Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Apr 1, 2023


Before you read this, make sure you've read chapter 22, when I posted chapter 23 I had forgotten to put 22 first. The Nifty Archivist has kindly inserted it with a date that came before so it could be in the right order.

Chapter 24

-Oh fuck yeah!- Justin was riding his professor's cock, his hands on Chris's chest pinning him down to the king-sized bed of Chris's apartment.

-You like it, kid? You like it when I fuck you like this?- To make his point, Chris thrusted his hips upwards, making Justin bounce as his teacher's cock was completely shoved up his ass.

Then, without much effort, he sat up and pushed Justin down, so that he was now on top, fucking him with his legs on his shoulders. Justin loved how strong and powerful his lover was.

And Chris still couldn't believe that he was fucking this amazingly handsome boy. Justin's ass was still incredibly tight, even though he had fucked him everyday at least twice a day in the past two weeks. He had lost count of how many times he had cummed in that sweet hole, but soon it was going to be one more.

-You ready kiddo? I'm going to fill your ass up!- He gave one last thrust as spurt after spurt of cum started to flow from his cock directly in Justin's ass.

The two remained like that, Chris's cock going soft inside Justin's chute.

-I could stay like this forever.- smiled Chris.

-Fuck, I gotta go.- replied Justin looking at the clock. He pushed his teacher away and got up, looking for his clothes.

-That wasn't exactly the reaction I was looking for.-

-It's not that I don't wanna stay, but the semester's almost over and exams are coming up. And in the past days I've always been here. Of course, I could stay over more if a certain professor would give me a little hint on the test...-

-Oh no. It's bad enough that I'm fucking a student, I'm not going to help him cheat.-

-Fine. Then have fun with your hand, 'cause I'll be busy studying.-

Justin finished getting dressed and was about to leave, when Chris grabbed his hand.

-Goodbye kiss?-

Justin kissed him.


There was one main reason that Justin hadn't started studying yet, apart from all the fucking. He had been staying at Adam's, but his books were still in his dorm room. Which meant with Ryan. He still hadn't seen him since their fight, and he hadn't answered any of his calls. But he knew he still had feelings for him, or he would have told the police about Reese's letter.

But he couldn't procastinate anymore. He made his way to the dorm, hoping that Ryan was at football practice. Of course, he wasn't that lucky.

He opened the door and found a depressed-looking Ryan, shirtless and unshaved. And, judging by the smell, also unshowered.

-Justin! You're back!- He ran to hug him, but Justin stepped back to avoid him.

-You don't really think I've forgotten everything?-

-Justin... I was so sorry about the way I treated. I tried calling you a thousand times to apologize.-

-Ryan, that doesn't make it okay! How do I know you didn't murder Reese?-

-Because I loved her!-

Justin gave him a sad smile.

-People do stupid things when they're in love.-

-Justin, you have to believe me. I'll go to the police with the letter if it's what you want.-

-You really would?-

-Well, yeah, but I actually couldn't, because after the fight wih you I panicked and I kinda burnt it.-

Justin rolled his eyes.

-God, Ryan, you're either the killer or you're really, really stupid.-

-I would have never hurt Reese.-

-But she knew about professor Nicholson.-

-What's professor Nicholson got to do with it?-

-Oh, c'mon, I found out, it was quite obvious that he's your father.-

Ryan stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

-Professor Nicholson is my father?!!! What the fuck?!!!-

-Oh god, you really are that stupid.-

Episode 9 Lies of Our Fathers

Starring: Justin Timberlake

Ryan Phillippe


Britney Spears

Chad Michael Murray

Paris Hilton

And... Chris Evans

Also starring: Adam Brody, Tom Welling, Jack Nicholson, Monica Bellucci, Fergie, Jessica Simpson, Beyoncè

Rihanna had never exactly been the type of girl who liked spending the morning in bed, cuddling with her boyfriend. Actually, she hadn't had a a guy to call her boyfriend since kindergarden, only one night stands and fuck buddies.

-So... What do you wanna do today?- Adam stroked her hair.

-I was thinking of never leaving this bed. Not today, not tomorrow, never.-

-Well... As wonderful as that would be, it's not just an excuse to not introduce me to your friends? You said you were gonna do that at dinner tonight! It's "bring a date" night in the sorority, isn't it?-

-Don't worry. I love you. And I'm sure my sisters will like you.- noticing Adam's skeptical look on his face, she added: -It might take some time, but they will like you once they get to know you. Eventually. Maybe.-

-I don't care about what they think, as long as I've got you.-

-Aaaaw. That's so sweet and...- Rihanna suddenly shivered -Fuck. Are we becoming one of those lovey dovey couple that people can't be around 'cause they're always holding hands and calling themselves with petnames?-

-Is it because I called you Princess RiRi last night?-

-Yeah, that was kinda disturbing.-

-I've told you, it's only because I've got this fantasy where you're a princess who's been kidnapped by a evil chaotic earth dragon of level 23 and I'm a level 30 monk elf who saves you with my dagger of doom and...-

-The only dagger of doom I want right now is this one.- Rihanna grabbed Adam's cock, which immediately went hard.

-Okay, one last time, but then I have to finish my criminal law essay, it's due for before the test and I still have two hundred words left...- said Adam getting a condom.

-Wait, what? Essay?! Test?!!!!- Rihanna got up, panicking -Is it January already?!-

-Almost february.-

-Fuck. I hate California and the fucking lack of seasons.- She started getting dressed.

-What about my dagger of doom?- whined Adam.

-You're a monk, aren't you? Use your level 3 talent in hand-to-hand combat.-

-Mmm, somebody's been reading my Player Manual. This turns me on so much.-

-I was in the bathroom, and it was either that or The Quantum Of Physics Handbook. I love you, but not enough to start doing Role Playing. Unless it's the kinky kind.-

-So... I'll see you tonight at the house?-

-If I manage to finish the essay in time, yes.-

-You only have seven hours.-

-Oh, I'm a beast at last minute essay writing. I'll see you tonight.- Rihanna kissed Adam on the lips and left.

Justin and Rihanna weren't the only ones who were having troubles with studying. Chad, who until then had always had top grades in everything, could never find the time to study. Mainly because most of his time he was on his hand and knees getting fucked by Tom Welling.

He had never been anybody's bitch, unless it was for his own profit; but Tom had completely taken over his life. He used him whenever he was hornyand then fucked off; and Chad simply couldn't say no to that sex god. The problem was, Tom was horny a lot. Most of the times, he would just call one of his sluts and demand a blowjob, but after finding a willing ass in Chad who lived in his same house, he had become lazy and often opted for the easiest and nearest option.

This had put Chad's studying and evil scheming to an halt. Everytime, he tried to bring himself to just say no, but it was nearly impossible.

So when that morning Tom came in his room without even knocking, shirtless and wearing just a pair of sweatpants that did very little to cover his monster erection, Chad just closed his book resigned.

-Not now, Tom.- he tried not too convinced.

-And what am I going to do about this?- Tom grabbed his crotch -C'mon, don't make me wait, get on your hands and knees.-

-I've got to do study...- said Chad, but didn't stop Tom from turning him around and bending him on the desk. And he didn't stop him from lowering his jeans and slapping his ass cheeks.

-Just what I needed.- Tom spitted in his own hand and used the spit to lube his hard cock, then shoved it in with no other preparation. Despite being fucked everyday, Chad's hole still wasn't completely used to the invasion of such a big dick, so he still had to stop himself from screaming. He managed to only let out a little whimper. This didn't stop Tom from starting fucking him hard and fast right away.

Soon, all that could be heard was flesh slapping, Chad's moans and Tom's heavy breathing. Until Tom's mobile phone started ringing.

Tom answered without stopping his hard fucking.

-Oh, hi honey.-

Chad didn't know who "honey" was, but she had been calling Tom a lot lately. As always, Tom just answered the phone, trying to keep his voice steady as he didn't even slow his pace drilling Chad's ass.

-Are you already on campus? Yeah, yeah, of course...-

As he talked, Tom started going slower but deeper, pushing his cock as far as it would go, making Chad moan. To shut him up, Tom put his hand over Chad's mouth and then resumed the fucking.

-Okay, sure, see you there.... Mmgh...- Tom couldn't stop a little grunt as he thrusted -Sorry, just doing heavy lifting... I decided to move the furniture in my room. Yeah... See you later... Bye...-

Tom hang up and then sped up his thrusting in Chad.

Chad was waiting for the stud's big load to spurt on his ass, but instead, Tom withdrew his cock.

-Sorry, I've got another pussy to cum into.- smirked Tom, pulling his trousers back up. -See you later, Chad.-

He slapped Chad's ass and left, leaving him bent on the desk, butt naked and outraged.

This was too much. Being used for sex was bad enough, but being left unsatisfied for some cheap slut? Oh no. He didn't know how, but he was going to find a way to get over Tom. He was Chad Michael Murray. Nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted.

-Jack Nicholson is my father? I... I... Oh god, I won't look like him when I get old, will I?- Ryan was still in shock.

-I don't think we need to worry about how you'll look when you're old right now.-

-Then what should I worry about?-

-That if you didn't know, then you're not the killer, and that's good, but it also means someone else is.-

-Well, captain obvious much?-

-We have to find him!-

-Do we?-

-Well... No, not really, but I think it would really help our relationship to get this story past us.-

-So we still have a relationship?-

-I don't know. Ryan, it's complicated...-

-Let me make it easy for you.- Ryan took Justin's head in his hands and just kissed him.

Justin closed his eyes, and couldn't help himself but kiss him back. It only lasted a couple of minutes.

-So... What do you think?-

-I think... Who gives a fuck about the killer?- Justin kissed Ryan again, forcefully, while roaming his hands under his shirt.

It was a matter of minutes before they were naked on the bed.

The only problem was, they weren't as alone as they thought they were.

Professor Evans had come to Justin's room just five minutes before, to actually give him a hint on the test and maybe get some sex in exchange for it. He knew it was wrong, but well... Sex was sex. And he really was falling for that kid.

So he went there, but just when he was about to knock, he had heard him and Ryan talking. He couldn't tell exactly the words, but it seemed like a heated discussion. And then there was less talking and more moaning, and Chris had realised the terrible truth. The two had hooked up again. Luckily for Chris, he knew the perfect way to get rid of Ryan.

Rihanna had been writing for two hours straight on her laptop. She was proud of herself. Her essay sucked and was basically a copy and paste from wikipedia, but it was almost over, and it was only early afternoon which meant she still had time to study, get ready for the dinner and introduce Adam to her sisters. She just needed to save it and print it. But first, since she had spare time, she could surf a bit the internet.

She loved the internet. It was basically a never ending archive of naked, sweaty hunks just waiting for her to click on their pictures.

She went to her favorite site, nakedfiremen.com, and found even more amazing news: a banner was shining on the right of her screen, saying "you're the 100000 visitor! Click her to win a holiday to the barbados". If there was something Rihanna loved more than firemen, that was the barbados. Her parents came from there, and she used to go all the time when she was little, but when she was 14 her grandma died and she had never gone back. She had so many good chilhood memories... Bullying the fat kids, her first kiss, her first blowjob, her first time, her first gang-bang... Rihanna sighed remembering how innocent and naive she was. Then she clicked. And the computer screen went completely black.

-What the fucking fucked fuck?-

Words started appearing on the page. "Hahaha, didn't think there was anybody stupid enough to actually click. Hi, I'm the creator of this virus and right now, your computer is being majorly fucked. Have a nice day."

Then the computer turned off by itself, and no matter how many times she tried, Ree couldn't turn it back on.Then she remembered her boyfriend was a nerd, and she called him.

-You! My computer is dead! I got a virus while I was looking at po... lish people.-

-Polish people?-

-Yeah. They're cool.-

-Why were you looking at polish people?-

-I was... Planning to go to polland, for holiday. With you. It was meant to be a surprise.-

-Oh, we should definetely do that!-

"I'd rather carve my eyes out and eat them" thought Rihanna, but instead said:

-Sure, honey, we will. Someday.-

-So, what did the virus do?-

Rihanna described everything.

-Sorry, sweety, your computer is fucked. But I could manage to save your hardware data. You had saved the word document, right?-

-Why would I do that?-

-I'm sorry. Then it's gone.-

-Oh no. You are geek, you fix this. There must be at least one good thing about having a nerd boyfriend!-

-Jeez, thanks. There's nothing I can do, and anyway I have to get ready for tonight so I wouldn't have the time!-

-Fuck tonight! If I don't fix this, you won't have a girlfriend tonight, 'cause I will kill myself. After killing you, that is.-

-See you later, sweety.-

Adam hang up, and Rihanna stared at her mobile phone with a psichotic look.

-Someone's not gonna get any for at least a month!- she growled, then decided to stop crying over spilled milk. She had to rewrite her essay.

She went to Fergie's room.

-Ferg, my laptop just died and I need to write an essay, can I borrow yours?-

-I was watching a dvd and Jessica smashed it trying to free the little men inside the screen. True story. Go ask Beyoncè for hers.-

Rihanna did as she was told, and found Beyoncè in her room with Jessica Simpson brading her hair.

-Bee, I really need a computer, can I borrow yours.-

-Aww, I'd love to help you, but there's only five hours before the dinner and I still have to pick my date. I'm looking at all the possible candidates on facebook from A to Z. I'm still at C.-

-Bee, if I don't write this, I'm done with uni.-

-Mmm... You could use the sorority computer.-

-Sorority computer?-

-Yes. It's in the basement. Nobody uses it anymore though. It's a windows 95. It's scary-

-And it's like, ancient, from the 70s or something.- agreed Jessica -And it tried to bite me once.-

-Plus, the basement hasn't been cleaned since the 2000 new year's eve party. There's dust-balls as big as professor Pamela Anderson's boobs.-

-I don't have any other option.- Rihanna had to gather all her strength and courage to get down in the basement, but she did, and it was even worse then she had expected. It was like walking in battlefield, only that instead of mines, the floor was covered with 10 years old beer stains. She found the computer buried under a a shitload of vodka bottles.

It slowly turned on, shedding a weak blue light in the otherwise dark room.

-C'mon! Hurry the fuck up!- shouted Rihanna, looking at the Windows 95 loading screen. Finally, the desktop appeared.

Ree was about to open a new microsoft word office, then she noticed something. Another word document.

"Reese's Journal". She opened it and started reading.

"Dear diary,

since I was a little kid I've always dreamt of having a secret diary. So when I found this god-forgotten computer I decided... What better place to hide my secrets? Nobody's going to turn on this computer. I'm not even sure there's anyone smart enough in this sorority to turn it on... There's so much going on later... Ryan Philippe has asked me out!!! Yay!!! I'm going to wear my new pink dress and..."

-Boring!- Rihanna skipped to later pages, when things started to get interesting.

"Dear diary,

I found out why Ryan, the gigantic dick that he is, is always too busy to see me... He was fucking his room mate! I mean, cheating on me, fair enough, I've had sex with most of his team-mates, but cheating on me WITH A GUY? Really? Oh, but he'll regret it. I'm going to ruin his life. I've got a plan. And he won't like it at all! (Evil laugh).

With love,


Dear diary,

Phase 1 of the plan is done!!! I've slept with Chad as well! And wow... The guy can fuck! He's completely different from Ryan. Ryan is passionate, and he's amazing in bed, but Chad... The guy is kinky! He experiments! He has no boundaries. I'd have sex with him again, if I didn't hate him so much. And tomorrow, things will start to get really bad for him... I'll sleep with Jack Nicholson, the professor he hates the most (evil laugh)! Oh, how he will regret cheating on me, that gay bastard!I'll drive him to the point of insanity! Maybe he'll even kills himself! But I won't let him die if he tries... I'll keep him alive, to torture him psychologically for years and years to come!



Dear diary,

Phase 2 has gone way better than I expected! Not only did I have sex with Jack Nicholson, but guess what I found out? HE'S RYAN'S FATHER! Hahaha, yes! I've just had sex with his own father! And now I'll tell headmistress Bellucci about them and she'll kick them both out for hiding their father-son relationship! Yes! Ryan will be left with nothing! And if I think of all the times he talked about how he wanted a real family, how he had wanted to meet his real father... Dick!!!! It was probably just a tactic to get me in bed. "

Rihanna immediately took out her mobile phone and tried to phone Justin. No signal, obviously. But this was important! She walked upstairs where there was signal and texted him: "Jack Nicholson is Ryan's father! And slept with Reese! And she wanted to tell Monica Bellucci they were father and son! One of them is def the killer, txt me back as soon as possible! Xxx". Then she went back downstairs. Reese's diary was the most interesting reading she'd done since... well, since forever.

Meanwhile, Chad was determined to find out who "Honey" was. He told himself so that he could somehow use her to get back at Tom, but the truth was... He maybe was a little bit jealous. Not that he'd ever admit that.

Fuck. He's love-life was getting in the way of his evil plans. First, his crush on Rihanna had almost screwed up his plans with professor Evans. Luckily, things had gone quite well in that department, and he was actually ready to make his final move with what he knew about him and his affairs. The only problem was that now he was too obsessed with Tom Welling to get on with it. He needed to get over it. And the best way to do that, was finding out who "Honey" was and destroy their relationship.

So he followed Tom as he got out of the fraternity house. He wore a baseball cap, sunglasses and a coat, typical stalker outfit, but Tom was too stupid to realise someone was following him.

Tom was walking a lot, he even went into the woods that surrounded campus. Whoever it was he was seeing, he clearly didn't want other people to know.

Chad followed him caustiously, hiding behind trees. Why was Tom trying so hard to hide this girl?

But then Tom stopped, and Chad saw who Honey was. He had to stop himself fom laughing. Now he got why Tom didn't want anyone else to know. And if Tom had gone that low, well, Chad thought with a smile, he was definetely over him.

Justin was getting dressed again when he saw Rihanna's text. He showed Ryan, who was still naked on the bed.

-So this is it! Professor Nicholson's the killer!-

-Oh.- simply said Ryan.

-Oh? That's all you've got to say? We've got to call the police! Send him to prison!-

-Justin... I don't know.-

-What do you mean, you don't know?-

-I've always dreamt of meeting my father! And now that I found out who he is... I can't just send him to prison!-

-Are you fucking crazy? He killed your girlfriend!-

-Well... She had been kind of a slut...-

-That is not an excuse!!!! -

-You're right. We should call the police. Put an end to this whole story.-

In this moment someone knocked the door.

-Open! This is the police!-

-Wow! That was fast!- Ryan was surprised.

-We haven't even called them yet!-

The police kicked the door down.

-Hey! We would've opened in one second, jeez!- said Justin looking at the busted door.

-There's no time to lose!- shouted the policeman -I'm officer Ryan Reynolds, and I'm here to arrest Ryan Philippe for the murder of Reese Witherspoon!- he took out his gun -You can come the easy way, or the hard way kid, it's not a problem for me.-

-Uh?- Ryan was speechless. Officer Reynolds punched him in the face.

-That's what you get for trying to resist!-

-Saying "Uh" isn't trying to resist. This is trying to resist!- Ryan kicked officer Reynolds in the stomach.

-Oh yeah. This will look very good when you'll have to defend yourself in court.- commented Justin, as Ryan and officer Reynold started wrestling on the floor. It was kind of hot, with Ryan being still shirtless and officer Reynolds in his uniform, but the situation was too serious to get turned on.

Finally, the other cops intervened and separated the two Ryans.

-I'll make sure your permanence in jail will be with a big, black, horny man.- said officer Reynolds. Ryan spit in his face, while another two cops held him back.

-Ok, can this madness stop? Ryan is not the killer!- intervened Justin -His father his.-

-Yeah? So why did he burn a letter sent by the victim?-

-How do you know about the letter?- asked Ryan.

-So it's true. You're coming to jail.- Officer Reynolds put a pair oof handcuffs on Ryan's wrists. He didn't even care. He just gave Justin a hurt look as he was being taken away.

-Ryan, it wasn't me! I swear, I didn't tell anyone! I didn't tell...- fuck. He had told someone. Someone who the police trusted as well. Chris Evans.

-I'll make it right! Ryan, I'll make it right!- he followed the police as they escorted Ryan to the car. He didn't even look back at Justin.

-I'll make it right!- Justin was in tears now, banging on the windows of the car were Ryan was being pushed in -I'll make it right... I'll make it right...-

The car started, and Justin watched it leave as he fell to the ground in tears.

-I'll make it right...-

Rihanna was back to reading the diary. But first, she wanted pop corn. She found Fergie in the kitchen.

-Ferg, you should come and see this!- she told her friend -I found Reese's diary! And let me tell you, that girl was way graphic.-

-Ree, I've got a dinner to plan for tonight, and you should be writing your essay!-

-Fuck the essay, I'll write it tonight or something! This diary is the best thing ever!-

-Ree, seriously, prioritize!-

-Ferg, if I had wanted to write essays, I would have gone to Harvard or something. I think I make Uc Hollywood proud when I say I'd rather fail than not read the best erotic, gossip filled diary ever.-

Rihanna went back to the basement with her popcorn and started reading the diary again.

After a hour, she still hadn't finished it, but she had started to get a little bored. Then, suddenly, the door in the basement slammed open. She heard steps.

-Ferg, is that you?- she screamed. Then she saw it. Whoever was coming down, was dragging a baseball bat with them. A baseball bat that was covered in old, dried up blood. Rihanna screamed.

End of part 1. And don't miss the next chapter, the amazing finale that will make you scream OMFG at the computer! What's really happened with Reese murder?! Who's Tom's "Honey"?! What is Chad's final master plan?! AND ONE MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!!! Also coming up, the first chapter of the spin off to this series, Hollywood High School, with whole new characters!

Next: Chapter 22: Uc Hollywood 25 27

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