Under Cover

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 11, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Damn, it's ten o'clock at night and still so freaking hot. The pavement of the streets and sidewalks is radiating heat like a furnace. You have to be sick to stay in the city in the summer if you can possibly get out between June and August. Poor people, for example, including practically all the city's criminal element, can't afford to do anything but sweat it out. Minimum-wage workers, housekeepers, gas jockeys, sales clerks and office sweepers, mixed in with drug addicts, winos, prostitutes, hustlers, pimps, pushers and shoplifters, and living right in there in the middle of them, is me. The heat turns people mean, they fight and scream at each other in a constant high-pitched noise that drifts down over the noises of the street traffic and the occasional whir-whir-whir of an ambulance or a police siren in the middle distance.

Me, I'm a police officer, rank of sergeant, but I don't wear stripes on my sleeve, nor even the midnight-colored uniform of the policeman on the beat. I wear the same crappy gear as the others around me. I work undercover and haven't made a bust in all the years I've been out here. My job is to blend in, fit in, sell a few drugs, run a few money drops, and relay all the information I can to the detectives. They use it to troll for the bigger fish instead of all the minor minnows. Of course, this time of year, the big fish are all in cooler waters instead of the sauna that is the city. But I have to stay, even though I am mostly running through the motions instead of doing any good. It can fucking wear you out, you know?

I sold some uppers to some college kids and with nearly five hundred dollars in my pocket (my supplier would get four hundred of it as payment for the supply of the uppers; the police would get the other hundred when I made my report and turned over the evidence and collected my paycheck), I decided to get out of that stinking alley and into a cool place for a while. Mike's beckoned to me with its gold and red neon sign, I couldn't sell anything there, but long as I stuck to being a legitimate customer of his, I could sit, cool off in the air-conditioned interior, drink a cold beer, and pretend for a little while I was just an ordinary guy at the end of a hard working day. Only problem with this illusion is, at only ten o'clock at night, my work was barely begun.

I had finished half my beer (I allowed myself only one a night, enough to be seen drinking but not enough to lose control) and looked up with the mug up to my lips and damned near choked! Tony Maccaro was sliding into the other side of my booth. Next to him was one of his goons, and the other one slid in next to me and I hastily scooted over. I wasn't friends with Tony, nobody was. You were either one of his gang (which I was, in a very minor role), one of his customers, or one of his enemies. He didn't allow anyone to fit into a fourth category, unless you count someone who had never met him; if you had, the best you could hope for was to be classed as an enemy, minor and unimportant, in which case he'd ignore you and let you live.

"Hey, Big Benny!" he greeted me. I didn't know he knew my street name, even!

"Hey, Tony Mac." I returned with his. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hey, can't a man sit with one of his buddies and talk?"

"Of course they can." I said. "But I didn't think you knew me from Adam the Ant, though."

He laughed a little too easily. "I heard of you, Big Benny, and remembered you, in case I needed you."

I lifted my mug of beer to my lips to hide my consternation. If Tony Mac needed me and only me, this was big, damned big! I could end up in his inner circle, even, instead of hovering around the edges. I could get the information that would break his entire ring open wide! "So," I said as I lowered it. "As I said before, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I need your special talents with a little problem I'm having."

I leaned forward, the epitome of eager small-time hood who has a chance to join the big-time. Which I was, sort of. "I'm listening."

"I've got a business associate who's forgetting the terms of his engagement." Tony Mac put to me. "This includes his failing to report all the income he has gathered on my behalf. Now while I don't mind a person treating himself to a little extra now and then, his percentage has become persistent and alarmingly below par. I don't have to tell you how distressing this can be for a person in my position."

"I can understand that." I agreed. I'd been carefully honest in my own dealings with Tony Mac, he was my supplier and I felt his willingness to advance the product and wait to be paid out of the sales most beneficial to any small-time hood. If I were some poor sap with no future and no funds instead of an undercover policeman, the chance to work for Tony Mac would have been quite irresistible to me.

"So I need to convince him of the error of his ways, in a manner that will make him reluctant to wander from his contract in future. I don't wish to remove him from my employ entirely, for he is a most effective and lucrative associate, but he must understand that our terms of his employment are not subject to unilateral change."

"And you want me to help convince him." I said. "But I don't see why your own men can't provide the muscle." It was obvious that Tony Mac wanted me to help him mess up a cheating hood. And while I wasn't a weakling, he had muscle and to spare in the two oversized goons which flanked us like a pair of bookends.

"You have a unique attribute that will come in most handy in this particular instance." Tony Mac said. "Of course, if you feel you can't handle it, I will be disappointed."

Meaning he would drop me as one of his pushers, meaning I would be back on the streets and unable to pay for the drugs I was supposed to be using myself. I had my "habit" under control and was more than happy to do anything Tony Mac wanted in order to keep my supply coming.

So I sighed and said, "Of course I would be happy to do whatever you need of me, Tony Mac." I was going to have to beat the crap out of some guy here, do him some damage. If I didn't, I could kiss two years of steady living the life of a junkie good-bye. I would "move to Chicago" and show up on the streets again in a new neighborhood all clean-cut and in a uniform, writing speeding tickets to suburban motorists.

"Then come with me and we shall bring my associate back into line."

I got up and went with him into his limousine. The heat outside slammed me like a hammer, but the limousine was pre-cooled and I dove into the coolness like it was a pool. Much cooler than the bar, almost refrigerator-like. Tony Mac lived the life royal, that was for sure. He offered me a drink and I broke (well, bent) my policy and accepted it. I felt I was going to need it. The drink was a Scotch, and a damned fine one. I gave a murmur of appreciation and then said, "Now that we are presumably alone, may I ask who we are visiting and what you want me to do when we get there?"

"It's The Block." Tony Mac meant James Bloch, a/k/a The Block, a big, mean mother who worked as a pimp and small-time pusher. With the four girls under his "protection," he was one of Tony Mac's more successful employees, as Tony Mac had said.

"And what am I supposed to do to The Block?" I said, more than a little nervous. "I mean, you know he can kick my ass without half trying."

"That's why my two friends are along." Tony Mac assured me. "I need you to deliver the coup de grace, so to speak."

"Which would be?"

"I have been told how you got the handle of Big Benny." Tony Mac said. "I trust I wasn't misinformed when I was told that you have a rather...substantial endowment."

Back in my earliest days on the street as an undercover rookie, I'd tried to show my machismo by taking a leak in the alley next to some pushers. They took a look at my best friend as I was taking my whiz, and began to spread the word. "I got eleven inches when it's hard." I admitted. "But what's that got to do with bringing The Block back into line?"

"Benny, Benny." Tony Mac shook his head. "You have to know your associate's weaknesses. You have a habit, so I know how to handle you if I need to. It's the same with The Block. I know what I need to do to make him regret crossing me, it's that simple."

I considered The Block as best I knew him. Big, brassy man, bragged about his talents with the ladies, how he "broke them in" before turning them out as his whores. About the only thing he'd be afraid of was... "You want me to...."

"Give The Block a taste of his own medicine. Break him in the way he breaks in his women, make him squeal. My boys will hold him down for you. All you got to do is ram him but good."

Whoa! Punching on a guy isn't a fly-speck on what Tony Mac had planned for The Block. And I was to be the dick that did it. "You sure about this?"

Tony Mac just smiled. "The Block has said time and again that any man who gets butt-fucked is no longer a man. I just want you to give him the best damned butt-fucking he's ever had. His girls will make sure all his friends know about it. It ought to make him less arrogant in future, don't you think?"

"Yeah." I said and gulped.

Understand my position here. Policy for an undercover cop is to not blow your cover. Minor crimes, and even some not-so-minor, are all par for the course, permitted to the cop because not to commit them is considered a graver blow to justice. If we could get enough evidence to take down Tony Mac, we could wrap up a couple of dozen murders, stop an organization that was responsible for all kinds of mayhem, and put a massive dent even in the drug traffic. I had spent too long getting myself to this position, the chance to get close to Tony Mac, to ruin it just because I wasn't willing to shove my prong up a not-so-willing ass.

The Block was in his apartment, secure in his supremacy, with his current favorite girl dressed in some white wisps of nothing much. He had set up this apartment for his clientele to come to and his girls to return to, he sat there with his wide-screen television and his massive lounging couch, all sprawled out like a massive, muscular tiger. Air conditioning again washed over me like a blessing, which was good, as I was going to need it.

"Hello, Block." Tony Mac said as he entered just behind the two goons, me all but invisible behind them.

"Tony Mac." he said, waving an expansive hand. "Come, sit down, make yourself comfortable. Maybe I could call in one of my girls for you? Or would you like Lawanda here?" Lawanda, the favorite, was smart enough to do nothing more than smile alluringly.

"It is not Lawanda who is to spread her legs today." Tony Mac said and he stepped aside. "You know Big Benny?"

"I know him." The Block's tone said he had no idea why I was there and given such a role.

"You're going to get to know him better."

The Block looked his query.

"People who cross me always have to pay the penalty. You know that, don't you, Block?"

"I haven't crossed you, Tony...."

"Shut up!" Tony Mac went, as he always did, I knew, from instant polite circumlocutions to direct fury. "You think I don't know my own business, Block? You think I don't know how much you take in, how much of that is mine, how much you been holding back on me?"

The Block cowed in fear, as well he should, for the goons were holding pieces on him in case he decided to act brave. "Tony Mac, I got the money, I can get it for you...."

"Of course you will, Block." Tony Mac went directly back to nice again. "Of course, there's the penalty to pay as well."

"I don't know how much more I can get for you."

"It's not money you'll be paying, Block. That wouldn't work on you. You'd send your whores out for cheap tricks until you got it back. Maybe some weirdo would pay for a girl to snuff, even, like Lawanda here. No, when you pay a penalty, it has to hurt. It has to hurt bad. If money would do it, I'd take money. But since it won't, that's why Big Benny is here."

The Block still didn't get it.

"You're going to need to drop your trousers, so Big Benny can administer the penalty." Tony Mac said, now like a stern schoolteacher.

The Block looked at me and I made as if to undo my pants zipper. Now he got it. "Oh, God!" he breathed.

One hand tried to dig between the cushions and a goon calmly put a bullet into the seat cushion next to his hand, and he jerked it back.

"You want to do it here, or in your bedroom, Block?" Tony Mac asked him.

The Block was now working his mouth without sound, eyes wide, like a fish in the bottom of your boat after being caught. He was...no doubt about it...scared shitless. "No." he got out.

"Not your choice here. Now get up and drop your trousers and turn around. I figure if you kneel on your couch, Big Benny here can have the best control on how he gets it into you. Now, if you want to struggle instead, he can mess you up more. That is your choice."

The Block chose to struggle, and the goons moved in with quiet efficiency. While one grappled with him, the other fished his piece out of the couch so he couldn't get to it, then checked quickly for others. Finding none, he helped his fellow goon take him on down.

"Go on, Big Benny." Tony Mac said to me. "You get to strip him and make him yell."

The Block was squirming and yelling loudly. Lawanda had fled ignominiously from the scene, maybe to fetch the police. I had a flash of them breaking in just in time to see me plunge my cock into his unwilling ass. Then suppressed it, because as bad as that would be, being found out by Tony Mac as a policeman was worse.

I concentrated on getting his belt undone and his pants down. He hadn't been wearing anything more than slippers over socks on his feet, I could ignore those, they'd fall off with the trousers. Once I got them down.

The Block was face down and helpless under the goon's holds, though he was bucking them about rather alarmingly. The muscled body flexed under his muscle shirt, his grunts of struggle could have been grunts of desire. I got his pants undone at last and peeled them down. Underneath was a pair of buns with deep dimples, nearly a pair of back-to-back L's as he clenched and squirmed and whimpered to escape.

As I wangled those chinos off his form, he fought me every step of the way, if clenching your thighs together, pressing your knees down to the floor, and trying to grip bare fabric with your toes is fighting, and when I peeled them off, leaving him with only his muscle shirt and socks to cover his massive form, he whined, "Oh, God, man, no, please, no, please!"

"You shouldn't have crossed me, Block." Tony Mac said with faint sympathy. "All you had to do was be happy with your percentage and we wouldn't be here now."

"Please, don't let him do this, please!" I'm not sure who The Block was directing that to. "Please, I can't take it, I can't."

I undid my own pants in quiet meditation. My dong was going to hurt a virgin, no doubt about that. "I'm going to need to lube this up if I'm going to get it into this tight ass." I said.

"A place like this, there ought to be a tube of lube in every drawer." Tony Mac said. "You got some butt lube in here, Block?"

The Block just whimpered.

"If you got it, you better speak up." I advised. "If I can't grease up this monster, it has to go in you raw."

"Over by the fireplace." The Block whispered hoarsely.

"You see? The Block can be reasonable when he has to." Tony Mac went and fetched the tube. "Here you go, Big Benny. I don't care how you fuck him. Long as he gets fucked, totally fucked, by a dude, I'm satisfied. Hell, maybe he will be, too!" And Tony and his goons laughed rather nastily.

I stroked my dong with the lube, wasting the contents of the small tube liberally over it. This poor sap was going to need all the help he could get.

Done, I had my cock as taut as it was going to get. One of the goons saw it and said to his mate, "Shit! You see that dong! Man, that thing belongs on a mule!"

His friend snorted. "Hell, mules don't have dicks! You mean a horse. Or maybe an elephant." He stared at my tool admiringly.

The Block tried to peer back, but the goons held him in place. "You don't want to see this." one of them crooned to him soothingly. "Better you don't know."

Their banter had one good effect, my cock hardened under their adulation. That let me press it up and into the crevice of those tight buttocks. I pressed his button in the middle and The Block gasped. "Oh, God! Oh, God, no, no!"

"Come on, Big Benny, he's not going to like it any better for you being slow about it." Tony Mac said. "Push it on in and break him wide open. Anything after that is going to be much easier, what with the blood making your insides slippery. Your girls could tell you all about that, couldn't they? When you break them in, them screaming and trying to fight you off. You remember that, don't you, how you laugh and make them moan and beg for more, don't you? You're going to beg for more when Big Benny gets it in you." Tony Mac looked up at me. "Won't he?"

"He sure will." What else could I say? What else could I do? Years of work depended on me shoving it into The Block's ass. You know going in as an undercover cop you're going to have to do things you don't want to do. This was just one of those times. At least I wasn't sticking a shiv in him, hoping I could arrange to not hit any vital organs, then make an anonymous call to get him to an ambulance in time to save his life. A happy expedient occurred to me. "You know, Block, they say that the men who are most afraid of sex with another man are the ones who want it the most. Not afraid of the pain. Afraid that they're going to like it."

The Block whined again and his ass gave a sort of convulsion, and I took the chance and gave my prong a shove into him. I got the glans most of the way inside before he recovered and his ass started pushing me back out again.

No other choice for it, I fought back against his expulsion and when he stopped pushing, I shoved into him again. Now my glans popped inside and The Block moaned.

"That's it, Big Benny, make him feel that big dong of yours." Tony Mac practically drooled. "I want him to feel totally taken, totally owned by you. Take him, master him, make him your bitch, Big Benny. That's what he is, he's your bitch, Big Benny. Make your bitch squeal!"

The Block moaned again and I gave another shove. I was hurting him, but I didn't feel any blood. The human anus is surprisingly flexible, or not so surprising when you remember the size of the turds you squeeze out of them sometimes. With all the lube I had on my schlong, he didn't have to feel anything more than violated here. Which would make Tony Mac happy.

"Come on, Block." I said to him. "Take my dong. It can feel good if you let it feel good." I shoved my prong in deeper and he groaned. "Feel that?" I said though I wasn't sure I'd gotten it in that deep. "That's your prostate gland being brushed by my cock. If you let it, it can make you glad to have me inside you, Block."

"No, no, no!" The Block grunted. But I shoved again and this time, when The Block moaned, it didn't sound the same way. Maybe I was working his prostate after all.

The goons noticed. "Big boy is throwing himself a boner." one of them chuckled. "Getting himself a big old hard-on."

"He sure is." the other agreed. "Guess this macho man likes being a man's bitch."

"He ought to go turn himself in, get all the action he wants in prison, he can."

"Get to fucking him." Tony Mac ordered. "I want him to really feel it." I think he was regretting letting me use the lube on The Block.

So I began to fuck The Block a good deal harder. The Block moaned and grunted and groaned. One of the goons was working his dong, I could just tell from the angle of his arm and how he was moving it rapidly back and forth. Making The Block's cock join in on this. Making him love it.

For The Block was proving that theory about the source of gay scorn to be true, at least in his case. He hated the thought because he craved it, and now he was getting it. I felt his ass begin to milk at my cock, relaxing eagerly as I drove my prod into him, clenching tightly as I pulled it out. And his moans were now undeniably those of passion.

"He's your bitch now, isn't he, Big Benny?"

"He sure is." I agreed, panting now from the exertion. I was getting into this despite myself, though shooting my wad into him was going to be mandatory anyhow. I was feeling my delight building up inside me anyhow, that was the surprising part. I'd thought I was going to have to fantasize and screen out the situation and do a hundred other tricks to make it through. Instead, I had a big, hot, hunky man who was getting my pud driven deep into him and he was begging me for more with every sound he made.

"We don't have to hold this guy no more." one of the goons said. "He's not struggling any more."

"He'd struggle if we tried to stop Big Benny from nailing him." the other agreed.

"Wonder if he'll come even without me jerking him?"

"Why not find out?"

"Come on, Big Benny, finish this and let's get the hell out of here." Tony Mac growled. "This ain't no love feast, you know."

I was far enough gone in my own passion to have no problem complying. I began to hump The Block hard and fast and The Block's groans of pleasure turned into growls, and raised in volume up to roars.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The Block yelled at the end. "Oh, God, I can't fucking believe it, I'm coming, I, OH, AAH, AAH, AAH, AHHH, GAHH-HUH-UH-GUHHHNNNNHHH!"

And The Block was squirting and his ass clenched on my cock and I hit my own peak from the intense pressure that applied to my dong! "AH-AH-GUH-HUH-NNNNUUUHHH!" I groaned and I pumped my jizz into The Block's butt and it squirted out around my shaft and sprayed me in return. The goons were cheering me on as I blasted my load into The Block's hot bowels and then it was done and I was sagging and only hands on The Block's waist held me upright, me huffing and blowing hard.

"Damned good fuck!" one of the goons cheered me.

"Made him cream even when he didn't want to!" the other added. "Made him love having you prong him. He's going to be your pussy now whenever you want him!"

I grinned a feeble grin of victory. I'd done it, fucked a man's ass on orders from a gang lord, as punishment for his unfaithfulness.

"All right, we done what we came to do, let's get out of here." Tony Mac declared. "Let's get moving. Block, you remember this the next time you try holding out on me."

I was taken by Tony Mac back to the bar and let out. I figured I'd started something good here, with Tony Mac ready to trust me with more duties in his organization, I would worm my way into some real information.

Well, it didn't turn out that way! I went to turn in my week's haul and Tony Mac's henchman who supplied me told me that Tony Mac didn't want me dealing for him anymore! No explanation, no nothing. I guess I wasn't supposed to leave The Block begging for more after all!

Nothing for it, I was out of commission as an undercover cop. I went in, got reassigned, and ended up as I'd feared, writing tickets for speeders and red-light-runners. It wasn't a total loss in some way (undercover cops can end up very nasty, addicted to heroin or dead in an alley), but I felt like my career was over before it was well-begun.

Until this afternoon, some two months later, that is. I pulled over a Porsche that had blown two red-lights in rapid succession.

"License and registration, please." I said to the driver. "Do you know how fast you were going?"

The driver was wearing sunglasses, but he took them off and revealed his face. "I've been a bad boy, haven't I, Officer?"

"Uh...yeah!" I stammered upon seeing that face.

"You should really teach me a lesson." he continued. "How about eight o'clock, at Parson's?"

"All right." I said.

"Thanks." And The Block drove off and I was left staring after him. Parson's is a gay bar well outside Tony Mac's territory. Not the sort of place where Tony Mac would set up a hit. I didn't even know enough about him to make me dangerous to him.

So...Should I go?


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