Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Sep 28, 2009


Episode 7 The Britney Bitch Project

Britney was ready for her comeback. All the Rihannas and Parises of the world were going to pay for the way they had treated her.

Uc Hollywood was soon going to have a new queen.

All those years hanging out with bitches had taught Britney a lot. She knew all the strategies to become popular.

She already had one of the hottest boys on campus, Tom Welling.

Now all she needed were popular friends. But she knew exactly where to find those.

So now she was knocking at the Teta Omega's doors, with a gift basket full of goodies (eye liner, lipstick, the "Project Runaway" dvd set and condoms).

Fergie opened the door. She was crying desperately.

-Aaaaaw... What's wrong, dear?- asked Britney, looking concerned but secretly gloating. Emotional breakdown: this meant Fergie needed comfort, and Britney was there for her, and that meant they'd become friends in no time. That was exactly what Paris had done with her after she had discovered about Justin and Wade.

-It's... It's... That Justin! Apparently, not only is he gay, but he's fucking the man of my dreams!- wailed Fergie. She wasn't going to out Ryan, she'd never do that to him, but she didn't give a shit about Justin.

-Believe me, I know the feeling.- Britney hugged Fergie lovingly --But I'm going to be here for you. You'll see, we'll become the best of friends.-

Britney grinned evilly.

Starring: Justin Timberlake

Ryan Philippe


Britney Spears

Paris Hilton

Chad Michael Murray

And... Chris Evans

Guest starring: Fergie, Adam Brody, Tom Welling, Usher, Jack Nicholson, Monica Bellucci

Chapter 18

Ryan was really upset about the disappearance of Hotpussy. Justin knew he should feel sorry for his boyfriend, but really, he was just glad the psycho cat was gone.

-She was all that was left of my grandma...- said Ryan.

-Ooh. She died?-

-No. She left me in a used box of grapes on the Philippe's doorsteps when I was six months old. With me there were a note and a cat.-

-You were adopted?- asked Justin surprised.


-What happened to your real parents?-

-Well... My grandma wrote in the note that my father's identity was unknown, that my mother died giving birth, and that she couldn't take care of me `cause she was busy with her job as a stripper on sexygranny.com.-

-That's tragic.- said Justin.

-I know.- grinned Ryan --I need lots of affection to get over it.-

Justin kissed him on the lips and pushed him on the bed.

-You've never had a father to spank you!- he said, turning Ryan on his stomach and lowering his jeans and boxerbriefs. He gave a playful smack on the firm ass.

Ryan rolled over, grabbed Justin by his wrists and pinned him on the bed. Now they had switched position, with Ryan on top and Justin under him.

-Hey! I was supposed to do the spanking!-

-What can I say? I've always been a difficult child.- laughed Ryan.

He kissed Justin, still holding him down by the wrists.

Their crotches were grinding together, the friction giving them pleasure, but not enough to get them off.

Ryan quickly undid Justin's belt and took off his jeans and underwear. Now their cocks were skin to skin, rubbing together and making them moan.

Ryan took Justin's legs and raised them on his shoulder, and carefully aimed with his cocl at the tight hole.

Justin shivered and tensed a little, feeling the head pushing against his hole.

-It's all right, baby...-

-It... It still hurts a little...- sighed Justin.

-I'll be gentle.- Ryan slowly pushed the head in, and felt Justin dig his nails in his back.

-It's so big..- moaned Justin.

Ryan let him have time to adjust before pushing in the first inches.

-You can... You can go now.- whispered Justin, slowly pushing his hips against Ryan to get more of the cock inside of him.

Ryan smiled, as he pushed all the way in until his pubes were touching Justin's ass. Then he took all the cock out, before shoving it all in one motion, making Justin scream.

Ryan put his hand on Justin's mouth to hush him, and Justin immediately started sucking on one finger.

Ryan started thrusting slowly, feeling Justin sucking harder everytime.

Then, suddenly...


-Hey! It's me, Adam! Since I'm your friend, I came to warn you that lesson is starting in ten minutes, and you should hurry up and not be late as always.-

Justin frowned under Ryan.

-Thank you, Adam, that's really thoughtful of you.- growled Justin from his teeth.

-Do you want to walk there together?- asked the nerd.

-No, thank you, you go, I'll be right behind you.-

Justin heard the steps of the annoying Adam walking away.

-Finally he's gone.-moaned Ryan, as he started thrusting again. But Justin pushed him off.

-Sorry, Ry, but all we've been doing lately is fuck, and I haven't studied, and I really need to go to lesson.-

-But Justin...- Ryan kissed him on the neck, trying to make him stay.

But Justin got dressed and left.

Adam got in the room just as the lesson was about to start. He did that everyday now, trying to avoid Professor Evans.

-Hello, Mr Brody.- smiled professor Evans.

-Good morning, professor...- he mumbled, then hastily looked for a seat. Finally, he spotted Rihanna and sat next to her.

-What the fuck do you think you're doing here?- she asked, furious.


-You idiot!- she whispered --We can't be seen together! You're just my secret fuck buddy!-

-But... But... I fucked professor Evans for you!- whispered Adam.

-I remember, and it was very hot!- Rihanna was now turned on just at the memory. Then she shook her head and said: -But still! Our relationship, if we can call what we have that, must stay a secret! You know what would happen to my reputation if people knew we were having sex? Just... Disappear.-

Adam left, feeling let down and dumb. He had really hoped that his and Rihanna's relationship would turn in something serious, but it really seemed like that wasn't going to happen.

Meanwhile, Justin had entered the class and sat next to Rihanna.

-What did the Dungeon Master want?- he asked her.

-There's something you need to know...- she blushed --Remember I was always whining about not getting any?... I finally got some.-

-Really? With who? It's Usher, right? Ryan says he just can't stop talking about you, he's totally into you!-

-Couldn't you tell me that before?!!!!- cried Rihanna infuriated.

-Hey! Sorry! What are you so mad about? You just said you got some anyway!-

-That's the problem!- said Rihanna, then added whispering: -I'm getting some from Adam...-

-Oh god! That's sick!-

-Shut up! Nobody knows, except Adam, you and me! Oh, and professor Evans...-

-How does professor Evans know?-

Rihanna blushed again.

-Well... Remember how I really can't handle wine?-

-What did you do?-

-Some things should stay a secret.-

-Oh, c'mon, I didn't judge you when you got drunk and had sex with an umbrella while singing "Umbrella ella ella eh eh", which by the way had a catchy sound, maybe you should think of becoming a singer...-

-Do you have a point?- cut him off Rihanna.

-Anyway, if I didn't judge you then why do you think I'd judge you now?-

-Cos I kinda put a strap on and fucked the professor.-

Justin was speechless.

-Oh, and I also brought Adam with me.-

-College is bad for you.- just said Justin --And let's never speak of this again.-

-I couldn't agree more.-

-Now... About Adam...-

-There's nothing to say.-

-Do you luuuuurv him?-

-Shut up.-

-I guess he is kind of cute if you don't listen to a word he says.-

-Timberlake... Fenty... Is there something you want to tell the class?- interrupted them professor Evans --Or will you stop whispering?-

-Sorry, professor.- Justin blushed, but Rihanna grinned.

-I could tell all the class, actually.- she said evilly --Do you want me to, professor?-

Chris understood they were talking about, so decided to change subject.

-We don't have time to lose on your business, miss Fenty, so please don't disturb the lesson any further.-

Rihanna smiled. She knew the teacher was completely in her power now.

Justin instead was thinking of the threesome. And that led him to sex. And sex led to Ryan.

And then Justin was so horny, that he just had to run away from the class and back into his room, where Ryan happily greeted him with a kiss.

-And they were both naked and sweaty! I even brought muffins!- Fergie had been sobbing for the past three hours, and Britney was really getting tired of it, but she knew she had to look supportive if she wanted to become Fergie's new BFF, which she needed to be to have her revenge.

-Justin is such a... slut.- said Britney --But don't worry. I'll help get your man back. But first you need to tell me who it is.-

-But...- Fergie looked uncertain --You can't out him. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.-

-You can trust me.-

-Okay... It's... Ryan Philippe.-

Britney didn't really care, she just wanted a proof the now Fergie trusted her and, who knows, a way to blackmail her later.

For a moment, she was happy for Justin; apparently he had finally gotten with the boy he liked. Then she remembered she hated him.

There was a knock on the door.

-Can you look who it is? I'm a complete mess...- asked Fergie, still sobbing.

-No problem.-

Britney opened the door and found Usher, head of the Zeta Betas and actual president of the UC Hollywood CU (confraternitie's union).

-Hey, is Fergie here?-

Fergie let out a scream of sorrow.

-She's busy... Is there something I should tell her?-

-There are the election for the new president. Every house can present one candidate. We just wanted to know which one was yours.-

-Oh.- Britney grinned evilly --Yes. We already decided our candidate together. It's Britney. Britney Spears.-

-Okay.- Usher wrote down something and then handed it to Britney --Fergie will just need to sign here.-

-No problem.-

Britney smiled as she said goodbye to Usher.

What a coincidence. She wanted power, and she got the perfect occasion.

It was as if God was helping her in her bitchy mission of revenge.

Tom was bored. There weren't any naked girls on tv, and Britney was away "making friends" (so she had said). Normally, he would have used this boring alone time to jerk off, but Britney had completely blown him off last night, and he didn't have the force to get his penis up again.

Also, Usher was gone for his CU president duties, and the other frat guys were getting booze for some party that evening. One was even at lesson.

Only Chad was still in the house. They weren't exactly best pals, but hey, he was better than nothing.

-Hey, Chad, how about a basketball game in the backyard?- he shouted to his confraternity brother, who was as usual locked in his room.

-How about no?!- was the harsh reply --You know, Tom, we're not all Neandarthals who have nothing to do all day. I've got people to trick and schemes to follow, so leave me alone and go shave your back.-

Tom really didn't know what to reply, so he settled for a: -My back isn't hairy.-

Weak comeback, but hey, Tom wasn't exactly famous for his wit and irony. He was mostly famous for his hunky figure and his enormous cock. Two things he was very proud of.

Bored out of his mind, he decided to go and annoy his best friend and team mate, Ryan Philippe.

Once he got in front of his room, he heard loud moans.

Woah, maybe Ryan was in there with his mysterious girlfriend. Maybe he should have called before paying a visit.

But he was too curious to know who the lucky girl was, so he insensitively knocked on the door.

He heard a loud THUMP and then the sound of someone rushing to the door.

Ryan opened the door, shirtless and sweaty.

-Yes?- he asked.

-Who's the lucky girl?- grinned Tom.

-What girl?- Ryan pretended to not knowing what he was talking about,

-C'mon, I heard you moaning!-

Justin came to the door, sweaty and shirtless as well.

-Is it Adam agai...- Justin started to say, then saw Tom and shut up.

-You were having a threesome with your room mate?- asked Tom confused. Where was the girl?

-No. We were just...- Ryan thought of an excuse --Working out.-

-Ah. Ok. Can I work out with you? I'm bored.-

Justin suddenly pictured Tom joining him and Ryan in a hot threesome were he would get cock from both holes and got very hard.

"He's your boyfriend's best friend, don't even think about it." He thought.

But he couldn't help himself, especially when Tom came in and took off his shirt as well.

He stared at his awesome body.

-So? Are we going to work out or not?- the stud asked.

-Yes. Yes. Of course.- replied Ryan, as he got on the floor and started working on his abs, quickly followed by Tom.

Justin, seeing the two twirling and flexing, couldn't rid his mind of dirty thoughts: Tom doing him from behind, whilst Ryan fed him his cock... Then they switched position, and then Justin was riding Tom's cock while Ryan came up from behind and double penetrated him...

Justin closed his eyes and got back to reality. He had to get away from that room, there was way too much testosterone in there, and if he didn't leave quickly, he was going to lose control and blow his and Ryan's cover.

-I... I have to... Rihanna wanted a hand studying.- lied Justin, then put on a shirt and left.

-Your roommate's weird.- commented Tom.

Once out of the door, Justin met professor Nicholson, who was clearly peeping through the key-hole.

-What the hell?!- he asked.

-I was... I was... I lost a...- professor Nicholson blushed --It's none of your business.-

-Why were you spying on us?-

-I wasn't spying! I was just keeping an eye on that boy!-

-But why, you old perv?-

-Old what?! I was just making sure he wasn't up to something bad!-


-I know he's planning something mischievous as we speak!-

-You're crazy and paranoid.-

-And you're lucky I don't suspend you. --

With that said, professor Nicholson walked away angrily.

-How come lately everybody's going insane around here?- muttered Justin to himself.

Author's note: I know, this suck. It's just, I haven't written this series for so long, I had to get the hang of things again. Next chapter will be better, I promise, and the finale is comping up soon, so the next chapters are going to be pretty intense with stuff happening.

Oh, feedback is always appreciated at cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 16

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