Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jul 3, 2009


Chapter 15

This chapter was written with the special collaboration of Mitsao, writer of that little treasure that is Slutty Xmen. Of course he wrote the sluttiest scene!!

The Club party was, well, the Clubbiest party ever. Justin and Ryan were there with the new and improved Adam; he actually looked very cute, finally wearing shirts that weren't five sizes too big and without those horrible glasses he used to wear.

Ryan still had an erection, not having had anytime to get off, and was trying to cover it as much as he could.

Justin, seeing it, smirked. "That's the downside of having such a big cock" he thought. Oh well, he wasn't complaining.

-So, ok, spot any hot chicks?- asked Adam.

-I'm gay, Adam, remember?- said Justin.

Adam turned to Ryan.

-But you're quite the ladies' man, right? Do you see any good looking girl?-

-Well, Nicole Scherzinger is smoking tonight.- replied Ryan. Justin shot him a jealous look.

-From a strictly professional point of view.- added quickly Ryan.

-What does "professional point of view" even mean in this case?- asked Justin.

-Shut up, wifey, we're trying to get myself laid.- said Adam.

-"Wifey"? I'm not "wifey"!- complained Justin.

-So, how do I approach her?- asked Adam to Ryan , completely ignoring Justin.

-Well, offer her a drink.- he looked at Adam –Actually, offer her a lot of drinks, until she's so drunk she'll have sex with you.-

-You're a genius!- said Adam, and walked until he was standing right in front of Nicole.

-Do you like, want something?- said Nicole, raising an eyebrow.

-Do you want to get really drunk, and then have sex with me?—

Nicole got up and left, laughing. Adam went back to Ryan and Justin.

-It didn't work.-

-Maybe it's better if you try to hook up with someone who's already drunk.- suggested Ryan –Maybe the sorority girls? They are never sober. That Rihanna chick... She's so horny maybe she'd even fuck you.-

-Hey! That's my best friend!- remembered him Justin.

-Well, she is horny as hell!-

-Look who's talking.- said Justin, looking at Ryan's erection.

-It's... It's just a pen...- blushed Ryan, covering his crotch with his hand.

-Where's Adam?- asked Justin, noticing that the geek wasn't there with them anymore.

They spotted him talking to Rihanna.

-Hey, I heard you are one horny bitch.- he said, charmingly.

-I'm sorry?!- said Rihanna, shocked.

-Wanna fuck?-

-Thanks, I think I'll pass.- replied Rihanna, chuckling.

-I could blow your world.-

-Yes, but then I'd have to decontaminate my vagina from your geekiness.-

-You're mean.-

-You called me a horny bitch and then I'm the mean one?-

-I meant it as a compliment.-

-I'm flattered. Now leave me alone, I'm waiting for Chris..-

-Professor Evans? Are you two lovers or something?-

-Not yet.- replied Rihanna, winking.

As Adam went back to Justin and Ryan after yet another failure, Justin looked at the crowded club. He could see Britney, wearing a pink wig and dancing drunkenly with Paris.

-See? Being failed isn't that bad! At least you're having a good time!-

-I love tequila.- replied Britney.

-We all do.- said Paris, as Britney puked on the shoes of Christina Aguilera, a freshman from her course.

-You fucking skank!- Christina slapped Britney hard, making her trip and fall.

-Hit me baby one more time- blurted Britney, before passing out on the ground.

-Paris Hilton?- came a surprised voice from behind the blonde heiress.

Paris turned around to see... Professor Evans.

-Professor! What are you doing here? You're, like, ancient!-

-Geez, thanks.- replied Chris Evans –Miss Fenty said that she had something really important to ask me about the last lesson, and asked me if I could come to this tiny and cosy pub she knew.-

Chris looked at the crowd surrounding him.

-Of course, her idea of "tiny and cosy" clearly doesn't reflect mine... But what are you doing here? Chad told me your Grandmother's was dead. Shouldn't you be mourning?-

-Oh... I...- Paris tried to come up with something –I hated the old bitch.-

Chris looked shocked.

-She's your dead grandmother!-

-Yeah, well, she.. Was mean and smelled of cat pee. And when we visited her on Christmas, she never let me watch the Muppets. Not once.- Paris, carried by her made-up story, burst into tears –All I wanted to do was watching Miss Piggy! Was that so bad? My childhood was taken away from me by that mean and ugly old hag!-

-I'm... I'm sorry, Paris, I didn't know...- said Chris, feeling very awkward and patting her student on her back.

Paris was crying, sobbing and even howling with "sorrow", when she saw Tom dancing very closely to Nicole Scherzinger. She immediately stopped crying.

-Hey, bitch! Those 11 inches of joy are mine!- she said, pissed as hell, punching Nicole on the jaw. Then she started dancing with Tom, grabbing his crotch.

Chris looked at her in complete shock, then at Britney, still passed out on the ground.

-What about your friend?- he shouted to his student.

-Oh, she'll wake up eventually!- replied Paris, before shoving her tongue in Tom's throat and her hand in his pants, as Tom in return put his in under her shirt and grabbed her boob.

Chris shook his head trying to cancel the image from his head, and finally saw Rihanna, sitting at the bar and drinking. He jumped over Britney's body and greeted his student.

-So, Miss Fenty, why am I here?-

-Chris! You came! Let me offer you a drink?-

-Rihanna, is there a point in this meeting or am I just losing my time?-

-Mmm... you like to get straight to the point, uh?- winked Rihanna. –I like that in a man.-

Rihanna got closer to his teacher, and whispered in his ear:

-You're everything I like in a man.-

-I know I should have never come...- he said, secretly turned on. Rihanna after all was really hot, and he hadn't had sex in years. Actually, it had only been two hours, but it felt like years. Chris tended to get addicted to sex. He could stay for months without doing, but once he'd started, he needed something tight surrounding his cock every two-three hours.

Rihanna leaned in and kissed him.

Chris stood still for a second, tempted to give in, but then pushed her away.

-Ree... I mean, miss Fenty, we can't do this. I can't have a relationship with a student.-

-Who's talking about a relationship? I just wanna fuck. It can be a one night stand, I don't care-

She kissed him again, but Chris pushed her away. They were in a public place, he couldn't make out with a student.

Plus, what about Chad? The poor boy was home, mourning over his dead grandmother, and he was thinking of cheating on him?

He should have been with him, comforting! And if comforting included a good fuck, professor Evans was more than willing to do it!

-Sorry, Miss Fenty, I've really got to go.- he said, and left.

Rihanna was astonished. She had seen Chris's erection. Actually, she had felt it up with her hand while kissing him. She decided to follow him.

-Ree, where are you going?- asked her Fergie.

-I have a cock to conquer. And I won't stop until it's mine.- was the determined answer.

She followed Chris out of the character. But when the professor got to Zeta Beta house, she started to get suspicious. What was he doing there? She decided to stay outside and spy on him.

Chris got in and quickly got in Chad's room, oblivious of the fact that Rihanna had climbed on a tree and was spying on him from the window.

Chad was laughing like a mad man, watching Cruel Intentions. He found the scene when Sebastian gets run over just hilarious.

-Ok... One more time...- he said, chuckling, as he rewinded the scene and watched it again.

-Chad, what's going on? I thought you were sad about your grandma...- said Chris.

Chad immediately stopped the movie and widened his eyes. He was in trouble. He turned around and saw his professor looking at him with a confused look on his face.

-I... Uhm... I may have lied a little bit.-

-Let me guess. Paris isn't your cousin and your grandma isn't dead.-

-How smart.-

-There's a reason I'm a criminology teacher. So, you wanna tell me what's really going on?-

Chad blushed. What should he do? Come up with another excuse? People said that honesty pays back. Chad had never tried that, maybe they were right.

-I... I was getting tired of being fucked by you so often.- admitted Chad.

Hearing this, Rihanna fell from her tree, with a loud thump. Then she ran away, swearing and ranting incoherently.

But Chad and Chris didn't even hear her, caught as they were in the moment.

-So... You don't like me in the sack?- finally asked Chris.

-What? No, no, don't get me wrong, you're great in the sack, it's just... I can't really hold your pace.-

-Couldn't you just tell me right away? Did you have to make up this whole story?-

-Well, I told you now, haven't I?-

-God, Chad, I'm so tired of you. You're always lying, and manipulating, even when the easiest solution would be to just be straight...-

-But I'm bisexual!-

-very funny, you know what I mean. The easiest solution would be to be honest and tell the truth. But you are so used at lying that you don't even think of that.-

-Okay, okay, I'm a terrible person. Wanna have sex now?- said Chad, willing to sacrifice his ass to make things right with his teacher. After all, it was all part of the master plan.

-No. I don't wanna have sex with you. I mean, I do, but I won't. It's so wrong. You're so wrong.-

Chris left the room. Chad just stood still. That wasn't supposed to happen. And now he felt all upset. And it wasn't only because his plans were screwed. It actually almost felt like... He had feelings for Chris?

No, that wasn't possible. He was probably was just sorry because things didn't go the way he wanted, and he was confusing disappointment for affection.

Justin and Ryan looked at Adam getting slapped in the face from another girl. It was the fifth slap tonight. Then there had been two punches, a kick in the balls, and then Lindsay Lohan had barfed on his shoes.

-I think he's forgot about us.- said Justin.

-Yeah, I think he still has to recover from Pink's kick.-

-God, that girls know how to hit.-

-Well... Since he doesn't care about us anymore... What do you think we go finish what we started earlier?- grinned Ryan, getting closer to Justin.

-What do you have in mind?- asked Justin biting his lip and putting his hand in Ryan front pocket to reaching for his hard cock.

-Hey... Slow down, we're in public...- said Ryan.

-If someone sees us, I'll just tell them I'm looking for a pen.- replied Justin, stroking him through his jeans.

-God, when did this campus turn into fricking Queer As Folk?- asked Rihanna, suddenly arriving from behind him. Justin immediately let go of Ryan's cock and took his hand out of the pocket.

-What's happened?-

-Well, I discover that professor Evans and Chad are having an affair, then I come back here and I find you stroking your boyfriend in the middle of the fucking room.-

-Was it that obvious?- blushed Justin.

-Yes, it was that obvious. You're just lucky everyone is too drunk to notice.-

-Oh honey, I'm so sorry about Chad and Chris, can I do something?-

-No. Right now I just wanna drink, fuck someone and then wake up tomorrow morning and plan a revenge so big that they'll regret ever meeting me.-

-A revenge against a teacher? Are you sure that's a good idea? Maybe it's better if I get you home, and then we'll talk and you'll calm down...- suggested Justin.

Ryan rolled his eyes. Another night without Justin? He couldn't bare that.

-I don't want to talk. I wanna get wasted and laid, don't care in which order.- replied a furious Rihanna.

"Thank god" thought Ryan, as Rihanna disappeared in the crowd, trying to get to the bar.

-So.. Shall we go?- asked Ryan, impatient to finally get some release.

-Maybe I should stay with Ree.-

-Oh, she knows how to handle herself.-

-You're just saying this because you're horny.-

-Yes. I can't deny that.-

-You're just lucky you're so hot.-

The couple disappeared from the club.

Wade was giving yet another drink to an already drunk Lindsay Lohan.

-Did I tell you I'm not wearing any underwear? And I've just shaved my Vagy.- she whispered.

-Isn't it cold?- asked Wade, trying to avoid her drunk breath.

-No. My sweet Vagy is always hot and wet.-

-That's... nice. Maybe you've had enough drinks for tonight.-

-No! Vodka! More! Need! Now!- growled Lindsay.

As he was trying to keep that beast from the bottles, Wade noticed a very passed out Britney on the floor, being surrounded by a crowd of horny teenagers.

He couldn't just leave her there. He left his spot at the bar over jumped over the bar-desk.

-Hey! Where are you going?- shouted his boss, the not-so-kind Timbaland.

-That girl needs help! She's a friend of mine!-

-She's just another junkie! Go back to your work or you'll be fired.-

-Fire me then.- finally said Wade, and got Britney on her feet and started dragging her out.

One of the horny guys, who Wade recognized as Kevin Federline, who he has seen with Britney a couple of times, stopped him.

-Hey! That's my girlfriend!- he shouted.

-Yeah? What's her last name?-

-Erm... Brown?-

-Wrong answer. Bye now.-

Kevin punched him.

-Wrongest answer.- said Wade, punching him back.

-Hey, you wanna piece of me?- cried Kevin, shoving Wade against the wall.

In that moment, Britney woke up.

-What's going on?- she mumbled, stumbling a couple of times before getting back on her feet.

-I'm taking you home.- said Wade.

-I don't think so. I hate you.-

-Heard my boo?- said Kevin, taking Britney in his arms.

-Don't say boo, you're not even black.-

-So? You got something against the colour of my skin, bro?- asked Kevin.

-Just shut up, you douchebag.- said Wade, then turned to Britney –Brit, he was making out with you while you were passed out! He's a jerk!-

-At least he didn't cheat on me with my best friend.- replied Britney –Let's go, Aaron.-

-It's Kevin. It's the fifth time I tell you, Kelly!-

-Britney.- corrected him Britney, then kissed him and puked on his shirt. He just laughed and they left.

Wade watched them go. He realized how bad he'd hurt Britney. Maybe it was good that Timbaland had fired him. This wasn't his place.

Justin didn't care about him. Britney hated him. Maybe the time had come to finally leave Uc Hollywood.

Ryan and Justin got back to their room, and Ryan wasn't able to hide his eagerness. He immediately locked Hotpussy in the closet, then took off his shirt.

-So... Where were we, Justin?- he winked, sitting on the bed and spreading his legs.

Justin smirked.

-I don't remember. Maybe you should remind me.-

Ryan pulled him by his shirt, so that Justin was on top of him, straddling him, and then kissed him.

Justin jokingly pulled away from the kissed, making Ryan's lips chase his. He could feel Ryan's hard cock rubbing against his ass through their jeans.

As Ryan kissed him again, Justin put his hands on his crotch and started massaging it. Ryan moaned and let his hands roam under Justin's shirt.

Justin unzipped his jeans and freed Ryan's cock, stroking it fast, feeling it pulse in his hand.

-C'mon baby, suck it...- whispered Ryan in Justin's ear.

Justin got down from the bed and kneeled in front of Ryan's cock.

He wrapped his lips over it, letting it slide down slowly, until it was down his throat...

Ryan was feeling so good, finally having a hot wet mouth around his cock. He closed his eyes, gave a couple of thrusts and then... He came.

He blushed, as Justin gulped down all the sperm.

-God... I'm so sorry, this... This has never happened to me... I... It's just... It's been so long and..-

-Hey, don't worry.- replied Justin –The important thing is that you liked it.-

Ryan kissed him.

-Let me thank you.- he said, pushing Justin on the bed.

He started kissing him on the neck, then got lower. He undid his shirt and kissed his nipple, then his abs, until finally he reached Justin's jeans. With one swift move, he tore open the zipper and pulled the jeans down, throwing them at the other side of the room.

Justin put his hands behind his head and his cock got hard with anticipation. Ryan was now in front of him on his knees. He went forward and put his hands on Justin's chest, running his fingertips up and down them as he started running his warm, jelly-like tongue on the inside of his thighs.

He got to Justin's big balls and smothered them in his warm spit. He took in the manly scent and started sucking each ball individually, stroking the slab of meat as his mouth made wet noises. Justin moaned and ran his fingers up and down his chest, pinching his nipples. Ryan now spit on

his cock and started to suck on it, massaging his balls in the process.

-Oh fuck yeah baby, suck my cock. Take all of it.- Justin moaned.

Ryan started to deep throat the hard dick. -Yeah, you like that wifey? You like me sucking your cock?- He jerked it wildly and placed kisses on the v outline of his lower body. -Ah, fuck yes-

He then lifted Justin's legs and pulled him closer, starting to lick his tight asshole, up to his balls, then putting his soft lips back around the thick, pulsing cock. Justin cursed and moaned, nearing orgasm with every second.

Ryan put his tongue out and started hitting the precum-oozing dick against it, lapping at the warm man syrup. -Fuck my mouth, I wanna eat your cum baby. Give it to me.- He started to deep throat it again, his throat muscles tightening around the ready-to- burst dick.

Justin didn't need a second invitation, he started to fuck his lover's hot mouth and breathe heavily. -Ryan!!!- he screamed.

-What is it baby?- Ryan tried to say with a mouthful of cock.

-I'm gonna cum!-

Ryan's eyes got an evil gleam, and he started to stroke Justin off again feverously, moaning and

grunting, eager to swallow the hot cum. He put his tongue out and started to lick the tip between jerks, and then Justin gripped the bed sheets and erupted in a bout of curses, loud moans and jerks.

The warm cum splattered out in quick sprays, coating Ryan's tongue and face, pooling up on the sides of his hand. -Oh fuck yeah baby, you taste so fuckin good. That was hot.- Ryan said as he sucked down the load, and then licked all of the cum he could get from his hand and Justin's chest.

-Now turn around. I'm gonna eat that perky ass.-

Justin nodded. -It's yours for the taking, honey.- He turned around and got on the bed,

leaning on his arms, displaying their muscle definition while leaning down and arching his back outward, his perky, perfect ass in the air.

Ryan remained on his knees and put his armsaround Justin's thighs, pulling that cute ass down onto his face. He massaged each of his boyfriend's bouncy ass cheeks and started running his middle finger lightly in the hot ass crack. Justin shivered and stifled a moan.He was enjoying all of

this too much, and with the attention his hot tight puckered asshole was getting, it would only take a second to burst again.

Ryan laughed and smiled, then dove his face in Justin's ass again, jabbing his tongue around the entire hot perimeter. Justin's musky, manly scent was the best he had ever had his face in. He reached one hand around and started to play with his boy's nipples as his tongue continued

lapping. Justin moaned and shivered, biting his bottom lip and grinding his

cock down into the bed like a bitch in heat.

Ryan licked and sucked down to the amazing ass again. His slick tongue went up and down the warm crevice, stopping to lather the underside of Justin's balls in spit as he reached around and continuously groped his hard cock.

He licked and sucked at the tight pucker, getting it hot and wet, jabbing into it and tongue fucking him, slapping his ass once, and then again when Justin pushed back for more.

-Fuck, eat my ass Matthew Ryan Phillippe, fuck yeah- Justin couldn't take it anymore, he felt like shooting, but he finally needed a cock in his ass.

His entire body felt like it never had before. Every single muscle in his body was full of pleasure, and his hairs stood up with goosebumps. He was warm and tingly and felt an orgasm building.

Ryan couldn't get enough of the Timberlake ass. It was the best ass in the world! He kept pushing inward and smothering his face in the warmth, ravenously sucking and lapping at the pucker and crack, kneading and squeezing the firm cheeks.

-Stop it!-Justin pleaded. -I'm gonna shoot! But I wanna shoot with your dick up my ass!-

Ryan raised his head from Justin's sweet ass. -Are you sure, baby?-

Justin didn't know what to reply. When he had screamed that he had been totally out of control, over taken by the pleasure. Now, he was kind of unsure.

He sighed deeply, then said: -Yes.-

Ryan got on his bed, standing on his knees behind Justin, and spat on his dick. Then he rubbed it on his crack, leaving a light smear of precum. He felt Justin shiver.

-Are you scared, baby?- he asked, stroking his back.

-No, no... Just.. Cold- lied Justin.

Ryan spat on his hand as Justin answered the question before grabbing his dick and rubbing the makeshift lube over it. As he did so he saw Justin tense slightly at the thought of what was about to come and he couldn't resist spanking his boyfriend's ass before slowly placing the head of his

dick between the two cheeks and lining it up with the virgin hole. As he grabbed Justin hips and began to push into him he once again felt the younger boy tense up but that was forgotten as the head of his dick pushed into the tight hole!

-Ah fuck!-

As Justin's mixed cry of pain and pleasure filled the room Ryan released a deep grunt as he continued to force his dick deeper inside him. Finally, after all that waiting, inch-by-inch his dick disappeared inside Justin and he heard the younger man continue to cry out and moan in a strange mixture of pleasure and stopped. For a moment they were simply locked together, Ryan's hard throbbing dick deep inside Justin as he took in deep gulps of air and then Ryan began to grind into his lover's ass, his hips rubbing up against the soft cheeks as his dick circled and loosened Justin's devirginised hole.

-Ah fuck... fuck...-

-You like this big dick inside you baby?-

-I'll... never... know... how I lived without it... before!- Justin grunted.

Ryan slowly started to withdraw his dick from Justin's butthole before once again thrusting deep and hard into him, producing a cry from the blonde boy. He repeated the process again, this time thrusting harder and producing a louder cry. A third and fourth thrust followed and slowly Ryan started to fine his rhythm thrusting in and out with increasing speed and power.

As the two men stayed locked together, fucking rough and hard the sweat began to pour from both

of them, with single beads of it running down Ryan's hard body, over his erect nipples and down across his incredible abs, neither man seemed to notice or care though as Ryan once again grabbed a handful of Justin's hair.

With all 9 inches of his uncut dick inside of Justin, he bent over and kissed, licked and bit at the back of his neck and ears.

-I wanna see your face as you ride my cock.- He whispered into Justin's ear, making him shiver.

Slowly Ryan pulled out of Justin's ass and lay down onto the bed, his large hard cock standing fully erect as Justin climbed up onto his feet, his own erection still throbbing. For a moment Justin simply stood looking down at the sight of his boyfriend naked, the big hard dick, the lean muscled body, slick from sweat shining slightly and a dirty smile filling his face!

-Sit on it baby!-

Ryan held his dick in place as slowly Justin started to lower himself down onto it. As the large head once again forced its way into his hold he let out another moan but continued to lower himself down the shaft, his hands resting on Ryan's pecs and pinching and twisting his nipples. Within a few seconds his hungry hole had once again swallowed all of Ryan's dick, who in turn grabbed Justin's hips.

With help from Ryan, Justin started bouncing up and down on the 9 incher which was just made for his ass! He needed little encouragement from Ryan to continue his joy ride on the large 9 inch cock and as he continued to bounce up and down he took hold of his own cock and started jerking it, slowly at first but as he rode Ryan's dick harder and faster, the speed of his hand increased as well.

Within just a few minutes of grabbing hold of his cock Justin could feel his load starting to build and knew that it was just a matter of minutes before he exploded.

-FUCK yes!- Justin yelled, riding the cock and driving it further into his ass. He stroked his cock faster and faster. -Holy Fuck!- He started to release his hot seed, shooting volleys of thick cum everywhere, slattering Justin's heaving, glistening torso his his love juice.

Seeing his lover orgasm was enough to also bring Ryan over the edge. He unleashed gallons of gooey cum inside of Justin's sweet asshole, which was gripping his cock like a vice as Justin was cumming.

Justin collapsed on top of Ryan and they started making out passionately.

When they finally broke the kiss, Justin started grinding his crack on Ryan's cock.

-What? Again?!?- Ryan asked in shock.

-I have to make up for all those times I didn't get it up my butt before...- Justin said with a smirk.

Britney and Kevin got to his house. Britney looked at his partner. Should she do like Paris always told her and finally give it up? She was drunk enough, even though Kevin wasn't exactly a prince charming. Unless you find charming a guy picking his nose with his own big toe.

"Flexible!" thought Britney.

-Come to bed, baby.- said Kevin, farting sensually to prove his point.

Britney was too drunk to complain. She took off her top, showing her boobs, but before she could get into bed she passed out again.


Kevin thought about getting up and fuck her anyway, but he was way too tired as well. He fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Chapter 16 The morning after

Rihanna woke up in a stranger's bed. She didn't know exactly where; she hardly remembered anything about the night before. All she knew, was that she had been properly fucked by whom probably was he greatest stud out there, and that now she felt extremely satisfied. It had probably been the best night of her life.

She lazily got up, holding her head. Even the great sex couldn't ridden her of her terrible hangover. She walked out of the room, into the kitchen, without bothering to get dressed, and to her great horror she found Adam Brody, cooking breakfast in just his briefs.

-Aaah!- she screamed, the covered her private parts with a pillow.

-Oh, good morning.- said Adam nonchalantly –So, what do you want for breakfast, pancakes or scrambled eggs?-

-Where is your room-mate?- asked Rihanna worried.

-What room-mate?-

-You know, the hot room-mate I had sex with last night.-

-I don't have a room-mate. I had one, but he left because I was "always over-stepping his boundaries". Umpf. Just because I used his underwear a couple of times.-

-But... If you don't have a room-mate, who did I sleep with last night?- suddenly she realized, as Adam happily raised his hand –No. No!-

-Best night ever. But, honey, now that we're together, I really think you should do a boob-job. I like my women's breasts big.-

-What's wrong with my boobs?- asked Rihanna –And.. We're not together!-

-Of course we are. I mean, you swallowed my cum three times last night. That must mean something.-

-I have to throw up.- said Rihanna disgusted.


-Shut up. And, so that we're clear, our little...- Rihanna thought about the night before and her gag reflex kicked in again –"sleepover" last night must stay a secret.-

-Sleepover? But we barely slept!-

Rihanna grabbed his balls and squeezed hard.


-Yes.- squealed Adam.

Rihanna loosened her grip, and she felt something hard next to the balls.

She grabbed it.

They both stayed silent.

Rihanna was now "exploring" Adam's crotch, slowly touching and rubbing his crotch.

-God, this thing is hard! And big!-

-Nine inches, baby.-

-Holy shit.-

-So... You want to... "sleepover" again?-

-Shut up.- said Rihanna, then kissed him and dropped her pillow, revealing her naked body. Adam grabbed her boob, but Rihanna slapped his hand.

-I'm the one doing the touching here, loser.- she said, then pushed him on the table and literally jumped on his cock.

-And remember, if you tell anything about us, I'm going to cut your dick off and I'll give it to Hotpussy as a toy.- she remembered him, as she rode him.

Justin woke up to find Ryan spooned against him. They were both naked, and Ryan's arms were wrapped against him.

-That was good.- said Justin.

-Hell yeah.- mumbled Ryan, still half asleep.

-But I feel like we're forgetting something...-

Suddenly, they heard a very pissed MEOOOOWR, and a THUMP and a CRASH, then a very angry Hotpussy managed to kick down the wardrobe door with her paws, jump on the bed and attack Justin.

When Britney woke up, Kevin was still asleep with his toe up his nose. She checked in her vagina, making sure everything was still there...

"Yes, yes, I definitely still feel like a virgin" she thought. Thank god.

She wasn't still ready to give it up. She knew it was stupid, but somehow she still felt it was wrong to have sex out of a real relationship.

So she left.

Author's note: Thanks for all the lovely feedback!!!!!!! Uc Hollywood will definitely go on! And next chapter will be very special... It will be written by Mitsaso, writer of Slutty Xmen (read it! It's the funniest and sexiest thing on nifty!) who in my opinion is a complete genius, and who also wrote the sex scene in this chapter!!!! I'll also be writing a new chapter of Slutty Xmen in the future, so.. Stay tuned!!!

And as always, feedback and suggestions are always appreciated at: cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 14

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