Ultimate X Men Archmage

By sameus solarus

Published on May 16, 2007


Obligatory warnings and all that jazz:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are from or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, then why are you on this site, go away, avert thyne eyes, leave, get lost etc

  2. The Ultimate X-Men and any related characters are property of Marvel Comics, trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that. I'm using them without permission.

While Peter and Jean unpacked I went back down to the reception. The clerk saw me and smiled, now that he knew I had money he seemed much more willing to be helpful. "Ah, sir I hope all is well with your suites. How may I help you" "Well I would like to book the limousine for the rest of the day. To take us to Channel, and Georgio Armani. Would you also ring a head and tell them that we are coming. I would also like to have you book a table for three people in the best restaurant here. I would also like to be put on the guest list for the best night club in town and please would you also book us the VIP suite at the club. Is that ok." "That will be no problem sir. I will have the limo brought round immediately. You can use it any time you like." I went back up and knocked on for Peter, while he grabbed his jacket I knocked on and Jean opened up ready to go. We went down and got into the Limo. We laughed and talked through the ride and were dropped off outside a row of designer label shops. We went into Channel first to get Jean a dress. As we walked into Channel a snotty looking woman walked up to us. Now while we were all dressed nicely, we hardly looked like high class people who would shop in Channel. "How may I help you?" "I would like to see your range of dresses, including the most recent designs. As well as your ranges of accessories and jewellery, I need to get Jean hear ready for a night out. The dress needs to be formal but easy to dance in. I also believe that our hotel rang ahead. I'm Mr Kilgrave." "Yes, sir. Please have a seat, would you like a drink of champagne" We all nodded. We went through all the dresses, until we found a sexy black number that Jean liked. She bought a silver belt and silver strap high heels, a bag to go with her dress and all the other relevant accessories. I managed to persuade her to allow me to buy her a beautiful five diamond star ring. Next we moved onto Armani, we spent the next hour getting a suit for me and Peter. For Peter it was particularly hard to find a suit to fit him because of his height and his muscles. We got back into the limo and rode back to the hotel, we get back and head straight up to start getting ready for our meal. We got showered and ready and met up in the foyer. Jean looked fantastic, and I just wanted to get Peter out of that suit and kiss him all over.

We rode in the limo and got out outside a beautiful looking restaurant. We sat down and ate a beautiful dinner, the food was fabulous every bite was fantastic, we drank champagne and by the time we got back into the limo, we were all a little bit drunk but that didn't stop us, we arrived at Club Excelsior and walked up to the door.

The bouncers, looked at us, I thought they would be tempted to tell us to go to the back of the queue. However, the fact that both Peter and I were in $5000 suits and Jean's dress was $6000 obviously changed their mind. The largest of them squared up to me, as I took the lead. "Name" "Kilgrave, party of three. We have the VIP suite booked" "Ah, yes please just wait we will have one of the staff escort you to you suite." Within twenty seconds someone came out of the club and we were told to follow him. We went up some stairs into a large room that was very plush. I handed the man behind the private bar my card, so we could run a tab and got us all some more drinks. We moved from the champagne to cocktails, Peter seemed partial to surfer sunset, and we lined them up. We got drunk rapidly. Peter and I soon found ourselves with our jackets and bowties discarded and on the dance floor. I didn't care what they thought about the way we were dancing with each other, or if they like gay people, I just had a whale of a time dancing, and jean was having fun been chatted up by some very sexy men. Now, I have been on benders before, the military on leave always find somewhere to get pissed, and while I had joined them before. It was a rarity for me. I liked this feeling and was enjoying myself.

Before we knew it, the club was shutting, we collected our things and I paid the bill. We got back into the Limo, and talked about what we had done in the club. Jean had danced a flirted with several guys, but she loved Scott to much to cheat on him, so had slapped on of them when he tired to kiss her. We got back and went to our rooms. Jean went in, and as soon as we had got into our room I started to undress Peter, I didn't know if it was lust or alcohol, but he looked so good, I nearly ripped of his shirt of. We dumped our clothes and made our way to the bed. Peter picked me up halfway there, my legs straddled his chest, I could just feel the tip of his dick slightly touching my arse, my dick, which was now rock hard pressed against his chest, we continued to kiss. Before I knew it I found my back on the bed with Peter on top of me. With one hand I opened a drawer and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. Without breaking the kiss I took the condom and began to roll it down his dick. I lubed up my hand and applied it to his dick and to my hole, he still kissed me as he began to slide into me.

This time there was very little pain, only on the initial push in, as soon as he was fully in the pain was completely gone, replaced by pleasure. He began to slide in and out of me. My hands were groping all over his body. I broke the kiss, and he moaned out loud, as did I as he pushed his 8 inches into me. He pulled out and moved and slid back into me, as he finished pushing in he hit something in my body, it sent my nervous system into a fit, the pleasure was immeasurable, and I was high and moaning uncontrollably . I nearly came then, without even touching myself. I realised he had found my G-spot and he continued to thrust into it, we were both in ecstasy, I knew I was close to coming, he thrust into me and I lost control, I came all over my chest. He continued to fuck me. It was good, I didn't loose the hardness, even after I came, and the pleasure was bliss. Only beaten when I felt him push in and cum, he moaned in pure and uncontrollable pleasure. He slowly pulled out of me. He pulled himself upright and took the condom off and threw it into the bin. I grabbed a tissue and cleaned up my chest. While Peter collapsed back onto the bed, exhausted and glistening with sweat. I myself was similarly covered in sweat, I grabbed the sheets and pulled it up, and I placed my head on his chest and felt him breathing and heard his heartbeat. "I love you Pete" "I love you too" I felt his arm rest on my shoulder, I looked to the window and saw the first signs of light, I turned to Peter and saw he was asleep already. I flicked my hands and the curtains closed. I fell to sleep rapidly, I don't know why but I always slept easily when I was close to Peter. I woke up to hear banging on the door, I realised that I was now been spooned by Peter. I snuck out of his grip and the bed and grabbed a spare sheet and threw it over myself. My head was pounding and I nearly stumbled over I ran to the door and opened it. Jean was stood out in the corridor. "How, rough do you feel" "Like I've been hit by a bus and then a car for good measure" "You know it's nearly 11 and we've got to fly back yet." "Yeah ok give us half an hour to get washed, Peter is sound a sleep. I need to wake him up and need to get washed before we can leave." She just laughed and went back to her room. I shut the door and dropped the sheet and walked back to the bed, I crawled on and kissed him softly on the lips. He stirred and I felt his hand grab my waist, he pulled me on top of him and I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I pulled off of him. "We've got to get ready and get out, we have to fly back to the institute and we need to get a shower." He looked up at me. "Fine you go shower and I will pack up" I grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him into the bathroom. He looked slightly confused until I turned on the shower and stepped into it dragging him along with me. We let the warm water wash down our bodies, our hands running up and down each others naked body, I grabbed the shower gel and began to rub it into his body, I slowed the water and rubbed all over his naked body, covering every inch of his beautiful body with the lather. He took the gel and washed me down, we kissed as the water washed away the soap. When we were sufficiently clean, we dried ourselves off and finished getting cleaned up before I packed away our bathroom stuff. We got dressed and started packing, there was a knock on the door and I opened it Jean was stood out in the corridor, with her bag packed and her dress in a protective sleeve. "You two lovebirds nearly done packing" Behind me Peter shouted "Yeah I'm just grabbing the bags, be there in two shakes." He came out of the bedroom with all the bags and our suits. He looked like a pack mule. "Hun, let me grab my bags" "No I've got them, you just lead the way and get us to the Porsche, so that we can get to the jet. That's your job so get to it" He slapped my arse playfully "Maybe later, babe if you're lucky" "You always put out its fine" I turned round and slapped his chest. "I'm not a whore, I don't charge you. So don't complain or you won't be getting any" Jean just shook her head. "Stop prating about and lets get out of here, I can't put up with you two any more." We got the lift down to the foyer, a different clerk was there today. "How may I be of service" "I would like to book out, Mr Kilgrave" "Ah yes of course" He ran the data through the computer, when he had added up the bill I paid the total and we headed to the car park. We got in the car and drove to the blackbird and went in. we took off and hit the skies. Before Jean even put it into auto-pilot both Peter and I were fast asleep. Jean turned round and laughed, she knew what they had been up to that night and let them sleep, she grabbed her ipod and turned on her music, she must have dozed off, as the next thing she knew the warning alarm was blaring in her ear. She grabbed the controls and turned over to manual, something was forcing the black bird down. Peter and Sam had jumped awake at the first sounding of the alarm, Sam looked scared. "What's going on Jean, what's that noise" Peter, grabbed my belt and fastened me in before he fastened himself into the plane. He looked over and answered my question. "Sam it's the alarm something is causing a problem with the plane, Jean what exactly is happening" "I don't know Peter, something is causing the plane to lose altitude, and I don't how" "You two look at our hair its standing on end, I know I'm no expert, but could it be Magneto, he controls magnetism and metals right" They looked at each other and they knew it was true. Magneto was dragging us down. Jean concentrated and I knew she was trying to make mental contact with the professor. We finally came to rest on the floor of a French valley. We threw off our clothes so that we were in our uniforms, Marvel Girl took the lead, Colossus turned into his steel form, and I opened my mind to the ethereal energy, I knew my eyes were glowing blue, I pulled some energy together so that my hands had crackles of energy running over them. We opened the ramp and went down onto the ground. We walked away from the plane and couldn't see or hear anything. I tried to scan the ether for any movement, I sensed several mutant presences. "There are several mutants around here." I pointed them out three, and one further back. "One of them has a connection to the Ether, probably a sorcerer or a sorceress as well as a mutant, does that ring a bell." "Forge has some magical abilities but he doesn't use them very often, preferring to use his technology" Peter looked to Jean "So we're definitely dealing with the Brotherhood then" "Looks like it get ready for anything" Something moved in the tree's I didn't wait I threw a ball of energy which exploded as it touched the ground. Toad jumped out and landed on a branch, hanging upside down. "Watch where you throw those, mate you nearly hit me" Before I knew what was happening he went flying into the air, I looked over and saw Jean surrounded by a halo of flames. "Hold him still" He stopped in mid air and I threw a ball of energy, which paralyzed him and he dropped to the floor. Suddenly three people moved out from the trees "X-men you're a long way from home" Jean looked at him "Magneto, what do you want" So the man in the cloak floating in the air was Magneto, I looked over the others. One was obviously an animal evolutionary, he looked like he was part monkey, with fur on the back of his hands. He had a tail and fur on his face. Another was a young man, holding a large metal gun in his hand. I guessed that was Forge. There was also another young man, he looked like he was only around 18. "Jean who are the others" "Don't know about the monkey, but the one with the gun is Forge, and the gun might do anything watch out for it. The other is Multiple Man, he duplicates himself." Magneto spoke again, this time I felt a wave of energy around me, I found that I couldn't move at all. "All I want X-men is the crystal you collected from Zurich that is all" I didn't let Jean answer for me "Never, that is mine. I won't let you take it." Magneto laughed "Simiman, Multiple Man it should be in the jet go and get it. I will hold these at bay" My rage was getting stronger, I felt the power of the ether pulling around me, the energy began crackling round me, without looking a bolt of blue energy shot out from me and smacked into Magneto, he fell down and I realised I was able to move, I ran full out and pounded Simiman with an ether improved strike. He went flying, and smacked into a tree. Suddenly I was surrounded by four Multiple Men. They ran at me, before they touched me, I threw out a wave of energy and three of them vanished. The original landed on the floor unconscious. I looked up to see Forge pointing his gun at me he fired and I dodged the projectile. It hit the tree behind me and exploded into a gel, which seemed to bind things to it. He kept firing at me I ran flat out jumping and leaping out of the way of his shots. I got close and bent down and closed lined him square in the stomach. I looked over and was shocked. Magneto had Colossus, by the throat and Marvel Girl was out cold on the floor, Simiman was stood over her. My crystal was in his hand. "Don't move X-Man, or I will rip Colossus apart" "Don't touch my boyfriend" Magneto laughed as I jumped, the next thing I knew I was been woken up by Jean, "Sam get up, they got the crystal and they took Peter" I jumped up and looked around scanning as far as I could, praying that she was wrong and that he was just hidden from sight. He wasn't anywhere. "Why take him, what will that achieve, we need to start hunting them down" Jean knew I was panic and just held me tight. "We need to go back to the institute and get the rest of the team, we will find them and get Peter back, I promise. You need to rest up and regain your energy if you're going to be any good to the team. Let's get back on the Jet and get out of here." I reluctantly agreed, and got back on the plane. As soon as we were up in the air I went into a regenerative coma.

Sorry about the long wait uni has been hell so i havnt had chance to really do much on this story however, it seems to have settled down so have fun with this and there will be more posts soon i promise. OK well thats Chapter 8 for you please let me know what you all think at domatheangelofdeath@hotmail.com constructive critisims are always welcome and compliments make me feel good, which is always good. Ok well thats me signing off.

Next: Chapter 9

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