was staring at the bulge as well, licking his lips.

-That man whore!- she hissed.

-Mister Murray suggested that I would take you on a trip to Mors Manor itself! We'll actually spend the night there, try to examine every single aspect of Jan Mors, so that we can find out what drove him crazy and made him do what he did.-

-Wasn't he just a psycho?- asked Rihanna –And do we really have to come? I actually have a social life, so I have a party to go to.-

-Of course, I can't make the trip compulsory.- replied professor Evans –But you'll have to write an essay on it next week, so... It's your choice.-

-Fergie's not going to like this... She's throwing the Halloween Party at the house and really counted on me... I can't miss. I'll just download something from the internet for the essay.- whispered Rihanna.

-Ree... Two days with your "future boyfriend" in a haunted house... Do you really want to miss it?- said Justin.

Rihanna smiled.

-You're right! Fergie's just going to have to do without me!-

-What? You can't leave! Who's going to help me with decorations? Lindsay was the only one with a little taste and she's been shipped out to rehab... again! And Beyoncè had to go home to visit her sick grandma!-

-You can ask Jessica!-

-Oh please, for the Halloween party last year she bought Christmas decorations!-

-I'd really love to stay, but professor Evans is going to make us write an essay.-

-Couldn't you just download something from the internet?-

-Professor Evans is a criminology teacher. He's going to find out if I do.-

Fergie sighed, resigned.

-Okay, whatever... I guess Jessica isn't that bad.-

In that moment Jessica Simpson entered the house, holding an enormous plastic Santa Clause.

-I found it in the trash.- she said happily –Can you believe someone would throw this away? It will look perfect near the pumpkins!-

Justin was packing his things, getting ready for the trip. Maybe it was just what he needed, a few days away from Ryan. Just in that moment Ryan entered the room.

-What are you doing? You're not leaving are you?- he asked worried.

-Field trip.- mumbled coldly Justin in response, without even turning around to look at him.

Well, at least he wasn't changing room. And he had spoken to him.

Ryan got brave and got behind him, pretending to look in Justin's suitcase, but it really was just an excuse to get closer to him. He snooped closer until his crotch was practically resting against Justin's ass. His cock was hard from just the thought of being close to Justin again.

-And where are you going?- asked Ryan, his voice slightly trembling. Now he was slightly grinding his crotch against Justin's ass.

-Mors... Mansion... Ah...- replied Justin, practically moaning.

He knew what Ryan was doing. He knew he was trying to seduce him. But it was too good to stop him. He could feel the hard cock rubbing against him through their tight jeans. And now he could also feel Ryan's breath on his neck.

-Mmmm... Jan's Mors... ah.. home?- asked Ryan, before he started kissing Justin's neck and let his hands slide under Justin's shirt.

-Yeah... Sounds really... Aah... exciting...- replied Justin, putting his hand on Ryan's big bulge and stroking him through his jeans.

Soon the desire took over him, and Justin turned around and unzipped him. He quickly got to his knees, staring at Ryan's bulge through his boxer briefs when...

-I can't do this.- said Justin, getting up again.

-What? Why? Everything was going so well!- said Ryan, not bothering to zip himself up.

-Yes, well for you.- spitted out Justin –This is just what you like to do. You fuck me, then you go out and fuck someone else. Like Chad.-

-Oh, `cause you're such a saint, screwing your best friend's boyfriend!- Ryan regretted saying this as soon as he had said it, but it was too late. Justin grabbed his suitcase and left angrily.

Ryan sighed. He had blown every chance to get him back. There was just one thing left to do...

Justin was the first to arrive at the bus stop. Only professor Evans was already there.

-Early again, Justin. Is something wrong?- he asked him.

-I just had a fight with my room mate.-

-It happens. I used to fight with my room mate all the time back in college.-

-Yeah, but he's also my boyfriend.- said Justin. Professor Evans didn't know what to say and just said: "Oh" in the end.

-Well, not really my boyfriend, but I really like him, and we... you know... have "interacted" before..-

-Oh. Is he your best friend's boyfriend?-

-No. I dumped him. It's the other one.-

-Where do you find the time to study when you're "interacting" all the time?-

-Oh, c'mon- laughed Justin for the first time in the day –I'm sure you're "interacting" all the time as well, you're the hottest teacher on campus.-

Professor Evans blushed.

-No I'm not.- he said.

-Don't be modest, I mean, who else could it be? Professor Nicholson?-

-Well, he is good looking for being seventy.-

They stopped talking as Chad and another student from their course the goth looking Rachel Evan Wood joined them.

-I'm ready for this journey into the darkness of the soul.- she said.

-Yeah. I'm happy for you.- replied Chad.

Soon enough one of Paris's friends, Tara Reid, joined them as well, followed by Rihanna, who was dressed with a leather top, a leather mini skirt and leather black boots.

-Hi, Chris...- she smiling sensually to professor Evans.

-Good morning, Miss Fenty.- replied professor Evans, not even looking at her.

-Ree, what are you wearing?!- Justin whispered in Rihanna's ear.

-Well, you told me this was my chance to seduce professor Evans, so I decided to wear something sexy.-

-You look like Johanna the Queen of Bondage.-

Rihanna punched playfully on the shoulder.

-And now excuse me... But I've got a teacher to fuck.- she said, then she went to talk with professor Evans

Half an hour later, only another student had showed up, the geeky Adam Brody.

-Wow. I can see my idea was a success.- said ironically Chris. –I just hope that the ones that didn't come won't download the essay all from the same website. Anyway, I guess we can go now. The bus is here.-

-You're forgetting about me!- shouted Paris, running on her heels towards them.

-You're late, miss Hilton.-

-I know, but Tinkerbell needed his bath.- replied Paris, showing her still wet chiwawa.

Chris shook his head in disapproval, and then they all got on the bus.

Meanwhile, Britney went to the sorority. Paris had told her that the criminology class was going to a field trip, so it was her chance to grab her things without having to talk to Rihanna. She got in from the back door, trying to get unnoticed. Thankfully, there was only Fergie and Jessica in the house, and they were too busy putting up decorations to notice her.

-Jessica, what the hell are you doing? What has the easter bunny got to do with Halloween?- was yelling Fergie.

-It's cute!-

-Yeah it is, but you know what isn't?-

-The new video by the Spice Girls?-

-No. Your brain splattered all over the floor when I can kill you `cause I really CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE!-

-Okay, I'll go to my room...-

-And what are the pink and the green decorations doing together? Are you fucking colourblind or something?-

Jessica ran up to her room almost in tears.

Britney followed her and secretly sneaked into her and Rihanna's room. The wall had been rebuilt, but it still needed to be painted. She hastily grabbed the few things she had (most of her stuff was still at her dad's house), then she sneaked out and went stealthily to the back door. She was about to exit, when she saw that there was someone else with Fergie. It was professor Nicholson.

That man scared Britney, so she was about to run away as fast as she could, when she heard professor Nicholson saying something weird.

-Please, miss Ferguson, I don't have any money left!-

-What do you need money for anyway? You're older than old, you're ancient, it's not like you have to pay for parties and stuff like that! But I do... Jessica has spent all the sorority funds on Christmas decorations, and I have to buy new appropriate ones.- replied Fergie.

-What if I didn't pay you?- tried to say professor Nicholson, faking bravery –I mean, Reese is dead now, who would care about what happened?-

-Yeah, and guess who would be the first suspect when people get to know about your past.- grinned Fergie –Just give me the money.-

Britney knew she should have tried to learn more about what professor Nicholson was hiding. But the truth was, she couldn't care less, and her brain hurt when she tried to think too much, so she just sneaked out and pretended she hadn't heard anything.

The students got out of the bus, looking at the ghostly shape of the Mors Manor.

-Eeew.- commented Paris, looking at the old dusty windows and at the abandoned garden, where plants were growing everywhere uncontrollably –We're going to sleep here?-

-The coupon said it has very nice rooms inside.- said unconvinced professor Evans.

They entered the house, the door creaking loudly.

-Hello? Anyone here?- asked professor Evans.

No answer, only mice squeaking.

-I wanna go home.- whined Paris.

-This place wonderfully represents the mood of my soul. I can feel dark forces invading me.- said happily Rachel Evan Wood.

-I'm not sharing the room with her, that's for sure.- said Paris, looking worried at the goth. –I'm with Tara.-

-So miss Fenty, you're going to sleep with miss Wood.- said professor Evans.

-What? No way! This house is creepy enough without having to sleep in the same room of Psycho Girl!- protested Rihanna –Can't I sleep with you?- she added, with a naughty smile and giving a quick squeeze to her boobs.

Professor Evans rolled his eyes.

-You're worse than a dog with a bone.-

-I like bones.- said Rihanna, winking at her teacher.

-You're not sleeping with me.- concluded Chris.

-Can't I sleep with Justin at least?- pleaded Rihanna, looking worried at Rachel Evan Wood, who was now calling on the spirits of the house to possess her.

-No different sex room sharing. I don't want to be responsible for any unwanted pregnancy.- announced professor Evans.

-Then I guess I'll share the room with you, since I am the assistant.- grinned Chad –And Justin and Adam we'll sleep in the other room.-

-Yay! It's like the sleep over I never did in High School!- cheered Adam. Justin rolled his eyes. Bunking up with the Kings of Nerds. Just what he needed to make his day even worse.

-What? No way, Chad is not sleeping in the same room as you!- cried Rihanna.

-Why? What's wrong with that?- asked professor Evans.

-What? He'll rape you while you sleep!-

-Don't be silly, Rihanna, we're not all cock hungry whores like you.- replied Chad with a fake smile.

-You're dead, Chad, you do know this?-

-C'mon, kids, behave!- stopped them professor Evans –God, why did I agree to go on a field trip?-

He shook his head, then said: -Okay, since the keeper of the house is probably out, everyone just put their stuff in the rooms, they are on the first floor.-

The students did as told, though, in Justin and Rihanna's case, not really happily.

-Justin, you've got to find a way to switch rooms with Chad... I can't let that horny homo sleep with my Chris.-

-Believe me, I don't want to bunk up with Mr Nerd but I don't think there's anything I can do...-

-If only Jan Mors was still alive, he could kill Chad...- sighed hopefully Rihanna. She would regret wishing this later that night...

Tara and Paris were looking horrified at their room. There was dust. Spiderwebs. Their bed looked extremely uncomfortable.

-I thought the Mors were meant to be rich.- said Paris –What is this? It looks like the room we give to the help--

-I think I'm going to throw up.- said disgusted Tara, and ran from the room.

Paris horrified left her suitcase (which was the size of Rosie O'Donnell, even if it was just for one night) and went downstairs with the others.

-As the housekeeper, guardian of whatever arrived?- she asked professor Evans –I'm not going to sleep in these rooms!-

-It's weird, there's nobody else except us in this house apparently.- replied Chris.

-Maybe we should ask someone...-

-Who? This is the only house in miles. And there's no phone reception..-

-Where's Tara?- asked Chad.

-Oh she went to the bathroom.- answered Paris, then added whispering –She was throwing up... Eating disorders, I think.-

Soon enough they were all in the hall, except for Tara.

-This place is creepy.- said Justin.

-You pussy.- replied Rihanna.

-But it is weird that there isn't anybody in here.- said Chris.

-I know, Holly said she was going to be here. She was the guardian.- said Chad.

-Who now?- asked Paris.

-Holly Valance. She used to be the president of the Teta Omegas.-

Justin thought he heard something outside and looked out of the window. He saw a shady figure moving, but it was to dark to see who it is.

-Is something wrong, Jus?- asked him Rihanna, noticing his worried look.

-No... I thought I saw someone.-

-Maybe it's Holly!- said Chad. –Finally!-

-Chad, did Holly tell you anything about the food? It's nine o clock already.- said professor Evans.

-No, she didn't. She wasn't supposed to pull a Houdini, so I didn't ask her.- replied Chad.

-I brought peanut butter.- said Adam, happy to be useful –You know, mum always tells me to bring my own food, `cause I'm lactose intolerant, and I can't also eat any meat, and I'm allergic to potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and...-

-Yeah, whatever, who gives a shit, just give us the food already.- stopped him Paris.

-For once Blonde Bitch is right. We're hungry.- said Rihanna.

But in that moment they were all interrupted by a scream. It was coming from upstairs.

-Tara!- said Justin.

-Oh god! Maybe she discovered she gained another pound?- said Paris.

They all ran in the bathroom upstairs, but Tara wasn't there anymore. The window was open, and all that was left of Tara was a the big stain of blood on the floor.

-Eeew.- commented Paris.

To be continued...

Author's note: So, this is the first part of the Halloween special! Two months late! And there's no sex in it, sorry about that... Anyway, what do you think so far? Feedback is welcomed at cliomiao@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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