Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Mar 25, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I don't know the truw sexuality of any of the celebrity mentioned.

Chapter 2 Britney

Last day of Highschool

Britney was lost in her thoughts. Most people didn't think she was capable of thinking about anything else than clothes and cheer leading, and most of the time they were probably right.

She wasn't exactly a deep thinker. But that day was different. It was the last day of highschool. That meant goodbye to the cheer leaders, good bye to her prom queen crown, goodbye to teachers she would miss and some that she wouldn't. Good bye to all the times spent in the bath room with Rihanna and Justin smoking in secret (actually, she didn't smoke, the only time she had tried she had choked and so she decided to give up before starting). And she was kind of scared of the future.

Thank god she had his boyfriend and her two best friends, Justin and Rihanna, to help her and support her.

-What are you doing, Brit?- asked her Rihanna, sitting on the desk next to her.

-Just thinking- muttered Britney in response.

-Let me guess. You just saw that new Dolce & Gabbana outfit and want to buy it for the Graduation Party.-

-No! Ree, I don't only think of clothes!-

-Yeah, right.- said Rihanna in response with a snort. Suddenly, the annoying sound of Paris Hilton's heels got to their ears.

The irritating blonde walked to the two girls with a smirk, surrounded by her pack of giggling idiots.

-Hey Britney- she said –Are you going to college next year? I wonder how you're going to pass any class, without your father being the principal there.-

Britney just blushed, But Rihanna quickly replied:

-Paris, what if the teachers don't accept credit cards? How are you going to pass any exam?-

-No one asked you, fat ass.- said Paris.

-Bulimic ho.-

-Cum eating skank.-

-Cock sucker anorexic bitch.-

Paris looked at Rihanna furious, but didn't know what to say anymore, so she just turned around and snapped her fingers.

-Tara, Nicole, Lindsay, let's go. We have to say good bye to the foot ball team.-she said, walking away.

First Day of College

Britney was just so excited about her first day of university. She would have loved to live on campus, with Justin and Rihanna, but her over-protective father didn't let her, and so she had to drive for almost an hour everyday to get to college from the town she lived in. But it didn't matter. At least now she was free most of the time., without her father's breath on her neck all day long, like when she was in highschool, where her father was the principal.

And at college people also didn't consider her a dumb blonde who kept passing her exams just thanks to her dad.

Right now she was waiting for her boyfriend, Wade, to come and say hi before her first lesson.

Finally she saw his car and ran to him cheerfully.

-You're late!.- she complained, smiling though.

-Sorry, I had an audition...-

-Really? For what?-

-Lil' Kim's new video. I got in.-

-Wow, I'm dating a V.I.P.-

-No, I got in as the water-carrier. Really not gratifying.-

-Well, it's a start.-

-Yeah, who knows, maybe in ten years I'll be with Michael Jackson... making coffee for him.-

-Oh, c'mon, don't be so hard on yourself. It's like... Now I'm a freshman, right? A social zero, like Rihanna said. But in three years from now I'll be a senior and campus will be mine.-

-Brit, this isn't highschool. Just because you were prom queen it doesn't mean that...-

-Shussh. I'm trying to leave all negative thoughts far away from me.-

-Hey, how about you jump in and we go for a ride? I need to relax a little.- suggested Wade.

-Sure!- approved Britney, getting inside Wade's old and cheap car. –But I need to be back in an hour. First lesson coming up.-

-No problem.- replied Wade, starting the engine.

They didn't drive too much, just until Wade found a lonely spot where nobody could see him in the woods near the campus.

-Wade... Why did you stop here?- sighed Britney, a bit annoyed.

-I Just thought that... You know, you could help me getting rid of my anxieties, and I could help you get rid of yours.-

-Not happening. I told you, I want to save myself until marriage.-

-Brit, this isn't highschool anymore... C'mon... You could just... Touch it or something like that.- Wade started kissing Britney on the neck., then slowly put his hand in her trousers. Britney started moaning slightly. But just as he was about to put his hand in her panties she stopped him.

-No... Wade... I can't...- she said, then kissed him –But kissing is good.-

-Yeah...- said Wade between kisses, a bit disappointed –Kissing is good.-

A lot of smooching after, Britney entered her first course room. The teacher wasn't there yet, and she was looking for somewhere to sit. In Highschool she was used to people practically worshipping her and ready to pay to sit next to her, but here nobody seemed to even notice her. Finally she saw a group of girls chatting, and smiled and sat next to them.

-I think that comparing Shelley's new prometeus to Milton's Satan is really wrong.- was saying one of the girls -Shelley can't achieve what Milton did with his paradise lost. She isn't good enough.-

-Yeah, Shelly sucks.- intervened Britney, trying to get noticed –I mean... eeew, she's just Barbie's little sister, really, who, like, even cares about her?-

The group of girls just snorted in response, got up and moved away. Britney heard one of them whispering: -Another dumb blonde cheerleader... I wonder how long she's going to last.-

-It was nice talking to you!- said Britney, still trying to smile and be friendly. But really, she was only trying to keep from crying.

The professor got in. It was an old man and looked kind of pissed.

-Hi, students.- he practically roared at the class –I'm professor Nicholson and I'm going to be your literature teacher. I hear even the slightest whisper and you're out of this room, am I clear enough?-

The class remained totally petrified and silent.

-Good.- said professor Nicholson –Now, I'm going to talk to you about Shakespeare and...-


Britney's cell started ringing. The teacher and all the class stared at her, and she felt like dying.

-OUT!- yelled professor Nicholson.

-I'm so sorry, I'll turn it off right away, I'm so...-

-I said out.- repeated Nicholson.

Britney forced herself to smile and said goodbye, then took her things and exited the room. She checker her phone: it was Justin trying to call her. She called him back.

-Hey Jus.- she said.

-Hey Brit!! I've just had the craziest morning, you'll never believe who my room mate is! Ryan Philippe... Hey, wait a second, shouldn't you be at lesson?-

-No, the teacher kicked me out `cause my phone rang in class.-

-Oh, good, so you can call Ree.-

-About what?-

-There's a party this evening at the Zeta Beta's, I wondered if you two and Wade could come.-

-My dad won't let me sleep on campus, so I can't...-

-Will you please ask Ree and Wade? I have to go to a lesson now.-

-Yeah. I mean, what's the problem? You got me kicked out of my lesson so I've got nothing to do.-

-Thanks, you're an angel.- said Justin and hang up.

Britney finally sat on the floor of the empty corridor and started crying.

Chapter 3 Wade

Justin didn't see Ryan all day. He actually started thinking that professor Nicholson had expelled him, when finally Ryan reappeared just after dinner, smiling like nothing had happened.

-Hi, Justin... What are you doing still dressed like this? We have a party to go to!- he said just as he got in. He hastily got rid of his t-shirt and started looking for a clean shirt in all the mess.

-Are you sure we should go?- asked him Justin, getting rid of his t-shirt as well –Isn't professor Nicholson gonna get pissed?-

-Like I care.- replied Ryan –Hey, could you lend me a clean shirt or something? I really need to do a laundry.-

-Sure. Suit yourself.- replied Justin, dying inside. He was very jealous of his stuff. But he totally couldn't get mad at Ryan, especially when he was standing without his t-shirt, showing his beautiful pecs and abs to Justin...

-You're the greatest room mate I've ever had.- said Ryan, getting next to Justin as he started looking for a shirt as well. Justin watched horrified as Ryan grabbed his shirts, looked at them and then threw them around if he didn't like them. Ryan was just the messiest boy he had ever met. And the cutest as well.

-You know...- said Ryan –You really should buy tighter shirts... You have a great body, you shouldn't hide it with large t-shirts.-

Justin blushed. Was Ryan flirting with him?

-You work out, right?- asked the senior, and put a hand on Justin's pecs to feel them. Justin felt a shiver down his spine. He couldn't believe he was standing mid naked in his room, with the hottest guy on campus feeling his pecs. He felt his cock getting hard and immediately stepped back.

He babbled something like:-I don't wear large t-shirts.-

-Hey, this is perfect!- finally said Ryan picking up a white shirt and putting it on. Justin did the same with a black shirt, his heart still beating fast.

What had he been thinking? Ryan was perfectly straight. He was dating Paris Hilton, the queen of any kind of straight sex. Bondage, animal, lesbian threesomes, she had done them all.

While Justin was thinking about this Ryan got rid of his jeans, remaining in his boxer briefs, and started looking for another pair. Justin did the same, trying to hide his erection from his room mate. And it wasn't exactly easy wearing just white briefs.

-Really, I can't believe you're still single! Look at that ass!- laughed Ryan, spanking it jokingly.

Justin just blushed and put on a pair of jeans.

Ryan chuckled a little at Justin's embarrassment, so Justin quickly tried to change subject.

-We should hurry up!- he said.

-Actually, we have to wait for Paris. I told her we'd walk together to the party. So maybe you could try to get to know each other a little better and try to become friends.- replied Ryan, putting on a pair of trousers (much to Justin's disappointment) as well.

-Believe me, I already know her, that's exactly why we can't become friends. No offence.- said Justin, but then, not to talk bad about his room mate's girlfriend, quickly changed subject again.

-So... What happened with Professor Nicholson?- he asked.

-Oh. Same as usual. He threatened to expel me and yadda yadda yadda...-

"Yadda yadda yadda?" thought Justin "I would have had an heart attack if I was in his place."

-Oh. Cool... What about that Chad? What's the deal with him?-

-Oh... It's a long story...- answered Ryan, as a shadow of sadness passed on his face.

-I know how late Paris usually is. We have a lot of time.-

Ryan gave a faint smile.

-Well... I used to be one of the zeta betas when I was a sophomore. And he was just a freshman, pledging to our fraternity. He was smart, witty, funny. The perfect frat boy. We were great friends... Best friends even. I told him everything. And that was my mistake. He double crossed me all the time. You see, I was one of the candidates to be the Zeta Beta's president, and Chad was only gathering information about me to discredit me and make the other candidate win. He got me kicked out of the fraternity for something I had told him about the former president.-

-Why would he do that? You were his friend!-

-I don't know... Maybe he had always hated me. Anyway, after I got kicked out, not happy, Chad also went on and slept with my girlfriend, Reese. I was totally destroyed that year. I failed every single exam. They didn't expel me only because I was the quarterback and because of the excellent grades I had had until then.-

-Whoa... I'm sorry...- Justin really didn't know what to say.

-Well, I'm over it now. I mean, I still hate him with my guts but... I got through the homicidal phase.-

-That's good. I wouldn't have liked a killer room mate. Well, it would have been okay as long as you were hiding in the bodies in your wardrobe. Wouldn't want blood on my clothes.-

Ryan gave a slight chuckle.

-You know, you can be funny when you want.- he said.

-What you mean, when I want?- asked Justin surprised.

-Well... You're always so... Stiff, I guess.-

Justin frowned, thinking of his erection.

-Uptight it's a better word, maybe.- added Ryan –You should open up a little more and relax.-

Then Ryan smiled. Oh my god, Justin just loved the way Ryan smiled. With those sweet, pouty lips that would have fitted so perfectly around his cock, sucking it and...

"Fuck!" thought Justin trying to clear his head from the image of Ryan giving him a blowjob moaning "I have to control myself."

-Erm... Justin... Your soldier's up again- chuckled Ryan.

-Oh shhhh... Oot!!!- said Justin, blushing again.

Ryan just laughed.

-Get what I mean? You're too embarrassed about everything! I mean, it's absolutely normal! You're a horny student, who isn't one?- said Ryan, but Justin just covered his crotch with his hands.

-Hey, Hotpussy is out, you could just... you know... spank the monkey...- suggested Ryan.

-What the who?- asked Justin confused. Was Ryan saying what he thought he was thinking.

-You know... Tame the serpent...- tried to explain Ryan, making a very explicit gesture with his hand.

-What? With you here? I don't think so!- replied Justin.

-Hey, we're room mates, it's bound to happen sooner or later!- smiled Ryan –I'll do it with you if it helps you.-

Justin was about to have a stroke.

-I haven't had any time to jerk off today, it wouldn't be a problem.- added Ryan –In fact, it would probably help. I don't want to spring a woodie at the party.-

Justin swallowed hard. This was his chance to see Ryan jerking off. Was he really going to lose it?

-Well... I...- Justin really didn't know what to say, and just blushed some more.

Suddenly Ryan burst into laughter.

-I was joking, Justin!- he managed to say in between his laughs –Oh god, the look on your face was priceless!!!-

-Try not to choke.- replied Justin –Actually, do choke.-

Ryan kept on laughing so much that now he was almost crying.

-You were so red you looked like you were going to have an heart attack!!! Oh god, Justin, you're such an old prude!-

-And you're such a dick!-

-Oh, c'mon, I'm sorry...- said Ryan, trying to get serious –And, hey, at least I made you lose your hard on!-

Justin looked at his crotch. Ryan was right.

-Wow, thanks!- he said –But you're still a dick.-

-A nice dick, though.- said Ryan.

–A nice, big, FAT dick.- he had, putting in his hand on his crotch an drubbing it slightly. Then he burst into laugh again. Justin had to control himself from getting another hard on.

Suddenly, the door burst opened and Paris came in, talking on her red cell phone whilst holding her chiwawa in her other hand. She was wearing what looked like a pink bra too small for her boobs and a leather mini skirt, mini enough to show that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

-I know right, Nicole...- she was saying –That Rihanna is such a slut. And, oh my god, have you looked at her ass? It is so big. I mean, it's just so big, I can't believe it's so round, it's like... out there...-

-Hi, Paris.- said Ryan, and leaned in to kiss her. Paris stepped back.

-Not now, honey, I've just put my lipstick on. No, Nicole, I wasn't talking to you, it's Ryan. What do you mean "Who's Ryan?"?! He's my boyfriend... No, not James, he's like so last week... Ryan Philippe? Ring a bell? Blonde, hunky, hot? Not freaking Nick Carter, he's fat and smells!... No, he wasn't my boyfriend I only had sex with him once out of pity! Totally out of pity! Okay, Nicole, I've gotta go now, a party is waiting just for me to begin! Bye bye sweetie!- She closed her cell phone, then looked annoyed at Ryan and Justin.

-C'mon, move your butts, we're late.- she said.

-Guess whose fault his that...- replied Justin.

-Excuse me, do I even know you?- asked Paris, staring down at him.

-We've been in school together for five years.- answered Justin.

-Oh, yeah, you're Justin. Eew. Ryan, why is he in your room?- she said.

-He's my new room mate. And he's nice.- said Ryan –So try to behave.-

-Yeah, whatever.- said Paris –Let's go.-

She walked out the door, followed by Ryan and a very annoyed Justin.

Finally, half an hour later, they got to the Zeta Beta's house. They could hear loud music coming from inside, and Wade and Rihanna were waiting for Justin at the door.

-Finally.- said Rihanna when Justin arrived with Ryan and Paris.

Justin hugged her and whispered in her ear: -Sorry... But I should be the one saying finally, I've walked all the way here with Paris...-

She stopped hugging her and waved at Wade.

-Hey Wade. How's it going?- he said.

-Bad.- replied Wade –Britney still won't put it out.-

-You smell like alcohol. Are you already drunk?- asked Justin.

-Maybe a little.- answered Wade, then started chuckling and tripped and finally fell.

-He's wasted.- commented Rihanna –While you were out living the good life with Ryan and Paris, he decided to drink everything that was at the party. And I had to look after him all the time. Now everyone thinks I'm her girlfriend and nobody will hit on me.-

Justin slightly opened the door, showing drunk people dancing and drinking everywhere.

-I don't think anyone noticed.-

-Hey, we're going in.- said Ryan –What are you doing?-

-I'm coming with you.- said Rihanna, following him and Paris –I think it's Justin's time to stay with the Drunk. Here, you can have my beers-

Justin took the three bottles of beer Rihanna handed him and watched them disappearing into the crowd and sat next to Wade, who was now laughing uncontrollably.

-Why did you even drink, Wade?- he sighed –You never drink.-

-The angels told me.- replied Wade, then started laughing and fell onto Justin's lap.

-Naughty angels.- Justin looked down at him. He was lying on the stairs, his head precisely on Justin's crotch. No matter how drunk he was, he still looked cute. Justin had always had a soft spot for Wade... Actually, that was the reason Wade and Britney had met.

Justin totally had a crush on Wade when he was sixteen, so he had started talking to him, and hanging with him. If he couldn't be his boyfriend, at least he could be his friend. Then, Wade had met Britney, and, of course, the two had immediately fell in love. Life was so unfair sometimes.

Justin was pulled out of his dreams by the sound of Wade snoring.

-I really think we'd better go now...- he sighed, and got Wade back to his feet and dragged him to his dormitory.

Meanwhile, Rihanna surely was having fun. Ryan had introduced her to Usher –that Usher, the super hot sophomore foot ball player- and now they were all dancing together. Her, Ryan Philippe, Usher and, sadly, Paris.

-Hey, how about we go somewhere more private?- whispered Usher in Rihanna's ear as they danced real close.

-I thought you'd never ask...- smirked Rihanna. Then she waved goodbye to Ryan, grabbed Usher by his hand and they walked out the house.

-So... where are we going?- she asked once they had left the party.

-There's a bench behind some bushes in the park... It's the perfect spot...- he said, then kissed her. She kissed him back and they started making out in front of the Zeta Beta's house.

Usher grabbed her house. Rihanna stopped him.

-How about we get to that bench first?- she said.

Usher just smiled, took her hand and guided her through the university park.

Finally they got to the bench, but it was already taken. A couple, a black girl and a boy with dark hair, were making out on it.

-Oh fuck...- said Usher –How about we go to my room?-

-Why didn't you think of that before?- asked Rihanna. Hearing them, the black girl stopped making out with the other boy and looked at Usher stopped.

-USHER?!!!- she said angrily –What are you doing with a girl HERE? You jerk!-

-Beyoncè?!- asked Usher surprised –And who is him? Were you cheating on me?!-

-No, I just... That's not the point! You were cheating on me!!!-



-And I'm Ashton!- introduced himself happily the white boy. Alicia pushed him away harshly.

-Are you two together?- asked Rihanna.

-Slut!- said Beyoncè, and slapped Rihanna.

-Oh no, you didn't!- Rihanna slapped Alicia back.

-Uh, catfight!- said happily Ashton –Take your clothes off!-

Rihanna and Beyoncè both slapped him. Usher laughed at him, and Beyoncè and Rihanna slapped him too.

-What did I do wrong?- he asked. Beyoncè and Rihanna slapped him again.

-Know what, bitch?- said Beyoncè –You're cool. Let me introduce you to some people.-

-Okay.- agreed Rihanna, and the two left wiggling their butts in unison.

-Hey! What about me?- asked Usher. Beyoncè and Rihanna turned to him and slapped him one last time.

The two girls got back to the party, where Beyoncè introduced Rihanna to Fergie, a blonde senior.

-Rihanna, this is Fergie, head of the Teta Omegas. My sorority.-

-Nice to meet you.- said Fergie.

-Same here.- smiled Rihanna.

-So... Did you think about pledging?- asked Fergie.

-Not really. I've always thought of Sorority as a place full of annoying Stepford bimbos. No offence.-

-Well, you're wrong.- replied Fergie –Look at Beyoncè here. She's the sophomore with best grades on Campus. As for me, studying really isn't my thing, but parties... I'm the queen.-

-I could give a try. Anything to leave my emo rooom mate.-

Justin finally got to his room. By the time they got there, Wade was feeling slightly better, but the beers were starting to have effect on Justin now. He was still completely in control, but everything seemed a little lighter and moving too fast around him. He pushed Wade on his bed, who immediately laid down. There weren't any sofas in the room, and Justin couldn't sleep in Ryan's bed, since he probably was going to come back with Paris and have crazy sex with her. So he just crawled in bed with Wade, both of them still fully dressed.

They were sleeping on their side, practically with Wade behind Justin, almost spooning him. Justin could feel Wade's warm breath on his neck. The situation turned him on, and he was slightly trembling. He felt Wade getting closer, so that their bodies were touching.

Wade got even closer. Justin was sure that now he could feel his hard crotch on his ass.

-I want Britney.- mumbled Wade.

-Brit's not here...- said Justin, swallowing hard as he felt what definitely Wade's hard cock grinding against his ass.

-But I need her...- said Wade –It gets harder every second. See!-

And with those words Wade took Justin's hand and put it on his crotch. Justin's eyes widened as he touched the covered hard dick. What he was doing? That was Wade, his best friend's boyfriend!!

But when Wade put his hand in his pants and used it to rub the hard cock underneath it, Justin knew e couldn't resist anymore. He grabbed it and sterted jerking it off. He heard Wade sighing in relief, and then the sound of trousers being unzipped. He shivered and finally decided to turn around and face Wade. He found Wade's face only a couple of inches away from his, eyes closed, slightly panting as Justin stroked his cock.

And there it was, that beautiful cock, peeking from a pair of black briefs: it was at least 8 inches, cut, with a pair of big, smooth balls underneath it. Wade turned a bit, so that he was now laying on his back, and took off his jeans and boxer briefs, so that now he was lying in just his shirt and his big cock sprung in the air.

Wade put his hands in Justin's air and slowly stroked it.

-Suck it, please...- he said, opening his eyes –I wanna feel your mouth on my cock...-

Justin didn't need to be asked twice. He quickly took the big mushroom head and sucked on it.

This was his first blowjob. In Highschool he had a boyfriend in secret, Milo, but he was older and had dumped Justin when he went in College in New York. They never did anything except jerking off each other.

And now he had Wade's huge cockhead in his mouth. It felt so big. He gently licked the piss-slit, receiving a satisfied moan from Wade. Then he slowly engulfed more of the cock, letting it slip between his lips. When he had about four inches of the cock in his mouth, he started bobbing his head up and down, taking more every time, until the head was hitting against his throat. He swallowed it, trying not to gag. Finally, he had all of the cock down his throat.

-Oh, baby, yeah!- said Wade, then grabbed Justin's head and made it move back and forth.

While he kept on sucking Wade, Justin began to massage his balls until he felt them tighten.

-Oh, fuck!!!!- screamed Wade, and came inside Justin's mouth.

Justin swallowed all the cum down, and licked Wade's cock clean until it got hard again.

-That was great.- said Wade. Then he put on his boxerbriefs and pushed Justin with his back on the bed. –But let's take care of you- he added, and unzipped Justin's trousers. Then, with his hand on Justin's crotch, he kissed Justin, tasting his own cum. He started kissing Justin's neck as he undid the buttons on Justin's shirt and took it off.

When the shirt was finally off, he started sucking on Justin's nipples. Justin had to stop himself from coming, as he felt Wade's tongue on his nipples and Wade's hand rubbing his covered cock.

Wade kissed him lower, until he got to Justin's trousers. He hastily took them off, leaving Justin in his white boxer briefs, that didn't much to hide his erection.

Wade grinned and started to slowly lower the underwear, exposing Justin pubes. He went on, finally freeing Justin's hard seven and a half inches, precum leaking cock. He wrapped his hand around it and jerked it off, while kissing Justin again.

Suddenly, Justin felt two of Wade's fingers probing at his hairless asshole. He immediately tensed up.

-Don't worry, baby, you'll like it...- whispered Wade in Justin's ear. Justin relaxed, and the finger slid in.

At first it hurt, but after a while Justin adjusted to it and started liking it a lot. And with th combined feeling of Wade's fingers and the hand jerking his cock, Justin immediately came, hitting his stomach with the cum. Wade greedily licked the cum off and pulled Justin briefs up again.

The two drifted asleep, with their legs entangled.

Sorry it took so long to post this new chapter!!! Hope you like it!!! Chapter four is coming soon!!! Please send some feedback at cliomiao@hotmail.it!!!

Next: Chapter 3: Uc Hollywood 4 5

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