Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jun 19, 2009


In the previous chapters: Since it's been a lot since I last posted a chapter, here's a little recap:

Rihanna's found Reese (Ryan's ex-girlfriend) body in her room, so Ryan was suspecting Chad and slept with him trying to find out some evidence, but Justin discovers this and gets mad with him since he's just blown Ryan the night before. In the meanwhile, professor Evans, under Chad's suggestion, organizes a field trip to Mors Manor for Halloween, but there's a killer creeping in the house.

Chapter 13

-Oh wonderful. A serial killer on Halloween? That's so cliche..- said Rihanna, looking at the blood and the floor --And he killed the dumb blonde. Don't killers ever have original ideas?-

-Oh shit, does this mean only virgins are going to survive?- asked Paris worried.

-Fuck, we're doomed.- said Rihanna --Justin, you're so lucky.-

-What? I'm not a virgin!- replied Justin embarrassed, blushing.

-Blowjobs don't count as sex.- told him Rihanna --You've never had... you know... Real intercourse.-

-Thanks for telling everyone.-

-What? You're a virgin? What a loser!- made fun of him Adam.

-Thank you, Ree, now even Adam the Dungeon Master is calling me a loser.-

-It doesn't matter, we'll al be dead soon, except you, so no one's going to know you're little virgin secret.- replied Rihanna.

-Okay, stop making fun of Justin.- intervened professor Evans --There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.-

-Were you a virgin in Uni?- asked him Rihanna.

-Of course not.- replied professor Evans, then hastily added: -Not that there's anything wrong about that.-

-So, who do you think is going to be next?- asked Paris.

-Well... If we were in a horror movie Justin would be the main character... That would make me the black best friend. That means I'm toast.- replied Rihanna.

-So you're next?- asked Paris.

-I'm not sure. You're the equivalent of the slutty evil dumb cheerleader, plus you're blonde, so you're probably going to die before I do.- explained Rihanna.

-What about Chad? Is he the dumb jock?- observed Paris.

-Well, he's not dumb, but he's evil and he is a sexual maniac. So I guess he's going to die pretty soon too. --

-Kids, kids, calm down.- intervened professor Evans --This isn't an horror movie, so cut the crap. We have to find out who the killer is.-

-Isn't it obvious? It's Jan Mors.- said Rihanna matter-of-factly.

-Jan Mors is long dead. There is probably someone else in the house who's emulating him. Maybe that Holly? She worked here. A lot of time repressed psychopath take out their crazy sides in specific places or occasions, like the house of a serial killer on Halloween.-

-Oh no.- stopped him Rihanna --Please, Chris, don't be the cynical professor who doesn't believe the killer is back. That takes you way high on the death list.-

Professor Evans rolled his eyes.

-Professor, maybe you and me should go and look for help while the others stay here.- suggested Chad.

-You're right.- said professor Evans --Let's go. You all stay here.-

-Are you crazy?!- shouted Rihanna --We have to stick together. It's the first rule in any horror movie. Actually, "don't have sex" is the first rule, but it's too late for that. And anyway, there' no way I'm letting you two go alone. Have I already said how Chad is a sexual maniac?-

-Says the girl with the leather miniskirt and bra.- replied Chad.

-Am I the only one who finds it kind of weird having this discussion while Tara is dead?- asked Justin --I mean, she's actually dead. Doesn't anybody feel a little bit sorry for her?-

-I do.- said Paris --The bitch still owed me ten dollars.-

-Anybody else?-

-Justin, I'm a little more worried about me being the black best friend, next in line for death than poor dead Tara.- said Rihanna.

-Me and Chad are going. You stay together and don't do anything dangerous.- said professor Evans.

-Hello? We're stuck in a house with a serial killer? Does it get more dangerous than that?- replied Rihanna.

-Just... Stick together, okay?- asked Professor Evans, then he and Chad departed from the others.

They walked outside, into the cold and dark night.

Meanwhile, the others decided to move from the bathroom into the living room. The living room was just as creepy, even without Tara's blood on the floor:

Jan Mors had been a very religious man, as it proved the big crucifix on the wall. In fact, like hey had studied, he killed the "unpures", those who had sex before marriage.

-I should be drinking at a supercool party right now, not hanging with you losers...- whined Paris.

-I'm finding this experience... wonderful!- sighed Rachel Evan Wood happily --To finally smell human blood, to feel death so near us... It truly makes me feel alive for the first time!-

-Well, at least someone is enjoying herself.- said Rihanna --We should find something to do. You know, to take our thoughts from the fear of being killed.-

-Uh, I brought Dungeons and Dragons!- suggested Adam.

Paris and Rihanna groaned annoyed.

Chad and professor Evans were walking down the deserted road. There was nothing around them but foggy woods.

-So, professor, aren't you scared?- asked Chad --I mean... What if Jan Mors really is back?-

-C'mon, Chad... We're both adults here.-

-Rihanna is an adult too, but she believes it's him.-

-Miss Fenty is a bright girl but... She's a little weird.-

-Not that weird... She like you after all...And how could I blame her?- said Chad smiling. He could see the teacher blushing even in the dark.

-C'mon, Chad, stop it. You're my assistant, it would never work.-

-So you're saying... Maybe it would work if I weren't your assistant.-

-I'm saying you're my assistant, and so nothing will ever happen.-

-You know this could be the last night of our life.- said Chad --You really want to waste my occasion?-

-Maybe you're just not my type.-

-Who is then? Rihanna?- grinned Chad --I know everything about you, professor. I know what you like.-

They stopped walking. Chris stared in Chad's eyes.

-What do you mean?-

-You really should delete your internet chronology. Or put a better password than your birthday.-

-You looked at my personal computer files?- professor Evans didn't know whether to feel embarrassed or angry.

-There's nothing to be ashamed of, professor. We're all sinners.-

-You had no right. After this is over, I never want to see you near my classes again.-

-Are you firing me, professor?-

-Yes, I think I am.-

-This means I'm not you assistant anymore. Now we can get straight to the dirties.- Chad leaned in, but professor Evans pushed him away.

-It'll never happen. You repel me, Chad. Now let's just find someone for help and get out of here, so I won't have to see you ever again.- said professor, and started walking again.

Chad remained still for a second. He wasn't happy. Things weren't going as he had planned. And Chad couldn't stand when things didn't go as planned.

He quickly followed professor Evans. They just kept walking, both in silence, far from one another.

"Fuck!" was thinking Chad. The trip was meant to be his perfect occasion to seduce the professor, instead he had ruined everything.

Normally he would have been more careful. But lately he was more distracted than usual. He knew whose fault was it: Rihanna. Not only was she interfering with his plans by hitting on professor Evans, but also her presence always distracted him.

Chad actually liked the girl, and not only in a physical way or because he needed her to get to something... He actually had a crush on her. A crush. Like some stupid twelve year old.

But he didn't have for pathetic stuff like feelings and emotions right now. He needed to win his professor back.

Chad was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the steps behind him until it was too late.

He didn't see the masked figure behind him until the knife was about to hit his back. But then...

-Chad, look out!!!!!!!!- screamed Chris, pushing Chad out of the way and onto the ground. The blade missed him for inches.

Chad could finally see the killer. He was wearing a long black cloak that covered everything but his face, which was hidden behind a white mask. Not the most original killer outfit.

-I think Ghostface is going to sue you for copyright infringements .- said Chad.

-This is not the time to go Jay Leno on the killer! Run!- yelled professor Evans. Soon enough the two of them were running through the fog in the forest , until the killer was out of sight. They stopped, panting and gasping.

-Are... you... okay?- asked professor Evans still breathing heavily, putting a hand on Chad's shoulder.

-Yeah. For a minute I really thought that was it, you know? The big D.- replied Chad.

-I know what you mean.- said Professor Evans. Suddenly Chad hugged him, shaking.

-I'm so sorry, professor... I... I know realize that what I did was bad. All my life... I only did bad things. I'm so sorry.- he said, almost in tears --I never meant to hurt you.-

Chris couldn't help but forgive him. He stroked Chad's hair, holding him tightly.

-Don't worry. I'm not mad at you anymore.- smiled professor Evans. Chad's body was getting closer. Chris could now feel their erections rubbing together through their clothes.

So before he knew it, he started kissing Chad. Chad immediately got into it, sliding his tongue in his teacher's mouth and putting a hand under professor Evans's shirt, feeling his built pecs.

Then he lowered his mouth and started nibbling the teacher's neck.

-Oh Chad...- sighed professor Evans in pleasure. Chad's hand slid inside his jeans and boxers, gripping his hard cock.

Chris, feeling the hand touching and stroking him, moaned loudly.

-Wait... Stop... There's a killer after us.- he said, pushing Chad's hand away --It's not exactly a good time to do this.-

-We could be dead by tomorrow. It's the best time to do this.- replied Chad, dropping on his knees in front of Chris Evans and pushing his trousers down, leaving his teacher in just his shirt and boxers that hugged tightly his muscled legs.

Chris felt the cold air hitting him.

But soon enough the sensation of cold was replaced by the one of Chad's warm mouth wrapped around his cock. He had to lean against a tree not to fall on his knees, Chad's blowjob was so good.

On his part, Chad was furiously bobbing his head on the 8 inches piece of meat, still amazed by the turn of events. He and Rihanna hadn't been wrong, professor Evans did have an amazing, big, thick cock. Chris already sounded like he was about to cum. Now it was time for the final touch...

Chad got up and kissed the teacher, then took off his own shirt and trousers. All he was left wearing was a black thong.

Chris stared at him, amazed and immensely turned on.

-I came prepared.- winked at him Chad --I told you I knew what you like.-

Then he got back on his knees, sucking the cock in front of him.

Chris stared at the perfect, smooth ass that Chad had. The sight of that tiny string between his ass cheeks just turned him on more. He needed to be inside that hole.

He made Chad stand up and whispered in his ear: -I want you...-

Chad smiled. He wanted it as well.

Chris quickly removed Chad's thong, leaving him now completely naked, took Chad in his arms and pushed him against a tree.

Chad wrapped his legs around his teacher's thighs and lowered his hole on the big cock.

Chris grunted, pushing his cock until it was all the way in. Then Chad started riding him, as he thrusted up, their hips grinding.

-Yeah... Yeah... Cum in me, professor. I want to feel your juice inside me!- cried Chad.

Chris grunted again, feeling his balls tighten and his cock stiffen. Then finally... He came inside Chad's ass, breathing heavily and giving the last thrusts. Some of the cum dribbled out of Chad's ass, and the boy took it with his fingers and licked it.

The two just stood like that, professor Evans' softening dick sill inside the ass. He still couldn't believe what had happened. A killer was after them and he was fucking his assistant? He must've gone crazy.

-I use my charm power on the goblin to hypnotize him and we run away.-

-Oh, for god's sake, Paris, you can't charm anything, you're a Warrior, not a Wizard, okay?- said Adam annoyed.

-But I wanna charm!-

-Then why did you choose to be a Warrior?-

-To wear the skimpy outfits, of course.- replied Paris --Please... Let me charm just this once and I'll let you touch my boob.-

-Okay!- agreed happily Adam, grasping one of Paris' boobs..

-Okay, so I charme the goblin so he doesn't attack anyone. Well... Anyone except Rihanna.- smiled Paris.

-What? This isn't fair! She can't do that, right?- said angrily Rihanna.

-I'll let you touch my other boob as well.- said Paris.

-She can do whatever she likes!- said Adam, groping Paris breasts.

-Okay, you know what? This is dumb. We're stuck in a house with a dead Tara and a killer and we're playing Dungeons and Dragons.- said Rihanna --I'm not playing anymore.-

-Fine, then I'll kill your Elf.- replied Adam, still groping Paris.

-You're cruel.-

-Can everyone shut up? I think I heard something!- interrupted them Justin. He was sure he had just heard steps coming from outside.

-Yes, you did, thanks to your Elf super-hearing. It's a troll coming your way and...- started Adam.

-Shut up, idiot! I really heard something!- said Justin.

-Maybe it's the killer. Thank god, another two minutes playing Dungeons and Dragons and I would have had to kill myself.- sighed Rihanna.

Now everyone could hear the steps. They were getting closer and closer to the door. Everyone just stared at the door, uncertain on what to do. Then... The door slammed open!

-Ryan?- asked Justin, recognizing Ryan's familiar figure --What the hell are you doing here?-

-I came to tell you that I'm sorry!- said Ryan, then realized everyone was staring at him. He had prepared a romantic speech about love and yadda yadda yadda, he had forgotten about the fact that there were going to be other people as well. --I'm sorry for... erm... For not sweeping the room yesterday.-

-Ryan... This isn't a good moment.- said Justin.

-Why? What's wrong?- asked Ryan.

-Basically? Tara's dead and there's a serial killer in this house.- explained Justin.

-Wow. This is way better then last Halloween.-

-Did you just hear a word I said?- asked him Justin.

-It's like one of those lame horror movies. Just not boring, `cause we're in it.- replied Ryan.

-You're all crazy.-

Chris and Chad were sitting on the ground, worn out and sweaty. They had put their clothes on the ground like some sort of a blanket, and were laying on it naked, with Chad between Chris' legs, and Chris' softening cock still inside him.

-What should we do now?- asked Chad.

-I don't know... I guess act normally... Maybe it's better if no-one knew about us yet...- replied Chris.

-I meant with the serial killer.- explained Chad --Not with us.-

-Oh, that... I almost forgot about it... I don't know, I guess we should go back to the house? It looks like there's no-one around here anyway.-

-I made you forget about almost being killed? Wow, I must be good.- Chad grinned, then turned around and kissed Chris. They started making out, and Chad felt the cock inside him harden again. He turned around completely to face Chris, and started riding his dick.

-Wow, professor, you've got stamina...- he said, as he could hear the sound of the balls slapping against his ass.

-Can we go upstairs and talk?- Ryan asked Justin.

-Oh no. Do not go alone. It's like asking to be killed. Just think of professor Evans and Chad... They've been gone for hours. You want to know why? Because they're dead.- said Rihanna.

-Maybe they're just fucking...- whispered Justin in his best friend's ear.

-No way! I'd rather the professor ends up dead than fucking with Chad.- replied Rihanna.

-Let's go, Ryan.- said Justin, and he and Ryan walked upstairs.

-Fine, if you want to die, do as you wish!- shouted Rihanna behind them.

Then she noticed she was left with psycho dark Rachel Evan Wood, nerd Adam Brody and bitchy Paris Hilton.

-Please, killer, if I have to die, do it now.- she sighed.

Ryan and Justin entered one of the dirty rooms.

-So.. What do you want?- asked Justin annoyed.

-I'm sorry about Chad. I should have never slept with him.-

-Then why did you?-

-It's just he can be... quite convincing when he wants to.-

-That's your excuse?-

-It's... Reese's body. That... brought a lot of memories. Of the past.-

-You and Chad? You used to...?-

-We were lovers, yes. But it's over, now. I love you.-

There was a moment of awkward silence.

-Awesome.- finally smiled Justin, nodding happily.

-That wasn't the comment I expected.-

-I'm sorry, I mean... I think I kind of love you too.-

-Oh thank god, I was afraid that you were still mad and that by saying that I would just make things worse.- sighed Ryan.

-Well, this was officially the weirdest love declaration ever.- said Justin --Should we kiss now?-

-Definitely.- replied Ryan, and immediately pulled Justin closer and slid his tongue inside his mouth.

-God, you're so hot.- managed to moan Justin as Ryan started kissing him on the neck as he franticly put his hands under his shirt, feeling Justin's abs.

-I love you I love you I love you...- he sighed as Ryan took off first his own and then Justin's shirt, then kissed him again on the lips.

Ryan pushed him on the dusty bed and climbed on top of him, to kiss him again. His hands were now on Justin's crotch, rubbing it through the jeans. He hastily unzipped him and took off the trousers, leaving Justin in just his white briefs.

He started licking the thin material, until it was almost transparent, showing the hard seven inches of Justin's cock.

He took them off, and Justin closed his eyes preparing to getting his dick sucked, but Ryan did something different. He stuck his tongue in Justin's hole.

-What the...?-

But then Ryan started licking, and Justin thought he had never felt something so amazing.

He spread his legs wider and pushed back against Ryan's tongue, trying to get it deeper inside him.

-I... I want you inside me...- finally said Justin.

Ryan smiled and quickly took of his trousers. He was about to take off his boxerbriefs as well when they heard the door banging and Rihanna screaming.

-Oh fuck! The black best friend!- screamed Justin, and hastily put on his underwear, jeans and t-shirt.

-What?!- asked Ryan confused, getting dressed as well --That sounds kind of racist.-

-Just hurry up, or it could be too late.-

The two ran out of the room and down the stairs.

-Is everything okay?- he asked, seeing Rihanna and the others all looking fine.

-Yes. The door opened suddenly, but it was just them.- she replied, pointing Chris and Chad, who had gotten back.

Ryan rolled his eyes, and mouthed an annoyed "fuck".

-We saw the killer.- said Chad.

-Was it Jan Mors?- asked Rihanna.

-He had a mask. This probably means that it wasn't Jan Mors.- said Chris.

-Or that it was Jan Mors with a mask.- replied Paris --For once, I agree with Ree. He is back from the dead and is killing us one by one. --

-Except if it is like Scream, `cause in that case, the killer is Justin's boyfriend.-

-Boyfriend?- asked Adam surprised --Justin's gay? I don't want to sleep in his room anymore. He wants to bang my boom-boom.-

-Like I'd ever bang your boom-boom.- replied Justin --Why did I just say boom-boom?-

-Actually, I think Justin prefers to have his boom-boom banged than banging other boom-booms. But maybe it's just an impression.- intervened Rihanna.

-I love to get my boom-boom banged.- said Paris --Good for you, Justin.-

-Can we please stop talking about my boom-boom getting banged?-

-Yes, really, it's frustrating.- said Ryan, thinking about being interrupted before just when he was about to bang Justin's boom-boom.

Paris looked at him confused.

-Why is it frustrating? Oh my god, you're his room mate, did he try to bang your boom-boom?-

-No!- said Ryan, and he wasn't completely lying, since he was the one who wanted to do the banging.

-Oh god, but if we're in a sort of Scream and Justin's boyfriend is the killer, then Ryan would be the killer!- cried Rihanna.

-So you are banging boom-booms with Justin!- said Paris, shocked.

-Ree, have you decided to out the entire closeted gay community?- said Justin.

-We're being killed here! I think that's a little more important then stupid gay secrets.-

-I'm not gay!- screamed Ryan.

-What a waste. You had such a great cock.- said Paris, sad. --I was hoping in some break-up sex.-

-Your loss. He's great at break up sex.- winked Chad.

-What? You're gay as well?- asked Paris.

Chad just shrugged.

-Is there any other guy here except me who doesn't like to bang other guy's bang bangs?- asked exasperated Adam. Every guy in the room stayed silent.

-Professor Evans! Even you?- asked Adam shocked.

-I experimented in college.- replied Chris.

-Oh god, this is like that episodes of Dollhouse where everything is already planned... You brought me here and faked a killer only because you wanted to rape my ass!-

-At least he said ass and not boom-boom this time.- said Justin.

-I can't see how faking a killer would help us "rape your ass.".- said Chris.

-And I'm not gay.- denied Ryan.

-Yes you are, and you're also the killer!- cried accusingly Rihanna.

-This is retarded.- replied Ryan.

-Actually it makes perfectly sense! You probably went psycho when I dumped you!- said Paris.

-I couldn't care if you dumped me if you were Brad Pitt!- said Ryan.

-Ah-ha, so you are gay!- shouted Rihanna. --And thus the killer!-

-I'm not the killer!-

-Then who is?- asked Rihanna.

-Probably that masked guy who's climbing from the window behind you.- said Ryan calmly.

Everyone turned, and saw indeed the killer coming in from the window. Everyone screamed.

The killer run towards Rihanna holding a knife.

-Taste my ghetto punch, jerk!- she screamed, and punched the killer hard right on the face.

-Ghetto? You come from Beverly Hills.- said Justin.

-Ouch! I think you broke my nose!- whined the killer, with the voice of a girl. A girl they all knew.

-Tara?!- asked Paris, shocked.

The killer took off her mask, revealing an alive and bleeding Tara Reid.

-What the fuck? We thought we were dead! Pretending to be a killer, are you out of your fucking mind?- asked Chris, outraged.

-I'm sorry, professor Evans. He told me to do it! He even paid me!- Tara pointed an accusing finger against Chad.

Chris looked at his assistant.

-Chad Michael Murray, can you explain this?-

Chad shrugged.

-I thought it was a quite genius idea. You know, pretend there's a killer, until one of these wannabe detectives found out who it really was. That's why I brought you away, you would have found out the truth way before them, and I wanted one of them to solve this "mystery". But apparently, I over-estimated them.- explained Chad. It wasn't the truth. The truth was that he had organized all this thing just to speed up things with Chris. He hoped that being in a dangerous situation would make him put his sensibility apart and finally fuck him. And he had been right.

-Hey! How were we supposed to find out?- asked Rihanna.

-Mister Murray, you should have at least told me about your plan!- said Chris.

-You wouldn't have approved.-

-That's right, I don't approve!-

-It's too late now.- shrugged Chad.

-I'm... I'm going to punish you someway.- said Chris.

-I want to be punished too!- said Rihanna with a sexy grin.

-At least I'm glad that this whole killer story is over.-

In that moment, Holly's bloody head fell from the stairs.

-Wow, congrats Chad, it looks real. And what is the blood, tomato sauce?- asked Paris, licking the blood.

-I have no idea. There was no Holly's head in my plan.- said Chad.

Suddenly, Jan Mors, alive and holding a machete, came down the stairs from where the head had been thrown. He was enormous, at least 6 and a half feet, dressed with old ragged clothes, and pale and full of scars.

-Jan Mors?!- screamed Rihanna --Justin, please, be my human shield or I'm fucker.-

-Oh god, that means I... I.. I licked human blood.- said Paris disgusted.

-You're so lucky!- said Rachel Evan wood, envious, then ran towards Jan Mors. --I worship you, oh dark and tormented soul! Please, make me you're apprentice, and I'll...-

Jan Mors cut her head off.

-I think this is our clue to run.- gulped Justin.

-Run where?-

-Well, we could go to my car and use that.- suggested Ryan.

-What?! You moron, you came by car, and you didn't tell us anything even though we thought there was a killer after us? God, you're so stupid!- said Rihanna.

-Hey! Offend me one more time and you're going on foot.-

-How do we get to the car? Jan Mors is on front of the door!- said Chad.

-Tara, you go and distract him while we run away.- said Paris.

-Why me?-

-Well duh, because you took those Sushi classes! You're the only one who know how to defend herself!- explained Paris.

-You're right! Girlpower!- shouted Tara, then ran towards the killer screaming and throwing punches.

-Isn't sushi rice and raw fish?- asked Justin, confused.

-Shut up. She's still convinced it's a martial art.- replied Paris.

Tara kicked Jan Mors in the balls. The killer kneeled, holding his crotch in pain.

-See? I did it! I hit him!- said happily Tara.

Without even standing up, Jan Mors put his Machete through her heart, killing her.

-Let's run away while he's still in pain!- screamed Paris, and started running towards the door.

-Justin, I want you to know that if I die tonight...- said Ryan --I really do love you. You hear me, world? I love him! So maybe yes, I'm not straight! I'm bisexual, and I'm proud of it!-

-That's nice, sweetie, now move your ass and RUN!!!!!!!- said Rihanna, following Paris with the others.

Once they were all out of the house, they saw Jan Mors getting on his feet again and running after them.

-Run! Faster!- shouted Chris to Paris, who was slower.

-It's not easy to run in these heels!- she said.

-Then take them off!-


-There's the car!- said Ryan, panting, pointing at his car which he had hidden behind an oak tree.

They all got in, and looked at Paris, still running, Jan Mors right behind her.

-We've got to do something, we can't just let her die!- said Ryan.

-Can't we?- asked Rihanna.

Ryan got out of the car.

-I'm going to save her. Here's the keys. If I don't make it back, you run.- he said.

-God, he's such a mister goody two shoes.- said Rihanna.

-I know. He's hot, right?- sighed Justin.

-God, yes.- agreed Rihanna, watching Ryan's ass bouncing in his trousers as he ran towards Paris and Jan Mors.

-Could you stop talking gay while I'm in the car with you?- asked Adam.

-What are you doing in the car anyway? Aren't you afraid we're going to bang your boom boom?-

Adam didn't know what to reply.

Meanwhile, Ryan had gotten near Paris.

-Paris, take off those heels and run!-

-I'd rather die looking fashionable, than live looking like the cheap version of Heidi from the hills.-

-Oh god damn it.- sighed Ryan, then took Paris in his arms and started running as fast as he could.

-Thank god you're anorexic!- he said.

-Just because I vomit every now and then when I've had too much to eat, doesn't make me an anorexic!- said Paris.

Ryan ran, still holding Paris, and got to the car before Jan Mors.

-Thank god for all those years of football.- he said, panting heavily, before throwing Paris in the back and starting the engine of the car.

He managed to leave just as Jan Mors reached the car and hit one of the back windows with his machete.

-Fuck! My dad's going to kill me!- cried Ryan, looking at the broken window.

-Just shut up and drive!- replied Rihanna, who was sitting in the back (with Paris, Chad, Adam and Chris), and was about to have a very close meeting with Jan Mors's machete.

Ryan sped off, leaving the killer behind, until he disappeared in the darkness of the night.

They drove for miles, until they saw the light of a police car behind them and they heard the sirens.

The police officer inside it made them sign to pull over. Ryan did as he was told.

-What the hell were you doing? You were over the speed limit for like fifty miles per hour.- said the officer --And how many of you are in this car? You're seven, and there are only five seats!-

-Sorry, officer, but... Jan Mors has tried to kill us!- said Ryan.

-Yes, of course.- replied the officer --Was Santa there as well? Did he help you escape?-

-I'm not joking!- cried Ryan.

-Listen, kids, since it's Halloween I'm only going to give a ticket, but I should take away your car too. So be grateful, go away, and never let me catch you again, okay?-

-Ryan is telling the truth! Believe me, I'm a professor!- intervened Chris.

-A professor? What are you, twenty?- laughed the officer --Are you kids also drunk? Maybe I should take away your car.-

-But... officer...- said Paris in her best slutty voice --It's a such a cold night...-

Saying this, she undid the first button of her shirt.

-Look, my nipples are all hard.- she added, rubbing her breasts.

-Okay, you can go.- agreed the officer, staring at Paris boobs.

The car went away, though Ryan still wasn't convinced about leaving Jan Mors alive and well behind them.

-Did you just have an erection?- asked Paris, looking disgusted at Adam's visible hard on in his jeans --Eeew.-

Ryan was still looking upset.

-Ryan, they'll find the dead bodies soon, and they'll go after Jan Mors and catch him, don't worry.- tried to reassure him Justin.

-I'm not worried about that.- replied Ryan.

-So what's the problem?-

-It's just.. Can everyone in this car shut up about my bisexuality when we're on campus? I'm afraid how my friends would react. Plus, they could kick me out of the football team.-

Everybody agreed.

-You're okay with this as well, Adam?-

-As long as you don't try to have a go with me, I'm peachy.- replied Adam.

-Thank you.- said Ryan --You know, except for the three dead people, it looks like this story's had its happy ending.

Then he kissed Justin. Rihanna applauded, sniffing.

-You're crying?- asked Chad, shocked.

-What? This is so moving, and I'm a very sensitive person.- she said, as everyone was staring at her --And what are you looking at, you cunts?-

End of episode 5.

Author's note: It took ages to write this! And the ending kind of sucks, but I wanted to go on with the story, but I was stuck with this "horror" plotline that I got bored with so I just ended it hastily. I'll try to write the next chapters as soon as possible, and they'll probably be the last three or four. Feedback's always appreciated: cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 12

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