Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Aug 19, 2023


Chapter 25

"I'm too good-looking for jail. It's ruined me! All the other prisoners are jealous of me, and it's a constant bullying! And the food? It's horrible!" whined Ryan from behind bars.

"Philippe, you've been here less than an hour, haven't met any other inmate and haven't eaten yet." shut him up officer Reynolds, who was sitting in his office in front of the cell, trying to play Gta.

"You're right." sighed Ryan "Where are all my jail-mates? I'm bored."

"You're not here on a fucking vacation. You're not supposed to have fun."

"You do know that you can't hold me here forever, right? I do law. Someone saying that I burnt a letter isn't proof."

"Can't you just shut up? This mission is as hard without you distracting me with your whining."

"Is it San Andreas?"


Then they both added, simultaneously "Best game ever."

"Maybe we've got more things in common than just the name." said officer Reynolds "Shame we had to meet in these circumstances."

"I still think you're a dick."

"And you're still a serial killer 'till further proof."

"At least I don't have a gun to compensate the fact that I have a small penis."

"Fuck you, man. Want a beer?"

"A beer sounds cool."

Reynolds opened a fridge in his room, grabbed to beers and threw one to Philippe through the bars.

"To prison!"

"To prison!"

Tom was in heaven. His hands were grabbing his lover hips, and his cock was deep inside her wet cunt. And there was nothing better than the tight, almost virgin pussy of Britney Spears.

After trying to crucify herself and having the whole campus turning against her, Britney had come to him drunk and drugged up, begging for him to take her back.

Of course he had said no, because she had officially been branded as the Antichrist by the student body, but then she had offered him her virginity, and well... Tom couldn't pass on a virgin pussy.

Plus, she was so desperate to have someone show her some affection that he even let him do her without a condom. That had been a couple of weeks before, and Tom had decided to keep on fucking her for a little while, until her pussy would have become loose and too accustomed to his big cock. But, judging by how tight it still was, she did have another couple of weeks of hard banging before dumping her.

"Shit, your fucking Britney Spears? This is really lame!" Chad. He had followed Tom and had seen him.

Tom immediately pushed Britney away against a tree and pulled his jeans up. He ran following Chad, who was disappearing deeper inside the woods. He finally caught him after chasing him for a good five minutes.

"No! Chad, wait! You can't tell anyone!"

"I can't believe you put your cock in her! Touching her pussy it's like... I don't know, it's worse than any STD! You'll need to fucking exorcise your cock!"

"Chad, I'm being serious, if you tell anyone about it nobody else will ever have sex with me! Ever!"

"And why would I give a fuck?" smirked Chad.

"C'mon... I thought that, you know, you and me... Were -intimate- friends." Tom put his hand on Chad's ass suggestively, but Chad pushed it away.

"Really? Do you think I'd want that cock inside me now that I know where it's been? I don't care how big it is, it's fucking spoiled now!"

"If you don't tell anyone I'll... I've got money. A whole three dollars back home, that's like two pizzas on Tuesdays at the Student Union."

"Well... There is one thing you could do for me... Bring Ryan to the criminology 1 class tomorrow. I'll text you when it's time."


"Just do it and your secret will be safe."

Justin knocked on Jack Nicholson's apartment door. Nobody answered.

"Hello? Professor? It's important."

"Go away. Fucking students knocking at my door. Who do you think you are?"

"Professor, it's about Ryan. I know he's your son."

There was no answer, but professor Nicholson slowly opened the door.

"Come in."

Justin entered, and found Jack sitting on the sofa, in the dark. He got up and stood right in front of him, looking the student right in the eyes. Then his hand got behind Justin and closed the door.

Justin realised the mistake he had made by coming with no weapon. The man had killed before. He swallowed nervously.

"So, do you want to blackmail me as well, like that bitch?" growled professor Nicholson.

"What are you going to do, kill me as well?" Justin appealed to all his courage.

"Kill you?" professor Nicholson looked surprised.

"I guess that's what you did with Reese, isn't it? She blackmailed you, and you got rid of her. But you need to confess. Ryan's in jail being accused of killing her. He's your son!"

"Reese? That slut never blackmailed me! I was talking about Fergie!"


"Somehow she knew about me and Reese. She said we were monsters to do such a thing to someone like Ryan. The father and the girlfriend. She was going to tell Monica Bellucci about us and we were both going to get kicked out. But then Reese disappeared into thin air, and Fergie had a picture of the two of us together, and she said that if I didn't pay her she would have shown the police and they would have thought I had killed her..."

Suddenly, everything started to become very clear for Justin.

"Fergie! She's fucking obsessed with Ryan! If she found out that Reese was cheating on him with you, his father, she... My god, professor Nicholson, how could you be so stupid?! She could be the killer! We have to call the police!"

"And tell them what? These are Ryan's boyfriend and father, we can assure you he is not the killer, but we have no proof at all!" said professor Nicholson.

"You're right! We need to make her talk! We'll go to the sorority house and make her confess! Bring a gun or something!"

"What makes you think I have a gun?"

"You've got a fucking Ronald Reagan poster, of course you've got a gun! Move your ass!"

Rihanna was sitting on her chair, terrified. Fergie was standing right in front of her, branding her baseball bat menacingly.

"You know what's the shame in killing you, Ree?"

"That I'll be dead?"

"See? You're funny. I like you. I was gonna make you the new president once I left. So why, why did you have to go and put your nose where it didn't belong?"

"Put my nose.... What? Do I have a big nose or something?"

"It's an expression. It means you were minding someone else's businesses."

"But that's what I do! I'm like, the gossip queen! I still don't get why you're threatining me with a baseball bat about it! Oh my god, did you have an affair with Reese? Are you a lesbian?"

"What? No!"

"Listen, if you are, don't worry about it, I love the gays, my best friend's gay, I'm all about the gays. So put down that bat."

"I'm not a lesbian."

"Denial is not the way to go. Look where it's taken you, branding a baseball bat against one of your best friends." Rihanna hugged Fergie, comfortingly.

"I'm not a lesbian, Ree, I'm very in love with Ryan, that's why I killed Reese!"

"Oh..." Rihanna stopped hugging her and stepped back. "Well. Yeah... So, why are you killing me again?"

"I thought Reese might have written something about me that gave it away that I had killed her, so I had to kill you as well!"

"She didn't write a single letter about you!"

"Oh shit. Well, I guess you know now. Bye bye." Fergie raised the baseball bat.

"So what? I'm just gonna die 'cause, whooops, you thought I knew? Oh no. At least I want to know the whole story now. You have to give me that."

"Well, I guess you do deserve it. And this way you would know I'm not the bad guy in this whole story, I'm just a woman in love..."

Rihanna tried not to roll her eyes. "be condiscending" she told herself "and try to win time..."

"Oh my god, that's so tragic, you're like, a modern Juliet." she finally said, smiling sympathetically.

"I know, right?" Fergie smiled back at her "That is why you're such a good friend, you get me. I swear I'll try not to ruin you're pretty face while I'm smashing your brains."

"So kind and thoughtful, thank you."

"And I'll make sure your corpse is wearing the prettiest dress out there."

"I knew I could count on you."

"So, anyway, it all started when me and Ryan fell madly in love with each other."

"When did that happen?"

"We slept together in our second year."

"I thought you didn't even remember that night!"

"If you just let me, I'll explain everything. We had crazy, wild sex, but he had girlfriend, who was one of my best friends, Reese Witherspoon. So we decided to never talk about it, and hide our feelings for each other..."

"Did he know about this decision? Are you sure he didn't want to just, you know, bang you once?"

Suddenly, Fergie got really mad. Her face became a mask of rage and madness.

"How dare you?!!!! Of course he loves me! He didn't say it, but only because he didn't need to! He even told me Nice fuck! the morning after! If that's not love, I don't know what love is!"

"You're right, I'm sorry, that is totally love. Nice fuck, it's almost like asking you to marry him." Rihanna tried to say this without making it sound like she was mocking her. Thank god that Fergie was so convinced of Ryan's love that she didn't get the sarcasm in Ree's voice.

"Yeah, I'm sure there is going to be a wedding eventually." continued Fergie "And two babies, a boy and a girl. They'll be called Rygie and Fyan. Anyways, we silently decided to keep our love a secret, and everything went on as nothing had happened. But then I noticed Reese sneaking out a lot, and I found out that she was sleeping with Jack Nicholson! Jack was Ryan's father! That bitch!"

"You knew that already?"

"Of course I knew, I analysed the whole Ryan's family tree, I wanted to make sure my future kids had good genes. So, when I found out that she slept with him, I couldn't help myself. I killed her. "

"With that baseball bat? And then you never washed it? Surely that's not hygienic."

"Oh no, it wasn't this baseball bat, this is only bloody 'cause I squashed a mouth on my way down here."

"Are you honestly going to hit my head with rat blood? Eew!"

"Do you want me to clean it first?"

"It would be appreciated, yeah."

"But I'd have to upstairs to do that, and then you'd run away. I'll tell you what I can do, I was thinking, if you'd be so kind to kneel on the floor and turn around, then I can hit you on the back of the head, that way the hair will cover the bruise and you'll be all pretty at your funeral."

Rihanna sighed. She had bought as much time as she could. At least she could die with a pretty face. She kneeled on the floor in front of Fergie, resigned.

So many people she would have liked to say goodbye to. Her parents. Justin. Even Britney. They'd been friends since forever. Never seeing them again... It wasn't fair. She wondered what they would do without them. Especially Justin. Would he just move on, find a new best friend? Maybe he and Britney would become friends again over her deat. She hoped so.

But then there was Adam. She wanted to hold him again. Kiss him. Tell him that she l... Oh no. Not the fucking L word.

"It's just the about-to-die experience speaking." thought Rihanna "You are not in love with a geek!"

But her last thought indeed went to Adam right before Fergie swinged the bat behind her.

Adam was feeling bad for not helping Rihanna with her computer problem. He was pretty sure there was nothing he could have done, but she had asked him for a hand, so he went to the sorority anyways. She wasn't in her room. She went to ask Beyoncè, who was still analysing her male facebook friends.

"Hi. Do you know where Rihanna is?"

Beyoncè took her eyes away from the computer screen and scrutinized Adam.

"Adam Brody. In a complicated relationship on facebook, but it doesn't say with whom, which makes me think you probably just wrote that so that you wouldn't have to admit your ethernal single situtation. The only pictures of you that are up are the ones you uploaded yourself. And most of your facebook friends are from other states. I'm guessing it's people your met on world of warcraft. You only like completely unknown bands. You're a loser."

"Wow. You're good." Adam was genuinely stunned, and didn't even mind being called a loser.

"Psychology student. Plus, facebook addict. I'm really good at reading people. So, what does a geek like you want from our Ree?"

"I'm her..." Adam stopped. Spoiler alert. Tonight was about Ree telling everyone about him. He couldn't say it now. "IT guy."

"Well... Her computer like, exploded or something, she went to the basement to use the sorority one.


"Ok. Thank you."

Beyoncè wasn't listening anymore, her attention was fully back to facebook.

"Really, Mark Salling? You and your mom write on each other's profiles? Guess who's not going to be my date tonight..."

As Adam walked back downstairs, Justin bursted through the door, accompanied by none other than professor Jack Nicholson, and holding a gun.

"Adam! Have you seen Fergie?"


"Shit! Do you know where Rihanna is?"

"In the basement, I was just going there."

"Good. We'll go there. We need to warn her. And maybe she knows where Fergie is."

"Warn her about what? Why do you have gun? Why do I never know this stuff?"

"Shut up and follow us!"

Just as the bat was about to hit her, Rihanna made her decision. She dodged it and rolled on the floor.

"How dare you! I tried to make this as fast and painless as possible, but if you wanna put up a fight, it's not gonna be pretty for you!" Fergie was furious. Her psycho side was now clearly showing.

"Sorry, Ferg. I've got too much to lose to die now." Said Rihanna. She had found love. Okay, Adam was a geek, and their relationship wasn't the most conventional, but she couldn't hide her feelings. And that meant she couldn't give up.

Just as Fergie was about to strike again, the basement door burst open.

"Be careful Ree, Fergie's a killer!" shouted Justin.

"Really? No shit!" replied Rihanna sarcastically as she dodged a second strike.

"Oh my god! Ree! Fergie, let her go! Kill me instead!" shouted Adam, running down the stairs.

"Kill you INSTEAD? You really don't get it." Fergie started spinning around, swinging her bat violentally everywhere "I'm gonna kill you all!"

Just as she was about to hit Rihanna, Justin shot. BANG. Fergie's body fell to the floor, a huge head in her forehead.

"Holy shit, kid, nice shot." complimented him Jack Nicholson.

"I'm quite impressed with myself."

"Oh, Adam, you were willing to die for me! I love you so much! And I mean it this time, not like the time when you burned your buffy comic" Rihanna, almost in tears, jumped in her boyfriend's arm, and then proceeded to shove her tongue down the throat.

"I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that you're eating each other's faces or the fact that you're doing it right next to a dead body."

"The body's still warm, it's not that disgusting." replied Rihanna before starting kissing Adam again.

"So... What do we do now?" asked Jack Nicholson.

"Call the police and tell them everything." replied Justin.

"We've got no proof." reminded him Jack "Fergie was the only one who could actually confess and make the truth come out. Now she's just another body, and you Justin are a murderer."

"But she was gonna kill Rihanna!"

"But we can't prove that! There's just one thing left to do..."

"Bury the body and run to Mexico?" suggested Rihanna. She loved latinos. (Yes, she still loved Adam, but they'd had a threesome once, they could do it again.)

"I'll take the blame for Reese and Fergie's death." explained Jack Nicholson.

"What? Why would you do that?" asked him Justin.

"I've been a shit father my whole life. Now it's time I do something for Ryan. And for you. Ryan really cares about you."

Justin hugged him.

"How do you know he cares about me?"

"Well, I've been stalking and spying on him ever since he came to university. I know everything and everyone he did."

"Oh. So you've seen us..."

"And heard as well. He's quite a... vocal kid."

Justin stopped hugging him.

"This is really, really awkward. But thank you. For what you're about to do."

"Fatherly duty. Now give me the gun"

Justin handed him the weapon, and Jack smeared his fingerprints all over it, thinking sadly of his last moments of freedom.

"So... how do we do this?" asked Rihanna.

"You should all go out. Screaming. Saying that Fergie had found out that I killed Reese, so I lost my mind and killed her as well."

"I'm really good at fake-screaming." said Rihanna "All those times faking orgasms have paid off."

"Fake orgasms?" Adam looked hurt.

"Oh, don't worry, I've never faked it with you. Well, except when America's next top model is about to start."

The plan, thanks to Rihanna extremely realistic yet rather sexual screams, worked well. Everyone in the sorority believed the story. Plus, all the girls got over the fact that Fergie was dead when Rihanna told them she was dating Adam.

"Oh my god, your IT guy?" asked Beyoncè "But he's got less than 100 friends on facebook!"

"And he's like, a wizard! I saw him making fire once!" intervened Jessica.

"It's called a lighter." explained Ree.

"Girls, don't you think we should call the police?" reminded them Justin.

"Why? 'Cause Ree is dating a loser? It's horrible, but I don't think it's a crime." replied Beyoncè.

"About Fergie, being murdered?"

"Oh, that. Does that mean I'm president now? I am the oldest." said Beyoncè.

Justin decided to call the police himself.

Officer Reynolds, who had been drinking the whole time, replied drunkenly.

"Heeeeeeello? This is the police. We arrest people."

"Pass it to me, pass it to me!" slurred Ryan Philippe, drunk as well. "Hello. I'm an inmate! Don't use drugs, kids, or you'll end up like me, in jail, being beaten up, unfed and raped! Hahaha!"

"Ryan? Is that you? Are you drunk?"

"Justin?! No, no, I'm not drunk, I'm in prison, why would I be drunk in prison? Shit, I gotta puke."

He passed the phone back to officer Reynolds.

"What? Don't give it to me! I don't wanna talk to them! I... I don't... Ermmm.... I'm losing you! Bzzzzz!" Officer Reynolds hang up.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go there ourselves." sighed Justin "I'll take you to the police station."

"What? You're going alone with the killer?" asked Beyoncè, surprised.

"I'm good now, and I wanna redeem myself." said Jack.

"He's like Vegeta." agreed Adam.

"Who now?" asked Beyoncè.

"Nevermind. My nerdy pop culture references are wasted on you people."

Everything went as planned. Justin brought Jack to the police station, where he confessed for crimes he didn't commit. Ryan was released, but was so drunk that Justin had to put him right in bed. He cuddled him, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

But when they woke up the next morning, Ryan was less than happy. And not only because he had a bitch hangover.

"My father killed Reese! My girlfriend! And Fergie, that other girl I slept with once! Twisted bastard! And it was probably him who set the police after me and knew about the letter since he was stalking me!"

"Actually... about that... It's a really long story and his hard to explain..."

"Well, we've got time."

"Fergie killed Reese, I killed Fergie, your dad took the blame to save me and you from prison, and professor Evans told the police about the letter." Justin said all in one breath "Wow, that actually didn't take that long."

"Did you discover all this while I was in prison?"

"It's amazing the amount of stuff you can do when you're not getting drunk."

"Professor Evans, though? How did he know about the letter? And why did he give a fuck, i barely know him?"

In that moment someone knocked on the door, saving Justin from a very awkward conversation. He opened the door. It was Ree and Adam, hand in hand, being all lovey dovey.

"Headmistress Bellucci wants us in her office."


"She didn't tell us, but she did say that it's Chad who wants us there."

"Oh god, this is going to be bad."

"Oh, this is going to be good." grinned Chad evilly. He was in the office with Monica Bellucci.

"Could you please tell me what is going on? I am the headmistress, I should know."

"Trust me, headmistress. Have I ever disappointed you?"

"Can't say you have. "

"Believe me, you'll be glad you're going to witness this."

It wasn't long before everyone Chad had called was there. Ryan and Justin, Ree and Adam, holding hands, and professor Evans.

"Chad... What do you want now?" asked Chris hatefully.

"Oh Chris, don't hate me right now, 'cause you'll have plenty more reasons to hate me in ten minutes."

"Can you just tell us what's going on?" cut short Monica Bellucci.

"Of course." replied Chad "As this whole Jack Nicholson's murder story has demonstrated, Teacher-Student relationships are bad. Like, dead bad, pun intended."

Chris, Adam and Justin, realising where this was heading, started getting nervous.

"Honey, I think we should go, that Arrested Development marathon is starting soon...." said Adam to Ree.

"No, wait, I've got a feeling this is going to be good."

"You're a cunt, Chad Michael Murray." spat out professor Evans.

"You sound just like my parents. Headmistress Bellucci, can I turn on th projector? I've got some very interesting pictures to show you."

"Sure. Just hurry up, I'm starting to get bored."

"Really, Ree, it's Arrested Development, you've never seen it, you can't be my girlfriend if you haven't seen Arrested Development and..."

Adam shut up. Chad had turned on the projector, and a picture of Chris fucking Adam was now on display on the wall.

Rihanna just turned towards Adam.

"Well, I guess I can't be your girlfriend after all." she said, and then slapped him. Then she stormed out of the room.

Justin felt sorry for her, but did sigh with relief since the picture was of Adam and Chris and not of him and Chris.

CLICK! Chad changed picture. Now it was a photo of Justin riding professor Evans.

"Nice angle." commented Justin "I look cute."

He always said the most stupid things in awkward situations.

Ryan turned towards him and just looked at him, hurt.

"I can't believe this." He said.

"Well, at least you're not slapping me. I guess this is better than what happened to Adam."

Ryan left, and Justin followed him.

"I guess I'm fired, right?" asked professor Evans to Monica Bellucci.

"I'm afraid so. We can't allow any relatioships between students and professors, after the the whole Jack Nicholson shaenenigans, especially not for a professor who's had sex with two of his own students...."

"Well, then if I'm fired anyway, I guess I can do this." Chris, the former professor Evans, punched Chad right in the jaw, making him fall, then kicked him in the stomach.

"Chris!" Bellucci tried to stop him, but Chris was already calm after hitting Chad that two times.

"Goodbye, then. I'll shut the door on the way out."

And just like that, professor Evans left UC Hollywood forever. In a couple of weeks, the only thing left to remember him by would be the mark on Chad's face.

"Shit. Exams are coming up. And I'll need to find a professor for the new semester, it's not going to be easy." sighed Monica Bellucci, sitting down on her black leather arm-chair.

"Oh, headmistress, I could help you with that." Chad smirked. Actually, he hadn't stopped smirking the whole time, not even when he was being punched and kicked on the floor. "I have top grades in my class. Not only that, but I've been studying ahead. And I was Chris's personal assistant, I've got all his lecture notes and plans. I could replace him for the mid-term and next semester. "

"Well, you certainly don't lack initiative. Even though you're only a sophomore, you could be a really good teacher. Of course, there will have to be another official professor, but you would be an excellent lecturer."

"Let's talk prices."

Chad got up, and sat in front of Monica Bellucci. He couldn't stop smiling even if he tried to. In just a couple of days, he had obtained everything he wanted. Reese's murderer was in jail; he was over Tom; he had broked Ryan and Rihanna's hearts; and the professor's job was now his. Next semester was going to be a good one.

Chapter 26 Two weeks later

Adam handed in his criminology test early, just so he could wait for Rihanna outside. She hadn't talked to him after she'd found out about professor Evans.

She had slapped him, kicked him in the balls, bit him, tried to set his apartment on fire, but never once said anything. And in the last week she had even stopped trying to kill him, and he kind of missed her murder attempts. At least she was still next to him that way.

Rihanna came out of the test with Justin, blabbing about the questions.

"Ree!" shouted Adam.

Justin gave a questioning look to Rihanna.

"It's ok." she told him, and Justin moved away a little further, giving them space to talk but still keeping an eye on them.

"Ree... I'm really so sorry."

"You shouldn't be."

"I shouldn't?... I'm forgiven then?" Adam smiled.

"Well, of course you are. You made me realise two really important things."

"That you love me?" asked Adam tentatively.

"First, that I shouldn't trust people. First, you know, Fergie, being my new best friend and trying to kill me, then you, the first guy I really opened up to, cheat on me with my MALE professor. Really teaches you something about trusting people..."

"Ree... It only happened once... And it was because I thought you didn't love me... Please.... I need you!"

"Oh, I need you too." said Ree, then added "I need you to stay the fuck away from me. Whatever we had... I blame it on temporarily insanity. The second thing I've learnt is that I'm way too hot for you. I don't even know why I liked you in the first place. Well, actually, I do, it was your massive cock, but what came later? All the lovey dovey stuff? I clearly needed affection after fighting with Britney. So you happened. But it was a moment of weakness. And looking at you now... I really don't get why I was ever with you."

"Do you hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you, Adam. I feel nothing for you. Nothing."

There was nothing left to say. Adam could tell just by looking in Rihanna's eyes. The usual annoyance that had always been in her eyes everytime she looked at him, even when they were together, was now gone. It was truly over.

Rihanna went back to Justin, but he asked her a minute to talk to the heartbroken Adam.

"Hey Adam."

"Hey Justin."

"Listen... Ree will always be my best friend, and I will always take her side in everything, but... I'm still here for you. We were becoming quite buddies, weren't we?"

"Like Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson."

"Yes, whoever they are. Anyway, we're friends, and I know what you're going through. Hell, I'm going through it myself. Professor Evans was one sexy son of a bitch."

"I just wanted to be loved."

"I'll try the abandonment issue card with Ryan too. Maybe it'll work. He knows something about daddy issues."

"I really just needed to be loved."

"I'm not the one you need to convince. Well, see you around. I've gotta go to my room, hoping Ryan will show up."

When Justin went back to his room, he was surprised to find that Ryan had showed up, packing.

"Hey. I haven't seen much of you lately."

"That's because I've been avoiding you."

"That explains it."

They just stood in awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"So... Packing. Guess you don't want to be my room-mate anymore."

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean, I'm packing, but I'm gonna be back. It's just for spring break. I'm going to Ibiza with the guys. Tom and Paul."

"Oh. So you still want to be my room-mate."

"I tried changing, but there aren't any vacancies. You know, being a senior and still staying in dorms... It's quite embarassing actually. All Chad's fault, of course."

"It's always Chad's fault."

Awkward silence, again.

"Listen, about the whole professor thing, I'm sorry. You and me weren't even together when I had sex with him. At least, I think we weren't. Were we ever like, officially together? Our relationship was always kind of complicated."

"I'm not mad cause you ha sex with him."

"Oh. Okay. Then why have you been avoiding me?..."

"You told him about the letter. My father had to take the blame, and now he is in jail because of you. I can never forgive you for that."

Justin sat on the bed. There was nothing he could say to that.

"So... We're officially broken up, uh?"

Ryan sat next to him.

"We are." he told him

"So. We were never officially a couple, but we are officially broken up." sighed Justin.

"Well. You know the upside to that, right?" asked Ryan, turning Justin's face towards his.


"Break up sex."

Ryan leaned in and kissed Justin. He pushed him down on the bed, and they started making out. Ryan was on top, grinding against Justin. He stopped to take off his shirt.

"Oh god I'd missed this." said Justin, roaming his hands on Ryan's abs. Ryan pushed the hands further down, until they stopped on Ryan's crotch.

"Have you missed this?" asked Ryan, as he put his hands on Justin's and used them to unzip his jeans.

"Oh yes." Justin took the cock out of Ryan's black boxerbriefs and played with it.

"C'mon baby. You know I want it in your mouth."

Ryan was now kneeling on the bed in front of Justin, shirtless and with the cock out of his jeans. Justin was lying in front of him, and wasted no time in starting to suck the cock.

"Oh god, I love your mouth..." Ryan thrusted slowly, feeding more and more of his dick to Justin.

Justin stopped sucking the cock and looked at Ryan in the eyes as he jerked him off.

"I need you to fuck me. Now."

Ryan wasted no time. He ripped Justin's shirt apart, then turned him around and roughly lowered his jeans and underwear to his knees. He then proceeded to do the same with his jeans and then got behind Justin and uncereminously shoved his cock up his ass.

"Well, I should thank professor Evans for keeping you trained." grunted Ryan, as he started to thrust inside him hard and fast from the very beginning.

"Maybe you should ask him to teach you a thing or two." teased him Justin.

"Is this not good enough?" replied Ryan. He sat on the bed, and pulled Justin with him, so that Justin was sitting on top of him. Ryan's cock went deeper than it had ever been.

Justin could only moan as he felt Ryan's pecs against his back, and his hands on his nipples, twitching them and rubbing them.

"Or hard enough?" whispered Ryan before thrusting up and starting to furiously fuck him in that position. Everytime he would penetrate Justin, Justin would also bounce a little bit, doubling the pleasure.

"Shit. Maybe. Mmm. Chris. Could. Uh! Learn. Something. From. Uuuuh! Youu!"

And then Justin came, all over the bed and his stomach, not even touching himself.

Ryan slowed down.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, nibbling at Justin's ear.

"Oh, god no!"

Justin got down from Ryan's lap and propped himself on all fours in front of him, exposing his asshole.

"Never stop." he said.

Ryan didn't make him wait, and was soon pounding him doggystyle. Justin found himself hard again in seconds. Ryan took Justin's cock in his hand and jerked him off as he fucked him.

It was the hardest, most passionate sex they had ever had. But Justin realised why.

There was no love. There was resentment, betrayal, rage in this fuck. That's what made it so amazing.

"I... I'm going to come!" groaned Ryan. And seconds later, his balls were emptying inside Justin. Feeling Ryan's jizz inside him Justin came again.

"God I needed that." Ryan spanked lightly Justin on the ass, and then collapsed lying down next to him. Justin lied next to him, resting his head on Ryan's arms.

"Great break up sex." he sighed.

"Yep. Too bad break up sex only happens once." replied Ryan "But it's a good goodbye."

"Except the, you know, being room-mates thing."

"That will be awkward."


"well... Goodnight." they had been fucking on Justin's bed, so Ryan got up, but Justin grabbed him by the hand.

"Can't you stay here? Just tonight. One last time."

Ryan got back in the bed, and spooned him. But when Justin woke up the morning after, Ryan was gone, and so where his luggage. He had left a note.

"I'm leaving early for europe tomorrow morning, so I'll spend the night at the fraternity. See you next semester, roomie. Ryan"

Justin smiled sadly, thinking about the night before. He looked at his phone and noticed at Rihanna's four missed calls.

He called her back.


"Someone's slept in late today. Who were fucking?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"It's three in the afternoon."

"I'll tell you later. Why did you phone me?"

"Well, firstly because I dumped my, eeew, boyfriend, then I fought with one of my girl best friends because you fucked his boyfriend, you killed my other girl best friend, so you're pretty much the only person I've got left."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I killed your girl best friend to save your life."

"Yeah, whatevs. Anyway, secondly, I'm calling you to remind you that the Club is throwing the Last Party of the Semester tonight, and we, as in you and me, are going to be there."

"Ha! I love the original names the Club chooses for its parties."

"You need to be here by five, 'cause I wanna start drinking then, there's no way I'm going to this thing sober, so hurry up, shower, and get your ass here."

Two hours later Justin was at the sorority, playing the "person I've had sex with" drinking game with Ree.

"Best friend's boyfriend." said Rihanna. Justin took a shot.

"Nerd." said Justin. Rihanna took a shot.

"Pedo professor" said Rihanna. Justin took a shot.

"You should drink at that as well, you had sex with him as well." replied Justin.

"His dick didn't touch my vagina, it does not count as sex."

"Okay, then. Guy with chlamidya."

"I was like, fifteen! How do you even remember?" asked Rihanna.

"'Cause I love you. And because I knew you were going to come up with a drinking game like this one day. Plus, I could also use him for never-have-i-ever."

"So. Who did you fuck last night? Never-have-i-ever material?"

"Well, let's just say I will have to drink if you say never have i ever had breakup sex." sighed Justin "Ryan." he explained.

"Break up sex! I should have had that with Adam... but no, I hate him. So, how was it?"

"Great. The best actually. But had a distinct last time kind of feeling."

Beyoncè arrived in the living room.

"Guys, can I drink with you? Jessica thinks alcohol is made with fairy blood and is trying to throw away all my alcohol."

"Fairy blood?"

"I don't even try to get the logic in what she says anymore." said Beyoncè, grabbing a beer and chugging it "God, who knew being sorority president would be so hard. These girls are fucking retards. No wonder Fergie went psycho."

Chapter 27 The Last Party

A couple of hours later, Rihanna, Justin and Beyoncè were at the party. Sadly for Rihanna, her plan of getting her and justin drunk had failed miserably since Beyoncè had basically downed their whole drinking supply.

"Woo! Fairy Blood is awesome!" she shouted as they entered the Club, then disappeared in the bathroom to throw up.

"We're never drinking at the sorority again." said Justin to Rihanna.

"Word." she agreed "Oh look, it's Britney."

Britney was sitting on a random guy's lap, looking as stoned, drunk and skanky as ever.

"I feel bad for her." said Justin.

"After the whole crazy religious bitch, I'm kind of pass that." replied Rihanna.

"It's my fault she turned into junkie whore. I should talk to her."

"Ok. We'll talk to her." agreed Rihanna, but then added "Tomorrow. This is the last party. Can't we just dance and have a good time?" She took his hand, and dragged him to the dance floor.

As they were dancing, Justin noticed Ryan at the bar, drinking and laughing with Tom and Paul. He tried smiling at him, but Ryan saw him and turned the other way to chat with a cute blonde girl.

"Want a drink?" he asked her. She turned around.

"Oh Paris. It's you."

"Buying girls drinks? I'm guessing your little gay affair is over." replied Paris "And I'd like a cosmopolitan, thank you."

"I thought you didn't really wanna talk to me after I dumped you and started seeing a guy." said Ryan.

"Well... You've been to prison. That makes you interesting again." Paris put her finger on Ryan's shirt, fidgeting with the buttons, then leaned closer "Was it dangerous?"

"Oh yes. Really dangerous. There were fights going on all the time." lied Ryan "I even got a scar."

"oooh. Show me."

"Well... It's in a kind of intimate place."

"Then you'll have to show me somewhere private."

Paris grabbed Ryan's hand and guided him out of the club. As they left the bar, Britney stumbled drunkenly to the place where Ryan was sitting to talk to Tom.

"Toooom...." she slurred "There's something important I need to talk to you about."

Tom grabbed her and pushed her to a side.

"Brit, I told you, we can't see each other anymore, there's too much risk of people founding out."

"it's not about that. Though I liked the sex." Britney giggled "The sex is gooood."

She put her hand on Tom's crotch, but Tom pushed it away.

"Listen. I'm sorry. Maybe, you know, in ten years when everybody has forgotten what a psycho bitch you are we'll be able to hook up again. But until then it's better if we're not even seen speaking to each other in public. But I'll keep your number as a booty call if it makes you feel better."

Britney tried to say something else, but Tom had noticed a very drunk Beyoncè making out with whoever was in front of her and was quick to make sure he was the on standing in front of her.

Britney, disappointed, made her way to the bathroom.

She stood in front of her mirror, looking at herself. She was a mess. Makeup smeared everywhere, hair that needed to be dyed again.

She had wanted to tell Tom something important. Something that would have changed their life. She was pregnant. She had discovered that one week after Chad had found out about her and Tom and they had broken up. She had been drinking more than usual, trying to forget. And she had bought pills. Loads of pills.

She had hoped that Tom would have listened to her, and they could have become a family.

But now, she realised, she had screwed up too bad. She had estranged all of her friends. Her family. Had gotten knocked up by a guy whose amibition in life was banging Sarah Palin and then die happily (he had told Britney once after asking her if he could call her Sarah).

Now she just wanted to forget. So she took a pill, to forget about her pregnancy. Then another pill, to forget about the fights with her friends. Then another pill, to forget that everybody hate her.

And then she forgot. She forgot everything, and she couldn't see anything anymore, and she couldn't stand up anymore, and she fell to the floor, and she realised...

"I'm effing dying." she managed to say, before closing her eyes. And everything was gone.


So, finally, it's over! Took me long enough! Write an email to cliomiao@hotmail.it with your thoughts about the series, and this last episode! Are you sad for Britney? And poor psychotic killer Fergie? I know this was not a real happy ending, with everybody either dying or breaking up, but hey, that's life. I wanna concentrate on my new series now, which will be out soon, so I'm quite happy with the ending! Hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it! And maybe you, like me, are a little bit sad of saying goodbye to Justin, Rihanna, Adam, Tom, Ryan, Paris and everybody else!!

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