Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on May 30, 2008


Episode 3 Passion

Previously: Justin had sex with Wade, Britney's boyfriend, and Britney's father has told her to never come back home. To keep it short, Britney is one unlucky girl.

Chapter seven Ryan

-Passion is the main motive in most murders.- said professor Evans to the class -Rage, jealousy, unwanted love, they all bring people to do the most unspeakable things. Most of the times, in a murder, there isn't a intrigued plot behind it. There's just passion. Passion, that makes us kill the people we love, make us betray our best friends...-

Justin heart skipped a beat when he heard that. Professor Evans was so right. Britney was his best friend. She was his beard when they were fifteen. And now... He had sucked her boyfriend. And though he couldn't stop it. He had sucked Wade in the bathroom, in Wade's car, behind some bushes, everywhere. He had to stop, `cause he couldn't keep on betraying Britney's trust. Also because all that sperm was making him gain a little weight.

Finally the bell rang. Justin really enjoyed professor Evans, but this time he was glad it was over.

-C'mon, Ree, let's go.- he said.

-I wanted to ask the professor something. You go on, we'll meet in the cafeteria.- replied Rihanna.

When the class room was empty, she walked to professor Evans' desk, where he was looking at some papers.

-Hi, professor.- she said smiling seductively.

-Oh, miss Feynne. Why am I not surprised that you'd wait until the end of the lesson to talk to me?- said Evans --But I'm in a hurry.-

-Oh, professor, you got me all wrong.- said Rihanna --I just wanted to tell you that I found this lesson very inspirational. You know, it's so true... Passion makes you do the craziest things.-

Saying this, Rihanna bended on the desk, her faces inches away from the professor's.

-Miss Feynne...- said Chris, leaning in. Now their lips were almost touching. Rihanna smiled and closed her eyes.

--You've got a zit.- ended Chris, then getting away.

Rihanna looked angry, annoyed and disappointed.

-That wasn't funny.- she said.

-You're my student, miss Feynne, I'm not going to kiss you, so just stop trying, okay?- replied Evans.

-If I stop trying will you at least fuck me?- asked Rihanna hopeful.

-Why don't we talk about it in four yeas time? After you got your degree...-

-But, professor, I like you, and I know that you like me...-

-Why do you think I like you?-

-Because you're wearing tight jeans and you're clearly hard. It doesn't take a criminology teacher to figure that out.-

-Erm... I... It must be the wind or something...- babbled professor Evans embarrassed.

-Professor... It's not a crime if I give you just a hand with your BIG problem...- whispered Rihanna in Evans' ear, then put her hand on his crotch. Suddenly the door opened and Chad walked in.

-Erm... Professor... I think that Miss Feynne's hand accidentally slipped on your crotch.- said Chad.

Evans pushed Rihanna off the desk and stood up.

-Mmm... Today the wind is particularly pleasurable...- said Chad, looking at his teacher's erection. Evans blushed and sat back down, putting a book on his crotch.

-Oh, professor, there's nothing to be ashamed of. We're both guys here.- said Chad, then looked down at Rihanna, who was on the floor --And I'm sure she's seen so many dicks she's not shocked. Plus, it did seem quite... Tasty.-

Chad passed his tongue on his lips. Professor Evans blushed even more.

-Chad's talking about my sandwich.- said Rihanna, getting a sandwich from her bag.

-Oh yes... I like big, saucy, sandwiches...- replied Chad, licking his lips once again.

-Yeah, so says all campus.- said Rihanna --How's your herpes, by the way?-

-Fine. How's your syphilis?- replied Chad.

-Not as bad as your clamidia. And how are your erection disfunctions?- grinned Rihanna. --Anyway, I have to help professor getting rid of his problem, so... disappear.-

-I'm his assistant, I should be the one helping him.- said Chad, and walked to the desk and put his hand on Evans' crotch and then started rubbing it. The professor was so shocked that at first he didn't move. Chad unbuttoned Evans' trousers and was about to put his hand in his underwear, when the professor got back to his senses and moved Chad's hand away. Then buttoned up, and grabbed his things.

-God help those who help themselves.- he said --So thank you both very much but I think I'm just going to go to my room and jerk off like a good Christian.-

Then he left.

-Hey!!! The church is against masturbation!!!- yelled Rihanna to him, but the professor Evans closed the door behind him and left Chad and Rihanna alone in the classroom.

-So... Want to go out on a date tonight?- asked Chad.

-Even if I have syphilis?- joked Rihanna.

-I don't mind. I mean, I already have herpes and clamidia, maybe if I get syphilis as well I'll win something.-

-My answer is still no, Chad. Go fuck yourself.-

-Soon I'll have professor Evans to do that.- said Chad with a smile.

-PHILIPPE!!! Grab that fucking ball!!!!- yelled Coach Colin Farrell.

Ryan didn't see the ball, that hit him on the head so hard that he actually fell on the ground.

-Bloody hell, Philippe, what the fuck is wrong with you? You were my best fucking player, holy shit- said Coach Farrell, helping Ryan getting up.

-Sorry, coach. I'm just... I can't seem to get my head in the game today.-

-Yes, I fucking noticed that. What the fuck is wrong? Are you in fucking love or something?- asked the coach. Ryan snorted.

He? In love? With who, Paris? Oh, please.

-It must be the new semester or something.- said Ryan --But I'll be good again, I promise.-

-You'll fucking better.- replied coach Farrell --We've got a fucking game this fucking sunday, and if still play like a fucking fag I'll have to make fucking Usher fucking quarterback.-

-Usher? He doesn't know the first thing about strategies, he just tackles whoever he sees.-

-But he can still catch a fucking ball.- said coach Farrell. --Anyway, that's enough for today. HIT THE SHOWERS, TEAM!-

Coach Farrell left the field, spitting and cursing.

Ryan walked to the locker room with the rest of the team.

Usher approached him.

-Yo, Ryan, my grandma plays better. And she's ninety. What's up with you?- he asked.

-Yeah, you're getting old, aren't you?- said Tom Welling, another player on the team, joining his two friends. --Well, it's the chance for us to shine.-

-You wish.- said Ryan as they walked into the locker room. --Sorry, but I don't plan to retire yet.-

-It's that Paris, isn't she? You're tired because of all the sex.- said Usher.

-Yeah, she's a sex fiend, I remember making out with her, so hot...- said Tom, getting his t-shirt off.

-Ryan and Usher did the same and started undoing their pants.

-Actually, I'm not totally satisfied...- said Ryan, taking off his pants and remaining in just his jockstrap --I mean, the sex is great. All hot, sweaty, and she does give the best blowjobs in the world... But, I don't know, I'm always left wanting still more. Maybe it's that.-

-So basically, your saying that the reason you can't play is your constant horniness.- said Usher.

-Why don't you just jerk off and leave Paris to me?- joked Tom --I'm sure she'll satisfy me.-

-You're sick, you do know that?- laughed Ryan, and took off his jockstrap and threw it on Tom --Let's see if this turns you on as well.-

Tom pretended to sniff the underwear.

-Oh yes, they're, like, Ryan Philippe's underwear! Smell the divine perfume of his ass!!! -- joked Tom --Oh, captain, my captain... Not for long.-

-You're both fags.- laughed Usher, taking his jockstrap off and going in the shower.

-Yes, yes, I am, please let me have your big black cock!!!- said Tom following him and hugging him.

They started wrestling around, naked, in the shower, until finally Tom managed to grab Usher's balls and soft yet long dick.

-Ah-ha, Usher, I got you by the balls.- said Tom, and squeezed him lightly.

-Ouch, that hurt, you jerk!!!- cried Usher, struggling to free himself.

-I won't let go until you'll apologize for calling me fag and admit that you're the fag and want to suck my cock.- said Tom.

-Okay, okay, whatever, I'm sorry.- said Usher rolling his eyes.

-And you want to suck my cock.-

-Eew... Okay, I want to suck your cock. Let me go now.-

-Oh... I love you too.- replied Tom, letting go of Usher who kicked him in the balls softly as soon as he was free. Then three guys all showered.

Wade was late. Justin hated when people were late. He was a very punctual person. Plus, Ryan was soon getting back from training, and if Wade didn't arrive soon they weren't going to have the time to talk. Finally, a knock on the door. Justin opened and Wade immediately came in and started covering him in kisses.

-Wait, wait...- stopped him Justin --Do you know why I called you here?-

-`Cause you were horny?- asked Wade, resuming his kissing.

-No... Wade, I wanted to tell you it's over. We can't keep going on- said Justin.

-Again?- Wade rolled his eyes --Okay, do you feel less guilty now? Can we go on with the sex?-

-Wade, I was serious... I...- but Justin couldn't finish his sentence. Wade was on his kness, and had unzipped Justin's trousers and started jerking his cock through the thin material of his boxer briefs.

Soon Wade had started licking him through his underwear, and Justin just couldn't control himself. He lowered his underwear, exposing his hard dick, and slapped Wade's face with it. Wade promptly grabbed with his had and licked the head as he jerked Justin off.

It actually was the first time Wade tasted a cock. Usually, Justin would suck him, but he would just jerk Justin's off.

It didn't taste bad. Actually, Wade started enjoying it. Finally he took the whole head in his mouth. Justin closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling. But he wasn't thinking about Wade. He was thinking about Ryan's ripped body, about all the times he had seen him in just his underweat, about that time in the closet when they were so close...

-I love your cock...- moaned Wade between sucking the dick. --It's tasty and so big, it makes me wanna meow.-

Justin sighed with satisfaction. He made Wade want to meow. Wait, meow? Why would Wade want to meow? Justin opened his eyes to a scary yet amusing sight.

Hotpussy, excited from all the erect penis she was seeing, had jumped on Wade's head and was now trying to kill the boy to get to Justin's penis.

-AAARGH help me Justin!!!- cried Wade, trying to pull the cat from his hair.

-You just have to pet her on the back!- said Justin.

-I can't, she's on my head! Can't you pet her?- asked Wade, trying to pet Hotpussy, who just got angrier and started aiming for Wade's eyes.

-I hate cats.- replied Justin.

-Justin, she's going to kill me!!- yelled Wade as Hotpussy bit his forehead. Justin closed his eyes, swallowed hard and finally gave Hotpussy a short stroke on her back. The cat immediately calmed down and started purring. Wade took her and threw her out of the window, which he then promptly closed. The poor cat stared at them from outside the window, and Wade gave her the finger.

Wade walked to Justin and kissed him on the lips.

-So Justin...- he said, kneeling in front of him --Where were we?-

Justin smiled, but suddenly there was a knock on the door.

-Oh fuck.- said Justin, quickly putting his boxer briefs back on.

-Who is it?- he shouted.

-It's Britney. Can you let me in?- was the answer.

Justin mouthed another fuck and pushed Wade inside the bathroom (it was a little bathroom, without a shower or bath). Then he hastily put on his jeans and his t-shirt and opened.

-Hi Brit, didn't know you were coming.- he said, forcing a smile.

-Oh, it was an emergency.- replied Britney. --Hey, are those Wade's clothes?-

Justin had forgot about Wade's clothes on the floor.

-No, they're Ryan's.- lied Justin --I hate when he leaves his things on the floor. Anyway, what's the emergency?-

-I have to use your bathroom.- said Britney. Justin felt all the blood leaving his face.

-W... Why?- he babbled.

-Because in the sorority Jessica was in the bathroom taking a poo, and that always takes ages.- explained Britney.

-You're on campus, there are plenty of other bathrooms.- said Justin.

-They're dirty. And you get all kind of diseases using them... I don't want to die from cancer for using a public toilet.-

-Public toilets can't give cancer!-

-Just let me use your bathroom, what's the problem?- asked Britney.

-You can't.- replied Justin, trying to think something up --It's that... Okay, I just took a shit in there and I can't flush it down the toilet. It's embarrassing.-

The door opened again and Ryan walked in.

-Oh, hi, how was training?- asked Justin.

-Terrible. But what are you doing here? There's the school's street fare. I thought you were going.- replied Ryan.

-Do people ever study here?-

-Hey, it's Uc Hollywood. If you wanted to study you should have gone to Harvard.- said Ryan.

-Okay, let's go.- agreed Justin, taking it as an excuse to leave the room with Britney --Let's go, Brit...-

-But... I have to pee...-

-You'll do it behind some bushes if you don't want to use the public toilets.- replied Justin, dragging Britney out of the room.

Rihanna was taking her last things from her room. Finally, after two weeks of tolerating that sub-product of a human that was her roommate, she was finally moving to the sorority, where she was going to share her room with Britney.

-So... You're leaving, finally.- said Avril, walking inside.

-Yeah... How happy are you?- asked Rihanna.

-Mpf. You weren't that bad. I'm almost going to miss you.- replied Avril.

-Hey, it's not like I'm dying, we'll still see each other in the corridors and stuff.- said Rihanna. There was a moment of awkward silence. --Well, we can pretend we don't know each other and not say hi to each other.-

-Yeah, that would be a waste of time.- agreed Avril.

-Well... Bye forever, then.- said Rihanna, grabbing her boxes of stuff.

-Bye.- said Avril --And I know you've stolen my toothpaste and you're carrying it in that box. Put it back in the bathroom before you leave.-

-But please... I love cinnamon toothpaste! Can't it be a goodbye gift?-

-My boots shoved up your ass are going to be my goodbye gift if you don't put my toothpaste in the bathroom.-

-Fry in hell, stupid emo.- said Rihanna, throwing the toothpaste on Avril's head, and leaving banging the door.

-Bye bye.- said Avril.

Justin hated funfares. They were smelly, dirty and plus he was afraid of heights. He had only gone there to get Britney put of his room.

-Hey, wasn't Ree moving in the sorority today? Shouldn't we go and help her move her stuff?- he asked as an excuse.

-But I wanted to make you try the roller coaster. They are great to be at a school funfare.-

-Oh yeah, rollercoasters...- mumbled Justin, feeling sick just at the thought.

-I'm not going. I've seen final destination 3, I know it's a really bad idea.- said Britney.

-Justin, are you coming? C'mon, don't be a pussy.- asked Ryan.

-Erm... Where's Paris?- asked Justin, trying to changes subject.

-She was moving in the sorority as well. So, are you coming or not?-

-I can't leave Britney all by herself.- replied Justin.

-Oh, actually I wanted to call Wade and ask him if he could come today. You go.- said Britney.

Justin didn't know with which excuses come up anymore and finally agreed.

-Hey, if you're too scared you can always hold on to me.- said Ryan as they walked towards the rollercoasters.

"Maybe the ride isn't going to be that bad" thought Justin, as a smile formed on his lips.

Rihanna opened the door of the sorority. As she thought, no one was in. There was the school funfare that day, so they probably all were there. Britney had told Rihanna that her room was on the second floor, on the left of a bathroom.

Rihanna started climbing the stairs, her boxes in hand, when she heard voices coming from a room. It seemed like two people having an argument. She put down her boxes and followed the voices. They came from a room on the first floor, left a little opened. Rihanna peeked in.

It was Fergie and professor Nicholson, quarrelling.

-I need that A, professor.- was saying Fergie.

-I can't, miss Ferguson, you didn't even give me the damn assignment, people are going to begin to suspect something.- replied professor Nicholson.

-They're going to think we fuck, so what? We both know that ain't true. Eew, by the way. They're not going to think that I blackmail you because you were...- Fergie didn't finish her sentence, because she saw Rihanna at the door. She opened it and looked at the girl.

-Hi, Ree... do you know professor Nicholson?- said Fergie --He just came to help me reverse The Hidden Truths. It's a modern drama, we're studying it at English Literature, hope we didn't scare you.-

-Oh... I was just moving in my stuff... I... I didn't even hear what you were saying.- said Rihanna.

-I'll take you to your room.- said Fergie --Bye, professor Nicholson, I'll see you tomorrow in class.-

Professor Nicholson said goodbye to the two girls and hastily left.

Fergie guided Rihanna to a small room on the second floor. It was clear that it was Britney's room. She had already painted all the walls pink and attached pictures of puppies everywhere.

-Oh, there are going to be some major changes in here.- said Rihanna, tearing off the puppies' pictures from the walls.

Justin had just sat on the roller coaster and he had already gone completely pale. Ryan, sitting next to him, was laughing and having the time of his life, but Justin wanted to run away as far as possible.

Ryan noticed this.

-Justin, are you okay?- he asked, as the roller coaster started slowly moving.

Justin's eyes got wider and he stood completely still, looking at the ground getting far from them.

-I'm scared of heights.- he gulped.

-Why didn't you tell me?- said Ryan.

Justin just shrugged.

-Don't worry, I'm here with you.- tried to comforting him Ryan, putting his hand on Justin's.

Justin calmed down a bit and even managed to smile. Ryan was there with him. Everything was going to be fine.

He immediately changed idea as they got to the highest peek and started going down at high speed. But then Ryan covered Justin's eyes with his hand as he held him tightly with his other arms, and everything was fine again. Until he puked on the people in the front row, of course.

Rihanna had just ripped off the last puppy picture, accidentally ripping part of the wallpaper with it.

-Oh fuck.- she said. She'd better cover it up before someone saw it. She took an enormous frame with a picture of her, Britney and Justin.

-Yeah, nobody will notice anything.- she said to himself. She just needed to nail to the wall now.

She took a hammer and a nail, beat the hammer on the nail and... An enormous piece of wall feel down, as big as Rihanna's fist.

-Oh shit!- she said. Then a tremendous smell hit her nostrils.

-What the fuck is this?- she said, not breathing. She picked in the wall's hole.

And then she screamed. She could clearly see part of what was a long time dead, decomposing human body.

The roller coaster finally stopped. Justin jumped off it and kissed the ground.

-Thank god I'm alive!!!-

-If the guys that sat in the front of us don't kill you.- replied Ryan, going next to him and patting him on the back. --Anyway, I feel bad about making you come with me on the roller coaster. Is there something you want to do?-

-What about the horror tunnel? I love those things.-

-You do know it's for couples and four years old?-

-Well... Let's be four years old then.- said Justin.

-Better yet. Let's be a couple.- replied Ryan smiling and getting Justin back on his feet. --They give us a reduction on the price for couples.- he added quickly, seeing Justin's surprised look.

-Yeah yeah, that's all an excuse, you homo.- joked Justin.

Ryan took him by the hand.

-Let's go gay lover. Can I call you Teddy Dear?- said Ryan.

-Can I punch you in the balls?- replied Justin.

-Just pretend to be my boyfriend and shut up, honey.-

They finally got to the horror tunnel and sat down. They were alone.

They slowly started moving into the dark tunnel, surrounded by what were meant to be creepy laughter but that sounded like a parrot with a cough.

-Wow. It's even lamer than I expected.- said Ryan.

But then, suddenly, the statue of Jason jumped out of nowhere screaming.

Ryan jumped on his seat and Justin instinctively held on him.

The two boys found themselves looking in each other's eyes. Justin's arm was holding on Ryan's shoulder, and soon Ryan's hair was on his air, comforting and protecting. Ryan started to slowly caress Justin's hair.

Then Justin smiled to him, with that cute puppy smile, and Ryan couldn't resist anymore.

He leaned in and softly kissed Justin on the lips.

He felt Justin frowning for a second.

Oh my god, what had he done? Now Justin was going to hate him forever... Ryan started pulling away, but then Justin followed his lips and kissed him back.

Ryan smiled and kissed again, more confident this time. He made Justin lie on the seat and got on top of him, then started kissing him again.

This time he let his tongue slip in Justin's mouth. Justin willingly accepted and their tongues started wrestling, as they grinded their hard jeans covered erections together.

Ryan put his hands on Justin's ass, feeling it, when suddenly they saw a light coming from the end of the tunnel.

-Oh fuck, the ride's almost over...- said Ryan, then stopped kissing back and got back sitting, as Justin did the same.

The tunnel ended and they got down, not saying a word. For the first time since they had met, there was an awkward silence between them.

-Erm... So...- mumbled Ryan as they walked in the crowd, quite distant one from the other --I... I had to go to Paris this evening... I guess I'll go directly... And I'll probably sleep there... So, bye.-

Ryan blushed and disappeared.

"Fuck" thought Justin "Ryan was probably just confused, and now he's ashamed and he'll never want to see me again..." Justin slowly walked away from the funfare.

He wasn't aware that Ryan was looking at him all the time, confused with what he was feeling. Maybe he really was in love. Not with his girlfriend, though...

So... They finally kissed!!!!! What do you think? Tell me at cliomiao@hotmail.it . Sorry it took so much to write it... I've been kind of busy... I'm writing the new episode of Angel season six and a whole new story (that's just about sex, differently from my other two stories)

Next: Chapter 6

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