Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Oct 12, 2009


Chapter 19

It was evening in the Beta Zeta house. The guys were all having dinner while watching the campus news in tv.

-So... Usher, how is the campaign for the CU presidency going?- asked Paul Wesley, a junior who challenged Tom Welling in hotness and dumbness.

They all burst into laughter. It was a joke they made every year, since usually Usher was the only candidate and nobody really cared about that position.

-Actually, there's another candidate this year. Britney.-

-Britney? My Britney?- asked Tom surprised.

-"Your" Britney? That sounds weirdly monogamous for you! You're not going all serious relationship, are you? That's so lame.- said Mark Salling, the baddest boy on campus, who was also a member of the football team

-It's... She's different from the other girls.- blushed Tom.

-Oh, I get it, she's good at giving head!- said Mark.

-It's not just about the sex!-

-You're saying you're not even getting any?- laughed Mark.

-No! I'm getting some... Backdoor action just... It's not only about the sex! She's a nice girl!-

In that moment, UC Hollywood's anchorman, Perez Hilton, said:

-And here's an interview with CU presidency candidate Britney Spears!-

Britney appeared on screen, dressed in a little pink dress and smiling.

-Hello, fraternities and sororities everywhere! Vote for me! And remember... A vote for me, is a vote for boobs!- And after she said that, she lifted her shirt, flashing her exposed breasts to the camera, without losing her smile.

In the living room of the Beta Zeta, there was a moment of silence, interrupted by Mark,.

-Well... She's definitely got my vote.- he smirked.

The Teta Omegas were watching the show as well, and Fergie was clapping looking at the tv.

-She was such a sweet, little virgin when she arrived here... Now look at her. Our Britney's all grown up.- she said, almost crying out of pride.

-Yeah... About that... When did you two become such close friends? You barely knew each other until this morning!- pointed out Rihanna.

-She understands the heartbreak that I'm going through.-

-What heartbreak?-

-The love of my life is cheating on me.-

-But you're single.-


-Well... Talk to me. I could understand you too.-

-You?! Sorry, hon, but this year you've had the love life of a neutered dog.-

-I have a love life!- replied Rihanna.

-Really? That's why you always need batteries?-

Rihanna blushed.

-I... I...-

In that moment someone knocked on the door.

-Oh! That must be Justin! We were gonna study together!- lied Rihanna, using it as an excuse to get out of the room.

Instead, when she opened the door she found...

-Adam? What the fuck? I said that you couldn't come around until I gave you the signal that all the others were asleep!-

-But Ree, I miss you, I haven't been with you all day!- said Adam, giving her a red rose.

-What is this? It totally doesn't match my skin tone! I like tulips, not roses!- said Rihanna, trashing the flower.

-But I... Ree, I love being with you, and when you're not with me... I feel really alone.-

-Oh! Okay! I get it!- said Rihanna, then looked around her making sure there wasn't anybody except the two of them. Then she took off her bra and handed it to Adam, then hastily pit his shirt on again.

-What?...- Adam was confused.

-You know, so when you masturbate you can sniff it or whatever you pervs do. Wasn't that what you wanted? The whole point of the "I need you, I'm so alone" speech.-

-No, Ree! I just want you! I think I'm in l...-

-Ree! Who is it?- shouted Fergie from the other room.

-Just the... Milkman!-

-But it's 9 pm!-

-Yeah, he just...Wanted to know if we were enjoying the milk!-

-Oh, we never drink it, it's too fat!-

-I know, that's what I told him!- ended Rihanna, then whispered to Adam: -Quick, go away, before Jessica comes looking for milk! She's convinced that by drinking it her boobs will get bigger!-

-But I...-

-You got my bra, now go!- Rihanna slammed the door in Adam's face and went back to the living room.

Adam, devastated, picked up his cell phone and called Justin.

-I really need to talk to you.-

-Can't we talk in another moment?.- replied Justin. He was panting heavily.

-Are you having sex while we speak?-

-What makes you think that?... Oh yeah, Ryan, deeper...-

-That's disgusting.-

-Yeah, yeah, say whatever you want, I know you fucked professor Evans.- replied Justin, who was, unknowingly to Adam, riding Ryan's cock by straddling him on the bed.

Adam didn't know what to reply. He couldn't believe Rihanna had told what they've done.

-Adam, are you still there? I can almost hear you blushing.-

-I... It's just... Please don't tell anyone.-

Justin felt guilty about making fun of the boy.

-Don't worry, after all you didn't tell on me and Ryan. And we are friends... Kinda... Right?-

-Thank you.-

-No problem. And hey... If you wanna talk, you can come by any time. Even now.-

-Thank you. I'll be there in five. Really. Thank you a lot.- said Adam, before hanging up.

-Why did you say that?- asked Ryan, slightly rocking his hips backwards and pushing into Justin –We finally had a chance to get rid of the little geek.-

-I don't know... I guess he kind of grew on me.- replied Justin, kissing Ryan as he started bouncing on the cock again.

-Yeah...- grunted Ryan –Keep going, baby, I'm going to cum soon... I'm...-


Justin immediately got off of Ryan's cock.

-How can he be here already? God, that kid is fast!- said Justin, quickly putting on a pair of briefs and jeans.

Ryan just sighed, annoyed to be interrupted again..

-Get dressed!- said Justin, throwing a pair of jeans at him.


-I'm coming!- Justin opened the door, but to his great surprise, he didn't find Justin, but a smiling Britney Spears.

It was one of those evil smiles who Justin would expect from Paris and Chad (or Rihanna, though not with him) and certainly not from the Britney he knew. Even so, he was happy that his former best friend had come to talk to him.

-Brit! Hi! How have you been?- he asked.

-Oh, you know, my whole life has been ruined, thanks to you, but now I'm looking for a way to make it better.-

-And... You're forgiving me?- asked Justin hopeful.

-Of course not. I came here to blackmail you.- said Britney, without losing her smile.


-I know I already have the vote of the fraternities. I mean, boys will be boys. And everyone from the Teta Omegas will vote for me as well. That means there's just one sorority left: the Alpha Phi.-

-Oh god!- said Ryan from inside, sounding disgusted.

-Who are the Alpha Phis?-

-The worst sorority in the world.- replied Britney –Not only they're ugly, but they're also feminists, and do not shave and they think that there are more important things in life than gossip and clothes.-

-Oh, that's terrible.- Justin rolled his eyes sarcastically.

-I know right? So they're probably not going to vote me for my boobs, well, maybe that Samantha Ronson, Paris told me she's totally into pussy...-

-Okay, Britney, cut to the chase, what do you want me to do?-

-You? Nothing. You're worthless, as always. But I need your boyfriend.-

-Don't drag him into this.-

-Well, he'd better help me, or the whole campus will know about your little Brokeback Mountain affair.-

Ryan came to the door as well.

-What do you want me to do?- he asked.

-Apparently, the president of the sorority, America Ferrera, has a big crush on you. Actually, she's a stalker. She built a shrine for you, with your pictures, your underwear she's stolen, the hair you lose...-

-Where are you getting at?-

-Bring her and the rest of the sorority to vote for me, and your secret will be safe.-

-Why do you care so much? The CU's presidency is useless anyway!-

-That's what everyone thinks.- replied Britney, and then walked away wiggling her ass.

Just as she left, Adam arrived.

-Hey, was that Britney Spears? I saw her boobs on tv earlier!- he said –Are you friends?-

-We used to be. Come in. What did you want to talk about?- replied Justin.

-Since I really don't care, I'll go to the Alpha Phi house and get done with Britney's assignment as soon as I can. Bye.- said Ryan.

-Aren't you going to put a shirt on?- yelled Justin at him as Ryan left.

-It's going to take less if I don't.- was the cocky response.

Adam and Justin got inside the room.

-You can sit on the bed if you want to. Make yourself at home.- told him Justin.

Adam looked at the messy sheets.

-No, thank you, I think I'll stand up.-

-So... What did you want to talk about?-

-It's Rihanna. I think we're on different pages in this relationship. I mean, I'd like something serious, and I know she wants it too...-

Justin couldn't help but sneer.

-...But she's too scared to admit it.-

At this point, Justin burst into laughter.

-Sorry, Adam, it's just... Rihanna? Serious relationship? Scared to admit her feelings? Okay, I don't want to be mean, but just accept your relationship for what it is: sex. I mean, you should consider yourself lucky, most guys would kill to be in your position, plus you play with World of Warcraft, where do you think you'll find a woman as sexy as her again?-

-I know, you're right, but I truly... I truly love her.- admitted Adam.

-Okay, one piece of advice: make sure Ree never knows of that. Or you'll probably lose the sex as well.-

Adam looked sad.

-I'm sorry.- said Justin –I'm sure one day you'll find a nice girl who's into the Lord of The Rings as well, and you'll have a wedding dressed as elves, and then little kids who you'll dress up as hobbits...-

-What kind of opinion you've got of geeks?-


-So... You're basically saying that my story with Rihanna isn't going to go beyond sex?-

Justin nodded.

-Okay. Okay. Now I... I really need to go. I need to think.-

-I understand.-

Adam looked crushed. Maybe Justin had been a little too harsh.

At the Beta Zeta house, Usher was uselessly trying to convince his "brothers" to vote for him.

-I'm the president of your house! I'm your friend!-

-But you don't have boobs.- made him notice Mark.

-Think about Tom. Do you think he's happy about his girlfriend showing the boobs to all the fraternity boys on campus?-

-I don't care.- Tom shrugged –I mean, I've showed every hot girl on campus my cock!- He smirked cockily and highfived with Mark.

-You guys are so stupid! Why couldn't I be president of the Gamma Deltas?-

-Because you're not emo.-

-C'mon, guys, vote for me! If I don't win I'll lose my privilege to skip obligatory classes!-

-I don't get why should we care.- replied Mark –By the way, I need a fucking joint.-

-Chad's got all the weed.- replied Tom.

-Yeah, what is Chad doing? He never came out of his room today!-

Chad was actually trying to make order in his plans that had gone awfully wrong.

Chris had dumped him, and it didn't seem like he was going to take him back. That screwed up everything he had been working for.

Plus, he couldn't stop thinking about Rihanna. The girl annoyed him out of his mind, and she seemed to always be there interfering with his plans.

But she was also fierce, and hot, and Chad had been very horny since dumping Chris... And that certainly didn't help his scheming.

"God I hate her!" he thought, checking out her pictures on facebook. How could such a pretty girl be such a pain in the ass? Not that he would have minded having something in his ass.

But thinking about her, he found himself rock hard inside his pants.

He started rubbing his crotch through his trousers, then decided to get a little more comfortable. He got rid of his shirt and unzipped his jeans.

But just as he freed his cock and grabbed it, he heard something scratching against his window, and MEOWING loudly.

He didn't need to look to know who it was: HotPussy, Ryan's nimphomaniac cat.

Chad quickly stuffed his dick back in his pants and opened his window. If he was looking for some hot action, HotPussy was exactly the cat to follow.

-C'mon, HotPussy- he said, stroking the cat –Lead me to some cock.-

HotPussy immediately jumped out of the window, and Chad ran down the stairs to follow her.

-Hey, Chad, finally, I need some weed...-

-Not now, Mark!-

Chad rushed out of the door.

-Why is he still on the house? I mean, is he friends with anyone here? Or talk with anyone?- asked Mark.

-We had an ice cream together last week. But... No, maybe it was last year...- mumbled Paul.

-It's not like we can kick him out. Once a Beta Zeta, always a Beta Zeta.- intervened Usher –Now... Let's talk about important stuff. You have to vote for me.-

-mmm... Do you at least have dirty pics of Beyoncè to show us?- suggested Mark.

-I've got pics of when we were dating and she's in a bikini...-

-No no. No nipples, no vote.- concluded Tom.

America Ferrera and Rumer Willis were busy studying physics when someone knocked on the Alpha Phi house doors. And if there was something they hated, was being interrupted while they studied. Also because most of the times, it was just frat guys pulling a stupid prank on them.

So, they opened the door, and they saw what they would have never expected: a shirtless and sweaty Ryan Philippe. America Ferrera almost had an heart attack.

Rumer, who was more into geeky guys, instead just looked annoyed.

-You want something? `Cause you're all sweaty and stink.-

America kicked her.

-I... I was jogging and I wondered if you could give me a glass of water.-

-Why were you jogging? It's 10 pm.- said Rumer.

America kicked her again.

-Of course, Ryan, come in...Make yourself comfortable... Take off your trousers if you want to...-

-No, thank you, I'll just... Stick to the glass of water.-

Ryan followed America and Rumer inside the house. The living room was a gigantic library.

-You don't have a tv?- asked Ryan surprised.

-No. Too much radiations.- replied Rumer.

-You look tired.- noticed America –Maybe you want to... I don't know... Sleep a little? In my bed? Naked? With me?-

-How about that glass of water first?- Ryan was getting scared.

He followed America to make sure she didn't slip Rufalin in her water to rape him while he was unconscious.

-So...- he said while slowly and cautiously sipping on his water –Who are you going to vote for the new CU president?-

-We don't care about this shallow things.- replied Rumer.

-Oh. Too bad. `Cause my friend Britney Spears is a candidate, and she'd make a really great president.- lied Ryan.

-We're all voting for her of course!- immediately shouted America.

-But you said that these were useless matters that...- Rumer was interrupted by another of America's kicks.

-Well, thank you for the water, now I have to leave, jogging awaits. But, you know, we could go out party together if Britney wins.- said Ryan, wanting to get the hell out of there.

-Definitely.- replied America with dreamy eyes.

Justin was now alone in his room. It was weird. He realised that since he and Ryan had started a relationship, he had never been alone in the room. There were always Ryan, Adam or Ree.

Bored, he decided to turn on the computer just to find out that the charger for his laptop was gone. Which was weird, because he was always very careful with his stuff.

Then he remembered he had lent it to Ryan, since he had lost his own. And of course, the football player had put it who knew where.

He started looking for it, but didn't know where to start. The logical place would have been near Ryan's computer, which was laying on the floor abandoned, but when talking about Ryan's sense of tidiness there really wasn't any logic at all.

Last time he had lent something to Ryan it had been his sunglasses, and Ryan had then put them in the place which he considered more obvious, that is too say on the bathroom floor. Justin really couldn't get the link between the two things, so he decided to start from the bathroom this time as well.

But it wasn't there.

He decided to look in Ryan's desk then, and found: a game boy (without batteries), two mismatched socks, a broken cup, a collection of "playboys" who belonged to "Mr Tom Welling, Uc Hollywood, Beta Zeta house, Los Angeles" , a finished pen and some school books that looked like they'd never been opened.

So then he looked in Ryan's closet. Under the mob of messy clothes, he found other porn magazines, and, stashed under that there was... a letter. From Reese.

Justin knew that reading it would have probably been a lack of respect for Ryan, but really, he had grown up with Rihanna, so he didn't care much about this ethic stuff.

Plus, Ryan was dating him now, so he wasn't supposed to keep other love letters. But was it really a love letter?

"Dear Ryan,

die, you dirty cheating fag. Did you really think I wouldn't find out about you and Chad? Burn in hell, jackass. And just so you know, I slept with him as well. Suck on this, bitch. But at least I had the decency to be drunk when it happened.

Also, I know everything about your real father. Did you really think I was so stupid I wouldn't find out? It's so clear! Just because all your friends have the brain of a dead baboon (yes, I'm talking about Tom), it doesn't mean I can't put two and two together.

And if I haven't told so far it's only because I loved you so much. But now that I found out you've been enjoying sodomizing your roommate all this time, there's nothing left keeping me from spilling your secret. And we'll see what headmistress Bellucci will think about that.

Well, now I have to go, I'll probably go fuck someone you care about, I don't know, like Tom, or, why not?, Chad again.

With love,


P.S.: I always faked my orgasms."

Justin was shocked after all the revelations of his letter. So Ryan knew the identity of his father? And he had lied? And Reese was threatening him? The letter was dated the may 16th, which was, if Justin was not mistaken, the day before she had disappeared.

Justin decided there was just one thing to do. Call Ree.

-Oh, hey Justin, I was just about to call you, you would never believe what happened!- said Rihanna when she answered the phone.

-Ryan keeps a letter of Reese where she's threatening to reveal the identity of his father and it was written the day before she disappeared.-

-Yes, mine is more interesting: Adam came here to ask me for my bra! What a perv!-

-Did you hear what I say?-

-Yes, Ryan is once again suspected to be a serial killer. It's become weekly routine, really.-

-Ree, this could be important! What should I do? Show this to professor Evans? The police?-

-I can't believe Adam is going totally stalker on me and you're thinking about your boyfriend's ex girlfriend's death! You're so insensitive-

Justin rolled his eyes, and then decided to help Rihanna with her problem first. He knew the girl was irrational when it came to her stuff.

-So... Adam came to the house and asked you to give him a bra?- he asked.

-Well... Not really. He came saying he wanted to hang out with me, `cause he misses me when we're not together, so I gave him my bra.-

-I can't find a logical connection.-

-You know, he was just telling me sweet stuff because he wanted to have sex with me...-

-Hasn't it ever crossed your mind that maybe he really cares about you?-

-Who? Adam? No, he's just happy he's found someone as sexy as me, and doesn't want to dump me.-

-Ree, believe me... He really, really, really cares about you. Maybe he even loves you.-

-Oh.- Rihanna didn't know what else to say. –Bye now. I... I have to think.-

-What about my problem?-

-Don't be selfish!-

-My boyfriend could be a killer! I'm not being selfish!-

-Well, talk to him about it! If you'll be dead tomorrow it will mean he probably is the killer! Don't worry, I'll talk to the police if you'll be murdered.-

-Geez, thanks.-

-You're welcome. Bye.-

Rihanna hang up.

After all, his best friend was right. He should probably talk with Ryan first. Maybe there was a good explanation behind all this. Or probably not, and Justin was just in denial.

He was still thinking about what to do, when Ryan walked in, still shirtless and sweaty.

-That America sure is creepy...-

-She's the creepy one? How about you?- asked him Justin.

-I'm not creepy, I'm just stinky. But I'll get a shower and...-

Justin showed him the letter in his hands.

-So? Why have you been hiding this from me? You actually know your father?-

-It's none of your business. You had no right to read that, it's personal.-

Ryan looked outraged.

-So what are you going to do? Kill me as well?- mocked him Justin.

Ryan grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him against the wall.

-How dare you?! You know nothing about me and Reese!-

Ryan pushed him away.

-I know enough!- he replied, pointing at the letter in his hands –And you know what, Ryan? Fuck you. I don't need your shit!-

-Give me my letter back!-

Justin threw the letter in his face.

-Here! Keep it! I don't care about your stupid letter, or your stupid secrets! Fuck you, Ryan! Fuck you!-

Justin stormed out of the room, banging the door behind him.

Ryan was left alone in the room, only with his letter and his remorse.

Rihanna had made up her mind. She liked Adam. She liked him a lot.

He was sweet, in his own way. And he made her laugh. Most of the time unintentionally, but still, Rihanna realised that Adam deserved to be treated in a better way than he had been so far.

He decided to call him.

But there was the machine on. She left a message.

-Hey Adam, it's Ree...I just wanted to tell you, that... Well, you know we could... Go out sometimes. In public, I mean. Well... Not in a place too crowded, actually. And possibly far away from campus... But, still, yeah... I'm asking you on an official date. Call me. Bye.-

Rihanna hung up and shook his head. For the first time in years, she started biting her nails waiting for Adam to call back.

Chad was desperately trying to keep up with Hotpussy, who was running through the campus like... well, like the wild cat she was. He had followed her through practically the whole campus.

They were now at the professor's apartments.

And Hotpussy seemed headed for an apartment Chad knew way too well. Chris's apartment. He peeked from a window, right inside the bedroom.

Chris wasn't alone.

He was on his bed, in just his white boxer-briefs, kissing an equally undressed Adam Brody, who was just in red briefs under him. The teacher was grinding his hips against his student's.

Then he slid his hand in Adam's underwear, grabbing his cock.

-Wait... Professor Evans...- Adam grabbed his hand and stopped it –This is wrong.-

-And this is nothing yet.- winked the older man, as he slapped away his student's hand and resumed stroking the nine inches cock inside the underwear.

Adam opened his mouth to protest again, but Chris shut him up with a kiss.

Adam gave up and enjoyed the feeling.

Soon, Chris wasn't kissing him anymore, but biting and kissing his nipples. Then, his mouth was on Adam's abs, and finally, he was kissing the briefs covered cock.

-Ah... Professor...- Adam bucked his hips up, and Chris took it as a clue to strip him out of his underwear and free his cock. And it was only a matter of seconds before the cock disappeared in the teacher's hot throat.

Adam groaned with pleasure and put his hands on his teacher's head to push him further on his cock, and Chad smiled watching the scene, and rubbed his crotch.

He never thought he'd think that, but even Adam looked hot.

Chris's head was bobbing up and down between his student's thighs.

Adam was moaning and bucking his hips uncontrollably, his eyes closed and his hands between Chris's short hair.

Realising the student was lost in pleasure, professor Evans used the moment and pushed one finger in Adam's tight asshole. The boy froze and pulled the teacher away from his cock.

-No... Please, professor Evans, I don't want to...- he pleaded.

-Just shut up and relax.- said professor Evans, ignoring him and resuming sucking the boy's cock while pushing the finger further inside and getting rid of his own boxerbriefs..

Adam tried to fight back, but was overwhelmed by the pleasure, and when he tried pushing the professor away, he just stopped sucking, grabbed Adam's wrist and got back on top of the boy.

He kissed him, laying between the boy's legs, their hard cocks rubbing together.

As he shoved his tongue in the boy's mouth, professor Evans used one hand to hold Adam's wrists and the other to grab his own cock and aim it at Adam's hole after probbing his ass up a little bit with his knees.

When Adam felt the cockhead pushing against his entrance, he tried to protest again but Chris shut him up with another kiss and pushed the first inch in.

Adam whimpered, but this time didn't try to push the professor away.

Chris smirked, knowing that the kid actually want it, and slowly pushed in another couple of inches, then left the cock there letting Adam getting accustomed to it.

The boy under him was breathless, looking at him with confused eyes.

-It... It hurts...- he said, finally.

Chris in response just kissed him again, and this Adam kissed him back. So he gently withdrew his cock before slowly pushing the whole eight inches in again.

Adam closed his eyes, feeling pain and pleasure.

The teacher gently stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead. His aggressive side had disappeared, showing a gentler and sweeter one.

He took Adam's cock in his hand and slowly stroked it as he began to thrust slowly inside the tight, virgin ass.

-Ah... Professor...- moaned Adam, arching his back slightly.

The teacher started to pick up a pace, making the student under him groan and moan in pleasure.

Their chests were rubbing together, Adam's smooth and hairless and Chris' more built and with some hair on it.

-We... We shouldn't be doing this...- managed to say Adam panting.

-So you want me to stop?- professor Evans stopped jerking him off and withdrew his cock completely and stood up on his knees between Adam's legs.

-No... I still want you to fuck me...- admitted Adam.

That was exactly what Chris wanted to hear. He grabbed the boy's legs and put them on his shoulders, raising his ass and exposing it completely.

Then he started fucking him again, pounding him hard and fast this time.

-Oh.. Yes... Fuck me... Fuck me...-

The professor was happy to do as he was told, thrusting inside him faster and harder.

-Harder... Harder...- pleaded the student.

So Chris grabbed him and roughly turned him on the bed, then started pounding him doggy-style.

Feeling himself coming close to his own orgasms, Chris grabbed Adam's cock, wanting to make him cum as well. It didn't take much, and soon Adam was busting his nut on the bed.

Chris fucked him harder than ever until finally he came inside his ass, filling him with cum.

-Fuck... Yes...- He said giving a few more sloppy thrusts until he completely softened and collapsed on the bed next to his student.

-Stay with me tonight.- he said, kissing him.

Chad smiled watching the scene. Maybe not everything was lost. He now had a way to put his plan back on the right track. He took a picture of the two lovers with his cell phone, and grinned evilly. Then he grabbed the cat and left sneakily. Hotpussy had been helpful once. Maybe he'd find other uses for the kitty in the future too.

The morning after, Adam finally saw all the missed calls. And he listened to the message.

He smiled. Rihanna really wanted to give it a try to their relationship. He was happy that he almost forgot that he was in his professor's room, wearing his professor's boxer briefs while the professor himself was sleeping naked after a night of wild sex.

Still, he sent a message to Rihanna.

"I'd love to go out with you. See you tonight."

It wasn't a better morning for Ryan. He woke up alone, now fully realising what he had done. Justin was probably never going to come back to him, and he couldn't blame him.

And all because of a stupid letter.

Trying to distract himself, Ryan turned on the television. Headmistress Monica Bellucci was congratulating Britney Spears in front of all the fraternities and sisterhood on campus. They were in the Great Hall.

-You won the campaign, and I therefore nominate you new president of the CU. Congratulations.- Monica shook Britney's hand –And congratulations for being so strong and determined. I like a woman who knows how to use her boobs.-

-Thank you, thank you.- Britney's wide smile invaded the scream. –But now that I'm president, there's one announcement I'd like to make. I've fooled you all. Now that I've the power, I'll try to bring some healthy Christianity inside this campus.-

All the frat guys and sisterhood girls in the public started laughing.

-Show us your boobs and shut up!- yelled Mark.

-Yeah, it's not like you have power to really do anything except skip classes.- said Usher.

-That's where you're all wrong. As CU president I can control the fraternities activities. So, first of all, I'm going to ban alcohol from this campus, because it often leads to sin and wrong behaviours...-

The crowd screamed in horror.

-No! Not the alcohol!- pleaded Mark –Can we at least keep the beer?-

-No.- replied Britney –And secondly, I'll have that automatic distributor of condoms removed!-

-You can't do that! That's property of the campus!- said Usher.

-Actually, it was installed by the Teta Omegas in 1983. Therefore, it's CU property.-

Now pure panic was spreading through the crowd. No alcohol, and no condoms? That Britney had played them all.

-Nooo! Not the condoms too!- now Mark was practically in tears.

Tom got on stage and tried to bring Britney back to her senses.

-Honey... But... No more condoms means that we will not have sex either!- he reminded her.

Britney laughed.

-You really think I was going to have sex with you again? It was just a way to get to power!- she explained –Why do you think we only did anal? So that I could stay a virgin and still be pure in God's eyes!-

Britney looked at the sky from the window.

-Heard me, Jesus? I'm going to spread your message all around campus!-

The fraternity students screamed horrified.

Note: So, this was a pretty important chapter I think. Did you all like it? I quite enjoyed writing it. So, next I'm going to write a new Slutty X Men chapter for Mitsaso, and then I'll be back with Uc. Anyway, I'm also on a new project set in high school which will include Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron, Chace Crawford and Penn Badgley, and I wanted to ask you.. Who should I pick as the main character? I was thinking Luke Pasqualino of Shia Labouef, who do you prefer between these two? You can also suggest someone else completely. Email me at cliomiao@hotmail.it ! Thanks, bye!

Next: Chapter 17

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