Umbra's Wild Ride

By A S

Published on Sep 10, 2016



Disclaimer: This story is completely made up, and any references to real life people are purely coincidental. It also contains sexual acts between minors. If this kind of content is illegal for your age or the place you live, stop reading now.


Chapter 1

"Dude, do you believe in aliens?" Devon asked. He was a real dirt bag. But, he was also the one who gets us pot and he's a pretty fun guy, so fuck it.

"Fuck yeah, man. If there's microscopic bacteria in Antarctica then I'm sure there's some tentacle monster on Pluto or something." I said. I took a puff then passed the pipe off to Sean.

"I bet Koreans would like that." Sean said. He was a good kid. This was his first time gettin fucked up.

"Fuck off, Sean, you're thinking of the Japanese." Adam said. Also a dirt bag, but still a nice guy. Sean flipped him off, took a hit, and then passed it to Adam.

"Anyway, aliens totally exist. No way they can't. The universe is too big." James said. He was the newest addition to our group, and a damn good one. We were sitting in my basement on a Friday night. With no girlfriends between the lots of us, we had nothing (and no one) better to do. Little did the guys know, the only reason I don't have a girlfriend is I've had my eyes on James for years. We smoked for a bit more, then I went out to the back patio to take a piss. The cold winter air nearly froze my dick off, but it felt sorta good. I've always liked the cold. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and sighed into the night as I pissed into the grass. I heard the door open behind me and James walked slowly out. He started pissing next to me and I avoided the urge to check him out.

"Good weed mad." He said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, Devon always has good shit." We both finished peeing at nearly the same time and zip up.

"Dude, how fucking hilarious is Sean high as fuck?" He asked. We both laughed and I agreed. "He's not...not nearly... as hot as you though." James chuckled between fits of laughter. I just stared at him dumbfounded.

"Wha-what?" I was blushing now.

"Oh come on, you're hot and you know it. AND I've seen you checking me out" He added with a wink. I stammered trying to think of what to say. He saved me by pulling me in close and pressing his lips against mine. I was so shocked I just stared at his forehead, then I realized he was sliding his tongue past my lips which broke my daze. I kissed him back and reached back to feel up his ass. The pot had me much more horny so I started rubbing my crotch up against his and feeling his ass. He giggled and moaned into my mouth.

A bright light shot down from the sky and as we were staring at it, I got the sensation that I was floating. Weird what pot does to you. But I looked down and I actually was floating! It was a god damn tractor beam and I couldn't move. I looked to James for answers but he just looked back in fear. I held him close and waited as we were pulled into a white hole in the sky. The aperture closed once we were in, and we were nearly blinded by the white room we were in. I couldn't even tell the shape due to the light. A door slid open and a dark shape walked in. It was large shape, standing about 7' tall (nearly a foot taller than me). My eyes adjusted, and I heard James scream and he backed up. When I looked back at the shape, my eyes had focused enough to see that this 'figure' was a dog standing on his back legs. He looked like that Egyptian god of the dead, or a werewolf. I screamed myself and backed up till I hit a wall.

The werewolf rubbed the back of his neck. "So...uh...hey guys." It said in a deep, growly voice. How the hell did it know English?

"Uh...Hey." I said. "Where the fuck are we? Why the fuck are we here?"

"And what the fuck are you?" James yelled.

"Dude! Don't be rude!" I hissed.

"Thanks, but I understand. Aliens are freaky. So in order, you're on my spaceship, we'll get back to that one, and I am a Lyconne. Basically a werewolf from your media." The Lyconne had on some sort of black jumpsuit, and as weird as it is he had a really nice body with dark fur and brown points. Lots of muscles that stretched the suit in the perfect ways.

"And how do you know English?" James asked.

"Oh you know, surveillance. And a herbal supplement from a far off planet that accelerates learning and memorization. Please, follow me." He started to walk through the door, then looked to us to see if we were coming. I grabbed James' hand and pulled him with me to follow. We walked down a corridor that went up like a spiral staircase. "Anyway, as for why you're here, you may leave whenever you like, but please hear me out before you decide. Me and my crew analyze races from all across the universe for potential candidates to join us. At one point it was just me and my mate exploring for fun." We came to a door that slid open for us and we entered a room With 2 large glass boxes that had some sort of tubes attached to the tops and backs of them.

"This is the sterilization room. You know, removes all foreign life forms that aren't essential to your life functions in order to keep my crew safe. Would you please step in?" There was a control panel sticking out of one of the walls and the Lyconne pressed two, causing doors to open on each of the boxes. I shrugged to James and I walked into the one on the left.

"Trevor wait! What if it fills with gas or sucks out the air or something?" James asked

"Dude, if he wanted to kill us he would've done so with his claws or a space gun or something." I pointed out. He really did have sexy hands. Or...paws?

"He's got a point. I assure you it will not harm you." The Lyconne said. James hesitated, but reluctantly got into the other box. The Lyconne pressed another pair of buttons and drawers opened up in the sides of the boxes. "Please, put your clothes and all personal effects in the drawers. We have a containment bay for when you decide to return home." James and I looked at each other nervously and both blushed. The pot was wearing it off and without it our inhibitions came back. "Ah, I forgot. Let me darken the glass so you cannot see-"

"No!" we both blurted out and simultaneously tried to cover ourselves with bullshit excuses like "don't trouble yourself" or "I don't mind"

The Lyconne smirked, showing off sparkling fangs. "I see, then I will leave it transparent. Strip please." And we did. I started with my shirt, then my shoes and socks, then I took out my phone and took off my pants and underwear. The whole time I tried sneaking glances at James, but after catching him several times and him me, we realized that neither of us cared so we displayed ourselves fully to each other. James had the body of a god. He was 5'10" tall, and Baseball and Football season kept his slightly hairy body muscular and he had that sports tan. He had short brown hair and a ruggedly manly face for 16. I dropped my eyes to his package, and noticed he trimmed his pubes and soft, his dick was about 6" long and very thick. To my intense pleasure, I also noted that he was uncut. I could feel his brown eyes analyzed every part of my body. I was 6' tall and not nearly as muscled. I was your typical swimmer body; tall and thin with a speedo tan line. My long brown hair hung in my face and I scanned him head to toe with ice blue eyes. As for me, I was packing a 4" soft, 6.5" hard dick with not a pube to be found, or any other body hair for that matter.

"Very nice, boys! You are excellent examples of your species." We had forgotten about our audience, and I for one got embarrassed again.

I covered my junk and turned to face him. "What now?" I asked.

"Well this part can be strange, so I need you both to remember to breathe. It won't hurt, it'll be a little cold, and it is 100% essentially that you breathe or you'll pass out. Ready?"

We both nodded and he pressed a series of buttons causing the drawers to disappear into the wall and some sort of scanning laser turn on, analyzing us from head to toe very slowly. White gas was being pumped and I had to remind myself to breathe. It didn't have a smell, but it was cold. After a few minutes of this, the gas faded away and the laser turned off. I checked to see if James was ok, and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He really was sexy, wasn't he?

"All done! Good job guys, no one passed out." The Lyconne pressed some more buttons and dials popped out of the walls. "Go ahead and choose a jumpsuit color. When you're done, press the dial down." As I turned the dial, a square on the wall went from white, to purple to blue and so on. I chose green and pressed down the dial. The drawer came back but this time only had a jumpsuit. I slipped it on and noticed how well it fit my body. It stopped at the ankles and wrists. I looked over at James and He had chosen blue. It looked perfect on him.

"Damn." He said, staring at my body.

"Ditto." I replied, doing the same to him.

"Now now boys, no fucking in the sanitizer." The Lyconne laughed a growly laugh. We blushed and averted our eyes. He pressed another button and the doors opened and we walked out. "Hey now, no shame either! No shame on this whole ship. You were chosen because you have wonderful bodies and open minds amongst your people."

"Yeah, could you explain more about why we're here?" I asked.

"And what's your name?" James asked. I looked at him quizzically. "What? I'm curious and you took the good question." He laughed.

"Well, I am Umbra, and you are here as I said for you brains and your bodies. When me and my mate set out on our adventure, we wanted to explore sexuality in relation to other sentient species. So we analyze a species, and then we started to find a pattern. Every species has a few members that are sexually open to an extreme. These few often end up finding each other and exploring each other. We decided to bring a couple from each species on board and explore together. That is why you are here. To explore my crew and yourselves."

We were silent for a long time. "So...This is some sort of flying sex club?"

Umbra laughed. "Well, yes if you want to look at it like that."

"I'd like to think that's gross and want to leave, but it sounds really fun to me. I don't know. Wanna try it out, Trevor?" James asked.

"I mean, sure, why not? What's the worst that can...wait, what about STD's?" I asked.

"Ah, yes, forgot to mention that part. As we analyze species we take medical information and incorporate it into the ship's memory. Her nanobots will kill anything harmful to anyone on this ship. Don't be afraid to try anything with anyone. But, consent is necessary! If I find out anyone has taken advantage of someone else, they will be shot into the nearest star. Literally."

"Got it." We both said.

"Ok then! Let me show you to your rooms." We followed Umbra up the spiral corridor, then through a door to another corridor lined with doors. We got to one with the number 7 on it. "Here you go guys, get acquainted with your room. I'll be back in an hour to introduce you guys to the crew."

"Wait, Umbra. You guys use our numeric system?"

Umbra laughed his sexy, gravelly laugh again. "Nah, the computer displays the numbering system that makes sense to your brain. See you too in a little while." Umbra left and me and James were left staring at the door. I walked towards it and it opened silently. James followed me and a light slowly turned on in the room. It was cozy, but not small. It had one queen sized bed, and a desk with a strange chair that looked like it fit humans perfectly.

"Nice place. So Umbra said we got an hour. What do you wanna-" I was cut off by James throwing me to the bed.

"Jesus Christ, Trevor, I've been waiting for this the second I saw you strip!" James chuckled and unzipped his jumpsuit. I laughed and unzipped mine too, lifting my ass as james grabbed it and pulled it off of me. He dropped to his knees. He quickly dropped his head into my crotch, sniffing and licking at my quickly hardening dick. Being my first time, I was rock hard in a matter of seconds. He licked me up and down and I shuddered in pleasure.

"Dude! Holy fuck you're great at this!" I rubbed his head with one hand and clenched the bedsheets with the other. I could feel myself getting close so I lifted my foot to his shoulder and pushed him away.

"Aw! Come on, you were so close! I" He stared at me with longing.

"Yeah, but so do I, you selfish ass." I laughed at him. "Turn around." He turned, licking my dick as he did, putting his beautiful uncut cock right over my face. I lifted my head, running my tongue from the tip of his foreskin down his shaft, then playing with his balls. I heard him moan around my dick, and the thought that I was making him feel so good made me even happier. As I sucked on his balls, I caught sight of his ass. Unlike his shaved balls, his ass had a small amount of hair in it. I placed one hand on each butt cheek and spread them. I traced my tongue from balls to asscrack, savoring the taste of him, clean and completely unlike what I expected. His moans grew louder and he sucked, almost hungrily, on my dick.

"I'm gonna cum!" I said between licks of his hole. I expected him to pull off and jerk me or something, but he only sucked harder. I reached for his dick and started jerking him off as I dove my tongue into his ass. I thrust with my hips as the first spurts of cum started shooting into his mouth. The feeling of him swallowing my load was incredible. Seconds later, he started cumming, shooting all over my chest. I could feel his ass tighten around my tongue. He rolled off of me and I flipped around so I could cuddle up next to him.

"Dude, this place is fucking awesome." James said.

"Right? We shoulda been doing this a long time ago!" I replied and we both laughed. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we both fell asleep.

To Be Continued

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! Things start to get really fun in chapter 2, which should be out soon. If you have any feedback, feel free to email me at or through kik at gay_boy_42. Any and all feedback is welcome, so don't be shy!

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