Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jun 22, 2010


Previously On Uc Hollywood: Britney has revealed her true Psycho Religious self after winning the Fraternities' presidency, banning condoms and alcohol from campus and kidnapping Paris to brainwash her. The lack of condoms as led to a lack of sex, making all the frat boys crazy horny, with unthinkable consequences, like womanizer best friends Mark Salling and Paul Wesley having anal sex and Chad wanting to seduce Tom Welling.

Meanwhile, Justin has found a letter sent from Reese to Ryan just before she was murdered, leading him to think he could be the killer.

Chapter 21

Chad was almost done with the arrangements for the night. Usher was going to his father's, Mark had said that he was going to find a girl to spend the evening with, and Sean Faris, Beau Mirchoff and Jesse Metcalfe, who were never at the house anyway, were out that evening as well.

The only problem was that Paul had gone completely MIA: he wasn't anywhere on campus and he wouldn't answer his cell phone.

He couldn't let just one guy ruin his whole plan. Luckily, he received a phonecall.

-Paul?! Finally!- Chad sighed with relief.

-Hey, I saw you tried to call me a couple hundred of times.- replied Paul -What's up? Did someone die?-

-No, no, don't worry... Where were you?-

-In church. There were some sins I needed to repent.-

Chad couldn't care less about little catholic boy's sins' so he cut to the chase.

-Anyway, I was wondering if I could have the house to myself tonight. The others already agreed.-


-Try not to come to the house before midnight, ok?-

Paul nodded but said nothing.

-Paul, did you just nod? How many times have I told you that you shouldn't nod on the phone.-

-Sorry. Okay, I won't be home before midnight.-


Chad hang up and smiled. That night, Tom was going to be his.

Rihanna and Adam were walking hand in hand in down the corridors, not caring of all the other students staring at the unlikely couple.

-This is nice.- Adam smiled at his girl. His girl. He was so proud that he could call her that.

-Yeah. It's nice.- Rihanna smiled back at him. It was the most honest, tender smile she had ever given in her whole life. She snuggled closer to him.

Then, suddenly, she frowned and pushed him away, so hard that he crashed against a wall.

-What the hell?!-

-Sorry. That's Paris. We can't be seen together, or she'll tell the other girls in the sorority.- explained Rihanna.

-But I thought you wanted us to come out as a couple.-

-I'm just not ready to tell the other girls yet.-

Adam stayed silent, then said, sulking:

-You really hurt my shoulder.-

-Stop being such a whining little pussy.- hushed him Rihanna -What is Paris wearing?!-

The heiress was in fact wearing a nun dress, she was just missing the veil, and was handing copies of the bible to the students that passed by.

-Paris, what is wrong with you?- Rihanna grabbed her and looked at her completely stunned.

-I was enlightened by God's aura.- Paris smiled and handed her a copy of the bible, that Rihanna immediately threw in the nearest bin, with a basketball player precision.

-Britney has completely brainwashed you, hasn't she?- she asked Paris.

-Don't talk like that. She just showed me the Lord's way.-

-That bitch!-

Paris' smile disappeared, and she said in a whisper:

-No, really, don't talk like that. One of Her lackeys could hear you, and she could get you as well. And then she would take me back to that room... I don't want to see The sound of music again. I really can't take it. Please, defeat her, but until then... Keep a low profile.-

After this scary piece of advice, Paris put on her fake smile again and got back to handling bibles.

Rihanna walked away with Adam, creeped out and not holding his hand anymore.

-Me and Chad better come up with something soon, or it will be too late....-

Justin had decided to take the matter in his own hand. He wasn't going to be the gay version of a damsel in the stress anymore. He was studying criminology after all. So he was going to find out the truth about the Reese murder and know whether Ryan was the killer or not.

The only problem was where to start.

He remembered that in the letter Reese had said something about Ryan's father. Justin chose to start from there. He was going to find out who that was.

But he needed Ree's help for that. She could be quite the genius when she wanted to.

He went to the house, but she only found Fergie.

-Fergie? Where is everyone else?- he asked her.

-They are always gone at this hour of the day. Britney makes us pray at this hour, or she'll close the house.- Fergie sounded desperate.

-So why don't you leave for this hour as well?-

-Because Britney could send her lackeys to do an inspection, and if they don't find at least the president they're going to shut the house.- Fergie was on the verge of tears -That scheming bitch, she tricked me. And now I'm so desperate I'm even talking to you.-

-To me?! What does that mean? What have I done wrong?-

-You know exactly what you did, you little slut. You had your filthy hands all over my man.-

-Your man? You had sex with him once! Get over it!-

-It was love! But of course you don't understand, you manwhore!-

Fergie was now growling, and she threw herself against her rival.

Justin was fast enough to close the door, and he heard a loud THUMP when Fergie crashed against it.

He walked away at a fast pace.

"What a psycho." he thought to himself.

He got to Adam's house. Rihanna was probably there.

But he didn't find anyone there. Bored, he started reading some of Adam's comics.

That's one Adam and Rihanna came in, still arguing.

-You are ashamed to be seen with me!- was saying Adam.

-Do we have to go through this argument again? You're only mad because I gave you a little push.-

-Yeah, about that, I think you dislocated my shoulder.-

-If I promise you I'll tell the other sorority girls next week will you please stop complaining about that damn shoulder?-

Adam thought about it for a moment.

-I guess.- he finally said, hiding his happiness.

That's when he noticed Justin.

-What do you think you're doing?- he asked, coldly.

-I thought I could stay here until I clarified with Ryan.-

-I mean what are you doing with that comic? I don't remember giving you the authorization to touch my Buffy Season 8 collection.-

-Whooops. Sorry.- Justin gave a few pats to the comic book as if to clean it from invisible dust -See? Good as new.-

-Just. Stop. Touching. It.-

-Oh, you and your damn comic books.- intervened Rihanna, grabbing the comic book from Justin's hands. -You know, by introducing you to Fergie and the others I'm giving you a really big demonstration of my love. Maybe you should do the same.-

Ree handed the comic to Adam, together with a firelighter she took from her pocket.

-Oh no. You're not going to say what I think you're going to say.- a worried look had crossed Adam's face.

-If you really love me, than you're going to burn that comic book.-

Adam frowned.

-Ree, you can't ask me to do that.-

-That's exactly what I asked you.-

Adam closed his eyes, drew a deep breath and then, under Justin and Rihanna astonished eyes, he burned the book. He looked like he was about to cry.

-Happy now?- he asked Ree.

-Oh, I love you so much!- Rihanna threw herself in his arms and kissed him passionately.

Adam was happy to comply, and soon they were making out, feeling each others asses.

-I'm feeling awkward....- said Justin.

The couple immediately stopped kissing.

-Sorry, Justin. You were saying?- asked him Ree, regaining her posure.

-I need to find out who Ryan's father was, and I wondered if you could help me.-

-Oh, I wish I could, but Britney's getting worse by the second, I've got to stop her first.-

-Ree... This is important.-

-Justin, she turned Paris into a preacher.-

-Okay, it's bad.- agreed Justin -I'll find Ryan's father by myself.-

-I'm sorry, Jus.- Rihanna gave him a faint smile.

-Hey, I can help you!- suggested Adam -I've seen every episode of Veronica Mars, I'm an expert in this kind of stuff.-

-I guess you will have to do.-

-Will have to do? You should consider yourself lucky! I finished the C.S.I. Videogame twice.-

Chad was proud of himself. Everything was set for the night. Now he just needed Tom, but he was at football training. That meant he had a couple of hours to kill.

He decided to go talk to professor Evans.

-Chad. What are you doing here?- he asked him not happy to see him.

-The usual. Scheming and blackmailing.-

-I don't have much time to lose with you. Just tell what you're here for.-

-Tell you? It's best if I show you.-

Chad took his cell phone and showed the teacher his picture with Adam.

-Oh.- Chris didn't know what to say.

-Exactly the reaction I was hoping for.-

-What do you want, money?-

-Hey, I'm not that materialistic! I have far better plans! I want you to seduce our little sweet mister Timberlake.-

-I won't do that.-

-Then I'll have to show these pictures to headmistress Bellucci and the student board.- Chad was grinning evilly. He knew Chris was in his power.

-But why, Chad?-

-I have my reasons.-

Chris thought about it. Justin was very handsome. He had thought about fucking him before, but... He was his student!

"Adam and Chad are your students as well..." he reminded himself.

-Okay. I'll do it.- Chris couldn't hide a little excitement in his voice.

-I know you wouldn't let me down, stud.-

-Then you'll finally let me live my life in peace?-

-You really don't want me to answer that.-

Chad left, happy with his results.

-Maybe Ryan is a super-zombie and his "father" is the scientist that created him.-

Justin looked at Adam not believing what he was hearing. They had been talking for one hour, and so far this one was Adam's best idea on the case, which was pretty sad.


-You know, like in Resident Evil.-

-Wouldn't that mean that the whole campus would be made of zombies by now?-

-Oh my god, you're right! Maybe the Beta Zeta are all zombies, that's why they're so stupid! Like that Tom, have you ever noticed the look in his eyes? He's braindead!-

-Okay, do you have an idea that doesn't involve zombies, aliens, vampires, Satan, cyborgs, ninjas or strippers?-

-Strippers with magical skills called to the save the planet.- Pointed out Adam.

-Whatever. Anything else?-

Adam shook his head.

-Good. Then I still got nothing.-

Justin needed an expert to help him. Like a professional, a detective or a...

"Criminology teacher?"

His cell phone was ringing, and the display said "Professor Evans".


-Justin? Am I disturbing?-

-No, no, of course not.-

-I wanted to ask if you could come to my office. I wanted to talk to you about that letter.-

Talk about coincidences.

-I'll come and meet you in your office?-

-How about you come to my apartment? In, say, one hour?-

-Perfect. See you later.-

Justin hang up.

-Who was that?-

-Professor Evans. He wants to see me in a hour. You want to come too?-

Adam frowned.

-P- p- professor Evans? No, I just remembered that... Well, I have a pvp on Wow and... Well... Have fun!-

He rushed out of the room, leaving Justin alone.

-So... Where is everyone?- Tom was confused. Girls Gone Wild was on that night, and nobody left the house when Girls Gone Wild was on.

But that night, only Chad was there.

-They went home.- replied Chad. –To watch Good Girls Gone Wild.-

-But we always watch it here! It's tradition! We can't lose values like this!-

-Britney blocked all cables for fraternities. She just left "The Christian Channel." So no Girls Gone Wild. But you can watch "Moses the Series" if you want to.-

Tom let himself fall on the sofa and sighed bored.

-Life sucks. What the hell am I going to do tonight?-

-You could go home as well.- shrugged Chad, hoping the answer would be no.

-I can't. Tonight my dad and my step-mother are doing a sixties revival. It means they're going to smoke pot and have sex in the garden.-

-It's December.-

-Apparently, hippies don't care about the cold.-

-Well... Maybe I know a way to cheer you up.-

Chad took a beer from the fridge. A smile brightened Tom's face.

-How... Wow!-

Chad threw a can to him, and he finished it in three gulps.

-It feels like ages.- sighed Tom.

-You want another one?-


In less than five minutes, Tom had already emptied three cans, and was sipping on another one.

Chad figured it was about time to make his move. He sat on the couch next to Tom, close but not touching him.

-There's nothing better than a beer, right?- he said.

-Well. I can think of one thing.- replied Tom.


-Duh. Pussy.- Tom had put his hand on his own crotch, rubbing it slightly.

-I know. Damn Britney. I'm jerking off like crazy lately.- Chad got nearer Tom, so they're arms were brushing, but Tom barely noticed.

-I hate jerking off.- said Tom –It's so uncomfortable when you have a cock big as mine. All modesty aside.-

-Is it really that big?- Chad cocked one eyebrow.

-Yeah, dude, just look at my bulge!- Tom uncovered it from his hand, showing his tented jeans.

-It doesn't seem that big too me.-

-You're joking, man? It's huge. Eleven inches.- Tom, bragging, grabbed his package and gave it a good tug.

-Nah, you're lying! Show me!-

Tom thought that was weird. Why was Chad trying to look at his dick? That made him uncomfortable, and moved a little further from Chad.

-Oh, c'mon, don't be such a baby!- Chad got closer again and put his hand on Tom's crotch. Tom frowned, but as Chad started rubbing him through his jeans, he pushed his hand away and got a little further again.

-What the fuck, dude?- he asked.

-I was just trying to feel it to understand if it's true or not.-

-It's true!-

-Then what's the problem, show me!-

Tom didn't even reply this time.

-Okay, okay, I get it, you were lying and you actually have a small dick. No worries.-

-I wasn't lying!-

-So what's the problem? It's not like I haven't seen another guy's junk!-

-Because... Well... Because it's hard! When I drink too much beer everything turns me on!- Tom blushed, but Chad just shuggered.

-So? I've seen a couple of hard dicks during highschool.- He laughed.

Tom frowned.

-You mean...?- he asked.

-What, you never fooled around with your best friend or something like that?- asked him Chad, acting cynically.

Tom mouthed a shy "no".

-So... What did you do? Just, you know... You jerked off together?- he asked. He couldn't hide the fact that Chad's tales had made him curious.

-Well... Not only... We also sucked each other.- said Chad matter-of-factly, scooting closer to Tom and putting one hand on his thigh.

This time Tom didn't push it away and acted like nothing happened, and asked:

-And... You know... How did it go?-

-You want the details?- Chad smirked.

-No... Just, you know, how was it.-

-Well... It's true what they say. Men do give better blowjobs than women.-

As he said this, he moved his hand from Tom's thigh to his crotch.

Tom now knew exactly what was going on. Chad wanted to do stuff with him.

At first, he thought of pushing him away, and put his hand on top of Chad's, but then he looked at Chad's mouth, at his perfect lips, and curiosity and drunkness won over him.

They just stood still like that for a moment, like frozen, looking at each other, and Tom's hand on Chad's, which was on Tom's crotch.

The only sound in the room was their breathing.

Then Chad grabbed the thick cock through the jeans and started massaging it.

Tom decided to give in and relax, so he let go of Chad's hand, giving him more freedom to rub his crotch, closed his eyes, laid completely back on the sofa, put both his hands behind his head and spread his legs.

He felt Chad getting even closer, so that he was breathing on his ear. His other hand was rubbing Tom's chest through his shirt.

-So... Will you show it to me now?- whispered Chad to his ear.

-Show... Show you w-what?- panted Tom, thrusting his hips upwards, grinding his crotch harder

-Your cock. You show it to me and I'll suck you off.-

Chad unbuttoned Tom's jeans and slid his hands under the waistband of Tom's tented blue boxer-shorts. Now he could finally grab the cock and feel its thickness. It surely felt enormous.

Tom didn't reply, he just gulped and pushed his hips upward again.

Chad took that as a yes, and lowered the jeans and the underwear, freeing Tom's monster cock. And, wow, it was even bigger than he had expected. He couldn't wait to have it inside him. He started stroking it, as his left hand roamed under Tom's shirt.

Tom moaned. He couldn't believe he was being jerked off by another guy, and that he was enjoying it so much. Maybe it was because it was a new experience. He had already tried practically everything else in bed. It all felt new, and forbidden, and exciting. Tom also felt nervous in bed for the first time in years.

Actually, he hadn't felt so nervous since his first time when he was fourteen and had lost his virginity to his teacher, professor Demi Moore (the hot mother of unpopular Rumer Willis, he was still wondering how such a sexy woman could have such an ugly daughter.)

Chad, on the other hand, still couldn't believe he had his hands on his eleven inches prize. Determined to make the best out of this experience, since it probably wasn't going to have any repeats, he took off Tom's shirt and felt up his hard body with his left hand, since the right was busy stroking the monster cock. He massaged Tom's abs and pecs, and then pinched his nipples.

They were so hard and round that Chad couldn't help himself: he bended down and started nibbling and sucking on one.

-What are you doing?- chuckled Tom, not opening his eyes but clearly liking the feeling. In reply, Chad just stroked him faster, making him moan again.

Then, suddenly, Chad let him go and Tom felt and heard him getting up from the sofa. Confused and a little disappointed that it was already over, Tom opened his eyes, just to find out that Chad had gotten up only to kneel in front of the sofa, his head between Tom's thighs.

This time Tom didn't close his eyes: he watched as Chad started stroking his dick again, but this time he also opened his mouth and started licking the head. Then he wrapped his sweet lips around it and started sucking just the head at first. Then, slowly, he started bobbing his head between Tom's spread legs, taking more and more of the cock everytime, until he was finally deepthroating him.

At that point, Tom couldn't resist, he put his hand on Chad's head and pushed him further on the cock. Chad took it almost all before slightly gagging. But he immediately got back to it, and soon he had all the eleven inches in his mouth and throat, and his nose was buried in Tom's black pubes.

Tom was amazed. Not only was another guy sucking him off, but it probably was the best blowjob he had ever received. Well, maybe not as good as the ones Paris gave, but the fact that it was one of his fraternity brothers doing it made it extra-hot.

Hearing the slurping sounds, he couldn't hold himself back and started thrusting his hips upwards, face-fucking Chad who was more than happy about it.

-Oh, yeah man, I think I'm gonna cum soon...-

Chad didn't want that to happen just yet, so he pulled away, and the cock got out of his mouth with a loud pop.

-Why did you stop?- asked Tom, his hand still entangled in Chad's hair.

-How about we take this to my room?- suggested Chad.

He took Tom by his hand and guided him upstairs, which was kind of hard, since Tom was drunk and had his trousers around his ankles.

Once in the room, he pushed Tom with his back on the bed, and immediately crawled back between his legs. He sucked him while he played with his big balls, getting moans of approval in response.

After a couple of minutes, he got up and then sat on Tom's crotch, straddling him and massaging his chest.

-Undress me.- he said.

-What?- Tom looked at him with his big, confused puppy eyes.

-Undress me and I'll let you fuck me.- repeated Chad, rubbing his covered butt against Tom's dick.

Fuck Chad? Tom didn't think things were going to get so far. He wasn't sure he wanted to fuck another guy.

Impatient, Chad slid off his t-shirt and trousers, showing his smooth body clad in the tightest pair of briefs Chad had been able to find for that evening. Then he straddled Tom again, rubbing his ass against his cock more than before.

-C'mon, just take these off and my ass will be yours.- Chad took Tom's hands put them on his ass, under his briefs.

Tom couldn't hide that he enjoyed the feeling of those firm, smooth ass-cheeks under his hands; in fact, there was nothing he would rather be doing in that moment than fuck that ass. Finally, he pulled down Chad's underwear, revealing his hard cock with his perfectly trimmed bush.

Tom had never been so close to another guy's hard cock; he wondered how it would feel like to touch it.

-You can touch it, if you want to.- smirked Chad, like he was reading Tom's mind.

Tom sighed and then he grabbed it with one hand, while with the other he caressed Chad's butt. Now that there weren't the briefs anymore, Chad's ball were touching Tom's dick.

Tom started stroking Chad's cock tentatively.

-So... How do we do this?- he asked, squeezing Chad's ass to make sure he got what he was talking about it.

-You just relax.- replied Chad –I'll do the rest.-

He grabbed a tube of lube from a drawer and started applying it on Tom's big cock, stroking it.

-Are you sure you can take it?- Tom squeezed Chad's ass again.

-There's just one way to know.-

Chad grabbed Tom's dick and pointed it upwards, then slowly he started sitting on it.

-Fuck...- he hissed as the head popped in. He already felt like he was going to be ripped in two, even though he wasn't exactly a virgin. He tried to go down further, but the pain was too much. He got off the cock.

-I'm sorry, it's too big, I can't force myself on it.- he admitted.

-Oh... Okay...- Tom tried to hide his disappointment.

-Hey, cheer up, big boy, I said I couldn't force myself on the cock.- Chad smirked, then turned around and got on all fours, exposing his hairless hole to Tom –I didn't say you couldn't force it in me.-

Tom got on his knees behind him, one hand on his hard cock and the other caressing Chad's ass-cheeks.

-What... What do I do now?- asked Tom, uncertain, playing gently with the ass in front of him, rubbing a finger around the hole but not pushing it in.

-Just... Put it in. It's like having anal sex with a girl, you idiot.- Chad was secretly enjoying how he was making Tom insecure in bed. It wasn't a thing that happened very often from what he'd heard.

Tom aimed his cock at the hole and slowly pushed in. Chad groaned as the head got in.

-I... I'm sorry, did I hurt you?- asked Tom concerned.

-Don't stop, just push it in.- managed to say Chad, despite the pain. Tom was happy to do as he was told and pushed in the first few inches as gently as possible. Chad suffocated a scream by burying his face in the mattress. Seeing that he was in pain, Tom decided to take thing slowly, so he withdrew the cock, leaving just the head in, and then push it in again, this time adding another inch.

Tom was happy like this, just fucking him with the first five inches, but Chad clearly wanted to try the full experience, and started thrusting back, getting more and more of the cock inside him.

-C'mon, fuck me hard, make me scream.- he demanded.

-Are you sure?-

-Of course I'm sure, just do it already.-

-Okay.- With one hard thrust, Tom was all the way inside Chad, making him scream. Tom ignored him and started really fucking him, hard and fast. Nobody, not even Britney, with whom he had practiced anal for a long time, had ever managed to take all of his cock.

On the other hand, even Chad couldn't believe he had all of Tom's cock inside him. Sure, it was kinda painful, but Chad liked it rough and Tom was a great fuck. Now he got why all girls on campus said "Once you go Tom, you never go back." The guy was a sex-machine. His cock was drilling inside him like a piston, hitting spots he didn't even know he had, making him scream and moan.

Tom wanted to be sure that Chad was enjoying himself, so he put his hand between Chad's legs and was glad to find it was rock hard. Then he surprised even himself when he grabbed it and started stroking it. He felt weird jerking another guy's dick, especially one that was so different from his, much smaller and less thick. And it did kind of turn him on, to know that he was in charge of the pleasure of another man. He was stroking him at the same fast pace he was pounding his ass. Chad was pleasantly surprised by this. This was turning out to be his best sexual experience ever.

-Oh yeah... Yeah... Take it all... Fuck, you've got one sweet ass...- grunted Tom as his balls slapped against Chad's ass. Chad just replied by pushing back and taking the cock deeper into him. They were fucking so hard that the bed under them was rocking back and forth, slamming against the wall. Chad was glad their fraternity brothers were all out.

-C'mon... Fuck me... Deeper... Deeper...- Chad was practically pleading. Tom stopped jerking him and pushed him down on the bed, hard, so that Chad's cock was trapped between his own body and the mattress, and then he thrusted his cock inside as deep as he could go. Then he went on fucking Chad like that, laying completely on him, so that his chest was touching Chad's back. Both were slick with sweat at this point.

It wasn't long before Chad came all over the mattress. His ass tightened as he moaned in pleasure, and Tom fucked him as hard and fast as he could.

-Fuck! I'm going to...- Tom's balls tightened as he prepared to cum. Chad pushed him off himself and turned around.

-Do it in my mouth!- he ordered. Tom was happy to comply, and shoved his cock in Chad's mouth. After a few thrusts he stopped as he started to cum down Chad's throat. It was like a torrent of cum that never stopped, but Chad gulped it all down until Tom's balls were empty.

But before Chad had finished licking it clean, making sure not to waste one drop of cum, Tom's cock was fully hard again. Noticing this, Chad got on his back, lifted his legs and spread them.

-I'm ready for the second round, stud.- he said

This time Tom didn't prepare him: he just got between his legs and shoved all his cock in at once, making him scream.

To be continued...

Author's Note: So, Uc Hollywood it's finally back! Sorry it take ages, I hope this chapter (and the sex in it) will make you forgive me for the time! Anyway, feedback is really appreciated: cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 19

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