Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on May 5, 2008


This is all a work of fiction, I don't know any of the celebrities mentioned, so please please don't sue me!!!

Chapter 6 Fergie

Fergie was busy. Really busy. There were the selections for the new pledges to be made. Plus, she needed to write an article for her Journalism class. And someone had thrown up on the sorority house's carpet.

-B!!!- she yelled --B, come here!!!-

Her best friend and protégé, Beyoncè Knowles, sleepily came into the living room, rubbing her eyes.

-What Ferg?- she asked yawning.

-Who threw up on the carpet? I'm going to kick that bitch out of the sorority.-

-It was you, Ferg. You were pretty wasted after last night.- replied Beyoncè.

-Oh...- said Fergie --Well, get a freshman to clean it. I don't have the time.-

-We don't have freshmen in here yet. We still have to choose the pledges, remember?-

-Oh fuck. You clean then.-

-What? No, eew.-

-Okay. I'll make the rooms arrangements so that you will sleep with Jessica. And she snores.-

The doorbell rang.

-Go see who it is.- said Fergie.

-Why did they make you head of the Teta Omegas? You're even bossier then Kelis, and she was one bossy bitch.- sighed Beyoncè, as she went to open the door.

-Yes?- she asked, opening the door. A girl was smiling at her.

-Are you still wearing your pyjamas? They're so hot, by the way- asked the girl.

-You're... Rihanna, right?- said Beyoncè slightly annoyed --What do you want?-

-Just... I've been thinking about joining the sorority... But I hate being surrounded by pretty bimbos who can not count up to ten, I've already got Britney for that, and I was a lonely child, so I'm really not used to share anything...-

-Is there a point in this speech? `Cause I have a really bad hang over...- said Beyoncè.

-The point is that despite all these things... I wanna try to join the sorority.-

Beyoncè smiled.

-We have ourselves a pledge.-

-Yeah. Please don't call me that. Nor freshman. I hate to be under someone in a hierarchy. Just call me Ree.-

-Well... Ree... You came at the right moment. There's a carpet that needs cleaning.-

-What? No. I won't clean for you, that's degrading.-

-Oh, buhu. Listen, Fergie is in a very bad mood, and if that carpet doesn't get cleaned in ten minutes I'll have sleepless nights for the rest of this year, so either you move your ass and clean the goddamn carpet or you can go back to be a common freshman like everybody else and say bye bye to the Teta Omegas.-

Rihanna finally gave up.

-Okay, I'll clean. But just this once.-

Rihanna reluctantly walked in the living room.

-Who is this?- asked Fergie seeing her.

-Rihanna... Remember? She beat you last night at the drinking competition by one tequila shot.- replied Beyoncè.

-Oh... She must be good.- said Fergie, then turned to Ree --Are you pledging here?-


-Oh, well, then you're coming with me right now. You're going to help me pick the new pledges.-

-What about the carpet?- asked Beyoncè.

-You can clean that.- replied Fergie.

-That's not fair! She's just a pledge and I want to come with you.- whined Beyoncè.

-She beat me at a drinking competition. I owe her this.- said Fergie, then grabbed Rihanna and they left together.

-Jessica! Wake up and get your fat ass here!!!- yelled Beyoncè, left alone --Someone puked on the carpet and you're going to clean it.-

Rihanna was walking through the campus with Fergie when she saw Britney.

-Hey!!! Britney!! Hi!!!- the two friends hugged. --Fergie, this is my best friend, Britney Spears.-

-Yeah, whatever, we have to move, I have to select all the pledges by six.- replied Fergie.

-Mind if I join you? I've got nothing to do, I'm waiting for my dad to arrive and pick me up.- said Britney.

-Okay, Barbie...-

-It's Britney.-

-Whatever, just be silent and don't slow us down.- replied Fergie, without stop walking. Rihanna and Britney followed her trying to keep the pace.

-So... You decided to join the Teta Omegas?- asked Britney to Rihanna.

-You know... You only go to College once. And if it's really boring I'll leave the sorority.-

-I think you'll be anything but bored.- intervened Fergie, stopping in front of what looked like a little villa, swimming pool included --Anyway, this is the place. Our first potential pledge lives here.-

-Who has such a house on campus?- asked Rihanna amazed. Then she saw her: Paris. She was standing in front of tons of girls, all lined up.

-Oh no...- moaned Rihanna --Please don't tell me you'll let her in the sorority...-

-Actually, we need her to join the sorority- replied Fergie --She's very rich, and we really need "donations". So...-

-But I don't want to be her "sister".- said Rihanna.

-Being her sister would have its advantages...- said Fergie --Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. You could make her understand who's the boss between the two of you. Even now. You could challenge her at a "Bitch contest". We'll say it's just one of the trials to join the sorority.-

-Bitch contests are not really nice.- disagreed Britney --They always end up with you and Paris pulling my hair `cause I'm trying to keep you two apart.-

-Then stop trying to pull us apart. I'll finally kill her for good. Let's go and find her.- said Rihanna.

Fergie smiled and Britney sighed in resignation.

Paris was very happily looking at the contestants to be her room mate. She practically was American Royalty, and since her father had sent her to stay on campus to live "like a normal girl" almost every girl wanted to live with her. She had made them stand in line and was now examining them with the help of her chiwawa Tinkerbell.

-Too fat...- she said looking at her short chubby red head who started crying desperately.

-Too thin.- she said as she walked in front of an anorexic girl.

-You look like a hooker.- she snorted to a girl with a mini skirt.

-Eeew...- she simply said walking in front of a girl full of zits.

-Too nerdy...- -You wear those glasses? We're not in the sixties!- -Oh please... Don't even get me started...- -What are you wearing? Eau de Shit? Just leave...-

Finally she stopped in front of Rihanna, Britney and Fergie.

-You wanna be my room mate?- she asked --That's totally not going to happen.-

-Yeah. it's my greatest desire.- replied Rihanna. --No, retard, I'm here to challenge you. At a bitch contest.-

-Oh, please, you're not even competition.- retorted Paris.

-Afraid to lose?- challenged her Rihanna.

-Okay, I accept.- finally said Paris.

-Let the bitch contest begin.- smiled Fergie with a theatrical gesture. --May the bitchest bitch win.-

Less than a hour later, practically everyone on campus at gathered round to see the two girls fight.

-If you win or if you lose, I think you've just gained one hundred popularity points.- whisperted Fergie in Rihanna's ear. Then spoke to the public.

-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!! WELCOME TO THE GREATEST EVENT IN COLLEGE... Well, at least for now...- said Fergie --Our two beautiful girls over here are going to do ANYTHING to be crowned BITCH OF THE YEAR!-

The crowd screamed and applauded.

-Okay... Let's start with the first trial!!!!- yelled Fergie --The Kiss Contest!!!! A real bitch needs to know how to handle a man... And what better way to catch a man than with a kiss?-

The crowd cheered again.

-Okay, first of all I need a volunteer to kiss this lovely ladies and judge them by that. Who wants to do that?-

Every boy (and some girls) on campus raised his hand.

-Oh god... If hell really does exist, it's going to be so full when everyone on campus is going to be dead...- sighed Britney, shaking her head in disapproval.

-Okay... Cute guy with dark hair! You'll be the kiss tester!- decided Fergie.

A hunky boy stepped forward with a smile.

-So... What's your name, handsome?- asked him Fergie.

-Tom Welling. I'm a junior. We had sex last year.- introduced himself Tom Welling.

-Really? Sorry, I don't remember...I must have been drunk.- apologized Fergie --Anyway... Just get down with it!-

Paris and Rihanna both sensually approached Tom and started kissing him in turns. Soon they were grinding against the boy. The crowd cheered them.

Paris took off Tom's t-shirt, revealing his perfect abs and pecs. Rihanna didn't want to stay behind and immediately unbuckled Tom's belt while kissing him on the neck. Paris quickly shoved all of her tongue in Tom's ear and took off her own shirt, remaining with a transparent bra.

Rihanna pushed her away and started kissing Tom in the mouth, then pulled his jeans down, leaving him in his white boxer briefs, with a very prominent bulge. He was clearly hard and his big 8 inches cock wasn't difficult to see beneath the white fabric.

Paris squeezed his package as she licked his ear.

-No groping, Paris, that's cheating!- stopped her Fergie. Paris didn't really pay attention to her and kept on massaging Tom's cock.

-Don't you have a boyfriend?- asked her Rihanna between kissing Tom --Everyone is here. You do know he is going to find out, don't you?-

-If it is for a Bitch Contest, he'll understand.- moaned Paris.

-Okay, okay, time's up, let's stop the kissing before it turns into an orgy!- stopped them Fergie. Tom reluctantly pulled away from the two girls.

-So... who was the better kisser?- asked him Fergie.

-Well...They were both really great... But I'm going to say Paris...-

Rihanna looked s if she was about to punch him.-It's not fair, I mean, Paris was practically jerking him off. I wanna have another round with no hands involved.-

-I'm up for it- agreed Tom.

-We can see that.- joked Fergie looking at his hard crotch.

But suddenly they were interrupted by the hysterical screams of Professor Nicholson.


All the students that had gathered around fled away, leaving Fergie, Paris, Britney, Rihanna and a very embarrassed Tom Welling facing the teacher.

Britney almost fainted --Oh no, not him again... He's going to kill me this time...-

But Fergie wasn't scared.

-Jack...- she said with a smile --I hope you're not going to punish these poor girls... They just made a little mistake. We all make mistakes. You of all should know this well, don't you, Jack?-

There was something threatening in Fergie's tone. Professor Nicholson suddenly got paler.

-Y-y- y- yeah- he babbled --E- e- everyone makes mistakes...-

-Good. You don't tell the principal about us...- she said, then she added whispering in Jack's ear:- And I won't tell about your little mistake.-

-S... sure, miss F- Ferguson... T- thank you. You can trust me. -- said professor Nicholson, then turned around and left.

Rihanna, Britney and Tom looked at Fergie surprised.

-How did you do it?- asked her Britney --It took him, like, less than ten seconds to kick me out and you made him apologize?-

-What can I say? I'm full of surprises!- replied Fergie.

-I could've done that easily.- said Paris.

-Yeah, you probably would have fucked him until he would have had and heart attack and die.- said Rihanna.

-Girls... Stop fighting.- said Fergie --There's the bitch contest for that. You'll like the second trial. Cat fight.-

-Oh yeah...- grinned Rihanna.

-But I just had my hair done...- complained Paris.

-Oh no... They're gonna pull my hair...- whined Britney.

But Rihanna couldn't wait and immediately jumped on Paris, slapping and scratching her wherever she could.

-NO!!! Be careful!! Watch out for the sunglasses!!!- screamed Paris, defending herself as best as she could.

-BRING THE MUD!!!- screamed Tom.

That evening, several trials later, the Bitch Contest finally moved to the Zeta Beta House, where another crazy party was taking place.

-Oh god, I have to go, it's late. My dad will be waiting.- said Britney when they reached the house.

-He even lent me his car today, he'll kill me if I'm not home by eleven.-

-Oh c'mon, you're eighteen!- said Fergie --Just text him and tell him you're sleeping at the sorority tonight! You can't be his little girl forever!-

Britney looked troubled, but finally nodded.

-You're right.- she said, texting her father --Hey, does anyone have a spare toothbrush?-

Fergie laughed.

-After this party, I doubt you'll be in conditions to brush your teeth when we get back to the sorority.-

They entered the house.

Justin was there too, with Ryan.

-Is there a party every night in here?- he asked Ryan.

-Well... Only for the first days of school. Then they just have parties twice a week.-

There were drunken students throwing up everywhere, couples making up in the most unexpected places, music so loud that the floors were trembling. It was so full of people dancing that at first Justin wasn't even able to see Rihanna, Fergie and Paris.

-Guys, you made it!!!- he screamed, going to hug Rihanna.

-What is she doing here with you?- he asked looking at Paris --And why do you look like you just got out of a bar fight?-

-Bitch contest.- explained Rihanna.

-Hey sweetie.- said Ryan, kissing Paris.

-I've missed you...- told him Paris --All day without you, without your big manly cock...-

-Oh, isn't she romantic...- commented Rihanna.

-Ehm... Fergie...- mumbled Rihanna, separating Ryan from Paris --Can I introduce you to my friends?-

-Oh, yes, sure! I'm Fergie, not that I need introduction, I'm the head of the Teta Omegas..-

-I'm Justin, and he's Ryan.- said Justin.

-We already know each other, we had sex last year.- said Ryan.

-Of course we did.- said Fergie, then whispered to Rihanna: -Holy shit, how many people have I fucked without knowing?-

-Britney, what are you doing here?- asked Justin, seeing Britney.

-I told my dad I was sleeping at the Sorority house.- she replied.

-And he was okay with that?-

-No. He told me that if I don't get back right away he'll make me be regret being born. But... I'm eighteen, I have the right to have fun, don't I?-

-Yeah...- answered Justin uncertain. But at least Wade wasn't there. --And... Where's Wade?-

-He's got an audition tomorrow morning early.- replied Britney..

-We need to talk, Justin- said Rihanna --In private. Now. Brit, can you stay here with Fergie? I just have to ask him a couple of things from the criminology book that I didn't get-

-What about the bitch contest?- asked Paris annoyed.

-I'll be right back.- replied Fergie.

-Okay.- said Paris, then started making out with Ryan again.

Rihanna and Justin got far from their friends and started discussing. Rihanna was looking at Justin angrily.

-So... You joined the Teta Omegas.- said Justin, giving a fake smile.

-What happened at lunch? Did you blow Wade?- said Rihanna.

-What? How do you know that?-

-Your breath smelled like cock. Thank god that Britney doesn't know what cock smells like.-

-It didn't smell like cock, I took a mint chewing gum.-

-So you did blow him. What about our deal?-

-Well, you joined the sorority, so we're even.-

-Tell Britney that.- replied Rihanna.

-No!!! Please... I want to quit it... It's just... Wade said he might be gay...-

-Really? How did he figure that out?- said Rihanna sarcastically.

-Please, Ree... Give me some more time...- pleaded Justin.

-Okay, Justin... Just, try not suck him again?- said Rihanna.

-I'll try. Thank you.- replied Justin, and they got back to the others.

-Oh finally, Paris over here looks like she's sucking Ryan's breakfast from his throat.- said Fergie --Hey, lovers, split for a second. There's the last Bitch Contest trial.-

-What's that?- asked Rihanna.

-You have to get as much guys as you can to offer you a drink in one hour time. Starting now.- explained Fergie.

Paris and Rihanna immediately jumped into the crowd, looking for someone to seduce.

-Ree!- said Fergie --I have some advice: go for fat ones and nerds. They're so desperate they'll buy you drinks in no time.-

-No, thank you.- replied Rihanna --I will win this and I will win it with style.-

She then got on with her task, and Fergie and Britney followed her and Paris to see how they were doing. Ryan and Justin were left alone.

-Doesn't it bother you?- asked Justin.

-What?-replied Ryan, getting a beer and drinking slowly.

-That your girlfriend is around being a slut to win a Bitch Contest.-

-Oh, please, why would it bother me? It's not like a want to marry Paris or that she's my soulmate. She's just fun. I really want someone who listens to me, sensible, whom I can talk with of everything. And with a great ass.- Ryan looked at Justin's ass --A bit like you.- he joked.

Justin punched him on the shoulder.

-Yeah, you wish.- he said.

-Oh please. I could have your ass anytime I want.-

-You can rape me while I'm sleeping, you mean.-

-If you were gay, I would so own your ass.- chuckled Ryan.

-If I was gay, you wouldn't be hot enough for me.- said Justin, but he actually blushed a little.

Ryan laughed again.

-If you were gay, you would have wet dreams about me every night. But right now, we need more beers.- he said, then grabbed a couple of beers and gave one to Justin. --Cheers, gay dreamer.-

Justin tried to punch him on the shoulder again, but this time Ryan avoided the blow, but spilled all his beer on his shirt and jeans.

-Oh fuck!- he said.

-Is that my shirt?- asked Justin.

-I didn't have anything clean.- replied Ryan.

-Now I don't either!- said Justin.

-Well, it was your fault I spilled the beer on it in the first place!-

-Whatever, let's go to the bathroom and try to clean it before that beers stains.- said Justin, dragging Justin in the bathroom.

Rihanna had already been offered a tequila bum bum by Usher (too easy, that idiot still thought he could get in her pants), a Pina Colada by Tom (he wanted to make it up to her for choosing Paris as the best kisser... And he wanted to get in her pants as well), a Cuba Libre by a really cute brunette, who Rihanna put in her list of guys to know better, and all this in only ten minutes. Now she was looking for a real challenge. Someone who she didn't just need to bat her long eye lashes to to get a drink. And then she saw him. Handsome. He looked way more mature than anyone else. He was sitting on the sofa, looking totally out place. Rihanna sat next to him.

-Professor Evans.- she said kindly --I didn't expect to see you here.-

-Miss Feynne.- said Evans with a smile --I can say the same thing. Shouldn't you be in your room studying?-

Rihanna cleared her throat embarrassed.

-But let's not talk about me. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you, you know, be doing research or any other boring activity you teachers do?-

-Chad... I mean, mister Murray invited me to the party. And I had nothing else to do. I mean, who am I going to hang out with on campus, professor Nicholson?-

Rihanna laughed.

-You're fun.- she commented, smiling sensually and licking her lips. Then she got closer to her teacher.

-And you're a student, miss Feynne, so no, I don't want to have sex with you.- replied Chris, moving away from Rihanna.

-We're in a free society. And in TV teachers and students do the dirties all the time.-

-And then the teacher ends up losing his/her job. I did watch Dawson's creek.-

-Dawson's creek? That's so lame. Oc rules.-

-Oc? Oc is just the rich bad copy of Dawson's creek, totally unrealistic.-

-Oh yes, because kids who talk like they all have a degree in psychology is so realistic. At least Ryan is hot. And Marissa? She's beautiful.-

-Hey! I love Katie Holmes!-

-She's a fricking scientologist! And she married that psycho dwarf!-

-I can't believe I'm at a fraternity party discussing teen dramas with a student... I really don't have any self-respect.-

-You should drink over it.- suggested Rihanna.

-You're right. Could you grab me a beer, miss Feynne? I'll give you another A.-

-Beers are for pussies. I know what you need. A Blue Angel: vodka, sambuca, rhum and a drop of an unknown blue liquid. I think it's that soap to clean loos. --

-I would have to pay.-

-Oh, c'mon, you're a professor! You can buy a drink... Two drinks actually.-

-I'll pretend I didn't hear you and that you, not being 21, don't drink.- said Evans.

"Fuck!" thought Rihanna.

-Okay... You don't buy me anything to drink, I'll tell every student and teacher on campus that you like Dawson's creek.- replied Rihanna.

-Do you know how many murders are committed because of blackmail?- replied Evans.

-I know how to defend myself. I practiced the noble martial art of sushi.- said Rihanna.

-Sushi is fish with rice.-

-Oh! That's why there was all that tuna... Okay, now I'm thirsty... Get me something... Pretty please with sugar on top?-

-Okay, but this doesn't have to come out of here.- said Evans giving up and getting two Blue Angels.

He sat back on the sofa with Rihanna, and tasted his drink. He almost spat it back.

-Holy fuck it's strong!- he said.

-Professor, watch your language!- said Rihanna, pretending to be scandalized. Then she drank all her Blue Angel in one breath.

Evil Chad appeared from behind them.

-Professor, you do know miss Feynne isn't 21, do you?- he said.

-But... Isn't she the new psychology teacher?- tried to say Evans, sounding totally false.

-Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You're my favourite teacher on Campus.- replied Chad, putting his hand on Evans neck and started giving him a neck rub --And everyone lets himself go to smalls sins every once in a while...-

-Thank you.- said Evans, apparently oblivious to the neck rub and Chad's flirtatious attitude.

Rihanna watched Chad's hand on professor Evans' neck with hatred.

"You evil fag!!!!" she thought "You're not going to steal professor Evans from me."

She looked at Chad challengely. Chad noticed that and lowered his hand on professor Evans' pecs, massaging them. So Rihanna put his hand on Evans's thigh.

-You know, professor...- she said in her best sexy voice --That drink made me so hot.- She unbuttoned her shirt and slightly opened it.

-Mmm, professor, do you go to the gym? We should go together, I want to have pecs like yours...- said Chad, smiling evilly at Rihanna, then he lowered his hand on Evans' belly --Oh, and these abs...- He got his hand even lower, and "accidentally" touched Evans' crotch.

-Yes.. They're so tight and hard...- moaned Chad.

At that point, the professor realized what was going on, and jumped up on his feet.

-I forgot I had to correct some tests for tomorrow.- he said.

-But... I corrected them earlier.- replied Chad.

-Other tests.- lied professor Evans, and left.

-You made him run away.- said Rihanna annoyed.

-Miss Feynne, dear, you may have an A in criminology, but when it comes to men... I'm the pro.- said Chad.

-We'll see that, you evil scheming homo.- replied Rihanna --And now offer me something to drink or I'll tell your fraternity what a glittery fairy you are.-

-I like your attitude.- said Chad, then kissed Rihanna passionately. When they pulled apart , Chad looked Rihanna in the eyes and said: -Wanna fuck?-

-Oh no, another bisexual...- sighed Rihanna --Why can't you guys just pick a side and stick to it?-

-Where's the fun in that? So... Tequila bum bum?- asked Chad.

-A tequila is fine. But you're not getting anything from me. Not now, not ever.-

-They all say that in the beginning.- smirked Chad, then got Rihanna her drink.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Justin hastily took his shirt off of Ryan and tried to wash it.

-God, it's gonna stain.- he whined.

-Big deal. It's just a shirt.- replied Ryan.

In that moment Justin pictured himself broking the mirror in the bathroom, grabbing a sharp piece of glass and using it to cut Ryan's throat. But that throat was just so cute... And those deep eyes...

-You're right, it's just a shirt. But what are you going to wear at the party? And your jeans are all wet as well.- said Justin.

-Actually, they are your jeans as well... It's convenient to have a room mate with the same size as you.- replied Ryan --And there's no problem, when I can just do this...-

Ryan smiled and took his jeans off, remaining with just a pair of white boxer briefs. Then he walked back into the party.

-Ryan! What are you doing?- asked Justin, surprised and kind of amused.

When Ryan walked in in just his underwear, everyone turned to look at him and the deejay even stopped the music.

-LET'S GET NAKED!!!!- yelled Ryan.

The crowd cheered and everyone started undressing. The music started again, playing Cascada's "Everytime we touch". Justin watched amazed as clothes started flying across the room. Ryan joined the crowd dancing, and turned to Justin.

-C'mon! Let yourself go a little!- he said, moving to the music. People had started throwing beer around, getting everybody wet.

This was the wildest party Justin had ever seen, and didn't really know what to do. A part of him wanted to run away and hide under his covers, another wanted to join the fun. Then he saw Rihanna in just her bra and underwear dancing with Fergie and Britney, who were just as undressed. He also noticed Evil Chad, in just his black boxers, staring at Rihanna's ass.

Even pure, innocent Britney was dancing almost naked.

"Oh, what the hell" he thought, and finally took of his shirt and joined Ryan.

-Hey!- yelled Ryan to make himself be heard --You're unfair!-

Then he pulled Justin grabbing him from his ass. They were dancing together, real close, the naked skins of their torsos sometimes even touching. Ryan was grinding against him, crotch touching crotch, and Ryan's hands roamed on Justin's naked back.

Justin felt like he was about to cum right there. Ryan probably could feel how hard his cock was through his trousers, but it wasn't a problem, `cause Justin through the wet fabric of Ryan's boxer briefs could see that he was hard as well, and man, he was BIG!!! At least ten inches, and as large as Justin's wrist.

-Why am I unfair?- asked Justin in Ryan's ear, mostly as an excuse to get closer.

Ryan smiled and grabbed him by his crotch. Then he said: -Because you're way too dressed- and unzipped Justin's jeans.

Justin felt like he was in a dream. But then, they heard the police's sirens coming from outside.

The music stopped, and people started running everywhere, looking for clothes and for away to escape.

-SOMEBODY HIDE THE ALCOHOL!!!- yelled Chad, grabbing as much bottles as he could and throwing them out of the window.

Justin quickly zipped up his pants and grabbed his shirt, then started panicking. Where could he go?

Thankfully, Ryan grabbed his arm and dragged him inside a small room, like a closet or something, and closed the door, hiding the two of them inside. They were in the complete dark, but there was so little space that Justin could feel Ryan's breath on his neck and Ryan's boxer briefs covered erection poking his jeans' covered ass. But he couldn't even turn around, the room was so small.

-See what's going on from the key hole.- whispered Ryan.

Justin peeked: the room was now almost empty, two policemen had got in and were stopping students from running away.

-Alcohol inside campus, music way too loud... I used to come to this university and let me tell you, professor Nicholson won't be too happy when he hears about this...- said one policeman.

-Hey Justin...- whispered Ryan --Sorry about my... Well.. you know... Erection... It's just that dangerous situations turn me on...-

-No problem...- replied Justin, blushing heavily.

-So... What's going on outside?- asked Ryan. Justin looked out the key hole again, trying not to think about Ryan's body next to his and Ryan's woody poking his ass.

-The police doesn't seem so pissed. They're just saying "Don't do this again... We know how fun it is to party but don't et things get out of hand..."- said Justin. He could also see Britney stumbling across the room, clearly drunk, held by Rihanna. They were trying to avoid the policemen.

But suddenly someone walked in, much scarier than the police.

-Oh no! Daddy!- whined Britney seeing his father entering the room.

-Oh fuck...- mumbled Justin. Britney's father wasn't famous for his kindness and forgiveness.

Mister Spears looked at her daughter, dressed just in her underwear, shocked.

-BRITNEY JEANE SPEARS!!!- he yelled, threatening walking closer to her daughter --Not only thou didn't come home when thou shouldt have, but I find thee here? In the temple of sin and perdition? Naked, with every man in this room disposing of your body?-

-I... I...- Britney didn't know what to say --No one is disposing.-

-Kneel, and beg for forgiveness, daughter!!!- ordered mister Spears --But I shall never be able to forget this terrible night and what thou did!!!-

Britney, scared, kneeled, but when she opened her mouth to apologize, the alcohol kicked in and all she did was throwing up on her father's shoes.

Her father looked like he was about to hit her at first, but he was surrounded by policemen and students, so he just turned around and stormed out of the house.

-AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEE AGAIN!!!- he yelled, then banged the door behind him.

Britney started crying desperately.

-C'mon, Brit...- said Rihanna, hugging her --He doesn't mean it...-

-He always means what he says...- sobbed Britney.

-He's your father, he loves you.- said one policeman trying to cheer her up.

-Hey! Shouldn't you be, like, a bad ass cop?- asked Rihanna.

-I wanted to be a kinder garden teacher.- replied the policeman --You know, in a school with big garden, full of flowers and butterflies... Where I can spread my wings and fly... Fly in the blue sky... Fly...-

The policeman started to move his arms like they were wings, and his expression got dreamy.

-Sorry, he didn't take his meds...- apologized the other policeman. --Anyway, we're not going to do anything and we're not going to arrest anyone, but next time you throw a party, keep the wolume lower, okay?-

The police left, but Britney was still desperately crying.

-I'm going to have to leave in the woods, hunting for food!- she cried --And I'll have to clean my bottom with leaves... Oh, eeeew...-

-You're not going to live in the woods.- said Fergie, who had been hidden under the sofa. --You can stay with us in the sorority until your dad forgives you. `Cause he will.-

-Thank you!- cried Britney, hugging Fergie as well. Justin came out of the closet with Ryan and hugged Britney as well. Now he was sure he had to quit his affair with Wade... Britney was already suffering enough.

-It will be okay...- he whispered to her best friend.

-Let's skip to the important stuff- said Paris, coming out of the bathroom, where she had locked herself in --Who won the bitch contest?-

Woah!!! The longest chapter ever!!! And I wrote it in just three days... So it probably sucks. Anyway, this was meant to be chapter 2, that's why there is another party at the Zeta Betas, but then I applied some changes and turned it to chapter 6... By the way, feedback is always appreciated, so if you want to make me one happy writer write to: cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 5

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