Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Jun 17, 2008


Chapter 8

Justin was alone, in his room. Ryan was probably fucking Paris right now. He felt so jealous he could punch the wall.

Then he decided to instead call Ree and tell her the news- At least this way he wasn't going to break his fist.

-You'll never guess what just happened to me.- said Justin on his cell phone.

-You'll never guess what just happened to me!- replied Rihanna from her cell phone.

-I made out with Ryan!- said Justin.

-I found a dead body in my room's wall!- said Rihanna in response.

-Oh, wow, that's gross.. And terrible...- said Justin –But still, I MADE OUT WITH FRICKING RYAN PHILIPPE!!!-

-So you finally told Wade that it's over.-

-Erm... Actually... Not really...-

-So... Let me get this straight... You are dating two hot guys and I'm still single AND with a dead body in the room?-

-I'm not dating two guys. I have to break up with Wade, and Ryan... Well, he ran away after we made out.-

-Are you that bad of a kisser?-

-Very funny.- replied Justin –Anyway, you can sleep here tonight. I don't think Ryan's going to be back.-

-Thank you. The police are not giving any access to the room until they've finished some investigations of sorts, and I really don't want to go back to be Avril's roommate, not even for one night.- said Rihanna thankful –Oh, and Britney can come too, right? She's not here yet, but she was supposed to be in the same room with me.-

-Sure, no problem...- said Justin –Oh, and bring some dildos.-

-Justin!! You dirty homo!- joked Rihanna.

-They're not for me, Ree. They're for the cat.-

-Eew. That's kinky in so many wrong ways, Jus.-

-Ree, you got it all wrong. Ryan's cat likes dicks, and if you don't bring some she's going to haunt my... erm... penis all night long.-

-Oh. Okay.-

That night was quite fun. Despite Justin being "dumped" by Ryan after kissing him, Britney being thrown out of her house, and Rihanna founding a dead body in her room, the three of them managed to have fun. It felt like being back in sixth grade, when they all slept at Justin's and watched horror movies.

They stayed up until midnight just talking about everything... well, almost everything. Justin still didn't know how to tell Britney about Wade.

-You know what's missing to make this night perfect?- said Justin at midnight.

-A stripper?- asked Rihanna hopeful.

-No. A horror movie.- replied Justin.

-I hate horror movies. I have nightmares afterwards.- whined Britney.

-And I've already had my amount of horror today, thank you very much.- said Rihanna.

-Oh, c'mon. It will be fun.- replied Justin.

-We have lesson tomorrow.- remembered Britney.

-We always have lesson and we always stay up partying until 2, I really don't see the problem there.-

-Okay, whatever, horror movie it is. Just not the ring, that little girl creeps me out.- agreed Rihanna.

-And it's better if it doesn't have any blood.- added Britney.

-What kind of horror is it without any blood?- asked Justin.

-Erm... Uhm... Why can't we just watch The Oc?-

One hour later, the three of them feel asleep all together on Justin's bed, watching The Texas chainsaw massacre.

-That was disappointing.- said Paris, looking at the roof from her bed. She looked annoyed.

-I'm sorry, Paris, I don't know what happened... I guess I'm just tired...- apologized Ryan, looking at his floppy dick under the covers. He couldn't get it up. He had never had this problem before. Usually he had to try to find a way to put it down `cause it was always excited.

-Well, get it up quickly, `cause I'm bored.- sighed Paris.

"C'mon, you can do it." Ryan thought to himself. Then the pictures of Justin came to his mind... All the times he had seen Justin in his underwear, when they had kissed.

-Uh, seems like Ryan Jr is back to life.- smiled Paris, disappearing under the sheets.

Chad had been up all night. He had seen Ryan and Justin kissing. He had followed them in the tunnel hoping that it would happen. And, just like he had predicted, it had.

"I'm just too smart to be true" he thought smirking slightly. Tom Welling, his room mate, gave a loud snore. Chad got up, took one of Tom's socks and stuck it in his mouth. He needed to concentrate.

All the pieces were falling into place. Soon his plan would be completed. There was just one last thing he needed to do.

Justin woke up next morning with his legs entangled with Rihanna's and using Britney's boobs as a pillow.

-Fuck, what time is it?- he managed to mumble.

-It's early...- mumbled Rihanna back at him.

Justin sleepily looked at the watch and then quickly jumped off the bed.

-Holy fucking shit!!! It's late!!! It's almost noon!-

-What? But the alarm didn't ring!!!- screamed Rihanna, getting up as well.

-It probably did, we just didn't hear it!!!- replied Justin, taking off his pyjamas and quickly putting on his jeans. –Wake Britney up!-

-Brit!!! Wake up!!!- shouted Ree.

-No, mummy, it's summer...- murmured Britney not opening her eyes. Ree slapped her and Britney reluctantly woke up.

-There's no need to get violent...- she complained, caressing her cheek.

-It's noon!!! We already missed all the morning courses!!!-

Britney got pale.

-Professor Nicholson is going to kill me!!!- she screamed, getting up. –Justin, get out, I have to get changed.-

-Why?- asked Justin.

-You're a boy.-

-I'm gay. And I've seen you naked before.-

-When we were four! It doesn't count!- replied Britney.

Rihanna meanwhile was already only in her bra and panties.

-Oh, Brit, stop being a whining baby and get changed!!!- she said, throwing a pair of jeans to her friend.

Less than five minutes later, the three of them were running down the halls of the dormitory, still finishing to get dressed.

-Pass me the lipstick, Brit!- said Rihanna running.

-Oh my god, I can't put it on without a mirror!- whined Britney, running as well.

-We're going to lesson, is the lipstick that indispensable?- asked Justin, rolling his eyes.

-It's bad enough I'm going out without combing my hair, I need at least the lipstick.- replied Rihanna.

So they kept on running, until finally getting to the course-room. Rihanna and Justin left Britney in front of the literature room and ran until they finally got to the Criminology class. They hastily opened the door and... It was empty.

-What the fuck? Are we this late?- asked Rihanna.

Suddenly a terrible thought struck Justin.

-Ree... Maybe the alarm didn't ring after all...- he said.

-What are you trying to say?- asked Rihanna.

-Ree... It's Sunday.- explained Justin –We forgot that today was Sunday.

For a moment, Rihanna just froze. Then she exploded.


Justin saw Britney walking to them, just as angry.

-I guess you found out it was Sunday as well, uh?- he said.

-Justin, you're my best friend but I swear to you... I'LL KILL YOU AS WELL!!!- screamed Britney. Justin ran away back to his dorm, followed by two very pissed Britney and Rihanna.

And, in front of the door to his room, he found none other than Chad Michael Murray.

-What are you doing here?- he asked to the blonde.

-Looking for you, actually. Why are you running?- said Chad.

Then he saw Rihanna and Britney, running towards Justin with a psychotic expression.

-I woke them up not knowing it was Sunday.- explained Justin.

The two girls, seeing Chad, immediately forgot about begin angry with Justin. Rihanna because she was even angrier with Chad, and Britney because she got shy when she met someone she didn't know.

-Oh, if it isn't the king of jerks himself.- hissed Rihanna –What are you doing here?-

-Oh, slut princess, I was hoping to find you here. You, Justin and your other friend, of course.- said Chad, grabbing Britney's hand and kissing it –I'm Chad, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you.-

Britney blushed and giggled.

-Brit, don't you fall for his sweet manners. He's just a slutty fag.-

-I don't like labels. I like to be defined "sexually free".- replied Chad.

-Whatever, Chad, what do you want?- cut short Justin.

-Well... You three have won the Zeta Beta's prize for being the drunkest and most partyish freshmen on campus.- announced Chad –You have a free dinner at "Da Raul" an Italian restaurant near campus. It's all on the Zeta Beta's.-

-Uh, I love Italian!- smiled Britney.

-Where's the trap?- asked Rihanna suspicious.

-No trap. Oh, the dinner is for four people, so you can bring a friend. Britney, do you have a boyfriend? You could invite him.- said Chad.

-`Kay.- agreed Britney.

-You're trying to do something. And I'll find out what.- said Rihanna –Poison my dinner?-

-Ree, hon, I hate Chad as much as you do, but it is a free dinner.- intervened Justin –Just let it go.-

Chad smiled and left.

Meanwhile, Tom was knocking on Paris's campus house door. Chad had given him ten bucks to tell Ryan he had won a free dinner or something like that. Ryan was his friends, and he didn't like lying to him for Chad, who probably was planning something evil, but ten bucks were still ten bucks. Finally Paris opened her door, just in her red bra and thong.

Tom just stood at the door drooling slightly.

-Close that mouth, you pig.- said Paris annoyed –So, why are you here?-

-Is Ryan here? And by the way, shouldn't you sleep at the sorority house?-

-Why would I sleep at the sorority house when I've got a house like this on campus? Plus, that place sucks. They found a dead body yesterday. I mean, eeeew. RYAN!!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!-

After a bit Ryan came down running, still shirtless and putting his socks on.

-What is it?- he asked panting. The he saw Tom. –Oh, hi, what are you doing here?-

-Well, you've won a prize. The Zeta Betas are offering you a dinner at "Da Raul" for being the cutest couple on campus.- said Tom, like Chad had told him.

-A prize for being the cutest couple? I've never heard of something like that.- said Ryan.

-It's a new competition.- replied Tom.

Ryan shrugged. –Well, it is a free dinner after all.-

-But Italian is like so eew.- said Paris –All that complicated stuff. I prefer hamburgers.-

-Well, they also make fries there.- said Tom. He had to get them to the restaurant or Chad wouldn't pay him. –And hamburgers. Yummi. But I did think you preferred... Hot dogs.

Tom blinked and Paris gave an annoyed snort.

-Whatever, loser, we'll come, but now just... disappear.- replied Paris.

Tom smiled. Mission accomplished. Money for booze obtained. Oh yeah.

-You know, instead of going to the dinner, we could try to find out something about the dead body in my room. We take criminology, this could be our big chance.- said Rihanna, as Justin put on a shirt for that evening.

-It's just a free dinner, what could go wrong?- asked Justin rolling his eyes.

-I don't trust that Chad.-

-I don't trust him either, but it's just a dinner.- said Justin –Now just get ready, Wade will be here any minute.-

-Did I tell you Fergie is blackmailing professor Nicholson? Maybe it has something to...-

-Ree, we're going to that dinner and that's it. What's the problem anyway, it's just going to be the four of us!-

-Wade's here.- announced Britney, looking from the window.

-Let's go.- said Justin.

-And there's the Oc on tonight, can't we stay and watch that?-

Justin grabbed Rihanna and dragged her out of the room, followed by Britney. They got into Wade's car, Rihanna and Justin in the back and Wade in the front.

-Something bad is going to happen, you'll see...- said Rihanna.

-Well, last time I ate Italian I threw up, maybe it's going to happen that again.- shrugged Wade, ho didn't know what Rihanna was talking about.

-And when we'll find out what Chad's evil plan was, I will say "I told you so."-

Justin rolled his eyes again. Actually, he was kind of glad that Ree was whining. It took away his attention from the awkwardness of being in the car with Britney and Wade.

After less than ten minutes, the car stopped.

-We're here.- announced Wade.

They were in front of a little, classy restaurant. They entered and we're welcome by the chef himself, famous Italian cook Raul Bova.

-Welcome, signori.- said Raul with a strong Italian accent. –Table for how many?-

-Erm... We're four, the Zeta Betas should have ordered a table for us.-

-Oh, sì, of course.- smiled Raul –The other two are already here, but one of you still has to arrive.-

-The other two?- said Justin surprised.

-Chad is planning something evil.- whispered Rihanna.

They followed Raul to the table, where Paris and Ryan were sitting looking as confused as Justin and Ree.

-Hi.- said Justin shily to Ryan. Ryan responded with an embarrassed nod.

-What are you pathetic losers doing here?- asked Paris.

-What are you doing here?- replied Rihanna –Why buy expensive food if you're just going to throw it up afterwards.-

-It's all on the Zeta Beta's.- said Paris.

-So we really are all sitting together?- asked Justin.

-This has Chad written all over.- said Rihanna, kind of satisfied of having been right all along.

-I don't see where the problem is.- shrugged Britney –I mean, if Paris and Ryan don't mind.-

-I mind.- replied Paris.

-No, no, no problem.- said instead Ryan. Rihanna sat next to him, and Justin next to Rihanna. There was still one place empty.

-So, what do you want?- asked Raul.

-I'd like... erm...- mumbled Britney looking clueless at the Italian names in the menu –A plate of Mafia, I think.-

-Mafia?- asked confused Raul –Maybe you mean pasta.-

-Oh, not pasta, I want... Monna Lisa.- replied Britney.

-Monna Lisa...? Maybe you mean Pizza...- said Raul.

-Soprano Pavarotti Firenze Venezia Gucci Leonardo Di Caprio.- smiled Britney.

-Sorry about her, Italian makes her nervous.- said Rihanna, smiling sexily at Raul –But to me, Italian just turns me on...- Raul blushed slightly but Rihanna went on –Anyway, I'll take... Can we order you?-

-I don't get what you mean...- replied Raul, blushing again.

-Oh, I think you do, I've heard that Italian are good in some other things other than cooking...-blinked Rihanna.

-I'll just bring you "Gnocchi al pesto".- said Raul, and ran away.

-Gay.- commented Rihanna when Raul had disappeared. Then an awkward silence fell on the table.

Nobody knew what to say. Finally Paris broke the silence.

-I'm going to kill the Zeta Beta's.- she said –I can't eat my dinner with the smell of Rihanna's armpits all the time.-

-My armpits don't smell.- replied Rihanna –And the sight of your fake boobs makes me lost my appetite.-

-My boobs are real!- said Paris.

-Yeah, yeah, so said professor Pamela Anderson.- sighed Rihanna. –Then one exploded in class.-

Justin looked at the empty seat at their table.

-So... Who's our last guest?- he asked.

And suddenly Chad walked in the restaurant, his smile even more evil than usual.

-I told you so.- whispered Rihanna in Justin's hear.

-What are you doing here?- asked Ryan, pissed.

-So... You're all here, I see.- said Chad, ignoring Ryan –good. Then I'd like to make a little announcement. An announcement that you will all find very interesting.-

-You're dropping out of school?- asked Rihanna hopefully.

-No, it's nothing to do with me. It's about... Justin.- he said.

-We already know everything about Justin.- said Britney.

-You're sure?- asked Chad grinning.

-of course, he's my best friend. He tells me everything. Right, Just?- asked Britney.

-Of course.- answered Justin, but inside he was scared to death. Did Chad know about...? No, it wasn't possible.

-Did you know he was having an affair with... Your boyfriend?- revealed Chad.

Well, it was possible. It was real.

Justin's heart skipped a beat. Ryan looked at him confused. He looked... well, he looked a bit hurt. Wade's eyes widened. Rihanna just tried not to look at them. And Britney... she just started laughing.

-Oh, please.- she said –He would never do something like that. Plus, Wade is straight.-

-Why, is Justin gay?- asked Paris surprised.

-Oh, miss Spears, it is true. Ask Justin.- replied Chad.

Britney turned to Justin. She wasn't looking so sure anymore.

-It isn't true, is it?- she asked –You would never do something like that, right?-

Justin just remained silence.

Britney's eyes became tearful.

-Answer me, Justin. You wouldn't do something like that. You wouldn't.-

-Brit... I- I'm sorry, it was a... an accident.- just said Justin.

-An accident?!- replied Britney stunned, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing –You accidentally fell on his cock?-

It was the first time they heard Britney swear.

-I hate you, Justin. I fucking hate you.- she spat out. Then she turned to Wade. –And you... You...- she took a glass of whine from a near table and threw it on him.

Then she stormed out of the restaurant.

-I'd better follow her.- said Rihanna, going after her friend.

-And I... I'd better go...- said Wade, leaving.

Justin wasn't able to look into Ryan's eyes. He turned to Chad.

-Why?- he just said –Why did you tell her? Are you happy now? Do you really enjoy making people's lives miserable? Uh, Chad? Did you just want to hurt me.-

-No, Justin.- replied Chad –I didn't want to hurt you. Really, I don't give a fuck about you. But I did want to hurt someone.-

He looked at Ryan significantly, who just looked away until his eyes stopped on Justin, who looked back at him, trying to apologize with just his eyes.

The only one who seemed oblivious to these stares was Paris.

-I want my gnocchi.- she said –All this drama made me hungry. And, oh, I almost forgot I have to tell everyone that Justin is gay.-

-Don't, Paris.- said Ryan before Justin could say anything –I've never asked anything, Paris, but please... Don't do this.-

Paris looked surprised, but finally she agreed.

-Yeah, okay, whatever.- she said shrugging.

-My work here is done.- smiled Chad and left.

He didn't see Ryan getting up and following him out of the restaurant. Curious, Justin followed him as well, unseen.

-I'll just wait for the gnocchi...- said Paris.

Out of the restaurant, Ryan grabbed Chad by the shirt and pushed him on a wall, hard.

-You want to hurt me?- he growled –Fine. Hurt me. But leave Justin out of this story.-

-Guess I did hit you in your soft spot.- replied Chad, not looking afraid at all.

Ryan pushed him on the wall harder.

-I'm not joking, Chad. He has nothing to do with what happened and he doesn't deserve your shit.-

-Ryan... This is just the beginning.- just said Chad –And now let me go, or I'll tell professor Nicholson you shoved me against a wall. You know he's just waiting for an excuse to expel you.-

Ryan let go of Chad, but before he could get away he punched him hard in the face, making him fall to the ground.

-Well, now he's got his excuse.- he said, looking at Chad getting up, his lip bleeding.

-You're just making things worse for you, Ryan.- said Chad angrily –I'll have my revenge.-

-You go near Justin again and you won't be in any condition to get your revenge.- threatened him Ryan.

Chad gave him the finger and left, looking at Ryan the all time.

And finally, when Chad was out of sight, Justin came in the light of the street, making himself visible to Ryan.

-Ryan... Thank you...I... You didn't have to that.- he said, embarrassed. –And I'm sorry about Wade... I should have told you and...-

Ryan didn't make him finish his sentence. He took Justin in his arms and kissed him forcefully.

Justin let himself go to the kiss, letting Ryan's tongue invade his mouth.

Rihanna had run after Britney. It took a while to catch her. The restaurant wasn't even in sight anymore when she finally grabbed her and made her turn around. She was crying.

-Brit... I'm here for you...- she said. Britney fell on her knees, sobbing.

-I... It's just... First my father, now Wade and Justin... I don't have anyone left.- she cried.

-You've got me.- said Rihanna, getting her up on her legs again and hugging her –I'll always be here for you...-

-Ree... I have to know one thing first...- said Britney, her voice still trembling.

-Everything, Brit.- replied Rihanna.

-Did you know about Wade and Justin? Had Justin told you?- asked Britney.

Rihanna didn't know what to say. She had feared that question.

-I... I wasn't the one supposed to tell you.- she finally answered.

Britney frowned.

-that means you knew, uh?- she said, stepping back from Rihanna's embrace.

-Brit... I... I didn't know...-

-You're worse than them.- said Britney, then walked away, leaing Rihanna alone, looking at the ground guiltily.

Chad hadn't really left. He had hidden behind a tree, to watch what Ryan was going to do next. And when he saw him and Justin kissing, he felt disappointed and angry.

He had done all of it so that Ryan would feel betrayed and leave Justin, and now they were kissing?

But then new, elaborate, evil plans came to his mind. Maybe it was better this way. Ryan was about to feel what real pain was, and Chad was going to be the one showing him.

Hey!!! Sorry it took me so long!!! It's just, school is over, and I'm on holyday, so real busy (Yes, I'm busier during holidays than during school)... Anyway, this was a big episode... Finally Justin and Ryan are together (maybe, he still hasn't dumped Paris), Wade and Justin's affair is out... But why does Chad want to hurt Ryan so bad? And what about the dead body in Rihanna's room? Read the next chapters!!! And, of course, feedback is always appreciated: cliomiao@hotmail.it

Next: Chapter 7

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