Uncle Vic

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 25, 2016



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Uncle Vic

Victor Malloy was my father's best friend. They weren't related by blood, but they were such close friends, and spent so much time together, that it was natural for me to call him Uncle Vic.

They met when I was about ten years old. My dad, Mitchel, got a new job on the assembly line of a computer chip manufacturing company, where Uncle Vic worked side by side with him. At the time, Dad was thirty-two years old, and Vic was twenty-six. As a ten year old, I didn't give it much thought, but looking back on it now, I realize what a handsome duo they were.

Two or three days a week, after they left the factory, they worked out in a gym. They were both very buff. Dad was six feet even, light brown hair worn long around his ears, brown eyes, long eyelashes, straight nose and a square chin. Vic was an inch shorter, sandy blond hair cut short, blue eyes, pug nose, roundish chin with a cleft, and the cutest dimples in each cheek.

I was too young to wonder what hung between their legs, but I did find out in later years. They were both uncut, and quite plumpish down there. My dad was four inches flaccid, and Vic was maybe a half incher longer. I never did get to see my dad hard, but I did see Vic hard. He was about seven and a half inches.

The two men had been hanging out together for about six months when Uncle Vic came to dinner for the first time. By this time they had become exceptionally good friends. Both were on the company's bowling, softball, and basketball teams. After their games they would often visit a bar together, and Dad would come home a little bit tipsy. But he was never nasty or abusive. He loved my mom and me very much.

At the time we first invited him to dinner, Vic was a bachelor, and he still is. When he came into the house, I liked him immediately. He brought me an action figure toy, and before dinner he bounced me on his lap. I was ten years old, and feeling rather grown up. My first impulse was to tell him I was too old for that stuff, but I really wanted to sit on his lap. I was very surprised at my feelings.

After that Vic came around a lot. Even if he didn't come for dinner, he and dad hung out in the living room, watching sports on TV. As a result, I became an avid sports fan. My mother, Ann, sat in another room reading the newspaper or a book.

Although neither of these body builders smoked, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer when I was thirteen years old. He was a pretty sick guy for the nine months before he died. Surgery and chemo debilitated him totally, so that he couldn't work. In order to support us, Mom got a job as a secretary in a law firm.

Uncle Vic became my surrogate father, which meant I was lucky enough to see a lot of him. He took me on camping trips, to professional ball games, to my own after school baseball games, and even to his company sporting events. He told me that my father had wanted him to look after Mom and me, and he took his caregiving seriously enough to attempt to take my father's place.

In high school, I became a party animal. I hung out with a fast crowd, and attended some very wild parties involving drugs and sex. Uncle Vic was really concerned about me. He didn't feel that he had the right to lecture me like my real dad would have done, but he spent many hours trying to convince me to take another route.

Somebody up there likes me, because I was indeed saved. By my junior year, I had grown two inches taller than my dad had been. I worked out a lot with Uncle Vic at his gym, and I really bulked up. To tell the truth, I think Uncle Vic dragged me to the gym to try to save me from my self-destructive activities.

I was accepted to my school's wrestling team. I would have been kicked off if my coach found out that I drank, smoked, or took drugs. I loved wrestling, and so I quit those unhealthy activities totally. I didn't give up my old friends. They actually gave me up. I guess I had become too nerdy for them.

I had Dad's sensuous brown eyes, good looks, and flirtatious ways. Girls came on to me all the time. I was surprised to find that I was disinterested in them. I knew enough to know that at sixteen and seventeen, this disinterest in girls was not natural. I also became aware that I never knew Uncle Vic to date women either. On the other hand, I never saw him show an interest in men. That was just as unnatural in a healthy thirty-three year old man, as was my disinterest in girls. There came a time a couple of years later, when I had the opportunity to talk to him about all this.

Uncle Vic and I continued to have a quasi-father/son relationship, and I stopped concerning myself with his private life, if indeed he had one.

Like all good `fathers' he drove me up to State when I started college. They had given me a partial wrestling scholarship, so Mom was able to cope with the expenses. I had a suspicion that Uncle Vic may have been helping out, but I was afraid to ask.

Vic drove up for my first match, and he and Mom drove up a few weeks later for parents' day. I was delighted. I couldn't wait to introduce them to my friends and teammates. Mom was so beautiful, and Uncle Vic was equally as handsome. One of the guys on my wrestling team couldn't take his eyes off him. I could see hunger in Ryan's eyes. I had long suspected that Ryan was gay. He never came on to me, or anything like that, but I suspected. If I were gay, I would have chalked it up to `gaydar.'

School was closed for Thanksgiving from the Tuesday before, to the Monday after the holiday. I was surprised when Uncle Vic called and told me that he was going to drive up Monday after work, and take me home Tuesday morning. Then he said he would drive me back to school on Sunday morning, and head home immediately. He figured he could be home by 8 PM. He asked me to book him a hotel room for Monday night.

"That won't be necessary, Uncle Vic," I said. "My roommate has a light schedule on Mondays, so he's skipping classes, and going home Friday afternoon after his last class. You can shack up in his bed in my room. It'll be fun. Like the camping trips we used to go on."

"That's great," Vic responded. "That'll give us a chance to catch up on things."

I wondered if I would have the nerve at last, to ask Uncle Vic about his sex preferences. Maybe he didn't know himself. I was certainly confused, and still in the dark about myself. I wasn't making it with boys or girls.

Monday afternoon I got back to my room after a strenuous practice session with my team. I was perspiring profusely, so I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower. I took my time, enjoying how the water was cleansing the sweat off my body, and out of all those open pores. I finally stepped out, dried myself, and wrapped the towel around my waist.

When I got back to my room, Uncle Vic was sitting on my bed, at least three hours early. As soon as he saw me, he jumped up. He could see the confusion in my face, so he muttered, "I was so anxious to be with you, that I left work early."

He grabbed me and pulled my near naked body to him. He embraced me, and I wondered if he could feel my package. I was embarrassed; I certainly felt his. I closed and locked my door. I still don't understand why I did that; lock my door, I mean.

"I just got back from wrestling practice and needed to take a quick shower." I explained my nakedness, which needed no excuses.

"Relax kiddo," Uncle Vic said. "I know I'm early and we have plenty of time before dinner. I'm going to take you out on the town, but it's early, and you can get dressed at your leisure."

I didn't know what to say so I just mumbled something about how nice it was to see him. I finally got relaxed about my nudity, and when we were silent for a little too long, Uncle Vic asked, "So kiddo, what's the girl situation here? Are you getting any nookie, or maybe I should ask if you are getting enough nookie?"

I was stunned. Uncle Vic and I had never had a discussion before about sexual matters. Maybe because I was so caught off guard, that I answered him a little too honestly; maybe a little too candidly.

"I'm not really getting anything, Uncle Vic. I'm too confused. I think I might be gay, but I'm not sure. I haven't been with anyone, male or female. I'm still a virgin. I'd give anything to test the waters, and see which way I drift, but I'm scared. How do you find out if you are straight or gay anyway?"

"I don't want you to think I'm belittling you in any way, Kevin, but I find it hard to believe that at eighteen you haven't figured it out yet. You know, kiddo, before he died, your dad begged me to mentor you, and direct you in any way I thought would be helpful to you. Now I'm sure he didn't have this in mind, but if you let me, I'd like to give you a taste of gay sex in the hope that I might help you make up your mind, and steer your life in what is the right direction for you."

I was more than stunned. I had sprouted the biggest boner I ever had in my life, and I knew I would say yes, but instead, I asked, "Are you gay, Uncle Vic?"

"Yes, Kevin, I am."

"Did my father know?"

"Yes. We never hid anything from each other. He told me that it made no difference to him. Does it make a difference to you, kiddo?"

"Good God, no. I love you, Uncle Vic, but I want to ask you a question. Promise to answer me truthfully."

"I've never lied to you, Kevin. I'm not about to start now."

"Did you and my dad ever make it together?"

"Kevin, your father loved your mother very much, but we made love every chance we got. We had something special between us. I loved your father and he loved me. I'll always cherish the time we had together."

Uncle Vic started to cry. I guess he loved and missed Dad more than I ever imagined. I wasn't sure what to do, so I sat up and took him in my arms. As I did that, my towel slipped off. He wrapped his arms around me, and we rocked back and forth, both of us crying a little.

"I love you too, Uncle Vic. Please make love to me."

"Yes, my darling Mitch. Of course I will."

Poor Uncle Vic was fantasizing that I was my father, and he called me, Mitch. He must have loved him so much. When I realized the extent of his love, I thought my heart would break.

As he began to undress, he motioned for me to lie down on my bed. I watched Vic as he shed his clothes. He realized that I was staring at him, and he slowed way down. It was as if he was doing a striptease for my benefit. At last he was naked, and I saw his uncut, extended prick. At that very moment, I knew; I was gay. All I could think of was taking him into my mouth and then into my ass.

I was so hard, my cock hurt. I glanced down to see that my cut rod was at least as big as Uncle Vic's. He climbed onto the bed and enveloped me totally in his strong, muscular arms. He made me feel so safe, like I was in a cocoon. He was lying on top of me, and yet he was weightless. His hard cock was jabbing at mine, and that was enough joy for me. I didn't even care if we went further, but of course, we did.

He placed his lips on mine, and for the first time in my young life, I experienced the joy of a loving, passionate kiss. His tongue parted mine, and our tongues caressed in a moist, saliva filled ecstasy. I was enjoying his love making so much that I was alarmed, no, hurt, when he stopped kissing my mouth, and began to work his way down my body. He suckled my ears, my neck, and my nipples. I shuddered when he was kissing them, and I begged him for more. He accommodated me, eventually working his way down to my navel. It was another source of eroticism.

Before he came near my cock, he licked the inside of my thighs. Without his touching me, I thought I was going to climax. I told him so, and he went right to my throbbing rod, taking most of it in his mouth. I could feel his tongue swabbing the underside of my shaft, as his lips pulsated on the outside perimeter. I went over the edge, and I blew hard. I could not remember ever having an orgasm that intense and that erotic. I thought it would never end; I was crying with joy.

"I love you, Vic," I sobbed.

"I love you more, Mitch," he answered me.

I didn't give a shit that at that moment he was fantasizing that I was his dead lover, my father. I just wanted to give him the same pleasure.

"Roll over on your back," I said, not realizing that I had taken charge and I was giving him orders. He did as he was told, and I proceeded to give him the same loving foreplay, as he had given me. It was difficult for me to linger very long licking his magnificent body. All I wanted to do was to devour his manhood, and bring him to the same ecstasy that he had brought me.

When at last, I reached his cock, I hesitated for just a second, and then I licked the underside. It tasted so sweet, so good, that I ventured to lick his crown. There was a bead of pre-cum on his slit, and when it touched my tongue, it reacted on me like a love potion. Finally I took as much of him as I could manage into my mouth. I ran my tongue up and down his manhood. I swear he was getting harder.

"I'm cumming," he yelled out as he began to spurt copiously into my mouth. His cum tasted like a vanilla shake to me, but I was sure that I felt that way only because I loved him so much. I continued to suck his cock, so that he had to push me away gently. Afterward, we lay side by side, holding hands. We turned to each other and started kissing.

"You were pretty good for a newbie, Kevin," he said to me. He was back with me, and called me Kevin.

"Thanks," I mumbled. After dinner will you teach me how to fuck?"

"Absolutely, but how do you feel about your sexual orientation, now that you have experienced some man sex?"

"Oh, Uncle Vic. I always knew that I was gay, but I guess I needed some convincing. I'm more than certain now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't wait for some after dinner sports."

"Neither can I. Now let's clean up, and we'll go to a five star restaurant to celebrate."

We got out of bed, wrapped towels around our waists, and went to the shower. I was surprised to find my teammate, Ryan Foley, there too. I guess he didn't expect to see anyone. He had a hard on, and was stroking himself gently, using soap as a lubricant. When he saw us he turned red as a beet, and stopped stroking.

"You don't have to be embarrassed by us," Uncle Vic laughed. "We both do what you were doing. Continue if you'd like." But Ryan was soft and shrunken by now, and he was not about to go about doing any further business. He recognized Uncle Vic from parents' day, and he stuck out his hand.

"Hi, Uncle Vic," he said. "Sorry, I never got your surname."

"Malloy," Vic answered simply, "but it's fine if you want to call me Uncle Vic."

"My uncle came to take me home for Thanksgiving, Ryan. We're leaving in the morning. When are you going home?" I asked.

"I'm hanging out here," he said. "I don't have any family."

Uncle Vic looked pained, and I guess I did too. Without giving it any thought, I asked. "Why don't you come home with us?"

I thought Uncle Vic would think it was a bad idea, but he surprised me and said, "Yeah, Ryan. Come home with us. We'd love to have you. Get dressed for dinner, and we'll all go out to celebrate."

"What are we celebrating?"

"Something wonderful," I said. "But it's a family thing, so don't ask."

"Are you sure about my going home with you? I don't want to impose."

"I assure you, you aren't going to be a bother," I said. "After all, we're team mates."

Ryan and I directed Uncle Vic to what we believed was the best restaurant in town. Neither of us had ever been to it, but we knew its reputation. I was in the passenger seat, and Ryan was in the back. He wasn't good at hiding his lustful desires for either of us. I had never seen him so happy and excited, and I decided to ask him point blank at dinner if he was gay. Actually I already knew the answer, but I wanted him to come out to me, so that I could come out to him. I wondered if Uncle Vic was also tuned into Ryan's sexual tension. I would ask him when we were alone.

As it turned out, I didn't have to ask Ryan anything. I began to realize that he must have some gaydar too, and had figured out that we were gay. We were waiting for our desserts, when he glanced back and forth at both of us, and said, "Uncle Vic, before I go home with you guys, there's something I have to tell you. After I do, you both might change your minds."

Uncle Vic took Ryan's hand and squeezed it in his. "I think I know already what you want to tell us. What I want to know is why you don't have family to go home to on Thanksgiving?"

Ryan appeared relieved that he didn't have to out himself to us, but he still looked sad.

"I came out to my parents before I left for school," he said. "I honestly didn't expect them to do what they did. They kicked me out and disowned me, along with emancipating me. I had my wrestling scholarship, and some money saved from summer jobs, so I'm OK for this year, but I'll need to get a good summer job, if I expect to get by next year and beyond."

I took hold of Ryan's other hand. "I've got a job at Burger King for winter break and next summer. When we get home, we'll see if we can get you a job too."

"That's great, but where will I stay?"

"Why, with us, of course. You can bunk in with me." After I said it, I realized that I only had a single bed in my room. It was queen sized, but still, I wasn't about to retract my offer.

By now, Uncle Vic had let go of Ryan's hand, but I realized that I was still holding and squeezing his other hand. I thought I should let go also, but I didn't feel like it.

Until now, I hadn't realized how blunt Uncle Vic was about sexual matters. He stared at Ryan, and just like that he asked, "Are you still a virgin, or have you slept with men? In other words are you gay or a wannabee?"

"I had a couple of encounters in high school, but `behind the wood shed' so to speak. They were quick and totally unsatisfactory. We were scared stiff that we would be caught."

Uncle Vic looked at me, and I knew instinctively what he was going to say. I wasn't sure if I was mad or glad.

"When we get back to the dorm, Ryan, why don't you pack what you need for the weekend, and bunk in with us tonight? That way, we can get an early start in the morning. I'd like to leave before dawn and have breakfast on the road."

Ryan smiled so broadly that his pearly white teeth lit up the whole restaurant. Perceiving what was ahead of him that evening, he put his head in his hands to hide his emotions, and whispered, "Thank you, Uncle Vic."

Vic and I weren't back in my room more than five minutes when Ryan knocked. All he had with him was a small knapsack. I was fully undressed and Uncle Vic was just removing his socks. It took Ryan a nanosecond to join us in our naked state.

I had admired Ryan's endowments in the locker room after a match or a practice session, but had never seen him hard. I wish I had known. He was a good eight inches of uncut cock, and very wide around. I was glad that Uncle Vic was smaller. My ass was virgin and Vic wasn't as threatening. Ryan and I had so much to look forward to tonight. I'm sure Uncle Vic was enjoying his new position as teacher and mentor.

When Ryan was naked, I couldn't restrain myself. I wrapped my arms around him, pushed my hard cock against his, and began to kiss him. When we came up for air, he whispered in my ear (I don't think that he wanted Uncle Vic to hear.) "I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. My dreams are coming true."

We resumed kissing, but broke it off when we heard Uncle Vic ask, "Would you two prefer to be alone?"

"No way," I said.

"Not on your life," Ryan shouted.

"Then let's get started and then get some sleep. We are getting up really early tomorrow morning." He handed condoms to Ryan and me, and had us put them on, but he himself lubed us both up. He lay down on one of the beds, put a pillow under his butt, and raised his legs.

"You go first, Kevin, he said to me. "Open me up good and wide for Ryan."

I positioned my cock at his ass, and he spread his cheeks. I gave a push to enter him, and slipped right in. Vic sighed and purred like a contented cat. He began to thrust his ass upward, and I instinctively stroked in and out.

"Don't stop until you cum," he ordered me. "When Kevin pulls out, go right in Ryan, and don't you stop until you cum either. I love this shit and can't get enough of it."

I couldn't exactly pull out as he had instructed. The orgasm I experienced was even more intense than the earlier blow job Vic had given me. When finally, I fell out of his ass, I had to lie flat on top of my uncle until I could breathe again. Ryan had to help me up, so he could enjoy what I had just enjoyed.

Ryan didn't go in as easily as I had, but our combined lubrication helped a lot. Unfortunately, he disappointed Uncle Vic by cumming too fast also.

"Now," Vic said. "Assume the position. I'm going to take your cherry, Kevin. How about you, Ryan, are you a virgin down there?"

"Afraid so," he whispered.

Ryan and I lay side by side on the bed as Uncle Vic put on a condom and lubed it well. I thought he would then lube our asses, but we got a pleasant surprise.

"I'm going to rim you boys before I enter you," he said. "I always like to do that as foreplay, but since it's your first time, I didn't want to gross you out by asking you to do it to me. You're going to love it."

I was first. When I felt Vic's tongue bathing my ass, and trying to enter the crack, I sighed and moaned with joy. Then he stopped, and I heard Ryan making the same noises I had made. He went back and forth like this for a long time. Finally, he put on a condom, and entered Ryan very slowly. He pumped Ryan for a while, and Ryan grunted and groaned.

I knew immediately why he chose Ryan's ass before mine. Uncle Vic wanted to unload in me. I gave him a mental kiss. That's exactly what he did.

When it was finally all over, the three of us lay exhausted, crunched up in one bed. Ryan and I kept slobbering Vic with kisses and thanking him profusely for the wonderful gift he had given us.

When we had all come back to earth, Vic slipped into my roommate's bed, leaving Ryan and me to sleep in my twin sized bed. It wasn't hard. We wrapped our arms around each other, crunched hard, body to body, and fell fast asleep.

The alarm clock woke us at 4:30 AM. We had very little to pack in the car, so we dressed, and we were out of there in a jiffy. Ryan and I wanted to help with the driving, but Uncle Vic insisted on doing it all the way home.

Mom made a wonderful traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The day was full of surprises for me, all of them good. The first surprise concerned Ryan and me. When I told my mom that Ryan was homeless, she immediately told him that our home was his home as long as he and I were still in school. When she told us that, I came out to her, and told her that Ryan meant a lot to me. She wasn't even surprised.

The next one occurred at the holiday dinner party. Uncle Vic arrived with another gentleman. He was a good five years younger than Vic, a very handsome Hispanic gentleman. Uncle Vic introduced Bert (Humberto) Lopez, and told us that they worked together. When he could, he pulled me aside. He told me that he and Bert had fallen in love, and although Bert could never take my father's place, he had finally found someone to settle down with. Better yet, Bert felt the same way. It appeared that I was soon to get a step-uncle.

The last to arrive was a good looking, older gentleman of about fifty. He was 6'3" tall, muscular, lean and drop dead gorgeous. His full head of hair was silver. His eyes were very light blue. When he shook my hand, he almost crushed it.

My mother should have warned me. I learned that Larry Somers was a new lawyer with mom's firm. He had been a single practitioner, who merged with Mom's larger firm very recently. His wife of twenty-five years had died a year ago, after a long and losing battle with muscular dystrophy. From the way he and Mom could not keep their hands off each other all afternoon, I surmised that I was also about to get a step-father.

I could not be more pleased for Mom and for Uncle Vic. I realized that if I didn't have Ryan, I might have become very upset, and felt abandoned. But the only thing I felt was contentment. I was happy just realizing that I had discovered myself, and that Ryan had come along as a bonus. I didn't care what anyone at the Thanksgiving table thought. I grabbed Ryan and kissed him full on the lips.

When Uncle Vic drove us back to school, he had time for a quickie with us, before starting for home. He said that he would pick us up for winter break, and advised us that this time Bert was going to accompany him...which meant no sex between us.

Ryan and I didn't care so much anymore. Now we had each other. We were bound together forever; committed to each other for an eternity.

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