Uncle Willard

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 27, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"No, no, it's true!" Mark responded to my incredulity. "It only works here in Lawndale, but it works!"

"I don't believe that!" I scoffed. "I've heard this all before, only it was called Bloody Mary.' You light a candle in a darkened bathroom room and look into a mirror and call her name...." When you're a kid, you and your friends share such stories all the time, sort of a bonding ritual.

"This is different, Jim." Mark seemed to decide if he told it all to me a second time, it'd sound better the second time around. "You have to wait until exactly ten o'clock at night. You have to do it in your bedroom and it needs to be completely black, only a single candle light in front of you in the mirror. You look at the candle light's reflection in the mirror and say, Uncle Willard' three times in a row and then blow out the candle. If you do it right, then Uncle Willard comes into the room with you. You can hear him in the room with you. He'll be in there with you until you turn on the light, when he'll vanish. But if you do it right, you can see him just before he vanishes on you."

"What happens if you don't turn on the light?" I wanted to know.

"I dunno." Mark said.

"Have you ever summoned up Uncle Willard?"

"Nu-uh!" Mark denied vehemently. "But Todd and Gregg did it, and they said that when they turned on the light, they saw him before he vanished, standing in the room with them.

"What did he look like?"

"Just like he did before he died. Uncle Willard is said to have died in his bed, and nobody could find any reason why. He was only thirty-two when he died, and in perfect health. He was wearing a pair of striped pajama bottoms and he was reaching for them when they turned on the light. If they'd waited another couple of seconds, he would have grabbed Todd!"

"I don't believe it." I said, but maybe hearing it a second time and in more detail had done it for me.

"Why would they make it up." Mark said. "I figured since your family has only just moved to town, you should know about Uncle Willard."

"I guess so." I decided to be charitable, Mark was just being friendly. "You want to play another game of Battleship?" It's what we'd been playing when the story of Uncle Willard came up.

"I got to get home." Mark said. "Mom gets mad if I'm not home when she gets there, so I'd better go." One reason Mark had come home with me at all was that he was a latchkey kid, on his own until his mother got home at six-fifteen, and it was now almost six o'clock.

That left me all alone (not counting Mom, and Dad who got home at six-thirty) for the rest of the evening. I played computer games and watched television. But as my bedtime rolled around, nearing ten o'clock, I found myself thinking about this silly game. I'd tried "Bloody Mary" and nothing had happened. Still...it was something to do before I got in bed. What did I have to lose.

Ten o'clock was my bedtime so I had to get ready when Mom came in to check on me just before then. So I was in my bed wearing just my briefs like always when Mom came in. She offered me a bedtime story and while I let her tell me one now and then, I said no this time and she nodded, kissed me on my forehead and went out, turning out the light.

When she did, I hopped out and checked the time. Less than five minutes, and I had to do this right at ten o'clock. I pulled out the candle and the matches which I'd lifted from the kitchen pantry and set it up on my bedroom dresser. Striking the match and lighting the candle, I then pulled my night light out of the plug. My room had only a small window and there wasn't any light coming through the heavy curtains there, I had a night light so I wasn't in total darkness, but this time, it was going to work for me. So when ten o'clock, it was just me, the candle in front of my bedroom dresser with the mirror on top of it, and I waited until the second hand on my clock swept toward the number 12. Right when it did, I looked into the candlelight in the mirror and I said very carefully, "Uncle Willard, Uncle Willard, Uncle Willard." And I blew out the candle.

And waited. Nothing. "Uncle Willard? Are you there?" Looking around at the blackness, listening intently.

Nothing. That figured.

I fumbled for the night light then, but couldn't find it. To heck with it, I could sleep in the dark for one night, find it in the morning. I felt my way to the bed and crawled in.

I should have known better than to think this Uncle Willard would magically appear when I called his name. Those things never work!

I was getting settled into bed when I felt my covers being pulled back. "Mom?"

No answer. The covers went all the way over to against the wall and I was uncovered. "Who...who's there?"

I felt then the bed shift. Someone was getting into bed with me. I scooted over against the wall, getting out of the way and felt the form as it got into bed alongside me. I didn't get it! Who was this? It couldn't be.... "Uncle Willard?"

"Shhh!" came the soft voice in response. A definitely male voice.

"Dad?" I asked.

"No." was the voice, soft as a whisper.

"Uncle Willard?" I asked again.


"I didn't think you existed." I breathed. "Is it really you?"


"I can't believe you're real." I marveled, too astonished to be afraid. Then I felt a hand reach over and slide up my stomach and chest. Feeling me with hands that were strong, a bit rough-feeling, but gentle. It slid up until it found my neck, my chin, my cheek. Uncle Willard slid closer to me, and I felt his body touching me all the way up and down on that side. Then he snuggled closer and one leg came up and nuzzled itself between my legs, his knee touched me on my inner thigh just below my nuts.

"You're not wearing pajama bottoms." I noticed. "Mark said you wore pajama bottoms when he saw you. Or his friends saw you."

"Took them off." came the soft, sighing, male voice. He shifted, moving in closer to me, and I realized he was totally naked. I felt his prick touching my outer leg and his leg between mine now moved to all the way across my body. His face must have been only inches away from mine.

"Oh. Okay."

His hand on my cheek slid back down and touched me on my own briefs, the sole item of clothing between us. "Take them off." his breath caressed my ear. His lips must be so very close.

"I don't know." I hesitated.

His lips now touched my cheek, kissing me, and his hand at my briefs began to reach into them. Inside the waistband, and I gasped. His fingers, so strong, prickly with callouses, were touching my prick! I held still, not believing it, as he caught hold of my entire cock and balls and cupped them, rubbing on them.

"Oh, oh, ooohhhh!" I gasped and his cock on my leg hardened and warmed, like a fiery pole burning my thigh. Feeling his hand on my prick made me feel okay with reaching for his. When I did, touching in on one side, he moaned and shifted his body so that I could wrap it completely in my hand.

"Gosh, that's a big one!" I told Uncle Willard. "I never felt one this big before!" My sole prior experience had been when I was six years old, so I didn't have a lot to compare it with.

His hand had rubbed me all nice and hard, and then he began to tug at my brief's waistband. I moaned and helped him slide them down my body. When they went over my feet (now up in the air) and I lowered them back down, Uncle Willard grabbed me in earnest and rolled me over to on top of him.

I got a real feel of his body then. Big, strong, powerful. My Dad is a nice guy, but he's kind of rounded and tubby all over, not like this. This was raw muscle, the sort of man I wanted to be when I grew up! "Ooh, Uncle Willard." I groaned when I settled in, my legs were on either side of his waist, and felt his dong sliding up between my buttocks. "Ooh, this feels so good!"

His cock felt so...slimy. Like it was rubbed all over with gooey stuff. I couldn't understand it, it had been dry before.

His hands clasped me on both legs, and I felt my lower body being lifted up, my buttocks spreading out. His cock was touching me in a place I hardly ever got touched, and the skin there was so delicate and soft, and his prick was equally soft and velvety-like, and warm, so warm, it all felt so good!

I felt the cockhead touching me right at my butthole, and I gasped. It felt even better, the skin there was the most sensitive of all, and it was alive with the feel of his prick kissing my ass, the warm feel of this strong body under mine, my body riding on his chest.

Uncle Willard kissed me again and in that kiss' warmth, I felt his cock pressing itself into my ass. I gasped at first, but the pain wasn't that much, and it was more than made up for from the warmth and strength and vitality I was feeling all around me, and the cock as it wended its way into me, began to feel better and better!

"Oh, oh, Uncle Willard!" I moaned. "This is so good, so good!" I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to have this strong dong driving deep into me.

Uncle Willard rolled both of us over, and I was on my back and my legs were around Uncle Willard's waist, the powerful tool ramming into me all the way to the base.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!" Uncle Willard's soft tone hovered over me. "Good, so good!"

"Yeah, so good!" I groaned. "Do it some more, Uncle Willard. It feels great!"

Uncle Willard began to fuck me then, moving his strong hips back and forth, movements that plunged his cock in and out of me and every stroke was like liquid joy that poured into me and through up and I moaned and held to his arms with my hands and I moaned, cried out, loving the hot feel of him, the ecstasy that raced through me. "Oh, oh, Uncle Willard, yes, yes!"

His hips moved in a rippling motion, almost fluid and the motions sent his prong touching me inside in a way that was very special, one part of my insides was feeling the same as my dick did when I touched it. No wonder the feeling of his dick inside me was driving me wild!

I felt the pleasure I usually felt when I played with myself, only I wasn't even touching myself, it all all coming from Uncle Willard's movements inside my ass. I wanted this to last forever, all the time, let it never end! "Oh, Uncle Willard, I... I.... I...."

And my body shook from the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt. The climaxes you get as a child aren't as intense as when you get older, but this one was right up there with the ones you have as a grown-up, and it completely overwhelmed me. I was yelling like crazy and shivering hard as I felt my fingertips sink into Uncle Willard's biceps.

And Uncle Willard moaned in that soft sound that seemed to be all he could make and he shoved his dong in to the hilt and held it there andI felt a hot rush of spunk pouring into my ass. The feel of that jizz flooding my bowels made my own climax cling to me, extending it while Uncle Willard groaned and gasped on top of me and he finished and sank down and held me tight and we kissed....

And the door to my room opened and I saw Uncle Willard in that moment.

Big, strong, handsome, just like he'd felt. Light brown eyes, pale blue eyes, soft, regular features that bit at my very soul, he was such a big, beautiful man. Uncle Willard looked into my eyes with an expression of extreme sadness, and then, he melted away as the door opened further, flooding more light into the room.

"Jim? Jim, are you... Heavens!"

I was lying on the bed alone, stark naked and uncovered. Mom was appropriately embarrassed and confused. She stammered and blushed and closed the door again, fled. I'd hear about this tomorrow, one way or another but I'm sure what I would hear wouldn't be anything about the man I'd conjured up by using a candle and a mirror.

With that comfort firmly in mind, I covered myself up and went to sleep. Tomorrow night, I'd have to be sure to keep quiet while Uncle Willard was visiting me! Maybe then, he could stay with me all night long.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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