Ultimate X Men

By Jonathan

Published on Jan 21, 2004


Ok, First off, I know nothing of the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story. And I don't know any of them and never will.

Secondly, Stan Lee created X-Men and all its characters. Copyright of Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. X-Men Evolution is owned by the WB network.

Third, email if you want at: xmanpaul@hotmail.com

This story is based off The Ultimate X-Men comic strip. The story, however, will be quite different from the comic book. So read on if you want.

'Indicates someone think to themselves' {Indicates communication over a comlink.}

A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. The length of time it takes the next chapter to come out will depend on how much feedback I get. I do really want to know what y'all think about this story. So if y'all don't dropping me an email that would be great. Thanks and hope y'all enjoy.

Chapter 10

"So much for goin' to the mountains this week." Paul sighed heavily and trudged up the stairs.

"We might get to go, but it'll probably be cut short." Scott answered. They'd reached the top of the steps and were heading to where their rooms were. "So, I'll meet you in the Danger Room in thirty minutes or so?"

"What do you have to do for the next thirty minutes?" Paul grabbed Scott by the wrist and pulled him. He didn't really give Scott the chance to answer before Paul pressed their lips together. Paul pushed Scott until his back was touching his bedroom door. He settled his right hand on Scott's hip.

Scott set his hand on the small of Paul's back and pulled him closer. Paul pushed his tongue out gently, wanting access. Scott opened willing and held Paul's chin with his left hand. Paul pushed ever more into Scott's mouth. As the kiss became more passionate hands began roam.

Paul was almost completely lost in the feel of Scott's tongue against his, but he was still aware enough to sense the someone approaching. He quickly reached behind Scott, opened his door, and pushed his way inside. The door swung closed with a thought.

"What's goin' on?" Scott asked panting a little. Paul hadn't given notice before he hustled Scott inside and he was already a little worked up.

"Felt someone coming. Now where were we?" Paul said not skipping a beat. It was all Paul could do to keep himself for jumping Scott, literally. He stepped in front of Scott and unbuttoned the first button on Scott's light blue shirt telekinetically. He started planting light kisses on Scott's collarbone and ran his hands up and down his back.

Scott let out a soft moan while he tangled his fingers in Paul's hair. Paul hit the pulse point on Scott's neck that sent a shiver through his whole body. Scott was quickly becoming uncomfortable standing so placed his hands under Paul's thighs lifted him into the air. A short walk over to the bed and he fell forwards onto the mattress, still kissing Paul the whole time.

Scott propped himself up on one hand and jerked at the bottom of Paul's sweatshirt with the other. Paul assisted him by seating up some. The shirt was forgotten as it was thrown from the bed. Scott mouth enclosed around Paul's nipple causing Paul's body to shudder. It was Paul's turn to run his hands through Scott's dark hair.

Paul grabbed Scott by the shoulders and pulled him into another kiss. Scott devoured his tongue and pushed Paul into the mattress. Paul tried to turn them over, but Scott wouldn't budge. He tried again, but still got nowhere. He finally went with his last resort. He used his powers and flipped Scott over quickly.

Scott let out a small yelp and Paul swiftly straddled his waist. He smiled at Scott as he began to undo the rest of the button on Scott's shirt. He bent over and licked Scott's now exposed nipple. Scott drew a quick breath and grasped. Paul started in on the other nipple and after a few moments of attention began to work his way down.

He kissed or licked every piece of flesh between Scott's pecs and his belly button before going on to anything else. Paul slipped the tips of his fingers into the top of Scott's pants. He unbuckled the belt and pulled it free of the pants.

He took Scott's mouth again before going back to his task. He rubbed his groin against Scott's and a spike of pleasure shot through his body. He felt the hardened flesh pressing against his own.

Sliding his hands down Scott's chest Paul unbuttoned the top of Scott's khakis. Unzipping them and pulling them the rest of the way off only took a second with Scott's help. All Scott wore now was a pair of black boxers brief and a smile.

Paul started kissing along the elastic band and rubbed along the length of Scott, separated by a thin layer of cotton. He licked up the fabric-covered hardness and began mouthing it. He started to pull the elastic back when about jumped out of his skin and frantically started looking around. He had been so caught up in what he was doing that the Professor's voice in his head scared the shit out of him.

<Paul, I need you and Scott in the Situation Room now. Please bring Ororo with you as well.> The Professor's tone sounded urgent.

"You've got to be shittin' me!" Paul demanded loudly, but he didn't put any mental energy so Xavier never "heard" it. Scott set up on his elbows and waited for Paul to explain. "The Prof wants us in the Situation Room." He said flatly. He pulled his sweatshirt back on.

"I got to get Ororo so see you down there." Paul knew he sounded a little whiney, but he felt he deserved to whine a little. He was horny as hell now and wasn't getting any relief in the foreseeable future.

"Sorry babe, we'll have to finish another time." He kissed Paul quickly and headed for the door. Paul walked out the door and tried to adjust the now painful erection he was sporting. He tried to think of very non-sexual things as he headed for Storm's room.

"Hey, Ororo! Wake up! Like now!" Paul banged on her bedroom door.

"Go away!" Was the response he got back.

"Something's wrong. Xavier wants us in the Situation Room. So get up and get your ass down there. Now!" Paul said loudly so she could hear him. "Please." He added quickly.

"Fine, be there in a minute." She said and with that Paul headed for the stairs thinking of things he hated. Maybe by the time he reached the Situation Room there wouldn't be a noticeable bulge in his pant. One could only hope.

"So, what's up?" Paul asked as the metal doors of the Situation Room opened. Scott was leaning against the edge of the table in the center and Peter was sitting one of the many chairs in the room.

Paul pause for a second when he saw Mr. Worthington standing next to a window. He had a pair of very large, feathery wings extending from his back. Paul stared for a second, caught up in how beautiful the wings were.

"The others are under attack and need assistance. Jean contacted a few moments ago and informed me of their situation. Apparently, a group of mutants attacked and managed to down the X-jet. The major use of mutant powers attracted the sentinels that were in the area and they attacked as well." Xavier explained quickly.

"Scott, please show Mr. Worthington to the locker rooms and get him a uniform. He'll be joining us this mission. Paul, as soon as you're ready get the prep jet. We're going to the Rocky's so suit up for cold weather. I'll inform Ororo of the situation. Let's move people. We don't have a lot of time."

Paul leaded the way out of the room at almost a run. He didn't want to waste any time that they didn't have. Paul was finishing putting his last boot on and zipping up his uniform as Scott gave Warren a the things he needed. Paul wasn't exactly sure how Warren was going to get by the wind problem with the uniform, but he didn't really have the time to think about it.

Paul meet Ororo in the hall on his way to the hangar. She was already in uniform and Paul could feel the concern the rolling off her in wave. Both barely exchanged a look before heading to the hangar. Storm checked the primary things on the jet like the fuel and went over the computer read-outs making sure that everything was in working order. Paul began the engine startup and checking over weapons systems.

It was only a few moments before the Professor rolled up the boarding ramp and on to the plane. He rolled to the very front of the jet and lifted himself into the co-pilot's seat.

"Is this piloted the same as the X-Jet?" Xavier asked as he flipped the switches that engaged the co-pilot's station.

"Yes, sir. Both systems are the same except for the weapons system. The crash course is: this orange switch engages the main gun; the orange button on the joystick switches the main to active fire, these yellow buttons engage the secondary weapons system; and same for the yellow button on the joystick, the red button activities the missile systems; and the same for the red button on the joystick." Paul said hurried.

"Oh, when you want to fire' a missile you have to indicate if you want AAMs or ASMs on the screen." Paul said pointing to the touch screen between the two piloting stations.

"AAMs?" Storm asked from behind Paul.

"Air-to-air and air-to-surface. Their tracking systems are different." Paul replied as the engines continued to heat up. Scott, Peter, and Warren all came aboard then. "Make sure that Pete gets a seat. I think he gets air sick." Paul said in all seriousness, he knew that this would be a rough ride. He planned to push the engines to their limits.

With Scott and Warren standing right behind the last row of seats and the other four strapped in, Paul lifted the jet into the air and nailed the throttle. They were in the air within seconds and gaining altitude rapidly.

"Where are we headed?" Paul asked when he realized he didn't really know.

"The Rocky Mountains. I'll input the precise coordinates into the computer." Xavier told Paul.

"Yes, sir. We sure be there in a few. Hold everyone, engaging the main engine in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The jet lurched forward and they were on their way.

It seemed like only minutes had past when Paul killed the main engine and the snowy peaks of Rockies came into view. It was only seconds before Paul spotted flashes of bright lights that could have only been the weapons used by sentinels. Paul veered to left and headed for the area.

"I want to drop you all out of the plane while we're still in the air. That way the jet won't be stationary target. Storm and Warren, you two will be fine on your own. Paul I want you to take Peter and Scott down with you." He said as he began to switch control of the jet from the pilot's station to the co-pilot's.

"Professor, if you would just get me over one of the sentinels I will be fine. I might be able to take one of them out on my way down." Peter told him.

"Fine, but only if you're sure you will be all right because you'll be hitting the ground pretty hard." Xavier asked him.

"I'll be fine, sir." Peter assured him.

"I'll go first." Warren said stepping in front of the boarding ramp positioned at the back of the plane. Xavier hit the switch to open the ramp. Warren released the handle he'd been holding and jumped out into the open air. Storm unstrapped herself and with a `good luck' from Paul jumped out as well. Paul put the pilot's station on standby and stood from his seat.

"Ya ready, babe?" Paul as Scott when he reached the back of the jet.

"Yup." Was the reply he got back. He flipped the hood of his cold-weather uniform up and pulled the zipper to his chin. Paul grabbed Scott's hand before jumping out of the jet. The wind rushed by Paul and the freezing air chilled him to the bone.

Paul erected a shield around Cyclops and himself hoping to block the wind back. They still were just a little to high for Paul to have complete control over their movement, but he could definitely steer them towards the fight. Paul tightened his grip on Scott's hand and pulled his body as close to his as he could get him.

Paul reached out his telempathic senses to the ground, but didn't feel much more than little fuzzy spots where people were. As they neared the ground Paul exerted more control and increased their velocity.

{Paul, where are we headed?} Scott asked over the comlinks their were wearing.

{I think I saw Rebecca's powers over there. And plus, there's like four sentinels over there too. They have to be going after someone.} Paul answered.

Out of nowhere, there was a bright flash of yellow and Paul lost control of their direction. The shield he had up was enough to keep the two mutants alive. He lost his hold of Scott and for a moment they were both free falling. Paul managed to right himself after a few seconds and frantically began looking for Scott. He began to move and opened his mental sense to search for Scott when a beam of yellow energy blurred passed his head. Paul spun himself around to see a sentinel taking aim again.

Paul threw his hands up and the beam of energy slammed into an invisible shield only inches in front of Paul. Paul pulled his hands back and summoned a great deal of mental energy. Throwing his hand forward, the energy was released and collided with the sentinel. It was hit hard enough to dent in the metal on it's chest and knock it back twenty of thirty yards.

{Scott?} Paul asked just as his spotted Scott. He was still falling, but fortunately wasn't more than hundred yards below Paul, a distance Paul could cover fast enough. Paul moved as fast as he could to catch up with his boyfriend. It worried him a bit that Scott didn't answer over the comm, but Paul just had to get to him.

A few moments after that reached out his hand and grabbed Scott's. Paul pushed them towards the ground as fast as his powers would allow as he checked out Scott. Paul managed to stop them about twenty feet above the ground. He lowered them the rest of the way to the snow below.

"Scott?" Paul asked him urgently. "Scott!" Paul was about to slap his boyfriend in the cheek, but Scott woke up right as he began to.

"I'm all right." Scott said quickly. "What happen?"

"Sentinel sneaked up on us. I got ridded of it for the time being. You sure you're all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's find the others." Scott said standing with a little help from Paul. "Which way are we going?"

Paul focused for a moment. "That way." He answered pointing.

"Ok, you go up and I'll stay on the ground. Let's move." Scott said switching into Cyclops mode. He started into the woods as Paul lifted into the air.

"Be careful." Told Scott as they parted.

"You too."

As soon as Paul cleared the tree line he saw two sentinels zeroing in on something about a hundred meters away. He covered the distances as quickly as he could. The two sentinels were definitely honed in on someone. They both were firing upon the same set of rocks from their position in the air.

Paul summoned the power he needed to rip the arm off the mutant-killer and jamming into it's chest as well as he could. Paul caught the falling body of the sentinel swiftly and slammed it into the other sentinel. He let both robots fall to the ground. He landed on the ground and walked to the rock the sentinels were firing at.

"Ello?" He said loudly.

"Thanks." Beast said cheerfully as he popped out from behind the rock. "We were a little pinned down."

"No problem." Paul answered as Wolverine came out from behind the huge rock as well.

"Thanks kid." Logan muttered to him.

"Marvel Girl and Colossus were over that way a moment ago. They're dealing with some of the mutants that attacked us." Beast stated.

"And the others?" Paul questioned.

"Rebecca and Bobby were taking on the sentinel last I heard. Jean order them in against the sentinels and us to take on the mutants. But those damn things pinned us down." Logan entered with us rough voice.

"So, you go high, we good low?" Hank said looking to Paul.

"How bout you come with me Beast. I'm not really sure what kind of mutants we're dealing with here." Paul suggested.

"How many sentinels are left?" Wolverine asked. Paul didn't bother to answer and just lifted into the air. He spotted three left in the and all three were being fired upon as Paul saw them. Paul saw the powers of Becca, Cyclops, and Iceman collided against the three robots. Each went down.

Another explosion caught Paul's attention across the sky. Paul saw the flaming body of a sentinel falling from the sky. Storm and Warren flew away from the wreckage towards Paul.

{Cyclops, I think that counts all the sentinels down. Beast, Wolverine and I are heading for Jean and Colossus.} Paul reported.

{Can you get a sense of many people we're dealing with?} Cyclops answered back.

{Give me a sec.} Paul dropped to the ground and concentrated on pushing mind outwards. His radius for detection was about a hundred yards and he definitely felt something out there. {Discounting two sigs that could be Jean and Pete, I've got five people.}

{I count six other than Jeannie and Pete.} Logan informed everyone. Paul turned and looked at him with a questioning look. Logan just point to nose and set off towards a snow covered cliff.

{Let's move in.} Cyclops ordered. {Paul and Warren, pull some recon. Fly up ahead of us and see what's up. Storm and Rebecca, stay close behind them for support incase they get into trouble. The rest us will head in on foot.} Scott got acknowledgements from everyone.

{How come we're not getting Marvel Girl or Colossus on comms.} Iceman wondered.

{Not sure.} Scott answered.

{Guess we'll find out.} Paul said softly. Warren cam up beside him as he once again lifted into the air. Storm and Rebecca weren't far behind.

Paul saw Colossus pick up a guy by the neck and throw him at the cliff face that was near by. The guy slowed in mid-air before he hit the wall then was set gently to the ground. A second later, Peter was flying backwards through the air to slam into a tree.

There was a cave in the cliff that the guy Peter had just thrown had run into.

Then Paul saw Jean. She was fighting her battle and couldn't understand why she wasn't using her mutant abilities. She was dodging and rolling away from a man with a sword. She nailed the guy in chin with her fist, but he quickly recovered and knocked her off her feet.

Paul landed on the ground about twenty yards from the two and around thirty from the month of the cave.

The man pulled the sword above his to bring it down upon Marvel Girl. Paul focused and the man went flying away from Jean. It didn't take him long to get up and run into the cave. Paul ran up to Jean and offered her a hand up.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"That guy was a creep." She answered and her body shivered. The last of the mutants that had attacked them was making a run for the cave. Jean didn't went him get to far before she picked him up off the ground and hurled him into the cliff. "That stupid ass mother-fucker can cut off mutant powers." She explained in frustration. Paul could feel the angry rolling off her. He also felt the determination to take this mutants out. "He cut me off and came at me with a sword." Paul almost chuckled as a tree blew in half from another expression of rage from Marvel Girl.

Just as she finished her little demonstration all the others had made it to the month of the cave. "You gonna be all right?" Paul asked her still trying not to laugh.

"Yes," Jean took a few deep breaths. "I'll be fine. Well, I'll be fine if I get to kick that guys ass." She smiled sweetly at Paul then Scott, then said in a meek voice. "I get to kick that guys ass, right?"

"Yes, you get to kick that guys ass." Paul comforted her.

"Which guys ass?" Rebecca asked stepping up to Jean.

"The guy that about kicked her ass." Paul answered for her. Jean glared at him for a second.

"The mutant in question can negate our powers. I think it fair to say I would have TOTALLY kicked his ass otherwise." She wasn't below trying to make the other feel sorry for her by sticking out her bottom when she continued. "And he had a sword."

"Where'd he go?" Paul could tell Scott was still in command mode, which was good. It would probably keep them alive.

"Into the cave." Paul answered.

"Along with the rest of them." Peter put in.

"How many?" Cyclops asked automatically.

"Twelve." Jean answered first.

"I've got thirteen." Logan said unemotionally, and mostly to Jean.

"He's right. There's one that's suppressing his mental signature. I had to focus more than usual." Marvel Girl returned.

"Fine, we'll take it slow. Everyone try and stay together." Cyclops told them all. "Colossus, Wolverine, and Jean bring up the back. Paul, Rebecca, and I will take lead. The rest take the middle." The team moved in position and headed into tunnel.

"Rebecca, can you do anything about some light?" Scott asked.

"I think so." She held out a hand which began to glow a blue, white light. Both her hands started to glow and light the surround area.


They walked for a minutes before coming to a large room in the cave that broke off into three separate pathways.

"Wolverine? Jean?" Scott questioned.

"I've got five on the left and five on the right. Three down the center." Wolverine answered.

"I only get the five on each side. The three down the center must be masking their signatures." Jean told him.

"So a mutant powerful enough to mask himself from you must be a pretty big threat." Scott stated.

"Yeah, probably." Jean agreed.

"Fine. Jean, Paul and I will go down the center. Logan take Peter, Rebecca and Warren down the left. And Storm, you Beast and Bobby head down the right. Meet back here in thirty if don't find anything." Cyclops set off down the center tunnel. "And stay in contact. Stat reports every three minutes." There a few acknowledgements and they went their separate ways.

"What are we expecting to find down here?" Paul asked.

"If I had it my way, nothing. But I never get my way." Scott said to Paul. It had gotten really dark in the cave and Paul was feeling his way down the cave telekinetically. He grabbed Scott's arm in his to help guide him. Jean walked behind them, able to guide herself with her telepathy easily.

After a few minutes of walking Paul's senses expanded. He could tell the group had entered a large, open with a new pathway in almost every direction. He wasn't given much time to take in the room before a switch was flipped and a mass of lights suddenly came on.

Standing at the other end of the cavern were three individuals. Paul recognized one of them immediately.

"Mattox! What are you doin' here?" Paul yelled to the would-be bank robber.

"Not much, just getting ready to kick your ass again." He replied haughtily. Standing with him was the guy that Jean had been fighting, as well a short, dark skinned woman. "So, you gonna come getting or do I have to bring it to you?"

The woman brought her hands up as a pinkish. Purple energy began to swirl around them. The energy leapt for her hands and at the three X-Men. Paul and Jean both had a shield up before the energy did any damage. Without any response, the woman ran out one of the tunnels behind her.

"I guess that's me." Scott said as Jean and Paul both stood still. He knew that Paul wanted to take down Mattox and Jean would have a heart attack if she didn't get a piece of the other guy. "I'm fine with leftovers."

Told Jean quickly before his powers were count, which happened shortly there after. He couldn't get a read off anyone now and he tried lift himself into the air but couldn't.

"I'm Jaron, by the way." The other man stepped forward. His short black hair and large, trim build would make him seem intimidating to most people. Paul wasn't impressed. He was a little bothered will the man pulled a katana from a sheath attached to his waist.

"I thought you two would like to know the person who was going to kill you." The smirk on his face was truly evil.

"I'm so gonna kick your ass." Jean said almost jokingly.

Mattox came running at Paul, swinging his fist at Paul's face. Jaron held the sword up and ran at Jean. The four mutants met in the middle of cavern.

Paul ducked under the punch from Mattox to quickly hit him in the stomach. Straightening back up, Paul jumped into the air and kicked Mattox square in the sternum. Mattox was knocked back quite a few feet.

Jean was busying dodging Jaron's sword. Jean jumped back then rolled under a swing.

Jaron brought his sword straight down upon Jean, but she side-stepped to dodge. After knocking Mattox back Paul headed for Jaron. He stepped on the edge of the sword when Jaron brought it to the ground. He then landed his fist in Jaron's stomach making the mutant twist down in pain.

Jean saw that Mattox had recovered and was heading back into the fight. She rolled over the back of the injured Jaron and kicked Mattox on the side of the face. Pushing him away from Paul and Jaron by practically tackle, they began to trade punches.

Jean taking on Mattox, Paul was the who was now dodging Jaron's sword. Jaron swept the katana low, which Paul jumped over. Paul rolled away from another slash and found that he trapped himself between the wall and Jaron.

He dodged another slice meant to take off his head. Jaron feinted one way, but then went another. Paul almost fell for the feint. He twisted his the opposite direction he had started. Jaron was quick enough to cut Paul's arm across his bicep. The cut wasn't very deep, but it hurt like a bitch. Paul let out a small yelp of pain, but managed elude the next hack of the sword.

Jean was distracted long enough by Paul small admission pain for Mattox to get a good punch off. He hit her again in the stomach then she blocked his next assault.

The fun and games were over from her point of view. Paul was hurt and these guys were going to pay for it.

Mattox tried to come across her chin with his fist, but she saw it coming and blocked it. Not letting go of his arm and pulling his across her body, she planted her elbow on the back side of his. She heard a sickening crunch as well as Mattox screaming out in pain.

Marvel Girl pushed away from her opponent to only come back at him again. Jumping in the air, she executed a round house kick that sent Mattox flying across the cave. Jean then went running at Jaron's back full speed. Bringing up her foot at the last second, she kicked him in the lower back. He fell forward violently and his sword was dropped a few feet to his right.

Mattox shook his head to try and the clear some of the pain away, it didn't help. He began to stand but saw his wrist comm was flashing green.

There was only one thing that could mean. He'd have to be quick.

"Are you all right?" Jean asked Paul as she helped him off the ground. "You're bleeding pretty bad."

"I'll be fine. Let's get this over wi.." But Paul didn't have enough time to get it out. Suddenly, he felt his senses expand again, but a split second later something hit him.

The telekinetic bolt Mattox sent at the two X-Men was powerful enough to knock them from one side of the cave to the other.

They both slammed into the wall of the cavern then fell to the dirt covered ground. Paul tried to move his body but nothing would work. He somehow craned his neck to see Jean lying beside him. Her eyes were closed, but she was still breathing. His telempathic abilities were cut off again as well.

Paul tried again to move, but this time he was physically held down. Jaron's foot was holding him in place at his shoulder. Paul's eyes widen as he saw Jaron bringing his sword above his head. Paul glanced at Jean, but she was still out.

He struggled to move from under Jaron's foot but nothing helped. "Now you die." Jaron said softly with the slightest hint of a grin touched his lips.

Paul had always figured what people about your life flashing before your eyes was true.

It wasn't.

He didn't really have the time to think about much except the shiny piece of metal about to go through his torso.

He supposed that if his life had flashed before his eyes he would have seen Seth and his Mom. Sam, Marie, and his home town. And the X-Men. And Jean. And Scott, too. Never seeing Scott again was a bit of a downer, but what was he suppose to do about now? There wasn't much he could do, so he would just grit and bear it. Hopefully, he'd go quickly and as painless as possible.

But just as Paul was waiting for the evitable to happen, the unthinkable happened.

`Think and he shall appear.' Paul thought contentedly to himself.

A red beam smashed into Jaron as he brought down the sword. Scott must have been beyond the range of Jaron's power. Though never had experiencing it himself, Paul figured Scott's ability probably hurt like hell. And seeing Jaron's body crush against the wall behind them Paul figured he was right.

Scott ran over to Paul to kneel beside him. "Are you okay?"

"No," Paul said hoarsely "But I will be eventually. Check on Jean." Paul told his boyfriend. Scott went over to the red-head.

"She's breathing. I don't know much more besides that." Scott answered. He looked up to see Mattox moving towards them. His arm was limp and face was bleeding, but he still looked rather pissed off. "Paul!" Scott warned as he let his own attack lose. The red beam hit Mattox's shield uselessly.

Paul blocked the mass of telekinetic energy that was headed for him. Paul didn't know how many much more power he could dish out in a fight. His head was already hurting for the concussion that he had more than likely received when he hit the rocky wall.

Finally forcing himself to stand up, Paul moved to Scott and Jean. Paul could see it in Mattox's eyes that he knew it was over. Neither Paul or Mattox had the energy to take each other on and Scott probably couldn't take Mattox by himself.

Mattox lifted the limp body of Jaron into the air and retreated down of the passageways in the walls. Paul and Scott just let him go.

"Well, that was something I wouldn't be doing again anytime soon." Paul said as Scott picked up Jean. "What happened to that girl you went chasing after?"

"She could throw energy or something. She collapsed the roof of the cave in behind her. But not until I'd chased her for a while. I knew there was a reason I don't like chasing women." Scott smirked. Paul chuckled at Scott's comment. "You know how to get out of here, right?"

"Yeah, I think so." Paul answered.

"Good. Let's go home."

"Yes, please."

"We could always finish what we started earlier." Scott invited suggestively as he pulled Paul closer to him. They were just laying around in Paul's bed not in a hurry to do much of anything.

"To tired." Paul answered pitifully and with eyes that would put a puppy to shame. He snuggled closer into Scott's chest and sighed happily.

"We could just lay here."


"We could just lay here and snuggle."


"We could just lay here and snuggle and kiss."


"Sounds good to me."

"Sounds very good to me." Paul answered and set out to accomplish the task at hand.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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