Under His Wifes Nose

By ozzalone65

Published on May 20, 2020


This is a tale based off a character that I have had in a few stories. Tony. I have decided to create stories all about this fucking I credible man. This guy that I have had a few awesome encounters with at work and my place. This hot married man that really knows how to bang ass.

Again this guy is still supposedly straight. But willing to play from my experience. Enjoy.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Under his Wife's Nose (2)

... It was 2 days later when I saw Tony again. Again I was sitting in the lunch room. I was playing in my phone and eating. So for the most part just sitting there minding my own business. I saw a few others in the large room also eating and such. Then I was taken by a manly voice as he spoke to someone in the room. I glanced up to a very hot ass at the microwaves. The guy was in t-shirt that fit him well. Then I noticed the tattoo on his very nice arm

"That looks familiar" I said to myself

Then the guy turned and I saw it was Tony. It was the guy from the other day. Damn he looked pretty good. His face had a bunch of stubble on it, so he hadn't shaved it. It made him look better too. Still kind of dorky. But less so. And his semi baritone voice was kind of sexy. And then as he talked to another guy in the room. He turned while he waited for his food to heat up. He sat against the counter and crossed his legs at the ankles.

"Holy fuck!" I mouth as I looked at him. "Look at his fucking crotch" "Fuck me!"

I was now staring at it. As Tony stood there I stared at his big and full crotch. The jeans Tony had on were a bit snug on his body. Especially around his fantastic crotch. I grabbed my phone and quickly snapped a picture of his as he stood there talking. He was about 15 or so feet away and I hoped the camera click on my phone wasn't too loud. But he did look over in my direction as I fiddled with my phone. I quickly made like I was playing something on it and tapping my fingers on the screen. Anything so he did not wonder what I was doing. I glanced back a moment layer as the microwave beeped. My mouth opened in awe as I gazed at the big full crotch bulge. Those jeans sure as Hell were a blessing on him. I was feeling a pushing below at my crotch as I stared at him still standing there. Just the way his crotch looked as he leaned against the counter. How there just to the one side was the big full pouch of his equipment. I pondered how big he was as I gazed at his crotch.

"Bet its a nice big fucker" I huffed under my breath "Would sure love to just shove my face into that bulge though"

I then saw him get up and grab his food. Then he went over to sit with a few other people. I lost my grand viewing of his big crotch so I grabbed at my phone again. I clicked to my images and there he was a big beautiful lump of trapped dick. I had to reach down to my crotch when I saw no one was looking as the image on my phi e had me so damned horny. Readjusting my growing hard on. I ended up staying late fir lunch and knew i would have to stay late for work. I was not about to get up and have people see me with a problem. Especially Tony. And as he got up from his meal and walked off, I see his crotch again. He glanced over at me and I swear he winked at me. But I then figured it was me in my horned up state of seeing his crotch. This guy that I hadn't really noticed much was now simply the most delicious guy in the building. Or at least his crotch was. His face still was not the best as even with the shadowy growth on it, his face still looked a bit off. But then again I was not looking at his face. Certainly I wasn't during lunch.

"Shit, fuck!" I grumbled when I got back to my desk. "I can't stop thinking about that bulge" "Fucking fantastic!"

I ended up going back to my phone and pulling up the picture of him I grabbed earlier. Opining up the hotter than hot image of him as he was leaning against the counter. Of how totally face full delicious it looked as he stood there. I again felt myself getting hard again. And even more so as I flicked my phone to zoom in in the image. His awesome crotch growing in the small screen. I swear it made me thing of that group that was a hit back in the 70's. The Village people. If any one remembers the construction worker and that beautiful bilge he had in his jeans. That's what I was looking at in the image of Tony. And I was hornier as a rabbit in heat for him. I had to sometime later actually go jerk off in the bathroom stall as my dick needed release from my complete lust filled desire for this guy I worked with. I tried quietly to pump my raging boner as I sat there om the toilet at work. Pausing whenever someone walked in until I could finish and push out my dump.

"Fuckk!" I softly sighed as it was finally out "I wish I could fucking just shove my face into his crotch one day"

The next few weeks were more of the same. I was okay unless I saw the man of my drooling desire. Lucky for me we did not work in the same department and I only saw him in the lunch room when we were there at the same time. So I was able to avoid many horny days when I saw him only 40 percent of the time. But it was that 40 percent that was bad for me. For the more I saw Tony the hornier I got for him. And he seemed to get hotter with each encounter I had with him. Full bearded as of late.

"Oh God. Fuck mee Tony!" I chirped in the bathroom one day. Calling out his name as I whacked off My cock to another fun dump into the toilet.

"But at least we don't talk much" I said to myself

I did have that. Save for our first meet some time back when my boss took me to meet the guys in the shipping area, we never really talked. Just a hi or nod in the lunch room or halls in the building as we passed one another. But then that changed one day when my boss had left early. I was sitting there running some claims for billing on supplies that had been ordered. Just minding my business. That was when I saw him pass my cubicle. He went to the end where my boss was and then stepped back and stopped at my cube when he found her not there.

"Hey" came the voice at my doorway "Yeah what's up..." I started to say

But words caught at the end as I saw it was Tony standing there at the doorway. In his requisite third and the jeans that were just dangerous for me to see. My mouth to call agape as I saw him stand there that close. The bulge seeming even bigger up close. I tore my eyes up to meet his. His eyebrow cocked up as he looked at me. And then he asked where my boss was.

"Umm." I tried to say. But finding it difficult to remember much. "Ohh yeah!" I then said "When home early. Child thing" "Oh. Okay." He came back "I will ask her tomorrow then." "Thanks"

He turned to walk away. And my eyes fell to his hot ass again. I licked at my lips as I saw it. But then he turned back at me as he stopped his motion to leave.

"Hey. You are the new guy here right?" He asked "We met a few weeks back" "Yeah" I said back

Tony smiled at me. His smile was pretty hot too. Then he started to tell me that they went to a happy hour on fridays at a local bar and grill not to far from work.

"You should come man" he added "Get to know everyone" "Drinks and talk shit about work" "Always fun.."

I was happy he was inviting me to the happy hour at the end of the week. I thought it would be nice to try and get to know more people. I had almost no friends here. I thanked him for the invite and said that would be great.

"I will email you the info" he then said "Great.thanks again" I said back

And then Tony smiled again and then left me there. I had another boner that needed attention after his visit though..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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