Uncle Bubbas School

Published on Apr 12, 2019


Uncle Bubba 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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I was out of town working on a project for the next week. Things were quiet while I was gone according to Bubba. I didn't know exactly what that meant. Bubba's quiet was often more active than my quiet. Roger had another friend he wanted Bubba to meet, a man named Bobby-Joe. I knew that the minister of the Charles' Church was Bobby-Joe Hillman. That seemed to be quite a coincidence. Roger wanted me to be there. Apparently meeting an accountant was a good business reason for Bobby-Joe to be meeting a man. Roger had described Bobby-Joe as living in the closet from hell.

Bobby-Joe was perfectly dressed in an expensive suit. Every hair was in place and the tan was perfect. He was scared. I think he expected a florist and a drag queen to meet him at the door. Everything he knew about gay men came from the TV or anti-gay web sites. Bubba was exactly what he wasn't expecting. That was good.

"Roger told us you might like to spread your wings some?" Bubba asked. "Or did he say you needed some tension relief?"

"Maybe a little of each," Bobby-Joe said, "I'm not sure."

"It's hard to help you with I'm not sure," Bubba said with a smile. "It's time for my daily therapy. Did Roger mention I was hurt in an accident? Why don't you join us?"

"Bubba sometimes a bit unsteady, so I am there to help if he slips," I said. I think therapy sounded good to Bobby-Joe.

We got to the whirl pool and Bubba stripped. "Naked is easier than bending over and putting on trunks. Does that bother you?" Bubba said. "We're all boys here." Bobby stripped and got in the water in record time. His cock was below the water as I helped Bubba get in. We just happened to give him a good view of our man parts. He did not avert his gaze.

"It's unusual for me to be naked with other men," Bobby-Joe muttered.

"I was used to the team showers in High School," Bubba said, "Naked guys were fine, just guys being guys."

"I remember those too," Bobby-Joe said. "I was the star quarter-back." He sat next to Bubba.

"I can tell you were a star," Bubba added. I was puzzled by that comment until I realized Bubba was stroking Bobby's cock under water. Bobby had closed his eyes and inhaled. I think it was a silent moan. "I can tell those were good days for you," Bubba added. "Were you the only star? How did you celebrate a win?"

"Some of the guys really celebrated," Bobby said, "I was too prim and proper to join in."

"I bet you think about that a lot, don't you?" Bubba asked. "Was the celebration in the back corner of the locker room?"

"It was in the equipment room," Bobby said. "The coach knew about it, but he just watched."

"Did the coach ever shower with the team?"

"Only once when we were away at a small school. It was all proper. I was next to him. He did make sure his privates were real clean. I was the only one to see that," Bobby said. "He smiled and winked at me."

"The warm whirlpool water helps with my aches and pains, but everything his real clean too," Bubba observed. He got up and sat on the edge. He was just hard enough to be noticed. Bobby sat on the edge too. He had a long, thin cock and was fully erect. Bubba leaned over and sucked it.

"Does it taste like piss?" Bobby asked

"The bath took care of that. You do know that when a cock gets excited it turns off the piss part and switches to the balls part. Everything from your balls is 100% pure," Bubba told him.

"Tommy is watching," Bobby said. I sat up, putting my erection on display. I was long like Bobby's cock but quite a bit thicker. Bobby was trying to look me in the eye, but his gaze focused on my cock,

"Tommy and I are best pals. You know he is an accountant, but he much more fun and playful that most accountants," Bubba said. We got out of the whirlpool, dried off and went to Bubba's bedroom. I dried off the floor around the pool and joined them in the bedroom. Bobby was worshiping Bubba cock. Worshiping may not be the right word, but sucking was too impersonal to cover Bobby's actions. I went over to them and sucked Bobby-Joe's tool.

"I'm afraid I might shoot," Bobby whispered.

"All our equipment works the same. It the way we are made," I said. "I like the taste of an excited man."

"I'm too excited," Bobby said.

"That's why we are here, Bobby," Bubba said. "We are all the same and we all are sharing our private parts. We know how it's going to end. Relax and let things flow." I returned to sucking Bobby-Joe. His precum was freely flowing. "Tommy likes home brew straight from the cock," Bubba added. `Don't think of him eating your cum. Think of him swallowing the evidence. He takes every drip and drop. When you leave here there won't be a wet spot on your suit."

That was when Bobby-Joe let loose and he flooded my mouth with his cock cream. I was surprised to see that as he shot off he returned to Bubba's cock. Bubba popped and Bobby sucked it up. We were all quiet and calmed down for a while.

"I don't believe I did that," Bobby said.

"Don't tell me what you believe, what did you feel?" Bubba asked.

"It was so much more than I expected. It was more than I ever guessed it could be," Bobby said.

"Ready to do it again?" Bubba asked.

"Give me a few minutes. I need to recharge," Bobby-Joe said. The few minutes turned out to be five minutes. Bobby-Joe was rock hard. He sucked me as Bubba took care of him.

"Bobby, take your time and enjoy the cock," I said. "There is no need to rush. What will happen will happen." He got me off but didn't take the load. Bobby told us he had to get to a meeting. He dressed and left. I suspected he had done more than he expected and needed time to process it all. For an anti-gay preacher, it was a lot to rethink.

Bobby-Joe called a week later and came by. He had called from a cell phone and he was at our door three minutes later. Bubba was at a physical therapy session and wasn't home.

"I was so embarrassed at what happened last week I was unable to come to grips with it," Bobby said.

"Are you okay with it now?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I think about it all the time," he said. "Can we talk about it?"

I said sure and then Bobby-Joe blushed. "Okay, what are you thinking about?" I asked. "You know I'm not the shy type."

"Could we talk while we are naked?" he asked. Of course, I said yes, and we went to my bedroom and stripped.

"It looks bigger than I remembered," he said.

"I hope they were fond memories? Let me guess. You are shocked that you liked it as much as you did?"

"I tried to force myself to not like it. One night I almost convinced myself of it, but the next morning it was another total failure," Bobby-Joe said. "Bubba is my kind of man, big muscular and strong. He has a cock, but it is just a part of the whole package. You are a man attached to a beautiful cock. You aren't my type. I am only interested in your cock. That isn't right."

"Sexual attraction isn't the same as affection or love. Sometimes they are paired, but that is not as common as you might hope. One of Bubba's pals told me that at first, he loved my cock and barely tolerated me. The toleration turned into friendship. He wasn't my type either. Some how my cock loved his ass and eventually all was well," I explained. "Sex generates great pleasure, sometime connected to friendship and love, but there is nothing wrong with just pleasure."

"It seems so superficial," Bobby remarked.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to have your baby!" I quipped. "Gay sex is not like making a lifelong commitment to raising a family." Bobby managed to laugh. "I feel you need a little inspiration followed by a lot of pleasure," I added as I leaned over and licked his cock.

Bobby-Joe followed my lead and we were soon in the 69 position. I took my time, slowly exploring his cock and balls. He followed my lead as I gave him advice.

"Try licking the edge of the cock head. It tends to be sensitive," I suggested. "You might also run your tongue over the slit once and a while. If you taste some sweet goo, it's precum. That means you've got me going. You can also try to deep throat me and then try to suction precum from the shaft."

"You've been studying this for a while," Bobby mumbled.

"If it's worth doing it's worth doing right," I replied.

"I'm not sure that refers to sucking stuff from the cock," he said. "I'm not sure sucking stuff from the cock is my thing either."

"I admit it was a bit hard for me to eat a guy's sex juice at first. Bubba is such a hunk, it seemed a shame for him to waste it. It is the ultimate Home Brew," I said.

"I just tasted some of your precum. It is sweet," Bobby said. "Does cum taste good?"

"It not as sweet; it's a bit bitter," I said. "You know what your playmate is feeling and experiencing as he shoots. I get turned on when Bubba shoots. I can share his excitement, and know I made it possible. That why being with friends is good."

"I'm not sure I could take a load, or take it in the ass either," Bobby said.

"You've been fondling and sucking my cock for fifteen minutes. Most people would think that indicates you are gay. You aren't a virgin now," I said. "Eating a load straight from the cock doesn't make you gayer. You have no idea what you will feel when you explore more possibilities. Some things will be good, some may be bad. I know some things that were spectacular for me."

"There is one other thing. A mouthful of Bubba's sperm may taste better than mine. Knowing he made it in his balls, and it has traveled through his cock may make it better for you," I said. "That may be the opposite for fucking. If a guy you aren't interested in fucks you and it's not good, there is no problem. It's just an unsuccessful experiment. If the love of your life does it, it can be more of a problem."

"You want to fuck me?" he asked.

"You need to want it. Until you crave a cock in your ass, don't do it. Desire is essential for a good fuck," I explained. I had been talking too much and realized I was getting close. I warned Bobby, but he kept on sucking me. He took it and continued to suck until I was drained.

"Are you okay?' I asked.

"It was fine. I thought it would be dirty," he said. "It tasted okay. My tongue was at the slit when you shot off. I like it twitching and squirting," he said.

"Did you feel odd being so close to a man? It's so intimate," I asked.

"I was fine with that. I didn't expect it, but it was good," he said. "I am off to work, but I will call the next time I get a chance.

The next day Tony and Gus came by with Julio. Cheerful and outgoing, Julio was versatile and always willing to open his ass for a friend in need. He felt the urge to top only when his was impaled on a cock. He said he liked to be the filling in a fuck sandwich.

I didn't know if Tony and Gus knew that, but I assumed they would know soon enough. Bubba turned on Tony and I guessed he would like to get closer. Gus seemed to like me. I think he saw Bubba as being too good looking to like him. I knew Bubba was partial to anyone with an erect cock, but I didn't tell Gus. I don't mind playing second fiddle, especially if my cock is plowing a willing ass.

I tend to talk about sex in euphemisms. Julio is much more direct. That tended to clarify the situation for Tony and Gus. I was pretty sure they knew this was the "Introduction to Fucking 101" class. Bubba said it was time to get into more intense sex. Tony asked what that meant. Julio explained it was ass fucking. I don't think Tony or Gus were surprised.

"I'm here because I like to be fucked. Guys tell me that I have an accommodating asshole. It's good for beginners," Julio said. "I can assure you that no one has ever complained. I also have a good starter cock. It doesn't exactly have training wheels on it, but it is easy to take. I also have total control over my orgasms. I never shoot off by accident."

"For some guys having a pal unload his balls in your backside is the high point of the day. When you are new to the scene it can be a step too far," Julio continued. "You will work this out for yourselves."

"I'm not sure I am ready," Gus said. He was sitting on a patio type chase lounge. He may not have been ready, but he was fully erect. Julio went over to him straddled the chair and impaled himself on Gus's cock. He did that in a lightening fast movement. Gus moaned.

"You're okay?" Julio asked. Gus replied with an emphatic "Shit yes!" Julio began bouncing on the erect organ.

Bubba went over to Tony. He put one arm around him. He stroked Tony's cock with the other arm. "I wouldn't mind doing that to you. You have a beauty," Bubba said. Bubba was more top than bottom, but he knew that Tony was more likely to open his ass for him if he had already done him. I am not sure Bubba realized this, but he was much more likely to open his ass for well-hung, young stud than for anyone else.

"I'm pretty sure I would shoot off it you did that," Tony said.

"Would this be the first time you've fucked a guy?" Bubba asked. Tony nodded. "I'd like to have your cock in me. I'd love to feel you shooting off in me and coating my ass with you ball juice," Bubba said as he bent over. Tony didn't hesitate. His tool was at Bubba hole in seconds.

"What should I do?" Tony asked.

"Just push and see want happens," Bubba said. I knew that sometimes Bubba's sphincter isn't enthusiastic about Bubba's taste in men. This was not one of those times. Tony's cock was fully lodged in Bubba a few seconds later.

"What do I do next?" Tony asked.

"Just relax and let your cock do the thinking. It knows what to do," Bubba said.

As that little drama worked out, I discovered hat the curve of my erect cock was the perfect shape to drive Gus crazy. I squirted some lube into his ass, it was tight and warm. He was responsive.

"Are you okay," I asked. I knew his high school fucking experience had been bad.

"Can you get any more in me?" Gus asked. I took that as a yes.

Bubba shot off when Tony came in him. Gus shot off too and his twitches pulled my trigger. They had to go, but it seemed like a good day for them.

Charles was our next visitor. He came with a choir member Dunstan. Dunstan was a rather goofy looking guy. He was tall, thin and wasn't exactly ugly, he seemed loose jointed. I thought it looked as if he needed to tighten the screws. I had the feeling his was from the wrong side of the tracks in a town that didn't have a railroad. When he talked, he spoke in a rich, very deep bass. He was an electrician and wore working clothes.

Bubba and Dunstan bonded immediately. After 25 years in construction Bubba knew the type. Dunstan said they had a little fun.

"Did Charles tell you we are into having a lot of fun?" Bubba asked. "So much fun it will blow your sox off?"

"Charles didn't mention any thing about sox," Dunstan said with a glint n his eye. Dunstan had a sense of humor.

"Well, Dunstan we have two options. We can chat and get to know each other, or we could also get naked and get to know each other by cock sucking. The choice is yours," Bubba said.

"Buck naked?" Dunstan asked. Bubba nodded. Dunstan exclaimed, "Hot damn!"

Dunstan wasn't any better looking naked than dressed, but he was much sexier. His cock was a soft seven inches and his huge balls hung lower than the cock.

Dunstan was not shy or timid. Liked porn a lot but hadn't had the opportunity to do it for real. He was born in a town in the far west of Virginia and with only 200 residents. The gay community was nonexistent. Dunstan was not well versed in the social graces and had no clue how to recognize other gay men.

He was willing to try just about anything. He soon was comfortable with Bubba and took direction well. I was sucking Charles

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