Uncle Bubbas School

Published on Mar 31, 2019


Uncle Bubba's School By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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I am Thomas Jenks and I've known Uncle Bubba for years. He was my ex-wife's courtesy uncle. He was her father's best friend. Bubba came to my wedding and we hit it off. He was a big, muscular man with a larger than life personality. He was a construction superintendent during the day, but he could fix things for friends. If there was a problem when something broke or malfunctioned, he knew how to fix it. He liked to be helpful and useful.

He was not able to fix my marriage. I put my all into being a good father and husband. That wasn't enough. My wife met a man who could do more for her. He was an heir to a fortune and lived a life filled with parties and travel. I thought I was successful and making $100,000.00 a year, but that wasn't nearly enough.

She left with my daughter and went to California, leaving me with the dog, Fergus. Fergus was a nice dog. When Uncle Bubba's apartment house burned months later, I gave him a place to live until he found a new place. That was five years ago.

He had been at my house for a week when I walked into the bath room as he left the shower. He was naked. I was shocked and unexpectedly excited. I was wearing my bathrobe. The robe fell open, the excited part of me was exposed and Bubba winked.

I stammered that I was sorry. He said I had nothing to be sorry about. He was half hard by then.

Bubba smiled. "If were stuck with lemons, let's make lemonade," he said as he dropped to his knees and sucked me. Maybe it was love at first lick, or just lust. Whatever it was it was overwhelming and wonderful. I had never felt anything like it before.

Introspection and imagination are not my strong suit, and it had never occurred to me that I would like sex with a man. Not only did I have sex with Bubba, I loved it and realized it was what I had always wanted without knowing it. A few days later we had sex again, and it was just as good, if not better.

Afterwards Bubba and I talked. "I have a confession to make. I guess you realized I like sex. I love it, but I like it with no strings attached. I can be a friend, but I not marriage material," Bubba explained.

I smiled. "Marriage is not high on my priorities now. Sex wasn't high on my needs until we connected," I said. "Sex and friendship are more than I hoped for. Until the other day, I didn't know sex could be that good."

"I have another confession. I'm not exactly a virgin. I'm really experienced, and I can tell you we have barely explored the basics of man sex," he said. "I like variety and exploring a man's sexual potential. It gets pretty intimate if you can understand that?"

"I don't know exactly what you are talking about, but I'm willing," I said.

"It may be out of your comfort zone," he added.

"My comfort zone just got up and left for California. I'm ready to try something new," I replied.

Bubba was a bear of a man covered in curly blond hair from his head to his toes. Working construction kept him in good condition. I am a 150-pound accountant. I apologized for my poor physical condition.

"Well, you are never going to be on the professional wrestling circuit but let me tell you a little secret. For most gay men what you have hanging between your legs is more important than being muscular. You have a prize winner!" Bubba said.

Over the next year or so I learned a lot. Bubba was the prefect teacher. While he was patient, he always taught me something new. His cock was big too. Bubba both gave and took. A few weeks after our first oral experiments, Bubba took my load for the first time. He clearly enjoyed it, but I wasn't ready to take his load. He told me he enjoyed my cream and that he loved it when my cock twitched as I fed him.

When I took his load the first time I felt as if I had won the lottery. I don't know if it was the taste of his sperm or knowing I had made him shoot off and could feel his excitement. I had shared his orgasm and knew what he was feeling with each ejaculation.

A month later, I was shocked when he sat on my cock, but somehow, I sat on his tool a week or two after that. By then I desperately wanted his cock in me and wanted him to fill my ass with his seed.

I also met some of his friends. They were mostly friends with benefits and were willing to help me along. They were a mixed bag of men. Julio was a beefy, extraverted Italian chef. Roger was a tall, thin County Judge. Lewis was an electrician who looked like something the cat dragged in. They were all nice men who had benefited from Bubba's knowledge of the sexual arts. It wasn't quite as exciting with them as it was with Bubba, but it was damn good. The five of us could form an impressive fucking and sucking machine.

They taught me how to show how much I enjoyed sex. Bubba friends were not afraid of sex. They loved it and they did not care who knew it. I was embarrassed to be erect or show my asshole. They saw my erection and asshole as an invitation to play. All were sexually generous and more than willing to let me massage their tonsils or prostate. I relaxed and became more comfortable.

Several years later, Bubba was hurt in a job site accident and couldn't work. He was on disability, by then I was working from home and my salary continued to expand. I was the specialist who could handle complicated accounting problems for other firms. They regarded me as a forensic accountant. I could find where the bodies were buried.

Bubba had been an active man, and retirement didn't suit him. We were all together with our friends for a holiday dinner, when Judge Roger came up with a project to occupy Bubba's time.

"We all learned the sexual arts at the crotch of the master. I know one or two men who would benefit from his instruction. They are a bit timid, but I am sure they could learn his skills," Roger said. "If I were to send them over to you, would you like to take them on as students?"

Bubba said he wasn't interested, but we all knew that wasn't true. We talked him into it and Roger talked with his friends. On a Saturday afternoon, a middle-aged man named Dean knocked on my door. Dean was nervous, but when I asked him in and closed to the door, he was more comfortable. Dean wasn't exactly good looking but compared to me he was a dreamboat.

I added a whirlpool bath in my former rec room. It was good therapy for Bubba's damaged muscles. He was in it and asked us to join him. "Don't worry about trunks or a swimming suit. We are all guys here," he said. He had been used to giving orders for years, and men tended to automatically obey him.

Bubba was a big, impressive man. I am not, but as Bubba had said, most gay men didn't care what you looked like if your cock was big enough. Dean saw my cock and was okay with it. The three of us talked a little.

"I don't like to beat around the bush. A mutual friend said you might like to expand your sexual techniques," Bubba said.

Dean nodded. "I sort of want that, but I'm uneasy too," Dean said.

"For me there is only one reason for guys to mess around. That is to have fun and feel pleasure," Bubba said. "I discovered years ago, that the more techniques I tried, the more pleasure I felt. There are different strokes for different folks, but the world is filled with ways to ring your chimes. Some of those are part of the basic equipment attached to a man."

"I've felt ringing once and a while, but no chimes," Dean said with small smile. "I don't know if I could go much further than that."

"I've known a number of men, and I can assure you that you can feel a lot more than a little ringing," Bubba said as he slipped into the water and swallowed Dean's cock. I knew what Dean was feeling and all was well. Dean went home an hour and a half later with his balls drained. He said he would call the next time he could get away.

I thought it might be a week or two later, but the next day Roger called me and said Dean was flying high and seemed like a new man. A little later Dean called and asked if we would be available the next Saturday. I said that would be fine.

The next day Julio called and said he had a cousin, Tony, who could use Bubba's help. His cousin's mother had just died, and she had dominated her son. Julio had seen him being blown at a wedding. Julio thought his cousin needed real sex, not quickies.

Tony came by that evening. It was in his late 20s and his mother had picked out his clothes. We chatted a little, he was an accountant too, so we had a lot to talk about. I took him to the jacuzzi. When he saw Bubba, I sensed immediate interest. Bubba asked us to get in the water.

"Do I have to strip naked?" Tony asked.

"Only if you want too," Bubba replied. That was the right answer. Now that he was given a choice, Tony stripped. Under the ill-fitting, out of date clothes, Tony had a good body. He wasn't a body builder, but he was in good shape. He had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his bush. His cock was uncut and seemed average. I was experienced enough by this time to know that the size of a soft cock was not always related to its erect size. He sat near Bubba. I was on the other side of the whirlpool.

"Julio told me you are a nice guy, but lack some useful skills," Bubba said.

"Mom had been a semi-invalid since I was in my early teens. That took up all my spare time. I don't know enough to know what I don't know," he said. "I enjoyed some things with a pal. Julio said he told you about the wedding. That is the total of what I know."

"You liked the blow job?" Bubba asked.

Tony nodded. "We met up a second time and he blew me again. That was wonderful," he confessed. "I think about it all the time."

"Are you afraid to learn more?" I asked.

"Maybe, but mostly I am too excited to be very afraid." Tony said. "You guys are experienced?"

"Tommy is sort of new to the scene, but he's a fast learner. I've been around the block a few times and have learned a lot. I would like to think I've invented a few things, but I figure that is unlikely. Those cave men sitting in the dark for thousands of years ago had a lot of time to be inventive!" Bubba said.

Tony laughed. "How do we start?"

"I believe by teaching by doing," Bubba explained. "There are no rules, but there are guidelines. Erections are always fine. Don't be afraid to get too close. Don't hold back on orgasms; if you feel like it, shoot! If you are close, let me know, I may lick it up!"

"Bubba and I like to give and take. We all feel the same urges and have similar needs," I said. "I was brought up to believe everything "down there" was dirty and bad. For me now, "down there" is the main attraction. It's to be enjoyed, not hidden," Tony had leaned over and kissed Bubba's cock. He was on his way to getting an A+ on the first day's lesson.

We soon adjourned to Bubba's bedroom where I could suck Tony as he sucked Bubba. Tony's precum was flowing freely so I knew he was into it. We took a rest break.

"This is the first time I've done this in a private house. I was always afraid someone would drop in and I would get caught," Tony said.

"When I was in a private bedroom the first time, it turned into a different sort of sex," Bubba said, "What had been a race to an orgasm, became a walk in the park. It had been exciting just to be sucking a cock. Now I could savor cock, taste it and feel the other guy's reaction. I discovered the other guy's reactions were a turn on too. I wanted to shoot off, but I realized the trip to the orgasm is good too. Can you slow down and enjoy the cock?"

"A little," Tony said. "I'm uneasy about the cock drool. The first time I encountered it, I thought it would be piss."

"The cock is a bit like a Swiss Army knife. It's useful for many things. Your eyes and ears have only one function. The cock is multipurpose. The fun part is separate from the utilitarian parts except for sharing the same delivery system," I said. "It is useful and real handy."

Tony smiled. "I discovered the handy part a long time ago. Mom thought the parts "down there" were dirty."

"How in hell did she give birth to you?" Bubba exclaimed.

"It was an ordeal. Looking back, I think that was why my father left us. She talked about it all the time and it was all his fault," Tony said.

Bubba laughed. "Don't worry Tony. I've just met you, but I am sure anything you do to me with your cock will be okay!" I switched places with Bubba so he could suck Tony, and Tony could suck me. That was a success too. Tony shot off and went home. He said he would return.

Dean returned for a second session on Saturday. He was more relaxed but uncertain about man sex. He had watched some videos on his computer and wanted to know if guys really did things like that.

"Did the videos turn you on?" Bubba asked.

"They kind of did. That scared me," Dean replied.

"I'm afraid you have a serious case of being a man," Bubba said. "Getting sexually excited at the drop of a hat seems to come with having a cock. I discovered that it can happen unexpectedly and almost at random. Of course, we control how we act after we get excited. We don't have sex with every man, woman or attractive fruit because our cock has a twinge. I also know that we can't control it, we can only control how we react.

"What do I do about it?" he asked.

"Well I have a plan for you. I want to convert being turned on by a man into physical contact. That will convert into sexual contact and then I want to have you moaning in ecstasy as you empty your balls," Bubba explained. "Tommy and I like man sex and we know other men who like it. You need to admit you like cock. It's not an alien growth between your legs; it's a basic part of what makes you."

We went to the whirlpool again. The whirlpool provided an easy excused to be nude. When you are in the pool your cock is hidden by the swirling water. Dean was still shy. In the pool, he could be hard, but it was hidden, discrete. Dean sat next to Bubba who talked with him and gently stroked his cock.

"Sometimes I wonder how cock sucking started," Bubba mused. "I think of two cave men, under animal pelts on a cold night. You stroke your cock and your companion joins in. Something wet and slippery oozes from the slit. You are curious and collect some of it and taste it. It's sweet. I think sweet things were rare for our cave men, so you slip down and lick up the stuff. Your pal likes that and eventually spurts some creamy stuff in your mouth. Eventually, he does the same to you and bingo! You have discovered man's first toy and the stone age equivalent of Cinerama!"

When Bubba got up and sat on the edge of the whirlpool, Dean leaned over and carefully took Bubba's cock into his mouth. Bubba was uncut and only partially erect, exposing only the tip of his lavender cock head and the slit. To my surprise, Dean kissed the tip and the flicked his tongue along the wide slit. He then swallowed the entire cock.

"That it, baby. Take it all. Suck it and get it hard!" Bubba moaned. Dean didn't need the encouragement. He was into it.

After about five minutes of sucking, Dean came up for air. "It's beautiful," Dean said as he took a breath and then returned to sucking. A few minutes later Dean concentrated on Bubba's slit. I realized Bubba was feeding him his precum.

"You know I'm excited now. You know the thick cream comes next?" Bubba asked.

"Do I have to take it?" Dean asked.

"No, Tommy will take it. He loves the stuff," Bubba said. Dean tried to deep throat the cock, but it was too swollen to take. He took the entire load and swallowed. He looked contented. He left when the buzz wore off. I think this was enough for him.

"Tommy, did you mind me feeding him? Usually you take it," Bubba asked.

"It was a bit odd, but then I remembered the way I felt the first time I took your load," I replied. "It combined being a bit scared and having the best day in my life. You were feeding me your sperm for the first time. Did you feel anything special?"

"Orgasms are always good. This may sound odd, but I felt like I was the head of the membership committee welcoming you to the fraternity."

"Was I a member in good standing?" I asked.

"Well, you may have noticed I like sex a lot. You have a big one, and I was pretty sure you would be full service. I knew your cock would soon be up my ass fucking the sperm from my balls. I wanted to be in your tight, warm ass. I hadn't been in you before, but I knew you would take it and love it," Bubba said. "You were scared?"

"A little, but I was so excited, and I wanted your cock so much, I didn't care," I said. "I could feel you shoot off in me. I loved that."

"I get off on fucking a guy for the first time. I take it slow to work him up to full penetration," Bubba said. "I had planned that for you, but my cock went deep on my second thrust."

"Were you disappointed?" I asked.

"Have you ever gone to a meeting you dreaded, and discovered it was no problem at all? You were so excited my cock could feel your heart beating. It was wonderful," Bubba said. The next day Tony called and wanted to get together again. He asked if he could bring a friend.

Next: Chapter 2

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