Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Oct 9, 2008


Chapter 10 Ryan and Britney

(This is set in the same day as chapter 9, just from different point of views)

When Ryan woke up, Justin was gone. He looked for something, a note, anything. He was gone.

Then he looked at the clock. Probably Justin had gone to lesson early.

Maybe it was good. Ryan needed to do something important.

He walked to Paris' house. She probably wasn't going to be at lesson, since she hardly ever was there.

He knocked on the door and, instead of Paris, Tom Welling appeared on the door, covered only with a pink towel. He looked embarrassed.

-Oh fuck. Ryan?!- he said.

-Tom? What are you doing here?-

-I... Oh... I met Paris last night and she... We just watched movies all night.-

-And why are you wearing only a towel?-

-We were watching a horror movie and I got scared and spilled a drink all over myself and then I had to shower.-

-Actually, we fucked all night.- said Paris, walking to the door wearing only a pink bra and panties.

-Yesterday you left suddenly and I got bored.- she explained –You're dumped, by the way. Tom's got a much bigger cock.-

-Oh good.- sighed Ryan.

-What do you mean "Oh, good"?- asked Paris –You just got dumped from me, Paris Hilton, the hottest heiress ever.-

-It's just... I wanted to dump you as well, so at least we agree.- explained Ryan.

-What? You can't dump me!!- screamed Paris outraged.

-But you just dumped me!-

-Well, just because I didn't know you wanted to dump me! You should be devastated that I cheated on you!-

-Isn't it better this way?- asked Ryan.

-No!! Let's do it all again, but this time, when I say you're dumped, you have to get desperate and punch Tom!-

-Is it really necessary?- asked Tom worried.

-Okay, whatever.- said Ryan rolling his eyes –No, Paris, don't dump me, please stay with me...- he added, unconvincingly.

-Put more heart into it! Make me feel the rage!-

-Paris, you're so dumped.- said Ryan, then turned around and left.

Tom ran after him and Paris, furious, banged the door close.

Tom caught up with Justin in the campus park, where students were getting ready to go to class.

-Hey, Ryan, wait!- he panted.

-What is it?-asked Ryan.

-Listen, I'm very sorry I slept with your girlfriend... Well, ex... Are we still friends? You can punch me if you do want revenge.-

-Of course we're still friends.- replied Ryan smiling –And I've already had my revenge. You dropped your towel half a mile away.-

Tom, realising he was naked in front of the whole campus population, blushed and covered up his private parts with his hands.

-And Paris is right. You do have a big cock.- laughed Ryan, pointing at Tom's crotch.

Britney woke up a bit later, in the pink bed of a pink room. She couldn't remember much of the night before, she just knew she had the biggest headache of her life.

-What the fog?- she mumbled (she never said the f word).

-Oh, how moving, your first hangover.- came a voice from the room.

-Paris?- asked Britney, noticing the girl dressing up in the room with her.

-So, how are you feeling today?-

-Like sheep.- replied Britney, holding her head in her hands –What happened last night?-

-Well, you found out that Justin was sleeping with your boyfriend and that that Rihanna bitch knew about it and never had told you. So you met me and we understood that we were made to be friends, and I introduced you to the joys of alcohol.-

-And what then?-

-We made out in turns with Tom, but you had drunk too much and you fainted, so I fucked him.-

-Mmm... I have a lesson to go to.-

-Oh, why do you care, I skip lessons al the time. There are much more important things to do.-


-Well, first of all, we need to shave your pussy.-

Britney gave her a scandalized look, but Paris just shrugged.

-Tom took a peek last night while you were sleeping, and honey, bushes haven't been trendy since the seventies. Second thing: new clothes. You look like fricking baby spice. We need to sexy it up.-

-I like my clothes.-

-Britney, you're single now, you're hunting. And you can't go hunting dressed like a retard. And the hair: that cut is too simple. I mean, it's cute, but you don't need cute, you need gorgeous! And that's what I'm going to give you.-

-I don't know... It's just not me...-

-No, it's not. It's the new and improved Britney Spears.-

Britney smiled. Maybe everything that had happened was a sign that it was time to change. She had tried to be good and perfect all her life and it had only led to her being cheated on by his boyfriend and best friends. The world had always treated her like shit. Now she was going to return the favour.

-Okay.- she finally agreed.

Paris took a bottle of vodka from her closet and screamed: -To the new Britney!- then she took a long sip, before passing the bottle to Britney.

The girl felt sick just looking at the bottle, but finally decided to give in and started drinking.

Ryan went to lesson feeling free. He had finally dumped Paris. He and Justin could be happy and together now. He wanted to call him, but he was already late for classes. That usually wouldn't have been a problem, but he was always late and last time professor Cher had threatened to ban him from his class forever if he didn't arrive on time.

He wasn't exactly on time, but hey, who cares about the first ten minutes of lesson anyway?

-Mr Philippe.- said Cher angrily as he entered the classroom –You're late. Again.-

She was the most eccentric law teacher ever. Today she was wearing a foot-tall red wig

-C'mon, professor... At least I showed up.-

-Oh, that's a good argument, I'm sure that's going to work when you're a lawyer.-

-What do you mean?-

-If you manage to convince me with a good excuse, you can be late every time you want.-

-What? Shouldn't you teach us to be honest and stuff?-

-Honey, I have to teach you how to be a lawyer. If I taught you how to be honest, I really wouldn't be doing this job right.-

Ryan okay.

-Okay. I was late because I got a call from the president himself asking me advice on how to cook carot cake..-

-This isn't convincing.- replied professor Cher.

-But you don't have the proves to say I'm lying. Therefore, you have to believe me. Until you can prove the contrary.-

Cher laughed.

-Okay, Philippe, I'll let you be late for this lesson. Because you made me laugh. But next time, find a better excuse. So, we were talking about the most important thing in court: what to wear.-

In that moment, Chad came knocking.

-Yes?- asked Cher. –Are you late too? I don't remember meeting you.-

-I'm not one of your students. I need Mr Ryan Philippe.-

-I don't think so.- replied Ryan.

-It's important.- said Chad.

  • I need Mr Ryan Philippe.-

-I don't think so.- replied Ryan.

-It's important.- said Chad.

-You should go, Philippe.- said Cher.

-But I just arrived. Won't you be mad?- asked Ryan.

-I'm just happy you actually showed up for five minutes this time.-

Ryan followed Chad out of the room.

-So, Chad, what is it? You... Want to blackmail me? You found out that I slept with Justin and you're going to tell my team mates?- asked Ryan annoyed.

-No. It's not. Good to know, though. I'll use that in the future to make your life miserable.- replied Chad –You really haven't heard?-

-Heard what, Chad? Just tell me, I'm tired of your games.-

-They found out who used to be the dead girl. It's Reese.-

Ryan frowned.

-R... Reese? That Reese?-

-Yes, how many Reeses do you know? So, Ryan, did you murder her?-

-I was going to ask you the same thing.- replied Ryan.

-Why would I murder her? You were the one she cheated on. You hated her for that.-

-You were mad at her too, don't pretend to hide it. You hated her almost as much as you hated me for what had happened. And you're much more capable of murder than I am.-

-Well, that's exactly what you would say if you were the killer.-

The two just stared at each other in silent, hatred in both of their eyes.

-I will prove you did it, and you'll have the punishment you deserve.- finally said Chad.

-I'm innocent. Weird though, I don't think you are.- said Ryan.

-I guess... We'll have to wait and see.- concluded Chad, turning his back at Ryan and walking away.

-Chad!- stopped him Ryan.

-What?- asked Chad, stopping, but not turning around.

-For what is worth...- said Ryan, with a sad tone in his voice –I'm sorry.-

Chad turned and looked at him in the eyes.

-I'm sorry too.- he said.

Then they both turned their way and left.

-I can't believe it's not even lunch and I'm already drunk...- chuckled Britney.

-Welcome to my life.- replied Paris, laughing and tripping on her own feet.

Britney laughed some more watching her fall and took another sip of vodka.

-Hey, I think it's Pussy Shaving time!!!- yelled Paris happily.

-I'm not sure about that...- said Britney.

-Wanna hang out with the cool kids? Gotta have a cool pussy.-

-Talking of cool, isn't it going to be cold down there once its shaved.-

-That's what sex's for. To heat things up.-

-I thought it was for procreation.- said Britney –You know, God made sex so that...-

-Oh, Britney, you really are a virgin!!! I thought you just pretended to be to give that "innocent girl" look.-

-I wanted to stay a virgin until marriage.- explained Britney.

-Britney, if God really didn't want us to have sex before marriage, why would he have created the g-spot?-

Britney couldn't find an answer.

-Hey, you're right.- she finally said –Let's shave my bangina!!!-

-And don't call it bangina.- said Paris, rolling her eyes and taking an electric razor in her hand. –

Not much later, Britney was now sporting a completely bald "bangina".

-Wow. It looks cool.- said Britnet trying to look between her legs and tripping and falling.

-And now we have to take care of your hair.- giggled drunkenly Paris.

-You're right, my friend. Give me that razor!- ordered Britney.

-Razor? Shouldn't we be using scissors?- asked uncertain Paris –And shouldn't we make someone sober do it?-

-Bullsh...oot! With the razor it's going to be much quicker!!- said Britney, and started shaving her hair.

After lessons were over, Ryan went at the Zeta Betas house. He knew he should have gone back to the dorm to talk with Justin, but now he had more important things to do. Justin could wait. Right now her murdered ex girlfriend was the priority.

Once at the Zeta Betas house, he phoned Tom. Tom and Usher were both Zeta Betas..

-Hey, Ryan, what is it? You're not still mad at me, are you?- answered Tom.

-Oh, for god's sake, I don't care if you fuck Paris, I wouldn't care if you married Paris!- replied Ryan, annoyed.

-Oh, good. Then what do you want?-

-Is Chad in the house?-

Tom and Usher's room was next to Chad's. Chad was the only one in the fraternity who didn't have a room mate. Ryan used to be his room mate. Hey, maybe that was why Chad had gotten him kicked out of the fraternity: he wanted the room himself!!

-No, the little snake is out.- said Tom –Probably blackmailing or torturing some freshman. Why? You want me to hit him? `Cause I'd totally do that for you. You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you. I'd even dump Paris for your forgiveness.-

-Tom... I've forgiven you. Please stop sucking up.-

-No. You pretend you don't care about this Paris' thing, but it's just because you want to look tough and you don't want to show how much you're hurting inside.-

-What are you talking about?-

-Oh, I learned all this stuff watching Dr Phil. I'm good, ain't I?-

-No. Tom, I'm not hurting inside, I really don't care, I was already seeing someone else.-

-Oh. Who is she? Do I know her? Have I fucked her? Is she hot?-

-It's a long story, I'll tell you another time. Now, can you just please listen to me?-

-Okay. Shoot.-

-Come downstairs and let me in. I need to get in Chad's room.-

Tom did as told and followed Ryan to Chad's room.

-What now?- he asked.

-Now you wait downstairs to see when Chad's coming back, and when he does you'll call me and distract, so I'll get out from his room without getting caught.-

-It sounds boring.- complained Tom.

-Well, you wanted my forgiveness. Earn it.-

-But you said you didn't care!-

-I was joking. I really loved Paris.- lied Ryan –Now go downstairs and do as I told you.-

-Okay, but you try to be quick.- finally agreed Tom grumpily.

After shaving her hair, Britney and Paris had both dozed out. Later that day, afternoon, or evening, or something like that, Britney woke up. And then she started screaming.

-Can't you be a little quieter? It feels like my head is going to explode!-moaned Paris waking up.

-My hair!!! What happened to my hair?- asked Britney desperately touching her bald head.

-And look at your pussy too!!! They match!!!- laughed Paris. –Uh, sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, it's just... You must admit it's kind of funny.-

-It's not funny!!! What am I going to do now?- cried Britney.

-Hey, calm down, you've got me as a friend, remember? And I always have a solution to everything.- tried to comfort her Paris.

-What's that?- asked Britney sceptical.

-Money.- replied Paris.

-How is money going to grow my hair back?- asked Britney.

-It won't. But luckily for you, last year I started going to clubs. And you know, I was still seventeen, so to avoid a scandal I went in incognito. Oh, the life of a hot heiress is so hard, you know. Paparazzi are lurking everywhere.- sighed Paris.

-I don't get how this has got to do with my hair.-

-I'm getting there. So, to hide my identity, I bought all these different realistic wigs made with real horse hair. They totally look like real hair.- said Paris, opening her wardrobe and showing a whole collection of wigs.

There were black ones, red ones, brown ones, even a pink and a green one.

-Think of it as a chance to change your look.-

Britney finally opted for a long black one.

-Thanks, Paris, I don't know what would have done without you.- she said.

-That's hot. Now, let's party. The Club is opening tonight. We can't get there sober.-

Tom soon got bored of waiting for Chad. Still, he resisted and stayed near the door. He owed Ryan at least this. But then, when at dinner time Ryan still hadn't come down, Tom got hungry as well. But still, he resisted. But then, came Usher came and called him: -Tom, we're making the pledges play beerpong, you don't want to lose that.-

So Tom had to go.

And almost in the exact moment as Tom left the spot, Chad came in and went upstairs.

By that time, Ryan was sure he had looked pretty much everywhere in Chad's room without finding a clue that proved that Chad had killed Reese. Then he saw it. A diary. It was hidden beneath a pile of schoolbooks, But Ryan spotted it anyway.

He was about to grab it when the door opened and Chad came in.

-Ryan. In my room. Why?- he asked coldly.

-Because I... uh... I... just wanted to say hi?- said Ryan.

-Try again. Didn't you want to become a lawyer? Find a better excuse.- replied Chad.

-Okay, Chad, the truth is... Talking about Reese today made me think of the old times.- lied Ryan. He suddenly knew exactly what he needed to say and do. –About... us.-

He slowly approached Chad and closed the door behind them, pushing Chad against it.

-Us... together.- continued Ryan, pushing his body against Chad's. They were so close now they could feel each other's breath. Their lips were just inches apart.

-Yes, I remember that.- grinned Chad, pushing back against Ryan, rubbing their hard crotches together.

Feeling this, Ryan couldn't resist and kissed Chad, shoving his tongue in the other boy's mouth and grinding against him.

-Yes... like this... Just like I remember...- moaned Chad as Ryan started kissing his neck.

Ryan took off Chad's t-shirt and started nibbling his round brown nipples, taking off his own shirt at the same time, though leaving his wifebeater on. Chad pushed his head further down, until Ryan was kneeling in front of him.

Ryan unzipped him and yanked the jeans down, and then crashed his face into Chad's crotch, now covered just with a pair of black silk boxer shorts. He licked them, feeling the hard cock tenting in the boxers through the thin material.

He lowered the boxers as well, revealing Chad seven inch cock, and quickly took it in his mouth.

Chad moaned in response. Ryan played with the cockhead, teasing it with his tongue, before taking the whole dick down his throat. Chad grabbed Ryan's short curly hair and made his head bob up and down his cock faster.

As he kept on sucking Chad, Ryan cupped his balls with one hand and rubbed his ass with the other.

Slowly, he caressed his ass crack with one finger, paying particularly attention to the area surrounding the hole. Finally he slid one finger in, as he went on with the blowjob.

-Yes... Yes Ryan...- moaned Chad –I'm going to cum!-

Ryan stopped sucking the cock and pulled Chad's balls a little.

-Ouch! What was that for?- protested Chad.

-You don't have to come yet.- said Ryan with a grin –The real fun still has to begun.-

Then he stood up and kissed the naked Chad against the door. Chad wrapped his legs around Ryan's waists and Ryan lifted him without stop kissing him. He carried him to the bed and laied him down, crawling between his legs and kissing him again.

Chad, impatient, unzipped Ryan's jeans and pushed them off with his legs. Ryan's white boxer briefs quickly followed.

Now Ryan was naked, on top of a equally naked Chad, their hard cocks rubbing together and their tongues wrestling.

-Don't make me wait, Ryan. You know what I want.- panted Chad.

Ryan roughly turned Chad and shoved his face on the bed, exposing Chad's smooth ass. He gave it a playful slap, then pushed all his nine inches in the sweet hole.

Chad hadn't got any action in a lot of time, so he was real tight, and Ryan couldn't help but moan.

He immediately start thrusting in and out hard and fast. He knew that Chad liked it rough, and the proof was that Chad was moaning uncontrollably.

Ryan propped him up on his knees and continued fucking him doggy styile, slamming his dick as far as it could go, hitting Chad's prostate.

Soon, Chad cummed on the bed without even having to touch his cock. Ryan saw this and turned Chad around, and sat straddling his chest, so that his cock was tight in front of Chad's face.

He jerked off his cock for a couple of times and then came all over Chad's satisfied face. He licked his own cum off it and then lied next to Chad.

-That was amazing.- he said, panting heavily.

-Just like old times.- agreed Chad.

Ryan got up and put his briefs on.

-What are you doing?- asked Chad.

-I have to go, I had to meet Justin at the Club half an hour ago.-

-Oh, c'mon, he's your room mate, can't you see him tomorrow? I'd really like you to spend the night here.-

Ryan sighed. If he stayed, he could have waited until Chad fell asleep and then steal the diary. Well, Justin could wait another day.

Ryan got back in the bed and Chad immediately snuggled him. He was being cuddlier than Ryan remembered.

-Who would've thought we'd end up together again after all that's happened?- said Ryan, as Chad rested his head on Ryan's chest.

-And you still got as much stamina as ever.- said Chad, putting his hand in Ryan's underwear and feeling his cock, which was hard again.

-You know me.- smiled Ryan –I'm always up for another round.

Chad disappeared under the sheets and took the cock in his mouth, tasting it after a long time.

Paris and Britney finally got to the Club. Britney was excited. Paris, who knew the deejay (she had fucked him a few months before) had planned a special "return in society" for Britney. It involved a black wig, a leather mini-skirt, a pole and hunky strippers.

-This way, you'll certainly find a man.- had assured her Paris.

Britney was so nervous about it that she let Paris talk her into more alcohol (even though she felt just thinking of it now) and into trying a "happy pill".

-I don't Jesus would approve.- said Britney looking at the pill.

-Well, Jesus is dead, and even if he wasn't... Do you think he'd bother if you took a little ecstasy to overcome your stage-fright?-

-The bible says he does.-

-The bible also says that women were made from a man's rib. Who believes that bunch of crap.-

Britney was uncertain, but finally took the pill.

-Sorry, god.- she said, and swallowed it.

The rest of the evening was all just a blur.

Author's note: Hey!!!!!! Sorry it took so long again... But I'm also writing a new episode of Angel season six (and the sixth episode will be written by Mitsaso, author of Slutty Xmen and X Roddick, I can't wait!!!!!!!!)... So what do you think of this chapter? What do you think of the mistery (which by the way, isn't going to be a "season mistery" it will just last for a couple of chapters)? Chapter 11 is coming soon, but it's also going to be quite short... Email me: cliomiao@hotmail.it (for the last chapter I only had one email, what's wrong, you don't love me anymore?)

Next: Chapter 9

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